Housing & Dining
Mobile, AL 36688
Community Standards – “Guests” (II.4.): A guest is defined as any person who is not assigned to your room. Residents
are expected to talk with their roommate(s) in advance and agree on guests, overnight stays, and other visitation issues (see
“About Roommates”). The Residence Life staff is available to assist residents with these conversations and to support
residents in maintaining their safety and comfort. Guests, including residents from other residence hall rooms, are permitted
during the approved University visitation hours: Sunday-Thursday 10:00AM-12:00AM (midnight), and Friday-Saturday
10:00AM-2:00AM. A maximum of three guests are allowed per resident per visit at any time during visitation hours.
A residential student is permitted to have a guest of the same gender stay overnight in his/her room for a maximum of 48
hours if that guest is registered with and approved by the Community Director in advance. Only one guest is permitted per
room per overnight stay and excessive numbers of requests by the same resident may be denied. A resident must have
written consent from his/her roommate prior to permitting an overnight guest and prior to use of the roommate’s bed for a
Overnight Guest Request forms can be downloaded directly from the “Guests” Community Standard. Children under the age
of 17 are not allowed to remain in the residence halls overnight except under special circumstances and with the approval of
the respective Area Coordinator. Students with unregistered guests may be subject to the Housing Judicial Process and
assessed a per-night charge for the guest; likewise, the guest may be removed from the residence halls.
All guests/visitors are required to have official photo identification (i.e., driver’s licenses, state id, University id) with them at all
times and present it to University officials upon request. While in a residence hall, guests must comply with all University and
Housing policies and community standards, as well as all applicable federal and state laws. Residents are responsible for the
conduct of their guests and may be subject to financial and other sanctions through the Housing Judicial Process and/or
University judiciary system, as well as the legal system if the community standard for guests is violated. Furthermore,
residents are encouraged to be with/escort their guest(s) the entire time they are within the residential community. Guests
may not be left unattended in a room without prior written permission from the Area Coordinator. Guests who violate visitation
hours may be subject to trespass warrants or other action taken by the USA Police Department. Guests may also lose the
privilege of visiting the USA residence hall communities. Housing & Dining reserves the right to amend or revoke visitation
within each residence hall community.
All Residence Hall lots are closed to non-resident vehicles when visiting hours have ended: Sunday-Thursday, 12:00AM
(midnight), and Friday-Saturday 2:00AM. Non-resident vehicles found in the residence hall lots after hours, including Gamma
and Fraternity/Sorority lots, are subject to towing unless the guest is registered and approved by the Community Director.
The following is an authorization form to be completed by any student requesting an overnight guest Complete
this form and turn it in to your Community Director (CD). The CD will submit the approved request to the
Resident Assistant On-Duty (RAOD) and notify you of the status of your request via University email (JagMail).
Overnight guests must be escorted at all times.
Date of Overnight Visit: _________________________Date Submitting Request: __________________
Resident Name: _______________________________Jag #: ___________________________________
Building: _______________ Room Number: _________ Cell Phone #: ___________________________
Guest Name: _________________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________
Person/Phone # to contact in case of emergency: ____________________________________________
Form of ID Taken: _____________________________ ID#: ___________________________________
Address _____________________________________ City/State/Zip: ___________________________
Date of Arrival: ________________________________ Date of Departure: ________________________
Students Name: _______________________________ Jag #: __________________________________
Hall/Room or Commuter: ________________________ Date of Birth: ____________________________
Person/Phone # to contact in case of emergency: ____________________________________________
Date of Overnight: _____________________________ Date of Departure: ________________________
I understand that no visitor may remain on campus for more than two consecutive nights. All
students (and visitors) are expected to uphold high standards of behavior and respect the rights
and privileges of others. I understand that any violation of a Housing & Dining community
standard or Student Code of Conduct policy by myself or my guest will subject me to disciplinary
action through the Housing Judicial Process.
Requesting Resident’s Signature
Date Signed
Roommate(s) Approval:
(print) __________________________________ (sign) _______________________________
(print) __________________________________ (sign) _______________________________
(print) __________________________________ (sign) _______________________________
Community Director (CD) Approval:
(print) ________________________________
(sign) _________________________________
Photocopy and place in RAOD Binder.
Contact/Notify Student of Approval via University Email (JagMail). Attach copy of form.
Date of Approval by CD: __________________
Overnight Request # _______ for this student