SIMULATION OF SODIUM BOILING EXPERIMENTS WITH THERMIT SODIUM VERSION by Kang Yul Huh MIT-EL 82-023 May 1982 i _ ___II_~ C __ MITLibraries Document Services __ ~~_ ~111 i I __ C___ Room 14-0551 77 Massachusetts Avenue Cambridge, MA 02139 Ph: 617.253.5668 Fax: 617.253.1690 Email: DISCLAIMER OF QUALITY Due to the condition of the original material, there are unavoidable flaws in this reproduction. We have made every effort possible to provide you with the best copy available. If you are dissatisfied with this product and find it unusable, please contact Document Services as soon as possible. Thank you. Pgs. 168-169 contain illegible'text. This is the best copy available. SIMULATION OF SODIUM BOILING EXPERIMENTS WITH THERMIT SODIUM VERSION by KANG YUL HUH B.S., Seoul National University (1980) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY May 1982 -2- SIMULATION OF SODIUM BOILING EXPERIMENTS WITH THERMIT SODIUM VERSION by KANG YUL HUH Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on May 7, 1982, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT Natural and forced convection experiments(SBTF and French) are simulated with the sodium version of the thermal-hydraulic computer code THERMIT. Simulation is done for the test secti-on with the pressure-velocity boundary condition and subsequ-ently extended to the whole loop. For the test section simu-lation, a s.teady-state and transient calculations are perform-ed and compared with experimental data. For the loop simula-tion, two methods are used, a simulated 1-D loop and an actual 1-D loop. In the simulated 1-D loop analysis, the vapor densi-ty is increased by one hundred and two hundred times to avoid the code failure and the results still showed some of the impor-tant characteristics of the two-phase flow oscillation in a loop. A mathematical model is suggested for the two-phase flow oscillation. In the actual 1-D loop, only the single phase calculation was performed and turned out to be nearly the same as the simulated 1-D loop single phase results. In the process of simulation, it is discovered that the energy conservation equations of THERMIT fails to conserve energy by a small amount due to interfacial mass transfer and frictional dissipation of mechanical into thermal energy. The problems and applicability of the THERMIT physical models are also discussed. Thesis Supervisor: Neil F. Todreas Professor of Nuclear Engineering Department -3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I wish to express my sincere gratitude to my thesis supervisor Professor Neil E. Todreas for his guidance and advice, and to Professor Mujid S. Kazimi as my thesis reader. Finally I will never forget Andrei L. Schor for his friend-ship and advice throughout all the difficulties I encoun-tered for the last sixteen months. -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS page Abstract. ............................................... 2 List of Figures ......................... ......... 8 List of Tables .......................... .eoooeeoeoeee Nomenclature............................ .ooeoe 11 oo Chapter 1: Introduction................ ...... Chapter 2: Simulation of the cases..... ooeooeoooeoooo. 2.1 Natural convection................ o... 12 oooo 16 o........ oooo o 21 o 21 oooo. 2.1.1 Explanation of the experiment ORNL/TM-7018.. 21 2.1.2 Calibration of heat input.... oeeeoooeeoetoee 24 2.1.3 Test section simulation...... oooeooooooooo 26 ............... 26 Steady-state............ Boundary conditions.. Geometry............. 2.1.4 Transient ................ o .o oo o o oo ooeo o o o 27 o ............... oeooeo ..... oooo o....e..... oo oooooo . Geometry and boundary con ditions of the simulated 1-D loop... .. ....... e..00... . .. o. .. . . . .o.o 37 Geometry and boundary con ditions of the actual 1-D loop ...... 2.2 32 Artificial vapor density in the simulated 1-D loop............. 31 32 Whole loop simulation........ 26 Forced convection............ 38 eeeeeeee.,oooo, ... oeooo ooeooo o 42 -5- 2.2.1 Explanation of the experiment ............... 42 2.2.2 Geometry and boundary conditions ............ 42 Chapter 3: 3.1 Numerical and physical models............... 46 Numerical models. ............................... 46 THERMIT conservation equations .............. 46 3.1.1 HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq models............... 46 Energy loss due to dissipation and interfacial mass transfer................ 51 3.1.2 Explanation of the code from numerical point of view................................ 53 3.2 ....... ....................... 61 Physical models in THERMIT.................. 61 Physical models.. 3.2.1 61 Wall friction............................ Interfacial momentum transfer........... 64 Wall heat transfer...................... Interfacial heat transfer............... 67 Interfacial mass transfer ............... 67 3.2.2 64 Problems of THERMIT physical models......... 69 Forced and natural convection............ 69 Flow regime ............................. 69 Condensation modeling ................... 3.2.3 72 Translation of physical models to different geometry .................................... 73 Equivalent hydraulic diameter........... 73 -6- 3. .3.2 Summary of physical models for circular 3.2. tube geometry...................... ......... 76 Results ........................... ......... 80 Natural convection ..................... ......... 80 Test section simulation ........... ......... 80 Chap ter 4: 4. 1 4.1.1 Steady-state ................... ......... 80 Transient...................... ......... 89 4.1.2 4. 2 Whole loop simulation.............. ......... 89 Simulated 1-D loop analysis.... ......... Actual 1-D loop analysis....... 89 ......... 98 Forced convection ...................... ......... 111 Discussion........................ ......... 116 Natural convection..................... ......... 116 Test section simulation............ ......... 116 Steady-state ................... ......... 116 Chap ter 5: 5. 1 Interfacial area...... 5.1.1 Pressure drop.............. ......... 116 Energy conservation........ ......... 5.1i.1.3 Comparison of HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq 119 models ..................... ......... 120 Transient ...................... ......... 121 Whole loop simulation.............. ......... 122 5.1.2 Oscillation.................... .. ....... 122 Mathematical model of oscillation....... 123 -7- Chapter 6: Conclusions...................... .......... Chapter 7: Recommendations for future work.. .. References. ............................. •.. .. 134 ..... 136 .......... 138 Appendix A: Calibration of heat input....... .......... Appendix B: Energy conservation of THERMIT.. ......... .144 Appendix C: Plenum temperature .............. Appendix D: Dependence of the wall friction 140 ..148 void fraction......................... 152 Appendix E: Typical experimental data....... 155 Appendix F: Typical computer inputs and outputs.......162 -8- LIST OF FIGURES Number Page 2.1 Sodium Boiling Test Facility - loop............... 22 2.2 Sodium Boiling Test Facility - test section....... 23 2.3 Geometry for the test section simulation......... 29 2.4 I 2.6 Schematic diagram for geometry transformation.... 2.7 Typical experimental data for steady-state boiling 30 experiment ........................................ 33 2.8 Geometry for the simulated 1-D loop.............. 2.9 Geometry for the code inputs of the simulated 1-D 34 loop...................................................................... 35 2.10 Geometry for the actual 1-D loop.................. 39 2.11 Geometry of the actual 1-D loop analysis......... 40 2.12 French experimental facility...................... 43 2.13 Geometry of the hypothetical forced-convection French experiment.... ......................... 3.1 Typical velocity profiles for forced and natural convection................................. 3.2 44 70 Interfacial area for rod-bundle and circular tube geometry with the same equivalent hydraulic dia-meter..-..... 4.1 .................. ........... Pressure distribution for the test run 129R1..... 77 84 -9- 4.2 Oscillation of the pressure drop according to the inlet velocity for test run 129R1................ 90 4.3 Oscillation of the void fraction, mixture enthalpy and mixture density at the end of the heated zone 91 for 129R1 ........................................ 4.4 Oscillation of liquid and vapor velocities at the 92 outlet for the transient of the test run 129R1... 4.5 Pressure drop over the test section for simulated 93 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x200........ 4.6 Inlet velocity of the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x200........ 94 4.7 Pressure drop over the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x100........ 95 4.8 Inlet velocity of the test section for simulated 96 1-D loop analysis with vapor density xl00........ 4.9 Stable boiling oscillation in the simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 ..................... ..... 99 4.10 Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200..................... ..... 100 4.19 4.20 pressure distribution for single-phase loop ana-lysis for the test run 107R2.................... 110 4.21 S-curve for two different flow areas for the hypo-thetical French experiment ...................... 114 5.1 Schematic diagram of the loop and the test section.124 -10- 5.2 Return loop.......................................129 5.3 Calculation results that show the relationship between P -P Al and V -V .......................... 133 Relative error in test section power determination as a function of test section power..............142 A2 Comparison of the actual power and the reported power in ORNL/TM-7018............................143 Cl Plenum energy conservation. ...................... 148 C2 Iterative scheme..................................150 El Stable boiling of the test run 129R1 at 1.3 kW...156 E2 Stable boiling of the test run 127R1 at 1.5 kW...157 E3 Void detection system data for the test run 127R1.158 E4 Relationship between voiding pattern, flow and pressure for the test run 127R1 .................. 159 E5 Stable boiling at high flow and low quality for the test run 120R1 at 1.5 kW.....................160 E6 Relationship between voiding pattern, flow and pressure for the test' run 120R1...................161 -11- LIST OF TABLES Page Number 2.1 SBTF natural convection results.................... 25 3.1 Summary of the constitutive relations used for the natural and forced convection simulation.......... 4.1 Steady-state test section pressure drop for 4-Eq/ 6-Eq models ......... 4.2 79 .............................. 82 Steady-state test section calculation convergence criteria for 4-Eq model........................... 83 4.3 Steady-state test section energy conservation for 4-Eq model........................................ 86 4.4 Steady-state HEM model for test run 129R1......... 87 4.5 Steady-state 4-Eq/6-Eq model for test run 129RI... 87 4.6 Dependence of the pressure drop on interfacial friction for test run 129R1 ....................... 88 4.7 Forced convection calculations for r = 0.002 m....112 4.8 Forced convection calculations for r = 0.003 m....113 D1 Wall friction forces by the liquid and vapor phases in contact with the wall.......................... 154 -12- NOMENCLATURE Definition Letter A flow area in axial direction At true interfacial area between liquid and vapor cf£ wall contact fraction of liquid cfv wall contact fraction of vapor c specific heat at constant pressure D diameter of the tube De equivalent hydraulic diameter e internal energy per unit mass f wall friction factor F friction force g gravity h enthalpy per unit mass H wire wrap lead of the helical spacer hfg enthalpy change between liquid and vapor at saturation h£fc - wall heat transfer coefficient through liquid convection hinb wall heat transfer coefficient through nucl-eate boiling hvfc wall heat transfer coefficient through vapor convection k thermal conductivity -13- L axial length mass flow rate M mass M geometry factor for wall friction calculation P pressure P pitch between adjacent rods P pressure at the top face of the lower plenum P' 1 pressure at the bottom face of the lower plenum P0 pressure at the top face of the upper plenum PI pressure at the bottom face of the upper plenum Pe Peclet number Pr Prandtl number q heat transfer rate per unit area Q heat transfer Re Reynold's number R gas constant of sodium S slip ratio t time T temperature tz liquid temperature tsat saturation temperature tv vapor temperature u velocity rate per unit volume -14- v velocity V volume Vfg specific volume change between liquid and vapor at saturation flow quality axial coordinate Greek void fraction interfacial mass transfer rate per unit volume interfacial mass transfer coefficient viscosity P density a surface tension Superscript n time step at n Subscipt c condensation dry dryout e evaporation i(in, inlet) inlet k spatial point at k liquid -15- lam laminar m mixture of liquid and vapor 0(out) outlet r return loop s (used with T) saturation s (used with p, e, u, V) single-phase liquid T total of the liquid and vapor contributions trans transition between laminar and turbulent turb turbulent v vapor w wall z axial coordinate II --16- Chapter 1. Introduction This thesis is primarily concerned with applying the computer code THERMIT (sodium version) to actual experiments to examine the applicability of the numerical and physical models in the code by comparing calculational results with experimental data. THE.RMIT is a component code for thermal-hydraulic calculations of a nuclear reactor core. It was originally written for water coolant, and revised for use in LMFBR's by -AndreiL. Schor at MIT. Schor has also prepared the 4-Eq model as part of the sodium version of THERMIT so that there are now three two-phase flow models, .i.e. a 6-Eq, a 4-Eq and a HEM model. The THERMIT version that is used throughout this thesis is the Schor version (as of January, 1981) which has all the three two-phase flow models as options. The basic THERMIT code-uses the two-fluid model with mass, momentum and energy conservation equations for each phase, hence six conservation equations. Presently the constitutive relations of the two fluid model are not in a well-established state so that in some cases it may be better to use the 4-Eq model than the 6-Eq model. The 4-Eq model has mixture mass and energy conservation -17- equations in addition to a separate momentum conservation equation for each phase. Physically this equation set requires that the liquid and vapor phases should always be in thermal equilibrium. Consequently if a high degree of thermal disequilibrium between phases does not exist, the 4-Eq model can give good results. However in case of a severe transient in which the vapor phase may exist in subcooled liquid, the 4-Eq model may be a poor model to use. Since the code tends to fail in such a severe transient due to numerical problems, the 4-Eq model gave almost identical results to the 6-Eq model in the scope of my experience. The HEM model assumes large interfacial momentum transfer so that the slip ratio is equal to one. Practically this is not a good assumption since the slip ratio is much greater than one due to the high density ratio ( >2000 ) at atmospheric pressure. Thus the HEM model shows wide discrepancr with low pressure experimental data. THERMIT is a component code, which needs appropriate boundary conditions at the top and bottom ends. of boundary conditions can be used in THERMIT. Two types One is the pressure-pressure set and the other is the pressure-velocity set. In case of loop simulation, however, the starting point corresponds to the end point so that only one boundary ----- -- ----- -- 1111 I'W"11, I -18- condition is needed. There are two experiments simulated in this thesis, an ORNL natural convection experiment and a French forced convection experiment. The experiment reported in ORNL/TM- -7018 is a single-channel natural convection sodium boiling experiment that was performed in the Sodium Boiling Test Facility of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory. It is chosen for simulation because of its simple geometry and well-documented output data. The French experiment is a single channel forced convection sodium boiling experiment performed at the CEA, Grenoble, France. The geometry of the French experiment is simplified to have a uniform flow area and calculation is done for the simplified geometry. In Chapter 2 the details of the simulation methods are given for these two experiments. For the ORNL/TM-7018 experiment, first only the test section is simulated with appropriate boundary conditions and subsequently the analysis is extended to the whole loop. In simulating the loop as a whole, there are two methods possible, i.e. a simulated I-D loop analysis and an actual 1-D loop analysis. For the loop analysis, condensation in the upper plenum should be taken into consideration. -sation occurs. However the code presently fails when condenThe difficulty is circumvented by decreasing the density ratio of the liquid and vapor phases artificially. i -19- For this purpose, the vapor density is increased by 100 and 200 times with all the other properties intact. These changes in the density ratio correspond to actual pressures The of 10.0 Mpa (1470 psia) and 15.7 Mpa (2300 psia). simulation of the French experiment is essentially the same as the test section simulation of ORNL/TM-7018. In Chapter 3, numerical and physical models are listed and explained. Physical models are the constitutive relations that close the conservation equations. 4 As part of the numerical model, the energy loss problem is considered. With the present form of the energy conservation equations, some portion of the total energy is lost due to disregard for the frictional dissipation and some extra terms that come from the mass transfer between phases. As for the physical model, geometry plays an important role. The geometry of THERMIT is a rod-bundle geometry with wire wraps, whereas the ORNL/TM-7018 experiment was done in a single circular tube. Hence either translation should be done between the different geometries or constitutive rela-tions from the same geometry should be used. In this thesis the former approach is taken for all the calculations. The present contitutive relations and their problems are also sumrmarized in Chapter 3. In Chapters 4 and 5, all the computer results and ----I -20- experimental data are presented and analyzed. For the test section simulation, the difference of the pressure drops between calculation and experiment is presented and the results from the HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq models are compared and discussed. For the loop simulation an analysis explaining why there should be an oscillatory behavior under two-phase flow conditions is presented. The oscillation period is calculated analytically. In Chapter 6, it is concluded that THERMIT is a good numerical tool, although it still has some problems to be solved. Stabilization of the numerical scheme and verifica- -tion of the physical models are major problems. In Chapter 7, recommendations for future works are given for further improvement of THERMIT and better understanding of two-phase flow phenomena. -21- Chapter 2. 2.1 Simulation of the cases Natural convection Explanation of the experiment ORNL/TM-7018 2.1.1 This is a single-channel sodium boiling experiment that was performed in the SBTF (Sodium Boiling Test Facility) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The object of the test was to determine the maximum power that could be transferred to the sodium coolant in an LMFBR fuel assembly subchannel when the flow is driven by natural convection. Fig 2.1 shows the whole test loop and Fig 2.2 shows the test section. The test section is composed of a heated zone and an adiabatic zone. Lower and upper plena are attached to the ends of the test section. The temperatures of the lower and upper plena are fixed at 420 0 C and 590 0 C by sodium-to-air heat exchangers located inside the plena. The upper plenum pressure is always maintained at atmospheric pressure, 100 kPa (14.5 psia). As shown in Fig 2.1, the system is a loop with no bypass flow. The heat is input by a radiant furnace and measured indirectly by measuring the furnace coolant temperature rise, furnace coolant mass flow rate and the electric power input to the furnace. Since the heat input is the only controlled variable, its accurate determination is important in analyzing -22- EQUALIZER LINE Fig 2.1 Sodium Boiling Test Facility - loop ORNL/TM-7018) (taken from _ YY/ -23- -TAYLOR PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PT-7) UPPER PLENUM TANK :~Z,- FLOWMETER (FE-58) VOLTAGE CONNECTION FOR VOID DETECTOR SYSTEM z THERMOCOUPLES AND VOID DETECTOR 0 E VOLTAGE TAPS 4-. U0 P<:,.U /4" Y VOLTAGE CONNECTION FOR VOID DETECTOR SYSTEM LUC Z zC O 0 t wo 4: w z PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PE-2B) (FE-B) FOR LOWER PLENUM -TAYLOR PRESSURE TRANSDUCER (PT-14AI Fig 2.2 Sodium Boiling Test Facility - test section (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) -24- the experiment. It was found in the process of simulation that there was a systematic error in measuring the heat input to the test section. 2.1.2 Calibration of heat input Table 2.1 shows the summary of the data given in the report ORNL/TM-7018 for all the test runs performed in the SBTF. From Table 2.1 it can be observed that boiling began when the test section power was about 900 W. however, boiling began at a lower power. In simulation, Therefore the inlet flow rate and heat input data in Table 2.1 are not consistent because the energy convected out by sodium is not equal to the heat input under steady-state condition. There are two sources of error which may be responsible for the deviation. One is the error in the inlet flow deter- -mination which might have underestimated the inlet flow rate. The other is the error in the test section heat input which might be lower than the values given in Table 2.1. Permanent magnet flow meters are used to determine the inlet flow rate. The report ORNL/TM-7018 states that the flow meters were calibrated after installation and the calcu-lated flow as determined by heat balance was within 15% of the measured values in the forced flow tests. Regarding the test section heat input, there is a high ''"-1111 1111111111 ~ I i -25- Table 2.1 SBTF natural convection results (taken Test section power a (W) Test No. from ORNL/TM-7018) Heat_ flub (W/cm2 ) Power densityc (I/cm 3) Inlet flow, mean (mt/s) Outlet flow meand (mt/s) e Frequencye (Hz) Phase angle (deg) Single phase 107R2 109R1. 108R2 100R3 100R2 100R4 -300. 340 500 700 700 800 3 3 5 7 7 8 40 42 60 90 90 100 0.7 2.0 0.9 1.0 0.9 1.1 0.4 1.9 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 2.4 2.2 0.9 130 Chugging 131R1 1000 10 130 132R1 130R1 1100 1300 11 13 140 160 Steady boiling 129R1 1300 13 160 1.0 0.7 0.7 130 121R1 125R1 1400 1400 14 14 180 180 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.6 0.8 1..0 120 110 125R2 127R1 120R1 119RI 126R2 1400 1500 1500 1600 1600 14 15 15 16 16 180 190 190 200 200 0.7 0.8 2.4 1.1 0.9 0.4 0.6 2.1 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.5 1.2 110 110 130 140 100 122R1.. 1600 16 200 128RI , 1700 17 210 0.9 0.3 0.7 0.0 1.3 1.0 100 110 123R1 ," 1700 ' 17 210 1.0 0.4 0.7 0.1 1.1 0.9 100 110 124R1 1700 17 210 126R1 1700 17 210 Dryout CFurnace power + furnace clamshell power - furnace coolant enthalpy rise - furnace losses to ambient. bBased on tube ID (98.6 cm2 ). Ceased on heated coolant volume (8.0 cm 3). dOutlet flowmeter was calibrated at inlet temperature (420*C) -not corrected for actual temperature. eCorresponds to dominant frequency based on power spectral density analysis of the inlet flo~eter (FE-IB) signal. -Angle by which inlet flow (FE-IB) leads pressure at inlet of heated section (PE-2B). 9Forced flow run used for flowmeter calibration check (see Appendix C). lUnstable flow pattern; frequency is average of two distinct frequencies, 0.7 and 1.5 Hz. iConditions preceding dryout. Conditions during dryout. -26- probability of overestimation due to bending of the tube, which might move the test section out of the focal plane of the radiant heating source. It is difficult to find out which error is responsible for the inconsistency, but in this thesis it is assumed that the heat input was overestimated. The heat input as determi- -ned by heat balance with inlet flow data is about 30% less than the values listed in Table 2.1. For all the code inputs, 70% of the listed values is therefore used as the test section heat input. The detailed procedure of the test section heat input calibration is given in Appendix A. 2.1.3 Test section simulation Steady-state Boundary conditions Initially only the test section is simulated with steady-state boundary conditions. At the outlet, the pressure boundary condition is applied because the pressure at the upper plenum is always kept at atmospheric pressure. At the inlet, either the pressure or velocity boundary condition may be applied using the values measured in the experiment. After the steady-state has been reached, there is no differ-ence in the computational procedure between the pressure and velocity boundary conditions at the inlet. However in IN,, -27- reaching the steady-state, the computation with the inlet pressure boundary condition undergoes more severe transients than that with the inlet velocity boundary condition. For example a large reverse flow occurs at the inception of boiling with the inlet pressure boundary condition, whereas there is no reverse flow with the inlet velocity boundary condition. It is usually tougher to do the calculation with the p-p boundary condition set than with the p-v boundary condition set. Thus the velocity boundary condition is chosen at the inlet in spite of the fact that the inlet flow rate is not well characterized. As shown in the data of the experiment, every measured parameter shows a highly oscillatory behavior and there does not exist a steady-state in its strict sense. However if only a time averaged value is of concern, it is possible to assume a quasi-steady-state with an average value of the inlet velocity as the inlet boundary condition. Geometry The test section is composed of a heated zone and an adiabatic zone. Each zone is divided into five uniform meshes. A mesh in the heated-zone is 0.194 m long and a mesh in the adiabatic zone is 0.3 m long. -28- Since the geometry in the code is a rod-bundle geometry which is quite different from the simple tube in the experi-ment, appropriate translation should be done between diffe-rent geometries. In this thesis the constitutive relations for the rod-bundle geometry are used directly for the circular tube under the assumption that the tube represents one fuel rod and the coolant channel around the rod as in Fig 2.4. The dotted line in Fig 2.4 represents the symmetry line between the fuel rods, and it is assumed that there is no interaction with adjacent rods across the dotted line. This assumption is true if there is an infinite array of equally powered rods. In the rod-bundle geometry, a pitch-to-diameter ratio and a wire-wrap-lead-to-diameter ratio are necessary to calculate the wall heat transfer and wall friction. An equivalent pitch- -to-diameter ratio in the circular tube geometry is calculated in the following manner. The coolant channel in Fig 2.5 can be made hydraulically identical to the circular channel in Fig 2.6 under the follow-ing conditions. (1) The flow areas should be same. (2) The equivalent hydraulic diameters should be same. -29- adiabatic zone . 0.3 m Ij heated zone 0.194 m Fig 2.3 Geometry for the test section simulation -30- P i- D - Fig 2.5 Fig 2.4 Fig 2.6 Schematic diagram for geometry transformation -31- 2 TrD 4 P 4 D e 4 2 4 (p (2.1) ) = D De (2.2) Elimininating De from Eq 2.1 and Eq 2.2, P/D = /1-2 = 1.2533 Since there is no wire wrap, a very large value is input to the wire-wrap-lead-to-diameter ratio. It may be better to use the correlations that are derived from the same geometry, i.e. a circular tube. However from the practical point of view there is no need to use correlations more directly applicable to circular tubes, because other uncertainties seem to be greater than the uncertainty arising from the difference in geometry. Transient The transient calculation in this section has the same geometry and type of boundary condition as the steady-state calculation in the previous section. After the steady-state boiling has been reached, the inlet velocity is oscillated with the period of one second. -32- One second is the typical period of the experimental data. Fig 2.7 shows the variation of the inlet velocity in the transient calculation and the experiment. It should be mentioned that this is the transient for the steady-state boiling, and not the transient between the boiling inception and the steady-state boiling. Whole loop simulation 2.1.4 The loop can generally be simulated in two ways, as a simulated 1-D loop and as an actual 1-D loop. The simulated 1-D loop is obtained by cutting some point of the loop and extending it into a straight line. The direction of gravity should be determined according to the position in the loop. The actual 1-D loop is obtained by putting a solid block in the center of a two-dimensional rectangular pool. Geometry and boundary conditions of the simulated 1-D loop Fig's 2.8 and 2.9 show the geometry of the simulated 1-D loop analysis. The upper face of the upper plenum in Fig 2.8 is cut and the loop is straightened into a one dimensional tube in Fig 2.9. The boundary conditions at the top and bottom ends of Fig 2.9 should be identical because they are the same point -33- Li) cc uU LU -j _j Z LO; a*, LEGEND o- PE-2B I . i LL -J E D 0 LEGEND D- FE-SB code eS E a*a 0 * .. * , , input LEGEND 0- fE-1B i I I1 I TIME (s) Fig 2.7 Typical experimental data for steady-state boiling experiment (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) -34- starting point of simulated Fig 2.8 Geometry for the simulated 1-D loop 1-D loop - --- ----- IEMI -35- fictitious cell upper plenum 1 1 1 1 adiabatic zone T test 1 section 1 1 1 heated 1 zone 1 I 1 lower plenum 1 return -1 loop -1 -1 -1 0 0 0 1 fictitious cell Fig 2.9 Geometry for the code inputs of the simulated 1-D loop -36- in the loop. Thus the pressure-pressure boundary condition is used for Fig 2.9 so that the pressures at the top and bottom boundaries are both atmospheric pressure. Fig 2.9 shows that fictitious cells are defined at boun-daries according to the code format. Since the boundary pressures are defined at the center points of the fictitious cells, not at the interface of meshes, an error enters the calculation. In order to reduce the error, very thin ficti- -tious cells are used. The length of the fictitious cells is 1.0x10 - 1 0 m, whereas the length of the upper and lower plena is 0.6175 m. As can be seen in Fig 2.8, the direction of gravity is different for different parts of the loop. The direction of gravity is defined at the interface of mesh cells and denoted by the numbers ' 0, 1,-l' at each interface in Fig 2.9. One of the major problems in simulating the loop experi-ment ORNL/TM-7018 was to keep the plenum temperatures cons-tant throughout each transient. In THERMIT calculations the plenum temperature cannot be determined a priori, but is determined from the heat input and boundary conditions. Since the temperatures in the upper and lower plena are kept at 5900C and 4200C in the experiment, a new scheme was needed to keep plenum temperatures constant in the calculation. - ------- ---- 11 111 1 _IYI IIi - I . ' -37- There are two ways of keeping the plenum conditions constant. One is to use the implicit scheme which solves the conservation equations with the plenum temperatures at the next time step already determined. The heat extraction from the plenum is determined as a result of the calculation for each time step. There will be no error of the plenum temperature in this method, but a fundamental change of the numerical scheme is required. The other way is the trial and error method which varies the heat extraction until satisfac-tory plenum temperatures are obtained. Since the plenum temperature decreases as the heat extraction increases, the plenum temperature is a monotonously decreasing function with respect to the heat extraction. The unknown function between the plenum temperature and the heat extraction is fitted by a parabola and a new heat extraction is obtained from the parabolic function. The same procedure is repeated until the required plenum temperature is obtained. The details of the method are given in Appendix C. Artificial vapor density in the simulated 1-D loop analysis One of the major difficulties of the loop simulation is that the code fails at the inception of boiling and when the -38- vapor reaches the upper plenum and begins condensation. The failure is a numerical problem induced by the high density ratio, since the density ratio of the liquid and vapor phases of sodium is over 2000 at atmospheric pressure. In order to avoid the code failure, the density ratio is one hundred and two hundred times with all the other properties intact. Then the density ratios are approximately 24 and 12 and these correspond to the actual pressures of 10.0 MPa (1470 psia) and 15.7 MPa (2300 psia). With the increased vapor densities the code did not have any numerical problem and the results still showed the important characteristics of the two-phase flow in a loop. Note that the artificial vapor density was used only for the loop simulations and not for the test section simulations. Geometry and boundary conditions of the actual 1-D looD The geometry of the actual 1-D loop analysis is shown in Fig 2.10 and Fig 2.11. It is a two-dimensional rectangu- -lar array of cells with a coolant channel around an internal solid block. As Fig 2.8 and 2.10 show, the geometries of the simulated and actual 1-D loops are exactly the same. The coolant volume in any mesh cell should not be zero due to the numerical scheme in the code, but the coolant -39- 4 channels x 16 axial levels top fictitious cells upper plenum adiabatic zone heated zone lower plenum --/ ,;'/- . I A Fig 2.10 I-, ,,' - --------- bottom fictitious cells Geometry for actual 1-D loop -40- open area -II II - ' i i I ' ---- - I--- IL,' " w-m - upper plenum adiabatic zone internal solid block I --- heated zone lower lenum closed area ( I-- II I . Fig 2.11 Geometry of actual 1-D loop analysis 7e u'li ulmi I nniullhlHlllllh -41- volume inside the solid block is of no relevance to the results. Since the interfacial area with the solid block is closed, there is no coolant flow across the solid interface. The inter- -facial area with the bottom fictitious cells is also closed and the bottom boundary condition is the velocity boundary con-dition that the inlet velocity at the closed interface is zero. However it does not matter what bottom boundary condition is used, because there is no interaction between the bottom ficti-tious cells and the loop. The interfacial area with the top fictitious cells is open so that there can be a little vertical velocity component due to thermal expansion of the sodium coolant. The pressure at the top fictitious cells is atmospheric pressure. The upper and lower plenum temperatures are kept constant using the same scheme as used in the simulated 1-D loop analy-sis, which is given in Appendix C. Only a single-phase case has been run because the two-dimensional geometry of the actual 1-D loop takes much longer computation time than the one-dimensional geometry of the simulated 1-D loop. However two-phase computations can be made without any modification to this approach. uiWn -42- Forced convection 2.2 2.2.1 Explanation of the experiment This is a hypothetical experiment which is based on the data of a forced convection experiment performed in France. The French experiment could not be simulated with THERMIT because of its complicated geometry as shown in Fig 2.12. The momentum conservation equations in THERMIT assume that the flow area is uniform in axial direction. The variable flow area in axial direction cannot be taken into considera-tion, unless the differential and difference forms of the momentum conservation equations are altered. Hence a hypothetical experiment with a uniform cross sectional area, but with the same input parameters as the French experiment was run with THERMIT to obtain calculational results. These calculational results cannot be checked with the exoerimental data. From the computational point of view, there is no diff-erence between the natural ,and forced convections except that one has a low-speed and low-power and the other has a high- -speed and high-power. 2.2.2 Geometry and boundary conditions Fig 2.13 shows the geometry of the hypothetical forced convection experiment. The simulation is done for two -43- D3 , MBP2 ,TIi1 D2, Fig 2.12 French experiment facility MSE -44- I 1x10 -6 m fictitious cell 4 meshes in heated zone and 6 meshes in adiabatic zone adiabatic zone 0.183 m N/ 0.1Tm heated zone 1xl0 m T Fig 2.13 I fictitious cell Geometry of the hypothetical forced-convection French experiment IIll -45- different radii, r = 0.002 m and r = 0.003 m. These are the typical radii of the French experiment facility. The test section is composed of two parts, a heated zone and an adiabatic zone, and the heat input to the test section is 10 kW. The pressure-velocity boundary condition is used for the top and bottom ends of the test section. -46- Chapter 3.1 3. and physical Numerical models Numerical models 3.1.1 THERMIT conservation equations HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq models THERMIT conservation equations for the two-fluid model are: Mass ot ( -t[ Momentum + V- (p v ) = vv v (3.1) + V-[(!-a)pv £] = -r (1-()p (3.2) + V.(ap v vv ) + CVP = -F v vv (a v) dt (aPv v SV -F. -aP g (3.3) (3.3) + (1-a) VP Si[ (1-a)p v k] + V [(1-a)p v v ] -F Energy w£ +F. -(1-)p + ". (oev k (3.4) z .3z v -ot (apvev v ) + V* (ap e v v v ) + PV *(av) %v + v + a + P- iCt Q,, +Qi (3. 5) t [ (1-a)p e ] + V [(l1-a)p -PC = Qw -Q i £e£v + PV.[(l-a)v (3.6) IWOi --- -- I- -47- The leftmost terms of the above equations represent the rate of change of mass, momentum and energy in the control volume when integrated over the control volume. The P term in the energy conservation equation denotes the rate of work done between the liquid and vapor phases. These time derivatives are omitted in the following analysis and only the steady-state with onewspatial variable z is considered. However the analysis can be easily extended to the transient three-dimensional case. Following equations represent the steady-state, one-dimensional conservation equations for the 6-Eq model. Mass -[(1-oa)p Momentum vz] + v2 Mz (aPv vz -(ap az v e v v vz (3.8) = - -3z zvvz ] + ( -z (-a)p Energy (3.7) -(ap vv vz ) = Mz -Fwv -F. i -ap~g vgz ) + P- (v vz az Pe vz -F w OzP = Q S[(1-a) -[(1-a) (3.9) +F i -(l-0)pg z (3.10) (3.11) (3.1 +Q = Q i (3.12) -48- The previous set of conservation equations can be reduced to four conservation equations with the assumption that the liquid and vapor phases are always at a thermal equilibrium state. The constitutive relations that are related with the liquid and vapor temperatures are: - Ts) s (3.13) c = C2 (T v - T ) (3.14) ee = C 1 (T e Qi = C 3 (T - c (3.15) Tv) (3.16) where F : interfacial mass transfer due to evaporation I,c : interfacial mass transfer due to condensation Qi : interfacial heat transfer If it is assumed that the constants Cl , C2 and C 3 are very large, the liquid and vapor temperatures are driven to the saturation temperature, i.e. T cannot cet infinite physically. Ts T=v T , because r and Q With the relation T = Tv determination of the interfacial mass and heat transfer is not of interest, so that the phasic mass and energy _~I',, -49- equations can each be added to yield mixture mass and energy conservation equations. This reduces to the set of conserva- -tion equations to 4 from 6. In the 6-Eq model, the parameters pv,p or T functions of T T and P, , e v and e£ are but with the assumption that Ts, they all become functions of the saturation = Tv temperature Ts only. This is shown in the following relations. Pv = f(T P = p = f(TZ,P) e = f(T e = f(T2,P) P = f(T s) e = f(T s ) e = f(T e = f(T s) T = T = T f(Tv ,P) ,P) P = f(T Hence three unknowns T , T one unknown T s) (3.17) s ) s ) and P are reduced to only and the number of conservation equations is also reduced by two, from six to four yielding, -50- 4-Eq model (3.18) 8z [ap v v vz + (l-a)p RvzEz = 0 Ma s s 2P ) + -z(apv vvz Momentum -z [1-a)p2 -z z -(1-a) -F wv -F. -ap vg P + z + (1-a) -F (3.19) wk +F. i (3.20) p gz + (l-a) p k e k v kz -- [ap e v v v vz zZ Energy +Pz 9z vz vz + (l-a)vkz] = Qw + Qwk (3.21) If the same procedure is repeated for the phasic momentum equations, the HEM conservation equations result. Here we deal with the issue of mechanical equilibrium embodied in the constitutive relation linking the phasic velocities. F. = C4 (vV - v ) (3.22) where F.: interfacial momentum transfer 1 vz Assuming C 4 goes to 4 infinity, the velocities v vz and advz should have the same value to keep F. bounded. This reduces -- ---- iii -51- the unknown velocities to a single homogeneous parameter and suggests the combination of the phasic momentum equations. Consequently the following set of HEM conservation equations is obtained. (3.23) -[aPv v + (1-a)p 2 ]v z = 0 az Mass 2 aP a E[apv + (l-a)p z ]v z + -z Momentum -[ap v ' (Fwv +Fw ) + (l-a)p£)g z (3.24) +v -ap e Energy where + (l-a)P e]Vz + Pw apv + (1-a)pk = Pm aPvev + (l-a)p ek = emPm Q +Qw (3.25) : mixture density mixture internal : enerqy Energy loss due to dissipation and interfacial mass transfer The suggested form of energy conservation equations for THERMIT is: -52- 9 (p z r e v ) + P z (Cv)zvz = Qwv +Qi + f v Pvevvz +(F Z zg + kkZ wv +F.)v F 2 -zg z z v.z (3.26) z(l-)VRzQw P +zgzr +(Fwk -Qi F 2 2 VZz - Fi)Vz (3.27) In order to satisfy the first law of thermodynamics, the above form of energy conservation equations should be used. The terms that contain F are produced by the transformation of pressure drop into kinetic and potential energy increase. If F were zero, Bernoulli's theorem would have resulted, but with F not equal to zero, the additional terms with F should appear. The terms r 2v 2 r 2 and f v may be interpreted as kinetic energy that mass should carry at the time of evaporation or condensation. However this is not the energy that is interchanged between phases,.because the sum of the terms 7 2 (Vvz -v 2z ) is not equal to zero. Rather it is the energy produced by the transformation of momentum flux into kinetic energy flux, due to the fact that there is a source term F in the mass conservation eauations. The potential energy terms with F are produced by the transformation of gravitational force into potential energy - -~ ~IIIYllii -53- flux. In the THERMIT energy conservation equations, frictional dissipation terms were neglected because they were quantita-tively negligible. atmospheric pressure, However in sodium two-phase flow at they cannot be neglected safely as shown in the results of Chapter 4. Pressure drop occurs due to friction and that pressure drop is used in the energy conservation equations of THERMIT. Physically it means that the thermal energy that is transformed from mechanical energy due to frictional dissipation is lost to the environment. Actually that portion of thermal energy is not lost, but contributes to the increase of internal energy of the coolant. These contributions are neglected in the THERMIT energy equations. Detailed derivation of the suggested form of energy conservation equations is given in Appendix B. Note that the old form of the energy conservation equations has been used throughout this thesis. 3.1.2 of view Explanation of the code from the numerical point -54- Overall solution scheme of THERMIT 6-Eq model for 1-D transient Mass -t v ) = v vz ~] ~[ (l-a) ) + -- v t[+(l-a)p Momentum (p (ap ) + a (ap v z 8 (aPvV -F. -apv g (3.28) vtz 2 ) + (3.29) = -r - P -F (3.30) -55- aa-[(1-a)p vz]+ a =-Fwk +F i -(l-a)p Qw gz (3.31) + P Pza e v v vz ) + P z (av) (p + t (ap v eEnergyV Energy 2 + (1-a)P3P vz] (l-a) +Qi t - (1-a)p e] -Pt + (3.32) -L[ (1-a) P e z] + Pz [ (l-a)vz (3.33) Qwk -Qi The above momentum conservation equations have a conservative form, whereas a nonconservative form is used in the code. In the nonconservative form, the a, pv and p£ are outside the time derivatives and can be treated explicitly utilizing the quantities at time step n, as shown in Eq 3.38. The momentum is not strictly conserved according to the difference form.of Eq 3.38, but the degree of nonconservation must be tolerable in all the practical calculations. The nonconservative form of the momentum conservation equations are, av Ov atvz + an v v vz vz + az P -F az wv -F. v -ap P 9z (3.34) -56- - (1-a) where F. = F. + Tv Fi =-F. - Tvz iv (P (l-r)p£vQzZk z zt £z i a t 1 -F (l-a)az g (3.35) Vz The difference forms of the one dimensional, six conservation equations are set up as follows. Mass vapor (aPv ) n+l - ap -[A(apv v ) v n vz liquid: ) - At 1 nn+ -{[A(ap v ) v vz V a replaced by (1-a), (3.36) n+1/2 == k-l/ k-l/ k+1/2 subscript v by k and r by -F Energy vapor (aove v vv ) n+l - (ap e) v v n (v vz ) n+- [pn k+1/2 n+l ] (vvz ) k-1/2 + 1 V n[ + -{Pn At (e en n +(Pvevvvk+1/2 k /2 I[Aa ) k-/ v v k-1/2 n+l n n a At [Aan n+1/2 n+1/2 Qwv +Q i (3.37) _ _ __~ -57- liquid: a replaced by (1-a), subscript v by £ and Qi by -Qi Note that the quantities without subscripts are at point k. Momentum vapor + l [vnvz n (aPv) ki/2 v k+1/2 -(F liquid: - nv Sz z n k+/2 iv n+1/2 -(ap )n+/ k+1/2 -(v ] vz k+1/2 + (ap ) n n k+ /2{(v t v k+1/2 vz k+1/2 n k+1/2 ) kn + 1/ 2 k zk+1/ 2 w n+1/2 k+1/2 (3.38) (3.38) z a replaced by (1-a) and subscript v by £ The momentum conservation equations are differenced about the center of a face of a mesh cell whereas the mass and energy conservation equations are differenced about the center of a mesh cell volume. In the above difference equations, some quantities are required at positions where they are not defined. These quantities are calculated using the concept of donor-cell differencing and spatial averages. The specific approach used is well explained in Ref.[1] section 2.2.2. Now the difference equation forms are completely set up and they should be solved numerically. -58- First the momentum equations are transformed to reduce the velocities to spatial pressure differences. In the process the frictional terms (F are treated )n+1/2 iv k+l/ 2 and (F v)+1/2 wv k+1/2 semi-implicitly in the following way. kn+1/2 1/2 iv )k+1/2 (Fi = [(v ) n+l vz k+1/2 n+l n+l - ^ (Vz) K+1/2 iF iV ^ n+1/2 (F wv ) k+1/2 = [(v vz ) k+1/2 ] Fwv where F. and F iv (3.39) (3.40) are explicit quantities at time step n wv that should be given from constitutive relations. The momentum conservation equations may be written as follows. n+l n+l n+l (Vvz) k+l/2arv + arv*tcv'delt + alpva-rdsdt (P+l-P kn+l -arv*vv = -(v deltw ) n+1 vz k+1/2 n+l -(Vz) k+/2 de lt n+l (vz) k/ 2 -arlvl1 -(v .arl ] - (v n+l vz k+1/2 f iv (3.41) n+l n+l ) + arl*tcl*delt + alpla.rdsdt. (P+l- n+l = -(v kz)k+1/2 .delt.fwl - (v n+l )k+/2 n+1l ) n+ ]deltfil vz k+1/2 where the following notations have been used. (3.42) -59- fiv = F. arv = fwv = F (ap )k+l/2 vv = (v )k+/2 vz k+1/2 n alpva = k+1/2 rdsdt = At Ak+1/2 delt = At The corresponding notations for liquid may be obtained by replacing the vapor notation v with-the liquid notation £ and a with (1-a). In the Eq's 3.41 and 3.42 there are two unknowns n+l n+l that can be expressed in terms and (vzk+/2 (vz +l vz kn+) n+l of the pressure difference (Pk+l ) at time step (n+l) k+l k and other explicit terms at time step n. Therefore the momentum conservation equations can be linearized in the following form. n+l (vz +l/2 = cpv vz k+1/2 n+l n+l n+l (Pk+1 - Pk ) + fv n+l n+l (Vz)+ cp (+l - Pn ) + f£ hese velocities are substitutedk+ k (3.43) (3.44) These velocities are substituted in the mass and energy -60- conservation equations to get a set of equations with P, a, pv Qw, ek, F, e , Qw and Q.i at time step (n+l). Using the equations of state and constitutive relations, the quantities n+l en+1 , , nn+l , e n+l S, R ev v n+1l n+l and Q Q are approxiQ n+l w n+l F wy wk -mated in terms of those quantities at time step n and the first order derivatives with respect to the parameters a, T , T 5-and P. pv = n+i S v For example, f(T V' , n + = Pv + Now (3.45) P) Pv aT n+l (T v + Sn (P T ) + n+l Pnn- P) (3.46) for the mass and energy conservation equations for each phase, there are four unknowns a n+l n+l Tv T n+l n+l and P In matrix form, they may be written as follows. C11 C12 C 13 014 C21 C22 C23 C2 4 AP f Acx (3.47) C4 C32 C3L C34 C4 C4 3 C4 4 Eq 3.4 2 AT k is a local matrix equation for one Newton iteration step. For each Newton iteration step, the coeffi- -cient matrix on the lefthand side and the column vector on - - - -- --YYI~ -61- the righthand side should be recalculated. matrix is inverted to eliminate Aa, 6T The above local and aT in favor of Then the global matrix equation over the entire AP. spatial mesh is set up and solved by the inner iteration scheme. The Newton and inner iteration convergence criteria are both such that AP between two successive iterates at any spatial mesh point should be less than some preset values. In case of a one dimensional problem, the inner iteration is not necessary because the global matrix can be inverted directly with little computation time. Now the spatial pressure distribution at time step (n+l) is completely calculated by the Newton.and inner iterations. From the pressure distribution, the void fraction, vapor temperature and liquid temperature can also be calculated immediately and the calculation goes on to the next time step (n+2). Physical models 3.2 Physical models in THERMIT 3.2.1 Wall friction For single phase, the THERMIT wall friction correlation is a mixture of Markley's laminar correlation[Ref. Novendstern's * turbulent correlation[Ref. 4 ] with some sodium version THERi.IT revised by Andrei L. January, 1981. 4 1 with Schor as of -62- appropriate transition formula. The single-phase correlation is extended to the two-phase case using the format of Autruffe's None of the Markley's, Novendstern's and correlation. Autruffe's correlations is satisfactory by itself due to their limited range of applicability. Therefore these three corre- -lations are combined to produce a new wall friction correlaThe present wall -tion which has a proper applicable range. friction correlation in THERMIT is given in the following. M 1.034 0.124 - (P/D) 6.94 Re 29.7(P/D) 2 2.239 0.086 0.885 (H/D) P/D : pitch-to-diameter ratio H/D : wire-wrap-lead-to-diameter ratio Re : Reynold's number M is a geometry factor and appropriate Reynold's number should be used for the calculation of M for each phase. The Reynold's number for each phase is defined as follows. (1-a)pP v De t Re = Re ao v De v v (3.49) (3.50) vv Since the wall friction is composed of two parts, i.e. the liquid and vapor that contact the wall, the contact fI iYimiiliYIYnl YIIilhiY illlliiUllliWYIIi~1 iINIOiiiY -63- Before the dryout point, fraction is defined for each phase. only the liquid contacts the wall and the contact fraction for vapor is zero. 1.0 'dry (3.51) S 1.0 - a adry a<C <1.0 1. 0-dry (3.52) cfv = 1.0 - cft where adry = 0.957 With the above definitions the wall friction factor is expressed in the following way. For liquid f32 P D lam, R -trans,£ ff Re where 1.5 cfi Re turb, - 2600 cfi Re0.316M 0.25 turb, / : Re Re /1+ fl lam,9 + 400 : 200,000 (3.54) < 400 <Re (3.53) < 2600 (3.55) 400 ? = 2200 For vapor f turb,v 0.316M cfv Re0.25 Re 2600 5 Re i 200,000 (3.56) -64- cfv S32( P )1.5 /e =f f Re where - <400 (3.57) f 400 lam,v turb,v trans,v Re v <Rev < 2600 (3.513) 400 = 2200 Note that H is the wire-wrap-lead in [meter]. Interfacial mementum transfer THERMIT has a Wallis-type correlation for the interfacial momentum transfer which is given in the following. 4.31 P 2De K v -v (l-) [1+75(1- )] } . 9 5 (3.59) (3.60) F . = K(vv - v) where .De is the equivalent hydraulic diameter. Wall heat transfer The wall heat transfer is assumed to be composed of three Darts, i.e. liquid convection, nucleate boiling and vapor convection. q = hvfc(twf-tv) + hlnb(twf-tsat) + hlfc(twf-t) (3.61) -65- where tv, t., tsat :vapor, liquid and saturation temperatures hvfc :heat transfer coefficient through vapor convection hlnb :heat transfer coefficient through nucleate boiling hlfc :heat transfer coefficient through liquid convection Three flow regimes are defined and the condition of existence for each flow regime is as follows. a) single-phase liquid 0.01> a or twf tsat b) two-phase annular flow 0.01 <a <0.99 c) single-phase vapor 0.99 < a The correlations used for each of these flow regimes are, 1) Schad's correlation for single-phase liquid q = hlfc Pe (twf - t£) k > 150 (3.62) hlfc = De rr Pe £ < 150 hlfc - De where rr is defined in Eq 3.66. (Pe e 3 4.5 rr (3.63) (3.64) 2) Modified Chen's correlation for two-phase annular flow q= hlnb (twf - tsat) + hlfc Define the following parameters. (twf - t£) (3.65) -66- rr = -16.15 + (P/D) [24.96 x 0.9 P (-) 1-x p xtti 0.5 (-) = - (P/D) 8.55] v 0.1 (-) (3.66) (3.67) tR > tsat xtti > 0. 1 xtti <0.1 f = 2.35 (xtti + 0.213) 0.736 (3.68) f (3.69) 1.0 gx = (1-a)P IvL t£ (3.:70) < tsat f = 1.0 gx = ap (3.:71) + vv (1-a)p~lvz1 (3.:72) Definitions for the parameters sig, relx and retp. sig = 9.8066 a (3.73) relx = gx De (3. 74) retp = 1.0x10 < retp <70.0 retp > 70.0 h (f) 1 .25 s = 1/(1+0.12. retp retp < 32.5 32.5 relx = 0.0012 s (3.75) .14) s = 1/(1+0.42 retp0.78 ) s = 0.1 k c (ig sig (3.76) (3. 77) (3. 78) ) 0f .24 5 (Pre) -0.29 (p 0.25 ( _ ) ( v ) (3. 79) v fg -67- Now with these definitions the heat transfer coefficients are calculated in the following way. hlfc = kz 0.375 0.3 e- rr (f) (Pe ) hlnb = h s h _)0.75 sat tsat v, (twf - tsat) 0.99 (3.80) (3.81) 3) Dittus-Boelter correlation for single-phase vapor (3.82) q = hvfc (twf - tv) k hvfc = De 0.023(Pe ) 0.4(Re )0.4 v v (3.83) Interfacial heat transfer The interfacial heat transfer occurs by conduction and convection'at the interface of the liquid and vapor phases. Presently a very large constant is input for the heat transfer coefficient 'hinter'. qi = hinter (tv - tk) Interfacial mass transfer The interfacial mass transfer model in THERMIT is a modified form of the Nigmatulin model. (3.84) -68- area; True interfacial a < 0.6 0.6 A <a 4 -. 3 aM = t A < 0. 957 0.957 A -- t D (3.86) 4[2/7(P/D*M) 2-aM0.5 D = t 4M [2/7(P/DM) 2_M 0 5 -M] 1-a 0.5 (1-0.957 (3.87) 1 M = where (3.85) D 2 / 7 (P/D) 2 -T D : rod diameter Note that A = A t/3 Xe = 0.1 = 0.005 e [ 2 ----3 Aa c (1-.)/-R geX /7 v fg P T -T / sT T /T > T V s (3.88) 0 3 c r 2 2 ph (1-)/-Rg g c T -T v P fg P s v T e - < T s /T s (3.89) T Finallyv v v > T s (3.90) ~~___I__ _~__ Y -69- Problems of THERMIT physical models 3.2.2 Forced and natural convection THERMIT physical models are derived from high-speed forced convection experiments whereas ORNL/TM-7018 is a low speed natural convection experiment. It is not yet known what amount of error will result, when.the forced convection correlations are used for natural convection cases. For single-phase flow, one of the major differences between the two cases is the velocity and temperature profiles across the flow area. The peak velocity in forced convection is at the center region of the flow area, whereas the peak velocity in some natural convection cases is somewhere between the center and the wall. This is because the coolant is heated from the wall and the flow is driven by the buoyancy effect of the heated'coolant. When there are different velocity and temperature profiles, different wall friction and wall heat transfer correlations should theoretically be used. For the two-phase flow, the situation is much more complicated and it is difficult to say what the difference between the forced and natural convection would be. Flow regime There are two flow regimes in the THERMIT correlations for a sodium two-phase flow, i.e. bubbly and annular flow. -70- forced convection Fig 3.1 natural convection Typical velocity profiles for forced and natural convection -71- Three points should be defined to determine the flow regimes, inception of boiling, transition from bubbly to annular flow and dryout. In THERMIT physical models there are some inconsistencies regarding the flow regimes as listed below. 1) There is an inconsistency in determining the dryout point. For the wall friction, the dryout is assumed to occur at a = 0.957 as 1-aa dry and the contact fraction of liquid is defined after the dryout point. However for the wall heat transfer the dryout occurs at a = 0.99 and the wall is in contact only with vapor after the dryout point. 2) There is an inconsistency in determining the transition point between bubbly and annular flow. The bubbly flow regime is not defined for the wall friction and wall heat transfer, but only fbr the interfacial area calculation. The value a = chosen for the transition from bubbly to annular flow just to make the interfacial area a continuous function with respect to the void fraction. There is no physical basis for the value a = 0.6. 3) The droplets in the vapor core for an annular flow should be considered. The fraction of the liquid droplets should be determined because the droplets significantly affect the interfacial momentum transfer. Since the droplets may be assumed to flow at the same velocity as -72- the vapor, the interfacial momentum transfer is increased in comparison with the flow without droplets. 4) A physical model for the interfacial heat transfer is Presently a very large value is input for the required. interfacial heat transfer coefficient, but it must be a function of the interfacial area and flow regimes. 5) There seems to be a problem in determining the interfa- -cial momentum transfer. In the present correlation, the interfacial momentum transfer is proportional to the square of the difference between the liquid and vapor average velocities. Actually the interfacial momentum transfer is a local phenomenon at the interface and has nothing to do with The difference of bulk average the bulk average quantities. velocities is sometimes a good measure of the velocity gradient at the interface. However if the liquid film Reynold's number is above 3000[Ref. 6 1, the wavy motion of liquid film is independent of the liquid film flow rate and determined from the vapor ve-locity. Hence the interfacial momentum transfer may depend not only on the difference of the licuid and vapor velocities but also on their absolute magnitudes. Condensation modeling In THERMPIT, the liquid and vapor temperatures are ~---------- ii -73- artificially made almost equal by using a large interfacial heat transfer coefficient. According to the Nigmatulin model, the interfacial mass transfer is proportional to the difference between the liquid or vapor temperature and the saturation temperature. Consequently the interfacial mass transfer is not reliable, because the liquid and vapor temperatures are not reliable. The advantage of the 4-Eq model is that physical models for the interfacial mass and energy transfer are not necessary, but the 4-Eq model cannot describe a state of thermal disequili-brium between phases. Since a thermal disequilibrium state is expected to occur in case of the condensation of superheated vapor in subcooled liquid, the interfacial mass and energy transfer is of primary concern for condensation modeling of the 6-Eq model. Translation of physical models to different geometry 3.2.3 Equivalent hydraulic diameter The wall friction and wall heat transfer are the transport phenomena of momentum and energy from the wall. The transport phenomena from the wall are determined by the flow condition, properties of coolant, wall surface condition and the geometry of the wall. It has been shown by experiments that in some cases.the transport from the wall is relatively independent of the geometry of. the wall, e.g. circular or rectangular, -74- provided the equivalent hydraulic diameters are the same. If the transport phenomenon from one portion of the --- perimeter affects the transport from another portion of the perimeter, the equivalent hydraulic diameter cannot be used. In other words, the equivalent hydraulic diameter cannot be used when the flow area is too far from being circular or the flow is laminar so that the wall effect is not uniform over the flow area, but is a function of the distance from the wall. Consequently in translating the rod-bundle correlations to the circular geometry, two conditions should be satisfied. One is that the rod-bundle in LMFBR should not be too closely-packed so that the subchannel geometry is not too far from being circular and the other is that the flow should be turbulent. Two equivalent hydraulic diameters are used in THERMIT, the wetted equivalent diameter for the wall friction and the heated equivalent diameter fer the wall heat transfer. They are defined as follows. De(wetted) = 4A/(wetted perimeter) (3.91) De(heated) = 4A/(heated perimeter) (3.92) The equivalent hydraulic diameter may be a good approxi-mation if the previously mentioned two conditions are - - ~~II mmII I.II 1116 flil W I it -75- satisfied, but the best way is to use the correlations that are developed in the same geometry. Interfacial area The interfacial area in a rod-bundle geometry is given in Section 'Interfacial mass transfer', and the basic idea of the derivation is given in Ref. 4 . If the same idea is used for the circular tube geometry, the following expressions for the interfacial area between liquid and vapor phases are derived. A A t t A t = 26 V D / D =4/( .D 1-a 1 -adry in bubbly flow (3.93) in annular flow (3.94) )0.5 (3.95) after dryot dry where D is the diameter of the tube In order to get a continuous interfacial area with respect to the void fraction a, an approximation to the above ecuations is made as follows. At = - e- (. D t At 4/ D V-5 - 15 . 1. (a (adry 1.5 /--- 1.5 (adry) 1 1.5 in bubbly and (3.96) annular flow 1-a 0.5 ) ( (3.97) ) adry after dryout -76- Fig 3.2 shows the difference between the interfacial areas calculated by Eq 3.85, 3.86 and 3.87 with the equivalent hydraulic diameter of the rod-bundle and by Eq 3.96 and 3.97 with the diameter of the tube. Fig 3.2 shows that the inter- -facial area between phases is dependent not only on the equivalent hydraulic diameter but also on the actual shape of coolant channel. Although the equivalent hydraulic diameter may be a good approximation for calculating the wall friction and wall heat transfer, it is not so good for calculating the interfacial area which determines all the transfer terms between liquid and vapor phases. 3.2.4 Wall Summary of physical models for circular tube geometry friction Autruffe's wall friction correlation[Ref. 5 ] F -0.2 0.18 2De (Re )(3.98) F 0.2 v ( Re (3.98) v (3 99) -0.2 (3.99) V 2De (-) where v = p £De Re = v De -77- interfacial area 0.0 Fig 3.2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 void fraction 1.0 [Ea Interfacial area for rod-bundle and circular tube geometry with the same equivalent hydraulic diameter -78- FT = Fk + (l-e)F v iadry where ( = 6 = -dry Tadry a > adry Interfacial area between liquid and vapor A A t t 4/ D (1. 4V(/1.5 D 5 /1.5 - 1.5 1 1.5) (adry / 1.5 - 1 S 1.5 (a .) 1.5 in bubbly and annular flow 1-a -adry after dryout __ -79- Table 3.1 Summary of the constitutive relations used for the natural and forced convection simulations Forced convec- Natural convection (ORNL/TM-7018) constitutive relations circular tube -tion (French) circular tube relations 4-Eq Modified Nig- Interfacial mass transf- 4-Eq 6-Eq none -matulin model none Eq 3.85 - 3.90 -er Wallis correlation Interfacial Eq 3.59 - momentum 3.60 transfer large heat Interfacial energy transfer Axial wall friction none transfer coeff. Eq 3.84 Markley's, Novendstern's and Autruffe's correlation Eq 3.48 - Wall heat transfer none 3.58 Schad's, Modified Chen's and Dittus-Boelter's correlation Eq 3.61 - 3.83 lNIlW,n 11, i. ,,11l1i ii lii llillm lllilIH I, -80- Chapter 4. 4.1 Results Natural convection The calculational results for the simulation of ORNL/TM- -7018 are presented here. There are two parts in the simulation, the test section and the loop simulation. For the test section simulation, first the quasi-steady-state is assumed and calculation is done for all test runs using the average values of the oscillatory inlet velocity. After the quasi-steady-state (steady-state boiling) has been reached, the inlet velocity is oscillated with the period of one second and a transient calculation for the test run 129R1 is performed. For the loop simulation, the simulated and actual 1-D loop analysis results are presented. In the simulated 1-D loop analysis, a hypothetical vapor density is used to avoid the code failure. Test section simulation 4.1.1 Steady-state The steady-state here means the time average of the oscillatory behavior as discussed in Chapter 2. The pressure-velocity boundary condition is used for all runs of the test section simulation. The inlet velocity is given from the inlet flow meter measurement. -81- In Table 4.1 the pressure drops in experiment and calculation are given for all test runs. The 4-Eq and 6-Eq models gave almost identical -results and those results are plotted in Fig 4.1. Note that the experiment and calculation pressure drops cannot be compared directly. The calculated pressure drop is between the center points of the fictitious cells, whereas the experiment pressure drop is between the upper and lower plena. The condensation effect in the upper plenum and the gravitational head between the center points of the fictitious cells and the actual manometer locations are not taken into consideration. These effects are bounded and discussed in Chapter 5. In Table 4.2 the maximum number of Newton iterations, the convergence criteria for Newton iterations and the convergence criteria for steady-state are given. The nega- -tive number of maximum Newton iterations means that the time step size is automatically reduced after the maximum number of Newton iterations, if the Newton iteration conver-gence criterion is not satisfied. If a positive number of maximum Newton iterations is used, the calculation will continue to the next time step, although the Newton itera-tion convergence criterion is not satisfied. It may be safer to use a negative number of maximum Newton iterations. -- -- 1111 -82- Table 4.1 Steady-state test section pressure drop for 4-Eq/6-Eq models Test No. Powera [W) inlet AP calc velocity (4-Eq) [cm/s ] [BAR) AP calc (6-Eq) APexp't [BAR] [BAR 107R2 210 8.438 0.2013 0.20 Single 108R2 350 10.849 0.1974 0.18 =hase 100R3 490 12.054 0.1930 0.08 100R4 560 12.260 0.1901 0.16 129R1 910 12.054 0.75149 0.75140 0.08 121R1 980 9.644 0.86342 0.86334 0.08 T wo 125R1 980 10.849 0.87640 0.87622 0.06 phase 125R2 980 8.438 0.82815 0.82829 0.08 127R1 1050 9.644 0.92575 0.92577 0.07 120R1b 1050 28.930 0.21965 119R1 1120 13.260 1.02340 1.02280 0.08 126R2 1120 10.849 1.02326 1.02315 0.08 128R1 1190 10.849 1.08605 Note 0.06 0.07 a 70% of the power given in the report ORNL/TM-7018 b In experiment it was a twb-phase run, but in calcula-tion it was a single-phase run with the given inlet velocity. -83- Table 4.2 Steady-state test section calculation convergence criteria for 4-Eq model a epsn b delpr c Power nitmax 107R2 210 -5 Single 108R2 350 -5 phase 100R3 490 -5 1.0x10-5 -5 1.0x10 5 -5 1.0x10 5 100R4 560 -5 1.0x10- 129R1 910 5 1.0x10-3 1.0x10-7 121R1 980 3 1.0x10-4 1.0x10-5 Test No. 5 -3 1.0x10-5 -5 1 l.Oxl0 1 -5 l.0x10 1.0x10- 5 -5 Two 125R1 980 3 1.0x10 - 3 phase 125R2 980 3 -3 1.0x103 1.0x10 - 5 -5 .O0x10 127R1 1050 3 1.0x10-4 1.0x10-5 120R1 1050 119R1 i ote -3 - 3 1.0x10-3 1.0x10-5 1120 3 1.0x10-4 1.0x10-5 126R2 1120 3 128R1 1190 3 1.0x10-5 1.0x10-3 4 1190 3 -5 128R1 1.0x10 1.0x10 a maximum number of Newton iterations b convergence criterion for Newton iteration c convergence criterion for steady-state (delpr = delro = delem) - Ii -84- [BAR] P-P lower plenum Fig 4.1 upper plenum Pressure distribution for the test run 129PR1 -85- However it was impossible to satisfy any meaningful Newton iteration convergence criterion at the inception of boiling and condensation, whatever number of maximum Newton itera-tions might be used. Although the Newton iteration convergence criterion is not satisfied at the inception boiling, the calculation goes on to the next time step and finally reaches the steady-state. Hence the intermediate results are not reliable, but the final steady-state does not depend on the interme-diate results, but only on the boundary conditions. If the maximum fractional change in pressure, mixture density and mixture internal energy between successive time steps are less than delpr, delro and delem, it is concluded that the steady-state has been reached. In Table 4.3 it is shown how the heat input is trans-formed and partitioned among the enthalpy, kinetic energy and potential energy rises of the coolant. About 1"2% of the total heat input is lost according to THERMIT calcula-tions for two-phase cases. The reason has been given in Chapter 3. In Table 4.4 and 4.5, the liquid and vapor velocities of the HEM and 4-Eq/6-Eq models are given. W -86- Table 4 .3 Steady-state test section energy conservation for 4-Eq model K.E. rise P.E. rise % energy rise W] [W] [W] loss 210 210 0.0 0.0 0.0 Single 108R2 350 350 0.0 0.0 0.0 phase 100R3 490 490 0.0 0.0 0.0 100R4 560 560 0.0 0.0 0.0 129R1 910 900 4.29x10-2 2.06x10-2 1.10 121R1 980 963 11.66x10-2 1.65x10-2 1.74 Two 125R1 980 965 8.79x10-2 1.85x10- 2 1.53 chase 125R2 980 962 15.11x10-2 1.44x10- 2 1.84 127R1 1050 1030 15.85x10 - 2 1.65x10 - 2 1.91 120R1 1050 1050 0.0 0.0 119R1 1120 1104 9.98x10-2 2.26x10- 2 1.43 126R2 1120 1098 " 16.56x10 2 2 1.96 128R1 1190 1165 21.67x10-2 1.85x10-2 2.10 .Test Power No. [W] 107R2 enthalpy 1.85x10 0.0 -87- Table 4. 4 model Inter- Steady-state HEM for test run 129R1 velocity[m/s] -face Table 4.5 Steady-state 4-Eq/ 6-Eq model for test run 129R1 slip Inter- ratio -face velocity[m/s] slip ratio liquid vapor 1 0.121 0.121 1.0 1.0 2 0.126 0.126 1.0 0.133 1.0 3 0.133 0.133 1.0 0.140 0.140 1.0 4 0.140 0.140 1.0 5 0.975 0.975 1.0 5 1.318 9.748 7.40 6 5.932 5.932 1.0 6 2.208 20.232 9.16 7 6.006 6.006 1.0 7 2.268 21.535 9.50 8 -6.977 6.977 1.0 8 2.327 23.372 10.04 9 8.402 8.402 1.0 9 2.400 25.621 10.68 10 10.738 10.738 1.0 10 2.464 28.483 11.56 11 15.394 15.394 1.0 11 2.605 32.163 12.35 No. liquid vapor 1 0.121 0.121 1.0 2 0.126 0.126 3 0.133 4 - SUm ,. -88- Table 4.6 Dependence of the pressure drop on interfacial friction for test run 129R1 -- ------- ---- - ~~.IIIYIYIIIIIII 1ili~~r wll WIYOIXlllkr Mel iIrllllbilWii~mrmlylIIWllii -89- Transient After the steady-state has been reached, the inlet velocity was oscillated with the period of one second. Then all the other parameters such as the pressure drop over the test section and the void fraction, mixture enthalpy and mixture'density at the end of the heated zone oscillate according to the inlet velocity oscillation with some phase shifts. Fig 4.2 and 4.3 show the oscillations of those parame-ters. It should be noted that the Newton iteration conver- -gence criterion of 10-4 is satisfied at every time step in this calculation. Hence all the intermediate results are reliable within the limit of the convergence criterion. In Fig 4.4 the variation of the outlet liquid and vapor velocities is shown during the transient. 4.1.2 Whole loop simulation Simulated 1-D loop analysis In order to avoid the failure of the code at the incep-tion of boiling and condensation, the vapor density has been artificially increased by one hundred and two hundred times as explained in Chapter 2. The transient with a real vapor density can be inferred from these two results. Fig 4.5 and 4.6 are the simulated 1-D loop results of the -90- Vinlet [m/s ] 0.24108 0.0 21 22 23 [sec) P [bar] 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 Fig 4.2 23 22 21 [sec] Oscillation of the pressure drop according to the inlet velocity for test run 129R1 -91- Vinlet [m/s ] 0.24108 - 0.0 22 21 23 hImx10-3 [J/kg] 3 Pm [kg/m ] .21 Fig 4.3 [sec) 22 23 [sec] Oscillation of the void fraction, mixture enthalpy and mixture density at the end of the heated zone for 129R1 -92- inlet [m/s] 0.2 0.0 21 22 23 [sec] v,out vi,out [m/s] 3.5 2.5 1.5 0.5 22 Fig 4.4 23 Oscillation of liquid and vapor velocities at the outIet for the transient of the test run 129R1 [sec] -93AP [BAR] Boiling 0.28 - inception 0.27 vapor reaches upper 0.25 plenum 0.23 I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 10 [sec] 10 30 50 70 90 110 I AP [BAR] 0.27 0.25 0.23 Fig 4.5 [Fig 4.5 Pressure drop over the test secsetion for simulated ] Pressure drop over the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x200 -94- Vinlet [m/s] 0.3 0.2 Boiling 0.1 -inception 0.0 -0.05 0 2 4 6 8 10 [sec Vinlet [m/s] 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 , 10 Fig 4.6 30 50 70 90 110 [sec] Inlet velocity of the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x200 ~~~~11, -95AP [BAR] 0.30 0.28 Boiling ' 0.26 inception 0.24 vapor reaches upper 0.22 plerum AP [BAR] 0.26 [sec] 0.24 0.22 12 14 16 18 20 [sec] Fig 4.7 Pressure drop over the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density xl00 -96Vinlet [m/s 3 0.3 0.2 0.1 Boiling inception 0.0 -0.1 Vinle t 0 2 4 6 8 10 [sec] 0.3 0.2 - 0.1 10 12 14 16 18 20 [sec] Fig 4.8 Inlet velocity of the test section for simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density xl00 _ IIYY -97- inlet pressure and velocity with the vapor density 200 times increased. Fig 4.7 and 4.8 are the results of the case which has exactly the same geometry, boundary conditions and inputs as Fig 4.5 and 4.6 except that the vapor density is increased by 100 times. In Fig 4.5 there is a peak of the pressure drop at the inception boiling and the pressure drop decreases as boiling goes on, because the hydrostatic pressure drop decreases due to the lower density of vapor. A minimum value of the pressure drop is indicated when the vapor packet reaches the upper plenum and condensation begins. From that point on, the pressure drop oscillates with the period of about 10 seconds. amplitude. Initially there is a damping of the oscillation However after-about 70 seconds, no damping is indicated-up to the point of 130 seconds. The inlet velocity varies in the opposite way from the pressure drop. When the inlet velocity is minimum, the pressure drop is maximum. Consequently there is a phase shift of 1800 between the pressure drop and inlet velocity. Note also that the inlet velocity is minimum at the incep-tion of boiling. Fig 4.7 and 4.8 show the same general tendency as Fig 4.5 and 4.6, but much more severe transient at the inception of boiling. A reverse flow is indicated in -98- Fig 4.8 and the code failed at the time of 20 seconds. In Fig 4.9 the steady-state boiling oscillation with the vapor density 200 times increased is shown on a magni-fied scale. The period is about 9 seconds. Fig 4.10 through 4.19 show the spatial distributions of the void fraction at discrete time intervals. Fig 4.10 through 4.15 show the inception of boiling at the end of the heated zone and propagation of the vapor packet and conden-sation in the upper plenum. Meanwhile another vapor packet is formed at the end of the heated zone and these two vapor packets are connected and undergoes a similar vapor packet propagation in the test section. Fig 4.16 through Fig 4.19 show the void distribution in the steady-state boiling region. It can be observed that the shape of the void distr- -ibution oscillates with the same period of 9 seconds as in Fig 4.9. Actual 1-D loop analysis Fig 4.20 shows the steady-state pressure distributions in the test section for the simulated 1-D loop and actual 1-D loop analysis. It is the result of the single-phase run 107R2 the heat input of which is 210 W. The steady-state inlet velocity is 0.070 m/s in the simulated 1-D loop and 0.063 m/s in the actual 1-D loop because the slope of the pressure distribution in the -99- [m/s] [BAR] 0.2 0.25 period % 1 _ 0.24 100 9 sec 110 0.1 120 [sec] Fig 4.9 Stable boiling oscillation in the simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -100- 0.6 3.0 sec 0.4 beginning of upper 0.2 plenum 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.6 3.8 sec 0.4 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.10 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -101- 0.6 5.0 sec 0.4 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.6 6.5 sec 0.4 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.11 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -102- 0.6 8.5 sec 0.4 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.6 10.5 sec 0.4 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.12 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -103- 0.4 13 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.4 14 sec 0.2 0.0 1 At heated zone A m adiabatic zone 0.4 16 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.13 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -104- 0.4 18 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.4 20 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.4 24 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.14 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 ii i 1iIYII III -105- 0.4 28 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.4 32 sec 0.2 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.15 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 , l Ml i lIUIIlliIIMIM -106- 0.2 138 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 140 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 142 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.16 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 I _~_ _ I _ ____ i -107- 0.2 144 sec 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 146 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 148 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.17 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated l-D loop with vapor density x200 -108- 0.2 150 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 152 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.18 Spatial adiabatic zone void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 _ ~~_ ~ ~ -109- 0.2 154 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone adiabatic zone 0.2 156 sec 0.1 0.0 heated zone Fig 4.19 adiabatic zone Spatial void distribution for simulated 1-D loop with vapor density x200 -110- pressure upper plenum Fig 4.20 lower plenum Pressure distribution for single phase loop analysis for the test run 107R2 - 'Y "'- -111- simulated 1-D loop is a little steeper as shown in Fig 4.20. Since the simulated and actual 1-D loop have the same geometry and heat input, they should give exactly the same result. The deviation in the steady-state pressure distri- -bution and inlet velocity of the two analyses is due to the different treatment of the transverse wall friction. In the simulated 1-D loop, all the wall friction is treated axially, whereas in the actual 1-D loop a separate correlation is used for the transverse wall friction. Another source of the deviation in the velocity is the thermal expansion of sodium. In the simulated 1-D loop it adds to the axial velocity, whereas in the actual 1-D loop it adds to the vertical velocity component at the top face of the rectangular pool. However the thermal expansion effect has no relevance for the steady-state results. 4.2 Forced convection The calculation results for the simulation of the French forced-convection experiment are presented here. Simulation is done for the hypothetical geometry of uniform flow area in axial direction. Table 4.7 and 4.8 show the calculation results for two -. different radii tubes, r = 0.002 m and r = 0.003 m. Fig 4.21 is the plot of the results on coordinates of inlet mass flow rate and total pressure drop over the test section. Table 4.7 Run Forced-convection calculations for r = 0.002 m Vinlet (m/s] m AP[BAR] (kg/s] enthalpy rise[kW] max. slip max. void ratio fraction % loss in energy 1-2 10.0 0.106 3.12251 9.962 1.0 0.0 0.38 2-2 5.0 0.053 1.C2615 9.994 1.0 0.0 0.06 3-2 4.0 0.042 0.73875 9.996 1.0 0.0 0.04 4-2 3.0 0.032 0.49989 9.998 0.0 0.02 5-2 2.0 0.021 0. 31207 9.999 1.0 0.0 0.01 6-2 1.75 0.019 0.27329 9.999 1.0 0.0 0.01 7-2 1.5 0.016 0.67066 9.996 3.01 0.8192 0.04 8-2 1.4 0.015 1.13522 9.985 3.64 0.8690 0.15 9-2 1.3 0.014 1.72212 9.969 4.18 0.8916 0.31 10-2 1.2 F A I L -112- '1.0 Table 4.8 Run Forced-convection calculations for r = 0.003 m vinlet [m/s] AP[BAR] [kg/s] enthalpy max. slip max. void % loss in energy rise[kW ratio fraction 1-3 4.44 0.106 0.57404 9.993 1.0 0.0 0.07 2-3 2.22 0.053 0.26603 9.998 1.0 0.0 0.02 3-3 1.78 0.042 " 0.22303 .9.999 1.0 0.0 0.01 4-3 1.33 0.032 0.18641 9.999 1.0 0.0 0.01 5-3 0.89 0.021 0.15550 10.000 1.0 0.0 0.0 6-3 0.78 0.019 0.14835 10,.000 1.0 0.0 0.0 7-3 0.67 0.016 0.39279 9.992 3.83 0.8603 0.08 8-3 0.62 0.015 0.60586 9.978 4.76 0.8971 0.22 9-3 0.58 0.014 0.81121 9.957 5.60 0.9173 0.43 10-3 0.53 0.013 1.00211 9.930 6.42 0.9308 0.70 -113- -114- power = 10 kW heated zone = 4 meshes (0.15 m each:) adiabatic zone = 6 mreshes AP (0.183 m each) [BAR] 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 r = 0.002 m f- . r = 0.003 m ___ 0.0 0.0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 ___ 0.1 [kg/s mass flow rate Fig 4.21 S-curve for two different flow areas for the hypothetical French experiment --- --- ~ ,ii IIIYIIYYYIIIIIII lul -115- Note that the minimum point in the so-called S-curve is the boiling inception point. The code failed at some.point in the two-phase region and the inlet mass flow rate could not be reduced any more. As the physical models and the numerical scheme are improved to the state that the S-curve can be completed to the zero mass flow rate, the suggested form of the energy conservation equations in Chapter 3 would have to be used. A higher velocity will result in a higher frictional pressure drop and more dissipation of the mechanical energy into thermal energy. Hence the fraction of the dissipation thermal energy will increase. At high inlet velocities the flow is single-phase. As the inlet velocity is decreased and the flow remains single-phase, the energy loss decreases. However upon further flow decrease, boiling begins and the vapor slip increase offsets the flow decrease effect and the net energy loss increases. The results in Table 4:7 and 4.8 are an indication that the energy loss problem of the present energy conservation equations will become more severe as the calculation goes to a higher void fraction region. -- I__ ~ml. -116- Chapter 5. Discussion of the results Natural convection 5.1 Test section simulation 5.1.1 Steady-state Pressure drop The only parameter that can be checked against experiment in the steady-state is the pressure drop over the test section. Fig 4.1 shows that there is a considerable deviation between the 4-Eq/6-Eq model results and experimental data. The HEM model is even much worse than the-4-Eq/6-Eq model. The calculated pressure drop is determined by the physical models in the code and the specific way that the experiment is simulated. The physical models directly related with the pressure drop are the wall friction, interfacial mass transfer and interfacial momentum transfer There may be two sources of error in the pressure drop calculation. One is the error in the physical models related with the pressure drop and the other is the error in simulation of the experiment. In simulating the test section, some features of the experiment are not taken into account. Since the sodium vapor condenses completely in the upper plenum, there is a pressure rise due to deceleration of sodium. The upper plenum in the -117- experiment is a single-phase liquid region, whereas the top end in the calculation is a two-phase region. Thus the oressure rise due to deceleration should be considered as an additional term. Another source of error in simulation is whether the exact positions of manometers coincide with the mesh centers If the manometer position where the pressure is calculated. does not coincide with the center point of a mesh, the pressure difference due to gravity should be taken into consideration. These two errors are bounded for the test run 129R1. (position deviation) < 0.5 m (pressure drop due to position deviation < + (pressure rise due) = m[xv to deceleration 4000 Pa (l-x)v ]/A v + = 540 Pa < 1000 Pa Therefore Total deviation in pressure drop due to simulation error < 5000 Pa (0.05 BAR) The simulation error estimated as 0.05 BAR does not account for the deviation in Fig 4.1. Hence it may be concluded that there is a problem in applying the physical 1111 -118- models in THERMIT to the case of ORNL/TM-7018. First it is questionable whether the high-speed forced convection correlations in THERMIT give a good result for the low-speed natural convection experiment of ORNL/TM-7018. It is also questionable whether the rod-bundle geometry correlations will be applicable to the circular tube geometry. One or more of the physical models may be inappropriate due to the different flow condition or geometry, but it is impossible to know which physical model is responsible for the For validation of the physical models, deviation in Fig 4.1. more experimental data are necessary to check with calculation. The sensitivity of the pressure drop to the wall friction and interfacial momentum transfer will be discussed here. Some intuition for the two-phase wall friction pressure drop can be derived from considering the single-phase case. The single-phase expression for the wall friction pressure drop is, 2 pv AP = f L De 2 (5.1) The wall friction factor f is vital for accurate pressure drop prediction, but the calculation in Appendix D shows that f is rather insensitive to the flow condition according to THERMIT wall friction correlations. The error in the wall friction factor is linearly propagated to the pressure drop, i.e. 1% error in f results in 1% error in the pressure drop. -119- As for the interfacial momentum transfer, it does not affect the pressure drop directly before dryout, but does affect it through the liquid velocity. If there is more inter- -facial momentum transfer, a higher liquid velocity will result A higher liquid due to the increased friction force on liquid. velocity will again give rise to a higher pressure drop as Eq 5.1 shows. The interfacial momentum transfer is an import- -ant parameter in determining the two-phase condition. It establishes the flow quality and the void fraction, and all the other physical models are strongly dependent on that void fraction. Moreover the transferred mass carries its own momentum so that the interfacial momentum transfer is composed of two parts, friction forces and momentum carried by the transferred mass. Sensitivity of the pressure drop to the interfacial momentum transfer is given in Table 4.6. Very large interfa- -cial momentum transfer will result in equal velocities of liquid and vapor, therefore the HEM model. The code tends to fail as the interfacial momentum transfer decreases. Energy conservation Table 4.3, 4.7 and 4.8 show that a certain portion of the total energy is lost in THERMIT calculations. The reason for the loss has been given in detail in Chapter 3. - ----- I -120- The fraction of the lost energy increases as the total heat input increases. This occurs because at a higher power there is a more interfacial mass transfer and more frictional dissipation due to increased velocities. The importance of the energy conservation can be illustrated in the following way. A 1% error in the energy corresponds to 1% error in the flow quality. That 1% error in the flow quality may cause a considerable change in the flow condition due to high density ratio between the liquid and vapor phases of sodium at atmospheric pressure. Especially for the dryout point determination, a small amount of error in energy may significantly affect the prediction. Comparison of HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq models Table 4.4 and 4.5 show the velocities of the liquid and vapor phases for each model. The HEM model is too far from experimental data, therefore completely erroneous. As can be seen all through the results, the 4-Eq and 6-cE models are almost identical. The 6-Eq model can be reduced to the 4-Eq model with the assumption that the liquid and vapor temperatures are equal to the saturation temperature in two-phase region as explained in Chapter 3. Presently THERMIT uses a very large constant for the interfacial heat transfer coefficient so that the liquid and vapor temperatures -121- are made almost equal to a saturation temperature. Under such a condition, there cannot be much difference between the 4-Eq and 6-Eq model results. Transient Fig 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 show that all the parameters oscillate with the same period as the inlet velocity, although with some phase shifts. The phase shift is a characteristic of each parameter and is the final result of all the interac-tions between phases and between the coolant and the wall. Consequently there is no reason that the phase shift of one parameter should be equal to the phase shift of another. Fig 4.2 shows that the maximum point of the pressure drop corresponds to the minimum point of the inlet velocity, which means a 1800 phase shift. Loop analysis results in Chapter 4 show the same behavior between the P and v. Inlet" In Fig 4.21, the slope of the S-curve is negative in the two-phase region. If the inlet mass flow rate increases, the pressure drop should decrease and vice versa. Hence the pressure drop should be maximum when the inlet velocity is minimum as Fig 4.2 shows. SWOIIIUI -122- 5.1.2 Whole loop simulation Oscillation The simulated 1-D loop analysis has shown that the outputs of the system are oscillatory although all the inputs to the system are constant with respect to time. The experi- -mental-data also show that the measured parameters oscillate with a certain period, although the inputs are constant. For the test section simulation in section 5.1.1, the output is constant with constant boundary conditions. For the simulated 1-D loop analysis, however, a small perturbation from equilibrium state does not damp exponentia-11ly, but continues oscillating with constant amplitude. The oscillatory behavior of the two-phase flow in a loop experi-ment is an inherent characteristic of the system. In early 1960's many people [Ref. 11 - 14] tried to make a general explanation of the two-phase flow oscillations, but were not successful due to lack of knowledge about two-phase flow phenomena and too many parameters that make the analyti-cal analysis impossible. The calculation of THERMIT with the vapor density 200 times increased has shown that the system keeps on oscilla-ting with a certain period and amplitude after the steady-state boiling has been reached. -123- Mathematical model of oscillation A mathematical model of in the two-phase a loop is suggested in this section. flow oscillation idea of the The approach is to divide the loop into two regions, the test and the return loop, and set up mass, momentum and section energy conservation equations for both regions. The test are section and the return loop conservation equations coupled through an empirical relation which is obtained from shown in Fig 5.3. the calculation results and Conservation equations integrated over the test section Mass Ms[VvPv +V p +V - P] + a oPvov A + (1-a 0)P u = 0 P.iU iA 0A (5.3) Energy E -[VvP Ot e v v v + +V p u (1-a 0) +V p se s Si A - p iu s uh ] + a p v0 0 ih i A u h vO v0 A = Q (5.4) Momentum 3 [VpP v v v +V £ P u £z +Vsk s 2 u s]p] + 2 0 P v0 uvv A 2 A - iu 2.A + (P0-Pi)A = -F + (l- )P -[VvPv +Vp% +Vs£Ps]g where Qw is the total heat input and Fw is the total wall friction force in upvard direction. (5.5) -124- hvo, Uvo PvO' h 0' Uo ' P O T two-phase region single-phase region i hki' Fig 5.1 uzi' @i Schematic diagram of the loop and the test section -125- Notations h0 h v0' 0 uv0' u0 enthalpy, density, and velocity of each phase at the outlet h , Pi' i : enthalpy, density and velocity of liquid at the inlet a0 : void fraction at the outlet A : cross-sectional flow area Vv, V , V s k : volumes of vapor and liquid in the two-phase region and the liquid in the single-phase region ev, eZ, Pv' Pi' Uv, u : spatial averages of internal energy, density and velocity of each phase in the two-phase region esk' Ps' Usz : spatial averages of internal energy, density and velocity of liquid in the single-phase region PO : pressure at the bottom face of the upper plenum PO : pressure at the top face of the upper plenum PI : pressure at the bottom face of the lower plenum : pressure at the top face of the lower plenum P. 1 _ ~ IL -- -- ... -126- Conservation equations at equilibrium state 0 at = 0 Pv Mass Energy Uv0 A + (1-a 0 )P 0 u 0 A - P iUiA = 0 aP v0uv0hvOA + (1-a 0 )P 0u 0 h£ 0 A - Piu (5.6) h A Qw Moemntum ap 0 (5.7) -2 -2 u u2 A + (1-a )p vOvO t0 0 = -F - [Vv A 0 - -2 p iU i A k - + (P'-fP)A + 0 1 +V p% +V sP 5 s]g (5.8) In the above equilibrium state equations, it is assumed that UvO , uk0 , u i, Vv, V£, Pi and Fw are time-dependent variables and all the other parameters are constant. When the equilibrium conservation equations are subtracted from the time-dependent conservation equations, the perturba-tion equations are obtained. Perturbation equations ass 1 p v2t + -(V-VZ) (V -V ) + p £7(VEVR v v (1-a 0 )P 0 (u t 0 -u 0 )A + apv0(u v0-uv )A a 0 P 0 vO v0 - P i(u i-u i)A = 0 (5.9) -127- Energy + P - (u ouo)h0A a0) (1-)P0 + (V -V) -V ) + p et ve -t(V 0 (u v 0( u v 0 - u v -u )h o) hv 0A A = 0 (5.10) Momentum p uv-t(V V-v + p t(V ) + Ps +pV f-(u-u -p 2 (u 2 -2 )A - -u (P.-P)A [(V -V v V )p )p (V -V + v -2 0 (uO-£0)A = -(F w -F 1i i 1i i Since V s-Vst (us-Us -2 2 (U -UV ) + P VV- ) vO (uv 0 -u v0)A + (1-P0 + - -V (5.11) ]g is assumed to be constant, V v + Vz = (constant). Thus Vv - 5t (v k - = -(V V (v - 9 =v ) (5.12) V ) v - -t v - (5.13) Vv ) The certurbation equations may be written as follows. Mass (V (-- )~t + (1-a0) P -v (u ) uO v(Uvo-v)A vO + 0 -u 0 )A - p i(u i-u i)A = 0 (5.14) __ __ I I[! I_ I II Ii -128- (Pvev Pe )-FRSt v v Energy (1-a) P 0 Momentum 0 t0 (U aP 0(u -u )hv0A 0 vO vO vO vO 0 -u 0 )h k0 tO v v to A - P t v k (u-u) v- Rii )h +pV v k -2 ) +(2 (u 0-Uv + aOp P A = 0 (u -u ) ZP~VRE (Pi-Pi)A z)g v )(pv- R )A 2 -2 p i(u i-u i)A - 2 -2 +(1-a 0)P0(u 0-u 0)A - = -(Fw-Fw ) - (V (u .-u zi (5.15) ) + pV v (U Vs + v v (v-v v-pu) (Pu v v-PkRR + P ) (V -v (5.16) The momentum conservation equation is simplified to make it a linear differential equation. (P vv- -p + P (u Vs + 2(1- - + V-V) k k) -tVv v (P -P 0 -Us £0(u ) PRUo )A = -(F PVv v v5t ) + 2a 0 0 -u£0)A -F ) - (u-u v PUv - 2p (V -V kV v) + (u 0-u iU i(u i-u i)A )(pv-p -(u - -u) )A )g (5.17) Conservation equations integrated over the return loop For the return loop, the mass and energy conservation eauations are not needed because the return loop is adiabatic -129- p0 1 Fig 5.2 Return loop will -130- and has uniform flow area. Mass u Energy er is constant all through the return loop. Momentum is constant all through the return loop. + 2 (Mu) F-t rr (P!-P )A = Mrg g- 1 0 (5.18) F rw Momentum at equilibrium (P -P i 0 )A = -M rg g -Fr (5.19) rw Perturbation equation for momentum -u) Mr(U + (5.20) (Pi-Pi)A = -(F rw-Frw) Assume that ur = Cuti (5.21) Since the temperatures of the coolant in the return loop and lower plenum are constant with respect to time, C is constant. Note that C is greater than one because the sodium The following density increases as the temperature decreases. momentum conservation equation for the return loop is obtained. M (u rC-atuii - i ) + (P.-P )A = (F -rw- rw (5.22) -131- Now the conservation equations for the test section and the return loop are completely set up and they should be combined together to produce a single ordinary differential equation with respect to time. In the process, the following additional assumptions are made. v = Uv u = U0 (5.23) us = ui . P.P. 1 1 - P = Pf 1 1 Up to this point, four Eq's 5.14, 5.15, 5.17 and 5.22 with P.-P. and V -V are five unknowns u -UvO u v0 obtained. 0-u u i- 0 v0' 1 1 and V-V are Hence we need an additional relation between the unknowns and it is provided by the empirical relation between and VV -V V in Fig 5.3. P.-P. 1 1 Fig 5.3 is a plot of the THERMIT calculational results and is expressed by the following Eq 5.24. P. 1 - . 1 A g(p -p- v )(V v -V v ) g (5.24) where K = 0.5 Now the set of Eq's 5.14, 5.15, 5.17, 5.22 and 5.24 can be solved with following wall friction correlations. ----- -- -- liiii -132- (u .-u i ) Frw - F rw = f (U11 F - Fw = f 2(u i-ui ) + (5.25) f3 (u -u ) (5.26) After some manipulations, the following second-order ordinary differential equation with respect to V v -Vv results. 2 dt (Vvv- ) + C v v + C2v C2 2 (V-Vv ) = 0 1 d (V-V) (5.27) where C 1 and C2 are constants. Eq 5.27 yields a simple oscillation if the following condition is satisfied. 2 << 4C 1 2 (5.28) Then the period of the oscillation is, T 2 2 (5.29) -133- ------ - (V -9 AP [Pa] (Pi-Pi ) g (P-Pv ) /A ) 100 r r I I ' I \ r' I \ I I 1 I I If I \ I r\ I 50 n: 0.0 - -50 I I t I I I I I I t I I 1I I I S I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 II I .9 .9 I \ I t r .I II I . r rI r r I !/ .9, \ \ \. -100 Fig 5.3 I L I ..I 110 120 130 140 Calculation results that show and V -V between P.-P. V V 1 1 150 [sec] the relationship Ii, - -134- Chapter 6. Conclusions THERMIT is a good numerical tool for predicting and analyzing sodium two-phase flow phenomena, although there are some problems to be solved. The two fluid model of THERMIT is a versatile model that can describe a wide range of flow conditions. However, the constitutive relations of the two fluid model are not in a well-established state, especially the interfacial mass and energy transfer terms. To circumvent the difficulty, the 4-Eq model is deve-loped, in which the interfacial mass and energy transfer occur instantaneously to maintain thermal equilibrium betw-een phases. The numerical scheme of THERMIT works well for a low density ratio of the liquid and vapor phases. For the high density ratio of sodium at atmospheric pressure, the code fails to converge for conditions of boiling inception and condensation. For the present the THERMIT calculation results are not in good agreement with the experiment data, but the general tendency and the order of magnitude of the results are right. THERMIT is a powerful tool in the sense that it easily accept the developments that will be made in can the -135- future. If more studies on the numerical and physical models would be done, THERMIT might be improved to the state that it can handle a wide range of real LMFBR accident con-ditions. _ ___~~__ Ilj -136- Chapter 7. 1. Recommendations for future work Improvement of the physical models in THERMIT Problems discussed in Chapter 3 will have to be solved. a. Forced and natural convection correlations b-. Flow regime dependence c. Condensation modeling Interfacial mass transfer Interfacial energy transfer d. Geometry dependence 2. Validation of the physical models against experiments More experiments should be done to test the physical models. 3. Improvement of the overall numerical scheme in THERMIT The code failed at a high density ratio of liquid and vapor phases in the present application. 4. Improvement of the loop simulation method Implicit numerical scheme may be used to hold the plenum conditions more accurately. It is also possible to keep the plenum conditions by a large heat transfer through the structural material. -137- 5. Mathematical model for the oscillation in a two-phase loop experiment More general and complete explanation of the two-phase oscillations should be done. THERMIT may be a helpful for this work. 6. Modification of THERMIT momentum conservation equations to accept a variable flow area in axial direction. .-~---- -- - 111 -138- References [1] Reed, W.H., Stewart, H.B., "THERMIT, A Computer pro- -gram for Three-dimensional Thermalhydraulic Analysis of LWR Cores," EPRI NP-2032 Project518, Final Report, Sep. 1981. .[2] Garrison, P.W. et al, "Dryout Measurements for Sodium Natural Convection in a Vertical Channel," ORNL/TM-7018 [3] (December 1979) Costa, J. and Charlety, P., "Forced Convection Boiling of Sodium in a Narrow Channel," in Liquid Metal Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics, ASME winter annual meeting, New York, Nov. 1970. [4) Wilson, G.J., "Development of Models for the Sodium Version of the Two-phase Three-dimensional Thermal-hydraulics Code THERMIT," M.S. Thesis, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT, (1980) [5] Autruffe, M.A., "Theoretical Study of Thermohydraulic Phenomena for LMFBR Accident Analysis," M.S. Thesis, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT, (1978) [6] Collier, J.G., Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw-Hill International Book Company, 2 nd ed., (1980) [7) El-Wakil, 11.M., Nuclear Heat Transport, International Textbook Company, Scranton, Pa., (1971) -139- [8] Tang, Y.S., Coffield, R.D., Markley, R.A., Thermal Ana- -lysis of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, American Nuclear Society, [9] Seiler, J.Y., (1978) "Sodium Boiling Under Single Channel NaCalculational Results -tural Convection Conditions; and Analysis of ORNL/SBT Experimental Results," AIChE, NewOrleans, Nov 8-12, 1981 [10] Lahey, Jr R.T., "Nuclear System Safety Modelling," in Nuclear Reactor Safety Heat Transfer, O.C. Jones, editor Hemisphere McGrawHill, 1981 [11] Quandt, E.R., -tions," "Analysis and Veasurement of Flow Oscilla- Chem. Eng. Progr., Monograph and Symposium Seri- -es No. 32S, p. 1 1 1 . [12] Wissler, E.H., Isbin, H.S., Amuneson, N.R., "Oscillatory Behavior of a Two-phase Natural-circulation Loop," Am. Inst. Chem. Eng. J., [13] Wallis, G.B., Flow Systems," 3(1956)2. Heasley, J.H., "Oscillations in Two-phase J. Heat Transfer, Trans. ASME Series C, 83(363)369. [14] Levy, S., Beckjord, E.S., "Hydraulic Instability in a Natural Circulation Loop with Net Steam Generation at 1000 psia," ASME Paper 60-ET-27, 1960. [15] Personal communications with Dr. Allan Levin in Oak Ridge National Laboratory. -- Hi ll illilm imol ,, -140- Appendix A. Calibration of heat input Outer wall temperature data of experiment in adiabatic zone 107R2 . 108R2 100P.3 100R2 100R4 TE 124 7630C 864 0 C 9070C 873 0 C 8450C TE 125 754 856 898 863 S48 TE 126 756 865 906 871 870 TE 127 754 873 900 866 875 TE 128 763 884 893 856 877 TE 129 763 881 881 845 874 TE 130 762 875 886 852 880 759.3 871.1 895.9 860.9 867.0 AVERAGE - The temperature difference between sodium and outer wall is about 11C. Therefore the sodium temperature is calculated as follows. 107R2 300W 759. 3 + 11 = 770.30C 108R2 500W 871.1 + 11 = 882.1 100R3 700W 895.9 + 11 = 906.9 100R2 700W 860.9 + 11 = 871.9 100R4 800W 867.0 + 11 = 878.0 -141- Test No. Power given in AT AT(calculated ORNL/TM-7018 (measured) with 70% power) 107R2 300 W 350.30C 279.65 0 C 108R2 500 462.1 362.35 100R3 700 486.9 455.55 100R4 800 458 472.95 Since the total heat input appears as the enthalpy increase of the single-phase liquid sodium, p actual power input m = measured volumetric flow rate measured measured (density)x( where c P = 1447 J/kg OC As a result of the calculations, Test No. Power given in 70% Of the Actual ORNL/TM-7018 power given in power ORNL/TM-7018 input 107R2 300 W 210 W 263.3 W 108R2 500 350 446.6 100R3 700 490 522.9 100R4 800 560 541.1 m ll iUnIai i InH i- I i lllngllll i i -142- 0.7 0.6 05 0* 04 - 0 1. 0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 10 1.2 1.4 1.6 18 2.0 iTS (kW) ?i Al. Relative error in test section power determination as a function of test section power l.inil illi lili . iilliHI I -143- actual power input [W] Error band according 800 to ORNL/TM-7018 600 ---- power calculated With temperature 400 data in ORNL/TM-7018 200 power reported 0. 0 0.0 Fig A2. 200 400 600 800 Comparison of the actual power and the reported power in ORNL/TM-7018 [W] lull I UlllIIlill . I -144- Energy conservation of THERMIT Appendix B. THEPMIIT conservation equations for 1-D steady-state Mass - (ap v z) = r 9 zi[ (l1-a)pkv~z Momentum (p -z - Energy 2 vvz (B1) = + aaP (B2) -r = -Fwv wV -F. 1 8 2 [ (1-a)p v 2 ]] + (1-a) +P - -Fwk k z -z -- (ap e v ) + P aZ-(av vz + P-[(1 az@[ (l-a) kv z ] aZ (B3) -cpvg vZ +F i - (1-a) P g (B5) ) = QwV +Qii - a z )v Ez (B4) = Qwt -Qi1 (E6) First law of thermodynamics S z. zvzt vvz(h v + 2 +gz Z) = Qwv 1 WV +Qi (B7) 2 V". - (1-a) pv z(h zz = Qw -Qi (B8) Reexpressing Eq B5 and B6 in terms of enthalpy, (I(ao h v z v v vz ) Pz vz z Qwv +Qi1 wV (B9) lmlil lill, k -145- (-) ah v a-Z[(l-a)h z] - P z (cvz)a = -Qi Qw (B10) Multiplying Eq B3 and B4 by the respective phasic velocities, the mechanical energy conservations are obtained as follows. aP = v -(-a)v p -avZ 3 (ap vV 2 ) + (Fw +F i +aOPg )vz + IF -a)p2 a -(l-)V~z - = Vtz[ (l-) £Vz (Bll1) -F w i +(1-a)p gz IV (B12) The THERMIT energy conservation equations are obtained by substituting Eq B11 and B12 into Eq B9 and B10. Vvz 3 2 (aPvV) and The terms and their liquid counterparts are pvg transformed through the following procedure. vzaz a 1( - 2 v vz v vz 3 v vz ap Vv Vz 2 z vz)(pvVvz vz vz az av vz 2 =vv v vz z + 5z v 2 v vz 2 vz 2 a z v v(Vz a ( vvz ) vVvz Z( (314) Therefore 2 vz 2 a - (.a vvz ) = 1 z 2 V3 v v z) + a vz 2 az (apv v vz ) (15) -146- Utilizing Eq El, Vvz F Eq B15 reduces to r 2 Vvz 3 ~a 2 v vz 2 Pvvz + (B16) Similarly for the liquid, .utilizing Eq E2, = z V )p Vz [-(1- 3 1 2 " -[Y(l-a)p pVz 2 V2z 8 2 8z [ (l-)p S[1 =z 2 - 3 )zV ] Viz] F 2 - f (317) z Similar procedure is applied to the potential terms in Eq B7 and B8 so that the following equations result. v Spg z) z ov9z vz ap g v (apvg = z) v z z - z-(ap g v ) v z vz az - zg r z[ S- (B 18) gz 9z (1l-a)p kg zvVz z] + zg zF - Utilizing the results of Eq B 16, BE17, B 18 and B 19 in in combination with Eq B 9, B 11 and B 10, B 12 yields, ( 19) -147- -- a S(h vz 2 v(h v +- 22 +g Z z)] +f-v 2 vz vvzvz 8z = Q (h 'z +T [(1-a)p v) (h -zg z P +(F wV +F.)v 1 VZ +Qi k120) +g z)] - r 2 V +zg r +(F -F )v~z = Qwk -Qi (B21) Finally upon rearrangement of Eq D20 and B21, the THERMIT energy conservation equations are obtained. V vz +(h oZ zap v v vz v 2 (h +g v2 +Q Q wv i -Vvz +zg zz)= -(FW [ (l-a) p v(h + 2 +g z)] -(Fwk +F = z (B2:2) )v Q -Q +- v -zgz -Fi)Vz When Eq B22 and B23 are compared with Eq B7 (B23) and BS, it can be seen that the present THERMIT energy conservation equations are in contradiction with the first law of thermodynamics. -148- Appendix C. Plenum temperature dhZ2, dhv2 ! #* 1 dh£1, Fig Cl. dhvl Plenum energy conservation Q -149- VpTCp (T-To) Q = dhZ1 + dhZ2 + dhvl +dhv2 + V) (Ci) where Q : the total amount of heat that should be extracted from the plenum at time step n to keep the temperature at To. V : volume of the plenum CT : specific heat of sodium at temperature T T : sodium density at temperature T T : the plenum temperature at time step n To : the desired plenum temperature at time step (n+!) (tn+l-tn) At : time step size dhl1 : the amount of heat that should be extracted from the plenum to keep the in-flux sodium at bottom face at temperature T. dhZ2, dhvl, dhv2 : similarly defined as dhl1. dhZl(or dhZ2, dhvl, dhv2) is equal to zero if the flow is in outward direction. The scheme of Eq Cl worked very well for single-phase cases, but in two-phase case where there is condensation in the plenum, the error in the plenum temperature was not tolerable. Hence for the two-phase simulated 1-D loop analysis, an iterative method is used to get a constant plenum temperature. -150- heat extracted from the plenum Q1 Q4 Q3 - T1 Fig C2. To 4. T2 Iterative'scheme plenum temperature -151- In Fig C2, a parabola is drawn with (T1, Q1) (T 3 , (T 2 , Q2 ), Q3 ) and Q4 is calculated so that it corresponds to To on that parabola. With Q 4, the whole calculation is repeated and a new temperature T 4 is obtained. Another parabola can be drawn with (T 2 , and (T4, Q4 ) Q2 ), (T 3 , Q3 ) and the same procedure is repeated until a satisfactory plenum temperature is obtained. -152- Appendix D. Dependence of the wall friction on the void fraction Autruffe's wall friction correlation For liquid F0.18 Z= 2De [Re ] 0.18 F = 2De Re] -0.2 Pu P uI -0.2 pu lu a < Odry d ry u 1-aldry >dry For vapor 0.18 v 2De -0.2 [Rev (Dl) -dry Pv Uv Uv-a (D2) (D3) dry For a < adry' only the liquid is in contact with the wall. FT = Fk f = 0.18[Re]0.2 (D4) The mass flux G is expressed as follows, G = (l-a)p £u = P£u£[(1-a) Since pv/pz 1/2000, + aP uv + P£Sa] S = u /u (D5) -153- G = pu z(1-a) Re = Therefore Re constant. (l-alp u De (D6) G De (D7) is independent of the void fraction if G is It means that the friction factor f is also indepen- -dent of the void fraction a for constant G. For a 2dry' FT = Fk + F Table Dl shows that the liquid wall friction is dominant over the vapor wall friction for a < 0.9999. Hence it may be said that f is independent of the void fraction for constant G unless the flow is almost single-phase vapor. -154- Table D1 Wall friction forces by the liquid and vapor phases in contact with the wall F/G 1.8 Fv/G 8 1.G FT/G 1.8 0.1 0.0254 0.0 0.0254 0.2 0.0321 0.0 0.0321 0.3 0.0419 0.0 0.0419 0.4 C.0570 0.0 0.0570 0.5 0.0821 0.0 0.0821 0.6 0.1282 0.0 0.1282 0.7 0.2277 0.0 0.2277 0.8 0.5111 0.0 0.5111 0.9 2.0312 0.0 2.0312 0.95 8.0199 0.0 8.0199 0.957 10.798 0.0 10.798 0.96 11.58 0.03 11.61 0.97 15.28 0.05 15.33 0.98 0.99 22.44 42.17 0.10 0.32 22.54 42.49 0.995 74.94 1.00 75.94 0.997 107.88 2.16 110.04 0.999 178.77 8.65 187.42 0.9995 189.70 16.01 205.71 0.9999 106.50 32.47 138.97 0.99999 20.76 40.03 60.79 0.0 41.03 41.03 1.0 1.0 where De = 3.25x10 -3 = 1.6476x10 S m -4 kg/m s kg/m s SJ = 1.9644xi0-5 1.9644x10 kg/mn s p 2 = 742.18 kg/m 3 = 0.27 kg/m 3 -155- Appendix E. Typical experimental data Some of the typical data from ORNL/TM-7018 are presented here. These are all stable boiling data and Fig E4 and E6 show the void propagation clearly. This void propagation mode can be compared with the simulated 1-D loop results in Fig 4.10 - 4.19 in Chapter 4. - I III- YYIYII -156- w DH_ <G U.J cn LEGEND LU w -0 H IE 117 TE 118 TE 119 0 Cl LEGEND D- PE-2B 0- FT-7 LU .J O z 0 -J -I t- 0 LEGEND 0 - FE-5B o u'3-- 0 LL U z LEGEND 0- FE-16 60 I I 70 80 I 90 1 100 I 110 I 12 TIME (s) Fig El. Stable boiling of the test run 129R1 at 1.3 kW (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) -157- w DU U~j LEGEND o- TE 117 o- TE 118 6- TE 119 w H C_ 2- 8 LEGEND 0 - PE-2 jJJJ1 JJJJJ J o- FT-7 LEGEND o- F'-5B - - o P1v VVAVVA LE- fND o - FC-IB TIME (s) Fig E2. Stable boiling of the test run 127R1 at 1.5kW (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) ~---~ - ~ - ~rrrslrr~l~ -158- 0 "rl"~~t mit 'lIpII~r71R LEGEND 0- CE 4-40 I 1 1 - LEGEND 0- CE 4-39 1nTr V,7 LEGEND 0- CE 4-38 Lfl1 -J 0 Ln, ._4 .. J LEGEND 0- CE 4-37 0 10 20 30 TIME (s) Fig E3. Void detection system data for the test run 127R1 (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) m3 O CD ..j I 0 0 t 0l (D t-t CD O-, 0 O F-j rF r(D F 0O (D c1 (D H. Lr :j rt O 0 C(D r Fl 0(D O Y I- (D (n ,"o -5.0 ~) 0.0 INLET FLOW (rnI/s) 5.0 iJ -11 -C OUTLET FLOW (min l/s) 5.0 Cir rTj WG r\. -v INLET PRESSURE (kPa) 5 0 Z O C- VOID 24 DETECTOR -160- 0 0 r" D 0- LU uJ OW %IA . LEQNO TE 117 TE 118 TE 119 LEGEND S- PC.-2B o- PT-7 E,. C o- LE END FE-SB o U i LEGEND o- FE-l8 c! , TIME (s) Fig E5. test Stable boiling at high flow and low quality run 120R1 at 1.5 kW (taken from ORNL/TM-7018) for the -161- 0 wC 0 I BOILING uj V) LOl - -~ _J LEGEND o- PE-2 z I I I i i LEGEND o - FE-SB I L;? z LEGEND 0- FE-2B L4 j TIME (s) Fig E6. Relationship between voiding pattern, flow and pressure for the test run 120R1 (from ORNL/TM-7018) -162- Appendix F. Typical computer inputs and outputs Some of the important computer inputs and outputs are included here. The inputs are for the test run 129R1 and the simulated and actual 1-D loop analysis. The outputs are from the ORNL/TM-7018 test section calculation of the single phase run 107R2 at 210 W with 4-Eq model, the two-phase run 129R1 at 910 W with HEM, 4-Eq and 6-Eq models. The French forced convection results are also listed for the mass flow rate and tube diameter 0.014 kg/s, r = 0.002 m and 0.013 kg/s, r = 0.003 m. The single-phase results of the simulated and actu- -al I-D loop calculations are also shown. Note that the actual 1-P loop calculation has a two-dimensional geometry from the computational point of view, therefore it is composed of four channels.. Finally the simulated 1-D loop calculation results with the vapor density 100 and 200 times increased are listed. Note that these are the results at the inception of boiling and a reverse flow is indicated at the inlet of the test sec-tion with the vapor density 100 times increased. Input for the test section steady-state run 129R1 with 4-Eq model 2 ORNL- dryout measurement for sodium natural convection SBTF in a vertical channel $intgin nc=1 nz=10 nr=1 narf=1 nx=O nrzs O ihtf=1 thts=O iss=1 ixfl=O idump=l ibb=1 iwft=O ichnge=O ihtrpr=1 ishpr=1111 nitmax=3 ipfsol=10 neq=4 ieqvax=l ieqvtr=1 ntabls=l ipowt=1 Ihtrpr=l $realin epsn=l.e-3 hdt=3.25e-3 pdr=1.2533 hdr=1.Oe+10 rnuss=7.0 radf=i.625e-3 $ delpr=0.00001 delro=0.00001 delem=0.00001 $ $rodinp q0=910. $ ncr 1 indent $ O ifcar $ 1 $ nrzf 1 $ nrmzf 1 mnrzf $ 4 $ dx 4.07327e-3 $ dy 4.07327e-3 dz $ 6(0.194) 6(0.3) $ arx 10(0.0) ary $ 10(0.0) $ arz 11(8.295768e-6) $ vol 5(1.609378992e-6) 5(2.4887304e-6) $ hedz 3.25e-3 $ wedz 3..25e-3 $ p 6(1.226e+5) 6(1.01e+5) $ alp 12(0.0) $ tv 12(693.15) vvz $ 11(12.054e-2) twF $ 10(693.15) qz $ 5(1.0) 5(0.0) qt $ 1.0 $ qr 1.0 rn $ 1 $ drzf 1.625e-3 3 0.0 0.0 50.0 1.0 1000.0 1.0 $tablel Stimdat tend=-1.0 dtmin=1.0e-8 dtmax=5.0 $ iredmx=25 dtsp=10.0 dtlp=30.0 0 -163- $ Input for the simulated i-D loop analysis with 4-Eq model Input for 1-0 loop analysis $intgin nc=i nz=26 nr=l narf=1 nx=O nrzs=O thtf=1 ihts=O iss=2 ixfl=O Idump=1 iflash=l itb=O ibb=l twft=O ichnge=O ishpr=l11 nitmax=3 ipfsol=iO neq=4 leqvax=O ieqvtr=1 $ $realin epsn=1.e-4 hdt=3.25e-3 pdr=1.2533 hdr=i.Oe+iO rnuss=7.0 radf=1.625e-3 delpr=l.e-7 delro=i.e-7 delem=i.e-7 $ $rodinp q0=210. $ 1 $ ncr indent $ 0 $ ifcar 1 $ nrzf 1 1 $ nrmzf 4 $ mnrzf 4.07327e-3 $ dx 4.07327e-3 $ dy $ dz 2(0.6175) 5(0.193) 5(0.3) 16(0.617 5) arx $ 26(0.0) $ ary 26(0.0) arz $ 27(8.295768e-6) 5.1226368e-6 5(1.6010832e-6) 5(2.41887304e-6) 15(5.1226368e-6) $ vol $ hedz 3.25e-3 wedz $ 3.25e-3 28(1.29039e+5) $ p 28(0.0) $ alp 28(863.15) $ tv $ vvz 27(8.0e-2) 26(863.15) $ twf $ qz -210. 5(1.0) 5(0.0) 0.0 14(0.0) 1.0 $ qt 1.0 $ qr 1 $ rn 1.625e-3 $ drzf $ $timdat tend=-1.0 dtmln=l.e-8 dtmax=5.0 dtsp=5.0 dtlp=lO.O iredmx=25 0 -164- Input for the actual 1-D loop analysis with 4-Eq model 1 Input for loop analysis of 129ri - 4 channels $intgin nc=4 nz=14 nr=l narf=l1 nx=O nrzs=O Ihtf=i ihts=O iss=2 ixfl=1 idump=l iflash=l itb=O ibb=1 iwft=l ichnge=O ivelpr=1 ishpr=1111 nitmax=3 ipfsol=22 neq=4 $ $realin epsn=l.e-4 hdt=3.25e-3 pdr=1.2533 hdr=1.0e+10 rnuss=7.0 radf=1.625e-3 delpr=1.e-6 delro=l.e-6 delem=i.e-6 $ $rodinp q0=910. $ 4 $ ncr $ indent 0 1 $ ifcar , $ nrzf 1 i $ nrmzf $ mnrzf 4 $ dx 8.01106e-2 2(0.915) 4.07327e-3 $ dy 4(4.07327e-3) $ dz 3(8.01106e-2) 5(0.194) 5(0.3) 3(8.0110Ge-2) $ arx 14(0.0) 3(2(4.07327e-3) 10(0.0) 2(4.07327e-3)) $ ary 56(0.0) 1.0e-12 14(3.26312e-4) 2(i.0e-12 3.72704e-3 11(1.Oe-12) 2(3.72704e-3)) $ arz 1.0e-12 14(1.659153e-5) 2(2.614106e-5) 5(6.330455e-5) 5(9.789363e-5) 2(2.614106e-5) 2(2(2.985756e-4) 10(1.0e-12) 2(2.985756e-4)) 2(1.329157e-6) $ vol 5(3.218757e-6) 5(4.977459e-6) 2(1.329157e-6) 4(3.25e-3) $ hedz $ wedz 4(3.25e-3) 4(8(1.2e+5) 8(1.Oe+5)) $ p $ alp 64(0.0) $ tv 64(860.) $ vvz GU( $ twf 56(860.) qz 2(-210.) 5(1.0) 5(0.0) 2(-700.) $ $ qt 3(0.0) 1.0 $ qr 1.0 $ rn 20 2(225) 1 $ drzf 1.625e-3 $ $timdat tend=-1.0 dtmin=1.Oe-8 dtmax=1.0 dtsp=0.5 dtlp=5.0 iredmx=25 0 -165- Output of the test section steady-state run 107R2 with 4-Eq model time Step no = 36 number of newton Iterations number of inner time = 1 iterations . total reactor power = total heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = 34.780457 sec time step size w 0.96364E+00 sec = 0 0 Inlet flow rate outlet flow rate u 0.210 0.210 0.210 - maximum relative changes over in pressure: in mixture density: in mixture energy: Ic Iz P(bar) .2113 .2032 .1952 .1873 .1794 .1715 .1638 .1561 .1484 .14Q9 .1333 .1257 .11130 .1103 .1026 .0949 .0872 .0794 .0717 .0640 .0563 .0486 .0409 .0331 .0254 .0177 .0100 void 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 % qual 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 hm 913556. 948823. 984091. 1019358. 1054625. 1009892. 1125160. 1160427. 1195694. 1230961. 1266229. 1266228. 1266227. 1266226. 1266225. 1266223. 1266222. 1266221. 1266220. 1266219. 1266218. 1266217. 1266216. 1266213. 1266206. 1266181. 1265920. rom T vap T liq 850.63 844.24 037.83 831.40 824.93 818.43 811.91 805.37 798.81 792.24 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 705.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 693.15 720.98 748.82 776.72 804.68 832.68 860.71 888.76 916.80 944.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.82 972.80 972.80 693.15 720.98 748.82 776.72 804.68 832.68 860.71 888.76 916.80 944.83 972.83 972.81 972.03 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.83 972.82 972.80 972.80 -166- 0.001 kg/s 0.001 kg/s the time step 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 T sat 1178.99 1178.22 1177.45 1176.68 1175.92 1175.16 1174.40 1173.64 1172.88 1172.13 1171.38 1170.61 1169.83 1169.05 1168.26 1167.46 1166.67 1165.86 1165.06 1164.24 1163.43 1162.61 1161.78 1160.95 1160.11 1159.27 1158.42 vvz vlz 0.084 0.085 0.086 0.086 0.087 0.088 0.088 0.089 0.090 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.084 0.085 0.086 0.086 0.087 0.088 0.088 0.089 0.090 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 0.091 roV 0.49 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.32 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.31 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.29 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.28 0.27 0.31 rol 850.63 844.24 837.83 831.40 824.93 818.43 811.91 805.37 798.81 792.24 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 705.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.66 785.68 Cutput of the test section steady-state run 129R1 with HEM model I i -i, .. t -'I nu.,ther nu iter totI I ,ui) I : fl tI, time ./. 1 1 n. atn it ter t ions = rr,:r" ite rati ors = o. ) I re Z( j*r t r r It-y riF = = in (et outlt et naixiinur ic i ; I'( bj r) voi U L)U L..Ii(I UOII '.' /7 ,"21 935 17 ' . II..15'1. : :.741 1', i,.97 ),) ( .96113 . 5' t'.9 ) -') .;t *~ 1 1, ! . j I t! 1 S ti.;o (1. 91 1 1, . lua I I. OUO 0 (100 ,. 7 7 5.0'I1 5.427 6.442 /.29 time stel size = d.390165D-02 sec d I1 0. 910 0i.91t U.,98 .rrc | I S (' sec. 14.'7109l ron. iit 913550. 11275 1'. 1341 46 . 1555 2 70. 1 769119 3. 1 ' ;l 2 ,. 1 ,/$1 ,9 5. 19 7? 750). 197/143. 1973425. 1907437. 18'0)1 161. If (6w rate ft ow ra t e rel at ive cihaiges pressure: in in mixture densi t y: mixture energy : T vap) T Ii( 693. 15 693. 35U.63 862. 811.54 4,62 .32 77 1.66 11)32.12 1i)32. 731 .71, 1 199. 2 1199. 1331. 1 05.2? S13 1. 7, 19.03 1331.16 1331 . 1321.141 1321. 17.0' 14.71 1 307.70 13017. 12.21 1 2911.4 . 1290. 9.56 12?67.155 1261. 0.01 1 233.71W 1233. 6.44 1233.70 1233. -167- over in 0.011 ku/s 0.11 k;/s the time 0.0(00UU6 0.000U010) 0.0000(IJU T sat 1334.10. 1333.4 1 1332.89 1332.33 1331.79v 1331.16 13 2 1 .41 1307. 7U 1290.48 1267.5 5 1233. 7U 115 8.42 steo vVZ 0.121 0.126 0.133 0. 141 5.3 )2 6.0U6 6.917 b.4J2 10.738 15.394 vtz U. 0. 0. 0. U. 5. L. 6. t. 1(. 15. 121 126 133 1 IU Y75 392 977 402 733 394 Output of the test section steady-state run 129R1 with 4-Eq model time step 1no = number humber total total flow 1.99 of ne(' ton i teralt ions of inner i terat ions = time = 13.014007 1 1 0 0 0.910 kW, 0.910 kW 0.900 kW reactor ,other heat trdnsfer enthatoy rise = sec time intet outlet maximum step flow rate flow rate size = over in mixture densi ty: Sin ic iz P(,ir) void % aual 1. 7o0t4 1. 744 39 0.0i00)U0. 000 0.000 tO 0.000 1.71 5i' , 1 .90'?53 1 .6723 B 11. . 5901"9 512 7 1. 3 9': L. 00 0l) 0 . 8 )( 3 0.0000 1. 26433 1 . 14591 1.01 0 0. )413 i. 9 4 0 (0.94147 (I.?467 (0. 94 ,4 U.9515 V.9515 0.00%0 0. 000 3. 6. B. t. . 753 066 214 406 620 9. 863 9.141 ro1i 91 356. 1127510. 1341374. 1554799. 1606647. 1625322. 1616518. 1604648. 1591510. 1576163. 155 6 15. 1554918. 850. 811. 771. 7 1. 75. 43. 41. 40. 39. 38. 36. 36.06 -168- mixture T vap 693. 862. 032. 199. 219. 217. 211. 2103. 104. 18 4. 172. 1172.03 energ y: 1 i (I 693. 862. 1032. 1199. 1219. 1217. 1211. 1203. 1194. 1184. 1172. 1172.63 0.84047D-02 0.001 0.001 = relative changes in pressure: = T sec ky/s kg/s the time step 0. 000002 0.00UU001 0 0. 000002 sat 1223.77 1222.60 1221 .48 1220.41 1219.38 1217.39 1211.28 1203. 34 1194.4 5 1184.31 1172.63 1158.42 v VZ 0.121 0.126 0.133 0.140 9. 72'3 20.210 21.511 23.345 25.5)2 28.450 32.12-5 vtz U.121 0.126 0.133 0.140 1.316 2.207 2 .268 2.326 2.4 00 2.464 2.604 Output of the test section steady-state run 129R1 with 6-Eq model time = 18.743907 sec time step no - 1749 number of newton iterations 1 0 0 number of inner iterations = total total reactor power = heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = 0.910 0.910 0.900 time step size inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate - = 0.83948D-02 sec 0.001 kg/s 0.001 kg/s maximum relative changes over the time step 0.000000 in pressure: 0.000000 In mixture density: 0.000000 in mixture energy: Ic iz P(bar) void % qual 1.76140 1.74495 1.72926 1.71434 1. 70010 1.67289 1 .59138 1.49026 1.38313 1.26852 1. 14603 1.01000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8970 0.9413 0.9431 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 3.763 8.076 8.230 8.422 8.637 8.880 9. 159 0.9448 0.9468 0.9484 0.9516 0.9516 rom 913556. 1127520. 1341483. 1555441. 1606887. 1625660. 1616634. 1604755. 1591609. 1576251. 1559693. 1554988. T vap T liq 693.15 693.15 862.57 862.57 1032.78 1032.78 1200.25 1200.25 1219.50 1219.52 1217.61 1217.62, 41.87 1211. 32 1211.32 40.72 1203.38 1203.38 39.37 1194.49 1194.49 38.23 1184.34 1184.34 36.05 1172.66 1172.66 36.02 1172.66 1172.66 850.63 811.48 771.51 731.55 75.27 43. 11 -169- T sat 1223.81 1222.64 1221.52 1220.45 1219.42 1217.43 1211.32 1203. 37 1194.48 1184.33 1172.64 1158.42 vvz 0.121 0.126 0.133 0.140 9.743 20.222 21.535 23.372 25.621 28.483 32.163 vlz 0.121 0.126 0.133 0.140 1.318 2.208 2.268 2.327 2.400 2.464 2.605 rov rol 0.7139 0.5929 0.5111 0.4508 0.4416 0.4350 0.4155 0.3911 0.3651 0.3371 0.3069 0.2704 850.63 811.48 771.51 731.55 726.92 727.37 728.89 730.80 732.94 735.38 738.18 738.18 Output of the French experiment with m = 0.014 kg/s and r = 0.002 m time step no = 1231 time = 2.486363 sec number of newton Iterations = I numbe r of inner iterations = 1 0 0 total reactor power = total heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = time step size = 0.13904D-02 sec inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate = 10.000 kW 10.000 kW 9.969 kW 0.014 kg/s 0.014 kg/s maximum relative changes over the time step in pressure: 0.000000 in mixture density: 0.000001 in mixture energy: 0.000000 Ic iz P(bar) 2.92212 2.91222 2.89237 2.87289 2.85305 2.77086 2.67272 7.54072 2.35472 2.07823 1.64716 1.20000 void % qual hm 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.5822 0.6629 0.7166 0.7639 0.8079 0.8463 0.8961 0.8961 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.244 0.347 0.473 0.648 0.908 1.327 2.081 955524. 1137047. 1318567. 1500088. 1676179. 1673517. 1669365. 1662942. 1652588. 1633902. 1600630. 1593772. rom T vap 843.05 726. 15 869.99 809.75 775.92 1014. 13 742.01 1156.67 297.33 1286.95 240.35 1282.93 202.48 1278.01 169.20 1271. 17 138.21 1261.03 111.26 1244.74 75.98 1215.53 75.88 1215.53 -170- T liq T sat 726.15 869.99 1014. 13 1156.67 1286.95 1282.93 1278.01 1271.17 1261.03 1244.74 1215.53 1215.53 1290.26 1289.79 1288.84 1287.91 1286.95 1282.93 1278.01 1271.17 1261.03 1244.74 1215.53 1177.91 vvz viz 1.300 1.353 1.300 t.353 1.412 1.412 S1.477 1.477 6.468 8.288 10.800 14.549 20.667 3.682 4.552 5.400 6.454 7.885 9.758 14. 194 32.342 59.334 rov 1.1393 0.7243 0.7197 0.7153 0.7108 0.6919 0.6694 0.6390 0.5959 0.5312 0.4289 0.3125 rol 843.05 809.75 775.92 742.01 710.63 711.60 712.79 714.45 716.90 720.84 727.88 727.88 Output of the French experiment with m = time step no = 1332 time = 3.129023 sec ions number of newton I ternt niumber of inner iterations = 1 0 0 total reactor power = total heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = 0.013 kg/s time step size inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate = 10.000 10.000 9.930 and r = = 0.00'3 m 0.151170-02 sec 0.013 kg/s 0.013 kg/s maximum relative channges over the time step in pressure: 0.000000 in mixture density: 0.000001 in mixture energy: 0.000000 Ic iz P(bar) 2.20)11 2.19544 2.18253 2. 17014 2. 15810 2.04965 1.93596 1. 81016 1 66862 1.50620 1.31862 1.20000 void % qual 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8857 0.8977 0.9036 0.9094 0.9156 0.9215 0.9308 0.9308 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.405 2.574 2.759 2.974 3. 30 3.546 3.946 955524. 1152175. 1348818. 1545428. 1649570. 1643226. 1633963. 1622899. 1609605. 1592626. 1572229. 1569407. rom T vap 843.05 806.93 770.24 733.56 83. 12 74.24 70. 12 66. 13 61.78 57.71 51.12 51.09 726.15 882.09 1038. 11 1191.90 1249.61 1242.96 1235. 68 1227.21 1217. 12 1204.65 1188. 85 1188.85 -171- T liq T sat, 796.15 1252.24. 882.09 1251.84 1038. 11 1191.90 1951.07 1950.33 1249.61 1249.61 1242.96 1242.96 S235.68 1235.68 1227.21 1227.21 1217. 12 1217. 12 1204.65 1204.65 1188.85 1188. 85 1188.85 1177.91 vvz vlz 0.533 0.557 0.584 0.533 0.557 0.584 0. 613 0.613 22.214 24.583 27.588 31.434 36.551 43.816 54.575 5.311 5.938 6.276 6.640 7.089 7.564 8.503 rov 0.8586 0.5587 0.5557 0.5528 0.5500 0.5945 0.4977 0.4678 0.4340 0.3949 0.3493 0.3179 rol 843.05 806.93 770.24 733.56 719.66 721.27 723.02 725.06 727.50 730.49 734.29 734.29 Output of the simulated 1-D loop analysis of 107R2 with 4-Eq model time step no = 183 time = 183.000000 sec number of newton Iterations number of Inner iterations = 1 0 0 total reactor power = total heat transfer flow enthalpy rise = time step size inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate o 0.210 -0.000 -0.000 = 0.100000+01 sec 0.000 kg/s 0.000 kg/s maximum relative changes over the time step 0.000000 in pressure: in mixture density: 0.000000 in mixture energy: 0.000000 ic iz P(bar) void % qual hm rom T vap T liq T sat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 4 s-5 6 7 8 9 10 1.00000 T7 0.97494 0.97460 .74217 1.02307 1.07187 1.12066 1.16946 1.21826 12 13 14 1.31586 1.31552 1.31519 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1128251. 1128248. 1128248. 1128248. 1128248. 1128254. 1128260. 1128266. 1128272. 1128278. 1128284. 1128291. 1128291. 1128291. 1128292. 913454. 1002726. 1092001. 1181276. 1270551. 1359825. 1359823. 1359820. 1359817. 1359813. 1359810. 1128207. 1128251. 811. 34 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811. 33 811.33 811. 33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 850.63 834.44 818.04 801.50 784.85 768.16 768.16 768. 16 768.16 768. 16 768.16 811.34 811.34 863.15 863. 19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863.19 693.15 763.55 834.35 905.33 976.25 1046.91 1046.91 1046.91 1046.90 1046.90 1046.90 863.15 863.15 863.15 863.19 863.19 863.19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 863.19 863.19 863.19 863. 19 693.15 763.55 834.35 905.33 976.25 1046.91 1046.91 1046.91 1046.90 1046.90 1046.90 863.15 863.15 1157.32 1154.55 1154.51 1154.47 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 1 1 0.0000 0000 .o 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 6. 7 _15 14I486 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 1.26540 1.23131 1.21532 1.19965 1.18430 1.16926 1.15053 1.12778 1.10503 1.08227 1.05952 1.02A73 1.00000 -172- 1154.44 1159.85 1165.07 1170.10 1174.95 1179.65 1184.20 1188.61 1188.58 1188.55 1188.52 1184.05 1180.88 1179.37 1177.88 1176.40 1174.93 1173.09 1170.82 1168.51 1166.16 1163.77 1160.04 1157.32 vvz vlz 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.067 0.068 0.069 0.071 0.072 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.070 0.067 0.068 0.069 0.071 0.072 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.070 rov 0.3396 0.2643 0.2643 0.2642 0.2641 0.2763 0.2885 0.3006 0.3127 0.3247 0.3367 0.3487 0.3486 0.3485 0.3484 0.3363 0.3279 0.3240 0.3201 0.3163 0.3126 0.3080 0.3024 0.2967 0.2911 0.2854 0.2767 0.3396 rol 811.34 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 81 1.33 811.33 811.33 811. 33 811.33 850.63 834.44 818.04 801.50 784.85 768.16 768. 16 768.16 768.16 768.16 768.16 811.34 811.34 Output of the actual 1-D loop analysis of 107R2 with 4-Eq model time step no time = 143.199102 sec = 2437 nunmber of newton iterations = number of inner iterations = total reactor power total heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = 1 O time step size = 0.585010-01 sec 0 0.210 -0.000 -0.000 inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate = 0.000 kg/s -0.000 kg/s maximum relative changes over the time step In pressure: 0.000000 in mixture density: 0.000000 In mixture energy: 0.000000 ic iz P(bar) 1 .34223 1 .34191 1 .32992 1. 9337 1.26128 1 .24993 1 .23059 1 .21524 1. 19990 1.18036 1. 15663 1 13291 1 10918 1.08545 1.04916 1.01961 1.00032 1.00000 void % qual hm 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1128251. 1128339. 1128338. 1128333. 1128329. 1128328. 1128326. 1128324. 1128322. 1128320. 1128317. 1128314. 1128311. 1128308. 1128303. 1128299. 1128297. 1128298. rom 811.34 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811. 33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 811.33 T vap T liq 863.15 863.22 863. 22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863. 22 863. 22 863.22 863.22 863. 19 83. 15 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863.22 863. 19 -173- T sat 1190.94 1190.91 1189.86 1186.59 1183.67 1182.25 1180.81 1179.36 1177.90 1176.02 1173.69 1171.33 1168.93 1166.49 1162.67 t158.71 1157.36 1157.32 VVZ 0.000 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 vlz 0.000 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 -0.063 rov 0.4558 0.3550 0.3521 0.3432 0.3353 0.3315 0.3277 0.3240 0.3202 0.3154 0.3095 0.3036 0.2977 0.2918 0.2828 0.2737 0.2706 0.3396 rol 8 11 .34 811. 33 811.33 811. 33 811.33 811.33 81 1.33 811.33 811 .33 811.33 811.33 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00+O0000O 00+0000*0 00+0000O 00+0000 0 000000"0 00+0000"0 00+0000*0 00+0000'0 00+0000"0 00+0000 0 Output of the simulated 1-D loop analysis with vapor density x200 at boiling inception time step size = 0.100000+00 sec time = 3.000000 sec 29 time step no = number of newton Iterations = 2 number of inner iterations * 1 1 O total reactor power total heat transfer = flow enthalpy rise = inlet flow rate = outlet flow rate = 0.9 10 0.903 1.823 0.000 kg/s 0.002 kg/s maximum relative changes over in pressure: in mixture density: in mixture energy: ic iz P(bar) void % qual hm 1.00000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0492 0.0848 0.1141 0. 1082 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 0. 000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 1128298. 1128252. 1128248. 1128248. 1128248. 1128254. 1128260. 1128266. 1128273. 1128279. 1128285. 1128291. 1128291. 1128248. 1123744. 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