Lithium-6 Filter for a Fission Converter-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Irradiation Facility Beam by Wei Gao B.S, Engineering Physics Tsinghua University, (2002) A'1ONNOi> -dO3.UmSNI S-iSnHovSSn Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ARCHIVES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NUCLEAR ENGINEERING at the MASSACHUSSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 2053 Esep-rM April 2005 Copyright ©(2005 Massachusetts Institute of Technology All Rights reserved of SignatureSignature ofAuthor: Author: a/^ ' - Vv Department of Nuclear Engineering April 15, 2005 , X , Certified by: - ,../ / - - ,v-I .- - / - - _ (§Prof. .4 i ., Accepted by: In Otto K. Harling Thesis Supervisor Dr. Kent J. Riley Thesis Reader I Prof. Jeffrey A. Coderre Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Lithium-6 Filter for a Fission Converter-Based Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Irradiation Facility Beam by Wei Gao Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering Abstract The design of a lithium-6 filter to be used in Boron Neutron Capture Therapy was developed. The lithium-6 filter increases the average energy of the epithermal neutrons in the epithermal neutron beam. This filter allows the beam to be used for effective BNCT treatment at greater depth in tissue. Based on Monte Carlo calculations, 8mm thick lithium-6 filter was found to be the optimum filter thickness for the MIT fission converter based epithermal neutron beam (FCB). The highly reactive lithium metal filter is sealed with aluminum covers against the humidity and surrounding air. A well 1 shielded and convenient frame was also designed to hold the lithium-6 filter. The frame is separated into two parts. The fixed part of the frame will be mounted into the patient collimator of the FCB and provides a slot for the lithium-6 filter. The filter itself will be connected to the movable part of the frame and slid in and out of the beam through a pair of roller bearing tracks like a vertical drawer. Both parts of the frame are built with borated polyethylene (RICORAD) and steel to insure good shielding. Many safety issues have been considered in the design including tritium production, nuclear heating, pressure from released gases and radiation leakage on the side of the collimator. A storage system was designed to contain the lithium-6 filter safely when it is not in use. A mixed field dosimetry method was used to measure the photon, thermal neutron and fast neutron dose. The measured advantage depth is 9.3 ± 0.1cm without filter and 9.9 ± 0.1cm with 8mm lithium-6 filter. The result is consistent with the result of Monte Carlo calculation. Thesis Supervisor: Otto K. Harling (Professor of Nuclear Engineering) Thesis Reader: Kent J. Riley (Research Scientist) 2 Acknowledgments First of all, I would like to thank my thesis advisor, Professor Otto K. Harling, for giving me the opportunity to work on this wonderful project in the BNCT group. Professor Harling has been giving me extensive and helpful guidance and advice throughout the project. I would also like to thank Dr. Kent J. Riley for sharing with me of his broad knowledge in BNCT field and his advice on the filter design. His excellent instruction made my research work go faster and more successfully. I also want to thank Dr. Peter J. Binns. He gave me lots of useful suggestion during my research work. Along with Kent, Peter helped me finish the dosimetry measurement and data processing. Without your help, I can not imagine how I could finish my work. I would also like to thank Yakov Ostrovsky. He taught me lots of things in mechanics which is essential in this project. His ideas made the final mechanical design more doable and efficient. In addition, I want to thank Peter Stahle, Paul Menadier and Frederick McWilliams for their advice and assistance. Finally I want to thank my family and friends for their support throughout this project. 3 Table of Contents ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................................1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................................................................................................3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................4 LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................................9 LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................16 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................18 1.1 OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................... 18 1.2 BORONNEUTRONCAPTURETHERAPY................................................................................. 18 1.3 FISSIONCONVERTERBEAM ...................... ........................................................................... 20 1.4 THE LITHIUM-6FILTER......................................................................................................... 22 CHAPTER 2: BEAM CALCULATIONS USING MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS ......... 25 2.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 4 25 2.2 MONTE CARLOMETHODINTRODUCTION ............................................................................ 26 2.3 M CN P MODELS................................................................................................................... 27 2.3.1 Lithium-6filter M odel ................................................................................................27 2.3.2 Collimator M odel .......................................................................................................30 2.3.3 Head Phantom M odel.............................................................................................. 32 2.4 RESULTS............................................................................................................................... 34 2.4.1 WithoutFilter ..............................................................................................................34 2.4.2 With 6mm, 8mm and 10mm Thick Lithium Metal Filter .............................................39 2.4.3 Lithium Oxide Filter...................................................................................................43 2.4.4 Effects ofAluminum Clad Around the Lithium-6 filter ............................................. 54 2.5 RESULTSOFANALYSIS......................................................................................................... 58 2.5.1 Selecting the Thickness for Lithium-6 filter ................................................................59 2.5.2 Analysis of the Lithium Oxide Option.........................................................................77 2.5.3 The Aluminum Clad of the Lithium-6 Filter .............................................................. 93 5 CHAPTER 3: ENGINEERING DESIGN OF THE LITHIUM-6 FILTER ............................. 99 3.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 99 3.2 LITHIUM-6FILTER STRUCTURE .......................................................................................... 100 3.2.1 The Core of the Lithium-6filter ................................................................................ 100 3.2.2 The Fixed Frame ...................................................................................................... 103 3.2.3 The Movable Frame ................................................................................................. 107 3.2.4 Roller Bearing Tracks...............................................................................................110 CHAPTER 4: SYSTEM INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ............................................... 112 4.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 112 4.2 ASSEMBLYOF THE FIXEDFRAME....................................................................................... 114 4.3 ASSEMBLYOF THEMOVABLEFRAME................................................................................. 116 4.4 INSTALLATION OF THELITHIUM-6FILTERFRAME............................................................... 118 4.5 INSTALLATION OF THE COREOF THE LITHIUM-6FILTER..................................................... 122 4.6 REMOVALOF THECORE OFTHE LITHIUM-6 FILTER............................................................ 122 6 CHAPTER 5: SAFETY AND STORAGE OF THE LITHIUM-6 FILTER ........................... 124 5.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 124 5.2 PROPERTIESOF LITHIUM.................................................................................................... 125 5.2.1 Nuclear Properties of Lithium 6.............................................................................. 125 5.2.2 Physical Properties of Lithium .................................................................................126 5.2.3 Chemical Properties of Lithium................................................................................126 5.3 SAFETYCONSIDERATION .................................................................................................... 127 5.3.1 Tritium Production....................................................................................................127 5.3.2 N uclear Heating .......................................................................................................133 5.3.3 Pressurefrom Released Gases..................................................................................135 5.3.4 Irradiation Levels on the Side of the Collimator......................................................137 5.4 STORAGESYSTEM.............................................................................................................. CHAPTER 6: BEAM PERFORMANCE WITH LITHIUM-6 FILTER ............................... 6.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 7 140 142 142 6.2 METHODS.......................................................................................................................... 143 6.2.1 Thermal Neutron Flux ..............................................................................................143 6.2.2 Photon and Total Neutron Dose Rates......................................................................144 6.2.3 Thermal Neutron and Fast Neutron Dose Rates....................................................... 146 6.3 RESULT.............................................................................................................................. 6.3.1 Without Filter ............................................................................................................ 149 149 6.3.2 With 8mm Lithium Metal Filter ................................................................................156 6.3.3 Data Analysis ............................................................................................................159 CHAPTER 7: CONCLUSION .................................................................................................. 162 7.1 SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................... 162 7.2 SUGGESTIONS FORFUTUREWORK..................................................................................... 162 REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................... 8 164 List of Figures Chapter 1: Introduction FIGURE 1.1 ENERGYLEVELDIAGRAMFORTHE 10 B(N,A)7Li REACTION ................................................... 20 FIGURE1.2 ISOMETRICVIEWOF FISSIONCONVERTBNCT FACILITY ...................................................... 21 FIGURE1.3 6LI(N,A)3H CROSSSECTIONVERSUSNEUTRONENERGY ........................................................ 23 FIGURE1.4 TOTALNEUTRONCROSSSECTIONSVERSUSNEUTRONENERGYFOR LI ................................ 24 Chapter 2: Beam Calculations Using Monte Carlo Simulations FIGURE2.1 LITHIUMFILTER................................................................................................................... 28 FIGURE2.2 LITHIUMFILTER............................................................ 31 FIGURE2.3 HEAD PHANTOMMODEL....................................................................................................... 33 FIGURE2.4 NEUTRONFLUX(WITHOUTFILTER)..................................................................................... 35 FIGURE2.5 BORONDOSERATE0-20MEV (WITHOUTFILTER).................................................................. 37 FIGURE 2.6 NEUTRONDOSERATE(WITHOUTFILTER)............................................................................. 38 FIGURE2.7 NEUTRONFLUX(WITH6MM LITHIUM-6FILTER)................................................................... 40 9 FIGURE2.8 NEUTRONFLUX(WITH8MM LITHIUM-6FILTER).................................................................. 41 FIGURE 2.9 NEUTRON FLUX (WITH CM LITHIUM-6FILTER) .................................................................. 42 FIGURE 2.10 BORON DOSE RATE 0-20MEV (WITH 6MM LITHIUM-6FILTER)............................................ 44 FIGURE2.11 BORONDOSERATE0-20MEV (WITH8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER)............................................. 45 FIGURE2.12 BORONDOSERATE0-20MEV (WITH I CM LITHIUM-6FILTER)............................................. 46 FIGURE2.13 NEUTRONDOSERATE(WITH6MM LITHIUM-6FILTER)........................................................ 47 FIGURE2.14 NEUTRONDOSERATE(WITH8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER)........................................................ 48 FIGURE2.15 NEUTRONDOSERATE(WITH 1CMLITHIUM-6FILTER)......................................................... 49 FIGURE2.16 NEUTRONFLUX(WITH 8MMLITHIUMOXIDE)..................................................................... 51 FIGURE 2.17 BORONDOSERATE0-20MEV (WITH 8MM LITHIUMOXIDE)................................................ 52 FIGURE2.18 NEUTRONDOSERATE(WITH8MM LITHIUMOXIDE)............................................................ 53 FIGURE2.19 NEUTRONFLUX(8MM LITHIUM-6FILTERWITHOUTALUMINUMCOVERS)........................... 55 FIGURE2.20 BORONDOSERATE0-20MEV (8MMLITHIUMFILTERWITHOUTAL COVERS)....................... 56 FIGURE2.21 NEUTRONDOSERATE(8MM LITHIUM-6FILTERWITHOUTALUMINUMCOVERS).................. 57 10 FIGURE2.22 TOTALNEUTRONFLUXFOR DIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6.................................. 60 FIGURE2.23 NEUTRONFLUXOF 0-0.5EV FOR DIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6.......................... 61 FIGURE2.24 NORMALIZEDTOTALNEUTRONFLUXFORDIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6........... 62 FIGURE2.25 BORONDOSERATEIN TUMORTISSUE0-20MEV FORDIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-664 FIGURE2.26 BORONDOSERATEIN NORMALTISSUE0-20MEV FOR DIFFERENT THICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6 ................................... ........................................................................... .......................................65 FIGURE2.27 TOTALNEUTRONDOSERATEFOR DIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6......................... 66 FIGURE2.28 NEUTRONDOSERATEOF0-0.5EV FOR DIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OFLITHIUM-6................. 67 FORDIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6........ 68 FIGURE2.29 NEUTRONDOSERATEOF0.5EV-I O0KEV FIGURE2.30 PHOTONDOSERATEFOR DIFFERENT THICKNESSOF LITHIUM-6(0-100MEV) ..................... 69 FIGURE2.31 NORMALIZEDTOTALDOSERATEIN TUMORTISSUEFOR DIFFERENT THICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6 ...................................................................................................................................................... 70 FIGURE2.32 TOTALDOSERATEIN NORMALTISSUEFOR DIFFERENT THICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6........... 71 FIGURE2.33 THERAPEUTICRATIOFORDIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6..................................... 11 73 FIGURE2.34 THERAPEUTICRATIOFOR DIFFERENT THICKNESSESOF LITHIUM-6..................................... 74 FIGURE2.35 PERCENTCHANGEFROMZEROFILTERTHICKNESSIN THERAPEUTIC RATIOVS. DEPTHFOR DIFFERENTTHICKNESSES OF LITHIUM-6.......................................................................................... 75 FIGURE2.36 TOTALNEUTRONFLUXFORFILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS....................................... 78 FIGURE2.37 NEUTRONFLUXOF 0-05EV FORFILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS ................................ 79 FIGURE2.38 NEUTRONFLUXOF 0.5EV-1OKEVFOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS ....................... 80 FIGURE2.39 BORONDOSERATEIN TUMORTISSUE0-20MEV FOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENT MATERIALS..81 FIGURE2.40 BORONDOSERATEIN NORMALTISSUE0-20MEV FOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENT MATERIALS82 FIGURE2.41 TOTALNEUTRONDOSERATEFORFILTERWITHDIFFERENT MATERIALS ............................... 83 FIGURE2.42 NEUTRONDOSERATEOF 0-0.5EV FOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS ....................... 84 FIGURE2.43 NEUTRONDOSERAEOF 0.5EV- 10KEV FOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS............... 85 FIGURE2.44 PHOTONDOSERATEFORFILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS (0-100MEV) ....................... 86 FIGURE2.45 TOTALDOSERATEIN TUMORTISSUEFORFILTERWITHDIFFERENT MATERIALS ................... 87 FIGURE2.46 TOTALDOSERATEIN NORMALTISSUEFOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS ................ 88 12 FIGURE2.47THERAPEUTICRATIOFOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS.......................................... 90 FIGURE2.48 THERAPEUTICRATIOFOR FILTERWITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS .......................................... 91 FIGURE2.49 PERCENTCHANGEFROMZEROFILTERTHICKNESSIN THERAPEUTICRATIOVS. DEPTHFORFILTER WITHDIFFERENTMATERIALS ........................................................................................................... 92 FIGURE2.50 THERAPEUTICRATIOFOR 8MM LITHIUMFILTERWITHANDWITHOUT0.01 INCHAL COVERS96 FIGURE2.51 THERAPEUTICRATIOFOR 8MM LITHIUMFILTERWITHANDWITHOUT0.01 INCHAL COVERS97 FIGURE2.52 PERCENTCHANGEFROMZEROFILTERTHICKNESSIN THERAPEUTIC RATIOVS. DEPTHFOR8MM LITHIUMFITLERWITHANDWITHOUT0.01 INCHAL COVERS........................................................... 98 Chapter 3: Engineering Design of the Lithium-6 filter FIGURE3.1 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THECOREOF THELITHIUM-6FILTER ........................................... 101 FIGURE3.2 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THE FIXEDSTEELFRAME............................................................ 104 FIGURE3.3 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THE FIXEDRICORAD SHIELDING .............................................. 106 FIGURE3.4 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THE MOVABLESTEELFRAME...................................................... 108 FIGURE3.5 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THE MOVABLERICORAD SHIELDING........................................ 109 FIGURE3.6 MECHANICALDESIGNOF THE ROLLERBEARINGTRACKS................................................... 111 13 Chapter 4: System Installation Instruction FIGURE4.1 THREEDIMENSIONPICTUREOF LITHIUM-6FILTER.............................................................. 113 FIGURE4.2 THE FIXEDFRAMEAFTERASSEMBLED ................................................................................ 115 .......................................................................... FIGURE4.3 THE MOVABLEFRAMEAFTERASSEMBLED 117 DOWNSTREAM OF THECOLLIMATOR BASE 19 FIGURE4.4 REMOVETHECOMPONENTS OF THECOLLIMATOR HAVEBEENASSEMBLED.............. 120 FIGURE4.5 THE LITHIUM-6FILTERFRAMEAFTERALL COMPONENTS FIGURE4.6 THE LITHIUM-6FILTERWHENIT IS OPENED........................................................................ 121 FIGURE4.7 THE LITHIUM-6FILTERWHENIT IS CLOSED........................................................................ 123 Chapter 5: Safety and storage of the Lithium-6 filter FIGURE5.1 STORAGESYSTEMOF THELITHIUM-6FILTER...................................................................... 141 Chapter 6: Beam Performance with Lithium-6 Filter FIGURE6.1 THE MEASURED 2200 M/SNEUTRONFLUX(WITHOUTFILTER)............................................ 147 FIGURE6.2 THE COMPARISON OF THENORMALIZEDTHERMALNEUTRONFLUXBETWEENMEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION (WITHOUTFILTER).................................................................................................. FIGURE6.3 THE MEASUREDRBE DOSEPROFILE(WITHOUTFILTER)..................................................... 14 148 150 FIGURE6.4 THE MEASUREDTOTALDOSEPROFILE(WITHOUTFILTER)................................................... 151 FIGURE6.5 THE COMPARISON OF THE NORMALIZED TOTALDOSERATEBETWEENMEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION (WITHOUTFILTER).................................................................................................. 152 FIGURE6.6 THE MEASURED2200 M/S NEUTRONFLUX(WITH 8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER)........................ 153 FIGURE6.7 THE MEASUREDRBE DOSEPROFILE(WITH 8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER)................................. 154 FIGURE6.8 THE MEASUREDTOTALDOSEPROFILE(WITH 8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER)............................... 155 FIGURE6.9 THE COMPARISON OFTHE NORMALIZEDTHERMALNEUTRONFLUXBETWEENMEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION (WITH8MM LITHIUM-6FILTER).............................................................................. 157 OF THE NORMALIZED FIGURE6.10 THE COMPARISON TOTALDOSEBETWEENMEASUREMENT AND CALCULATION (WITH8MM LITHIUM-6FILTER)............................................................................. 158 RATIOWITHANDWITHOUT8MMLITHIUM-6FILTER.......... 160 FIGURE6.11 THE MEASUREDTHERAPEUTIC FIGURE6.12 THE MEASUREDTHERAPEUTICRATIOWITHANDWITHOUT8MM LITHIUM-6FILTER .......... 161 15 List of Tables CHAPTER 2: BEAM CALCULATIONS USING MONTE CARLO SIMULATIONS TABLE2.1 NEUTRONFLUX(CM-2S ) IN AIRATTHE SURFACEOFTHE 12CMAPERTURE............................ 36 2 ............................. 39 TABLE2.2 NEUTRONFLUX(CM- S ') IN AIRAT THESURFACEOFTHE 12CM APERTURE TABLE2.3 NEUTRONFLUX(CM 2S ) IN AIRAT THESURFACEOF THE 12CMAPERTURE............................. 50 -1 TABLE2.4 NEUTRONFLUX(CM-2S ) IN AIRATTHE SURFACEOF THE 12CMAPERTURE............................. 54 TABLE2.5 NEUTRONFLUX(CM'2S-') IN AIRATTHE SURFACEOF THE 12CMAPERTURE ............................. 59 TABLE2.6 NEUTRONFLUX(CM2Ss) IN AIRATTHE SURFACEOF THE 12CMAPERTURE ............................. 77 TABLE2.7 NEUTRONFLUX(CM 2S 1) IN AIRATTHE SURFACEOFTHE 12CMAPERTURE............................ 93 CHAPTER 5: SAFETY AND STORAGE OF THE LITHIUM-6 FILTER TABLE5.1 PHYSICALPROPERTIES OF LITHIUM3 )................................................................................... 126 TABLE5.2 NEUTRONFLUXUSEDFOR TRITIUMPRODUCTION CALCULATION ......................................... 128 16 TABLE5.3 CROSSSECTIONZ [ 6LI(N,A)3H] (BARNS).............................................................................. 129 ) TABLE5.4 TRITIUMPRODUCTIONRATE(1012 S ................................................................................. 130 TABLE5.5 ACTIVITYOF TRITIUMWHENTHE BEAMIS CONTINUOUSLY OPERATED................................. 131 TABLE5.6 ACTIVITYOF TRITIUMWHENTHE BEAMIS TURNEDON FOR ONEHOURPER DAY,365 DAYSPERYEAR ..................................................................... 1............................................................... 132 TABLE5.7 PRESSUREFROMTHE RELEASEDGASES................................................................................ 136 TABLE5.8 DOSE RATESATTHE SIDEOF THE COLLIMATOR ..................................................................... 138 17 Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Objective The Objective is to design a lithium-6 filter that can be slipped into and out of the collimator of the fission converter-based boron epithermal neutron beam2). Such a lithium-6 filter can be used to increase the dose delivered to deep-seated tumors. This thesis has four major parts: 1. Design of the lithium-6 filter based on Monte Carlo calculations. 2. Design of the frame for the lithium-6 filter that makes it easy to quickly install and remove the filter from inside the medical room. Also it has to satisfy the requirement obtained from shielding computational calculations. 3. Safety concerns about handling and storing the lithium-6 filter. 4. Construction and testing of the lithium-6 filter. 1.2 Boron Neutron Capture Therapy Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) is an experimental binary 18 therapy modality used for the treatment of some kinds of cancer. It generally involves two steps. First, a chemical compound that can transport Boron is injected or infused into the patient, such as boronophenylalanine (BPA) or borocaptate sodium (BSH), and will concentrate in the tumor tissue so that the neutron 0 in the tumor has a greater concentration (up to 3:1 or 4:1) capture agent l°B compared to the normal tissue. Secondly, a few hours after the boron compound solution injection, a neutron beam is directed into the patient in the vicinity of the tumor. Some of the neutrons are captured by 10 B. The reaction may be written1) 'B +n '°B + n )'B )' )'Li+ 7 4a ) 'Li* +2 a---- As shown in Figure 1.1, when 10B captures 3 Li+2 a +y (480keV) a neutron, it yields an excited state of IB* first. Then 6% of the llB*fission into the ground state of 7Li and releases an alpha with 2.792MeV energy. Then other 94% of the llB* fission into the excited state of 7 Li* first and release a 2.310 MeV alpha, then 7Li* releases a 0.478 MeV gamma to the ground state. Since the releasing alpha particles and 7 Li nucleus are highly ionizing, they have a short range of about 19 7pm for the alpha and about 4gm for the 7 Li nucleus. If the '0B is more concentrated in the tumor tissue than in normal tissue, more energy or dose will be delivered to the tumor than to the normal tissue. B* 2.3 10 MeV ity) 7 Li* 0.478 Figure 1.1 Energy level diagram for the l'0B(n,a) 7Li reaction4 ) In theory, the tumor can be selectively damaged during Boron Neutron Capture Therapy while the normal tissue around it will receive much less dose. For effective BNCT a tumor targeting capture compound is needed and a suitable neutron beam. This thesis deals with improvement to the existing epithermal beam at the MITR. 1.3 Fission Converter Beam As shown in Figure 1.2, a new type of epithermal neutron irradiation facility for use in boron neutron capture therapy was designed and constructed during the late-1990's, and put into operation at the Massachusetts Institute of 20 Technology Research Reactor (MITR). This facility, called the Fission Converter Beam (FCB), has a converter which is driven by the MITR and which is used as the source of neutrons to the epithermal beam2 ). The moderated neutrons from the reactor core hit the uranium fuel of the converter MITR fuel elements and cause fission. The fission neutrons are then moderated and filtered to produce an epithermal neutron beam with neutrons primarily in the range 0.5eV- 20keV. Figure 1.2 Isometric view of Fission Convert BNCT facility3 ) 21 After implementing the fission converter-based epithermal irradiation facility, three major goals were achieved. First, a high intensity epithermal neutron beam is achieved. When the reactor is operating at the licensed power of 5 MW, the epithermal neutron (1 eV < E < 10 keV) flux at the entrance to the medical irradiation room is around 101° n/cm2 s, and at the end of patient collimator, the epithermal neutron flux is about 3 to 5 X 109 n/cm 2 s. Second, a high degree of beam purity is achieved. A low fast neutron and gamma dose component is achieved after moderation and filtering ( Dyfn / 0 epi < 2 X 10- 3 Gy cm2 ). With this negligible beam contamination, the effective therapeutic depth of penetration can be 9 to 10 cm for current capture compounds. Finally, a high collimation, Jepi / oepi, is achieved. The fission converter beam without the collimator has a Jpi / Oepi of about 0.7. And with the patient collimator, the Jepi / 0epi is improved to near 0.853). 1.4 The Lithium-6 filter Epithermal neutrons produce a depth dose profile that is useful for depths up to 10cm. As the epithermal neutrons travel through the tissue, they lose their energy mostly through elastic scattering. After thermalizing, the neutrons are more likely to be captured by the 10°B at the tumor's vicinity. The 22 higher energy epithermal neutrons penetrate deeper, on average, before they are thermalized and captured, than the lower energy epithermal neutrons. Figure 1.3 shows the 6Li(n,a) cross section which is the dominant partial cross section in the energy region of interest for this thesis. And Figure 1.4 shows the total neutron cross-section of 6 Li. Though it absorbs all energies of neutrons, the lower the neutron energy is, the higher the cross-section is, u(n, a) oc 1. That means, after passing through the lithium-6 filter, a larger V fraction of the lower energy epithermal neutron will be absorbed by 6 Li than the higher energy epithermal neutrons. The filter acts to increase the average energy of the epithermal neutrons. (from MCNP cross section data"1 ) ==___ _ _Xe7m _% ___ ____7 10-1 1-11 10-10 llll10- 1 . _ 1 110- I0- 0.0 1111 0.1 1.1 10. 100. x 10-1210-1 10-10 10-9 111-810-? 10-6 10-51H- 0.001 0,01 0.1 energ energy(V) lnev) 1, 10. 100. Figure Li(n,az)3 H cross Figure 1.3 1.366Li(n,a)31cross section section versus versus neutron neutron energy energy (from MCNP cross section data ~1)) 23 - - I 11 I tlIll I II II I IIIL[ I I II I 1 11 I I I II I III I I I I II I I I II 11 I1111 I I ll ll I II 7 I 1 zt -z;r I- I1 - I 1 2 -7 -7 ,4 - N~ : I-I II II I ll l I I I II I II I 10-12 10-1110-10 10-9 I I III 1- I IIII I I II I I III t I I1I 0- 6 l-S 0-5 10- 0.00 I I ll .1 "I I I II I II I D.1 "I Iflll IIII| 1. 10. 100. energ (v) Figure 1.4 Total neutron cross sections versus neutron energy for 6 Li (from MCNP cross section data1 1 )) Adding a lithium-6 filter to the neutron beam is a relatively simple and inexpensive beam line modification, which can increase the average energy of the epithermal neutrons and the dose delivered to the deep-seated tumor tissue during BNCT. Along with the increase in average energy of epithermal neutrons, the lithium-6 filter also decreases the intensity of the epithermal beam. This is the basis of the lithium-6 filter design for the FCB. 24 Chapter 2: Beam Calculations Using Monte Carlo Simulations 2.1 Introduction Before starting the mechanical design of the Lithium-6 filter, we need to consider carefully how the lithium may affect the neutron beam. The final neutron beam has to achieve the main goal which is increasing the dose delivered to the deep-seated tumor tissue while not exceeding the tolerance of normal tissues. Also the additional components of the filter should not interfere with the neutron beam significantly. Furthermore it is essential that in any situation, the beam won't be unsafe for the patients being irradiated. For the design, three major issues have to be considered and be resolved. What's the best thickness for the lithium-6 filter to achieve the design goal? To solve this question, the neutron beam performance has to be calculated for different thickness of lithium-6 filter. To compare beam performance we use figures of merit, therapeutic ratio and the percentage change of therapeutic ratio with depth. Also the effect of using different structures for the filter has to be considered. For example will a big RICORAD (borated polyethylene) ring 25 around the filter (for shielding purpose) affect the beam adversely? Or if aluminum is used as the clad over the lithium, what will happen to the beam, e.g. the level of gamma contamination and the neutron attenuation. Finally if the airtight seal protecting the lithium metal fails and part of or all the lithium is oxidized and changed into lithium oxide (Li2 0), will the beam performance be significantly damaged? Would this be unsafe for the patients? All these issues have been considered with the help of the Monte Carlo calculations. 2.2 Monte Carlo Method Introduction Monte Carlo methods can be used to solve the transport problem. The approach is different from deterministic methods. Monte Carlo doesn't solve any explicit equation. It just simulates individual particles and records their average behavior. All individual events are governed by some kinds of probability distributions. Running on a fast digital computer, a large number of events can be statistically sampled. In general, the Monte Carlo method follows each of many individual particles from its origin throughout its birth to its death. A statistical sum of all these events describes the total transport phenomenon. 26 The program we use in this and the next chapter to do the simulation is called MCNP. MCNP is a general-purpose Monte Carlo N-Particle code" ). It can be used for neutron, photon, electron or coupled particle transport. The user only need to describe the model in arbitrary three-dimensional geometric cells bounded by the surfaces and filled with specified materials. With MCNP, we can solve the three questions or issues discussed above. And using some variance reduction techniques as weight windows supplied by MCNP, the standard deviation of the results can be control under 10%. 2.3 MCNP Models In order to do the MCNP calculation, a model has to be set up first. The Model must describe the geometric structure and materials that buildup the whole system in detail. Of course the model of the lithium-6 filter is the main part of the design. But also a little modification has to be made to the original model of collimator and a good model of phantom is needed. This may help to make clear about the results of the calculation. 2.3.1 Lithium-6 filter Model As shown in Figure 2.1, the model of lithium-6 filter consists of five parts. 27 0) 0) Cl, C~~~ 0- .- FLE L..0 w: U-LL ~: : K ILL / c 0 .L w Li::::,- .) o E ._ -4 .' ')) a) =O a) a) U) /\ -o 0 E 0o to ._o u. '~ co-'v . 0) 1:: --- . I--i~r 28 The main part of them is the lithium-6 filter itself. It's made of enriched lithium which has 95% of 6Li. It locates in the middle of the model that is a round plate. The diameter of lithium-6 filter is 13.59 inches, a little bigger than the dimension of the hole of the collimator at the same position that is 13.24 inches. This means the entire neutron beam has to pass through the lithium-6 filter. The thickness of lithium plate is varied from 5mm to 12mm. By comparing the results from different thickness of lithium, we can tell which one is the best for our project. I will write about the detail later in this chapter. Over the lithium is the aluminum clad which is used to hold the lithium and seal it from the outside air. The width of the aluminum ring surrounding the 6 Li filter is about 1.36 inch. And the thickness of aluminum clad in front of and back of the lithium metal is about 0.01 inch. We try to use as little aluminum in the beam as possible to decrease the gamma-ray production from the interaction of neutrons with aluminum and to minimize attenuation of the epithermal beam. Since there is an air duct behind the wall of the medical room, the air will flow from the patient side through the collimator into the air duct behind. We made a little air clearance between the filter housing and the RICORAD Shielding, so that the air can flow over the lithium-6 filter. If any chemical 29 reaction happens to the lithium-6 filter, the air flow will take away fumes generated by the reaction from the patient. This design helps to protect the patients. The RICORAD shielding is used for shielding purposes, and contains 2.00% boron and 12.06% hydrogen. Hydrogen and boron are effective for slowing down and capturing the neutrons. RICORAD is difficult to machine due to the boron carbide content. So it costs a lot to make a round one. That's why the shape of RICORAD shielding here is a polygon. The outside part is the steel frame. It functions not only to support the whole lithium-6 filter system, but also for shielding the gamma radiation because of its high atomic number. 2.3.2 Collimator Model Since we have to install the lithium-6 filter inside the existing collimator, a small modification of original collimator model is essential. As shown in Figure 2.2, the lithium-6 filter is inserted in between the lead ring at the wall of the medical room and the collimator base. All the modules upstream of the collimator base are unchanged and the lithium-6 filter model is added immediately after the lead ring module. All the modules downstream of the collimator base including the collimator will be moved out along the axis of the collimator by 1.737 cm (0.684") which is the exact thickness of lithium-6 30 ax a) = 0 l-4 C o c 4 - 0co rl e no o-., -o r E. o_ o 0 ) . esI u> - C~ ._ u E C CD 4 0 u -c 4 0 40 _ 0) LI-l 0)I t's 0} -0 -ccc 0) a)a )0 ' fl w.4C0 -j W ) 0 1- 31 a filter module. All the neutrons in the FCB beam go along the collimator and pass through the lithium-6 filter. 2.3.3 Head Phantom Model In order to test the effectiveness of neutron beam, a head phantom model 2) is needed to be put immediately in front of the end of collimator. The head phantom model is shown in Figure 2.3. The shell of the phantom is made by acrylic. And inside the shell, it is full of water that from a neutronic perspective is similar to the material inside human skull. We are going to calculate the neutron flux and dose rate on the surface of and along the central axis of the head phantom. By comparing the results, we can select the appropriate thickness of lithium-6 filter and solve the optimization problem discussed at the beginning of this chapter. 32 >3 a) "0 c- .-(z--\ } 4a)=a) a) (U Z V U d -a) (a 3 ' dL (U="Z> e-- C/) I- .. tO, U) !c (D -0 0 E E o c c I . *0 -o a) I-. -i Lb- L- w~ rw & a) -~ = L- dl _ e. a)~ ~ Co a)0 o.d t: - (1.~ c 4 . I- a LiI~-0 o 33 3 C -1 -. mr_ 0) -0 W a) a) -0 = WIM - M TE 2.4 Results While doing all the Monte Carlo simulations, we suppose that the reactor operates at 5 MW. The details of the results of all the calculations are shown below. 2.4.1 Without Filter First let's see the result without using the lithium-6 filter. Figure 2.4 shows the neutron flux along the central axis of the head phantom. The neutron spectrum is divided into three regions: thermal neutrons with energy between 0 and 0.5eV, epithermal neutrons with energy between 0.5eV and lOkeV, and fast neutrons with energy between 1OkeVand 20MeV. Also the total neutron flux is plotted. From the Figure we can see that the thermal neutrons increase monotonically at the beginning, then reach a peak and finally decrease exponentially. The thermal neutron curve reaches its apex at a depth around 2.7cm. 34 0 0 I Lo - 0 c s 1 oc Z 1 to- 0- © Eu O Q0 So vs a) So -1i -C 0 4-0 za) 0 a) ,i > C) 0 0 o~~~~~~l ff 00 0_0 - ++l IC- 2r 1Lj O Li2 80C0 082 8' C 0r 02r4 80i L 0i 4~ r42 0CD 0[- m 00 t-S 00+° + s6 Lr t' C[) -4 X6 3[uO/ T)x US 35 CO/ d Table 2.1 Neutron flux (cm-2s- 1) in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (Without filter) 0 - 0.5eV 0.5eV - 0keV 10keV - 20MeV Flux Error Flux Error Flux Error 5.52E+07 0.025 3.01E+09 0.009 1.15E+08 0.033 Total Flux Error 3.18E+09 0.009 From table 2.1, it shows clearly the neutron flux in-air for each energy spectrum at the end of the collimator and before entering the head phantom. Also in Figure 2.5 and Figure 2.6, we can see the dose rate along the central axis. The Figure 2.5 shows the boron dose rate. Here it supposes that with BPA the l°B in normal tissue is 18ppm, and in tumor tissue is 65ppm. The RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness)6 ) for boron in regular tissue is 1.3, and for boron in tumor tissue is 3.8. Figure 2.6 shows the neutron dose rate. The RBE selected for neutrons is 3.2. Also the neutrons have been divided into three energy regions and shown respectively. 36 4 01 0~ CY) ') M m 0 o U) LO (D - D C) o c o~ o . 0, E E " a) 0 i i o - (:::O° un i . 0i ECl) I i i O o0 Ern CI~~ 0 0 C~j m 0 0n 0 El I 0 -- & (CS CQ 9CS (U.LuI/xq) C LL llt C~i c'~ oc'PuJ socJ ~Jg 37 0 O o co E 0 0D 0 . o LO 0CSl O E- 0 i a) L. o X 4- i - m0 cCU).. U 00 i I 0 i +0 > i I Xc C, GO o 1-4 t. 0 z aa I0 I a aa 0 0- - S -. e5 cd( i S zi Ce e4 (UlWn/XO)a1d S 4 aS(I 38 AM S u S do Z. 2.4.2 With 6mm, 8mm and 10mm Thick Lithium Metal Filter In order to select the appropriate thickness of lithium-6 filter, we change the thickness from 6mm to 1cm and calculate the beam performance. Table 2.2 shows the neutron flux in-air through the lithium-6 filter for different thickness determined at the end of the collimator. It can be seen clearly that when the thickness of lithium-6 filter increases, the neutron flux at the end of the collimator or at the surface of the head phantom drops all over the energy spectrum. Compared with the epithermal neutrons, the flux of thermal and fast neutron is pretty small and is not the emphasis of our study. And it also won't affect our selection very much. Table 2.2 neutron flux (cm-2 s- 1) in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (With Lithium-6 filter of Different Thickness) Energy Thickness 0 - 0.5eV Flux Error 6mm 3.14E+06 8mm 2.21E+06 10mm 1.85E+06 Energy Thickness 0.5eV Flux Error 0.077 1.67E+09 0.014 0.104 1.52E+09 0.014 0.088 1.36E+09 0.015 10keV - 20MeV Flux 0keV Total Error Error Flux 6mm 9.60E+07 0.041 1.76E+09 0.013 8mm 9.41E+07 0.041 1.61E+09 0.014 10mm 9.79E+07 0.040 1.46E+09 0.014 39 H 0 4~) r-4 O0 C N C) o -Ic 4-1 0 0 E - - S CD u z I 41 N- Lo 6, 0 i 0H CD1 N 0 0 0 LCD I 6 0 z +} 6rs S S 8 s /i ( (sgUi/j) xnlu 40 A 8 6 0 ~T0 Cl IE :0 CT ! VX I.? .E oc -c . 71 0 i ) 7Lo cl C 0 C£ S m ,~~4 t4 C', C?~ Cj C-j (sgUwD/T) xnlTA 41 O X 0 T v T v T LS T X o a o o o o D D . o . . . t I-H © Cl 0C 4> o ;> O C) o0 CD l E-I- XE C1) E 4~) -a . -a aC) O :Iz. s QD c"I X = 0 LC), o) z i 't, .. 4 z C) Cl Ln o -I- C Q 0 ZLO m CS > It UD * * clS s OL (sun/T) v > cli CA O xnlA 42 > > S s From Figure 2.7 to Figure 2.9, we can see the neutron flux along the central axis of head phantom after using the lithium-6 filter with different thickness. Figure 2.10 to Figure 2.12 show the boron dose rate, and Figure 2.13 to Figure 2.15 show the neutron dose rate. All the BPA content and RBEs used here are the same as in the case without filter. 2.4.3 Lithium Oxide Filter Lithium metal is a very reactive material that is easy to oxidize. Though it's sealed in the aluminum clad, we still have to consider the most serious possible condition where it totally reacts with the oxygen in air and changes into lithium oxide (Li2 O) completely. Li2 O has a density as 2.013gcm -3 . But since the lithium may interact with air gradually, the lithium oxide may not form like a single crystal. It will be like a pile of powder. In order to compare the beam performance, the number of lithium atoms per square centimeter for the lithium oxide filter has to be the same as the lithium-6 filter. Also the total number of lithium atoms can not be change inside the aluminum clad. Based on these two limitations, the density of Li20 in powder can be calculated as below. Density(Li)/MLi=2*Density(Li2 0)/MLi2o 43 O k.N I CD cJ CH 0 E E .0~ r-M C) 0 0) H ~a 00 _ -~ 3= (* O Q 0. © ~ - o _ o oo 0 0; 0 O 0 i cIt 0 i0 i 40 i (1 F~0 LO ,t e Lo t4 ° i C i 9 CiCSj -4 o (uiI/&) awstaSO(tfd 44 9o ; L' o Cl UL) U) m 0 0 E- 0 0 U) U) as E 00 v] 90 - 000 . 3 o - 0 Csl Q) 0 0/ Cl {/ C15 c cli Cij - (uiuI/x!) G4P'emGSOQI 3Rp 45 L6 6 > W) 00 0 . 00 3 c Cl 0- l C1) m (n *H Ed- z 0a) cq~~~~~j SCr X A8 0 + C ). S S l cs O S (UlUI/AD)) Gca asoU 46 AmJ SL 0 Cl 02 a* cl~ 0 0 0 4 4+) 4+) ,T, E 0 )0 x0 -' (0 v 0= . U d) ) 4; cn I C. z 0 ~ = Z 0 .- >~C2 0) a 4 10 a* 0 0 0 0 09 0 0 Cl ) O C~ - C) LI L) s t N ) ;i ) CD m, oGSOQ so( .(UTW/AD) (u / -x) OWjP 47 ) ) CO tf ZNŽ C\ o w - t --- 4 -4 -4 a+ +a) + a 0) 00 u o c9 W O 0 al a-- II s Q E 00 ._ .~_ . oo Iz i m~~ei° 4- a-a a-a i Cl 0z +L; C + 8.: I ,- _ _ z , , (u.Wu/Xo) ., . O 8 C 8C C8 C 8 CSl o X It, _ _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~. GaPŽIOSOG 48 ]9L? O ua 0 ~O cl C) t 0 Ln 4-~ 4-2 O I- a) o3 eth I Z ,2 E 00X c~0 e ei_C C .: C) o; cn t 0=; "t c1O z es 4-a 4a) U0 C o o) Cl 00 o~ 00+ S4 4 oo~~~~~~~4- 8 8 C8T C\ 88C8 CS Cd lt CA1 (Ui/AD) oqBN asoa ]qg 49 M MLi=M(6Li)*0.95+M(7Li)*O.05=6.015*0.95+7.016*0.05=6.065 amu MLi2 o=MLi*2+Mo=6.065*2+16.000=28.130 amu Density(Li2 0)=MLi 2 o*Density(Li)/2*MLi =28.130*0.534/2*6.065=1.238 gcm -3 This is the density of lithium oxide we use in the MCNP calculation. And the result is shown below. Table 2.3 neutron flux (cm 2 s-1) in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (With 8mm Lithium Oxide) 0 - 0.5eV Flux Error 2.26E+06 0.087 0.5eV - 0lkeV 10keV - 20MeV Flux Error Flux Error 1.41E+09 0.014 9.22E+07 0.040 Total Flux Error 1.51E+09 0.014 Table 2.3 shows the neutron flux in air at the end of the collimator. Figure 2.16 to Figure 2.18 shows the neutron flux, boron dose rate and neutron dose rate along the central axis of head phantom. 50 -7 C~ + 0 C c4' 0 znl 0 Cl -o -0 I E ' 0 = C). t E 00 00 () Q0 c5 + 3 0 a) 0I 0 L0 10 '00 t 3 Cl W S: a3 W6 Z" 0 C) L~z 5 O Z m _ 8 X 4 5 c c-,i c,,ixn ,-4 (s~~wo/[) xnjd 51 LO 8LSW s ,...4 oo oo OC0 .. laH cI 0 .s0 ., I aC) 0 -4 o s 1 s- -) 0V) 0 0 10 ,cIO I0 0 ~ {s O4j 04i 0 C\) oS5 CS C ('i cs - (uWl/ADXo) 52 -G LS S 0 0 0 C\ 0 L52 14 0 U a; d 10 I- 0V1) as 0 0 0 4H © -p .. _ -0 0 E 2 c~ .z 00 .- 0X Cd 0E C-4 ci2 0 0a a) 0 ct So 0 0 0 0 z 00 In wo 0) 0 00a) a U) mU ,S 1S Ao- lo 4+1 --- l O0 l -4 4 --4 8 l-4 1-4 cI 8 4 - -4 Cl 8 8 06 (uuu/Ao)alleJ OSO(J 53 Cl Can 8 8 8 C-i d m 0e. 2.4.4 Effects of Aluminum Clad Around the Lithium-6 filter As introduced in the discussion of the lithium-6 filter model, in order to protect the lithium from reacting with humidity, thin sheets of aluminum are used to isolate the lithium metal from the air. But neutrons will interact with aluminum and emit gamma-ray that contaminates the neutron beam. The nuclear reaction is shown below. And the total thermal neutron cross section for this reaction is about 0.231 barns. "Al+n >Al+y To take this into consideration, as little as possible aluminum should be used. Here we do the Monte Carlo calculation for 8mm lithium-6 filter without aluminum clad, and later compare this result with using aluminum clad and see if it affects the neutron beam substantially. Table 2.4 shows the neutron flux in air at the surface of the phantom, and Figure 2.19 to 2.21 shows the neutron flux, boron dose and neutron dose along the central axis respectively. Table 2.4 neutron flux (cm' 2 s') in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (8mm Lithium-6 filter without aluminum clad) - 0. 5eV Flux Error 2.09E+06 0.088 2.09E+061 O.088 0.5eV - lOkeV lOkeV - 20MeV Flux Error .52E+09 0.014 1.52E+091 0.014 54 Flux 9.58E07 Error 0.041 9.58E+07 O. 041 Total Flux Error 1.62E±09 0.014 1.62E+09 O. 014 06 E2 cl Cr' C\J a) u) E E - o0 E 0 E 0- 00 0: 01 -a~I 0 C 0 x E *£ ,, = . _ - 0~ 0) I 0I 01 0o [0 z7 01 CN 0 4- I 4 :n _ d O ~ -t ~ -t, c cln c C- cli i'-,n8 ,- (SgwD/I) cli u: xnl{ 55 o o 4 Lr -£0 o a1) -1 0 Ca) 00 00 II .S O, U) *E 0.) 0.) Cr' Cf2 Cr' - 0 CI I "I < 00 X ii OS X.) 0 0Ctl 000 . X0a 0 Cr1 0) 00 0 Cr' ,E E 00~ 00 >0 c-- 0 0 0 0 00 cj 2 O m u cn 01 0 0:" C C i 0 01 CT CIA C\4 C 8 c4 c4$ ci (U-LW/AD) 088 0 Ncp~ ~ j So alpm asoa 56 s Aqm 88 8-8 Un o5 0 o ." C.4 0 C) t~ :> Z o LO E a2) Cl) E 0 4 e0 4 O 0 0 00+ 0 cX CD ou _ a od oo. 0 "- ZCIlJ s.. o ,a) 4-t 00 u .-0 0 00 +U Ic(C1888 r"ll I- (UIU/AXD)o~?~ Oso0 zJ 57 - I 2.5 Results of Analysis Below we are going to analyze the results from three aspects, difference between variant thickness of lithium-6 filter, difference between 8mm lithium and 8mm lithium oxide, and difference between using and not using aluminum clad for 8mm lithium-6 filter. Also based on the results we got, we are going to develop therapeutic ratio curves and percent change in therapeutic ratio curves. These two curves can show clearly the difference between various situations and help us analyze the results. To get the therapeutic ratio (TR) curve, first calculate the total dose rate for normal tissue and tumor tissue at different depths with specific BPA content and RBEs respectively. Then find the maximum dose rate along the central axis for normal tissue. Finally divide the total tumor tissue dose rate by the maximum dose rate of normal tissue to obtain the therapeutic ratio. It is desirable that a TR> 1 be maintained to the greatest possible depth in order to treat deep seated tumor. After obtaining the therapeutic ratio curve, we can use the formula below to get the percent change in therapeutic ratio curve. TR = Therapeutic Ratio Percent change = [TR(with filter) - TR(without filter)]/TR(without filter) X 100 % 58 This curve shows the net effect of using the filter. Deep into the head phantom model, the bigger the percent change is, the more dose that can be delivered into this depth. 2.5.1 Selecting the Thickness for Lithium-6 filter Table 2.5 neutron flux (cm 2 s l) in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (With and without lithium-6 filters of different thickness) Energy 0.5eV - 0 - 0.5eV Condition Flux No Filter 5.52E+07 6mm Lithium Error 0keV Ratio Flux Error Ratio 0.025 100% 3.01E+09 0.009 100% 3.14E+06 0.077 5.7% 1.67E+09 0.014 55.5% 8mm Lithium 2.21E+06 0.104 4.0% 1.52E+09 0.014 50.5% 1cm Lithium 1.85E+06 0.088 3.4% 1.36E+09 0.015 45.2% Energy Condition 10keV - 20MeV Flux Error No Filter 1.15E+08 6mm Lithium 9.60E+07 Total Ratio Flux Error Ratio 0.034 100% 3.18E+09 0.009 100% 0.041 83.5% 1.76E+09 0.013 55.3% 8mm Lithium 9.41E+07 0.041 81.8% 1.61E+09 0.014 50.6% lcm Lithium 9.79E+07 0.040 85.1% 1.46E+09 0.014 45.9% From table 2.5 we can see that, after using the lithium-6 filter, the thermal neutron flux drops to around 4-6% of that before using the filter, the epithermal neutron flux decreases to approximately 50%, the fast neutron flux drops less than 20%. And the total neutron flux drops by about 50%. And it can be seen that, both the thermal and epithermal neutron flux drops a lot while the thickness of lithium-6 filter increases. Because the fast neutron cross section for 6Liis very small, the fast neutron flux doesn't drop that much according to the increase of the thickness. 59 Iz 4-) 0 o- I : L0 C~ ~ ~~\ cjl r o o I ! E ._ VD O I v U-- oa I E 00 ._ s: 0 .0 I- Clt ~ ,~tl '2+.- .- .! 5: 02 ! I CS E C0 t + C+ - m + + -- C + -oo t(sZw;/I) + C -t c xnlA 60 + C CAC o + - = ~~~~~~ C ES v a 9 C -I- rC C'] To 110 . 5 E a) -a ti- 0 ocn z0'A cn +u 04 v ! 0 CSCC i vo + I ., -.I -+2 T 0 . C" 0C) +t 02 0°- C -+ -C 0 0n + CD2 02 - 0f° 0 I F CD HCD 0 02 0 +I C 02 t~~~~~~~~~~- CC,,-_ (szwu/1) xnlj 61 C 0") +t C)] 02 c C0 -I' C> 0 * CD C+ 0 C_- cq .0 ._ -T- 0 0 5: a) cjn au V) V) . _ 4aC) 5 X. CL 3 Ea: aC 9- C 0 ) z 0 H 0 v N zE Z 'I ~02 41. w 6 2 I } wo Cl C CC:> CD (0 C) _:: _~~~~~~~~~~~~I- (sZwo/1) xnlA 62 C)oo Figure 2.22 to Figure 2.24 shows the comparison of neutron flux along the central axis of the phantom for various lithium thicknesses. Figure 2.25 to Figure 2.32 shows the comparison of boron dose rate, neutron dose rate, photon dose rate and total dose rate along the central axis. The neutron dose has been separated into thermal neutron dose, epithermal neutron dose and fast neutron dose. We select BPA content as 18ppm in normal tissue and 65ppm in tumor tissue. The RBE for boron dose in regular tissue is 1.3 and in tumor tissue is 3.8. The RBE for neutron dose is 3.2 and for photon dose is 1. From all these figures we can see clearly that, after adding the lithium-6 filter, the shape of the beam curves roughly remains the same, but the peaks of both the total neutron flux and total dose rate after using the lithium-6 filter have shifted deeper along the depth. Also the magnitude of the curves decreases proportional to the increase of the thickness of the lithium. 63 b -4-) 4 , . --... 0 tiI ._-. q-, t- 0 . ._i 00 1' 0 O2 4 U) . Q s I 0 i i I (0 | 8 0 m 0E' s0 *-1 0 . tiI tiI ;- 0 C ~ I 00 0s ,i- 0 -- i XSSD S SOS SSS (UTLH/XD) oWŽI Gso( 64 ~It C 0C-. C\ +_~ E 0r" 0 (0.) 4- S 00 rv: J *- : ._ o_ -z -t E 0 0 O 0 -Ip rJ) 0 m E 0 00 'C C0 0) - ~Tj x t--S $ $88 8 C( 8 C~ Coi 88 U/ (UI/IAD) alem aSOU ]qs 65 o o S ° G O O .. - I{ V g::') O m m° 0 t C) 0 z O E o~, - 00 V) ao V) (A '-, . 4-) -) a) C) a) 0 m C V) 0 Cxl -4) CSCX Cj El t0 0T-~ a.) _0-q -4 e4 n( t cl [ ci LOS mO 03 Cj (UiuI/XD) C OIPH S asoG 66 3E C S 1° $ LO CD 0' C~l : . E . O0 s- o a"5 0 +1 D) V) A z A: J0 X 00Cz oml *H X 4 S c-4UI/A9) ¢'w-4 (u.Luz/xo) alum -so HE osoaI RIfi 67 S t CN I4 . +4) r.r 00 >o C) o C SC. 4-z @ Cl - co · ~-' 0 C) Cs + i I Cr' 0 -o i i 08 C) zu ON ._ cQ Q ) 6 ud LUD (uUI/xID) 04ea CA c6 SO(l Ag 68 a2) L; 4-) C\] +.I 3 'r-- i s O , +1 -4 p E 0 E CO o8 o 0 -p C) ;- soX t : -I -pH t LX L ~ Lo cl~ CA C-3c-i G S ( ~~(n Ao) Cow] CN UJ (U l/,!)) aIM asoa g I 69 L 0_ m 0. Ci, 0 ._ I ) "O 0o .,--l ZO : + rJ~ C-) E (C o I . C, i 0 ..N s z E lai Z I _C: O'--o ln 0 OC I C:) C,-] o C) ) C) oc C C: 11( C--~ CD (ulw/x9) alp8 70 C soa C) co 6 o Co -, ) eq H0 O 4r- L 0 J2 . .- 0 'r'-I .) 0 5: 0~~~~~ 0 .-Cm .t ::::S00 3 * - 0S - o rJ~ a)~~~ J +--l 9 00 0 . tS .,-I 30 0 0 . 0 m CN t ;) . _) 0 CS + r~~ ~ - Oq~~~~~~ °2 CI) 02 -4 _-- 02 Go (uTw/X9) S? 0S 2 - -- -t s a1PN asoa 71 Cj fIŽ 02 CD N 0 s -o .,--C- ( C 0) 0 W In order to decide on the appropriate thickness of lithium-6 filter, we need to look at the therapeutic ratio and percent change in therapeutic ratio. Figures 2.33 and Figure 2.35 show these two curves. Here we define AD as the depth at which the therapeutic ratio equals to 1. From the therapeutic ratio curves we find that, near the beginning of the curve, the thinner the lithium-6 filter is, the larger the therapeutic ratio is. But after a depth about 3cm, this trend reverses. Also the curve of 8mm lithium-6 filter is much closer to the 10mm lithium curve than the 6mm one. In the percent change in therapeutic ratio curve, we can see this characteristic more clearly. Before 4cm, the percent change of 6mm lithium-6 filter is the biggest, and 10mm lithium-6 filter has the smallest percent change. After 3cm, this trend reverses. All along the axis, the 6mm curve has the smallest absolute value and 10mm curve has the biggest one. Small absolute value means little difference from the condition without filter. The AD values for these three curves are 10.04 + 0.06cm, 10.11 ± 0.06cm and 10.15± 0.06cm respectively. Compared with the AD of 9.84 +±0.05cm without any lithium-6 filter, by adding the lithium-6 filter, the therapeutic effect has been improved slightly. 72 -Without 6mm Lithium Filter --- 8mm Lithium -- lcm Lithium 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 O 0 c4 r0- U a) a) 34.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0. 0 - 0 I 2 I . 4 6 8 I 10 12 Depth (cm) Figure 2.33 Therapeutic ratio for different thicknesses of lithium-6 Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons : 3.2, for photons: 1.0 73 14 + - Without Filter -*-8mm Lithium 6mm Lithium -*-lcm Lithium 2.0 1.8 1.6 Thickness AD Range Omm: 9.84cm 6mm: 10.04cm 8mm: 10.11cm 1cm: 10.15cm 1.4 .o0 1.2 0 _c: .IU 1. 0 a) En- 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 9 10 11 12 Depth (cm) Figure 2.34 Therapeutic ratio for different thicknesses of lithium-6 Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 74 13 I ... 6mm Lithium-6 - 8mm Lithium-6 ---- 1cm Lithium-6 n NA Ju. U 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 la, oo -CZ -50 0. a) C -5.0 at -10. 0 -15.0 -20.0 -25.0 __0 A -ou. ' 0 2 4 6 Depth 8 (cm) 10 12 14 Figure 2.35 Percent change from zero filter thickness in therapeutic ratio vs. depth for different thicknesses of lithium-6 Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 75 After analyzing the curves, we find that the 8mm is a good choice for the lithium-6 filter. In the tails of therapeutic ratio curve and percent change in therapeutic ratio curve, the values of 8mm lithium-6 filter are much bigger than the 6mm one. This means the 8mm lithium-6 filter can deliver dose much deeper into the tissue than the 6mm lithium. The 10mm lithium does a better job but not that much. The advantage depth of the 10mm lithium-6 filter only extends 0.04cm beyond the 8mm filter. The 10mm lithium-6 filter decreases the dose rate more than the 8mm one, so that much more time is needed to achieve the same dose during the irradiation. Considering both the dose delivered depth and irradiation time, 8mm is a good compromise for lithium-6 filter. 76 2.5.2 Analysis of the Lithium Oxide Option Considering the worst situation when all the lithium is converted to lithium oxide, we hope this won't affect the neutron beam a lot. The analysis below may support our expectation. Table 2.6 neutron flux (cm-2 s') in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (With lithium and lithium oxide) Condition 0.5eV - 0 - 0.5eV Energy Flux Error Ratio Flux 0keV Error Ratio No Filter 5.52E+07 0.025 100% 3.01E+09 0.009 100% 8mm Li20 2.26E+06 0.087 4.1% 1.41E+09 0.014 46.8% 8mm Li 2.21E+06 0.104 4.0% 1.52E+09 0.014 50.5% lcm Li 1.85E+06 0. 088 3.4% 1.36E+09 0. 015 45.2% Energy Condition 10keV - 20MeV Flux Error No Filter 1.15E+08 8mm Li20 9.22E+07 8mm Li lcm Li Total Ratio Flux Error Ratio 0.034 100% 3.18E+09 0.009 100% 0.040 80.2% 1.51E+09 0.014 47.5% 9.41E+07 0.041 81.8% 1.61E+09 0.014 50.6% 9.79E+07 0.040 85.1% 1.46E+09 0.014 45.9% Table 2.6 shows the neutron flux on the surface of the 12cm aperture. The areal density of 6Li atom for both 8mm lithium-6 filter and 8mm lithium oxide filter is 4.03 X 1022atoms/cm2 . For the 1cm lithium-6 filter, the areal density of 6Li atom is 5.03 X 1022 atoms/cm2. After the 8mm lithium-6 filter changes into lithium oxide entirely, epithermal neutron flux decreases about 7% ± 1%. The magnitude of the neutron flux is between that of the 8mm lithium-6 filter and the 10 Omm lithium-6 filter. 77 i -3 C' .- C) M A v X ) .- - i tC - i .1 x Q0 -z +.1 A es -C +-.-C 0 I CCO5. N i C I I i ,-A Mo O 0 0 00 -: oS t O t 9 uc (sZwa/T) xnl7 78 O c6 °° c °° CT r1 ~L CIA '4 -C 3~ E a) c 3 A C: & :> iJ: IV 0 © C) Z i a 0N z N+ r- A + ,I4-0 . CO t cc86 o C o CS C) L ) C C C (snwo/T) xnlgj 79 8 N CO 8 3 Cl ; V: 0 .. 2E X) 4 o 10 Q0 -to o +. +. I ..t IlA 0 x .i x0 z 00 e~ it j . C 4-.H 3 U- 1C) 1 s Lo 1 8 9 '-t D m m cN (sZuD/I) ', e4 xnIl 80 . C4 ,.C- - -- 1i C: ,grCt2 E. ,.H ~z 4.) 0 E+_ 0n NA i _rJ *C ] f M --I' i: N~ N\ CI C) 0 ai CMI CI 0 0 0 6.C- :t C/ ,7 L5ad N\ N~ 0 81 N\ 0 CD c4 e4 CN CO 0 ,-4 cn acli Cl 4- '- 0._ C0 - O 0 ._o. 8 Co : X O sz C-) 0c ,0 .1 3 13 C) 0 Cl 0 0 O S:0 O ; +J e4) O + r.~ - _-q-4 * SC Sr.4 ,--- (uTu/xD) Sq X asoG H 4alP? 82 SC']-- SO - . 6 a) 00 5- 00 -) a Cl C i~ CD88 Lo t C,* -~ C' CS (uluI/XD) L C oal.PŽ asoa 83 S HoWŽ 8 8 S e a) rr *Hc c~ o0,l 3H C) , vvH 0 . l LH z0 e 0 Cl *H 0, 0 3 -O Z 0 -1 U' -. 4 -- 4 LO cl~ cl ~Ci -4 --. i U- Ci -4 Lr3 84 CIl CIl 0- Cr1 E V) ~0 - o m c. O 0 .0 -a AI-z/ i e .- 4 Cl 2 .-C ZCt ,.iZ -(1 4--4 -4-j I i S El- Q. Cl Inkr5)L 0 (uTW/Ax) a1PJ asoa ] 85 V - ---I co a -4- 9 Cq 3H _C) ;> .,=i: 0 0 0 *,, 0 3 0 1 i m I (~t ~ ~~~ _ 0 C o-z © *- * cl -o3 0 M- i 0, I t I 4C) 7H 0 + ° Do c 8 Lo C0' C'i * , LO § LL ,-4 (UUIn/x9)alet osofI 86 d6 0 oI H CIA I C\] -4 H. J -I CC ) .zH ) .**?. i oc a 0 C O - s- It . 3- 0 0 3.-' 0 a)c+ coR *-q.a i 3 I c i I ,t I i .q 4-~ C4--q +-~ ' _t CJ l cq C cq Co C'j cl C-j Cl C ,- 0 L- f Lo5i5 (utu/A9) CS a PleNasoG 7gtf 87 O - on *a .,--- IA rjm E - V:~ 0m .-H ) r o. 0o oCD L~ 4-4 CG cno m~ *z _ C -*_ Oo 'au t Oa)s -oOm - m; o° o c~ O O cn (~ : .00-c; .4-1 3 *H ,HS ._ m'~ .,-,I C~ 3C + N1 ,-4 S (UIU/D) CS a6 s solg 88 8 8 -4i o o~ 0 n From Figure 2.36 to Figure 2.46 we can see that, in all the neutron flux, boron dose rate, phantom dose rate, neutron dose rate and total dose rate curves, the lithium oxide doesn't change the shape of the curves. It only reduces the magnitude at all the depths a little bit. This decrease will not prolong the irradiation time very much. In these figures, we also can see the other Lithium compounds have roughly the same performance. It's much clearer to see in the therapeutic ratio curve and percent change in therapeutic ratio curves shown in Figure 2.47 to Figure 2.49. The tail of the percent change occur in therapeutic ratio curves when using lithium oxide instead of lithium is a little higher than the curve when using lithium. And the advantage depth is 10.13 ± 0.06cm which is also slightly larger than the lithium curve with 10.11 + 0.06cm but within the error bar. This means even if the lithium completely changes into lithium oxide, the filter still can help to deliver the dose into deep distance. The bad effect of lithium oxide is cutting down the total dose of the beam along the axis of phantom. If during use, by accident, the lithium-6 filter is exposed to the air and slowly turns into lithium oxide, and the operators don't become aware of this, the result will only be a reduction of irradiation dose rate. This will not be dangerous to the patients themselves. So it's still safe after the lithium turns into lithium oxide entirely. 89 +With - Nothing + -u-With 8mm LiF -- With 8mm Li2C03 With 8mm Li - With 8mm Li20 9. 0 c) w ,,r~ o.u 7.0 6.0 0 .,o 4.0 .0 U0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0. 0 0 l I 2 4 I I 6 8 Depth (cm) 10 12 Figure 2.47 Therapeutic ratio for filter with different materials Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 90 14 + -- With 8mm Li20 With Nothing With 8mm Li With 8mm LiF -- With 8mm Li2C03 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 0 1.2 1.0 0 $2 0l C0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 Depth 11.5 12 12.5 (cm) Figure 2.48 Therapeutic ratio for filter with different materials Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 91 13 - --- 8mm Lithium - 8mm LiF ----- 8mm Li2C03 - 8mm Lithium Oxide ------. 30.0 0 20.0 0 ~. 0 - 0 :03 A.,% x 1 .4. AIX ' Li2 0 10. 0 Li LiF C) .Id c 0.0 a) -10. 0 Material Li: AD Range Li20: 10.11cm 10.13cm Li2C03: 10. 19cm -20.0 -30.0 l 0 2 4 6 8 Depth (cm) 10 12 14 Figure 2.499Percent change from zero filter thickness in therapeutic ratio is.depth for filter with different materials Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g,tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 92 2.5.3 The Aluminum Clad of the Lithium-6 Filter In case the 0.254mm aluminum clad may attenuate the neutron beam and add gamma contamination, the results with and without using the aluminum clad are compared here to see whether it changes the beam character significantly. The gamma rays generated by the aluminum clad are also investigated. Table 2.7 Neutron flux (cm-2s-1) in air at the surface of the 12cm aperture (With and without 0.254mm aluminum clad for 8mm lithium-6 filter) Energy 0 0. 5eV - 0.5eV Condition Flux Error Ratio No Filter 5.52E+07 0.025 100% With Al Clad 2.21E+06 0.104 2.09E+06 0.088 No A Clad Energy Condition lOkeV - Flux Error 0lkeV Error Ratio 3.OlE+09 0.009 100% 4.0% 1.52E+09 0.014 50.5% 3.8% 1.52E+09 0.014 50.5% 20MeV Flux - Total Ratio Flux Error Ratio No Filter 1.15E+08 0.034 100% 3.18E+09 0.009 100% With Al Clad 9.41E+07 0.041 81.8% 1.61E+09 0.014 50.6% No Al Clad 9.58E+07 0.041 83.3% 1.62E+09 0.014 50.9% As shown in table 2.7, it's clear that for the 8mm lithium-6 filter, whether using or not using aluminum clad will not significantly affect the neutron flux. Since the MCNP program doesn't include the gamma emission reaction of aluminum, we will do a hand calculation here to see whether it influences the beam gamma contamination. 93 The gamma emission nuclear reaction of aluminum is as, UAl + n 28Al > 13Al + n + y(1779.0keV) Assuming the reactor works at 5MW power level, the thermal neutron flux before the beam goes through the lithium-6 filter is about 2.2E+8cm -2 s-' . The thickness of total aluminum covers is 0.02 or 0.05cm. The cross section of thermal neutron is 0.230 barns. We can use the formula below to calculate the photon production rate by the aluminum covers. XY X X I= JARdx = JAncVp(x)dx= JAncpoe-'dx 0 0 = Apo(l -e-naX) 0 Reaction rate density: R=no(p(x) Neutron flux: qp(x)= yoe-n Area of aluminum: A= 935.9 cm2 Thickness of aluminum: X = 0.05 cm Atom density of aluminum: n = 6.0E+1022 cm -3 The photon production after calculation is about 1.24E+8s-'. Assuming all these generated photons emit isotropic away from the aluminum cover and go through the passage without attenuation, the increased photon flux at the . 12cm of aperture collimator will will be 1.1I .E+5cm2s the 1800keV gamma gamma For the 12cm aperture E+5CM s 1800keV 94 2 rate, the fluence-to-dose factor is about 1.OE-11Gycm2 . So at the surface of the 12cm aperture of the collimator, the photon dose result from the irradiation of aluminum is about 6.6E-5Gy/min, which is much less than 3.9E-2Gy/min the photon dose rate calculated by MCNP with no lithium-6 filter inserted. Figure 2.50 to 2.52 show the therapeutic ratio curve and percent change in therapeutic ratio curve. These figures also show no big difference between using and not using the aluminum clad. This proves that adding little aluminum into the lithium-6 filter will not contaminate the beam line and will not affect the therapeutic effect. 95 I * Without Filter S 8mm Lithium -a-8mm Lithium Without Al Clad 9. 0 8.0 7.0 6.0 0 o :,4 5.0 (D C) 3.0 .0 0. C:e 2. 0 1. 0 0. 0 0 2 4 6 Depth 8 10 12 14 (cm) Figure 2.50 Therapeutic ratio for 8mm lithium filter with and without 0.01 inch Al covers Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 96 -4Without Filter -8mm Lithium -u-8mm Lithium Without Al Clad 2.0 1.8 1.6 1.4 0 1.2 © 4-) 0.-o 1. 0 C) . [_.' 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 Depth 11.5 12 12.5 13 (cm) Figure 2.51 Therapeutic ratio for 8mm lithium filter with and without 0.01 inch Al covers Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 97 -With Without Al Clad Al Clad 30. 0 25. 0 20. 0 15. 0 10. 0 5. 0 a) beO 0 Q-) 0. 0 0 c0 a) c, -5. 0 -10. 0 -15. 0 -20. 0 -25. 0 I -30. 0 0 2 4 6 Depth 8 10 12 14 (cm) Figure 2.52 Percent change from zero filter thickness in therapeutic ratio vs. depth for 8mm lithium fitler with and without 0.01 inch Al covers Boron component, normal tissue: 18ug/g, tumor tissue: 65ug/g RBE for boron dose, normal tissue: 1.3, tumor tissue: 3.8 RBE for neutrons: 3.2, for photons: 1.0 98 Chapter 3: Engineering Design of the Lithium-6 filter 3.1 Introduction After finishing the physics design of the lithium-6 filter, we will go on to the engineering design. I want to thank Yakov Ostrovsky again. After I made the draft design, he helped me make several important changes and tutored me using AutoCAD draw the engineering design. With his modification, the final design is more practical and professional. Lithium is a highly reactive and flammable metal. It reacts with the moist air and turns into lithium oxide. So first of all, the mechanical design of the filter needs to protect lithium very well and isolate it from the air. The filter is an optional component of the FCB's collimator. In certain clinical cases it may need to be installed, and for others, it should not be. In the case of an emergency (e.g. catching fire) the lithium-6 filter has to be uninstalled quickly and easily. We are going to add this new filter component to an existing collimator that has been used for a long time, any big modification of the existing parts should be avoided. This is also a challenge of the design. In order to meet all these requirements, the design is separated into fours 99 parts: core of lithium-6 filter, fixed frame, removable frame and moving rails. The core of the lithium-6 filter includes lithium-6 metal core, aluminum clamping rings, gasket, protective aluminum sheets and aluminum filter housing that is used to protect the lithium. The fixed frame includes a fixed steel frame and the right hand part (looking from the patient side) of the RICORAD shielding that helps shield the neutron particles. The removable frame includes moveable steel handle and the left hand part (looking from the patient side) of the RICORAD shielding. Along with the fixed frame, it provides good shielding from the neutron beam. Finally the moving rails allow the removable frame to travel along the fixed part easily. 3.2 Lithium-6 filter Structure In this section, the detailed mechanical design of the lithium-6 filter will be illustrated. 3.2.1 The Core of the Lithium-6 filter As shown in Figure 3.1, there are five components made of aluminum 1100 that make up of the core of the lithium-6 filter. 100 I c) >1C <I cc U- V. I > © DOc2D C LI) Cn LI2 'F % Loi I I I CDc o _ Cc c CDi Li -J --N .6 - C - D Ic-~ D3 c Cl . C F - C C1 C 0)1 0Th 'c C > 0 E EC) aE ,3 u ' C ,._ C0) CUI 0 C 0 aC 95 U Co Oo o .m en ! (U ._p 101 The central part is an aluminum ring named the filter housing that is made of aluminum 1100. The inner diameter is 13.59" which is slightly larger than the diameter of neutron beam at the same position. The outer diameter is 16.30" and the thickness is 0.354" which is about 9mm. The 8mm thick lithium metal will be located inside this ring. Two pieces of aluminum (1100) are used as covers to seal the lithium metal in the filter housing from the outside air. They are 0.01" thick, and their diameter is 16.30", the same as the outer diameter of filter housing. An airtight graphite gasket is used between the cover plate and filter housing. The detail design of seals like the number of clamping bolts and locations was determined by the manufacturer. One front and one back clamping ring are used to assemble all these five pieces together using multiple bolts around the ring. The clamping ring has the same radial dimension as the filter housing, and its thickness is 0.125". The front and back clamping rings have to be rotated against each other to use different threaded holes while assembling. The back clamping ring (looking from the patient side) has three additional tabs that are used to connect the core of the lithium-6 filter to the movable frame. 102 3.2.2 The Fixed Frame The fixed frame consists of 6 components, a steel frame, three pieces of RICORAD and two cover plates for a groove that will contain a sensor in the future. The detailed design of the steel frame is shown in Figure 3.2. It has roughly the same outside shape as the other parts of the collimator that look like an octagon. Its thickness is 0.75". Two big mounting holes are located in the upper-right and upper-left corner of the steel frame. The entire fixed frame is installed onto the mounting plate of the patient collimator using these two mounting holes. There is a small groove in the left side of the steel frame that is reserved for a sensor in the future. The sensor will be used to detect whether the lithium-6 filter has been installed or not. A piece of steel cover plate will be mounted on the groove to keep the sensor inside. The inner shape of the steel frame is a little complicated. In order to assemble all the pieces together, a lamella of the inner margin of steel frame has been pared off. The thickness of the remaining part is 0.125". Several holes have been drilled through this layer to attach the RICORAD frames and mount the rails. 103 I II 1- I. . I .i . i -.... l- . ¥ "- i !6 I 'e II--1 I I l[ E 0 ct -0 au -o 0b,_ . _ I r_ *U !I E e I qn f._k 104 Three pieces of RICORAD have been used to shield the neutron beam. Since the biggest RICORAD plate we can find is not large enough to cover the entire area, the RICORAD must be made of three pieces instead of one. Figure 3.3 shows the detailed design of the RICORAD shielding. In order to fit into the steel frame, the thickness of the margin of the RICORAD shielding is 0.625", exactly the same as the depth of the concave space in the steel frame. The thickness of the other part of the RICORAD shielding is still 0.750". Several threaded holes are drilled through on the margin. The RICORAD shielding has an inner diameter of 16.70", slightly larger than the diameter of the filter housing which is 16.30". So a clearance will be reserved between the RICORAD and filter housing to allow air flow around. Also there is a small groove reserved for the sensor on the left side of the RICORAD, a RICORAD cover plate can be mounted over the groove. 105 7q OrEl , _Ir I H 0 2 6 p.z { .9~ -j ; . Qo m-,I 6. I- ID, 0a I 0 0 -, 0 b0 ._ 0 IC © ._ I Lo F an O) O; To .. 'V 'F -0 . Vo ._4 I I I I -a uS I o0 s 0ot I 0 u -I I-IC v-j I I 106 3.2.3 The Movable Frame The movable frame consists of two components. One movable steel frame and the right hand part of the RICORAD shielding. Using the same approach as with the fixed frame, a lamella has been cut off on the margin of the steel frame as shown in Figure 3.4. The right side of the RICORAD and the movable parts of the rails will then be mounted into this surface. A handle will be fixed on the steel frame so that the movable frame can be opened and closed easily. The handle will be bought from McMASTER-CARR, item number #1435A41. The detailed design of the right side of RICORAD is shown in Figure 3.5. Three square grooves are made around the inner radius to mate with the three tabs of the back clamping ring of the core of the lithium-6 filter. The outer edge has also been shaved off a little, so that it can be mounted into the steel frame. 107 Li '~ ' I I ''I I I l I 'T I''' 'l ''' + Nd) Us +1 , 0) IP. a) ) a) E m 0 a.) ._ -o X U i I a) 4- 0 E .2 v- .r Ca _ _ . 7 1K 108 C4 N ., O (N,- ~ O~ ~ I I N ' 'I t , C ~~~ C 1 03OI 0 e Ol O~ o 0 I(, I . ,a -r o 0 C, = o F In (N U ~E 0C 1o rs * Ik 1 0D *t C3 H- X )E N a L US (N _ J _. _N (N (Na ill- -1 IIl l • _ _ --- --- -- ----I ll ----------- ll----- -4l-=-11l 1. .L1 ~~ _ _ ( ~ >. N _ a ? U1) 109r 109 Ji ~1 _ ~ _ II L't ~~~~~_ @ H0~n _~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~l O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( 3.2.4 Roller Bearing Tracks A pair of roller bearing tracks has been used to connect the fixed frame and the movable frame together, and allow the movable frame to slide smoothly into and out of the fixed frame. The roller bearing tracks were bought from McMASTER-CARR. The item number is #105 7A5 1. The fixed part of the rails will be mounted on the fixed steel frame. The movable part will be connected to the movable steel frame. Figure 3.6 (from catalog of McMASTER-CARR) shows the mechanical drawing of the rails which is quoted from McMaster's catalog. These rails have a hold-open detent that holds the rails firmly in place when it's opened. The entire weight of the movable frame and the core of the lithium-6 filter is no more than 50 lbs. The load rating of the tracks is about 88 lbs/pair. This load rating is base on 50 cycles per week. So the practical load is far from the design limitation. 110 . i I s I 7 II I.[1 ; !. 2 w UI 10 I I i be A Ii1 4 _f1 is I ' i Il cj U ,jI 03 X Ig a Ii' ji i I . at D r _m a' I. X a) u _ 8^ .., I i vo -0 -2 a) O 0 .a_jV)~~t v -0 C) f u r ~~~en .w 8 t 111 Chapter 4: System Installation Instructions 4.1 Introduction In this chapter, the details are given for assembling all the components together and installation of the lithium-6 filter is illustrated. In order to install the lithium-6 filter conveniently and quickly, we design and separate the lithium-6 filter system into three parts, one fixed frame, one movable frame and the core of the lithium-6 filter. The fixed frame will be mounted at the base of the collimator. After this fixed portion has been installed, it need not be removed again because it provides a slot for placing and removing the other parts of the filter. The movable frame will be assembled separately and connected to the fixed frame through a pair of roller bearing tracks. The movable part of the filter can then slide in and out like a vertical drawer. When the movable frame slides out, the core of the lithium-6 filter can be attached or removed from the frame with three screws. Figure 4.1 shows the three dimensional drawing of the filter after it has been assembled. When the lithium-6 filter is not used, the filter with its aluminum covers will be put in a special storage container. 112 a) t4 a) a) - 0) --- Zi~~~~~~~ RJ C,7) d~~~~C7 :5 -I 0 0 0 -9 FY ( (9) (7) FV i 0 (9I-9(9 U - Q -A o 0 - Qd C Ou U Y o CD -P 7 0) c Cd' -> OJ> -0L i ( o PqU Co -E -u - (y i ' s- 0 L( C1 o (1Q L ~_ 0 0 L9 o0 0+ <0 00 - E • co 113 - 0 q- CY U 0 o~ 0- F -5 © O -p _ -(5 (Ij 4.2 Assembly of the Fixed Frame The Fixed Frame constitutes six components, one piece of steel frame, three pieces of RICORAD shielding frames and two pieces of cover plates for the sensor groove. The fixed frame were assembled in the workshop. First put the steel frame on the assembling table, the surface with the groove up. Mount the three pieces of the RICORAD shielding ring onto the steel frame. The top shielding ring and bottom shielding ring each needs three steel 10-32UNF flat head screws. The left shielding ring needs eight screws. If a sensor has been prepared to detect the installation of the core of the lithium-6 filter, put the sensor into its groove now. After placing well the sensor, fix the two sensor cover plates onto the steel frame and left RICORAD shielding respectively with eight 6-32UNC flat head screws. Finally a pair of roller bearing tracks has to be mounted to the steel frame. The fixed part of the rail will be fitted into its slot and fastened with four 10-32UNF flat head screws each. Figure 4.2 shows the fixed frame after all components have been installed. 114 U) 0 £3 09 ci~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 09 O 09 0 C-) as -ci L -e v) S 01) CA Ci) 0t a) m x Ed iC.) -C 'I u- -c 33 - -if (l C) -c7 +1 (3 2 c GI +> >9 J1 C 75ci Lo C Li as 0~ F- - j 7n 60 ci -H 4- 115 -U ~~~~~~~~~~~~~To ~~~~~~~~~~09 0~~~~~~ 4.3 Assembly of the Movable Frame The movable frame consists of two components, one movable steel frame and one movable RICORAD shielding. The movable frame will be assembled in the workshop. First put the movable steel frame on the assembling table with the concave surface upwards. Fit the right RICORAD shielding in the slot of the steel frame. Seven 10-32UNF flat head screws will be used to fasten these two pieces together. Turn around the steel frame with the other side upwards. Connect the handle to the steel frame with two other screws. Figure 4.3 shows the movable frame after it has been assembled. It will be connected to the fixed frame when installing them into the collimator. 116 C, ci IL C) C1) Ln cn ct C1) / I I "' / C- 4- 41) _Q C) -) d > a) 0 0 '-lK ~0 q.(J3 117 4.4 Installation of the Lithium-6 filter Frame Prior to installation, the patient collimator base must first be removed from the mounting plate inside the medical room. Figure 4.4 shows the components of the collimator that need to be removed in order to install the filter frame. As the beam facing side of the patient collimator may be activated from years of use, Reactor Radiation Protection Office (RRPO) would be consulted prior to removal and will be present during removal. Fit the fixed frame to the mounting plate using the two mounting holes on the top corner of the frame. The surface with the roller bearing tracks should be toward the patient side. Lift up the movable frame with the handle towards the patient side. Connect it with the fixed frame, which has already been installed on the mounting pins, through the movable parts of the rails with four 10-32UNF flat head screws to each rail. Figure 4.5 shows the Lithium-6 filter Frame after all the parts have been put together. After the lithium-6 filter frame is affixed to the mounting plate, the patient collimator will be reinstalled. Once the frame of the lithium-6 filter is installed, it need not be removed again. The fixed frame will be like a slot for the movable part. The movable frame will provide a holder for the core of the lithium-6 filter and permit it to slide in and out like a vertical drawer. 118 VY\,-, K K> K I I i I I 7%OCoI/[m otor Base I 00 I 9000 I 00 00 I 9000000 I 0000000000 00000000000 I 000000000000 I 000000000000000, I I I 900000000000000000s 0000000000 000000 0 0000000000000000000 000000000000000000 000000000000000000 X 0000000000000000000 N 000000 00000000000000 NI11 I I 11 00000000 17 'I I'--, \\ I 00 00000,. X 0 00 C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 f00000 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0000000000 I I I I I I I K K >2 >2 K :Fooooo0oooooooooooo 0000000000000000000 0000000000000000000 90000000000000000000 00000000000000000000O 00 0 90000 0/0 00 0 O)0O Of 9 00000000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000 00000000 ,p- ' 00000000000 0000000000 I DOOOOOOOOO 90000000 I )000000 0 I 00 0 O I 9OO 0Y I ,PI I I I I I I I I Figure 4.4 Remove the components of the collimator downstream of the collimator base 119 '0 a) -. /, E ca) U) a) E a) cc U) D (U a) U. C a) E 0cu 0 - E 0r- CD :E .) -C 2 U) MC U) I- \\ c 120 aD CL O r.n ... ,,..3, - ._ Ed C) ._C 0 121 4.5 Installation of the Core of the Lithium-6 filter To install the lithium-6 filter, slide out the moveable part of the frame till the hold-open stops of the rails are on. The core of the lithium-6 filter is removed from its protective container, and attached to the frame with three 10-32UNF flat head screws. After assuring that the core of the lithium-6 filter has been fastened well, push the frame containing the filter a little firmly along the tracks until it stops. This will place the lithium-6 filter in the correct position in the beam line. Figure 4.6 shows a diagram with the filter opened and the core of the lithium-6 filter installed. 4.6 Removal of the Core of the Lithium-6 filter Figure 4.7 shows a diagram with the filter closed after the core of the lithium-6 filter is installed. To remove the lithium-6 filter when it is not needed, slide out the moveable part of the frame till the hold-open detents of the rails are on. Survey the filter with an ion chamber or GM tube to ensure that dose rates are reasonably low. Unfasten the three screws which are used to connect the core of the lithium-6 filter with the movable frame. One person should hold the lithium-6 filter carefully while another person removes the screws. The lithium-6 filter is then returned to its storage container. Finally, the moveable part of the frame is closed to prevent the leakage of radiation when the beam is on. 122 -0 Q v0 - H .t: V E a) 4 .lQJ e-~ v1 / / / 123 Chapter 5: Safety and Storage of the Lithium-6 filter 5.1 Introduction Lithium is a very reactive metal. It's easy to turn into lithium oxide when it interacts with moisture in the air or begins burning when the temperature is more than 179°C. Special safety precautions must be considered when handling of the lithium-6 filter. When Lithium 6 is irradiated by neutron beam, tritium gas which has a long half life (T1I 2=12.3 year) isotope will be generated. The tritium gas will keep accumulating when the beam is on since it will be sealed in the lithium-6 filter housing and not be released unless the aluminum cover is opened. The tritium would be released if the gas pressure from the 3H 2 and helium gas is too high. If the tritium gas escapes, it will be dangerous because of its beta radiation. In order to prevent the lithium-6 filter form both physical and chemical damage, a special storage system will be designed to protect the filter while it is not installed. 124 5.2 Properties of Lithium 5.2.1 Nuclear Properties of Lithium 6 The atomic number of lithium is three. The standard atomic weight of lithium is 6.94. For lithium 6, the atomic mass is 6.02. There is another isotope which is lithium 7 with atomic mass 7.02. Slow neutrons have a high cross-section for interaction with lithium 6. Assuming the nuclear reaction proceeds only to the ground state of the product and it can be written simply as 6Li + n > H + + 4.78MeV For thermal neutron, the incoming neutron energy is negligible. The Q-Value will be shared by the generated alpha particle and tritium. The thermal neutron cross section for this reaction is 940 barns. There is also a resonance when the neutron energy is around 250keV. Lithium 6 occurs with a natural isotopic abundance of 7.40%. We use 6Li enriched lithium metal with 95.0% lithium 6 to build the lithium-6 filter in this project. 125 5.2.2 Physical Properties of Lithium Lithium was discovered by Arfvedson in 1817. Lithium is the lightest of all metals, with a density of 0.53g/cm3 only about half that of water. The crystal structure of lithium is body-centered cubic. Atomic radius is about 1.52A. The table below show's some physical properties of lithium Table 5.1 Physical properties of lithium 3) Name Lithium Symbol Li Density at 293K 0.534 g/cm3 State Solid Characteristics Soft, lighter solid Color silvery Melting Point 453.74 K Boiling Point 1620 K Body-centered Specific Heat 3582 J/kg.K cubic at 300K Structure Structure cbca 0K3582 J/kg.K Ignition Point In Air 452.5 K 5.2.3 Chemical Properties of Lithium Lithium is silvery in appearance, much like Na and K, other members of the alkali metal series. It reacts with water, but not as vigorously as sodium. The chemical equation can be written as 2Li + 2H2 0 = 2LiOH + H2 126 Lithium will be oxidized quickly when exposed in the air. At 179 °C in air, it begins to bum and imparts a beautiful crimson color to a flame, but when the metal burns strongly, the flame is a dazzling white. The chemical equation is 4Li + 02 = 2Li2 0 5.3 Safety Consideration 5.3.1 Tritium Production After irradiation by a neutron beam, the 6 Li contained inside the aluminum cover will generate tritium. Tritium is a long half life isotope. Its beta decay half life is about 12.3 years. The amount of tritium produced has been estimated as described below. First we need to know the neutron flux in front of the surface of lithium-6 filter. We can measure the neutron flux at the surface of the 12cm aperture of the collimator without the filter. The neutron flux incident on the lithium-6 filter is estimated to be about four times larger than that in the 12cm aperture. Assuming the reactor works at 5MW power level, table 5.2 shows the neutron flux on both of the surfaces. 127 Table 5.2 Neutron flux used for tritium production calculation 0 - 0. 5 eV 0.5eV- 10 keV 10 keV-20MeV Total Neutron flux (101 cm2s1) in air at the surface of 12cm aperture 0.0055 0.3000 0.0115 0.3175 Neutron flux (101 cm2s1) incident upon the lithium-6 filter (9) 0.022 1.20 0.046 1.27 For the convenience of calculation, we divide the neutron beam into three groups, the thermal neutron range from 0 to 0.5eV, the epithermal neutron from 0.5eV to lOkeV and the fast neutron from 10keV to 20MeV. The cross section of three groups can be estimated as below with the assistance of data available in the "RadiationDetection and Measurement"). Group 1 ( - 0.5eV): The cross section at the most probable energy (0.025 eV) in the Maxwellian distribution is taken as 940 barns. Group 2 (0.5eV-lOkeV): Assuming the neutron flux drops inversely proportional to the energy in a slowing down spectrum. The relation between cross section and the energy of incident neutron 128 particle is assumed to be as follows. o(0.5eV) = 250 barns= C 2/0.51/2 C2=250*0.5 u2=17 7 I OkevC Ikev fq,(E)o(E)dE >_ > epi x f _ 0.5-E v 0.5ev 10kev I0kev = 177x - f E dE - C-2 X" 0.5ev 10ke J,(E)dE 05ev 3 IOkev dE C'dE f- dE 0.5evE 0000 0.5e E =50 barns lnInIol05I oooo Group 3 ( OkeV- 20MeV): A constant cross section of 1 barn is assumed, neglecting the resonance 0.25MeV Table 5.3 shows the cross section for all three groups. Table 5.3 Cross Section a [6Li(n,a) 3H] (barns) 0 - O. 5eV 940 0.5eV- 50 129 10keV 1 OkeV-20MeV 1 at The tritium production rate can be calculated use the formula below for each group. X X X I = fARdx = fAn (cr(x)dx = fAnooe-"dx 0 0 = A o(1 -e -n x ) 0 Reaction rate density: R=nocp(x) Neutron flux: qp(x) = (poe Area of lithium: A = 935.9 cm2 Thickness of lithium: X =0.8 cm Atom density of lithium: n 5.3E+10 2 2 cm -3 Table 5.4 gives the results of the tritium production rate after calculation. Table 5.4 Tritium Production Rate (1012 s- ) 0 - 0. 5eV 0.5eV - 10keV 10keV - 20MeV Total 0.21 9.88 0.02 10. 11 130 Consider two situations. First suppose that the beam is continuously operated. The number of tritium atoms at time T can be calculated as, e -AT ) N(T) = Jle-A(T-t)dt = -(1 And the activity of tritium at time T is, A(T) = AN(T) = I(1 e T ) Half life of tritium: T=12.3 y = 107748 h Decay constant of tritium: X = 0.056 y-' = 6.43E-6 h-' Table 5.5 shows the results. Table 5.5 Activity of tritium when the beam is continuously operated Time (year) Activity (1012 Bq / Ci) Number (1021 atoms) 10 4.35 / 117.6 2.44 120 10.10/ 273.0 5.65 infinite 10.11 /273.2 5.66 More practically, the beam may only be turned on for one hour per day, 365 days per year. Then the number of tritium atoms produced during the time of the beam has been turned on for an hour will be, Nadd = I~ (1-e11 Ie'- ton 0A 131 -'t ) The number of tritium atoms after n days is, N(n) = -(1 - e- At' )[1 + e - A24 + e - 2 24 . e (n1)24] = -(1 - e /I ' ) 1 24 - -e The activity of tritium after n days is, - e-A n' 24 A(n) = AN(n) = I(1- e-i '° ) __24 Half life of tritium: T=12.3 y = 107748 h Decay constant of tritium: X= 0.056 y-' = 6.43E-6 h-' Table 5.6 gives the result after calculation. Table 5.6 Activity of tritium when the beam is turned on for one hour per day, 365 days per year Time (year) Activity (01 l °Bq / Ci) Number (1019 atoms) 1 2.31 / 0.6 1.29 10 18.14/4.9 10.15 120 42.07 / 11.4 23.54 infinite 42.12 / 11.4 23.57 From the results we can see that, the total tritium production rate is about 1.01E+1 3s- 1.If we assume the beam will be turned on for an hour per day, 365 days per year the tritium activity will rise to 1.81E+11 Bq (4.9 Ci) after ten years which is expected to be manageable. 132 5.3.2 Nuclear Heating Both the alpha generated reaction of 6Li and beta decay of tritium produce heat. Since the lithium metal will be dangerous when the temperature reaches over 179 °C, we need to consider the temperature rise caused by the nuclear heating carefully. All the calculations below are based on the assumption that the beam is continuously turned on for an hour. All the heat generated from the irradiation during the hour will be totally absorbed by the lithium. No heat can transfer to the environment outside the lithium-6 filter within the hour. This is obviously extremely conservative. First let's have a glimpse of the nuclear reactions which produce heat. Alpha reaction: 3Li +6 n > H ++ ~~~4 + 4.78MeV Beta decay: H > 3He + l- 133 + 18.6keV Suppose the irradiation time Tonis one hour. We can calculate the power and energy generated as below, Power generated from alpha reaction: Pl =IxQ 1 =1O.llx l01' 2 x 4.78x 106 x 1.60x10- 9 =7.73J/s Energy generated from alpha reaction: El =I xTo xQt =10.llxlO0 t2 x x3600 x4.78x10 6 x 1.60 x 10 - ' 9 =2.78x10 4 J Power generated from beta decay: P 2 =A(inf) x Q 2 = 42.12x10'° x18.6x10 3 x 1.60x 10-'9 =1.25xlO-3J/s Energy generated from beta decay: E2 = A(inf)xTn xQ 2 =42.12x10 0° xlx3600x18.6x1O 3 x1.60xO-'9 =4.51J Then the temperature rise caused by the nuclear heating assuming no heat loses will be, Temperature increase: AT=(E,+E 2 )/(M*C) = 19.4 K Specific heat capacity of lithium at 300K: C = 3582 J kg' K'Mass of lithium: M = 0.4 kg Volume of lithium: V = 748.7 cm 3 Density of lithium: p = 0.534 g cm -3 From the result above we can see that, assuming no heat transfer from the 6 Li filter, a one-hour irradiation will result in only a 19.4K temperature rise. Assuming any reasonable level of heat transfer from the filter to the 134 environment, the temperature rise of the filter will for practical purposes be negligible. 5.3.3 Pressure from Released Gases Since the aluminum covers of the lithium-6 filter will be seldom removed, the generated tritium and helium will keep accumulating inside the aluminum box as gas. The thickness of the aluminum cover is only 0.01". The pressure from the released gases needs to be calculated carefully to determine if there is a danger that the gas pressure will cause the gas seal to fail and allow release of tritium gas. Suppose all the tritium and helium gas generated from the irradiation will be sealed inside the clearance between the lithium-6 filter and its aluminum cover, the beam will be turned for one hour per day, 365 days per year. In each alpha reaction, one tritium and one helium atom will be generated. In beta decay, one tritium will change into one helium atom. So at a given time T, the relation of the number of helium atoms and number of tritium atoms is, N(helium, T) = number of helium atoms at time T N(tritium, T) = number of tritium atoms at time T N(helium, T)=2*I*Ttota-N(tritium, T) The gas pressure generated inside the sealed lithium-6 filter is, 135 Pin=nRT/V Mol number of total gas: n=[N(tritium)/2+N(helium)]/NA Volume reserved for the gas in the sealed lithium-6 filter: V(Space) -= 0.0936 L NA= 6.02E+23 R = 8.314 kPa L K-Imol1T = 300K Assuming there is no distortion occurring in the aluminum covers due to the gas pressure, we can calculate the net force on the aluminum cover as, F=Pin*A Area of aluminum cover: A = 935.9 cm2 = 0.09359 m2 The tensile stress on the aluminum cover is, Tts=FIAts Thickness of aluminum cover: Dal= 0.0254 cm Side area of aluminum cover: Ats = 2.75 cm 2 = 275 mm 2 Table 5.7 shows the results of pressure at different time. Table 5.7 Pressure from the released gases Time N N (year) (tritium) (helium) 1 8.48E+18 8.97E+18 10 6.68E+19 120 1.55E+20 n TS P F (kPa / psi) (N) 3.34E-5 0.9/0.1 83 0.3/43.5 1.08E+20 3.57E-4 9.5/1.4 887 3.2/464.1 1.94E+21 5.10E-3 135.4/19.6 12670 46.1/6686.3 (mool) 136 -2 (N mm / psi) From the results above we can see, assuming that the beam is turned on for an hour per day, 365 days per year and assuming that all the generated tritium and alpha particles diffuse out of the lithium into the clearance between the lithium and aluminum clad as gas; after ten years the net gas pressure will be 9.48KPa (1.38psi), and the tensile stress in the aluminum cover plate will be 3.2 N mm 2 (464psi). The stress likely to be induced from the released gas is therefore far below the yield strength of the alloy aluminum (1100) which is about 35 Nmm -2 or 5.0E+3psi. 5.3.4 Irradiation Levels on the Side of the Collimator For the safety consideration, we also need to know how much the irradiation dose is on the side of the collimator. It must be low enough to protect the patients and operators. As shown in Figure 2.2, we select three locations to test the irradiation dose, one is behind the lithium-6 filter at the edge of the RICORAD shielding, one is in front of the lithium-6 filter at the edge of the collimator base, and the other one at the edge of the lithium-6 filter. We used the Monte Carlo method to run the simulation and calculate the result. Table 5.8 gives the dose rate of neutron and photon at the side of the collimator. 137 Table 5.8 Dose rates at the side of the collimator Neutron Dose Rate (Gy/min) Energy Edge of RICORAD shielding Condition Dose Rate Error Without Filter 7.78E-05 0.1690 With Filter 1.01E-04 0.2336 Energy Edge of RICORAD shielding Dose Rate Error Without Filter 1.87E-04 0.2638 With Filter 2.90E-04 0.3592 Energy 2.81E-05 Error 0.3300 Dose Rate Error 2.64E-05 0.3385 6.87E-06 0.0973 Lithium-6 filter Dose Rate 7.98E-05 Error 0.7508 Collimator Base Dose Rate Error 4.75E-05 0.4643 2.45E-04 0.7249 10 keV - 20 MeV RICORAD shielding Condition Dose Rate Error Without Filter 3.17E-04 0.4696 With Filter 2.02E-04 0.3568 Energy Edge of Dose Rate Collimator Base 0.5 eV - 10 keV Condition Edge of 0 - 0.5 eV Lithium-6 filter RICORAD shielding Condition Dose Rate Error Without Filter 5.82E-04 0.2726 With Filter 5.92E-04 0.2181 Lithium-6 filter Dose Rate 7.47E-05 Error 0.4036 Total Lithium-6 filter Dose Rate 1.83E-04 Error 0.3708 Collimator Base Dose Rate Error 1.93E-04 0.4772 1.OOE-04 0.5517 Collimator Base Dose Rate Error 2.67E-04 0.3567 3.52E-04 0.5283 Photon Dose Rate (Gy/min) Energy Edge of RICORAD shielding Condition Dose Rate Error Without Filter 2.94E-02 0.5359 With Filter 4.32E-02 0.5821 0 - 100 MeV Lithium-6 filter Dose Rate 2.35E-03 Error 0.3316 Collimator Base Dose Rate Error 2.45E-03 0.4492 7.17E-04 0.7568 We can tell from the table that, after using the lithium-6 filter, both the 138 neutron dose and photon dose at the edge of the RICORAD shielding are higher than the dose at the edge of lithium-6 filter or the collimator base. This is because inserting the lithium-6 filter will cause a large amount of back scattering and then increase the dose behind the lithium-6 filter. But the increase is not so big, roughly lower than 2 times of the dose without using the lithium-6 filter which is still acceptable. With a large portion of RICORAD shielding component around the lithium-6 filter, the neutron dose has been effectively reduced at the edge of the lithium-6 filter compared with the neutron dose at the edge of the collimator base which is built up by steel only. On the other hand, with less steel shielding, the photon dose at the edge of the lithium-6 filter is larger than that at the edge of the collimator base but still acceptable compared with the photon dose before using the lithium-6 filter. It's also obvious that, after using the lithium-6 filter, the epithermal neutron dose has increased corresponding to the rise of the portion of epithermal neutron in the beam after passing through the lithium-6 filter. We can conclude from the table that it will still be safe to operate while the lithium-6 filter is installed. We can conclude that the dose rates with the lithium-6 filter are not expected to be a problem. 139 5.4 Storage System In addition to the aluminum covers, a special storage system has been designed to protect the lithium-6 filter from both physical and chemical damage. The storage system consists of three components, one zip-press bag, one foam box and one steel case. Figure 5.1 gives a rough picture of the storage system. The lithium-6 filter will be stored in a special or possible two plastic zip-press bags containing a valve. A vacuum can be drawn on the bag through the valve to remove trapped air and then nitrogen gas can be introduced into the bag through the same valve to protect the lithium-6 filter from humidity or oxygen in the air. The vacuum bag containing the lithium-6 filter with its aluminum clad will be put into a small box with foam padding, which protects it from shock or other damage. The foam box will be stored in a strong steel case that is a corrosion resistant watertight enclosure. This metal box also helps to protect the surroundings if the lithium-6 filter were to burn despite the many precautions. The lithium-6 filter and its storage container will be labeled to indicate the hazardous contents. A class D (metal) fire extinguisher will also be available in the reactor building near the medical room and where the filter is stored. 140 S C) b-0 C. ~ ~ z 0 2 tz_ E -C st'. (1) -C 4. | ;> rV) T--oI N II V a) U C) 141 CI~~~~~f wo Chapter 6: Beam Performance with Lithium-6 Filter 6.1 Introduction In order to verify that the designed lithium-6 filter truly improves the epithermal neutron beams from the FCB, a mixed field dosimetry method was used to measure the photon, thermal neutron and fast neutron dose. The thermal neutron flux is measured with gold foils using the cadmium difference technique. The photon and fast neutron doses are determined with two different ionization chambers, one neutron insensitive and one sensitive to neutron and photon, using the dual chamber technique. The thermal neutron and boron doses are determined by the kerma factor method based on the measured thermal flux9 )' 10) During the experiment, the 12cm beam with 3cm air gap collimator was used. The medium ellipsoidal water filled phantom was used to simulate human head. The Reactor power was between 3.5 - 4.0 MW. The FCB converter power is 83kW at 5MW reactor power. I would like to thank Dr. Kent J. Riley and Dr. Peter J. Binns again. They helped me do the dosimetry measurement and data calculation. I am presenting their results here and do a little further analysis. 142 6.2 Methods 6.2.1 Thermal Neutron Flux Two sets of gold foils are weighted between 10 to 40 mg. One set is bare gold foils. The other set is covered with cadmium. Each set of foils are irradiated separately. The bare foils are taped on a thin plastic rod every one centimeter while the cadmium covered foils are positioned every 2 cm. The further distance between the cadmium covered foils can reduce the flux depression at the foil from each other's cadmium cover. Then the rod is inserted into the centre of the head phantom for irradiation9 ) 10) The reaction happen in the gold after irradiated by neutron is Au- 197(n, Y )Au- 198*. The new generated Au-198 emits 411 keV photons in 95.5% abundance. Its half life is 2.696 days. The activity of the gold foil is measured by HPGe detector. The thermal neutron flux can be estimated by its saturated activity of the gold foil per unit mass with the equation below, 0 MW Asa, A m here (p is the neutron flux averaged over the gold foil surface. MW is the molecular weight. Av is Avogadros number. is the microscopic activation across section averaged over the spectrum. We use the 2200 m/s cross section 143 which is 98.8 barns. m is the mass of the gold foil. Asat is the saturated activity of the gold foil, which can be calculated with the equation below, A s(1 A2C e-At" )(e- t" e-At2) - where X is the decay constant of Au-198. C is the net counts between measurement time t and t 2, where the start of the irradiation is time zero. to is the irradiation time. c is the overall counting efficiency. Because bare foils are activated by both thermal and epithermal neutron fluxes, while cadmium covered gold foil can only be activated by epithermal neutrons. We can calculate the thermal neutron flux with the following equation, ¢2200 As,) bare--cd(atCd] -F (Aa 2200 _ m''~ -- MW R1 (/st Ao2200 m ) Cd] m Here we us the 2200 m/s absorption cross section as the average thermal neutron cross section. Fd is a correction factor used to account for the absorption of some neutrons with energy above the cadmium cutoff by the cadmium covers. 6.2.2 Photon and Total Neutron Dose Rates The photon and fast neutron doses are determined by the dual ionization chamber technique. One is brain equivalent ionization chamber filled with 144 tissue equivalent gas. This kind of chamber measures both photon and neutron doses. The other is graphite ionization chamber flushed with CO2 . The graphite ionization chamber can only detect the photon dose and is quite insensitive to the neutron dose. The responses of the tissue equivalent and graphite ionization chambers in the mixed neutron and photon field9 )' 10)can be express as the equation below, QTE= hD, +kD, = OCG UDY+ kUD ,1 are the corrected currents of the tissue equivalent and graphite where QTEQCG ionization 157,/ n are chambers. the photon and neutron dose rates. ht , kt are the fractional response of tissue equivalent ionization chamber to photons and neutrons of all energies. hu , ku are the fractional response of graphite ionization chamber. Usually ht and hu are set to unity. Using the data from the calibration of the ionization chambers, the equations can be changed to, k, x D = ECF 7 Cal~ CalT E x QTE C x QCG- k X GAtE CG GA GAE GAg ~~-k CalTE X Q-Ca .r D n = ECF GATE C x QC GACG where ECF is the electrometer calibration factor. CalcG and CalTE are the 145 tissue kerma calibration coefficient for graphite and tissue equivalent ionization chambers respectively. GACG and GATE are the gas/air current ratios determined experimentally during the calibration of the graphite and tissue equivalent ionization chambers. 6.2.3 Thermal Neutron and Fast Neutron Dose Rates There are two major interactions of thermal neutrons in the brain. One is N-14(n,p)C-14, the other one is H-l(n, ¥ )H-2. For the second one, the dose from the prompt gamma has been included with the photon dose above. The recoiling deuterium does not have enough energy to ionize and can be neglected for adding to the kerma9 )' 10).The dose from the first interaction is determined using the kerma factor method as the equation below, DN-14 where Fn bN-1 4 Fn¢ is the thermal neutron dose from the N-14(n,p)C-14 interaction. is the kerma factor. is the thermal neutron flux we measured above. The B-10 dose can also be easily calculated with the kerma factor method. The N-14 kerma coefficient is 1.72E-11 cGy cm2 . The B-10 kerma factor is 8.66E-12 cGy cm 2 g 1 g-1. The fast neutron dose will then be obtained by subtracting the thermal neutron dose from the total neutron dose. 146 c0i 0 o 5: x ~r E C i CO 00) C E .- o Cl 3 cil CA -0x V Cs S V E a- I-cu ._ 0 C1 0 0+ 00 C) 0± 00 0+ 0 0 C C C CC 0+ 00 CD 0+ 00 C) s C) (sZwD/ I) 0+ 0 0 C CD = xnl, 147 C, O 0+ 00 CD 6 0 -e 14) oi C CN 0_C 4e 0 0C-) 0I C co O Q~~~~4 O r~~~~~~~l E 0 CC 0 00 -C3 C= C o 00 £o -e C- C'- 0~ N C_) X 0~ C ° es~ ,0 °- 0 o -C, CD C/] +< o C) 0" C) C C, 0 C-C-: C0 (SZoD/I) xnlA 148 CC01 C--0C- CCD0 * C) * E >~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~u J... 6.3 Result 6.3.1 Without Filter Figure 6.1 shows the 2200m/s neutron flux along the central axis of the head phantom. Figure 6.2 gives the comparison between measured 2200 m/s neutron flux and simulated thermal neutron flux with energy between 0 and 0.5eV. In Figure 6.2, both fluxes are normalized by setting the maximum fluxes of the curves to unit one. During the measurement, in order to avoid disturbance to the flux between the cadmium covers of the foils, we can not have as many detection spots as in the Monte Carlo simulation. So the curve of measurement is not as smooth as the curve of simulation. The difference of two curves at the shallow depth is because of the difference between 2200 m/s flux and thermal flux. Figure 6.3 and 6.4 show the different dose rates. We can see that the shape of the curves is almost the same as shown in the computer simulation. Figure 6.5 gives the comparison of normalized total tumor dose rate between measurement and simulation. The curve of measurement reaches the apex at the depth about 2.4cm which is a littler lower than the curve of calculation with its apex at about 2.8cm. There are potentially two reasons for this difference. One is the FCB model we used in calculation may not perfectly agree with the real facility. The other reason is that some nuclear reaction such as gamma emission reaction of aluminum is not included in MCNP code. Since these differences are consistent in the calculation, they do not affect the design of lithium-6 filter significantly. 149 C" I C/) 0 0 O (+) 4-4 0I.1. C/) c 0 0 ,- 4-, z .. ~.).*- C/C E C) o.. v C) =o CT/ 4-) 0 0 C 2 C") Lri CN 4-: i c E It I) CoT") IC 1 -; I i. LO C: -. o C; (UTWl/Aq) 81BM asoo 150 ]gm O) O o,-) ca) .) .) 'm. < . -. "1l ,) ood c C E 00 C) ;:: 0 f.0 X0 U) © C/) U) .-- ~ ',0 .- oc~~. U 0 to U CD s 00 0 C) c0 .- *- ;0 s- O 0 ' i 0 p o a) Es-_ 0tom-a .- _ ) C I O0 U) :::I Cl= U) % E--' En 0- i- . (uIm/AX) U.) 11 oIpg T '11 C) M asoa C"] CIA UN 151 -4 CD O< ° 0 0 0 0 0 0 E 0 © U 0 Q) 3 0 0 0 S 0 0 S 0 S 0 0 0 0 0 0 c/C 0 0 0 -o 0 0 CDi N 0O) 0 0 E0) 0 O CA 0rfi Cl Q) 0~ -O cD S 0 0 0 a H In c1) O6 o,. C -0 Cl "t 00 6 6 (UlW/AO) alum asoc 152 6 C v C") 0 00 o oo . 3x0 0 -S -4-1 ) E2 a O cn 0 I 0 * 0 0+ 0 cs~ ('~ cle 0T 0 0+ 0 0+ 0 m C) m C) C' C C -4o C- cl -4 0T 0 a) CD (sZw3/I) C 0+ 0 co CDO cc 0+ 0 0 o xnlA 153 0 0~~~~~ o CD cS S ._ o cJI a ,] - oo r . - fl. a) .. ,,.. a ~ oo0. E E n o. a) ) ' CIm ) C (I.. o C_ a.) . o " C) 0c -x .~ .I ~ _ I X.0 I . ' C, 6 (0 00 o (ULW/AUJ)I I -1 - - - 04Ud - - - - OuUU 0 1.11 - 154 Ud C C; 6 m C) Cl)~ 0 E 0 0 C) Do C) ~ ~ o 00o~~~~~~o 03 o0 Cl) C2 C) cr. E 00 E 0i ) C) CZ E C/ .. C: 00 O "Ci) " (a) -,cCi E moo O* 0 0 ,...-m. H- C ooO .--~ o 3 '] Cl . o C1) C) 0 Cl) :: U) F- C O tct C- D ,4 C.-i o (ufw/AD) OIP O o osoU 155 6.3.2 With 8mm Lithium Metal Filter Figure 6.6 presents the 2200 m/s neutron flux at different depth. Figure 6.7 and 6.8 show the different dose rates along the central axis of head phantom. Figure 6.9 and 6.10 give the comparison between measurement and simulation. Figure 6.9 is the normalized thermal neutron flux. Figure 6.10 is the normalized total tumor dose rate. The results of measurement are consistent with the results of computer simulation except the curves of simulation reach their apex a little deeper than the curves of measurement. The intensity of incident neutron beam is not precisely constant during the measurement with and without the lithium-6 filter which is true in the computer simulation. But it had been maintained in approximately the same level by the control the reactor power. The same as shown in the simulation, after using the 8mm lithium-6 filter, both the neutron flux and neutron dose rate drop about 50% at the depth where they reach maxima. This also shows the consistence between measurement and simulation. 156 a)) ! La 00 0 ._ E E 00 - 0©: .) v c.,. ._ cn 0 a) 0 rE~ 0a)0 o a) 0~ a) E a) cD a) eN- C0 Q0U) 0 cn a)X U) o 0t)0' 0 0 0D O 0 U) a) C 0 Oa) sr t- C) o o, -4 00 -4 CD o C) 0 6 o .t C; 6; (SZUwD/) xnl 157 C:, q 6 C) C C Q = EI E 01 0~ C ES 00oo : C O 0 cS O E -C0 CD C) © i _I O Om o , - i I 0 ° 0= ~0 C') t 0 0 SC/ 0 O _H ._ . oT Oo o (UWf/3) 6 -6 1 asoa 158 6 L = 6.3.3 Data Analysis Figures 6.11 and Figure 6.12 show the comparison of the therapeutic ratio between using and not using the 8mm lithium-6 filter. The curve presents that, up to a depth of about 3cm, the therapeutic ratio is higher when we do not use the lithium-6 filter. But after that, the trends reverse. In Figure 6.12, we zoom in the tails of the curves. It shows that the advantage depth is 9.3 ±0.1cm when we do not use the lithium-6 filter. After using the filter, the AD extends 0.6cm deeper which is 9.9±0.1cm. Recalling the results of computer simulation, the advantage depths are 9.84cm and 10.11cm for with and without lithium-6 filter respectively. Both are a littler larger than the measurement. The results of measurement show that after using the 8mm lithium-6 filter, the apices of both neutron flux and total dose rate have been pushed deeper than the apices without the filter. The advantage depth also has been improved. The AD depth is 0.6cm deeper with lithium-6 filter than without the filter. Meanwhile, the total dose rate drops significantly after we installed the lithium-6 filter. It is only about 50% of the total dose rate without the lithium-6 filter which means we need longer time to reach the same clinical dose with the 8mm lithium-6 filter. The results of measurement are consistent with the results of Monte Carlo simulation. The therapeutic effect has been improved after adding the 8mm lithium-6 filter. 159 CN - E !- C) f i CO 0 E O0 0+ I I % E . *- 00~~~~~~~ o) I 00 I ~~~ I I i i ~~ -~ "00 i I i i I i i I 731 + - C) I i i i Ii i o 0o O 0 O O O cc oTIU OTlnadujaq£ OIPDI11Dd 160 160 0 3 "-' C) *- O 2) ckl * ._o , . . i i i v 0~~ C) 4- I i -c o,,.C) 0 LL 1- - -~~~~~~~~~~~ E .,; s E 0 C) 0 O0 _~ 5 =z3 0 c~bl *- C ) 0> __ 5: ' -c : 0. oI~~~. 0 ._- c=~ _ 103 00 O + ~0 CS1 +1 0 i00 ii; c~~i C-i o ll -4 DiTnad~aq1 161 6 6; m co~ 3 , 3 _o Chapter 7: Conclusion 7.1 Summary Based on the Monte Carlo calculations, an 8mm thick lithium-6 filter was selected to be the optimum filter for the FCB. It was shown that the system is well shielded within the steel and RICORAD frames. The aluminum covers of lithium-6 filter do not contaminate the neutron beam significantly. Within the carefully designed covers, the lithium metal is isolated from the air to keep the system safe. The mechanical design of the filter system makes it easy to install and uninstall the filter during operation. The results of dosimetry measurement proved that successfully using the new designed lithium-6 filter, the therapeutic effect of BNCT in FCB can be noticeably improved. The advantage depth has been increased by 0.6cm from 9.3cm to 9.9cm after applying the 8mm lithium-6 filter. 7.2 Suggestions for Future Work At present, by optimizing the system, only one 8mm thickness lithium-6 filter had been made. According to different clinical situation, we can install or uninstall the lithium metal filter respectively. To add more flexibility, and optimize the therapeutic effect for each individual clinical case, we may 162 consider design a series of different thickness lithium-6 filters to satisfy different situation. The system is manipulated completely manually now. The operator has to install and uninstall the filter all by hand. One automated sub-system can be added. This had already been considered in the existing system. A special sensor device can be designed and assembled within the filter. It gives the signal that if there is one filter is installed, and which filter is in the collimator. The operator can detect this signal directly on the control panel without mistake. The operator may even be able to slip out the filter automatic out of the medical room during an emergency. 163 References 1. Glenn F. Knoll, "Radiation Detection and Measurement", Third Edition. 2. O.K. Harling, K.J. Riley, T.H. Newton, B.A. Wilson, J.A. Bernard, L-W. Hu, E.J. Fonteneat, P.T. Menadier, S.J. Ali, B. Sutharshan, G.E. Kohse, Y. Ostrovsky, P.W. Stahle, P.J. Binns, W.S. Kigern III, P.M. Busse "The Fission Converter-Based Epithermal Neutron Irradiation Facility at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Reactor", Nulcear Science and Engineering, Volume 140, Pages 223-240, March 2002. 3. 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