Resources NewMexico Bureau of MinesandMineral SPECIALOFFERON PUBLICATIONS 40% off for complete set;201"off individual items Here is an opportunity to add to your library on New Mexico petroleum geology at a rock-bottom price! Offer expiresluly 1,1996. 20% Quantity Discount Total Ordered Price Price Regular Price Series $10.20 $72.75 Memoir 17 $ 9.40 $11.75 Memoir 24 $ 8.40 $10.50 Bulletin 119 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 Bulletin 124 $ 6.00 $ 7.50 Builetin 125 $ 6.00 $ 7.50 Bulletin 143 $ 4.80 $ 6.00 Bulletin 145 $12.00 $15.00 Bulletin 146 $ 5.50 $ 7.00 $ 6.40 $ 8.00 $ 1.80 fi 2.25 Bulletin 147 new Bulletin 153 new Circular 130 6 4.2O $ 5.25 Circular 152 $ 3.00 $ 3.75 Circular 164 $ 8.40 $10.50 Circular 776 $ 3.40 fi 4.25 179 $ 4.80 $ 6.00 Circular 183 $ 7.2O $ 9.00 Circular 193 $ 4.20 $ 5.25 Circular 198 Title Geology of Pennsylvanian and Wolfcampian rocks in southeast New Mexico, by R. F. Meyer, 1966, reprinted 1985,123 p. Geology of the Pecos country, southeastern New Mexico, by V. C. Kelley, 1971.,rcprrnted 1979. 75 p. Petroleum geology of Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian strata, Tucumcari Basin, east-central New Mexico, by R. F. Broadhead and W. E. King, 7988,75 p. Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian strata in the Orogrande and Pedregosa Basins, New Mexico, by j. L. Wilson, 1989, 16 p. Petrography and depositional environments of the Lower Ordovician El Paso Formatioo by R. E. Clemons, 7997,68 p. Lower and Middle Pennsylvanian fusulinid biostratigraphy of southern New Mexico and westernmost Texas, by W. W. Clopine, 1992,67 p. Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic cooling histories of the flanks of the northern and central Rio Grande rift, Colorado and New Mexico, by S. A. Kelley, C. E. Chapin, and J. Corrigarg 1992,39 p. Coalbed methane in the Upper Cretaceous Fruitland Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado, 1994, edited by W. B. Ayers, |r., and W. R. Kaiset,216 p. Middle.Jurassic Todilto Formation of northern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado: marine or nonmarine? by D. W. Kirkland, R. E. Denison, and R. Evans, 1995,39 p. Facies, diagenesis, and mineralogy of the ]urassic Todilto Limestone Member, Grants uranium district, New Mexico, by A. K. Armstrong,7995, 47 p. Hydrocarbon potential of pre-Pennsylvanian rocks in Roosevelt County, New Mexico, by w. D. Pitt, 1973,7 p. Geology, petroleum source rocks, and thermal metamorphism in KCM No. 1 Forest Federal well, Hidalgo County, New Mexico, by S. Thompson III and others, 7977, 62 p. Model for beach shoreline in Gallup Sandstone (Upper Cretaceous) of northwestern New Mexico, by C. V Campbell, 7979,32p. Pennsylvanian stratigraphy, petrography, and petroleum geology of Big Hatchet Peak sectiory Hidalgo County, New Mexico, by S. Thompson III and A. D. facka, 1981,,1'25p. Porosity zones of lower part of San Andres Formatiory east-central New Mexico, by W. D. Pitt and G. L. Scott, 1981, 19 p. Stratigraphically controlled gas production from Abo red beds (Permian), east-central New Mexico, by R. F. Broadhead, 1984,36 p. Subsurface petroleum geology of Santa Rosa Sandstone (Triassic), northeast New Mexico, by R. F. Broadhead, 1984, 22 p. Oil and gas potential of the Tularosa Basin-Otero piatform-Salt Basin graben area, New Mexico and Texas, by W E. King and V. M. Harder, 1985,36 p. Subtotal Shipping and handling $1.50 for orders of $0-$4.99 $2.50 for orders of $5.00-$25.00 add $2.50 for each additional $25.00 TOTAL SPECIALDISCOUNT OF 40% ON ORDERS OF THE ENTIRE SET Quantity Discount Price, set $ 82.s0 Total Petroleum geology publications Shipping and handling ($8.50per set) TOTAL You must refer to "Special Offer 96-2Nuc"to receive discount prices. Pleaseuse the order form on page 60. 58 May 1996 New Mexico Geology 18(2) ORDER FORM NMG Publicationsare listed in this issueon pp.4L,58, and 59. Publ. no, Title Quantity Shippirg and handling charges: Up to $4 99-$1.50 $5.00-25.00-$2.50 $2500-50 00-$s.00 $50.00-75.00-$7.50 Price Subtotal Shipping and handling Totalsfrom p. 58 Total amount of order Daytime phone number Send order and remittanceto: Editing Departrnent New Mexico Bureau of Mines and Mineral Resources 801Leroy Place Socorro,NM 87801-4795 Telephone:(505)835-5410 tr Check enclosedpayable to New Mexico Bureau of Mines. E Creditcard E MasterCard tr VISA E Discover Card no. Expiration date Signature Your order will be shipped to the addresson the mailing label. Correctionsto your addressshould be made on the label. Foreign orders: payment must be in U.S. funds drawn on a; check must include appropriate routing numbers. NonProtit0roaniation U.S.Postage PAID SOCORRO, NEVV MEXICO PERMIT NO,9