Document 11143177

Graphene hydrogel filter for water disinfec/on Graphene Based Hydrogel is synthesised and explored as a novel bactericidal filter for rapid, effec/ve, and potable Hydrothermal
point-­‐of-­‐use water disinfec/on process. This graphene hydrogel filter could p r o v i d e s a f e d r i n k i n g w a t e r i n emergencies, especially in the aCermath of natural disasters when energy shortages and disinfec/on infrastructure deficiencies are cri/cal. Assembly
Graphene oxide Silver/reduced graphene & Silver ion oxide hydrogel Technology Applica/ons §  Well dispersed Ag nanopar/cles on porous reduced graphene oxide(Ag/rGO) hydrogel can be obtained through hydrothermal reac/on. §  When driven by gravity, Ag/
rGO hydrogel showing good feasibility for prac/cal water disinfec/on, killing more than 94% E. coli cells and around 99% of coliforms in real lake and creek water. Advantages §  Green synthesis: facile hydrothermal reac/on; no toxic chemicals is used. §  Rapid process: the hydraulic reten/on /me is ~ 60s . §  Safe device: the leaching of silver is only 7.33±2.08 µg L−1, significantly lower than the US EPA drinking water standard (100 µg L−1). Portable Water PurificaPon Device for Emergency Water Supply aCer natural disasters such as earthquake, flood, and volcano erup/on. Ag/rGO hydrogel Gravity Driven Live E. coli cells Opportunity for Collabora/on §  R & D Project collabora/on §  Industry partners are sought for further development of this technology to commercial portable water purifica/on devices for emergency water supply . InacPvated E. coli cells Table 1. E. coli and coliforms in lake and creek water before and a`er treated by Ag/rGO hydrogels Lake water
E. Coli * 36.4±15.4
Coliforms* Creek water
5308.9±1437.6 15.1±6.5 3295.6±387.6 44.6±23.8
IP & Key Publica/ons X. Zeng, D. T. McCarthy, A. Dele/c, X. Zhang*, Silver/Reduced Graphene Oxide Hydrogel as Novel Bactericidal Filter for Point-­‐of-­‐Use Water Disinfec/on, Advanced Func+onal Materials, 2015, 25(27):4344-­‐51. Key Contact A/Prof Xiwang Zhang Department of Chemical Engineering Monash University Tel: +61 3 9905 1867 Email: 