Please note that this syllabus should be regarded as only a general guide to the course. The instructor may have changed specific course content and requirements subsequent to posting this syllabus. Last Modified: 09:35:36 03/25/2009 HP 031: Self and Other in The Western Tradition. Professor Anne A. Davenport (W) 617-495-7175 (H) 978-371-1085 Fall Semester: From Renaissance Humanism to the Enlightenment 1. Sept. 3: “Know Thyself”. Diachronic self. Rites of Passage. 2. Sept. 8: Shakespeare (1564–1616), King Lear, I–III. 3. Sept. 10: Shakespeare, King Lear, IV–V. 4. Sept. 15: Machiavelli (1469–1527), The Prince (Painter: Titian) 5. Sept. 17: Thomas More (1478–1535), Utopia. (Painter: Holbein) 6. Sept. 22: Martin Luther (1483–1546), Christian Liberty 7. Sept. 24: Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592), Essays, Bk. I. 8. Sept. 29: Montaigne, Essays, Bk. II 9. Oct. 1: Montaigne, Essays, Bk. III. 10. Oct. 6 : René Descartes (1596–1650), Discourse on Method. 11. Oct. 8: Descartes, Metaphysical Meditations, I and II. 12. Oct. 15: Descartes, Metaphysical Meditations, III and IV. 13. Oct. 20: Descartes, Metaphysical Meditations, V and VI. 14. Oct. 22: Blaise Pascal (1623–1662), Pensées. PAPER DUE. 15. Oct. 27: Pascal, Pensées. (Painter: Georges de LaTour) 16. Oct. 29: Pascal, Pensées. 17. Nov. 3: Voltaire (1694–1778), Candide. 18. Nov. 5: Denis Diderot (1713–1784), D’Alembert’s Dream 19. Nov. 10: Denis Diderot, D’Alembert’s Dream 20. Nov. 12: Rousseau (1712–1778), Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. 21. Nov. 17: Rousseau, Discourse on the Origin of Inequality. 22. Nov. 21: Kant (1724–1804), Groundwork, Introduction. Roger Scruton, German Philosophers, 7–85. (Composer: Bach) 23. Nov. 24: Kant, Groundwork, sections I and II. 24. Dec. 1: Kant, Groundwork, section III. 25. Dec. 3: Rousseau, Rêveries. PAPER DUE. 26. Dec. 8: Rousseau, Rêveries. (Painter: Watteau) 27. Dec. 10: Rousseau Rêveries. (Composer: Mozart) Course requirements: Two 8–page papers, due October 22 and December 3. The final exam will be a take–home exam. It will be distributed in class Dec. 10 and due in my box Dec. 18 by 11:30 AM. 1