CVD Graphene coating on metals for corrosion resistance: Optimizing carbon precursor flow rate for durable barrier properties c) Cu disc/Gr 1.6 sccm Cu disc/Gr 0.4 sccm d) Intensity Ø Exceptionally inert and impermeable nature of Graphene: Ideal coating for corrosion resistance. b) a) IG/I2D=2.3 7-8 layers IG/I2D=1.4 3-4 layers IG/I2D=1.4 3-4 layers 0 e) Cu disc/Gr 1.6 sccm Cu disc/Gr 0.8 sccm Cu disc/Gr 0.4 sccm Annealed Cu disc f) Bare Cu disc LeadScien*st Prof.RamanSingh DepartmentofMechanical& AerospaceEngineering DepartmentofChemicalEngineering MonashUniversity +61399053671 Cu disc/gr 0.4 sccm Annealed copper disc 0.2 10000 0 1000 -0.1 -0.2 100 -0.3 10 0.01 -0.4 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 -0.5 Frequency (Hz) Applica*ons Potential of Exceptionally Durable Corrosion Protection: Graphene Coating -8.5 3000 (a)-(c): SEM images of graphene-coated on Cu with different flow rates of n-hexane : (a) 0.4, (b) 0.8, (c) 1.6 sccm (d) Raman spectra confirming graphene coating at different flow rates. 0.1 ResearchExper*se KeyContact Cu disc/Gr 0.8 sccm 0.3 Prof.RamanSingh § CorrosionandAdvanced Environment-friendly Coa*ngs § Advanced Electrochemical Characteriza*onof Corrosion § SurfaceCharacteriza*on § CVDGrapheneCoa*ng onMetals § ElectronMicroscopy Cu disc/Gr1.6 sccm Poten1al(V)vsSCE Ø We can optimize the key factors governing quality of graphene developed by chemical vapour deposition (CVD): carbon precursor flow rate, growth temperature, hydrogen flow rate. 1000 2000 Raman Shift (cm-1) Bare Copper disc 100000 |Z| (Ω cm2) Ø Challenge: To develop pristine coating of graphene on metals that provides full coverage and is defects-free. Cu disc/Gr .8 sccm Annealed Cu disc -7.5 -6.5 logi(A/cm2) -5.5 -4.5 -3.5 -2.5 (e) EIS Bode plots and (f) potentiodynamic polarization plots comparing corrosion resistance of bare and annealed Cu with graphene coating developed on Cu at different flow rates of n-hexane. ResearchFacili*es Graphenesynthesisset-up- tubularCVDreactor. RenishawinViaRaman microscopy ScanningElectronMicroscopy XRD-Rigakuminiflex600 Electrochemicalcorrosiontes*ng