Galaxy Groups and Clusters I Half of galaxies are in groups or clusters I Half of members in a volume less than 1 Mpc3 I Gravitationally isolated from Hubble flow Clusters contain ∼ 50 luminous members in inner Mpc I I Being a member alters evolution of a galaxy: they fall in through hot gas and pressure strips away cool gas in outer parts I I Groups are dominately formed of spirals Clusters are dominately formed of ellipticals and S0’s, predominately giant or dwarfs. I Groups and clusters are younger than the oldest stars I Motions are too slow for more than 1 or 2 transit times so far I Much baryonic mass is hot gas, emitting X-rays, but most might be intercluster cool gas I Most mass is dark J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Nearby Galaxy Groups J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 HST Stephan’s Quintet A rare compact group, galaxies almost touch, 85 Mpc distant and 80 kpc across. 7319 7318B Long tails of stars have been pulled from the disks. 7317 About 109 M in hot gas with TX ∼ 107 K, consistent with the velocity dispersion of the galaxies of 300 km/s. About 1010 M in cool gas, mostly outside the galaxies, apparently stripped out. 7320, not a member SST NGC 7318b, recently arrived, tore out the tail from NGC 7319. A smaller spiral, NGC 7320c, passed through 500 Myr ago and will return. J.M. Lattimer 7318A AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 M81 Group Sparse group (> 34 members),connections of long HI streamers torn from galactic disks. Distance is 3.6 Mpc, total mass 1012 M . M82 M81 NGC 3077 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 NGC 1550 Group Has about 15 members within 1 Mpc of the S0 galaxy NGC 1550, including two ellipticals. Radiates 4 × 109 L in X-rays (10 times that of Stephan’s Quintet). Metallicity about 0.1 solar. NGC 1550 group Galaxy velocity dispersion σr = 310 km/s, approximate distribution with a Plummer model with a = 100 kpc. KE PE 3π G M 3σr2 = =− = 2 M 2M 64 a 1/2 LX = n2 Λ(TX ), Λ ∼ 3×10−27 TX n ∝ r −β , X-ray emission NGC 1550 erg/s IX ∝ LX R ∝ r 1−2β Hydrostatic equilibrium: M(< r ) = − kNo r 2 d(nT ) µ Gn dr J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Veclocity Dispersions in Groups Assume a Plummer model for groups with the same a and mass for each galaxy. The Virial Theorem predicts σr2 ∝ Mtot /a ∝ N/a where N is the number of galaxies in a group. The speeds of group galaxies 100 km/s < σr < 500 km/s, about the same as the stellar velociities within galaxies. Dynamical friction is therefore important. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Dynamical Friction and Mergers ∆KE⊥ 2G 2 mM = . MV b2 V 3 The average rate at which it slows is Z bmax 2G 2 mM dV = nV − dt b2 V 3 bmin −∆Vk = A galaxy of mass M moves past a star of mass m at velocity V . M acquires a speed ∆V⊥ = 2Gm/(bV ) perpindicular to V . We require b >> 2G M/V 2 . The star acquires an equal and opposite momentum. The total KE in perpindicular motions is 2 2 m 2G M M 2Gm + ∆KE⊥ = 2 bV 2 bV 2 2G mM(M + m) . = b2 V 2 This energy comes from the forward motion of the galaxy, which changes by ∆Vk . To lowest order J.M. Lattimer 4πG 2 Mnm ln Λ V2 n is the stellar density. Can also be applied to a small galaxy orbiting within a dark halo of density nm. Using the dark halo potential nm = ρH ' V 2 /(4πGr 2 ), G M2 dr Fk = − 2 ln Λ = M r dt Integrating: r 2V tsink = 2G M ln Λ = AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Mergers and Simulations NGC 4676 ”the Mice” R band, HI contours J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Simulations J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Starbursts Mergers often have 109 − 1010 M of dense molecular gas brought inward to center which is gravitationally compressed and leads to violent star formation. If dust is present, it intercepts the stellar light and re-radiates it in the infrared. — J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 M82 – A Starburst Galaxy Makes 2 − 4M /yr of new stars, same as Milky Way, in 600 pc region. Radio-bright knots where stars ionize the gas, produce free-free radiation. Supply of 2 × 108 M will be exhausted in τff = 100 Myr J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Starbursts: Arp 220 Luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRG) form stars at rate LFIR M yr−1 . Ṁ∗ ∼ 6 × 109 L Most powerful ULIRG have 1000M /yr rate. Half of ULIRG also have active galactic nuclei. Arp 220 is a close-by merging pair 75 Mpc distant, with Ṁ ∼ 200M /yr. Has 109 M H2 in a 20 pc gas disk. Can’t sustain activity for more than 1 Gyr. Rounder cores, more random motions, less rotation: form ellipticals? J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Nearby Galaxy Clusters J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Most members are dwarfs. Virgo central regions have 0.5 L /pc2 to 5-10% of luminous galaxies live in clusters. ta l # within [MB , MB + 1] Properties of Clusters Virgo core radius is about 0.5 Mpc Fornax cluster has 1/5 as many members, but is more compact, with twice the luminosity density, but less hot gas, relatively. The core of a galaxy like NGC 1399 is 107 times as dense as the center of the Fornax cluster. Virgo J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Rich Clusters Coma Examples are Coma, Perseus Clusters. As clusters become more massive,they become denser; radii hardly change. Infalling clumps add 10% every few Gyr, but will cease in 2-3 Hubble times as the expansion of the universe will overwhelm a cluster’s gravity. ◦ ellipticals ? spirals X-ray contours Spirals excluded from the centers. Galaxies fall supersonically into clusters; shocks leave gas behind. By observing novae and planetary nebulae, it is estimated ∼ 10 − 20% of stars are intercluster, probably torn out of infalling galaxies. Virial estimates of masses ∼ 2 − 7 × 1014 M for Virgo–Coma. Hot gas indicates masses 50% larger. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Hot Cluster Gas Mass in hot gas equals stars in poor clusters, but 10 times stars in a rich cluster. It can be traced to larger radii than stellar light. Temperature of gas increases with cluster luminosity, consistent with galaxy velocity dispersion. As new clumps added, TX grows. ≈ 14 10−3 cm−3 n J.M. Lattimer 107 K Gyr T Since cool gas and star formation not observed in central galaxy, gas must be reheated by supernovae or radio sources. Gas in outer regions doesn’t cool quickly and does not form stars. Models suggest TX increases faster than L, so high z clusters should be cooler for a given L; not observed, indicating early energy sources (starbursts and active nuclei). Cooling time is ∝ nX TX /LX , or 3nkT √ tcool = 3 × 10−27 n2 T r 3 L ∝ TX x AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Cosmic Baryonic Budget Hot gas accounts for 0.1 of the mass of a luminous cluster, but much less in smaller systems. Together with stars, accounts for about 1/6 of total mass. Fukigita & Peebles 2004 But baryons are more concentrated in galaxies (less than half of mass inside solar circle is dark). Dense gas in the damped Lyman-α clouds (neutral and atomic) is half the mass of hot gas. A large amount of ionized gas could be hidden; it’s low density prevents it from cooling. This diffuse gas is in the Lyman-α forest. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Did Galaxies Grow By Mergers? I Largest red galaxies (cD and ellipticals) live in dense regions while star-forming spirals and irregulars fill less dense regions. I At z = 1, about 5-10% of galaxies are in major mergers, so that within last 5 Gyr, 2/3 of luminous galaxies have had a merger. I If ellipticals formed from mergers, their stars are older. Clumps are ideal sites for mergers because of low random velocities, and so dense with ellipticals. I In a major merger of two equal masses, disks are destroyed and cool gas is lost; star-formation terminates. Remnant will have only middle-aged and old stars. J.M. Lattimer I A merged system will become less dense. A system of size R with N galaxies of mass M has energy PE/2= −GNM2 /(2R). After merger, and virialized, the energy is PE/2= −G (NM)2 /(2Rg ) so Rg = NR. Merged systems are less dense by 1/N 2 . AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Did Galaxies Grow By Mergers? I I I If merged systems still contained some cool gas, it would settle to center and trigger star formation. I Where does ”fundamental plane” relationship come from? I Why are luminous red galaxies not rare at high redshifts? More efficient star forming? Merged galaxies therefore develop metal-rich centers. With a small, dense, inner disk, these galaxies would rapidly rotate, and resemble ”disky” ellipticals. I When these merged systems merge again, more luminous systems are formed, and tend to be triaxial, so resemble ”boxy” ellipticals. I Problems: J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Gravitational Lensing Image I Microlensing by a compact (point) source α≈ I 4G M bc 2 Source Lens Lensing by extended objects Sources near the Einstein radius α(b) = ∇ψL (b) Z 4G ψL (b) = 2 Σ(b0 ) ln |b − b0 |dS 0 c I Weak lensing Sources are well outside the Einstein radius J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Gravitational Microlensing Use small angle approximations: β = y /dS Image θ = x/dS = b/dLens α = (x − y )/dLS Source θ − β = αdLS /dS θ2 4G M dLS ≡ E 2 θc dLens ds θ If ds = NdLens s 1 kpc N − 1 M θE = 0.002 . dLens N M = Lens p Solving θ2 − βθ − θE2 = 0: θ± = β ± β 2 + 4θE2 /2 When dLens << dS , α ≈ θ − β = θE2 /θ. Images are magnified and brightened (I (x) is unchanged): ! p θ dθ 1 β 2 + 4θE2 Fimage,± Aimage,± xdx β p = = = = + ±2 Fsource Asource ydy β dβ 4 β β 2 + 4θE2 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Gravitational Lensing by a Collection of Point Masses For one point source, we can write α(b) = 4G M dψL , ψL = ln b. db c2 Summing the effect from a collection of point masses: α(b) = ∇ψL (b) Z 4G ψL (b) = 2 Σ(b0 ) ln |b − b0 |dS 0 c If axisymmetric, one finds Z b 4G α(b) = 2 Σ(R)2πRdR bc 0 4G M(< b) = 2 c b This is proven by noting that a ray passing through a uniform circular ring is not bent, and a ray passing outside is bent the same as from a point mass at the center. J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Extension to Asymmetric Galaxy Clusters dLS dS 4G M(< b) dLS = θc 2 dLens dS θ − β = α(θ) Plummer potential dark halo potential Since b = θdLens units are a/dLens M(< b) β =θ 1− πb 2 Σcrit c2 dS Σcrit = 4πG dLens dLS If Σ(0) > Σcrit , an image at β = 0 will be an Einstein ring of angular size θE = bE /dLens , where M(< bE ) = πbE2 Σcrit . If dS , dLS >> dLens 100 Mpc Σcrit ≈ 2 × 10 M pc−2 dLens 2 dLens θE M(< θE ) ≈ 1010 M . 100 Mpc 100 14 J.M. Lattimer AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7 Weak Lensing Galaxies behind a cluster but well outside of its Einstein radius have weakly magnified tangential images. The radial axes are in the ratio dβ β x dx : , dθ : θ y dy Shear γ measures compression. Assuming b >> θE dLens , β 1 dβ − γ= 2 dθ θ M(< b)/(πb 2 ) − Σ(b) = . Σcrit In the event that Σ(R) is constant, θ ∝ β. Measuring average shapes of many galaxies in the background allows an estimate of shear and distribution of mass. J.M. Lattimer Studies of halos of bright galaxies show they are larger and more massive than rotation measures imply. Trying to determine how dark matter is distributed between clusters is a complex calculation becausse the light is bent by many clusters along the line of sight. AST 346, Galaxies, Part 7