NewPublications Producing characteristics and depositional environments of Lower Pennsylvanian reservoirs, Parkwav-Empire South area, Eddy County, New NMBMMR Mexico, by A. O. James,1985:American Asso*Circular l99-Epithermal deposits in New Mexciationof PetroleumGeologists,v. 69, no.7, pp. 1043-1063. ico, compiled by T. L. Eggleston, 7985,56 pp. Reconnaissanceseismic refraction-reflection sur$4.50 U.S. Bureau of Mines veys in northwestern New Mexico, by L. H. This volume contains six papers and 14 abstracts that resulted from a symposium on epi- INroRuartoN CTRCULAR Jakshaand D. H. Evans, 1984:Bulletin of the SeismologicalSociety of America, v. 74, no. 4, thermal-ore deposits in New Mexico. The 9007-Subsidence information for underground pp. 1263-7274. syrnposium, whiih was held at the 1984spring mines-literature assessmentand annotated Recognition of interstitial anhydrite dissolutionmeeting of the New Mexico Geological Society, bibliography, by A. J Fejes, R. C Dyni, J. A a causeof secondaryporosity, SanAndres Limefocused attention on the high-grade, generally Magers, and L. B. Swatek, 7985,86 pp stone, New Mexico, and Upper Minnelusa Forshallow mineral deposits found at Mogollon, mation, Wyoming, by C. l. Schenk and R. W. Kingston, l4y'hiteoaks, Chloride, PinosAltos, and Richardson, 1985:American Association of PeHermosa. The rest of the abstractsgiven at the Research andDevelopment troleum Geologists,Bulletin, v. 69, no.7, pp. New Mexico Energy 1984 meeting were published in New Mexico Institute 1.064-1076. Geology,v. 6, no. 4, pp. 83-86. 2-73-4622-Gas and oil production wastewater Remotely sensed limonite anomaly on Lordsburg Mesa, New Mexico--possible implications for disposal alternatives foi the San Juan Basin, by uranium deposits,by G. L. Raines,f. A. ErdS. |. Zygmunt, T. L. Andrews, and J. H. Siegel, USGS man, J. H. McCarthy, and G. M. Reimer,1985: 1985,105pp. Burlrrw EconomicGeology,v. 80, no. 3, pp.575-590. 2-68-2210(A)-On-farm production and utilization of alcohol and stillage, by R. E. Finkner and 164L-A-The Lower Cretaceous Ammonite S. W. Burnett, 1985,final report, 47 pp. Schloenbachia leonensisConrad var. equidistans reports Open-lile Cragin, by W A. Cobban, 7985,6 pp. Crnculens 0904-B-Geologic and hydrologic characterization and evaluation of the Basin and Range Province relative to the disposal of high-levil radioactive waste--part II, Geologic and hydrologic characterization,by K. A. Sargent and M. S. Bedinger,1985,30pp. 0904-C-Geologic and hydrologic characterization and evaluation of the Basin and Range Province relative to the disposal of high-level radioactive waste-part III, Geologic and hydrologic evaluation, by M. S. Bedinger, K. A. Sargent, and B. T. Brady, 1985,27 pp. Mrscru-aNEous FIELDsruDrES MAps MF-L631-Heologic map of the Sandia Mountain Wilderness, Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, by D. C. Hedlund, 1985, 1:50,000. MF-1631-D-Aeromagnetic map of the Sandia Mountain Wildemess, Bernalillo and Sandoval Counties, New Mexico, by D. C. Hedlund and L. E. Cordell, 1985,1:50,000. *MF-1782-Geologic map of BearMountain quadrangle, Grant County, New Mexico, by W. E. Brooksand J. C. Ratt€, 1985,1:24,000. MF-l788-Preliminary geologic map of the Pretty Rock quadrangle, San Juan County, New Mexico, by f . D. Strobell,Jr., R. B. O'Sullivan,J. W. Mytton, and M. F. Erpenbeck,1985,7:24,000. PnoressroNal pepEn l400-B-Geohydrology of the High Plains aquifer in parts of Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming, by E. D. Gutentag, F. J. Heimes, N. C. Krothe, R. R. Luckey, and f. B. Weeks, 1.984, 63 pp. Warrn RESoURcES TNVESTTcATToNS 84-4176-Wireline-rotary air coring of the Bandelier Tuff, Los Alamos, New Mexico, by W. E. Teasdaleand R. R. Pemberton,19U,9 pp. WaTEn SUPPLYPAPER 2205-Simulation of an aquifer test of the Tesuque Pueblo grant, New Mexico, by G. A. Hearne, 798s,24pp I{MBMMR NewMexico WaterResources Research Institute publications Other *226-El Llano and vicinity geotechnical studyfinal report, by G. D. Johnpeer, D. W. Love, J. W Hawley, D. J. Bobrow, M. Hemingway, and R. F. Reimers, 1985, 578 pp., 4 vol., 23 tables, 82figs., 12photographs,23 appendices,11hench logs, 3 over-sized geophysical profiles, 12 oversized maps (may be purchased t. Ou.,trrrrr.r' Amalgamated interdune deposits, White Sands, New Mexico,by E. L. Simpsonand D. B. Loope, 1985:fournal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 55, no. 3, pp. 361-365. Derivation of the original isotropic composition of Permian marine cements. bv R. K. Given and K. C. Lohmann, 1985:Journal of Sedimentary Pehology, v. 55, no. 3, pp 403-439. Ground-water quality in the El Llano area of the EspanolaValley, by D. Earp, 1985:New Mexico Environmental Improvement Division, 23 pp *85-232-Geology, mines, and prospects of the Tyrone stock and vicinity, Grant County, New Mexico, by D. C. Hedlund, 1985,33 pp., 1 plate (nonreproducible). *E5-t155-Economic geology of some selectedmines in the Hillsboro and San Lorenzo quadrangles, Grant and Sierra Counties, New Mexico, by D. C . H e d l u n d , 1 9 8 5 ,8 1 p p . , 1 l p l a t e s ( n o n reproducible). MR-l4-Water directory-where to get water information in New Mexico, edited bv L. G. Harris, 1984. USGS usGs Topocnepslc MAps-NEw (scale1:24,000) +Pagosa function (NM-CO) yr 1978-U lat. 3T long. 707"7'30', contour (f0 40 INrEnvsnnrr ropocRApHrcMAps(scale 1:100,000;* = BLM MAP) *Alamo Hueco Mountains *Canyon de Chelly (NM-AZ) *Carrizozo *Nutrioso (NM-AZ)+ *SantaRosa *Springerville (NM-AZ) *Vaughn yr 1983-84 1980-84 L979-87 r978-81, r978-U r973-81 1978-84 lat. 31' 36" long. 108" r09" 33'30', 33'30', 34"30', 340 34'30', ros' r09' 104" 109' 105' lat. long. 109" contour (m) 50 50 50 40 20 Rrvrsrp ropocRApHrc MAps (scale 1:24,000) *Valle Bonito NE (NM-AZ) yr 1978-U 34"37',30', NewMexicoGeology November 1985 contour (f0 tn traditional hands-on-the-outcropdust-up-thenosefield hips, Much excellentwork has been done in the area since the last NMGS conferenceheld there in 1955'Papersare being solicited now on any phase of the geology of this area. If you would like to contribute a paperpleasecontactone of the peoplelisted below ahd give them the title and the approximate length of your PaPeras soon as bossible.See you in T or C in 1985.Organizers:Bob Osburn (CeneralChairman),New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources,Socorro,NM 87801,(505)835-5147; Russ Clemons and Greg Mack (Guidebook Editors),Department of Earth Sciences,Box 3AB, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces,New Mexico, (505)646-1033or 6461343. CallforPapers Elenhant Butte at Truth or Consequences, New Mexrco. fall fieldconlerence 1986NMGS countryTruth orConsequences rift RioGrande middle Geological NewMexico news Society New Mexico GeologicalSocietymembers will be electingtheir 1986officersin the near future. A November mailing to the membership will include a ballot, a publication list with prices, and a notice of a guidebook sale to be held in fanuary. The next New Mexico Geological Society fall field conference will be held in Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, in 1986.The diverse and complex geology in this area will provide the subject-mattei for three days of continuedfrom page84 628-85 gold, silver /-t/-6J gold, silver Load, Sundance Mining, PO. Box Operator-Washington Flannery, 484, Cedar Crest, IllM 87008; Gen. Mgr.-Jack same address, phone: 281-1271. Sandoval Counlv; sec. 36, T18N, R4E; prr vate land; directions to mine: take I-25 north from Altuqlerque to the-Cochiti Lake turnoff (left hand turn), take NM-22 west through Peia Blanca, continue through Cochiti to Bland Canyon road 268 House, Po Boy Explorations, PO. Box Operator-Party Green, same 15'9, Tyrone, NM 88065; Gen. Mgr.-Kelly address. Grant Courty; sec ?4, T205, R16W; federal land; directions to mine: top of Southfork Gold Gulch The West TexasGeologicalSocietyhas issueda call for papersfor publicationin its monthly bulletin. Aitiiles are invited on all aspectsof Permian Basingeology.Of specialinterestare PaPersemphasizlngpeiroleum geology,Paleozoicstratigra5ryle phy, structure.tectonics,anclsecllmentatlon. bf ihe rnunus..ipts should follow guidelines set by the AAPG Bulletinor that of articlespublished in back issuesof the WTGS Bulletin.The length oI papers should be 10-20 double-spacedtypewritieti paget including figures, references,and abstraci.Figuresmust be camera-ready.Pleasesubrnit manuscr'iptsor inquiries to Ms. Chris Chandler, Editor,Fina Oil and ChemicalCompany,P.O. Box 2990,Midland, Texas79702,(975) 687-0575. youtsubscriPtion to Renew NewMexicoGeologY Property owner-Rex Green, Albuquerque, NM 8-9-85 marble Operator-Marble USA, Marble USA, Inc , c/o Daniel E Duncan, 1921 Carlisle NE, Suite B, Albuquerque, NM 87110;Gen Mgr -V K Manaktala,Ph D , sameaddress, phone: 267-2668;Treasurer-Ronnie Pittman, same address;Secretary-JosephHaldiman, sameaddress. Property owner-Lloyd Golder, Box 130,RR #19, Tucson, AZ 85704;Marble USA is the owner of the mineral rights. V a l e n c i aC o u n l y ; s e c 1 3 , 2 3 , 2 4 , 2 6 ' 2 7 , 28, 33, 34, 35, T5N, R3W; Prrvate land; directionsto pit: 20 mi west of Belen,NM 8-21-85 gold, silver Operator-Bart Lode Prospect,Ray L. Weber & Assoc., 3131Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247;Cen. Mgt.SteveHemdon, 4621Country Creek Dr , Dallas,TX 75236, phone:(214)331-5379;Gen Supt -Lee Heniott, Jr , 1815 Mountain Lake, Dallas, TX75208, phone: (214)348-4577; Other official-Ray Weber, 3131 Stemmons Freeway, Dallas, TX 75247,phone: (21.4)263-0590 Propertyowner-Bureau of Land Management Siena County; sec. 10, T165, R7W; federal land; directions to mine: from the north, proceed approximately 12 mi south of T or C, turn west on NM-90 to within 2 mi of Hillsboro; property is on the left November 1985 Neru Mexico GeologY (continuednext issue) subscriptionin 1986. New Mexico Geological SocietY (NMGS) members please note: Your NMGS dues will no llnger automatically include a subscriPtion to Nezu Meiico Ceologyin 1986.The NMGS executivecommitteevoted in APrilto discontinuethe policy that included free subscriptions to NezrrMexico Ceology upon payment of NMGS dues. NMCS dires have been reduced to comPensatefor this change. Send the renewal enveloPe and a checktoday for your L986subscription to New Mexico Geology. Abeyta Canyon, 43 Abo Formation, 36, 65 age dating (see dating) Alhambra mine, 41 alkali-olivine basalts,65 archaeology,74-n, U Atarque Sandstone Member, 1-7 Atkinson, W. W, Jr, 69-74 A u s t i n , GS , 3 1 azurites, 19 Balitas,Ceno, 15 barite, 18-19, 2l-25, 41., ia Barker,J. M ,21-25,31. basalts,55 Basins, Acoma, 35-39 Albuquerque, 35-39 -Belen,22 Cenhal, 35-39 Delaware, 35-39 Espaftola,32-34,3539,65 Estancia,22 Pedregosa,35, 38-39 Permian, 10, 35-39 Raton, 35, 38 San Juan, 35-39, 64, 6 Tucumcari, 35-39 Bear Mountains mining district, 42 Beyet J. 8., 54 Black Range, 18, 52 Boggs, R. C., 41-42 . ... Bond Canyon, 43 , Boyle, l. T., 26-10 L. A.,64 Brandvold, Bravo dome CO2 gas field, 10, 35-39 B r o a d h e a dR, . F , 1 0 , 35-39 Bubbling Spr!ngs,-43 Bullard, T..F.,,t55a6 . . Canadian River, 8-9 Canby, V M., 18 carbon dioxide flooding,10,35 CarbonateCreek, 18 carbonatites,18-19r C a t o , T, J r , 4 2 Cerrillos Hills, 42 Cerro de Cristo Rey pluton, 64 Charnberlin,R, 17 Chavez Box, 15 Chenoweth, W. L., 8083 Chino mine, history, 57 ChupaderaArroyo, 43 Cobban, R., 42 collapsiblesoils, 32J4, 59-52,67 Collins, T., 55 Colorado Plateau, 55-56 ConchasLake State Park, 8-9 counties, Bemalillo,11.,22,50 r- !' Cafton,78-79 Chaves, 35 Cibola, 50, 80-83 Cuny,37 Doia Ana, 24, 35-i9, & Grant, 19, 41 Harding, 10 Hidalgo, 74-n,84 Lincoln, 35J6 McKinley, 50, 80-83 mining districts, 18, ,l2, 80-83 mining registrations, 9, 4 2 ,4 9 , 8 4 , 8 6 Miocene, 45-48 Modreski,P. J.,18, 41., 42 Monero Mountain, 43 Moras, Caiada de las, 43 Mud Springs Mountains, 56 Mora,37 Oterc,47-42 Rio Arriba, 22,32-34, 36,59-62 Roosevelt,36 San ]uan, 36 Sandoval,22,50,66 S a n t aF e , 2 2 , 4 7 , 5 0 , 59-62,69J4 Siena, 24 Socorro, 1-7, 18-19, 24,26-i0, 42, 64, Naashoibito Member, 66 national forest land, 65 natural resource production, tiles, 31 Nestor Canyon, 43 nonmetallics, 31 Norland, W. D., 64 North, R M., 18-19, -laos, 7 8 -zz, 2 )+-J) -. -Tonance,19,'12,50': Union, 10_..1': Crabauglu J..fl, 66 Cretaceous,.W,74 CutitrillasPeladas,43 Datrl Mounds, ;,1;1 .t il ::::.:: ..' ,. /.1 L') Northwest shelf, 35 78-19'.t ;,:: 66,74-77,84 Park barite Canyon, 43 '4.:a:',:,: ,1..e:.,....4 Eveleth,R. W., 18, 55tieunas,.lJ, 1.7-:15, 74-n, u F l a n n e r yI, R , 6 l _ . ' fluorite,78-19,24, 4l fossils,1-7, 77-15,6, 74-77,84 FraserMountain,49 as,-15 : ; ', ', : :. French Mesa, 43 i .i, :...: ' ... 'Balenu 24, 47 , Gallegos Paik, 43 Gallinas Mountains, 7879 G6rdner,-J.;55 ffrllrets,69-74 gastropods;'1l:15i,6.6 geoehernistry,17,.65, 69J4 geographic.names,15, 43 Geotechni&ilground: stabilization studt 32-34,59-62 .geothermal, 64 ,Giprdero, T H ,64 G6ff,r;;'os Graeme, D. L , 19, 4l Graeme, R. W., IV 19, 4L Grigsby,I D ,45-48 Gross,J. T, 64 ground subsidence,3234,59-62 ground water, 54-55,64 Guadalupe Mountains, l5 . :, :. :,::..t' rernlan, oJ pehology, 55 _, Phillips, F M., 64 I Pickett 9pri!.9-Eany.on', .43 Fleistocene,74-n,84 Pliocene,65 Point Lookout Folmatlofu 55 Point of Roc\s;-l8, 42 Polva.der+Gipup, 65 Precdrnbriari;'19 ! .Fg1q'a_tioR,: . Puy g 6.s . quartizmonzonile, 54_ Lucas,S. G., 66 Mack, G H., {5-48' MacMillan,{, R:, 56 :. MaderaGroup, 11-15, 22 magnetite, 64 Mancos Shal6, 1, 36 McCuny, M., & McElmo CO2 gas field, 10 Mclemore, V. T.,17, 78-79,2725, 47, 50JJ McPherson,J G ,55, 66 megaripples, 26-30 Mesilla Valley Formation, 54 Mina del Tiro, 42 mineral-resource potential, 50J3 minerals, 18-1,9,2724, 41.,59-74 Rattlesnake..Hitls, 19 Reirneis,P; I,;.,57 rhyolitig volcaniSm,55 Rincon Valley Fomation, 45-48 .rift, 21-24, Rio_.Q.;4nde 45-48,65. Rio-Giande,'sedtntent .... sorting,26-,3A Ripley Poiirt, 43. Robinsbn,5.,25-30 SageLake, 43 San Dego Canyon, 66 San Diego Mountain, 43, 45-48 San Pedro mine, 69-74 San Pedro skarn, 70 SandiaMountains, 1314,27-24 SantaFe Group,32-34, 45-48, 55 SantaRita, 56-58 Saragate,Ceno,49 Sawtooth Mountains, 78-79 Schwab,G., 64 Seager,W R.,64 sediment sorting, 25-30 sedimentation, 66-67 selachians,1-7 S e l f ,S , 5 5 Setter,J R. D., 19 Sevilleta Gtant, l-7 Shaw,D ,32-34,59-62 SheepMountain CO2 8as field, 10 Siena del Cobre (Chino mine), 57 silver, 1.8 Singer,B.S,65 Sipapu, 43 Sixto Creek, 43 skarn, 70 SkousenSprings, 43 S m i t h ,L N , 5 5 Sol se Mete Member, 11-15 SpearsFormation, 7879 Sr isotope, 65 Stone Lake, 49 sulfide, 18-19 Summers, W K, 54-55, 64 Sunshine Valley, 54-55 Tansey,M K., 64 taxes, state, 31 tectonics,65-67 Tetilla Peak, 65 Todilto Limestone, 80.83 Tonuco Mountains, 49 topographic maps, 15, 4,62 Tres Hermanos Formation, 1-7 Tse Bonito, 43 Valley, 43 Wash, 43 Tuck Canyon, 43 Turbeville, B N., 65 Turkey Park, 43 Turonian,1-7,65 U-BarCave,74-77,84 uranium, 17, 57,80-83 ve{teb?ates,74J7,84 volcanics,5748,64, 69-74,78-79 rWaresback,D. 8., 65 : Wbrm Springs Canyon, , 49. ' Webb-Creek; 43 wells, .- q3rbon dioxide, 10 coll4psible-soilst--'.. monrrorn8/ JJ-J+, 59-62 ' oil and gas discovery, J){v West Fork Chavez Creek, 49 Wild Cow Formation, 11-15 Willow Creek Mesa Dtch, 49 Wind Mountain laccolith, 41-t0 W i n o g r a d I, 1 , 5 4 - 5 5 Wolberg, D. L., 7-7 Wright, f. V., 55 Wright, R., 55 wulfenite, 42 YesoFormation, 22, 35, 66 zeolites, 41 znc,47 Zuni Mountains, 56 New Mexico Geology November 1985 87 of Mines NewMexicoBureau Resoulces andMinetal statfnotes Mark Bowie and Kevin Cook ioined us as ResearchAssociate Geologists for the Coal Qualiry Proiect;Bonnie Pelletier was hired as the Coal Laboraiory Technician for the same project' Danny Bobroiaris now a Geologist/Paleontologist.Annette Gonzales joined us as Administrative Secretary replacingJeanetteChavez,who was hired to wbrk'with lnformation Services.Guadalupe Williams left to become a technical secretary,and BrianArkell moved to the Washington,D.C., area. Anniversaries from September to November of peoplewho had five or more yearsof servicewere: jacquesRenault,21; Lynn Brandvold,20; George Austin, John Hawley, Bill Stone,SamThompson, and Jamie Robertson,11; Bob North, 7; and JoAnne Osbum, 6. the same meeting John Hawley gave a-talk and poster sessionentitled "ldentification ot Posslble iites in New Mexico for disposal of hazardous waste." Jim Barker is our lead contact for the Memorandum of Understandingthat we have with the U'S' Forest Serviceto cooperatewith them on geologic and mineral resourc:esissues that concern both at Redrock State Park. Chuck Chapin's lectures for the AAPG Distinquished LectureTour are called "Two-stageLarfield trips connected with the meeting to the Mt. imide orogeny in southwesternUnited StatesTaylor uranium mine, the Ortiz gold operations, tectonicsand iedimentation." Orin Anderson and Richard Chamberlin were among the leaders of and the Westem Gypsum mine and mill. Gary Johnpeer, John Hawley, and Dave Love the Energyand Minerals Department(EMD)-tour led a field trip for the Albuquerque chapter of the of aband6neduranium rnineiin the Ambrosia Lake American Association of Civil Engineers to the district. Mike Harris checkedthe JonesCamp iron area.JohnHawley visited depositto attemptbeneficiationtestingof the ore. Espaiolacollapsible-soil problemsin Mike Gobla reviewedthe Cimarron Mine Plan for Alimogordo to look at collapsible-soil the easiernpart of that citv. The thick four-volume the Energy and Minerals DePartment. Marshiil Reiter's poster was presented at the final reporf on the Espafrola Subsidence Project was issued in late June and has been in reasonable Conference on Heat and Detacliment in Crustal demand ever since. Gary Johnpeer is preparing Extension held at Sedona in October. Jiri Zidek (Acanan invited paper for the journal GroundFailureen- published his paper "Growth in Acanthodes titled "Land subsidencecausedby collapsiblesoils ihodii: Pisces;-data and implications"in the Ger..Vo-lu1e in northern New Mexico." Gary Johnpeer and man publication PahontologiiheZeitschrift Danny Bobrow's poster on "Collapsiblesoils,in II of Reaiewsin EconomicGeology,edited by Jamie northlcentral New Mexico" was presented at the Robertson and called "Geology and geochemistry Association of Engineering Geologists'meeting in of epithermalsystems,"is in Press. Winston-Salem, North Carolina, in October. At John Hawley'attendedthe organizationconfer- ence on the Directory of North America+r-Geologv's Quaternary volume in Denver; he also gave a"ialk it the Niw Mexico Academy of Science meetinqin Albuquerquecalled"The OgallalaFor- , mation"in eastern New Mexico." Bob North gave a talk in Taos on New Mexico mineral resources and led a field trip to the Harding mine for Ft' Havs State UniversitY classes. Abstracts submitted to the GSA meeting in Orlando include Laura Kedzie, John Sutter, and Chuck sAr/3eAr ages of wideChapin's "High precision rpt"'ud Oligoieni ash-flow tuff sheets near Socbrro" and iom Kendrick, Fred Kuellmer, Phil Kyle, Frank Campbell, and Lynn Brandvold's "Traceelement disiribution in Fruitland coal seamsfrom northwestern New Mexico." Frank Kottlowski participated in the New Mexico MiningAssociation Board of Directors' meeting in Grantsind the field trip to Lee Ranchcoal mine; he also beqan his Year as President of the Association of American StateGeologists,and he was appointed to the U.S' National Committee on Gebloey. The New Mexico Tech Sigma Xi Chapter's Piesident is Lynn Brandvold; Frank Campbell serveson the Adniissions Committee; JacquesRenault serveson the Nominations Committee. fudy Yaiza, Zana Wolf, Norma Meeks, Lynne McNeil, and Deborah Shaw attended the Govemor's Career Development Conferencefor Women in State Governmeni in September. -New Mexico Oil and Gas-AsPeter Hanagan, sociation,and Dick Stametz,New Mexico Oil Conservation Division, reported that the total amount of revenues, royalties, rentals, and other direct income receivedby the state in 1984as a result of about oil and gas produition was $1,015,085,000. l07o mo"rethan was received in 1983.The state's assessmentson oil and gas production provide about one-half of the recurring revenues entering the State General Fund, a total of $5'14.8million during the 1983-84fiscal year. Oil production increase-dto 79.3 million barrels, and natural gas natural gas increased slightly to $2'77 per thousand ft3,-butthe price of a barrel of oil dropped to $28.91.Producti6n in the first half of 1985showed a slight increasein both oil and natural gas. f f o nf t d l 0 q a n b l r c n USPOSTAGE PAID NIWMEXICO SOCORRO NO9 PERMIT