Mobile & Baldwin Apartment Rents Center for Real Estate & Economic Development April 2014 Don Epley, Director 251.460.6735 Additional data and information may be found at This report provides a brief overview of the Mobile and Baldwin apartment market. The data reflects apartments with the following characteristics: One-bedroom, one-bath (1BR-1BA), Twobedroom, two-bath (2BR-2BA) and Three-bedroom, two-bath (3BR-2BA). The average monthly rent in Mobile County and Baldwin County increased by an average of 2.52 percent from August, 2013 to April, 2014; and increased by 4.04 percent compared to February 2013. Since February 2013, the most significant changes in monthly rent for Mobile and Baldwin Counties occurred in the 2BR-2BA apartments, having a 6.14 percent increase in the median monthly rent, a 5.43 percent increase in the average monthly rent, and a 3.12 percent increase in the average rent per square foot. Below is a chart comparing the average monthly rent by apartment type in Mobile and Baldwin Counties as of April, 2014. Average Monthly Rent by Apartment Type - April 2014 $1,000.00 $800.00 $600.00 Mobile County $400.00 Baldwin County $200.00 $0.00 1BR-1BA 2BR-2BA 3BR-2BA In Mobile County, the highest and lowest monthly rents for the 1BR-1BA type were listed at $1,005 and $344, respectively. The highest and lowest rents for the 2BR-2BA type were listed at $1,700 and $400, respectively. The highest and lowest monthly rents for the 3BR-2BA type were listed at $1,700 and $450, respectively. Below are tables showing the top five areas in Mobile County with the highest average monthly rent by apartment type as of April, 2014. 1BR – 1BA 2BR – 2BA 3BR – 2BA Rank Mobile Zipcode Average Monthly Rent Rank Mobile Zipcode Average Monthly Rent Rank Mobile Zipcode Average Monthly Rent 1 36617 $850 1 36602 $999 1 36608 $1,268 2 36695 $669 2 36608 $986 2 36617 $1,050 3 36593 $667 3 36617 $950 3 36693 $963 4 36602 $650 4 36605 $850 4 36604 $935 5 36604 $625 5 36693 $823 5 36695 $901 In Baldwin County, the highest and lowest monthly rents for the 1BR-1BA type were listed at $903 and $357, respectively. The highest and lowest rents for the 2BR-2BA type were listed at $1,088 and $410, respectively. The highest and lowest monthly rents for the 3BR-2BA type were listed at $1,580 and $430, respectively. Below are tables showing the top five areas in Baldwin County with the highest average monthly rent by apartment type as of April, 2014. 1BR – 1BA Rank 1 2 3 4 5 2BR – 2BA Baldwin City Spanish Fort Daphne Gulf Shores Orange Beach Average Monthly Rent Rank $849 1 $672 2 $620 3 $600 4 Fairhope $587 5 3BR – 2BA Baldwin City Spanish Fort Daphne Gulf Shores Orange Beach Average Monthly Rent Average Monthly Rent 2 Baldwin City Spanish Fort Daphne Rank $915 1 $805 $735 3 Foley $963 $685 4 Fairhope $677 5 Orange Beach Gulf Shores $1,070 $1,063 $930 $832 For additional information, contact: Dr. Don Epley, Director, Center for Real Estate Studies, University of South Alabama, Office: 251.460.6735, E-mail: Data gathered by Andrea Justiniano, Research Associate, MBA Candidate. University of South Alabama takes reasonable measures to ensure the quality of the data and other information produced. However, USA makes no warranty, express or implied, nor assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, correctness, or completeness of any information, nor represents that its use would not infringe on privately owned rights. Reference to any specific commercial product, process, or service does not constitute an endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by USA.