Policy and Procedures for Proctoring


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

The primary purpose of this document is to state the principal policies and procedures to acquaint USA faculty with their obligations and resources related to testing in a distance-learning environment.


Tests and examinations at the University can be accomplished through various means depending on the requirements of the instructor, the academic program, and the University.

Non-Proctored Testing

Not all assessments of student work require proctors. For example, some instructors employ graded alternative assessment approaches, such as projects or journals. Likewise, take-home exams, lowstakes quizzes, or term papers are usually accomplished without proctoring.

Non-proctored tests or examinations are administered without a proctor and allow for students to take exams at a location of their convenience and within a time frame specified by the instructor. Takehome exams are included in this category. Non-proctored examinations are permitted at the discretion of the instructor. The time frame of the non-proctored exam will be provided in class materials.

Students must adhere to Student Academic Conduct Policy and the procedures and time frame indicated by instructors in written course materials.

Proctored Testing

Proctored tests or examinations are managed by a person or service that administers and monitors assessments other than the instructor. A proctor or proctoring service has the responsibility of verifying the identity of the test taker, ensuring appropriate test conditions are met, and monitoring the actual tests or exams.

On-Campus Proctored Testing

Generally, instructors administer and monitor tests and examinations in their courses. At the University of South Alabama, instructors are usually responsible for administering and supervising on-campus tests and examinations in their courses. In some situations, instructors may allow a qualified person to proctor their examinations on-campus. Instructors must adhere to their College/School policy (if available) regarding the use of on-campus proctors.

Costs and Notifications

Students must be notified at the time of registration or enrollment of any projected costs associated with verification of student identity (e.g., costs associated with off-campus or online proctoring) and proctoring. In addition, these costs must be approved by the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator.


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

Students With Special Needs

In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students with bona fide disabilities will be afforded reasonable accommodation. The Office of Special Student Services will certify a disability and advise faculty members of reasonable accommodations. Students with a specific disability that requires accommodation during testing (e.g., additional time) should notify the instructor and provide certification from Disability Services (USA Office of Special Students Services). If accommodations are necessary during proctored testing, it is the instructor’s responsibility to make sure that accommodations are made.

Methods of University-Approved Off-Campus or Online Proctoring

In instances supervised on-campus tests and examinations are not practical or possible, the University of South Alabama offers a variety of ways to guarantee high levels of academic integrity for online exams. University-approved options for proctoring an examination off campus include:


Off-Campus Proctor . Using an off-campus proctor officially verified and approved by the

University Off-Campus Proctoring Specialist (School of Continuing Education and Special

Programs). In some cases, instructors require or allow students to take an off-campus exam. In such cases, faculty and students must follow USA’s procedures for scheduling off-campus exams.


Online Proctoring.


USA’s Online Proctoring Center. The USA Online Proctoring Center is an Internet-based proctoring service that provides students with an interface to schedule, setup and proctor an online test from any Internet-enabled location. Online proctoring allows exam takers to complete their assessment at home or office while still ensuring the integrity of the exam. b.

Other online proctoring systems approved by the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator . These systems may include hardware or software requirements that enhance identity verification or test security.


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12


Off-Campus Proctoring

Instructor’s Responsibilities for Scheduling An Off-Campus Exam

Instructors who intend to require or allow students to take an off-campus exam must follow the procedure below.

1The instructor must receive approval from the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator.

2Students must be notified at the time of registration or enrollment of any projected costs associated with verification of student identity (e.g., costs associated with off-campus or online proctoring). In addition, these costs must be approved by the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator.

3The instructor’s exam proctoring policy and projected additional student costs associated with the policy should be communicated to the student in the course syllabus. For example, instructors should inform students that costs for off-campus proctoring vary by sites and the cost will depend on the site a student selects.

4Additionally, the specific dates, times and process for taking the exams should be communicated to students via the course syllabus. The course syllabus and exam proctoring requirement should be made available to students no later than the first day of classes.

5After the above conditions are met, no later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester, the instructor should e-mail the Off-Campus Proctoring Specialist at nkasper@usouthal.edu

and submit the completed Instructor Request Form for Proctors. The form is available at http://www.southalabama.edu/ecampus/facultyfaq/Instructor_Request_for_Proctor.pdf

6For students who need accommodations, the instructor must notify the Off-Campus Proctor, via the Instructor Request Form for Proctors, and list accommodations. .

Student’s Responsibilities for Scheduling An Off-Campus Exam

Students are required to check the course syllabus to determine whether or not the course requires a proctor. It is the student’s responsibility to locate and designate an acceptable proctor. The student must complete and submit the Off-Campus Proctoring Form, following the guidelines below:

1- The student must receive approval from the instructor.

2- Students are responsible for arranging an appointment with a University testing center. Students may choose from an array of test proctoring sites from the list provided from the National College Testing Associations. See http://www.nctatesting.org/cctc/find.php

for a list of approved sites. If the student is


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12 not able to locate a University testing center within a reasonable distance of his or her location, the student may choose a school administrator; or certified librarian or teacher. Relatives or friends may not serve as proctors, under any circumstances. All associated charges will be the student’s responsibility.

3- At least 10 days prior to the exam date, the student is required to contact the USA Off-Campus

Proctor Specialist, Ms. Nancy Kasper in the School of Continuing Education and Special

Programs, by e-mail (nkasper@usouthal.edu) or by telephone (251-460-6283) to request an offcampus proctor and to arrange to use the proctor for an off-campus exam.

4- The student is required to complete his or her section of the USA Proctor Request Form available at http://www.southalabama.edu/ecampus/facultyfaq/Proctor_Request.pdf

. Return the completed form to the Off-Campus Proctor Specialist (nkasper@usouthal.edu).

5- The student is required to take the exam as scheduled. The completed exam will be sent to the

USA Off-Campus Proctor who will forward the results to the student’s instructor.

Proctor Responsibilities for Scheduling An Off-Campus Exam

The USA off-campus proctor will:

1Receive proctor request forms from instructors and students;

2Process the Proctor Verification Form to potential proctor sites;

3- Notify approved proctor sites that a student will call to schedule an exam at their site;

4- Send examinations and instructions to approved proctor sites prior to the student’s

scheduled test date;

5- Notify the student when it is time for the student to schedule the test appointment.

6- Send the student the name, telephone number, and email address of the contact person at

the approved proctor site;

7- Receive completed exams from the proctor site and forward them to the instructor; and

8- Refer students to their instructor for exam grade.


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

USA Online Proctoring Center

USA’s current service is hosted by ProctorU. Use of this service requires a reliable Internet connection and computer hardware including a head set and a web cam.

Instructor’s Responsibilities for Scheduling Entire Course Sections

Instructors who intend to offer a test or examination for entire course sections or courses through the

USA Online Proctoring Center must follow the procedure below.

1- The instructor must receive approval from the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator.

2- Notice of an online testing requirement must be indicated in the University Schedule of


3- The instructor’s exam proctoring policy, and projected additional student costs associated with the policy should be communicated to the student in the course syllabus.

4- Additionally, the specific dates, times and process for taking the exams should be communicated to students via the course syllabus. The course syllabus and online testing requirement should be made available to students no later than the first day of classes.

5- The test or examination must be available in the course or a special project site within USA


6- The username and password should be set using the testing tool’s security functions. This information should NOT be given to students.

7When the above conditions are met, no later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester, the instructor should email the Coordinator for the USA Online Proctoring Center at onlineproctor@usouthal.edu

. The following information should be included in the email: a) Course number and section b) Number of students enrolled c) Course title d) Instructor name e) Title of each exam f) Exam time limit g) Date/time exam opens h) Date/time exam closes i) Username and password for exam (This password is not given to students) j) Indication of whether open-book or open-notes can be used during exam k) Any additional instructions for USA Online Proctoring Center

Instructor’s Responsibilities for Scheduling Individual Students


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

There are occasions when an individual student requests to take a proctored test or examination online (e.g., for job conflicts, military deployment, etc). These are generally handled by the instructor on a case-by-case basis. With the approval of the course instructor, tests or examinations for individual students may be scheduled using the USA Online Proctoring Center services using the procedure below.

1The test or examination must be available in the course or a special project site within USA


2The Username and Password should be set using the testing tool’s security functions. This information should NOT be given to students.

3When the above conditions are met, no later than three weeks prior to the scheduled date of the test or examination, the instructor should email the Coordinator for the USA Online

Proctoring Center at onlineproctor@usouthal.edu

. The following information should be included in the email: a) The name and J# of the student b) Course number and section c) Course title d) Instructor name e) Title of the exam f) Exam time limit g) Date/time exam opens h) Date/time exam closes i) Username and password for exam (This password is not given to students) j) Indication of whether open-book or open-notes can be used during exam k) Any additional instructions for USA Online Proctoring Center

Individual students opting to use the USA Online Proctoring Center will be charged a proctoring fee via credit card at the time they sign-in to schedule the proctoring session.

Student Responsibilities for Scheduling Proctored Sessions

Students may take exams through the USA Online Proctoring Center seven days a week. During the exam, students will be connected to a live person that can provide guidance through the process and assist with any technical problems.

Appointment Scheduling Procedure

Appointments are required in order to use the USA Online Proctoring Center. All appointments need to be made at least four days in advance of the test or exam. Reservations made within four days of your exam are subject to a $5 late reservation fee. Late registrations are subject to availability and


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12 same day appointments cannot be made online. To schedule an appointment with USA Online

Proctoring Center, follow the procedure below.

1Navigate to http://proctoru.com/usa/

2Click “Schedule or Take an Exam”

3If no account exists, click “New Users: Create an Account.”

4Once the account is created, or if an account already exists, log in.

5Click on the “new exam” link and select the exam, date, and time you desire.

6A confirmation email of the reservation will be sent to the email address that was provided during registration.

Proctoring Procedure

Students preparing to take a proctored test or exam through the USA Online Proctoring Center should follow the procedure outlined below.

1Students should plan ahead for the session. Ensure a quiet, private location in which to take the test. The area and room around the computer will be scanned using a web cam prior to start of the exam, so all non-authorized materials should be put away and the area should be clutter-free. If a public computer lab will be used, headphones must be used to prevent disruption to others. Students will be required to show picture identification to the proctor at the time of the exam. Approved forms of identification include, but are not limited to, a driver’s license, military identification card, passport, or school-issued identification card. No breaks are allowed during the testing session and cell phones and other devices will not be permitted in the testing area. No other people are allowed in the area in which the test is being taken. Any unauthorized notes or other attempts to cheat will be reported to the instructor.

2At the date and time of the appointment, return to http://proctoru.com/usa/ , log in, and a message will appear saying, “You have an exam. Click here to begin.” Click on this button and it will open the proctor page. Students will fill out personal information and click submit. They will then be directed to screen that connects to their proctor. Follow the steps on the screen and a proctor will join the session.

3Once connected, the designated proctor will walk through the set up process and the student will then log into USA Online’s ecampus. The student will proceed to the course and exam, at which point the proctor will provide the authentication credentials. The exam time will begin when the proctor enters the password.


To be successfully proctored by the USA Online Proctoring Center, students will need the following:


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

A reliable computer running Windows XP (or higher) or Mac OS X (or higher).

A web cam with 640x480 video pixel resolution or higher.

 Headphones or working speakers connected to the computer.

 A working microphone connected to the computer. A web cam with built in microphone is recommended.

A web browser with Adobe Flash Player installed. (Flash Player 10 recommended)

A reliable, high-speed internet connection.

 The ability to allow vide and screen-sharing connections to the computer you will be using to take your exam.

Credit card for the $25 charge per online proctored exam

 Students can test their computer, web cam, and internet connection at www.ProctorU.com/AmIReady .

If questions arise, please contact the proctor line at 205-870-8122.

Remote Proctor Pro (College of Nursing only)

The College of Nursing uses Software Secure’s Remote Proctor Pro in select online courses to help ensure testing integrity. Remote Proctor uses both hardware and software to protect against academic dishonesty by confirming the test taker’s identity, recording the surroundings during the exam and preventing access to and functionality of all applications or resources on the machine other than the test itself. The College of Nursing’ policy on this system is available at http://www.southalabama.edu/nursing/OnlineTesting.html .

Students enrolled in courses using Remote Proctor must:


Purchase the Remote Proctor Pro device from the USA Bookstore


Install the Remote Proctor Pro software on their machine

( http://www.remoteproctor.com/install )


Enroll their device in the online course site and establish their identity with the Software Secure proctoring service.


Test the functionality of the device before taking an exam (a practice quiz for this purpose will be available in the course site)


Establish and maintain a proper testing environment during the exam


Authenticate they are the student enrolled in the course using biometric and video data


Take the exam in accordance with the standards of academic integrity as articulated by the

University of South Alabama, the College of Nursing, and the College’s Remote Proctor Policy, which is available at http://www.southalabama.edu/nursing/ and in the syllabi of courses using the system.


Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12

Related Software Available at the University

Respondus Lockdown Browser

Respondus Lockdown Browser is a custom web browser for taking most quizzes in the USA Online ecampus. When using Respondus Lockdown Browser, students cannot print, copy, go to other web sites, or access other applications. Once a quiz has been started in Respondus, it must be finished in the same session. If the instructor chooses to require Respondus, students will not be able to take the quiz through a standard web browser.

The Respondus LockDown Browser is a customized browser that increases the security of online testing in USA Online. When using the Respondus LockDown Browser to take an exam, users are unable to print, copy, go to another URL, access other applications, or close an exam until submitting it for grading. Tests enabled to require the Respondus LockDown Browser are not accessible using any other browser. Additionally, tests are shown full-screen and cannot minimized or resized; all printing, keystroke combinations, screen grab/capture, function keys and right-click menus are disabled; links to other web servers contained in the exam open in a new, secure window and prevent browsing beyond that page; and the Start button (Windows), system tray, and menu bars are removed.

Respondus Lockdown Browser may not be used for tests or examinations proctored by the USA Online

Proctoring Center as the software systems are incompatible.

For Faculty

In order to require students take assessments in USA Online with the Respondus Lockdown Browser, instructors must configure their test or quiz correctly in USA Online.

1The test or examination must be available in the course or a special project site within USA


2In the assessment settings in USA Online under High Security, instructors must enable the lockdown browser by selecting “Respondus Lockdown Browser” under the “Require Locked

Browser” option.

3Instructor is responsible for providing students with instructions on using the Respondus

Lockdown Browser. Those instructions can be found at the following URL: http://www.southalabama.edu/ecampus/facultyfaq/RLDBInstructor.pdf


For Students

The Respondus LockDown Browser is a customized browser that increases the security of online testing in USA Online. Tests requiring Respondus LockDown Browser are not accessible using any other web browser. Instructions for getting started are located at the following URL: http://www.southalabama.edu/ecampus/studentfaq/RLDBStudent.pdf



Policy and Procedures for Proctoring

Approved: 7/11/12


To take an exam using the Respondus LockDown Browser:


Locate the "LockDown Browser" shortcut on the desktop and double-click it. (For Macintosh users, launch "LockDown Browser" from the Applications folder.)


If prompted to close a blocked program (e.g., instant messaging, some email programs) choose

"Yes". In some instances when blocked programs are closed, you may have to re-launch the

LockDown Browser.


Login to USA Online with your username and password.


Navigate to the appropriate course.


Navigate to the test and select it.


Read any instructions associated with the test.


Click the Begin Assessment button.


The test will then start.


Note: Once a test has been started with Respondus LockDown Browser, you cannot exit the test until the Submit button is clicked.


Completing the test using Respondus LockDown Browser is exactly the same as completing a test in USA Online without the Respondus LockDown Browser.

Math Technology Lab Only

Fortres 101 6.5

Fortres, a comprehensive software package, is used in the Math Technology Lab for the purpose of effectively administering the delivery of online math instruction in a web-based environment using a

ThinClient server-based delivery system. Fortres controls unwanted user changes and blocks unwanted programs from running. Additionally, it prevents users from altering the appearance of

Windows: downloading dangerous programs; altering or deleting files; changing printer configurations; accessing unnecessary programs; and installing or removing software.

For Faculty

Fortres is managed by the Developmental Studies Math Coordinator. Faculty do not interact with


For Students

There is no student interaction with the Fortres program. Fortres manages the student environment.







MOBILE, AL 36688

TELEPHONE (251)-460-6283

FAX (251) 460-7824


To request that a test be proctored off campus, please complete this form:

Student Information:

Today’s Date: _________________________

First Name: _________________________ Middle: ____________________ Last Name: ________________________

J #: ____________________________________ Campus Email: __________________________________________

Course Information:

Instructor Name: ______________________________________ Campus Email: _______________________________

Course Name or Placement Test: _________________________________ Section: _________ CRN: ______________

Projected Test Date: __________________________

Proctor Information:

Approved Testing Site Information

(fill out this section if your testing center is on the approved list)

For a list of approved testing sites, visit the National College Testing Association website at http://www.ncta-testing.org/cctc/find.php . Some testing sites charge a fee. The student is responsible for paying the fee.

Name of Site: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ______________

New Proctor Request Information

(fill out this section if your testing center IS NOT on the approved list)

If you do not live close to one of the approved testing sites, you may request a new proctor by completing the form below.

Once the request for a new proctor is received, a Proctor Eligibility Form will be emailed to the site. The proctor must complete the form and return it to our office so that we can determine eligibility. This process can take several weeks so please start the process early in the semester. Some testing sites charge a fee. The student is responsible for paying the fee.

Acceptable Proctors:

Regular school/college/university test center


Unacceptable Proctors:



Co-workers Military education office/learning center

Military base (allowed if there is no on-site education office)

Private Learning Center

Name of Site: ______________________________________________________________________________________

Contact Person: ____________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: _________________________________ Email: _________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________

City: _________________________ State: ______ Zip Code: ______________






MOBILE, AL 36688

TELEPHONE (251)-460-6283

FAX (251) 460-7824


To request that a test be proctored off campus, please complete this form:

The instructor must receive approval from the Dean’s appointed college-level administrator.

The instructor’s exam proctoring policy and projected additional student costs associated with the policy should be communicated to the student in the course syllabus.

The specific dates, times and process for taking the exams should be communicated to students via the course syllabus. This should be available to the student no later than the first day of classes.

No later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester, the instructor should e-mail this form to the Off-

Campus Proctoring Specialist at nkasper@usouthal.edu

Instructor Information:

Today’s Date: _________________________

Instructor First Name: ______________________ Middle: ________________ Last Name: ______________________

J #: ____________________________________ Campus Email: __________________________________________

Course Information:

Course Name/Number or Placement Test

: ______________________ Section: _________ CRN: ______

Date/time exam opens: ____________________________ Date/Time test closes: _______________________________

Title of Exam: ___________________________________

Online assessment?



Password for online: _________________________________

Link to online assessment: ___________________________________________________________________________

Paper assessment?

Proctoring Instructions:



How many pages: __________

Textbook allowed? Yes


Calculator allowed? Yes


Computer allowed? Yes

Notes allowed? Yes



Internet allowed?

Other study aids allowed?





Time allotted? ____________

Additional Instructions: ______________________________________________________________________________



Student Information:

First Name: _________________________ Middle: ____________________ Last Name: ________________________

J #: ____________________________________ Campus Email: __________________________________________

Does this student need any accommodations? Yes


If so, list here ______________________________________________________________________________________



Student Information:

First Name: _________________________ Middle: ____________________ Last Name: ________________________

J #: ____________________________________ Campus Email: __________________________________________

Does this student need any accommodations? Yes


If so, list here ______________________________________________________________________________________



Student Information:

First Name: _________________________ Middle: ____________________ Last Name: ________________________

J #: ____________________________________ Campus Email: __________________________________________

Does this student need any accommodations? Yes


If so, list here ______________________________________________________________________________________





Dean Date
