STUDY OF AGliSTROPHIC FLOW IN A POLAR OUTfMEAI by Charles W. C. Rogers B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (19T8) WT SUMID IN PARTIAL FULYILLUWNT OF TaE REQUIRDEnNTS FM TO agE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHIETTS IISTITWI OF TZCMLOGY January 1961 Signature of Author Departmert of ieteoroloi, is January 1061 Certified by IThesis Super isor Accepted by Chairman, Departmental Coaittee on Graduate Students STUDY OF AGROBTROPHIC FLOW IN A POLAR OUTBREAK by ChARLEg W. C. Room Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science ABSTRACT Strong low-level northerly flow occurs behind the cold front associated with polar outbreaks in the central plains of the United States. This northerly flow has large cross-Isobar components on the sea-level chart and large cross-contour components at levels a few thousand feet above the ground. The cross-isobar flow decreases northward from its maximum value located immediately behind the cold front. Examination of the procedure used for reduction of station pressure to sea level shows that use of a twelve-hour mean surface temperature in this procedure produces a fictitious element in the sea-level pressure pattern. This fictitious element makes part of the surface flow appear more highly ageostrophic than it actually is. It is found that use of this twelve-hour mean temperature in the reduction computations accounts for some of the north-south variation of the cross-isobar flow. The dynamics of the cross-contour flow are studied by compartoon of observed geostrophic departures and geostrophic departures computed from a ten-level model. The vector difference between these two geostrophic departures is found to be large. Examination of the various approximations made in obtaining the ten-level model indicates that the observed difference results primarily from the approximation made concerning the eddy stress: Estimates of the actual values of the various components of the geostrophic departure are obtained from observed data. Comparison of these values indicates that the eddystress component predominates in producing the observed geostrophic departures. Thesis Advisor: Frederick Sanders Title: Associate Professor of Meteorology -- F- TAL OF 001I'1tT Page I Abstract Table f nasteUnts 1 iii List of Figures 1. Ii. 111. aeeral Introduction 1 Agostrophic Flow on the Sea-Level Chart 2 A. Introduction B. Theory of Reduction of Station Pressure to Sa Level. 3 C. Prooedure 4 0. Discussion of Results 5 Agostrophi 14 A. Introduction 14 5. Theory for Computed Goostrophie Departures 14 C. Procedure for Computation of T* at 910 ab 21 V. IV. Fleow Above the Ground Surtae Discussion of Results Summary and Conclusions 24 3$ Acknoeodgements 40 Referenees 41 I LIST OF f1==h8 Page ad Burts ea,-3evel Pressures tor 1200 00T 18, Pobrary Temperatures 195? 910-ab Caat for 1300 OT 18 Fbrury 1959 *2 Obervod ad computed Geostrophlc Depwtures 910 ub 1300 OT 18 february 199 23 Vip0 (V H 0) alb , p ( F =o ) atOC, AW!, and AC0 28 v'- Compo - t DI am tor OKC couipemt Diagam #- Compm 32 for ABI 33 Dlagwra tor A Stress omponts for V' tor OEC, AS, 34 ad ACW 36 1. GHN6RAL INTRODUCTION Polar outbreaks occurring in the central plains of the Uhited States are characterized by a cold front moving rapidly southward behind which there is a strong low-level northerly flow. Observation shows that this low-level flow is highly agmostrophic on the sea-level chart and is centered behind the fastest-moving portion of the cold front. On the sea-level chart this flow extends some distance back into the cold air, but it tends to be most pronounced itasdUtely behind the cold front. The height to which this flow extends varies from one case to another, but, generally the flow is absent at 83O mb. At the higher levels this flow occurs over a small area located primarily just to the rear of the cold front. The present investigation is a case study of the ageostrophic flow in the polar outbreak of 1200 OCT 18 February 1959 and is concerned with gaining an insight into the dynamics and spatial variation of this flow. II. A. AGEOSTROPHIC FLOW ON THE SEA-LIVEL C(ART Introduction The flow on the sea-level chart appears to be highly ageostro- phic because the strong northerly surface winds blow at large angles across the sea-level isobars. In the region where this ageostrophic flow is found, the land elevation is appreciable and increases toward the west. Therefore it is possible that the pressure field associated with the surface flow is not well represented by the fictitious seslevel pressure field and that this flow is more geostrophic than it appears to be. Methods have been presented for obtaining a pressure field which better describes the surface flow. These methods enable one to represent the field of the horizontal pressure-gradient force in non-isobaric surfaces. Phillips (1957) introduced a coordinate sys- tem which uses the ratio of pressure to ground pressure as the independent variable. Sangster (1960) uses a coordinate system which is similar to Phillips' between the earth's surface and 500 ub, but which has coordinate surfaces equal to isobaric surfaces at and above 500 ab. These methods eliminate the fictitiousness of the pressure field used to describe the surface flow by completely doing away with the reduction of station pressure to sea level. -2- This procedure uses a twelve-hour mean of the surface air temperature to determine the vertical mean temperature, T, in the fictitious air column extending to sea level. Because of the large twelve-hour temperature changes occurring in the cold outbreak region, it is possible that this procedure would introduce a large fictitious element into the sea-level pressure field. The following computations were carried out to investigate this effect. a. Theory of Reduction of Station Pressure to Sea lavel The sea-level pressure reported by United States stations located above sea level is obtained by reducing the station pressure to sea level by means of the hypsometric formula. This formula may be written in the form sea-level pressure where station pressure r station elevation above sea level in feet 2 being the assumed lapse rate in the fictitious air column extending to sea level T' the assumed surface temperature In the tited States Weather Bureau computations, T is taken equal -3- mr to Ts, the average of the present surface temperature, T one twelve hours earlier, T&_ , , and the in degrees Klvin1 . We wish to compute new values of see-level pressure while holdsIng rj- constant but changing To to To* In the actual reduction procedure, tables (differing from one station to another) are used which contain a semi-empirical relationship between ( and To . assume that (for T' Since we do not have these tables we will Is the same as e for T . Uder these assump- tiass we obtain the formula 4 where new sea-level pressure. p_i For stations where that C. pO/ (2) - - 4 1000 feet e is assumed to be equal to sero so is computed from (1) with T. replacing T* Procedure Values of were computed for a number of stations located in the region of strong aseostrophic flow on the sea-level chart for 1200 GCT 18 ftbruary 199. Values of surface wind were plotted for each station. I and Sea-level pressure and 1 anual of Surface Observations (WIAN) CIRCAR W, Seventh dition, October 1987. Uhited States Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., pg. 72C. -4- surface wind were plotted for stations for which no new sea-level pressure was computed. Isobars were then drawn forAand The analysis and plotted values are shown in Figure 1. D. Discussion of Results The contention here is that the use of T, in determining T introduces a fictitious element into the sea-level pressure pattern which makes the surface flow look highly ageostrophic. T produces another set of sea-level isobars. The use of This set is itself fictitious, as are all sets of sea-level isobars obtained by reduction of station pressure to sea level; however, it does not contain any fictitious element introduced by the use of T . Therefore this latter set may be used as a standard for determining what fictitious element is introduced into the sea-level isobars when T. is used. Fig. 1 shows that between BB' and AA', region I, the surface flow appears highly ageostrophic with respect to the T.-isobare because of the large angle between the winds and the isobars (this angle will be called the crossing angle). These large angles are in turn a re- sult of the pronounced southward bulge in the T.-isobars in this region. The surface flow appears less highly ageostrophic with respect to the T;-isobare because of the smaller crossing angles which result from the absence of a southward bulge in the T'-isobars. Therefore some of the highly ageostrophic character of the flow in region I may be attributed to the fictitious bulge in the TO-isobars. 4 4~w 413* *aI r - sah .s D* *4'., wMW To the west of BB', region II, the surface flow appears highly ageostrophic with respect to the T5-isobars because of the large crossing angles in this region. These large angles are caused by the northwest to southeast orientation of the T.-isobars. The flow appears more highly ageostrophic with respect to the T-isobars because of the large crossing angles caused by the north-northwest to south-southeast orientation of the T -isobars. Therefore the orientation of the To- isobars gives a less highly ageostrophic character to the flow than the T;-isobars do. The use of Ta in determining T produces a fictitious element in the sea-level isobars which increases the highly ageostrophic character of the flow in region I but decreases it in region 11. These different changes are a result of the different effect which the use of T. produces on the sea-level pressure pattern. IMing the T'-isobars as a 5 standard we can investigate how this fictitious element is produced in going from the T- to the T -isobars. Let us consider region I first. gince there is only one station in the interior of region I, the pressure field there is determined by the pressure values at the boundary stations. It is seen from Fig. I that the change in the pressure field in going from the T'- to T -isobars is caused by the sea-level pressure decreasing more at the western boundary stations that at the eastern ones. In order to examine the factors governing -. 7- this change we take the partial derivative of (1) with respect to To and introduce finite differences. This procedure leads to the equation (3) 0J., 0@@ where AT - TO-T and T is considered asa mean between T. and T. This equation can be simplified by considering the magnitude of the various terms in the denominator. Y a 1/330 0 C/feet we find that of T = 280K and very large value of (j) Using a very small value will be the same order of magnitude as () 75,000 feet. when Z is approximately Similarly when Z is approximately 150,000 feet (3)will be the same order of magnitude as (D. Therefore, for our purposes (3) may be written as /d L = (4) 7- From (4) we see that the change in the seam-level pressure pattern in region I described above occurs when the western stations have a value of Z&T larger than the eastern ones. graphy of region I % is larger than Zg (where the subscripts refer to western and eastern stations). (WT) Because of the topo- Thereforej (&\T)w will be larger than for all cases in which (AT) is larger than (0T) and for some cases where (WT) is smaller than (6T)g . An example of the former cse Is found in Fig. 1 by comparison of Amarillo, Texas (ANA) and Comparison of Midland, Texas (MY) Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Og1). and Abilene, Texas (AB) shows an example of the latter case. latter comparison demonstrate stations to values of AT . This the greater sensitivity of the western It can be seen from (4) that this greater sensitivity is caused by the higher elevation of the western stations. Therefore we conclude that the fictiousness of the sea-level pressure pattern in the southern part of region I is caused by the greater sensitivity of the western boundary stations to the use of a determined from T 9 The oemparison of AMA and OKC show that the fictitiousness in the sea-level pressure pattern is caused by the larger positive value of 6T at the western station. A large positive value AT occurs when the twelve-hour temperature change is large; this change is large for a station which is in the warm air immediately adjacent to the front twelve hours prior to observation time. Such a situation gives a very warm value of Tt- 1 2 and then allows the station to be far back in the cold air for its value of T. . An example of this situation in Fig. I is AMA with Ttg 12 W690? and T 0 2 ?. In these cold outbreaks) the cold front in the western part of region I has a west-northwest to east-southeast orientation. This orientation results from slower movement of the front along the east -9- slopes of the Rocky Mountains than in the cntral plains. Such an orientation leads to a larger value of CT at the western station. Therefore the To fictitious element of the sea-level pressure pattern in the northern part of region 1 is ultimately caused by the slow movement of the cold front along the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. Synoptic experience shows that the southard bulge in the T" Therefore it isobars is characteristic of these cold outbreaks. seems reasonable to assume that the ?'-isobars for each cold outbreak will be similar to those shown in Fig. 1, and that variations in the Te-isobarn will be caused by variations in the field of AT . Since northerly surface flw possessing a large latitudinal extent is also characteristie of cold outbreaks, variations in the crossing angle qre associated with variations in the 7,-isobars. Uing the T'-isobsri as a standard we can then discuss the spatial and temporal variations of this characteristic bulge and the large crossing angles associated with it. From the previous discussion e find that a necessary condition for the formation of this bulge is the existence of a large positive value of AT at the western boundary station, As pointed out, this change is largest for a station which is in the warm air immediately adjacent to the front twelve hours prior to observation time. Thus one espects the bulge and the acoampanying large crossing angles to be most pronoun- -10- ced imediately behind the cold front sad to decrease northward from there. This is true for the case shown here but many other oases show the bulge and crossing angles Just as pronowed well back of the cold front as they are immediately back of it. Synoptic experience shows that this situation usually occurs when there is strong cold advoection well back in the cold air such that AT is appreciable there. Synoptic experience also indicates that strong cold adveetion lamediately behind the cold front produces the most pronounced bulges and large crossing angles. One would expect the frequency of these large crossing-angle siftations to be higher in winter than in summer because of their dopendense on the magnitude of AT . An examination of eight years of sea-level charts (October 1931-December 1939) shows that this phenomenon occurs almost exclusively in the months October through April. As in region 1, the pressure pattern in region It is determined by the pressures at the boundary stations. The change in the orients' tion of the isobars is caused by a larger dorease in pressure at the eastern stations compared to the western ones. In region 11 Z is larger than ZZ , while the larger values of AT occur at the eastern stations. The magnitude of AT at the eastern stations is so much larger than the one at the western stations that it offsets of g%> Sg in the product (MAT). the effect Therefore there is a larger doerease in pressure at the eastern stations than at the western ones. Compari-- son of Roswell, Now Mexico (ROW) and Lubbock, Texas (W) gives an example of this situation. in Fig. I The larger value of AT at the western station is caused by the orientation of the cold front disccussed in connection with region 11. It has been found that the f ictitious element introduced into the sea-level pressure field by the use of T, in determining V makes the surface flow appear highly ageostrophic in both regions I and It. Removal of this fictitious element increases the highly ageostrophie flow in region IU, but decreases it in region 1. hven after the remo- val of this fictitious element in region Ij considerable ageostrphic flow remains. This residual ageostrophic flow in the two regions could also be fictitious because of the fictitiousness of the sea-level pressure field obtained by the use of V5 . In order to examine this possibility one could apply Sangster's method to this cold outbreak. This is not necessary since gangster (1960) applied his method to the cold outbreak of Ig30 OCT 9 January 1957. The results show that the surface flow is highly ageostrophic Imediately behind the cold front. We conclude then that the surface flow does have a highly ageostrophic character which is real. We wish to investigate the dynamics of this highly ageostrophic flow. Investigation of the dynamics of this flow at the ground would entail obtaining the pressure field associated with this flow by gangster's method. This would be a very time consuming job. -12- Observation shos that this highly agsostrophic flow algo exists in isobwaric *eaoe up to 3000 feet above the grond. to obtain the presur were 0t4 Sin8e It is kaeasier field assooiated with this flow, the dynamics at these levels. .Z. A, AGEOSTROPRIC FUW ADMVg THE 01WD SIMWAC Introduction The ageostrophic flow above the ground surface was studied by comparing computed and observed geostrophic departures. The computed departures depend in part on the results of high-speed electronie machine computations carried out for Phillips's ten-level model (hereafter referred to a P model). In the following diseussions those features of this model which are pertinent to computation of the geoThe model is fully described by strophic departures are described. Sanders, Wagner, and Carlson (1960). B. Theory for Cosputed Gsostrophic Departures The equation of motion an be written in the usual atmospheric coordinate system of x, y, p, and t so cZ- where: V - -Y( -7 horisontal velocity Coriolis parameter -2- ? - - 2/L sin (latitude) geopotential horisontal stress =V is taken along a surface of constant pressure -14- (5) nit vector in (-.) direotlon k = and g a aeeleration due to pavlty. upon defining ', the g Y , the geostrophie velocity, and trophie departure, as -~ (7 (*) F (6) - (b) (5) we obtala fie a In the epamssi Isgieettag Y) Ia - owa ~ 7~ =7V Order to for Wpute T' frm (8) VW intidiMe the following gostrphlo appuoaUatloss (a) (9) -15- Putting (9) into (8) gives V Ar~t'~-.1z 1 y~,ru(10) rp which is used to compute V'. -- Veais of o' Vw -- = a be obtained from the observed contour field for the appropriate pressure level. the P mdel. are computed in Vaes of it we use then computed tendeacies then the tora of? ' in (10) should be consistent with the equations used in the P model. Tahking the divergence of V* we have from (10) where - tant, to0 geostrophic vorticity and I he , in the divergence of ?' . been onsidered a cons- From (6) we have -v= (12) where I has been allowed to vary in the divergence of V. Putting (12) into (11) we have finally ytn -- > - -t -16- 2 Z(13) -I which is the quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation used in the P model. Thus we can use the tendencies obtained from the P model to compute V' from (10). The final term in (10) is the frictional term . We ob- tan values for this term by considering how friction is taken into account in the P model. The effect of friction is incorporated into the P model in the boundary condition for 4( *) at 1000 mb (taken as the base of the This boundary condition is written as atmosphere). (h c"4A- = -? 'i) (14) where the subscripts refer to pressure levels in decibars. cal velocity, W1o, is given by Zo where (L , The verti- oc ~ '(15) ) is the flow through the top of the friction layer due to frictional divergence within the layer, and ( Voe'/ ) is the advoction of the land elevation by the 1000-mb wind. The introduction of friction in this manner follows Qiarney and Eliassen (1949). Because of the finite differencing scheme used in the vertical in the P model, W100 appears only in the quasi-geostrophic vorticity -17- equation for 950 ab. where Ap - This vorticity equation takes the form 100 ab. Aquation (16) doe not give any explicit inter- nation about the torm or vertical distributioa of the frictional stress in P model. The qui-esgetrophic vortioity equation for 950 ub obtained from detting the unit vector k into the ourl of (5) gives where finite diteemoes have been introdueed in the divergence and frict ion toneo, ad (4 has been neglected in the expansion of It we sae the following assmptions about the frictional stres. V (a) (18) and nae the boundary oondition (19) -18- we find that (17) becomes mathematically identical to (16). Thus the physical model set up by (18) and (19) is mathematically equivalent to the one set up by (14) and (15). We therefore use (18) to evaluate the frictional term in (10). In our case study we are interested in obtaining computed values of V' at 910 mb. In the P model we have oomputed values for ( and hence for V*, at 850 mb and 950 mb. -), Assuaing a linear variation of T' between 950 ub and 850 ab we have (20) In actual computation of values f were used instead of the linear combination indicated in (20) since the 910 mb contours were available. Also computation of the former was less time comau- ming than that of the latter. appromimated by V . In the machine computations V -O was Putting these approximations in (20) and simplifying we have 4(21) -19- 000ff C. Procedure for Cmutations of V at 910 ab The basic work of obtaining input data ter the machine *omp&tatioms consisted of making a careful and detailed analysis of the contour field at 1000 ab, 850 ab, y00 xb, 600 ab, 400 ub, 300 sb, 280 mb, 150 ub, sad 50 ab. A more detailed description of how the input data is prepared has been given by Sanders, Wagner, and Carlson (1960). The horisontal derivatives in (21) ware approximated by centered finite differenoes taken over the interval of 89 n. This interval corresponds to the one used in the machine computations. Following (21) the field of the 910m'-b tendency, was formed from the machine-ceputed fields of the 960-mb tendency and 850-mb tendency. Values of 'ivf were computed from the 910-mb contour field. Jbights of the 910-mb surface were obtained for the radiosonde stations by subtracting the thickness of the layer from 910 sb to 850 sb from the reported 850-mb height. The above thickness was calculated from the hypeomtric formula where T was determined from the radiosonde sounding. The 910-mb centours are shown in Fig. 2. The analysis of these contours was performed before the winds ware plotted in order to minimise the bias introduced by the normal procedure of trying to make the hsight field correspond to the wind field. Values of were obtained from the 950-mb contour field used in -20- the machine computations. This field was computed by interpolation between the 1000-mb and 850-mb input heights. Fields of u'- and v *- components were computed separately. Values of these quantities were rounded to the nearest tenth of a knot and were plotted at grid points. These grid point values were then analysed to obtain values for stations for *hich observed values of V were available. The components were then combined by graphical means to give the computed value of V' at a station to the nearest degree and nearest knot. Observed winds were recorded from the synoptic data. Since in the lower levels winds are reported only at the 1000-foot levels above sec level, the reported wind nearest the analyzed 910-mb height was used as the 910-mb wind. These reported winds are given to the near- est ten degrees and the nearest knot. GOeotrophic winds were computed for each station from the analysed contours and recorded to the nearest degree and nearest knot. The value of 1' observed was obtained graphically and recorded to the nearest degree and nearest knot. -21- .... ...... * + . $k* 300T 31*6 + .40 ) 47 .eOle .00 jK jrq 4V4 .WO 7 41 *o ft Aw #'sist s'VAM: Fi ?0-obC*pt 4 ptfFekdi fr/Z]cT C .... ....... 4 Z* n 4o ++ to4 * * * * y 4$ * "it +... + ... +. -PN *l+t 40% ro p.VA +F *RR111 D. Discussion of Results In Fig. 2 there is marked cross-contour flow at OKC, AB, ACV? and In Fig. 3 the speeds of the observed gostrophic departure, , at these stations are 20, 16, and 23 knots respectively, the The magnitudes of the vector error largest values observed at 910 ab. between the observed geostrophic departure ad the computed geostrophic departure, V'c for these stations are 12, 10, and 18 knots respec- These discrepancies are caused either by errors in obtaining tively. values of V'ep. , ' or failure of the P model to compute correct values of Lot us examine the effect of errors in V'ob The values of V'o6, geostrophic wind. and speed of V first. depend on the observed wind, V, and the It can be seen from Fig. 2 that both the direction at OC are fairly accurate. However, the accuracy of the direction of V;- at ABI and ACV is more questionable. These direc- tionsare detrathod by the shape and location of the trough in the 910-sb contours in the region of AI and ACF. gince the characteristic dimension of this trough is smaller than the distance between radiosonde stations, it is difficult to determine the shape and location of the trough from the reported 910-mb heights. There does not appear to be any way of determining what the actual location and orientation of this trough are. the error in V Therefore no accurate quantitative estimate of can be obtained. However, the 910-mb contours in Fig. 2 could be drawn so that the direction of Vy?. at ABM and ACV would 2 ACF is Fort Worth, Texas. -24- be closer to the direction of V. This different direction of V would reduce the magnitude of V. We can examine quantitatively the error in VUb caused by an error in V. The direction of V is coded to the nearest ten degrees. For any coded wind we know the ten-degree interval within which the direction of the uncoded wind must lie. The maximum possible error in V./, occurs when the direction of the uncoded equals that of the wind at the appropriate end point of the ten-degree interval. The appropriate end point Is the one whose wind direction makes a smaller angle with the direction of V than the coded wind's direction does. The appropriate uncoded winds for OKC, ABI, and ACF were used to compute new values of VU vector error V4/, OC, ABI, and ACF. -V . The new values of the magnitude of the were 10, 9, and 17 knots respectively for Comparison of these values with the original ones showe that use of the coded wind direction of the observed wind does not contribute much to the discrepancy between Y, and Vito Therefore.)it seems that the major part of this discrepancy is caused by failure of the P model to compute correct values of V'. This failure is caused by the P model equations not being a good approximation to the equations governing the cross-contour flow. We proceed now to an examination of the approximations made in obtaining the P-model equations. The approximations made in obtaining (21) are (a) (b) (28) (a) where 2 means is approximately equal to." The approximation (22b) depends on the computed values of the tendenaoes at 950 ab and 850 ab. The differential equations which are sowved for these tendencies are - 7 ~ eaV '- t E t/V L f // ~~ (a . 7(23) (b) where A through P ae positive Constan. (22) which are used in obtaining (23) are ~26-w Approximations other than I (ad (24) 9,o,,(b) The values of Y' computed from (21) depend on horisontal finite differences of the 910-mb contours, the 980-ab contours, and the 910-mb tendencies. The area, Region III, over which these finite differences The were taken for the stations OKC, ABI, and ACW is shown in Fig. 3. discussion of the approximations will be concerned only with Region III. We are not interested in how good the approximations themselves are, but rather how the approximations affect the values of V investigate the effect of a given approximation on Vbf , . To the values used as the approximations of a quantity are replaced by values based on observed data. New values of Va of the new and old values of Ve on Ve . are then computed. Comparison shows the effect of the approximation Let us look at approximation (24b) first. Comparison of the 950-mb and 1000-nb charts shows that (V )has the same direction as (V ),, , but the speeds are less. Thus the right-hand approximation in (24b) has little effect on the values of V' To examine the left-hand approximation in (24b) we need values -27-. ....... .... ...!9 +. ; ; * ; A6; #q; tix koll~; I~ C jo .. .. . x. ; a r ;T of V-oo . Since in Region III the 1000-mb surface is below the ground, we use the surface wind for (V),o . The surface wind is predominantly from the north while the 950-mb geostrophic wind veers from northeast to southeast as one goes from east to west across the region. In the western half of the region, the gradient of N is fairly large and toward the west. Thus in this region the values of () Y. ? N are fairly large and positive while the values of (V) , mately aero. for (V1q. ), - in (24b) The effect of substitution of (V),, would be to make the term (V9 - V H equal to zero in (23a). result can be obtained by setting the winds. H are approxi- The same H equal to zero but not changing H Therefore tendencies were computed from the P model for the cose 9H equal to zero. The geostrophic departures computed from these tendencies are shown in Fig. 4. nitude of the vector error, Y,, duced in the ease V? The resulting values of the mag- - not equal to zero. , are larger than those pro- Consequentlyelimination of approximation (24b) increases rather than decreases the magnitude of the vector error V'00 - V'ce The approximation (24a) estimates the actual thickness advection by the geostrophic thickness adveotion. From the hydrostatic relation and the equation of state we can write (24a) as - /r- 7 ,K7 - OW29- (28) where 1 is the gas constant for dry air. We are interested in approwi- mation (25) at 900 ab and 800 mb. Since 900 ab is close to 910 ub we can use the isotherms at 910 ab for examining (25) at 900 ab; the isotherms for 910 ub are shown in Fig. 2. that xamination of Fig. 2 show ' T is less positive than V 7 T in the semicircle north of the three stations. From (23) we see that this discrepancy would produce more positive values of the 950-tendency and more negative values of the 850-mb tendency in this northern semicircle. Ubing the 850-mb chart to approximate the 800-ab one we find that (25) is a good approximation at 800-mb. new values of V Extensive computations are necessary for obtaining in the case where VV T is used in (23). These com- putations were not carried out in the present study. The remaining approximations caninot be studied by comparison of new and old values of Vb , because the new values cannot be computed. However, these remaining approximations can be studied by considering what happens to the vector error V., are eliminated individually. - Y'c when the approxmations The total effect of elimination of all these remaining approximations must be the reduction to zero of the vector error - cf (V (Y'oh for the case 7g equal to mero.) The reduction of the magnitude of this error is a necessary but not sufficlent requirement for correspondence of the computed and observed geostrophic departures. To investigate approximation (22b) observed 910-ab tendencies ~1 Tendencies were computed from non-centered finite differences in time. centered in time at 0600 GCT 18 February 1959 were used to approximate the ones at 1200 OCT 18 February 1959. The components of V'ce produced by the computed and observed tendencies are shown in Fig. 5. From Fig. 5 we see that the two components along Y -Y' are essentially the same for OKC and ACT while at ABI there is an increase of 2.5 knots. 16, 1 - ve,/ The values of /V, obtained from Fig. 4 are and 21 knots for OKC, ABI, ACF respectively. , Thus changing approximation (22b) would make a very small contribution toward reduction of the original value of the error. Values of were needed for investigation of (22a). These values were obtained by the same procedure as that used to obtain obser- ved values of the tendency. The component of V' produced by shown in Fig. 5. Comparison of the components along (Vht, - Yt x that for ABI the component of the component of X( . is ) shows is 4.5 knots greater than The total contribution by approxima- tions (22a) and (22b) toward reduction of the original error would be 7.0 knots. This would be a large reduction compared to the original value of 13.5 knots. This change may be somewhat large because of the way in which the value ( $-) At ACF the ( component. - was obtained. )-component is 2 knots larger than the ( p-e )01 This 2 knot increase is the total contribution by approxima- tions (22a) and (22b) to zeduction of the original error. -31- This value is m-l6m4. , - +i * 4 -4 * XL%** *a I R + *ON b 44 $ 'Y' I ;i e &w . ........ .* * ;r ya *o MIT - Am * > t- a y - * 1+ . - .- }Al+.*l t-t - Comparison of the small compared to the original value of 21 knots. same two components at OKCJas at ACFI shows that the former contributes an increase of 1.5 knots to the original error. Thus changing both of the approximations (22a) and (22b) produces no systematic change in the original error of the three stations. To study approximation (22c) values of V V V were computed from the observed wind field at 910 ub. The components of V' produced by this term and its corresponding approximation - V Y- are shown in Fig. 8. We see that changing approximation (22c) would contribute to an increase in the magnitude of VAf, - V'c{' is needed to examine approximation The actual value of (22d). This actual value was estimated by the vector difference between V(j, and the sum of the vectors4 ( _ and4 y({7 The latter two vectors were obtained from observed data. X of Fig. 6. VA&, (see (8)). The estimate and its approximation obtained from (22d) are plotted in Comparison of the components of these vectors along the error - V shows that use of this estimate of the stress term would contribute reductions of the error of 22, 8, and 18 knots reopectively for OKC, ABI, and ACT. These reductions are a large percentage of the original error; in fact the reduction at OgC is larger than the original error. Thus it appears that a major portion of the error in the machi- ne-computed geostrophic departures comes from the approximation made concerning the eddy stress. --35- ft * VON"*ol+w Sl Ao*$46+w +Soo"4 7.7+- Ai 4 4+ + + r S4a tit+ 7+ Jim M *- Wn- 4e Comparison of the magnitude of the above reductions and the magnitude of the observed geostrophic departures suggests that there is a large contribution to the geostrophic departure from the stress effect. The estimated values of the various contributions to V' in (8) are shown in Table 1. The values of V' are also presented in Table 1. The first three digits of an entry in Table 1 are the directions in degrees, the last two the speed in knots. eta. 09C 10801 15505 31425 311*0 ABI 34008 16403 29610 30916 ACT 30704 14904 28922 28523 Comparison of the above values indicates that the stress contribution predominates in producing V'. -37-* NI IV. SUIIIARY AND CONCLINIONS It was found that in the region over which the highly ageostrophic flow occurs on the sea-level chart, the use of a twelve-hour mean surface temperature in the reduction of station pressure to sea level produces a fictitious element in the sea-level pressure field. In the eastern part of the above region this fictitious element makes the surface flow appear more highly ageostrophic than it actually is. This result indicates that the highly ageostrophic character of the flow could be caused by the sea-level pressure field not being a good representation of the pressure field associated with the surface flow. It was found from Sangster's work that the surface flow immediately behind the cold front was still highly ageostrophic even when compared with the appropriate pressure-gradient force. Thus it is fairly certain that the northerly surface flow immediately behind the cold front is highly ageostrophic. The dynamics of this flow could be studied by measuring the different terms in (8) from observed data. Evaluation of one of these terms would require approximating an instantaneous time derivative by a finite difference in time. Since meteorologists have had to resort to these finite differences in time for so long, they are always eager to use methods which utilize instantaneous time derivatives. Phillips's ten-level model produces instantaneous time derivatives of the geopotential. Since (8) could be put into a form, (10) which could use these -38- instantaneous tendenoies, the dynamics of the flow were studies trom (10) rather than (8). The dynamics of the surface flow could not be studied from (10) because (10) applies only to isobaric surfaces. Therefore the dynamics of this highly ageostrophic flow were studied at 910 ub. A large error was found between the geostrophic departures conputed from the P model and the observed geostrophic departures. It was found that this large error is caused by the approximation made for the eddy stress in the P model. Calculations from (10) indicate that the eddy stress term predominates in producing the geostrophic departure. Therefore any model which does not properly take account of the eddy stress cannot produce computed gsostrophio departures which compare well with observed ones. The instantaneous local rate of change of the wind seems to have a small effect on the geostrophic departure of this highly ageostrophic flow. Therefore, this flow could, and should, be investigated using finite differences in time to evaluate the instantaneous local rate of change of the wind. -.39- ACK I PI InII On I The machine computations for Phillips's ten-level model were performed an the IBM 7090 computer at the MIT Computation Center. he author is indebted to Prof . Norman Phillips for the helpful discussions held with him during the course of this work. The author wishes to express his heartfelt thanks to Prof . Frederick Sanders for the encouragement sad many suggestions given to the author during the course of this study. Finally, I wish to express my gratitude to my wife, arlene, for her patience and understanding during these past few months. -40- Charney, J. C., ad A. Eliassen, 1949: A atrical method tr predietiag the perturbatlens of the middle latitude westerlies. Ls. 1, 38-84. Phillips, 3. A., 1967: A coordinate system hwing see special advantages for nimerical toreasting. J. l og., 14, 184-168. sanders, F., A. James Wagner, and Toby N. Carlsn, 1900: Spetiation of ocudiness sad precipitation by multi-level dynamical models. Icietifit Report No. 1 A? 19(604)-349, Pept. of Mteer., .I.T., 111 pp. angster, W. ., 190: A method of representing the horisental pressure to"e without rOstion of station pressure to sea level, J. noter., 17, 166-176. -41-