Ionospheric Scintillation in Africa: A SCINDA Perspective Keith Groves1 Ron Caton2 Charles Carrano1 Chris Bridgwood1 Joshua Orfield2 AMISR Meeting 1Boston College 2Air Force Research Lab Boston College 01 March 2012 OUTLINE • Motivation: Scintillation Effects • SCIntillation Network Decision Aid (SCINDA) • International Space Weather Initiative (ISWI) • Some Results • Current and Future Efforts PRN 7 2 What is Scintillation? SCINTILLATION = Rapid amplitude and phase fluctuations of radio signals in space due to turbulence • Regional UHF SATCOM outages for extended periods (hours) • Increased GNSS position/navigation/timing errors • Degraded High Frequency (HF) radio communication 3 AFRL Best Climatology Model had a Gap in the Atlantic • Gap in scintillation activity predicted by climatological model near equinoxes in the Atlantic sector • The gap existed because of an artifact in the model and an absence of information (data) to improve it • Raised the question: What about the validity of results over Africa? • Model remains unvalidated, but data collection from solar min to solar max will enable improvement Scintillation Activity in Africa Strength of scintillations over Africa unknown • Scintillation activity across Africa assumed high based on satellite observations, but ground-based measurements are needed • C/NOFS sees similar maximum in activity over Africa • Worked with IHY (2005-09) & ISWI (2009-present) to identify host nation partners & collaborators • Goal is to establish robust monitoring network with scientific collaboration across Africa, Asia and South America Adapted from S.Y. Su, 2005 SCINDA Ground Stations Present and anticipated thru 2013 30N 0 30S Recent SCINDA Focus LISN Domain 210E 240E 270E Existing Sites 300E 330E 0 30E Future UN ISWI Sites 60E 90E 120E Other collaboration 150E VHF & GPS Sensor Data Nairobi, Kenya, 01 Oct 2011 SCINDA Science • Exploit data for more scientific studies on both local and global scintillation phenomena – Identify and explain differences (and similarities) between activity and irregularities in Africa relative to other longitude sectors – Storm-time behavior; SEDS/SAPS in African sector; African landmass spans low- to north and south mid-latitudes – Terrestrial coupling; 4-cell pattern in TEC/scintillation, local gradients, anomaly characteristics – Ultimate goal is to forecast equatorial Spread F Longitudinal Variations: Continental Scale EAST CENTRAL WEST 14 Oct 15 Oct 16 Oct 27 Oct ASI ASI ASI ASI KIN KIN KIN KIN ZNZ ZNZ ZNZ ZNZ Synoptic scale features can be resolved with current network, but better resolution is needed DMSP Bubbles 1989 - 2002 Day of Year 365 Africa India Pacific America Atlantic EPB Occurrence Rate 273 45-50 40-45 35-40 30-35 182 25-30 20-25 15-20 91 10-15 5-10 0-5 1 0 30 60 Magnetic field aligned with terminator 90 120 150 180 210 240 270 300 330 360 Longitude From Burke & Huang, 2004 Equatorial Bubbles in Africa Satellite observations exhibit unique characteristics • Bubble envelop frequently shows very large longitudinal extent relative to other longitude sectors • Occurrence frequency peaks over Africa as well • Equatorial coherent backscatter radar can address this issue Determining Bubble Altitude SOLAR MIN NOW • For scintillation activity to reach Ascension Island, bubbles must 12 rise to more than 1000 km altitude, spreading to over 3000 km N-S extent • During solar minimum, almost no bubbles reach these altitudes; N-S extent typically ~ 2000 km Relative Occurrence of Bubbles Exceeding 1000 km Altitude • Sites at different latitudes see different levels of activity depending on bubble altitude • Bubbles need to extend above 1000 km to reach ASI; only ~400 km to reach Cape Verde • Data will improve model for predicting bubble extent and understanding electrodynamics 13 Longitudinal Climatology 2011 • Africa shows elements of the climatology from both the Pacific and the American sectors • Unusual distribution of late activity (~midnight) development needs explanation; not observed elsewhere Frequency Dependence of Scintillation Climatology • • Differences in seasonal and diurnal occurrence statistics of VHF & GPS scintillation in western South America GPS L1 signals not sensitive for detecting irregularities in low density plasmas (< 106 e/cc, ~< 50 TEC) VHF peaks here Requires local ground-based observations to detect L-band peaks here Continent-scale Climatology • Climatology across centralwest Africa different from anywhere else • Not all features explained by magnetic terminator alignment • Terrestrial coupling may play a role 16 Magnetic Storm Effects (Modest) 22-24 Jan Magnetic Equator Magnetic Storm Effects (22-24 Jan) Mid-latitude Response 2011-2013 Plans (unofficial) • Install an additional 4-5 sites in Africa, 2-3 other locations in S.E. Asia/Pacific – Higher sensor density needed for detailed studies, e.g. LISN • Improve infrastructure/capability at functional sites in Africa – Solar panels, robust power systems, mobile data transfer – Add VHF scintillation/drift sensors and possibly optical imagers • Develop improved multi-frequency LEO beacon receiver systems focused on next-generation beacon design (still TBD); up to six equatorial satellites in constellation (2015) – New sensors useful throughout SCINDA & LISN networks • Install a coherent backscatter VHF radar near magnetic equator (talk tomorrow at 09:30 a.m.!) Campaign Summary 25 APRIL 2009 – Day 115 Perp-B Scan Off Perp-B Scans Summary • Preliminary review of results from Africa confirm satellite climatology, but temporal dependence for June/July period are surprising • Infrastructure remains an issue but improvements are tractable – Critical for both long-term and case studies • VHF coherent backscatter radar combined with satellite observations (C/NOFS) near peak of solar cycle should provide more insight on the nature of bubbles over Africa • Incoherent scatter radar will provide unique knowledge of the regional structure of the African ionosphere as well as the physics of the associated electrodynamics Proposed Site Photo Thanks for your attention. Dr. Keith Groves 617-552-6313