Newpublications Plant's compliance with EPA standards for radioactive-waste management and disposal: Sandia National Laboratories, Rept. SAND88287r, n pp. Grolocrc eUADRANGLEMAPS lIMBMMR Bertram-Howery, S. G., and Huntet R. L., edi+Bulletin 13l-Continental magmatism, ab- GQ-1611-Geologic map of the Wilson Mountain tors, 1989,Preliminary plan for disposal-system stracts,by IAVCEI, 1989,340pp. $12.00 quadrangle, Catron and Grant Counties, New characterization and long-term performance *Memoir 46-Field excursionsto volcanic terranes Mexico, by J. C. Ratt6 and W. E. Brooks, 1989, evaluation of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant: scale1:24,000. in the westem United States,volume I: SouthSandia National Laboratories, Rept. SAND89GQ-l55l-Geologic Tse Bonita School map of the ern Rocky Mountain region, edited by C. E. 0178,variously paginated. quadrangle, McKinley County, New Mexico, by Chapin and f. Zidek, 1989,x+486 pp. $25.00 Broadhead, R. F., 1989, Bravo Dome COz field'Memoir 47-Field excursionsto volcanic tenanes R. S. Zech, 1989,scaleL:24,M. U.S.A. New Mexico,BravoDome:AmericanAsin the western United States, volume II: Cassociation of Petroleum Geologists, Treatise of cades and Intermountain West, edited by C. E. GEopnvstcel INvEsrrcATIoN Petroleum Geology,Atlas of Oil and Gas Fields, Chapin and J. Zidek, 1989,ix+285 pp. $17.00 GP-980-Aerial gamma-raycolor contour maps of Rept. A-011, 21 pp. These three publications have been produced regional surface concentrations of potassium, Carter,N. L., and Officer,C. 8., 1989,Microscopic for the International Association of Volcanology uranium, thorium and composite-colormaps of lamellar deformation features in quartz-disand Chemistry of the Earth's Interior (IAVCEI) uranium, potassium, thorium, and their ratios criminative characteristics of shock-generated General Assembly held in SantaFe, New Mexin New Mexico, by J. S. Duval, 1989,4 sheets, varieties----comment:Geology, v. 17, no. 5, pp. ico, on June25-fuly 1, 1989.Bulletin131contains scale1,000,000. 478-479. more than 600 abstractspertaining to symposia Cavazza,W., 7989,Sedimentationpattern of a rifton 1) North American cordilleran magmatism, filling unit, Tesuque Formation (Miocene), EsHvpnorocrc INvESTIGATIoNSATLAS 2) continental arcs, 3) extensionalvolcanism, 4) paiola Basin, Rio Grande rift, New Mexico: aqueousmagmatic fluids, ore deposits,and geo- HA-555-Distribution of fluoride in ground water Joumal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 59, no.2, in the alluvial basins of Arizona and adiacent thermal systems, 5) active volcanism and hazpp.287-296. parts of California, Nevada, and New Mexico, ards, and 6) volcanic and magmatic processes. Clemons,R. E., 1989,Lost mines and buried trea1988, 3 W. B. Garrett, by F. N. Robertson and The memoirscontain a combination of scientific sures in south-central New Mexico: El Palacio, sheets, scale 1:500,000. papers and field guides designed to familiarize v. 94, no. 3, pp.26-37. the reader with the geology of a particular volDrewes, H., leader, 1989,Tectonicsof the eastern canic field and then lead him through it. Memoir Mtscru-aNEous FIELDsruDIES MAPS part of the Cordilleran orogenicbelt, Chihua46 consists of nine excursionsto volcanic fields MF-2068-North-south stratigraphic cross sechua. New Mexico and Arizona: American Geoin New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado, and Texas; tions of Upper Cretaceousrocks, northern San physical Union, 28th International Geological Memoir47 contains seven excursionsto volcanie Juan Basin, southwestern Colorado, by C. M. tongress, Field Trip Guidebook Tl2l, 82 pp. fields in Washington, Oregon, Montana, WyoMolenaar and J. K. Baird, 1989,3 sheets. Fallin, J. A.T.,7989, Hydrogeologyof Lower Creming, Idaho, Nevada, and California. The inMF-2069-Preliminary geologic map of the Grey taceous strata under the southern High Plains dividual excursionswere compiled from Hill Spring quadrangle, San Juan and McKinley of Texas and New Mexico: TexasWater Develcontributions of three to eleven authors each;a Counties,New Mexico,by R. B. O'Sullivan,D. L. opment Board, Rept. 31'4,39PP. total of 105authors contributed to the 16 excurWeide, and G. R. Scott, in cooperation with the Finch, W. L, Huffman, A. C., Jr., and Fassett,J. sions. The technical papers form integral parts US BIA and the Navajo Nation, 1989, scale 8., leaders, 1989,Coal, uranium, and oil and of the excursions,contain much new data, and l:24,000. gas in Mesozoic rocks of the San Juan Basinare expected to serve as important references MF-2075-Geologic map of the O Bar O Canyon anatomy of a giant energy-rich basin: American ror manv vears. West quadrangle, Catron County, New Mexico, Geophysical Union, 28th International GeologThe volumes may be purchasedas a set at the by D H. Richter and V. A. Lawrence, 1989,scale ical Congress,Field Trip GuidebookT120,I pp. discounted price of $50.00 plus postage and 1,:24,W Friedman, G. M., 1989,Cementation Patterns,rehandling. sequences, edited *Bulletin 124-Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian of sedimentary view of Diagenesis MAI'S MtscruaNrous SERIES INVESTIGATIONS v.242, no.4883, pp. O. Marshall: Science, by l. strata in the Orogrande and PedregosaBasins, 1317-1318. I-l9O7-Geologic map of the Latir volcanic field New Mexico, by J. t . Wilson, 1989, 16 pp., 6 and adiacent areas, northern New Mexico, by Gonzales,M. M., 1989,Compilation and comparfigs., I table. $5.00 P. W. Lipman and J. C. Reed,fr., 1989,2 sheets, ison of test-hole location surveys in the vicinity This report appraises the depositional enviscale1:48,000 of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site: Sandia ronment and potential reservoirdevelopment of National laboratories, Rept. SAND 88-1ffi5, 260 I-l940-Swelling clays map of the conterminous Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian strata in and United States,by W. W Olive, A. F. Chleborad, around the Orogrande and PedregosaBasinsin PP. C. W. Frahme, J. Schlocker,R. R. Schneider,and Grambling, J. A., and Tewksbury,B. J., editors, southern New Mexico and northem ChihuaR. L. Schuster, 1989,scale 1:7,500,000. 1989,Proterozoicgeology of the southern Rocky hua, Mexico. A NE-SW cross section from the Mountains: GeologicalSocietyof America, SpeSacramentoto the Big Hatchet Mountains shows 0therpublications cial Paper235. 175pp. (includesThe role of cruslower and Middle Pennsylvanian carbonate and tal extension in the metamorphism of Proterozoic terrigenous rock types in detail, and an isopach Alexopoulos,J. S., Grieve, R. A. F., and Robertrocks in northern New Mexico, by I. A. Gramson, P. B., 1989, Microscopic lamellar deforand facies map shows their distribution. Combling, M. L. Williams, R. F. Smith, and C. K. mation features in quartz-discriminative piled from yearsof investigation, the report wiII Mawer, pp. 87-110;ProterozoicsuPracrustalrocks characteristicsof shock-generatedvarieties-rebe an invaluable referenceon carbonatepetrogand plutons of the Cimarron Canyon area, northply: Geology,v. 17, no. 5, pp.478-479. raphy of Pennsylvanian strata for the region. central New Mexico, by R. A. Wobus, pp. 111Alexander, J. I. D., and Watkinson,A. 1.,7989, USGS 118;Geology and geochemistry of early ProterMicrofolding in the Permian Castile Formaozoic volcanic and subvolcanicrocks of the Petion-an example of geometric systemsin mulPnorrssroNeL PApER cos greenstone belt, Sangrede Cristo Mountains, tilayer folding, Texasand New Mexico: Geological ltl40-Quatemary movement along the La fencia New Mexico, by I. M. Robertsonand K. C. ConSociety of America, Bulletin, v. 101, no. 5, pp. fault, central New Mexico, bv M. N. Machette, die, pp. 179-ltt6; Geochronologicstudy of Pre742-750. 1988,82 pp. cambrian rocks of the Sandia Mountains, New Baldridge, W. S., and Olsen, K. H., 1989,The Rio Mexico, by D. G. Brookins and A. Maiumdar, Grande rift: American Scientist,v. 7/, no. 3, pp. BuLLsrrN pp.Ia7-r5$. 240J47. l734-F-Mineral resourcesof the Sierra Ladrones Bertram-Howery,S. G., and Hunter, R. L., 1989, Icerman, L., and Parker,S. K., editors, L988,New Wi.ldernessStudy Area, Socorro County, New Plans for evaluation of the WasteIsolation Pilot Mexico statewide geothermal energy program: August 1989 Nal MexicoGeology Mexico, by S. L. Moore, M. S. Allen, C. L. Long, and J. T. Neubert, 7989,22pp geologic Upcoming meetings 243, no. 4898,p. 7679. Krumhansl, I. L.; 1989,WasteIsolation pilot plant brine field pH measurements-technique and interpretation: Sandia National Laboratories, Rept. SAND88-3352,50 pp. Lappin, A. R., and Hunter, R. L., editors,Systems analysis, long-term radionuclide transpoit, and dose assessments,Waste lsolation pilot plant (WIPP), southeasternNew Mexico; March 1989: liandia National Laboratories, Rept. SAND89()462,variously paginated. McHone, J. F., Nieman, R. A, Lewis, C. F., and Yates,A. M.,7989, Stishoviteat the CretaceouF Tertiary boundary, Raton, New Mexico: Science, v. 243, no. 4895,pp. 7782-1784. Monastersky, R., 1989,Signs of an ancient worldwide wallop: ScienceNews, v. 135,no. 9, p.132. Norman, D. I., Kyle, P. R., and Baron, C , 1989, Analysis of trace elements including rare earth elements in fluid inclusion liquids: Economic Geology,v. 84, no. l, pp.162-766. Shupe, S. J., and Folk-Williams,J. A., 1988,The upper Rio Grande-a guide to decision-making: WesternNetwork, SantaFe, 52 pp. Torma, A. 8., and Gundiler, I. H., editors, 1989, Precious and rare metal technologies, symposium proceedings:Elsevier, ProcessMetalluigy 5,702 pp. (includesMineralogyof silver-bearing ore deposits of the Western United Statesand Peru, by W. X. Chavez,Jr.,J. Manrique, and p Shrestha,pp. 43-50; A regional study of precious-metal mineralization: Chloride miriing district, New Mexico, by R. W Harrison, pp. s1-68). Wilbur, I. H. , 7989,SnakeBridge vaults into record book: New Mexico Magaziie, v. 67, no. 6, pp. JJ-j/ . Williams, M. L.,7987, Stratigraphic,structural,and. metamorphic relationships in Proterozoicrocks from northem New Mexico:Ph.D. dissertation. University of New Mexico, 138pp. Wilson, W. E., editor, 1989,New Mexico:The MineralogicalRecord,v. 20,no. l, 96pp. (Theentire January-February issue is devoted to New Mexrco.) Zeuch, D. H., 7989,Isostatic hot-pressing mechanism maps for pure and natural sodium chloride--applications to nuclear waste isolation in bedded and domal salt formations: Sandia National Laboratories,Rept. SAND88-2207,96 pp. Conference title Dates Location Contact for more information Finding oil with a computer: casehistories, tools, and techniques Sept. 10-12 Midland Center Midland, TX Permian Basin Graduate Center PO. Box 1518 Midland, TX79702 (975) 683J832 Denver Gem & Mineral Show Sept. 15-17 Merchandise Mart Denver. CO Sandy Walden 5365W. Leawood Dr. Littleton, CO 80123 (303)794-7473 New Mexico Geological Society fall field seminar Sept. 28Oct. I SoutheasternColorado LesMcFadden Plateau UNM Dept. of Geology Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505\ 277-2307 AAPG-SEPM-EMD Rocky Mountain Section meeting Oct. 1-4 Albuquerque, NM JamesR. Connolly UNM Dept. of Geology Albuquerque, NM 87131 (505) 277-3877 Association of Engineering Geologists annual meeting Oct. 1-6 Vail, CO William K. Smith USGS, Box 25046,MS 966 Denver, CO 80225 (303) 236-7362 Petroleum technology into the second century Oct. 16-19 Macey Center Socorro, NM Centennial Office P.O. Box K New Mexico Tech Socorro, NM 87801 (50s)83s-552s Late CambrianOrdovician geology of the Southern Midcontinent Oct. 18-19 Norman, OK Kenneth S. Johnson Oklahoma Geological Survey University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 73019 (405)325-3031 Searchfor the subtle trap: hydrocarbon exploration in mature basins Oct. 19-20 Midland Center Midland, TX West TexasGeological Society P.O. Box 1595, Midland, TX 79702 (915)683-1573 Lordsburg Gem and Mineral Society show Oct.27-29 National Guard Armory Lordsburg, NM Maggie Veeder Box 503 Lordsburg, NM 88045 (s0s)s2-e533 Society of Exploration Geophysicists annual meeting Oct. 29Nov. 2 Dallas, TX Sally Shank, SEG P.O.Box702740 Tulsa, OK 74170 (9r8) 493-3516 Tenth New Mexico Mineral Symposium Nov. 11-12 Macey Center Socorro, NM ludy Yaua, NMBMMR, Socorro, NM 87801 (s05)83s-s302 0pen-file reports ilIIIBMMR USGS Sand Canyon (NM-020-008). Little Rimrock (NM-020-b09),Pinyon (NM-020-010),and petacaPinta (NM-020-014)WildemessShrdvAreas. Cibola County, New Mexico, by J. H. Bullock, Jr., T. A. Roemer,and G. A. Nowlan, 1989,27 pp., I nonreproduciblemap plate. $5.40 *35l-Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation,Iames K. Anderson, Inc. No. l Wishbone Federalwell, sec. 1, T4S, R3E, SocorroCounty, New Mexico, by G. S. Baylissand R. R. Schwjrzer,GeoChem Laboratories,Inc., 1989,43 pp. $8.60 r354-Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation, Suntionale for assessment of undiscovered, tratesamplesfrom the Chamisa(NM-010-021), ray Mid-Continent Oil Co. No. 1 Briscoe well, economically recoverable oil and gas: a sumEmpedrado (NM-010-063), and La Lena (NMsec. 31, Tl0N, R308, Quay County, New Mexmary o_f_fourpotential plays, by W. C. Butler, 010-063A)WildemessStudyAreas,Sandovaland ico, by G. S. Bayliss aria R. R. Schwarzer, 155 pp. McKinley Counties, New Mexico, by J. H. Bul$31.00 ^^1992, GeoChemLaboratories,Inc., 1989,14 pp.$2.80 88-643-Abstracts of the U.s. Geologicalsurvey, lock, Jr.,'T.A. Roemer,and G. A. Nowlan, 1989, f355-Hydrocarbon source-rock evaluation, Mar central region; 1988poster review, compiled by 18 pp., 1 nonreproducible map plate. $3.60 Oil and Gas Co. No. I Esteswell, sec.35, T5N, C. E' Barker and A. B. Coury, 7989,29-pp. 89-3i-Geologic and hydrologiidita for the Rus+89-7-Analytical results and sample R8E, Torrance Coun$, New Mexico, bv G. S. locality map tler Formationnearthe WastJlsolationPilot Plant, Bayliss and R. R. Schwarzer,GeoChem Laborafor stream-sedimentand heavy-mineral-concensoutheasternNew Mexico, by S. F. Richey,1989, tories, Inc., 1989,16 pp. $3.20 trate samplesfrom the Rimrock (NM-020-007), 72 pp. "?-';"H'-{l';i*T,"i'if il:":#*f l::lty"llr Nm Mexico Geology Atgust 1989 NewMexicoBureau of Mines andMineral Resources staffnotes searchInstitute planning meeting (fohn Hawley); Denver X-ray Conference (Chris McKee); AAPG computer short course (Gretchen Roybal); Archaeological Society of New Mexico field school (Bob Weber); Ute Mountain Gem and Mineral Society show (Marc Wilson); Sanfuan Gem and Mineral Society show (Marc Wilson); Marc visited many landfill waste-disposalsites in New Mexico." Jim mineral museums in the Midwest for comparison Barker's talk at Industria.l Minerals Forum was with our museum; landslide workshop bv USGS "Testing of perlite: economicsand health charac- and Arizona GeologicalSociety(JohnHawley and teristics." Ron Broadhead'stalk to the Roswell and Bill Haneberg); Sample Dissolution Methods for the AlbuquerqueGeologicalSocietieswas "Petro- Atomic Spectroscopyworkshop (Lynn Brandvold, Ieum geology of Pennsylvanianand Lower Per- Barbara Popp, and JeanneVerploegh); legislative mian strata, Tucumcari Basin, east-centralNew hearing on landfill and hazardous-wastemanageMexico." Marc Wilson's talk to Albuquerque Gem ment in southern New Mexico (fohn Hawley); EPA derson and Richard Chamberlin, 10; Barbarapopp, and Mineral group was "Geologyand mineralogy meeting conceming Cimarron mill near Carrizozo 11; and Frank Kottlowski, 38. Chris McKee wis of Michigan'sKeweenawPeninsula."At the GSA (Lynn Brandvold and Abe Gundiler); hearings by promoted to X-ray Facility Manager, Jeanne Ver- Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran sections meetBernalillo County Commission and Albuquerque ploegh to Chem Lab TechnicianII, Albert Bacato ing, Diane Bellis'and Don Wolberg's talks were City Council on Cerro Colorado landfill site (John Maintenance Carpenter II, Ruben Archuleta to 'An unusual occurrenceof the mineral huntite from Hawley); and NMERI workshop on Albuquerque Metallurgical Lab Technician, Monte Brown and the Late Cretaceous coal-bearing Fruitland Forsoils and foundations (Dave Love and Bill HaneBecky Titus to Cartographer II, and Manuel Vas- mation, San Juan Basin" and "Geochemicalsig- berg). quez to Mechanic I. nafuresin a late Cretaceousstratigraphicsequencd Abe Gundiler's project on "Pressure oxidation For the Quadrennial meeting of the Interna- from the San of refractorysulfide oresand thiourealeachingof fuan Basin"; the posteipresenled by tional Associationof Volcanologyand Chemistrv Don, Diane, GeorgeAustin, and Paul Domski was the residues" was funded by NMMMRRI; Ceoree of the Earth'sInterior (lAVCEt;in SantaFe,Chuci< "Stratigraphy and paleogeochemistryof the Fossil Austin was elected to fellowship in GSA; BLi4 Chapin was publications chairman and with firi Forest sedimentary sequence,late Cretaceous,San presented Don Wolberg with "Volunteers for PubZidek, aided by Lynne McNeil, Monte Brown, and Juan Basin: implications for depositional environlic Lands" Award for recovering a fossil elk specBecky Titus, put together Bulletin l3l, Memoirs ments." Gretchen Roybal described the NCRDS imen near Roswell. Lois Devlin is NMBMMR's 46 and 47, and the proqram/directorv. Field-trio systemat the spring NMGIC meeting. Diane Bel- representative on Tech's Drug Policy Committee. leadersincludedChutk -hapin, Steve'Cather, anh li!' tatk to the Aibuq"uerqueGeologicaYsociety was Mrs. Ethel Schmitt and Dr. Harrison H. (Jack) Bill Mclntosh. Mclntosh, Chapin, and John Sutter "Fluid inclusions in fossil ambJr: primitive atSchmitt donated the thirty-year collections of Dr. Bave a poster session titled "Timing and distri- mosphereor not?" Harrison A. Schmitt to NMBMMR; Bob Eveleth is bulion of Oligoceneignimbriteactivily in the MoStaff members participated in the following appraising this outstanding gift to our Geotechngollon-Datil volcanic field, southwestern New meetings, workshops, and seminars: AAPG naical lnformation Center,along with the mining paMexico." SteveCather, Dave Love, and paul Bauer tional meeting (Ron Broadhead,AAPG House of pers of SeymourThurmond donatedby Mrs. Heien attended the session,Lois Devlin and fennifer Bor- Delpgates; Sam Thompson, workshops; Frank Thurmond. Raymond Schmidt donated to the yta handled NMBMMR's exhibits. Kottlowski, EMD ExecuiiveCommittee;ind Steve Mineral Museum a historic plaque and a silver Virginia Mclemore presented two talks at the speciman from the Bridal Chamber vug at Lake 28th International Giological Congresstitled Valley. (See page 62, this issue.) Diane Belis and "Geology and geochemistry of Cambrian-OrdoDon Wolberg uncovered a fossil coconut from the vician syenites in New Mexico and their relationFruitland Formation in the Fossil Forest (stump ship to a Cambrian-Ordovician carbonatite and field) of the Split Lips Flat areaduring the summei alkalic magmatic event in New Mexico and Colofield course. rado, USA," and "Mineralogy and geochemistry PaleontologicalSocietySpe. In_Paleotechniques, of alteration associatedwith'the Lemitar carbon- workshop (ludyYaiza, Lynne McNeil, TheresaLocial Publication No. 4, are two papersby Don Wolatites, central New Mexico, USA." Judy Vaiza, pez, and Lorraine Peck);Association of American berg, "Stabilizing pyritic material;'and t'Gluesand Lynne McNeil, and Preciliano Vaiza managed State Geologists annual meeting (James RobertNMBMMR's exhibiq Frank Kottlowski was on6 of son); GSA Rocky Mountain and Cordilleran secthe eight USA delegatesto IGC and IUGS Council (Diane Bellis and Don Wolberg); !ig1t- l:"!i"g meerrnSs. USGSWRD workshop on sediment/contaminarits John Hawley's talk at Landfill Issues in New hansport research(Dave Love); New Mexico GeoMexico_Forum, sponsored by Senator Bingaman, Information Council spring meeting (Dave Faphic was "Geology and environmental concerns at Love and Gretchen Roybal); Water Resouries Re- USPOSIAGI PAID NIWMIXICO PERMIT NO9