Irreversible Investment, Capacity Choice, And the Value of the Firm Robert S. Pindyck Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology WPl802-86 June 1986 IRREVERSIBLE INVESTMENT, CAPACITY CHOICE. AND THE VALUE OF THE FIRM* by Robert S. Pindyck Massachusetts Institute of Technology Revised: June 1986 *This paper was written while the author was Visiting Professor of Economics and Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies, at Tel-Aviv University. I am grateful to the National Science foundation for research support under Grant No. SES-8318990, and to Saman Maid, Julio Rotemberg, and Lawrence Summers for helpful discussions and comments. IRREVERSIBLE INVESTMENT. CAPACITY CHOICE, AND THE VALUE OF THE FIRM by Robert S. Pindyck ABSTRACT A model of capacity choice and utilization is developed consistent with value maximization when investment is irreversible Investment requires the full and future demand is uncertain. value of a marginal unit of capacity to be at least as large as its full cost. The former includes the value of the firm's option not to utilize the unit, and the latter includes the opportunity We show that for cost of exercising the investment option. moderate amounts of uncertainty, the firm's optimal capacity is much smaller than it would be if investment were reversible, and a large fraction of the firm's value is due to the possibility of We also characterize the behavior of capacity and future growth. capacity utilization, and discuss'implications for the measurement of marginal cost and Tobin's q. 1. Introduction. When investment uncertain, a firm's "killing," of is irreversible investment an option and using expenditure that information rule "Invest when the marginal value the Instead the purchase marginal installation cost and value by an the conditions are exercising, or the and cost to re-evaluate the desirability value must be included As a result, the standard investment of a unit of installation of One gives up evolving demand This lost option as part of the cost of the investment. as demand involves information (about and/or timing of the expenditure. large future (the option to productively invest). the option of waiting for new conditions), and unit amount equal capital is at least as cost of the unit" is not valid. must to the exceed value of the purchase and keeping the firm's option to invest alive -- an opportunity cost of investing. This aspect of investment has been explored in and most notably in show that with even opportunity cost the recent moderate can be an emerging literature, paper by McDonald and Siegel levels of uncertainty, the (1986). value They of this large, and an investment rule that ignores it will be grossly in error. Their calculations, and those in the related papers by Brennan and (1985) Schwartz and Maid and Pindyck cases projects should be undertaken only when (1985), show that in many their present value is at least double their direct cost.' The existing literature has been concerned involving discrete projects, e.g. whether examines the implications of large a factory to build. decision. This to build with investment decisions a factory. This paper irreversibility for capacity choice, e.g. how In particular I focus on the marginal investment provides a simple and intuitively appealing solution to the - 2 optimal capacity problem, as well as insight into the sources of the firm's value. In addition, and evolution it clarifies issues related to the measurement of long-run marginal cost, and the interpretation and measure- ment of Tobin's q. A firm's capacity choice is optimal when the value of the marginal unit of capacity is just equal to the total cost cost includes involves two this we the unit. steps. capacity must be determined, To do First, An analysis the given that This total value the firm of capacity choice of a marginal unit of already has capacity K. must account for the fact that if demand unexpectedly falls, the unit of capacity may be unutilized. invest in the marginal unit must Second, the value of the option. option to be determined (it will depend in part on the value of the marginal unit itself), together with the exercising the unit. the purchase and installation cost, plus the opportunity cost of exercising the option to buy therefore of that In essence, this decision rule for decision rule is the solution to the optimal capacity problem. Because a marginal unit of capacity need not more when demand fluctuates stochastically. be utilized, This might suggest that the firm should hold more capacity when future demand is uncertain, the opposite is true. The reason is that opportunity cost of exercising the option Although the value of the marginal increases even more, so the net capacity. 2 Indeed, for many such that firms should models would suggest. hold to far invest is to product markets less but in fact uncertainty also increases the unit increases, effect it is worth reduce in a this opportunity cost the the volatility capacity than marginal unit. firm's optimal of demand is standard investment This model choice also has implications for the valuation of capacity The value of a firm has two components: of firms. capacity, and model Solutions of the the future. suggest that for typical of installed firm's options to install more capacity in of the the value the value plausible parameter values options" should account for more based firms, "growth on that half (and in some cases much more than half) of market value. have to stresses the cited above, This paper, like others productively invest. These options are important assets of firms. Firms hold them even if they are price-takers in product and they ownership of land or natural resource reserves. resources and possibly scale, all of But more general- expertise, reputation, market posi- have been built up over time, which may undertake investments enable it to productively What gives particular production techno- It may be a patent on a ly, a firm's managerial tion, and and input markets, can account for a good fraction of their market value. firms these options? logy, or options that firms that individuals or other firms cannot undertake.3 The next section lays out a model of capacity choice with simple irreversible investment, based on the assumption market value. It differs from previous that firms maximize their models of this type, e.g. Brennan and Schwartz (1985) and McDonald and Siegel (1986), in that the focus the marginal investment decision, discrete project. show how rather than is on the decision to invest in a As the model is developed, a numerical example is used to the marginal value of capital, the opportunity cost of investing, and the firm's optimal capacity depend on current demand and uncetainty over future demand. Remaining sections of the paper use the model to study the value of the firm, the behavior of capacity and capacity utilization over - 4 time, and implications for the measurement of marginal cost and Tobin's q. 2. A Model of Capacity Choice. Consider the investment decisions of a firm that might have monopoly power, and faces the following demand function: 4 P = 8(t) - Q (1) (The firm might be a price-taker, in which case = 0.) Here 8(t) evolves over time according to the following stochastic process: where dz s(t) a Eqn. 8dt + = d is the serially (2) says dz (2) increment of a Weiner process, i.e. dz = (t)(dt)12 ' , with uncorrelated random variable. that the and current normally value of distributed (and thus the current demand function) is known to the firm, but future values of 8 are lognormally distributed Thus with a even though information changing), future demand is unknown, and are variance that grows with the time horizon. arrives time always over uncertain, (the as firm is observes 8 the case in most real-world markets.5 Denote by Q*e suppose some the correlation of asset or portfolio of perfectly correlated with 8, so that 8 with -the market portfolio. Now assets exists with a stochastic return if x is the price of this asset, it evolves according to: dx = By the xdt + xdz CAPM, the expected return on this asset must be % is the market price of risk. tage rate of change of 8, We will assume that is less than p. that if this were not the case, no firm in , = r +, where the expected percen- (It will become clear later the industry would ever install - 5 any capacity. No matter what the current level of , firms would always be better off waiting and simply holding the option to install capacity in the future.) = The Denote the difference between firm's to .- initially and over time, its optimal investment spending on new production capacity. I with no is - determine, firm starts problem and c by 8, i.e. assume that the capacity, so that at t = 0 it decides how much initial capacity to put in place. Later it may or may not add more capacity, depending on how demand evolves. For simplicity I assume and capital in place important one -- does not is capital in place can small because it. that new capacity can be installed instantly, that depreciate.' by one no alternative Thus a factory built to assumption -- investment is irreversible. be sold it has Another firm to and an That is, although another, its scrap value is use than that originally intended for produce widgets can only be used to produce widgets, so if the demand for widgets falls, its market value will fall. The fact that investment opportunity cost associated with forecloses the irreversible adding capacity implies that there is an -- adding capacity today possibility of adding it instead at some point in the future (or never at all). install is capacity Put another at various way, the firm points in the currently has options to future (options that can be exercised at the cost of purchasing the capital), and by installing capacity now, it closes those options. The optimal rule is to invest until the value of a marginal unit of capital is equal to its total cost -- the purchase and installation cost, plus the value of the option on the unit.7 A few more details are needed to finish specifying the model: unit of capital can be bought at a fixed price k per unit; (ii) (i) each each unit - 6 of capital in place provides the capacity to produce one unit of output per time period; (1/2)czQ2 . and (iii) In general c 0), and if a K*(e) = (8 - c 8(K) > (2Y+c has and/or of comparison, For purposes = firm 2 an operating cost C(Q) = cQ + can be zero, but if Y = 0 (so the firm we require C 2 > 0 to bound the firm's size. is a price-taker), ( the 0, note that if future initial capital stock would be the firm's optimal - rk)/(2Y+c 2 )K + c, + rk. 2 ), i.e. the We uncertainty over future demand, firm should will demand were certain see only if with moderate amounts of that the optimal add capacity is considerably capital stock smaller than this. The Value of a Marginal Unit of Capacity. To solve the firm's investment problem we first determine the value of an incremental unit of capacity. capacity K, we want to find That is, given V(K). K.) the present value of profits from the marginal unit. Because is just firm already has the value to the firm of an incremental unit, which we denote by This that the (Note that V(K) is a function of the expected the unit as well as flow of incremental does not have to be utilized, future incremental profits are a nonlinear function of 8, which is stochastic. In particular, given a current capacity K, the incremental profit at any future time t resulting from a marginal unit of capacity is: 7t (K) = max [0, (t - (2Y+c 2 )K - c)] (3) Thus AV(K) can be written as: AV(K) = Sfr (K;8)f(8,t)dee- tdt oo where f(8,t) is the density function for discount rate, and (4) t tt(K;O) at time t, p is the risk-adjusted is given by eqn. (3). It is difficult, however, to evaluate (4) directly. Instead we obtain In addition, the rate p might not be known. V(K) by solving What is the value of a factory that with operating cost?@ produces I unit of output per period, cost (2Y+c 2)K + c, where the output is sold in a perfectly competitive market at a price (temporarily the following equivalent problem: and t, and where costlessly) if the the factory price can be shut down 8t falls below the operating It is shown in the Appendix that the solution to this problem is: b.Ht; e < (2Y+c2)K + AV(K) = { (5) b u2 A where: P2c /8 - + + (r-- 2/ 2) ( 2CT2 1 - 1(r02 1 r(p, - P2) b = 2 r&(P [-r) - P2) r& - = well as Y = 0 and C2 0 to .4.10 so bVo(K) = 1.9 2 /2) 2 - (2Y+c 2 )K + c] other aspects .05, k = 10, c 2 ] 1 + 2r2 /2 > 1 1 + 2ra 2 1- < 0 (2Y+c 2)K + c1 1I-Pi A numerical example is useful AV(K), as > (2Y+c)K + c1 + c/r [(r-6-o 2 /2) (r-& :r -r - -_21r8)_ b (2Y+c2)K >0 > 0 P2 to illustrate of the model. the characteristics of For this purpose I choose = 0, and either Y = .5 and c2 = 0, or equivalently I vary 8 or K, and consider values of in the range of For purposes of comparison, let AVo(K) denote AV(K) = 8/8 - £(2Y+c 2)K + c]/r for For our numerical example, Figure .4. Observe shows that = 0, > (2Y+c 2 )K + cl , and 0 otherwise. Vo(K) = 20(8-K) for 8 K, and 0 otherwise. V(K) as a function of 8 for K = V(K) for 1 and a = 0, .2, and looks like the value of a call option -- indeed it is the sum of an infinite number of European call options (see Footnote 8). - 8 As with a call option, AV(K) AV(K) > Vo(K) because the firm AV(K) Vo (K); very for is increasing need not large with utilize its relative o, and for capacity. > 0, As e8 m, K, this unit of capacity to will almost surely be continuously utilized over a long period of time. Figure 2 shows V(K) as a function of K for 8 = 2, and = 0, .1, .2, Because demand evolves stochastically, a marginal unit of capacity and .4. has some positive value no matter how large is the existing capital stock; there is always some chance that it will be utilized over any finite period The greater is , the more of time. the smaller V(K) likely it is that is K, the more V(K) - utilized, and so the smaller is with c slowly declines with the marginal Vo(K). When K = , K. Also, unit will be V(O) = Vo(K); = 0, the first marginal unit will always be utilized. The fact that is larger V(K) when > 0 might suggest that the firm should hold a larger amount of capacity, but just the opposite is true. shown below, As the firm's opportunity cost of exercising its option to invest in the marginal unit also becomes larger, and by an even greater amount. The Decision to Invest in the Marginal Unit. Having valued the marginal unit of option to capacity, we the firm's invest in this unit, and the optimal decision rule for exercising the option. This is analogous to price k, on a current price stock that V(K). a perpetual call option with exercise pays a proportional dividend at rate In the Appendix it is shown that its value, aAe5 and has a F(K), is: 8 < 8*(K) tF(K) = (6) AV(K) where: now value - k a = 2b2(*)(P2-P) ; + 8 > 0'(K) 1(e*)(1-P1 >0 - 9 p1, p2 , and b value of are given under eqn. (5) above, and e9*(K) is the critical at or above which it is optimal to purchase the marginal unit of capacity, i.e. the firm should purchase the unit if > 8*(K), This critical value 8*(K) is in turn the solution to : 212 b2(a1-E2)(o*)2+ P Pi Eqn. (7) can calculate (2+C k = 0 )K + c1 r be solved numerically for 8*, and eqn. (7) (6) can then be used to F(K). Recall our assumption that 6 > 0. 8*(K) 2 6p1 . > 0, the Unless capacity always capacity.' exceeds Thus the if firms The reader can verify that as &6 opportunity cost benefit, and of investing the firm will in a unit of never install in an industry are investing optimally and some positive amount of investment is taking place, we should observe As with a call option on critical value i.e. the firm and .4, 8* is ing the as 1 and = should increase increases. 0, .2, option to invest , so a higher cf stock, both Figure and .4. capacity only 2.45 and 3.44 respectively. firm's increases with a dividend-paying ef(K) increase for K = function of 0, if When F(K) and the 3 shows a higher 8 For = 1.5, = .2 cost of exercis- in additional capacity is implies F(K) as a = 0, exceeds 1.5. The opportunity > 0. critical F(K), which value 8*(K). Also, ' it is easily shown that 8'(K) is monotonically increasing in K. The Firm's Optimal Capacity. The function are such that rises to . > 8*(K) is the firm's optimal investment rule; if and K (K), the firm should add capacity, increasing K until Equivalently we can substitute for b2 (K) and rewrite eqn. (7) in terms of K*(8), the firm's optimal capacity: - E:L,r-8)p9[(2Y+c 2 )K* + c rsp 1 l-p2 _ [2X+c 2 )K* + cl = 0, .2 and .4. value for -- see Footnote smaller when future demand is uncertain. three times as large as when way Another to see (For many 10.) For Le + r Figure 4 shows K*(8) for a conservative - 10 how invest in a marginal unit, with are equal. (7') industries .2 is Observe that K = .4, 8 must be uncertainty is much more than over future demand affects the value of AF(K), the the option to V(K) - k, the net (of purchase cost) value The optimal capacity K*(8) is the maximum two quantities k = 0 = 0 before any capacity is installed. firm's optimal capacity is by comparing of the unit. - which these K for eqn. (6) that for 8 > 8', or equiva- Note from lently, K < K*, exercising the option to invest maximizes its value, so that F(K) = V(K) - k, but F( for K > K, V(K) - k, and the option to > invest is worth more "alive" than "dead." F(K) and This is shown in Figure 5, which plots of K, for 8 = 2 and is uncertain. the option = .2. Recall that As the figure shows, V(K) is larger when future demand if the opportunity cost when 2.3 units, as opposed to = O. But at these capacity levels the opportunity cost of investing in a marginal unit exceeds the value of of exercising to invest were ignored (i.e. the firm added capacity until bV(K) - k was zero), the firm's capacity would be about 1.5 units V(K) - k as functions the firm is not maximized. the largest K for which F(K) = net value of the unit, The optimal capacity is only K so the = .67, V(K) - k, and the solution to eqn. (7). 3. The Value of The Firm. As noted above, K*(8) is the capacity level which maximizes the firm's - 11 market value, net of cash outlays for the purchase of capital. seen algebraically and from Figure 5 by noting has two components, the value of firm's options to install more that the This can be value of the firm installed capacity, and the value-of the capacity in the future. The firm's net value as a function of its capacity K is thus given by: K Net Value = SbV(v)dv + o Differentiating with such that V(K*) - F(v)dv - kK K shows that this is maximized when K = K* respect to F(K*) - k = 0. The value of the firm's installed integral in from K 0 eqn. (8). to K*, options to capacity, V(K*), is just the first In Figure 5 it is the area under the curve plus the expand is under the curve (8) K purchase cost the second F(K) from K = K kK*. The integral, which to . As the value of in Figure V(K) - k the firm's 5 is the area figure suggests, the value of the firm's growth options is a large portion of its total value. The sensitivity of firm value and its components to uncertainty over future demand can be seen from Table 1, total value for different firm is only the 0, the firm is value of worth more values of for the larger is the fraction When the the . of capacity. installed firm's options to expand. of firm F(K), and When a = 0, the value of the more volatile unit K*, V(K*), Whatever the value of is demand. capacity, A larger a and a much Also, the larger is a, the value attributable to its growth options. = .2 or more, more than half of the firm's value is F(K*), the value of its growth options. of total and its installed implies a larger value for each larger value which shows value when Even when is 1 or less. = .1, F(K*) accounts for more than half (When demand is currently small, it is - 12 - the possibility of greater demand in the future that gives the firm its value.) for which K* is And there is always a range of much of zero, so that all of the firm's value is due to its growth options. As men tioned earlier, industries. A a = .2 or testable implicat ion more should be of capital in not be much more than one half. place should value I demand have not (valuing capital in place tions reported by capitalizing a is itself Kester estimated the val u,e of f1ow of tried to (1984) is only However, calcula- wit h both of them. in 5 15 firms majority of He industries by from this capita 1, anticipated earni ngs about 1/5 is the volatility task). consistent it is half or les S of market value in the this fraction value of test either of these implications place for capital in the A second implica- the greater a difficult are to attributable tion is that this fraction should be small er of market for many of the model is that for firms in such industries, the fraction mar ket typical cases. and found Furthermore, to 1/3 in industries where demand is more volatile (electronics, computers), but more than 1/12 in industries with less volatile demand (tires and rubber, food processing). 4. The Dynamics of Capacity, Capacity Utilization, and Firm Value. If the firm begins installs a starting capacity with no K*(8). capacity, If 8 then it initially observes 8 and increases, it capacity accordingly, and the value of the firm will rise. growth options will also rise, but will become value (see Table 1). However if value will The value of its fraction of total 8 decreases, it will find itself holding more capacity than it would have chosen had The firm's a smaller will expand the decrease been anticipated. fall, and depending on how much 8 decreases, some of - 13 - its capacity may become unutilized. Because capital does not depreciate in this model, is non-decreasing, but will rise only the firm's capacity periodically. The capacity are characterized in Figure 6, which shows a sample and the corresponding behavior of K(t). movements in K(t) is exaggerated.) K*( 8 o) K. The path for (t), (The duration of continuous upward firm begins at to by installing Then 8 increases until it reaches a (temporary) maximum 8 t,, and K is increased accordingly to K. when 8 again reaches 81. when dynamics of Here it remains fixed at until t, Afterwards K is increased as 8 increases, until t3 begins to decline from a new maximum, and K remains fixed at K. Thus an implication of the model spurts, when levels.1 2 demand is rising, and Firms usually is that only when increase capacity investment occurs only in it is rising above historic only periodically, often attributed to the "lumpiness" of investment. and this is But lumpiness is clearly not required for this behavior. Let us now examine the periods of expansion, all firm's capacity capacity will utilization. be utilized. Clearly during When demand falls, however, some capacity may go unutilized, but only if it falls far enough. If the firm had unlimited capacity it would maximize current profits by setting output at Q* = (8-cj)/(2Y+c 2 ). However K*(8) (8-c)/(2Y+c2), and as shown in Section 2, can be much less even for moderate values of for 8 in the range (K) (2X+c2)K + c fixed but will be fully utilized. 8(K). Thus 8 < 8'(K), capacity will remain Capacity will go unutilized only when 8 ( In Figure 6 this occurs during the intervals (t., The irreversibility . of investment tb) and (to, t). induces firms to hold less capacity as a buffer against unanticipated drops in demand. As a result there will - 14 be periods of low demands when capacity is fully utilized. A large drop in demand is required for capacity utilization to fall below 100%. The value of the firm will move in the same direction as . Most of the time the firm's capacity K will be above K*(8) -- in Figure 6 exceptions and (t2 , are during the intervals (to, t) t3 ) -- but given 8 and K, the firm's value can always be computed from: K lV(v;O)dv + Value = o (9) of the firm's value due to its growth options will also fluctuate The share For example as Table with 8. F(v;9)dv K growing (so that K 1 = K*(8)), falling and K > K(8). during shows, this share periods when capacity is It also falls when falls. is Thus as firms in this model evolve over time, growth options tend to account for a smaller share of value. 5. The Measurement of Long-Run Marginal Cost. The measurement of long-run marginal cost and its relationship to price can be important for tions in industry analyses particular. As shown in general, below, and antitrust applica- when investment is irreversible, traditional measures will understate marginal cost and overstate by which it differs from price, even in a competitive market. the amount This problem is particularly severe when product markets are volatile. Suppose = 0. ,V(K) Note that V(K), 8/ Then F(K) = 0, and the firm sets K (and 0) so that: - [(2+c 2 )K + cI/r = k the value of a marginal (capitalized) marginal operating cost. 8/8 - 2K/r = (c unit (10) of capacity, is net of Let us rewrite (10) as follows: + c2 K)/r + k (10') - 15 The left-hand side of ized at a rate (10') is capitalized marginal revenue ( because The rght-hand between capital- 8 = r - ). full marginal cost, the capitalized operating cost, a plus the purchase cost of relation = 0, t is growing at rate c; with side is is marginal unit of revenue capital. and Eqn. marginal is (10') the usual cost when the former is increasing at a deterministic rate. Now suppose condition > 0, and K = K*(e). V(K) = k + - 2YK/r 8/ Observe that two /8 - adjustments the firm's (2Y+c2)K + c/r = k + - b29z2 + (C2 K + c)/r + k + marginal cost, the RHS of value of from eqn. (5), the optimality F(K) can be written as: dV(K) = b2 8p2 + or: Then must (11'). be F(K) (11) F(K) (11') made to obtain full (capitalized) The first term on the RHS of (11') is the option to let the marginal unit of capacity go unutil- ized, and must be subtracted from capitilized operating cost. The last term is the opportunity cost of exercising the option to invest. As we have seen in Section 2, the last term dominates the first, so must be smaller to satisfy (1'), and that K marginal cost as conventionally measured will under- state true marginal cost. If the firm is a price-taker, Y = 0 and P = 8. Price marginal cost, if the latter is defined correctly as in (11'). ly the first and last terms on the particularly with aggregate data. RHS of (11') are will equal Unfortunate- difficult to measure, But if one wishes to compare price with marginal cost, ignoring them can be misleading.'s 6. Marginal q and Investment. The q theory of investment says that firms have an incentive to invest - 16 whenever marginal -- q the increase in market of that marginal unit of capital divided by the cost But models unit -- exceeds one. based on this theory have not been very successful in explaining investment." that value resulting from a in There may be sever al reasons for this, but one possibility is such models the cost of a marginal unit of capital typically As we have seen, this can includes only the purchase and installation cost. grossly understate the true cost of the unit. In empirical (e.g. Abel applications and Blanchard), the change in market value from a marginal unit of capital is measured expected profit clearly q > 1 V(K)/k. does capital increases this ignores But impl y not measure for q is found by the opportunity that K should be increased. noting that the value of the the addition firm's capital decreases the value of the firm's growth options in market value is thus q Setting q by of a cost F(K); The correct marginal unit of in place by F(K). V(K), but The net change F(K), so the correct measure for q is: F(K)]/k (11) = 1 yields the optimal K*. It is easy to see why marginal q as it is usually measured may fail to explain investment. increase V(K) - = [8V(K) - NPV of the the unit, i.e. the present value of the unit. In flow from our notation, q = as the V(K), but amount. And if so that the desired Note that an it will also increases, both increase in increase F(K) and capital stock falls. demand (i.e. in 8) will F(K), although by a smaller V(K) rise, but V(K) by less, But the market value of the firm increases, so that even if market value data is used to measure q, we will see an increase in q but a decrease in investment. As mentioned earlier, _11^__1_ F(K) is unfortunately difficult to measure. But - 17 in some cases it may be possible to construct a proxy for sample variance of demand fluctuations. F(K) based on the The use of such a proxy might improve the explanatory power of q theory models. 7. Conclusions. The model such as tures. presented here adjustment costs, It can numerical methods easily simple one is a that ignores complications delivery lags, and lumpiness of capital expendito extended be account for For Of course once may then be required to obtain solutions. numerical methods are used, other aspects of the model can ized. can be example, demand a nonlinear factors, but these also be general9, or function of could follow some alternative sto chastic process, perhaps including jumps. By treating capital in place as homogeneous, we have been able to focus on the marginal investment decision, and clarify the ways in which irreveruncertainty over sibility of investment and future demand Besides yielding a relative- value and cost of a marginal unit of capacity. choice, the ly simple solution to the problem of capacity straightforward components. for calculating provides insight method It also affect both the the firm's into the model provides a market value and its measurement of long-run marginal cost, and Tobin's q. In many markets output prices fluctuate with annual standard deviations in excess of 20 percent. should hold much less Our show results capacity than would be reversible or future demand were known market value of these firms is that due to in such markets, firms the case if investment were with certainty. Also, much of the the possibility (as opposed to the expectation) of stronger demands in the future. This value may result from - 18 patents and technical knowledge, but it also arises from the managerial expertise and infrastructure, and market position that gives these firms (as opposed to potential entrants) the option to economically expand capacity. One might ask whether firms correctly compute and take into account the opportunity cost of Ignoring such investing when making capacity costs would lead to overinvestment. (1986) have found that for manufacturing firms, expansion decisions. McConnell and Muscarella market value tends to increase (decrease) when managers announce an increase (decrease) in planned investment expenditures, which is inconsistent with a systematic tendency to overinvest. 1 5 But there is anecdotal evidence that managers often base investment decisions on present values computed with discount rates that far exceed those that would be implied by the CAPM -- diversifiable and non- diversifiable risk are sometimes confused, and an arbitrary "risk factor" is often added to the discount rate. It may be, then, that managers use the wrong method to get close to the right answer. - 19 - APPENDIX Here we derive eqn. (5) for V(K;8) and eqns. (6) and optimal investment rule and value of the investment option The value of a marginal unit of capacity, an equivalent "incremental project" that (7) for the F(K;8). - V(K;8), is found by valuing produces I unit of output per period at cost (2Y+c 2 ) + c, which is sold at price 8(t), and where the firm can (temporarily and costlessly) shut down value this, if price falls below create a portfolio that is long the project and short of the output, or equivalently the correlated with . asset or portfolio of 88ObV per assets perfectly unit of rational investor would hold the corresponding long position). this portfolio is i = AV - AVe, d(AV) - Vsd8 - &88V The last term in (.1) 8 + j[8 - (2Y+c 2 )K - c] is the cash flow from for d Lemma, d(lV) = = rV - rVoe 292 8 Ve8 + (r-s8)ev the "incremental time (or no The value of - (2Y+c project;" j (2Y+c 2 )K + c, and O otherwise. is riskless. Substitute eq. (2) Setting that return yields the following equation for + j - (A.1) ede + (1/2)tVee(d9) 2. and observe that the return (A.1) equal to r = and its instantaneous return is: is a switching variable: j = 1 if 8(t) Ito's To VO units Because the expected rate of growth of 8 is only 8, the short position requires a payment of By cost. 2 )K - c V: - rV = (A.2) The solution must satisfy the following boundary conditions: AV(8=0) = 0 lim V =a8/8 - (2Y +cz) + c/r Or lim AVe = 1/6 and V and ave continuous at the switch point 8 = (2Y+c 2 )K + c. The reader can verify that (5) is the solution to (A.2) and its boundary conditions. - Eqn. (A.2) can also be obtained by dynamic programming. optimal operating policy ( above portfolio. rE = - 20 = 0 or 1) that maximizes the value max {jfe - (21+c i.e. the competitive 2 ) - c return r BVe - has two + --E d} dt t (A.3) components, the cash flow given by the first two terms in the maximand, and the expected rate of capital gain. = dV - EVode and substituting into (A.3) gives (A.2). Finally, note that V must be the solution to (A.2) and the boundary conditions even if the unit of capacity (the "incremental project") exist, and could not be included in a hedge portfolio. is an asset or dynamics of portfolio 8. As of assets Merton (1977) function with a portfolio consisting bonds, and of the The Bellman equation is: J-(0,1) Expanding d Consider the (x) that has shown, only of All that is required replicates one can the did not the stochastic replicate the value asset x and risk-free since the value of this portfolio will have the same dynamics as AV, the solution to (A.2), Eqn. (6) for V must be the value function to avoid dominance. F(K;O) can be derived in the arguments as above, it is easily shown that '2AFee + (r-S)eAF same way. Using the same F must satisfy the equation: - rF = 0 (A.4) with boundary conditions: AF(8=0) = 0 6F(e=e*) AFe(8=e*) where 8* = exercising. = V(e=8*) - k = Ave(=e*) *(K) is the exercise point, and V(8*) - k is the net gain from The reader can verify that eqns. (6) and to (A.4) and the associated boundary conditions. ___^_____ (7) are the solution - c (cL= ___^__11__1_1__1_·_I___----.-. = 21 - TABLE 1: VALUE OF FIRM O, Y = .5, r = = .05, 0* e K* V(K*) 0 .5 1 2 3 4 0 0.5 1.5 3.5 3.5 .1 .5 1 2 3 4 .2 .4 k = 10) F(K) VALUE 0 7.5 37.5 87.5 157.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 7.5 37.5 87.5 157.5 0 0.23 1.00 1.82 2.65 0 4.3 33.1 80.4 147.3 0.4 3.4 9.1 20.3 35.5 0.4 7.7 42.2 100.7 182.8 .5 1 2 3 4 0 0.04 0.67 1.37 2.09 0 0.8 24.0 67.1 134.1 3.1 13.5 49.2 94.6 143.7 3.1 14.3 73.2 161.7 277.8 .5 1 2 3 4 0 0 0.-15 0.64 1.22 0 0 5.9 36.2 91.3 25.8 69.7 182.6 307.2 427.5 25.8 69.7 188.7 343.4 518.8 - 22 - FOOTNOTES 1. Other examples of this literature include the papers by Bernanke (1983), Cukierman (1980), Baldwin (1982), and Paddock, Siegel, and Smith (1984). In the papers by Bernanke and Cukierman, uncertainty over future market conditions is reduced as time passes, so firms have an incentive to delay investing when markets are volatile (e.g. during recessions). In the other papers cited above and in the model I present here, future market conditions are always uncertain. But because access to the investment opportunity is analogous to holding a call option on a dividend-paying stock, for any positive amount of risk, an expenditure should be made only when the value of the resulting project exceeds its cost by a positive amount, and increased uncertainty will increase the incentive to delay the investment expenditure. Thus the results are similar to those in Bernanke and Cukierman, but for different reasons. 2. In Abel (1983) and Hartman (1972) uncertainty over future prices leads to an increase in the firm's optimal capital stock when the production function is linear homogeneous and there are convex adjustment costs. The reason is that the marginal revenue product of capital is a convex function of price, so that as in our model, a marginal unit of capital is worth more when price is stochastic. However in Abel and Hartman, investment is reversible, so that no options are closed when the firm invests, and the opportunity cost of investing is zero. 3. A complete model of industry evolution would also describe the competitive processes through which firms obtain these options. Such a model is beyond the scope of this paper. 4. Analytic solutions for this model can be obtained for any demand function linear in 8, i.e. P = 8(t) + f(Q). I use (1) for simplicity. 5. It is straightforward to also allow for uncertainty over future operating cost. The qualitative results would be the same. 6. Relaxing these assumptions makes no qualitative difference in the results. In fact, allowing for lead times in the construction and installation of new capacity will magnify the effects of uncertainty. For a related model that looks specifically at the effects of lead times, see Maid and Pindyck (1985). 7. Still another way to see this is to note that the NPV of investing in a marginal unit of capital might be positive because of possible future states of nature that are profitable. But that NPV might be made even larger by investing at a later date (and discounting the cost). 8. The valuation of a factory that can be temporarily shut down has been studied by Brennan and Schwartz (1985) and McDonald and Siegel (1985). Observe from eqn. (3) that the present value of an incremental profit at future time t is the value of a European call option, with expiration date t and exercise price (2Y+c 2 )K + c, on a stock whose price is _ ____ ____I_·_ ____________ - 23 8, paying a proportional dividend . This point was made by McDonald and Siegel (1985). Thus V(K), the value of our "equivalent factory," can be found by summing the values of these call options for every future t. However this does not readily yield a closed form solution, and I use an approach similar to that of Brennan and Schwartz (1985). I 9. With r and equal, (c = 0 if stochastic changes in 8 are completely diversifiable (i.e. Qe = 0 so p = r), but :>0 otherwise. Also, as can be seen from eqn. (5), (Y=0, c2 =1) and (=.5, c2 =0) give the same marginal value of capital, and the same optimal behavior of the firm. In the first case the firm is a price-taker but earns inframarginal rent, and in the second case it has monopoly power. 10. The standard deviations of annual changes in the prices of such commodities as oil, natural gas, copper, and aluminum are in the range of 20 to 50 percent. For manufactured goods these numbers are somewhat lower, but often 20 percent or higher. Thus a value of of .2 could be considered "typical" for simulation purposes. 11. If = 0, AV(K) has an expected rate of growth equal to the riskadjusted market rate. Since the firm's option to invest is perpetual, there would be no gain from installing capacity now rather than later. 12. If we allow for depreciation, investment will occur more frequently and even when demand is somewhat below historic highs, but it will still occur in spurts. 13. Hall (1986) reports that price significantly exceeds marginal cost for most two-digit industries, and finds no explanation for this disparity consistent with competition. Hall's test of marginal cost pricing is based on the relation between the marginal product of labor and the product wage. If firms set marginal operating cost equal to a (constant) proportion of price, his technique will apply, whatever the capital stock. But as shown in Section 4, there can be a wide range of prices for which the firm is capacity constrained, and the ratio of marginal operating cost to price will vary with price. 14. For example, the model developed by Abel and Blanchard (1986) is one of the most sophisticated attempts to explain investment in a q theory framework; it uses a carefully constructed measure for marginal rather than average q, incorporates delivery lags and costs of adjustment, and explicitly measures expectations of future values of explanatory variables. But Abel and Blanchard conclude that "our data are not sympathetic to the basic restrictions imposed by the q theory, even extended to allow for simple delivery lags." Also, see Summers (1981). 15. But they find the opposite true for firms in the oil industry, where there may be a tendency to overinvest in exploration and development. _L__ REFERENCES Abel, Andrew B., "Optimal Investment under Uncertainty," American Economic Review, March 1983, 83, 228-33. Abel, Andrew B., and Olivier J. Blanchard, "The Present Value of Profits and Cyclical Movements in Investment," Econometrica, March 1986. Baldwin, Carliss Y., "Optimal Sequential Investment when Capital Readily Reversible," Journal of Finance, 1982, 37, 763-82. is Not Bernanke, Ben S., "Irreversibility, Uncertainty, and Cyclical Investment," Quarterly Journal of Economics, February 1983, 98, 85-106. Brennan, Michael J., and Eduardo S. Schwartz, "Evaluating Natural Resource. Investments," Journal of Business, January 1985, 58, 135-157. Cukierman, Alex, "The Effects of Uncertainty on Investment under Risk Neutrality with Endogenous Information," Journal of Political Economy, June 1980, 88, 462-475. Hall, Robert E., "The Relation Between Price and Marginal Cost in U.S. Industry," NBER Working Paper No. 1785, January 1986. Hartman, Richard, "The Effects of Price and Cost Uncertainty on Investment," Journal of Economic Theory, October 1972, 5, 258-66. Kester, W. Carl, "Today's Options for Tomorrow's Growth," Harvard Business Review, March/April 1984, 153-160. Maid, Saman, and Robert S. Pindyck, "Time to Build, Option Value, and Investment Decisions," NBER Working Paper No. 1654, June 1985. McConnell, John J., and Chris J. Muscarella, "Corporate Capital Expenditure Decisions and the Market Value of the Firm," Journal of Financial Economics, forthcoming, 1986. McDonald, Robert, and Daniel R. Siegel, "Investment and the Valuation of Firms When There is an Option to Shut Down," International Economic Review, October 1985. McDonald, Robert, and Daniel R. Siegel, "The Value of Waiting to Invest," Quarterly Journal of Economics, forthcoming, 1986. Merton, Robert C., "On the Pricing of Contingent Claims and the Modigliani Miller Theorem," Journal of Financial Economics, 1977, 5, 241-49. Paddock, James L., Daniel R. Siegel, and James L. Smith, "Option Valuation of Claims on Physical Assets: The Case of Offshore Petroleum Leases," MIT Energy Laboratory Working Paper, November 1984, to appear in the Quarterly Journal of Economics. Summers, Lawrence H., "Taxation and Corporate Investment: A q-Theory Approach," Brookinqs Papers on Economic Activity, 1981-1, 67-127. FIG URE 1: VAUE F MRGINAL UNIT OF CAPACITY (K = 1) 50 45 40 z 35 -j 30 z I' 25 2 LI 20 w -- 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 3 2.5 THETA FIGURE 2: MARGINiAL VVALUE OF INSTALLED CAPACITY ( = 2) 40 35 - 30 z 25 - 20 C. 0 -J 15 10 5 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 K 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 FIGURE a3: VALUE OF OPTION TO INVEST IN MARGINAL UNIT OF CAFPCITY , F(K) = V(K) - k) (K = 1; + INDICATES *(K=I); FOR 8 > ._ I- 60 50 IJ Z 40 z0 30 p2 O 0 I. O 20 O > 10 0 0 2 1.5 1 0.5 3.5 3 2.5 4 THETA 4: FIGURE -- CAPACITY K*(t) OPTIMAL -- 4 3.5 3 2.5 I 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 .* 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 THETA ·-- "-- II"-"-`-------- 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5: FIGURE OPTIMAL CAPACITY, NET VALUE OF MARGINAL UNIT OF INSTALLED -'-CAPACITY, AND VALUE OF OPTION TO INVEST IN MARGINAL UNIT (8 = 2) 30 z 0 25 . 0 z 20 -C -J I',. U 15 L. 0 ,( 10 5 I -. -5 0.5 K 0 1.5 1 3 2.5 2 4 3.5 K FI GURE 6: BEHAVIOR OF CAPACITY AND CAPACITY UTILIZATION A I I I I1 't o0 ,xll------.----1I.--------------- L tl II~~~ I ] I '. t. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ II t I ~I t3 _ tc _