Service/News Starred items (*) available from New Merico Bureau of Mines snd Mineral Resources Newpublications usGs Hyonor-ocrc INVESTTGATToNS ATLAS HA-0648-Bedrock geology, altitude of base, and 1980 saturated thickness of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, by J. B. Weeksand E. D. Gutentag, 1981,2 s h e e t s ,l a t a b o u t 3 2 " t o a b o u t 4 3 " , l o n g 9 6 ' t o 1 0 6 ' , s c a l el : 2 . 5 0 0 . 0 0 0 Gtolocrc QueonnNcr-nMees GQ-1556-Geologic map of the Becker quadrangle, Valencia and Socorro Counties, New Mexico, by D . A . M y e r s , E . J . M c K a y , a n d J . A . S h a r p s ,1 9 8 1 , scale I :24,000, sheet3 I by 32 inches MrscEr-r-aNpous INvESTTcATToNSSERTES I-1310-A-Complete Bouguer gravity anomaly map of the Silver City I ' by 2' quadrangle, New MexicoA r i z o n a , b y J . C . W y n n , 1 9 8 1 , s c a l e 1 : 2 5 0 , 0 0 0( l i n c h : a b o u t 4 m i ) , s h e e t2 4 b y 3 7 i n c h e s evolution in a basin-and-rangegeomorphic setting, to show the landscapepositions in which the soils are most likely to occur, to describe soil development, and to illustrate the United Statessystem of soil taxonomy as it appliesto desert soils of the region. *Circular l?9-Porosity zones of lower part of San Andres Formation, east-central New Mexico, by W i l l i a m D . P i t t a n d G e o r g eL . S c o n , 1 9 8 1 ,2 0 p . , I table,22 figs. (2 oversizesheets) s4.00 This report is concerned with the lithologic vari.ations within the lower part of the San Andres Formation in east-centralNew Mexico and the relationships of these variations to the potential occurrence of oil and gas. The genesis and spatial relationships of dolomite are emphasized because dolomite is the dominant reservoir rock for oil in the lower San Andres. reports 0pen-file NMBMMR USGS 79-0802-Coal resource occurrence and coal development potential maps of the Kirtland SE quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico, by Dames and Moore, 23 p., 8 oversize sheets, scale 1:24.0N 79-0E03-Coal resource occurrence and coal development potential maps of the Hugh Lake quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico, by Dames and Moore, 23 p., l4 oversize sheets, scale l:24,000 79-0E05-Coal resource occurrence and coal development potential maps of the Moncisco Wash quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico, by Dames and Moore, 28 p., 28 oversize sheets, scale, l:24.O00 79-0806-Coal resource occurrence and coal development potential maps of the Carson Trading Post quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico, by D a m e s a n d M o o r e , 2 8 p . , l 7 o v e r s i z es h e e t s ,s c a l e l:24,000 E0-llll-Evaluation of the Malaga Bend salinity souRCE,RocK EVALUATIoN alleviation project, Eddy County, New Mexico, by sruDy, CocKREr-r-ConponanroN No. I Pynauro J. L. Kunkler, 37 p. Ftnpnll well, Hroalco CouNry, New Mpxrco, by 81-0031-Geology of Nash Draw, Eddy County, NMBMMR L . P a u l T y b o r , G e o c h e m L a b o r a t o r i e s ,I n c . , 1 9 8 1 , *Memoir 39-Soil and geomorphology in the Basin New Mexico, by G. O. Bachman, 1981, 12 p., 4 l 1 p . ( i n c l u d i n g2 p . t e x t , 8 t a b l e s ,2 c h a r t s ) $2.20 and Range area of southern New Mexico-Guide*153-Pprnor-EUM souRCE RocKS rN EXpLoRATToN oversizesheets,scale l:24,000 El-O035-Illustrations of plant microfossils from book to the Desert Project, by L. H. Gile, J. W. wELLSDRTLLED to Pelrozorc on MEsozorc uNrrs. the Morrison Formation. I, Plant microfossils from Hawley, and R. B. Grossman, 1981, 212 p., 79 Hllllco llo GnaNr CouNrres, New Mexrco, by the Brushy BasinMember, by R. H. Tschudy,B. D. t a b l e s ,9 8 f i g s . , 2 o v e r s i z es h e e t s . S18.00 Sam Thompson III, 1981, 126 p. (including 96 p. T s c h u d y ,S . V a n L o e n e n ,a n d G . D o h e r , 1 9 8 1 , 4 6p . This book is intended primarily for use in field-study text, 10 tables, 17 figs.) s2'7.'72 E1-fi)74-Methodology for hydrologic evaluation *156_HyoTTOCeNSON tours of the Desert-Soil Ceomorphology Project of SoURCERoCK EVALUATIoN of a potential surface mine-the Tsosie Swale Basin, the U.S. Soil Conservation Service in Dofla Ana sruov, PErnolnos MnxrceNos No. I CHrNos wrll. SanJuan County, New Mexico, by L. M. Shown,D. County, southern New Mexico. Main purposes are CntHueHul, Mrxrco, by Paul J. Cernock and G. Frickel,R. F. Hadley,and R. F. Miller,63 p. to illustrate major soils and landscapesof the project Joseph A. Haykus, GeoChem Laboratories, Inc., E1-0206-Plan of study for the Central Midwest area, to illustrate principles of soil and landscape 1979,24p. (9 p. text, 8 tables,4figs.) $5.28 regional aquifer system analysis in parts of Arkansas, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New USCS Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas, by (year) D . G . J o r g e n s e na n d S . C . S i g n o r , 2 8 p . New TopocnAPHIC MAps *Claunch 8l-0294-Analyses of sieved stream sediments and 75-81 1:24,000 34"'7'30', | 05"52',30', 20fr *Cowboy Mesa the magnetic and nonmagnetic fractions of pan con75-81 "20 34" 105' '74-81 *Duran NE centrates from the San Lorenzo l5-min quadrangle, 1 0 5 ' 1 5' , 34"22',30', "10 *Encinoso '40 s o u t h w e s t e r nN e w M e x i c o , b y J . M . N i s h i , K . C . 74-81 33.37'30' 105"22',30', *Escondido Mountain .40 W a t t s , a n d H . V . A l m i n a s , 1 9 8 1 ,1 2 3p . 75-81 1 0 8 " 2 2 ' , 3 0 ' 34"7',30', *Fullerton 81-0439-Geophysical log suite from drill hole no. 75-81 1 0 8 ' 7' 3 0 ' 33'45', "10 *GachoHill 3, Mariano Lake-Lake Valley drilling project, 75-81 105. "10 34"22',30', *GachoHill SE M c K i n l e y C o u n t y , N e w M e x i c o , 1 9 8 1 ,6 p . , 9 o v e r 75-81 "10 1 0 5" 34"15', '16-81 *Gallo Spring Canyon NE size sheets 105"t5' "10 34"'7'30', * G r a n v i l l eC a n y o n '20 data for borehole ERDA-9, El-0469-Geologic 75-81 105' 33"30', * H a s p e r o sC a m p '20 E d d y C o u n t y , N e w M e x i c o , b y C . L . J o n e s ,4 9 p . , 3 75-81 t05"22',30', 33'52',30', *Horse Mountain East oversizesheets 75-81 108" 33"52',30', 1040 " * J o n e sC a n y o n il)n El-050E-Comparison of the chemical composition 75-81 108'52',30', 34" *Kyle Harrison Canyon of mineralized and unmineralized (barren) samples 76-81 1 0 5 ' 1 '5 "20 33"3'7'30', *Luera Mountains NW of the Morrison Formation in the Ambrosia Lake 75-81 1 0 7" s 2 ' 3 0 ' 33'52',30', "105 *Luera Mountains West , u r a n i u m a r e a , N e w M e x i c o , b y C . S . S p i r a k i s ,C . T . 75-81 33"45 ', l0'7"52',30', 4020 tShaw Mountain P i e r s o n ,a n d H . C . G r a n g e r ,4 4 p . 75-81 108' " 33"45' 40 l0 * S l a u g h t e rM e s a ,4Q E1-0557-Mineral resource potential of the El 75-81 34' 108"22',30', *Wallace Mesa '20 Malpais study area and adjacent areas, Valencia 75-81 108'7'30' 34" County, New Mexico, by P. R. Bigsby and C. H. Maxwell, 27 p., l oversizesheet RnvrsprTopocnepurc Meps E1-0610-Map of core holes and selectedoil and gas (PHoronnvrsroN) +Bronco test wells in the Carlsbad mining district, Eddy and 70 79-81 33"15' 1 0 3" 5 *Cienega Ranch Lea Counties, New Mexico, as of September 1980, 4 65 78-80 107" 33"4s', 20 tContinental Divide oversizesheets,scale I :3 I ,680 62 78-80 35'22',30', 108"15', 20 *Crocker E1-0657-Bouguer gravity map of the San Juan 61 78-80 33"15' 107' 20 l 0 *Fort Craig Basin area, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, by 6l 78-80 107' 33"37',30', 20 l 0 *Garfield V. J. Suits and Lindrith Cordell, I oversize sheet, 6t 78-80 32'45', t0'7"15' l0 tLordsburg scale I :500,000(l inch = aboul 8 mi) 63 78-80 108"37',30', 32'15', l0 +Molino Peak E1-07t3-Coal resources of the Fruitland For65 78-80 107" 33"52'30', 40 +SteelHill mation, Ojo Encino EMRIA study site, McKinley 64 76-81 3 3' 3 0 . 1 0 7 ' l5 ' 40 *Thoreau NE County, New Mexico, by G. B. Schneiderand M. A. 63 78-80 r08. 35"22',30', 20 t 0 Kirschbaum, 26 p. t2 February I 982 New Mexico Geology *152-Hyor.ocangoN ber, Reef limestone, and Suprareef limestone' The Limestone-Shale member is early Albian in age as Five new plate-tectonic maps of the circum-Pacific indicated by the occurrence of the ammonite Do'region have just been published by the American Asvilleiceras mammillatum and the foraminifera Orsociation of Petroleum Geologists. Covering more bitotina texana. The Limestone-Shale member has a than half the surface of the earth, these full-color maximum measured thickness of 1,041.5 ft (317 m) maps depict active plate boundaries, plate-motion and thins to a measuredthickness of 402 ft (122 m)' vectors, major intraplate faults, seismic epicenters, 8.5 mi (13.7 km) to the northwest along the U-Bar Holocene volcanic activity, and magnetic lineations. Ridge syncline. The member consistspredominantly Accretionary terrane along the Pacific rim is shown of thin- to medium-bedded, olive-gray to bluish-gray on the Northeast map sheet. The basic Circumlimestones and interbedded calcareous shales. The Pacific Map Seriesconsistsof five 1:10 million scale limestones are dominantly mudstones and less commaps: The Northwest, Northeast, Southeast, and monly wackestonesand packstonesnear the contact Southwest Quadrants and The Antarctica Region. A with the overlying Reef limestone member' The basin-wide map at a scale of 1:20 million also is lirnestones contain a sparse fauna consisting of available. Additional thematic maps now under echinoderms, bivalves, ostracodes, and the preparation include the Geologic, Tectonic, Energy foraminifera Orbitolino texana and Textulario sp' globigerResources, Mineral Resources, and Ceodynamics Quinqueloculid-type miliolids and spinose Series. inids are rare. Calcareous nannoplankton repreof Science Academy Mexico New The plate-tectonic maps are available from the sented by the genus Colomiello sp. are rare to AAPG Bookstore, P.O. Box 979, Tulsa, Oklahoma of Academy Mexico common and found throughout the unit. The calNew the of l98l meeting The '14101 ar $8 each or $26 for a set of all five maps. 29-30' October careous shalescontain a diverse fauna consisting of Albuquerque, was held in Science Also available are full-color geographic maps at $12 bivalves, echinoderms, and foraminifera of the fol1981. Papers were presented on the environment, each or $30 for a set of 6 maps, and black and white lowing genera: Orbitolina texana, Textulario sp'' geology, physics, engineering, biology, health' base maps with 2" grids for plotting purposes, at $6 sp., Triplasia sp., Flabellommina sp', chemistry, and agriculture. Abstracts of papers deal- Lituola each or $20 for a set of 6 maps. The maps are rolled, p r e s e n t e d sp., Lenticulina sp-' Globigerina sp', and Robulus a r e g e o l o g y N e w M e x i c o o f ing with measure52 by 40 inches, and are shipped postpaid in quinqueloculid-type miliolids. The following ostrabelow. a tube. code genera have been identified from the Limestone-Shale member: Cytherella sp', Cythereis sp', MounAlacneN THE FRoM PEnut,orNBRACHIoPoDS and Cytherelloideo sP. AND TEXAs rarN Fonv,qrtoN,FnnNxl-lN MouNrllNs, D. LeMone, and R. Simpson by Nrw Mexrco, queoPtNEHnvEN coAL RESoLIRCES Geolocy AND Orr- eNr cAS PoTENTIAL oF THE Tut-enos'c Department of Geological Sciences, University of RANGLE,by David Tabet, ARCO Coal Company, BlsrN-Oreno Plerponll AREA, OrERo CouNtv, (El Paso, TX Paso), El Texas Denver, CO; published in New Mexico Bureau of Department of GeoThe Franklin Mountains are located in the ex- Nrw Mnxrco, by Vicki Harde., Mines and Mineral ResourcesOpen-file Rept. 154, '71p. logical Sciences,University of Texas (El Paso)' El treme western tip of Texas. They extend northward E. King, Department of into south-central New Mexico for approximately 23 Paso, TX and Wittiam The Pinehaven 7 Yz-min quadrangle is located apState University, Las New Mexico Science, the Earth is built around which (37 Paso, km) from El p r o x i m a t e l y8 m i s o u t h o f G a l l u p . F o u r s t r a t i g r a p h i c mi Cruces, NM southern end of the range. The outcrops of Permian units are found in the area-the Gallup Sandstone, The Tularosa Basin and the Otero Platform are strata in the Franklin Mountains consist mainly of the Crevasse Canyon Formation, the upper Bidaof New Mexico's inadequately explored regions s e p a r a t e d a r e two t h a t w e s l e r n e d g e t h e o n s m a l l o u t l i e r s hochi Formation, and Quaternary alluvium. The by and gas. In particular, borehole-mechanicaloil is represented for Permian The from the main range. majority of the coals present belong to the Crevasse log cross sections have been virtually absent from the Hueco Group (Wolfcamp), which is divided into Canyon Formation, with a few coals present in the thi literature. lsopach maps of the Otero Platform three formations (in ascending order): Hueco CanGallup Sandstone. The thickest, near-surface coals with a and lithofacies on a scalesuitable for this study have Mountains, Alacran yon, and Alto, Cerro are found in two horizons within the CrevasseCan(766 ft 2'514 not been previously drawn' A Precambrian surface approximately cumulative thickness of yon Formation. Coals are present in a lower horizon structural-contour map is presented. Isopach maps m). The 315-739-ft(96-225-m)-thick Alacran Mounthat occurs directly above the Callup Sandstoneand of of the Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, and Missisgenera 28 species and 24 Formation contains tain in rank. The B C bituminous or are high-volatile sippian have been constructed. A Pennsylvanian Paleoenvironbrachiopods' previously unreported porcoals of the upper horizon, located in the upper isopach-lithofacies map and Permian sand-shale LeMone-Simpsonparameters follow the mental tion of the Crevasse Canyon Formation, are of isopachcarbonate-noncarbonate, and ratio, Klement model (1975). These are Orbiculoidea or lower grade, having a rank of subbituminous A. maps have also been constructed. Five and St' lithofacies White modesta sp., Petrocranio proRoemerella holes 16 drill is sparse; however, data Outcrop cross sections of the area, three of the Tularosa ! ohn. O r t h o t ic hia ko zlo wsk ii (R. E. King), M eeke I I a vide coverage for reserve calculation for most of the Girty, Basin and two of the Otero Platform, set forth the crenulata Derbyia sp., Enteleles sp., quadrangle. Reserves for the measured and indistratigraphy and structure of the region' Clearly Pseudoleptodus sp., Microphelio sp., Costellarina cated categories are calculated to be 34.65 million shown is the fault-block structure of the Tularosa Hystriculina (Muir-Wood Cooper), and costellata respectively. These tons, million and 146.25 tons (R' Basin and the influence of the Pedernal uplift of the dartoni torginella Ku Grant, and Cooper convexa coals are low in sulfur, but may have as much as Otero Platform. The Tularosa Basin is definitely a Grant, and Cooper reticulata E. King), Nudauris 40Vo ash. About 4lVo of the coal is owned by the promising hydrocarbon province. Tests of the HousNudauris transverso Cooper and Grant, Kozlowski Navajo tribe and 20Vo is owned by the Zuni tribe' (R. E. ton Oil and Minerals No. I Lewelling and the woUcampensis (d'Orbigny'), Dasysaria capaci The government 2690 of the coal. federal owns The Hodges No. I Houston have shown that natural gas Pontisia sp., King), Linoproductus franklinensis private remaining 1390 of the coal rights are held by (Girty), hueconiano is prisent in the Tularosa Basin. Source and reserStenocisma Cooper and Grant, individuals and the State of New Mexico. present in the stratiHustedia hessensisR. E. King, Hustedia huecoensis uoir rocks are abundantly graphic column. Although the Otero Platform has Grant, and Cooper tumibilis R. E. King, CrurithJris A NEW EURYPTERID FROM OF A LARGEASSEMBLAGE yetio produce hydrocarbons, many shows of oil and Ne op h r i cad o t h./ri.t sp., C o mp osi t o m exic ana (Hall), rnE Rrn TaNxs MEtntsEn, Meopna For.nauoN Gyposas have been recorded. A number of structural and and Grarll., Cooper Reticuloriina heuconisna (LarE PrNr.rsvlveNlaN EenLv Prr.vl,a.N) op NEw itratigraphic trap possibilities and potential reef spirifer nelsoni Cooper and Grant, Chondronia MExrco, by Barry S. Kues and Kenneth K. Kietzke; trenda remain to be explored. This last hydrocarbon obesa Cooper and Grant, Dielssma diabloense published in Journal of Paleontology, v. 55, no. 4, frontier of New Mexico definitely has oil and gas Cooper subcirculare aff . D. and Dielasms Stehli, (July pls., p. 709-729, 3 1981) 9 text-figs. potential. and Grant. Adelophthalmus luceroensis, a new species of late Paleozoic eurypterid, is described from a collection Ovsrr.n LrlreSrnnrtcn,lpttv, pETRocRAPHY,AND cALcAREous AprtaN-ALst,..N AMMoNoIDSon rne of about 150 specimensfrom the Red Tanks MemFONVETION,BIG U-BAN OF THE MEMBER STONE MEMBER, LtlransroNp-SnalE THE This oF central New Mexico. MIcRoFosstLS ber, Madera Formation, MouNr.ltNs, NEw MEXlco, by Michael Hercnrr MouNrltNs, U-Be.n FonvartoN, Blc Harcunr speciesis closely related to speciesknown from the Sandidge, Department of Geological Sciences,UniHrrarco CouNrv, NEw MEXICo, by James R. eastern and central United States, but is distinversity of Texas (El Paso), El Paso, TX Weise, Department of Geological Sciences, Univerguished by an unusually wide prosoma, among other The U-Bar Formation is divided into five mempresent (El TX. Paso, in Texas Paso), El as adults were sity as well of features. Juveniles which are, in ascending order: Brown limebers (Aptian-Albian) of consists The U-Bar Formation the assemblage,allowing ontogenetic and other instone, Oyster limestone, Limestone-Shale member, five members; they are in ascending order: Brown traspecific variation to be analyzed. Among the limestone, Oyster limestone, Limestone-Shalememmost distinctive ontogenetic trends observed are an maPsPublished Plate-tectonic abrupt widening of the prosoma at an early stage of growth, a gradual decreasein the size of the eyes relative to the prosoma, a tendency for the eyes to b e c o m em o r e c e n t r a l l yl o c a t e do n t h e p r o s o m a ' a n d a decreasein the length of the prosoma relative to pre- and postabdomen length, with increasing age. Proportions of the prosoma and prosomal structures vary ontogenetically far more than the postprosomal parts of the skeleton. A. luceroensis was preserved with plants, insects, brachiopods, and other organisms that indicate a fresh to brackish water habitat. There is some evidence that juveniles lived, or were preserved, in somewhat different environments than the adults, possibly further inland on the Red Tanks delta than the nearshore sands in which the adults lived. Abstracts New Mexico Geology February1982 Reef limestone, and Suprareef limestone. The formation consists primarily of medium- to thinbedded bioclastic limestones alternating with thin beds of gray shales.The lower part of the formation contains lensesand thin beds of sandstone.Near the top of the formation is a massivecarbonate containing rudist bioherms that ranges in thickness from 20 ft (6 m) to 500 ft (152 m). The presenceof ammonoids in the Oyster limestone member of the U-Bar Formation permits a relatively precise age designation. Sinzowella spathi recovered from the Oyster limestone member has been observed in the Pacheta Member of the Lowell Formation of southeastern Arizona. The age of the Pacheta Member has been determined to be equivalent to the Middle Gargasian beds of France (Upper Aptian). Aconthohoplites berkeyi? has also been recovered from the Oyster limestone member. This ammonite has been observedin the Quajote Member of the Lowell Formation. The Quajote Member immediately overlies the Pacheta Member in southeastern Arizona. The age of the Quajote Member has been equated to the Clansayan beds of France which are also Upper Aptian in age. WaulsontraN MouNDSoF THE BrsHop Ccp nrlls. Doffr ANe CouNry, Ntw Mrxrco, by David V. LeMone and Baghdad Flift, Department of Geological Sciences,University of Texas (El Paso), El Paso, TX, and H. Richord Lane, Amoco Production Company, ResearchCenter, Tulsa, OK Study of the Lake Valley formation Waulsortian mounds (Early Mississippian)in the Bishop Cap hills has delineated some 19 microfacies from the core and flanks. The fenestrate bryozoan-crinoidal biomicrudite core facies contains a minor associated fauna of brachiopods, ostracods, sponge spicules, and trilobites. Stromatolites, calcareous algae, and other indications of a shallow-water depositional environment were not observed in microfacies analysis. According to the Lane-Ormiston depositional model for Waulsortian mound development, the geometry of these small, single, flattened mounds indicate that they developed in a rnore shelfward position than the well-known giant Waulsortian mounds of the Sacramento Mountains (for example, Muleshoe Mound). Small mounds of this style are exposed in the Sacramento Mountains. There, they developedin a back shelf-margin depositional environment. Twelve mi (19 km) south of the Bishop Cap hills the Lake Valley formation is absent at the O'Hara Highway in the Franklin Mountains. Basinal, distal, carbonate turbidites of the Las Cruces formation (late Osage-early Meramec) overlie the Late Devonian Percha Shale at the O'Hara Highway locality. Newprojects USGS M i neraI resourcesactivit ies 9330-00099-Biochemical research in geochemical exploration, by J. R. Watterson. A reDort on the geobotany of the Walker Lake 2-degreequadrangle, Nevada-California, will be completed during Fy 1981. Field and analytical data on geobotanical relationships in the Silver City 2-degree quadrangle, New Mexico-Arizona, will be compiled. plant sampling will be conducted over the Crandon ore deposit in Wisconsin. 9330-02996-Geochemical exploration of Bureau of Land Management wilderness areas, central region, by S. P. Marsh. Geochemical sampling will be conducted in the Bisti, De Na Zin, and Ah She Sle Pah Wilderness areas of New Mexico durine Fy 1981. 9350-00205-Basin-Range heavy metals studies, by F. G. Poole. This project was terminated at the end of FY 1980; final reports will be prepared for publication. D 14 February1982 New Mexico Geology State Mine Inspector Date and operatlon MINING REGISTRATIONS ( J U N El l , l 9 8 l T O A U G U S T 2 0r,9 8 l ) 2340MenaulN.E. NM 87107 Albuquerque, Operators and owners Location 6-u-81 mill Operator-Cimarron Mining Corporation, P.O. Box 486, US-380 E'., Carrizozo, NM 88301; Southwest Mineral Corporation is parent company; Supt.: Garth Elison; Gen. Mgr.: Bob Watson; VP of operations: Ted Elison Property owner-Cimarron Mining Corporation, 9212 Camino Cometa NE, Albuquerque, NM 871 I I Socorro Co.; secs. 14, 19, 23, 24, !O; Chupadera districl; east on US-380 over bridge at NM-54-US-380 intersection in Carrizozo; ore milled or refined: iron ore; custom milling: no; capacity of mill-15,000 tons per month 8-4-8I utanium O p e r a t o r - S e c t i o n 1 2 , C o b b R e s o u r c e sC o r p . , 3 1 3 W a s h i n g ton SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Gen. Mgr.: Richard Stevenson, Box 1340, Grants, NM 87020, phone: 287-7444i Person in charge: same; Gen. Supt.: same; Other officials: George Lotspeich, same address Property owner-Cobb ResourcesCorp. M c K i n fe y C o . ; s e c .1 2 , T . l 4 N . , R . l 0 W . ; Ambrosia Lake district; uranium; underground; shaft; Ambrosia Lake, NM-509 headframe in view; private land 8-4-8I utanium Operator-Section 14, Cobb ResourcesCorp., 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Gen. Mgr.: Richard Stevenson, Box 1340, Grants, NM 87020, phone: 287-7444; Person in charge: same; Gen. Supt.: same; Other official: George Lotspeich, 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Property owner-Cobb ResourcesCorp. M c K i n l e y C o . ; s e c .1 4 , T . 1 4 N . , R . l 0 W . ; Grants mineral belt district; underground; uranium; shaft; Just past end of pavement NM-509 then ast % mi, frame in view; federal land 8-4-8l ulanium Operator-Section 10, Cobb ResourcesCorp., 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Gen. Mgr.: Richard Stevenson, Box 1340, Grants, NM 87020, phone: 287-7444; Person in charge: same; Gen. Supt.: same; Other official: George Lotspeich, 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 Property owner-Cobb ResourcesCorp. M c K i n l e y C o . ; s e c . 1 0 ,T . 1 4 N . , R . l 0 W . ; Ambrosia Lake district; underground; shaft; 1.5 mi past end of pavement on NM509, north side of road; federal land 8-4-81 uranlum Operator-Westranch, Cobb ResourcesCorp., 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Gen. Mgr.: Richard Stevenson, Box 1340, Grants, NM 87020, phone: 287-7444; Person in charge: same; Gen. Supt.: same; Other official: George Lotspeich, 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 8 71 0 8 Property owner-Cobb ResourcesCorp. M c K i n l e yC o . ; s e c .3 2 , T . 1 5 N . , R . I I W . ; Ambrosia Lake district; underground; decline; l0 mi north of Prewitt on Borrego Pass Road; private land 8-6-81 coal Operator-Arroyo mine #1, Farris Mines, Inc., Box 687, Grants, NM; Gen. Mgrs.: Jerry Farris, Merle D. Burns, same address, phone: 28'7-4858; Person in charge: Merle Burns (Farris Mines, Inc.), San Mateo Rd. N, Milan, NM, same phone mine no. l, Arroyo Mining, Albert J. Owner-Arroyo Firchau S a n d o v a lC o . ; s e c . l 6 i T . 1 7 N . , R . 9 W . ; state land; approximately 2 mi north of San Luis, NM 8-6-81 mill-lead, ztnc, copper, gold, silver, tungsten Opera[or-Patterson Canyon mill, Cobb Resources Corporation, 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Supt.: Willie Chavez,Box623, Magdalena, NM 87825; Other official: George Lotspeich, 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM Owner-Cobb Resources Corp.; Previous owned by-Cobb Nuclear Corp. Socorro Co.; sec. 2; T. 3 S., R. 4 W. Magdalena mining district, state and federal land, 5 mi south of Magdalena off Hop Canyon Rd.; capacity of mill: 125 tons/day, 300 tons/day planned; custom milling 8-6-81 lead, zinc, copper, gold, silver, tungsten Operator-Linchburg mine, Cobb Resources Corp., 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108; Person in charge: Willie Chavez, same address, phone: 854-2761; Gen. Supt.: Same; Other official: George Lotspeich, same address and phone Owner-Cobb Resources Corp.; Previous owned by-Cobb Nuclear Corp., 313 Washington SE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 S o c o r r o C o . ; s e c s .6 , 7 , 1 2 ; T . 3 S . , R . 3 , 4 W.; Magdalena mining districr: stale, private, and federal land; 6 mi south of Magdalena in Patterson Canyon; underground 8-7-81 coal Operator-Arroyo No. l, Arroyo Mining Company, Inc., Star Rt., Box l6-8, Bernalillo, NM 87004; Gen. Mgr: Jack A. Lawrence, same address, phone: 867-3594; Person in charge: Merle Burns, P.O. Box 687, Crants, NM, phone: 287-4858 Owner-Albert J. Firchau, 15965 NE 85rh, Suite 207, Redmond, WA 98052; Subleasing: Page Mills Energy Corp., ll17 W. Olympic Blvd., Montebello, CA 90640; Pres.: Michel Gibbs; Resident agent for both companies: Jack Lawrence; Mining contractor: Farris Mines, Inc. S a n d o v a lC o . ; s e c . 1 6 , T . 1 7 N . , R . 2 W . ; state land, NM-44 to 42 mi post, turn left, go through town of San Luis, cross cattle guard, turn right and continue on to the mine; strip mine 8-20-8t gold, silver Operator-Apache Gold, Ira Holliday Logging lnc., Truth or Consequences,NM; Gen. Mgr.: Ralph Wilderson, 229 Gale, Lordsburg, NM, phone: 542-3209;Other official: Ira Holliday, Box 206, Truth or Consequences,NM 87901 Owner-lra Holliday Logging, lnc. G r a n t C o . ; s e c .6 , T . 2 2 S . , R . l 6 W . ; G o l d Hill mining district; federal land; go east towards W. D. Ranch 6 mi; underground tunnel 8-20-8I leonardite Operator-Black Diamond Project, NL Baroid, Box 1675, Houston, TX 77001; Person in charge: Jerry Farris or John Morgan, Box 687, Grants, NM, phone: 287-4858 Owner-Mid-Continent, contracting under NL Baroid who has agreementwith Mid-Continent (TO BE CONTINUEDNEXT ISSUE) S a n J u a n C o . ; s e c .2 8 , T . 3 2 N . , R . 1 3 W . ; private land; NM-17 north from Farmington, NM, turn left at l6 mi marker, go app r o r i m a t e l y 2 ' : m i t o s i t e :s t r i p , o p e n p i t 1981) (asofNovember of NewMexico mapcgverage topographic USGS f I * o I ERO I -'r I t. ,-.*- ANA t-!\. I .Las Cruccs I I I -\ P u b l i s h e dm o p s o v o i l o b l e 0 tl l/2' quodrongles) New mops W Revised mops f ot 7 t/2' Unmopped Previoustymopped as7 Vz-min New and revised 7 %-min quadrangle maps shown are since May 1978.Areas shown as unmapped quadranglesare mapped at I 5 min. index to Topographic quadrangle sheets($2.00 each), a complete list of published quadrangles, a detailed an order form are available from either: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral topbgiupt i. rnupr, "nd Room, Socorro, NM 87801 or U.S. Geological Survey, Map Distribution, P.O' Box R"sour"ir, pubications 25826.Federal Center, Denver, CO 80225. of USGS The following page contains a list of map dealers in New Mexico carrying a selectedinventory topographic maps. New Mexico GeologY February1982 Whereto buyUSGS topographic maps Palomas volcanic field (continuedfrom p. 8) The following dealerscarry a selectedinventory of U S G S 7 % m i n a n d l 5 m i n t o p o g r a p h i cq u a d r a n g l e maps of their respectiveareas: Mountainsand Rivers 2320Central Ave. SE A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7 1 0 6 The Trailmaster Il 5401 Central Ave. East A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7 1 0 8 Backwoods 6307 Menaul Blvd. NE A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7I l 0 The WildernessCentre 2421 San Pedro NE A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7 1 l 0 Sandia Mountain Outfitters For WildernessPeople 9 6 1I M e n a u l B l v d . N E A l b u q u e r q u e ,N M 8 7 1l 2 Holman's 401 Wyoming Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87 | 23 Trico International PO Box l5l9l Rio Rancho Plaza R i o R a n c h o ,N M 8 7 1 7 4 Gallup Blueprint 303S. 2nd Callup, NM 87301 San Juan Reproduction Co. 1 3 5N . A i r p o r t D r i v e Farmington, NM 87401 A l p i n e S p o r t s ,I n c . l2l Sandoval S a n t aF e , N M 8 7 5 0 1 BaseCamp l 2 l W . S a n F r a n c i s c oS t . S a n t aF e , N M 8 7 5 0 1 Healy-Mathews Staioners, Inc. 5 1 5 C e r r i l l o sR o a d S a n t aF e , N M 8 7 5 0 t Wilderness Bookstore P O B o x 3 2 1 ,E l P r a d o Taos, NM 87529 Los Alamos Stationers 1907Cenrral Sr. Los Alamos, NM 87544 The Trailmaster White Rock Shopping Center Los Alamos, NM 87544 M a x a e ' sB o o k s Bent Street PO Box 1836 Taos, NM 87571 Sierra Sports, Inc. 307S. Pueblo Rd. Taos, NM 87571 TaosMountain Outfitters Box 1862 Taos, NM 87571 The Paint & Prinr Shop 1 2 0N . 2 n d S r . Raton, NM 87740 Bill's Pack Rat 200Ausrin St. T r u t h o r C o n s e q u e n c e sN, M 8 7 9 0 1 Montgomery Ward 522 Broadway Truth or Consequences,NM 87901 OCS Sporting Goods, Unlimited 406 Broadway Truth or Consequences,NM 87901 Blueprints & Maps 1 2 0S . W a t e r Las Cruces, NM 88001 D o n a l d H . W i e s e& C o . 525S. Melendres Las Cruces, NM 88001 Culak Surveying, Inc. l2l West Hemlock Deming, NM 88030 The WildernessSociety Catwalk Road Glenwood, NM 88039 H e r b W a t k i n sS u r v . & M a p p i n g 515Market St. POBox472 S i l v e rC i t y , N M 8 8 0 6 1 Silver Sports l l6 N. Bullard Silver City, NM 88061 Vic Topmiller, Jr. 1 6 0 9N . G o l d PO Box 201 S i l v e rC i t y , N M 8 8 0 6 1 R o s w e l lM a p & B l u e p r i n t C o . , I n c . 4 1 0N . M a i n R o s w e l l ,N M 8 8 2 0 1 Tex Sporting & Pawn 307 West Mermod Street Carlsbad, NM 88220 Pat's Sporting Goods Box 1633 R u i d o s o ,N M 8 8 3 4 5 significantlylower MgO concentration,total Fe content,and higherSiO, and alkali content of the andesitesand trachytesrelativeto the olivinebasalts. References Balk, R., 1962, Geologic map of Tres Hermanas Mountains: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Geologic Map 16, scale l:48,000 Frantes, T J., 1981, The geology of the Palomas volcanic field, Luna County, New Mexico, and Chihuahua, Mexico: University of Texas (El Paso), M.S. thesis,p. 70 Hawley, J. W, 1981, Pleistocene and Pliocene history of the international boundary area, southern New Mexico, in Geology of the border, southern New Mexico-northern Chihuahua: El Paso Geological Society, Field Trip G u i d e b o o k ,p . 2 6 - 3 2 Hoffer, J. M., 1976, Geology of the Potrillo Basalt field, south-central New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Circ. 149, p. 30 Kuno, H., Yamasaki, K., Iida, C., and Nagashima, K , 1957, Differentiation of Hawaiian magmas: Japanese Journal of Geology and Geography, v 29, p. 179-218 Lowman, P. S., and Tiedemann, H. A., 1968. Terrain photography from Gemini spacecraft-Final geologic report: Goddard Space Flight Center, X-6214-71-15, p. t4-23 Renault, J., 1970, Major-element variations in the potrillo, Carrizozo, and McCarthy's basalt fields, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources, Circ.113,22p. Robinson, B. R., and Clark, K. F., t981, Reconnaissance geology of the Sierra Alta-Boca Grande area, Chihuahua, Mexico: El Paso Geological Society, Field Trip Guidebook, p.62-63 ft l o n f t d I O t a n r a ro n US POSTAGE PAID SOCORRO NTW MIXICO PERI\4IT NO9