COMMITTEE ON CULTURAL AND ARCHIVAL RESOURCES (CAR) Meeting Minutes: Friday, May 9th, 2014 Attendees: Rosemary Zins Vice President for Institutional Advancement Isabella Lizzul Assistant Professor of Massage Therapy (Chair of CAR Committee) Susan Agin Executive & Artistic Director, Queensborough Performing Arts Center (QPAC) Marisa L. Berman Assistant Director, KHRCA Jodie Childers Assistant Professor of English Arthur Flug Executive Director, Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center and Archives (KHRCA) John Gilleaudeau Instructor of Social Sciences Jenny (Maan) Lin Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Literatures Sebastian Murolo Instructor of Business Faustino Quintanilla Executive Director, QCC Art Gallery Lisa Scandaliato Assistant Director, QCC Art Gallery Meg Tarafdar Associate Director, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) Eileen White Associate Professor of Speech, Communication, and Theatre Arts New Members and Guests: Robert Anderson Nataliya Khomyak Mi-Seon Kim Barbara Lynch Sandra Marcus Joan Peterson Lakersha Smith The meeting began at 2:28 PM. Chair Isabella Lizzul welcomed the new committee members and guests to the meeting. The minutes from the Friday, April 25th, 2014 meeting were approved. NEH GRANT Vice President for Institutional Advancement Rosemary Zins welcomed the new members and guests and provided a short introduction to the purpose and scope of the NEH Challenge Grant. She announced that Dr. Steven Dahlke and Professor Cary Lane and received the grant for the 2014-15 academic year for their proposal “Testimony Across the Disciplines: Cultural and Artistic Responses to Genocide” and commended Dr. Susan Jacobowitz on her series of events for the 2013-14 academic year that engaged audiences and encouraged student interaction. CETL Dr. Meg Tarafdar provided an update on the Global and Diversity Learning initiative. Several faculty members across the departments implemented Global and Diversity Learning projects into their curriculum in the spring, and they will be submitting reflections and pre & post survey data as part of the assessment plan designed in the fall. Kupferberg Holocaust Center Dr. Arthur Flug noted that the Kupferberg Holocaust Center will be working with the new recipients of the NEH Challenge grant to implement the events for the 2014/15 academic year, which touch upon various disciplines including history, dramatic arts, music, visual arts, and literature. The culminating event will feature a curated exhibit of student work mounted to the walls of the gallery. QPAC Executive Director Susan Agin informed the committee about how QPAC serves both the community and the students at QCC, highlighting how departments such as math, business, and nursing have been integrating QPAC into their curriculum and noting the success of QPAC’s after school enrichment program. QCC ART GALLERY Executive Director Faustino Quintanilla announced the exhibit “Afghanistan: A Distant War” by Robert Nickelsberg, which is scheduled for the summer and an upcoming exhibit of Asian art scheduled for the fall. CULTURAL CONNECTIONS Professor John Gilleaudeau described the role of the cultural liaison, noting that the departments covered has expanded from nine to thirteen. Cultural liaisons represent the campus cultural and archival resources at the departmental level, promoting cultural programming, exhibits, events, etc. and spreading word about ways to integrate arts into the curriculum. NEW OFFICER ELECTIONS Dr. Isabella Lizzul was re-elected unanimously to the position of CAR Committee Chair. Prof. John Gilleaudeau was elected unanimously to the position of CAR Committee NEW BUSINESS Prof. Sandra Marcus announced the Poetry of Our World exhibit at the library and encouraged colleagues to spread the word about the display. Dr. Lizzul and VP Zins thanked the committee members for their service and welcomed the new members. An email will be sent around to schedule the next meeting. At 2:59, Dr. Lizzul moved to adjourn the meeting. Several attendees seconded this motion. Minutes recorded by Jodie Childers