PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE EXTERNAL FLUID MECHANICS OF OTEC PILOT PLANTS by Paul N. Singarella and E. Eric Adams Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL March 1982 82-018 CO0-4683-10 PHYSICAL AND NUMERICAL MODELING OF THE EXTERNAL FLUID MECHANICS OF OTEC PILOT PLANTS Paul N. Singarella and E. Eric Adams Energy Laboratory and Ralph M. Parsons Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics Department of Civil Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Prepared under the Support of Division of Central Solar Technology U.S. Department of Energy Under Contract No. DE-AC0278ET20483.A004 Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 82-018 March 1982 ABSTRACT This study examined the near field external fluid mechanics of symmetrical OTEC pilot plant designs (20-80 MWe) under realistic deep water conditions. The objective was to assess the environmental impact of different plant configurations and to determine if pilot plants can be expected to operate without degrading the thermal resource available for power production. Physical modeling studies were conducted to investigate the variation of near field plume dynamics and the sensitivity of recirculation to different pilot plant designs. Experiments were conducted in a thermally stratified 12m x 18m x 0.6m basin, at an undistorted length scale ratio of 1:300, which allowed the upper 170m of the ocean to be studied. Measurements included temperature, dye concentration and visual observation from photographs. Both mixed and non-mixed discharge concepts were investigated. Discharge port design included two, four or eight discrete circular ports, with significant variations in the MWe/port ratio, issuing either horizontally or vertically. A range of ambient uniform current speeds was investigated while an ambient density profile, representative of potential sites off of Hawaii and Puerto Rico, was chosen. A previously calibrated integral jet model (Hirst, 1971a) was tested against experimental observation to develop a valid, predictive tool that would facilitate study of conditions that were not modeled with the present experimental set-up. The model was modified to more accurately represent the dynamics of the OTEC discharge in the near field. Major modifications included adjustment of the equations that characterized the starting length (length of ZOFE); introduction of jet deflection in the ZOFE; introduction of a lateral spreading formulation that allowed the "squeezing" effects of the ambient stratification to be simulated; and introduction of an aspect factor, which accounted for interaction of a number of closely spaced vertical jets issuing from a circular array. Overall agreement between prediction and observation was quite good. The potential environmental impact of the discharge plume from an OTEC plant over a broad range of realistic conditions was assessed through additional sensitivity simulations. Results indicate that little recirculation occurs for the designs considered in this study. The recirculation that does occur appears to be the result of plume upwash in the lee of the plant and, possibly, internal wake -2- effects on the plant bow. Environmental impact is argued to be proportional to the degree of perturbation caused by the OTEC discharge to the upper mixed layer. For the conditions considered in the sensitivity study the OTEC plume remained below the upper mixed layer except for the largest layer depths considered (H~ 100m). These larger depths are near the maximum values reported for either Hawaii or Puerto Rico and represent the only conditions where significant perturbations may be likely. -3- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This report is part of a research program concerned with the near field external fluid mechanics of OTEC plants. Previous reports produced at MIT under this program include: Adams, E., D. Fry, D. Coxe and D. Harleman, "Research on the External Fluid Mechanics of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plants: Report Covering Experiments in Stagnant Water," Report No. MIT-EL 79-041 Energy Laboratory, MIT, June 1979 Coxe, D., D. Dry and E. Adams, "Research on the External Fluid Mechanics of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plants: Report Covering Experiments in a Current," Report No. MIT-EL 81-049, Energy Laboratory, MIT, September, 1981 Fry, D. and E. Adams, "Buoyant Jet Behavior in Confined Regions," Report No. MIT-EL 81-050, Energy Laboratory, September, 1982 Support for the research program has been provided by the Ocean Systems Branch, Division of Central Solar Technology of the U.S. Dept. of Energy under Contract No. DE-ACO2-78ET20483,A004. Technical program support has also been provided by Argonne National Laboratory. Drs. John D. Ditmars and Robert A. Paddock of ANL are gratefully acknowledged for their cooperation and editorial comments and for having supplied the original computer code upon which the numerical calculations were based. The reserach was performed by Mr. Paul Singarella in partial fulfillment of the degree of Master of Science in Civil Engineering at MIT. Supervision was provided by Dr. Eric Adams of the MIT Energy Laboratory and the Department of Civil Engineering. Appreciation is expressed to Dr. David Fry and Mr. David Coxe, former students, who put together most of the experimental set-up in connection with past studies, and to Messrs. Richard Baker, David Kubiak and Peng-Chong Sien, students who provided assistance during the experiments. -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Abstract 2 Acknowledgement 4 Table of Contents 5 List of Figures 9 11 List of Tables Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION 12 1.1 Principles of Power Plant Operation 12 1.2 External Flow Considerations 15 1.3 Research Objectives 18 Chapter II: PREVIOUS AND PRESENT MODELING EFFORTS Chapter III: 19 2.1 Background 19 2.2 Description of Previous Studies 19 2.3 Description of Present Study 22 24 ThE PHYSICAL MODEL 3.1 Modeling Considerations and Scaling Laws 24 3.1.1 Jet Reynolds Number Objective 24 3.1.2 Mixed-Unmixed Discharge Constraint 25 3.1.3 Ocean Profile Consideration 25 3.1.4 Experimental Basin Bottom Influence Constraint 25 3.1.5 Scaling Laws 26 27 3.2 Model Design -5- 3.3 Characterization of the Ambient Ocean 36 Chapter IV: THE EXPERIMENTS 4.1 Experimental Layout 36 4.1.1 The Model Basin 36 4.1.2 The Towing Apparatus 36 4.1.3 Discharge and Intake Water Circuits 36 4.1.4 The Stratification System 42 4.1.5 The Temperature Measurement System 43 4.1.6 The Dye Measurement System 45 4.1.7 The Photographs 47 4.2 Experimental Procedures 49 4.2.1 Procedures before and During an Experiment 49 4.2.2 Workup of Flourescent Dye Samples 52 4.2.3 Manipulation of Slide Photographs 53 4.2.4 Accuracy of Temperature Data 53 4.2.5 Temperature Data Manipulations 53 4.3 Experimental Results 4.3.1 Data Summary Chapter V: 30 61 62 4.4 Comment on Jet Reynolds Numbers 65 THE INTEGRAL ANALYSIS 66 5.1 Justification for Use of an Integral Jet Model 66 5.2 Previous Integral Model Studies of Buoyant Jets in a Current 66 5.3 Description of the Hirst Model 68 5.3.1 The Governing Equations 68 5.3.2 The Entrainment Function 72 -6- Page 5.3.3 75 The ZOFE 5.4 Hirst's Verification of His Model 76 5.5 Previous OTEC Related Use of the Hirst Model 77 5.6 Adaptation of Hirst IModel 5.6.1 Jet Interaction 79 5.6.2 Deflection in the ZOFE 94 5.6.3 Starting Length 95 5.6.4 Lateral Spreading of Plume 99 5.7 Hirst Model Simulations of Experimental Conditions Chapter VI: 78 104 5.7.1 Vertical Discharge Experiments 104 5.7.2 Qualification of Comparison for Vertical Discharge Experiments 111 5.8 Horizontal Discharge Experiments 114 5.9 Additional Comments on the Model Equations 115 5.9.1 An Infinite Entrainment Rate? 115 5.9.2 Boundary Layer Assumption Inconsistency 116 ADDITIONAL SIMULATIONS WITH THE INTEGRAL JET MODEL 119 6.1 Introduction 119 6.2 Selection of Base Case Plant and Ocean 119 6.3 Sensitivity to Perturbation from Base Case Conditions 121 6.3.1 Presentation of Results 121 6.3.2 Discussion of Results 126 6.4 Modeling a Separate Condenser Jet 129 6.5 Modeling Experimental Conditions from a Previous Physical Model Study 130 6.6 Future Use of Model for Environmental Assessment 133 -7- Page Chapter VII: 135 RECIRCULATION 7.1 Introduction 135 7.2 Direct Recirculation in Stagnant Water Tests 135 7.3 The Upwash Effect in Vertical Experiments in a current 136 7.4 Recirculation in Tests in a Current 138 Chapter VIII: SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 142 8.1 Summary 142 8.2 Physical Modeling 142 8.2.1 Conditions Modeled 142 8.2.2 Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work 143 8.3 Numerical Modeling 144 8.3.1 Methodology 144 8.3.2 Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work 145 147 References Appendix I: SIMULATIONS OF THE OTEC NODEL DISCHARGE IN THE VERTICAL, Y-Z PLANE, COMPARED TO EXPERIMENT 151 Appendix II:SIMULATIONS OF THE OTEC MODEL DISCHARGE IN THE HORIZONTAL X-Y PLANE, COMPARED TO EXPERIMENT 170 Appendix III: FINAL COPY OF INTEGRAL JET MODEL CODE 207 -8- LIST OF FIGURES Figure No. Page Title 1.1 Examples of Vertical Temperature Profiles for the Tropical Ocean 13 1.2 OTEC Power Cycle 14 2.1 Zones of a Submerged Discharge 20 3.1 Cutaway View of M.I.T. OTEC Model 28 3.2 Photograph of Model and Table of Model Characterization 29 3,3 Coordinate System of Physical Model 3.4 Comparison of Proposed Model and 40 MWe Gibbs & Cox Design 33 3.5 Superimposed Experimental Profile (Scale 1:300) for comparison to Ocean Density Profiles 34 4.1 Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Setup 37 4.2 Schematic of the Towing Apparatus 38 4.3 Blowup Schematic of the Towing Carriage 39 4.4 Photograph of Flow Apparatus and Model Support Frame 41 4.5 Typical Variability Between Basin Density Profiles of Experiments 44 4.6 Flow Chart for the Temperature Data Acquisition System 46 4.7 Cross Sectional Schematic of the Sideview Photographic Apparatus 48 4.8 Typical Side View Cross Sectional Photograph 50 4.9 Typical Overhead Photograph 50 5.1 Natural Coordinate System 71 5.2 Example Aspect Factor Illustration 81 -9- Page 5.3 Aspect Factor Definition Sketch for Two Jet Experiments 87 5.4 Aspect Factor Definition Sketch for Four Jet Experiments 89 5.5 Aspect Factor Definition Sketch for Eight Jet Experiments 91 5.6 Crossflow Ratio Versus Normalized Starting Length 96 5.7 Vertical Pressure Distribution of Water Column When the Plume is at Equilibrium 100 5.8 5.9 S250 (Observed) Versus S250 (Predicted) Versus t250 (Predicted) t250 (bserved) 105 106 250 (Observed) Versus W 2 5 0 (Predicted) 5.10 (Observed) Versus heq (Predicted) 107 108 5.11 h 6.1 Base Case Plant Configuration and AF Sketch 122 7.1 Side View Photograph of Run 4A Illustrating Circular Motion of Upwashed Dye Billows 137 7.2 Annular Intake Structure Showing Positions of Intake Thermistor Probes 139 -10- LIST OF TABLES Table No. Title Page 4.1 Experimental Parameter Schematization 54 4.2 Experimental Parameters (Prototype dimensions except for Re) 56 4.3 Experimental Results 58 4.4 Time-Variant Experimental Results of Non-Steady State Stagnant Experiments 64 5.1.1 Description of Simulations for AF Sensitivity Analysis 82 5.1.2 Statistical Results of AF Sensitivity Simulations 83 5.2 Equivalent Source, No Interaction Compared to Individual Source 85 5.3 Simulation Versus Observation for Vertical Discharge Experiments in a Current 198 5.4 Statistics of Simulation Versus Observation for Vertical Discharge Experiments in a Current 104 5.5 Assessment of Model's Prediction of Geometry in the Y-Z Plane 110 6.1 Base Case-Conditions 120 6.2.1 Description of Simulations (Perturbations from Base Case Conditions) 121 6.2.2 Results of Simulations Described in Table 6.2.1 123 6.3 Simulated Condenser Jets 130 6.4.1 Independent Parameters of Coxe's Single Jet, Horizontal Discharge 131 6.4.2 Simulation Versus Observation for Coxe's Initial Conditions 132 -11- 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Principles of Power Plant Operation Ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) is a proposed energy conversion process that uses the temperature differential between upper and lower ocean strata set up by the sun. Only in tropicalor subtropical waters is this temAnd perature differential large enough for the technology to be considered. even here, the preservation of the surface thermal resource will be critical to profitable plant operation. OTEC is a second order solar technology in that it does not directly utilize the sun's rays but taps the solar radiation captured by the upper ocean. Fig. 1.1 depicts representative vertical temperature profiles for tropical oceans, each exhibiting a characteristic mixed layer of warm water near the surface above a stably stratified density structure. water Since makes around-the-clock an excellent operation of heat OTEC and reservoir, minimizes this permits annual output fluctuations. Heat Fig. 1.2 is a simple illustration of an OTEC closed power cycle. from the warm upper water is used in an evaporator to vaporize a working fluid such as ammonia or freon in a pressurized vessel. expanded through a turbo-generator The vapor is to produce electric power and is subsequently condensed using the cold water sink. The ideal thermodynamic efficiency, E T -T c Th (1 - K -12- 1) T(oC) 100 * / 200 300 , III / 400 - 600 I I z (m) --- Lockheed (Dugger, 1975) Carribean (Fuglister, 1960) ---------w--- Figure 1.1: Florida Straits (Pub. No. 700) Hawaii (Bathen, 1975) Examples of Vertical Temperature Profiles for the Tropical Ocean (From Jirka, et al, 1977). -13- Worm Water Seawater Worm Water Seawater Exhaust Intake 22.8 Liquid Pump Electric Power Low Pressure Ammonio Liquid 100C (50 0 F) Cold Seowater Intake 50C (41 0 F) Cold Seawater Exhaust 7.20C (45 0 F) ' Figure 1.2: OTEC Power Cycle -14- of an OTEC plant is 6 to 8% based on typical temperature differences between the surface and a depth of 500 to 1500 meters of 18 to 240 C. However, net mechanical efficiencies are estimated to be only about 2 to 3%, compared to 30 to 40% for conventional power plants. In order to produce quantities of power comparable to conventional power plants, an OTEC plant must utilize enormous amounts of water to exploit the low grade energy to produce resource. For example, for an OTEC plant 100 MWe at an efficiency of 3% with a realizable temperature difference across the heat engine of 100 C, corresponding to a 200 C ocean temperature difference (Allender et al, 1978), the warm and cold water intake flows would each have to be 500 m3/sec (Fry, 1976). 1.2 External Flow Considerations OTEC plants interact with the ocean environment by withdrawing water through their intake ports and exhausting it through their discharge ports. The external flow field this process generates influences plant performance, as affected by any potential recirculation, and potential environmental impacts, such as nutrient or pollutant transport and ocean temperature modification. Allender, et al (1978) have examined the sensitivity of OTEC power output to a fractional loss in thermal resource. AP They found that: A n P n 1 E(l-a) p (1 - 2) ep where E, the fraction of the total thermal resource that exists across the power cycle, is expected to be about 0.5 and a, the percentage of -15- A thermal resource, parasitic power losses, anywhere from 0.16 to 0.40. e , of 180 C represents the lower bound of practicality. If a 10C 66 p P 0 occurred with an initial 6 of 20 C, the plant would experience a 13% decrease in power output according to equation 1-2 with an a of 0.2. Since the temperature of the deep cold water is expected to remain will occur primarily through change in approximately constant, change in 6 the warm water intake temperature. Because of the enormous flows involved, the warm water intake temperature is not only a function of ambient ocean variability, interactions of potential but between the flow fields generated by the evaporator intake, the plant discharges and the mixed layer depth (Ditmars et al, 1979). The extent of these interactions depends upon a number of factors, including the location of the intake and discharge ports the to relative mixed layer and the vertical separation between them, the ambient ocean currents, the angle of the discharge with respect the to horizontal discharge flow relative to the ambient discharges are always and density thermal resource available buoyancy of structure. colder than the warm water such interactions can only serve to lower it. recirculation. the the Since the intake temperature, This degradation of the to the plant is generally referred to as It may result from some fraction of the discharge volume flux entering the warm water intake directly or from several indirect causes such as recirculation of water entrained by the discharge jets, turbulent mixing of the upper stratified layers (induced by the discharge jets) accompanied by a lowering of the mixed layer temperature or selective withdrawal of the upper thermocline layers by the intake port. -16- Operation of an OTEC plant may not only influence the utilization of the thermal resource, but may also have ecological affects. As discussed briefly below, prevention and control of biofouling on the heat exchangers, introduction the of occurrence deep, of working nutrient-rich water fluid relatively surface will all have environmental impacts. require time-history ccupling of the OTEC plume leaks, and close to the the Study of these phenomena characteristics with appropriate, biological and chemical, kinetic models. Biofouling refers to the growth of organisms whether macroscopic, such as barnacles and mussels, or microscopic, such as slime films, on the heat exchanger surfaces. Bell (1977) found that thick slime layer precipitated a 15 to 25% efficiency. decrease in heat formula control will probably transfer be a infrequent and expensive mechanical scrubbing to remove combination of the growth biofouling The a 50 micrometer and frequent to its and cost cheap chemical effectiveness, to retard it. obvious choice for treatment is the Chlorine, due biocide. The alternatives, chlorine dioxide and bromine are two to ten times more expensive (Sands, 1980). Chlorine however is toxic in trace amounts. Possible isobutane. working Owens fluids include ammonia, freon, propane and (1978) found that ammonia required the least amount of surface area per kilowatt of net power produced of all these fluids. Since the investment heat exchangers (Sands, 1980), working fluid. represent roughly half of the capital ammonia appears to be the logical choice of In the unlikely event of a massive rupture of the heat -17- exchangers, massive amounts of working fluid would be injected into the Ammonia would cause the affected seawater to go strongly environment. basic result and (Walsh, 1980). in massive precipitation of hydroxides metal The depletion of these metals may be detrimental to the local food chain. The subsequent ammonium generated would act as a potent inhibitor, uncoupling light energy during photosynthesis (Walsh, 1980) Introduction of working fluid through continuous small leaks would cause more subtle perturbations of the ambient water chemistry and ecosystem, if any. The OTEC plant will artificially upwell deep, nutrient-rich water. However the discharge plume will generally be directed into the thermocline in order to prevent recirculation and the upwelled nutrients may remain essentially out of the area of primary productivity. The plume may entrain a portion of the surface zooplankton community and relax the grazing stress of the species (Brookhaven, 1981). 1.3 Research Objectives The objective of this study is to examine the external fluid mechanics associated with modular, 10 to 100 MWe, OTEC pilot plant designs, under realistic ocean conditions to facilitate environmental impact and optimization. assessment of pilot plant This will be accomplished through a series of physical model tests and subsequent verification of an integral jet model with the test results. -18- II: PREVIOUS AND PRESENT MODELING EFFORTS 2.1 Background Claude built the first operational OTEC plant in feasibility. However low relatively development. As cost the of lack fossil technology has of sufficient fuels interest in OTEC has resurfaced. technology prevented evolved and 1930 proving its fuel further and the system costs have soared, Consequently, numerical and physical modeling studies have been undertaken to assess OTEC feasibility and to evaluate how proposed power plant designs behave within the ocean environment. 2.2 Description of Previous Studies Most studies pertain to specific zones of A the external flow. submerged discharge can be divided into three such zones (Fig. 2.1), with gradual transition between zones. In the near field zone, the jet dynamics are governed by the buoyancy and momentum of the jet, the ambient current and stratification, and any interaction with the OTEC plant structure, the evaporator intake, the free surface or the ocean floor (in the case of a shore-based or shelf-mounted plant). In the intermediate zone, the jet has arrived at an equilibrium elevation and exhibits lateral spreading due to buoyant forces. Jet momentum effects are relatively insignificant. In the far-field zone, only ambient turbulence is left to diffuse the plume. The following studies pertain to near field phenomena. Several investigators (Lockheed, 1975; -19- Fry, 1976; Giannotti, 1977; CI Intermediate-field zone Figure 2.1: Zones of submerged discharge. Ditmars et al, 1979) have used integral techniques to analyze the behavior of individual buoyant jets representing evaporator and/or condenser flows floating OTEC plant from a discharging environment. However proposed OTEC into a stratified site-specific data (Sands, indicates that significant currents will be experienced. Mangarella 1980) Van Dusen and (1974) performed a similar analysis except relatively strong currents were studied. the stagnant Straits Florida, of Massachusetts. Their investigation was essentially only germane to While the these site studied investigations by used the University of established modeling techniques none of the results were verified against experimental data pertaining to an OTEC application. None explored the possibility of a multiple port discharge and subsequent jet interaction. Several investigators (Sundaram et al, 1977; Jirka et al, 1977; Adams et al, 1979; Coxe et al, 1980) have performed physical model studies that examine possible interaction between the intake and discharge. explored a highly schematic plant configuration with a Sundaram two-layered Jirka explored a similar ambient stratification and realistic currents. environment with a more realistic plant. Adams and Coxe incorporated a realistic range of stratification into their experiments as well as a realistic plant and range of currents. However all these investigations focussed on horizontal discharges. The type of recirculation observed by Adams and Coxe is significantly different from the type observed in this study. In addition, Adams and Coxe considered plants in the 100 to 600 MWe range; these plants are much larger than anticipated pilot plants. Paddock et al (1981) recently analyzed field measurements associated with the mixed discharge plume of the one MWe, OTEC-1 facility -21- Dye measurements were compared with analytical model off of Hawaii. The model included an prediction. integral analysis in the near-field and a dimensional analysis after Jirka et al (1980) to analyze lateral spreading in field. the intermediate The analysis cannot be easily extended to predict pilot plant plume behavior due to the limited data which were collected and uncontrolled environment. the uncertainty of an in measurement In addition, the flow of the OTEC-1 facility is an order of magnitude less than that of the smallest proposed pilot plant. 2.3 Description of Present Study The optimal OTEC plant size in terms of cost effectiveness has been estimated exception studies with the aforementioned plants of this order of magnitude. 100 MWe (Gibbs and Cox, to be in the range of 400 MWe pilot plants commercialilzation. will of Paddock 1979). (1981), The address However the deployment of many 10 to undoubtedly precede large-scale Sands (1980) projects that a total of ten modular, 10 to 100 MWe pilot plants will be operational by 1995 off Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Possible plant types include land-based, shelf-mounted, asymmetric ship and floating, deep water, spar buoy design. At least some of these plants will probably fall into the last category with one or two discharge ports per module. to be about 10 MWe. The size of a module is anticipated It is also likely that some of the plants will have vertically directed discharges (Scott, 1979). The fluid dynamics of these pilot plants will differ from those previously orientation. studied due to different plant size and discharge This eliminates the possibility of directly extrapolating -22- the results plants. In from the studies light of this, of we the larger plants have examined to include pilot experimentally and mathematically the near field external fluid mechanics of 10 to 100 MWe, modular pilot plants discharging both horizontally and vertically into deep water. This work represents the first experimental study of OTEC pilot plants. -23- THE PHYSICAL MODEL III. Modeling Considerations and Scaling Laws 3.1 To retain dynamic similitude between the prototype and the model, undistorted densimetric Froude scaling was used, which preserves the ratio of buoyancy and momentum forces. Both the momemtum and the buoyancy of the discharge determine the external flow field surrounding an OTEC plant and is to be considered valid. both must be represented if a model The selection of a model to prototype length scale, Lr ,must satisfy several Reynold's numbers large enough to Obtaining jet competing objectives. insure turbulent flow dictates a large scale ratio as does measurement resolution. Modeling large ocean depths dictates a small scale ratio. In addition, the experimental facilities impose certain physical constraints. The following discussion addresses these length scale considerations. 3.1.1 Jet Reynolds Number Objective 2u b 0 R e The v u = discharge velocity b = port radius v = kinematic viscosity jet Reynolds number must fully where turbulent jet exceed a minimum value flow needed for model-prototype to maintain the similarity. The minimum value is generally accepted to be 1500 (Ungate, 1975). However the transition from turbulent to laminar flow is gradual and this value is somewhat arbitrary. For a given plant size, this objective is -24- increasingly difficult to meet for low discharge velocities. Mixed-Unmixed Discharge Constraint 3.1.2 The flow system currently available to our experimental basin only allows the discharge of a single temperature water thus preventing us from modeling separate evaporator and condenser discharges. Therefore we can only model mixed discharges (combined warm and cold water flows) or warm water discharge flow. It is therefore assumed that the warm and cold water discharge flow fields, when discharged separately, are independent of each other. Ocean Profile Consideration 3.1.3 The reasonable ocean density profiles ability to produce in the experimental basin with fresh water at a length scale ratio of 1:300 has been demonstrated by previous work (Adams et al, 1979; Coxe et al, 1980). The 1:300 ocean density profile has been shown to be reasonably stable over the duration of an experiment (see section 4.1.4). As L r decreases, the relative perturbation to the temperature profile due to surface cooling increases which would contribute to a general decrease of the stability of the ocean density profile over the duration of an experiment. Therefore to avoid further experimentation, it would be advantageous and convenient to work with an L r 3.1.4 of 1:300. Experimental Basin Bottom Influence Constraint At a scale ratio of 1:300, the experimental basin has a prototype depth of 174 meters, much less than required for OTEC operation. -25- Therefore the success of our simulations depends on the absence of significant This consideration was most constraining to the basin floor influences. case of vertically directed discharges in stagnant water. An investigation of available data (Fry,1980) suggested that bottom basin interference could be avoided for vertical flows corresponding to 10 to 100 MWe and a length scale ratio of 1:300 if the proper combination of discharge depth, ambient current velocity, port size and number of ports was maintained. The investigation also indicated that a length scale ratio of 1:400 severely limits examination of low velocity discharges and low power criteria. (MWe) plants because of the Reynold's number For example, at an L r of 1:300, R is approximately 2000 for e an evaporator discharge from a 10 MWe plant with a b of 1:400, Re is approximately o of 3.1m. At an L r 1400 for the same plant, if the same similarity conditions are preserved. In fact, under the same similarity conditions, only about one third of our experiments would have had an Re greater than 3.1.5 1500 for an L r of 1:400. Scaling Laws Due to the considerations described above, a length scale ratio of 1:300 was chosen. This was a convenient choice since previous studies (Adams et al, 1979; Coxe et al, 1980) had proven the viability of modeling OTEC plants in the basin at this L . r The densimetric Froude number is defined as: IF = u(g A-- h) where u,h , p and Ap density difference. rp a characteristic velocity, length, density and If the ratio of a characteristic quantity between the -26- model and protype is designated with subscript r, and if AO is assumed r equal to one, then equality of densimetric Froude number protype implies the following conditions for the ratios in model and of velocity, time and flow rate at an undistributed length scale of 1:300: u r t r = L 1/2 = 0.058 r = L 1/2 = 0.058 r Qr = L 5/2 -7 /2 = 6.4 x 10 3.2 Model Design The designs considered in be modeled as horizontally intake this study are limited to those which can columns, discharging vertically symmetrical vertical from round, (see Fig. 3.1). multiple ports, Designs with two, with an annular or eight four or warm water evenly spaced ports located at a single radius from the plant axis were investigated It Fig. 3.2 shows a photograph of the model. model used by Coxe et al are designed (1980) in several ways. differs The discharge ports instead to discharge vertically downward, from the of horizontally. However horizontal discharge was achieved by fitting 900 elbows into the ports. The cold water pipe is now included in possible interaction between it and the model so as to study a vertical discharge. The Coxe model could discharge from a radial or annular port, as well as from discrete ports, whereas the present model can only discharge from discrete ports. -27- DISCHARGE LINES Figure 3.1: Cutaway View of M.I.T. OTEC Model (shown for vertical discharge; for horizontal discharge, 90 elbows were attached to each discharge line and were directed radially outward) -28- 4 1 EXPERIMENTAL MODEL (1:300), RANGE OF PARAMETER VARIATION Qi (m3/s) hi(m) 100-400 4.0 Qo (m3/s) 100-400 u (m/s) 0.8-3.9 b (m) 2.8-3.1 hd(m) 39-43 01(o) 0, +45 +90 02( 0) 0 and J 90 2,4,8 r (m) 23 4.1 r (m) c 38-57 u.(m/sec) -H (m) Notes: 38-57 u = discharge velocity b = port radius o r o r u o c = plant radius = cold water pipe radius co = ambient current velocity Figure 3 .2: Photograph of Model and Table of Model Characterization A 3.3 Characterization of the Ambient Ocean Figure 3.5 (Miller, 1977) shows ocean density profiles for several Underneath a well-mixed layer near the surface lies tropical locations. a thermocline, where temperature drops rapidly accounting for a strong density gradient. important The stable density structure in the thermocline is an inhibitor to momentum vertical and heat transfer, and therefore, is an important consideration in the study of OTEC external fluid mechanics. As shown in Fig. 3.5, this study considers realistic continuous density profiles which are comparable to actual ocean density profiles. Although each density profile produced in the laboratory is different in detail, they are characterized by their values of H and Apa* H is the mixed layer depth, defined as the depth where the ambient temperature differs from is the density difference between the surface temperature by 1C. Apa the surface and 165 meters, far enough above the basin bottom to avoid any potential thermal boundary layer. As reported by Sands the most (1980), frequently observed mixed layer depths in Puerto Rico and Hawaii are 68 and 66m respectively. As shown in Fig. 3.2, monthly average is less than 40m. examines a slightly conservative (ie shallow) range No this study of mixed layer depths. In addition modeled. to density stratification, ocean currents were also Monthly mean surface currents, u., range from 11 to 37 cm/sec. in Hawaii and Puerto Rico As shown in Fig. 3.2, this study examines a realistic range of currents. -30- As previously mentioned, two discharge configurations are considered in this study. For a horizontal discharge, the vertical angle e2 between the horizontal plane and the direction of discharge, equals 0O 3.3). (see Fig. The horizontal angle 61, measured from the axis normal to the current toward the direction of the current (see Fig. 3.3), may vary from -900 for a counterflowing jet to +900 for a co-flowing jet. discharge, 62 = 900 while 61 is undefined. For a vertical The orientations of the vertical port arrays for tests with 2.4 and 8 jets are shown in Figs. 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5. The table in Fig. 3.2 lists the parameters used to characterize the OTEC plant and the ranges corresponding to their variations in the model tests. The evaporator intake flow, Qi, which enters the model through a radial configuration of circular port holes, is located at a depth hi below the surface. The condenser intake is not modeled. The discharge flow, Qo' is exhausted through a total of J ports, at a depth h d . flow is mixed, Qo = 2Qi.. hen the discharge When it is non-mixed (referred to from here on as an evaporator discharge), Qo = Q.. Fig. 3.4 shows the Gibbs and Cox (Scott, 1979) 40 MNe spar OTEC plant against the outline of our experimental model. discharge are shown at experiments were run. the depths at which The model's intake and the vertical discharge The horizontal experimental discharge was a few meters deeper (see Table 4.2). The separation between the intake and discharge in the model is less than half of the separation in the Gibbs and Cox design. To some degree, this was necessary to avoid interaction with the basin bottom; however, it also allowed us to explore conditions under which recirculation was most likely to occur. -31- 01 O Y/ Figure 3.3: Coordinate System of Physical Model :rodel Intake Prototyp - Intake A A -- 'rotot' pe 1)ischarge Model O S.... Discharge 5 , . .- O 0a . - 115 • Figure 3.4 ; _._....._ " Mode! 30m. rn.Prototype Section A-A Comparison of Proposed ,Model and 40 M1:e Gibbs 6 Cox Design -33- 1:crr. 6 5 241 3 0_ D / / I I J D 1 200- IT/ 200 I *II r / 8/ I / i: 6: DENSITY 3: Figure 3.5: I I S. Atlantic-Brazil I2 If'S, 30002'W1 Rico Puerto iss.-la. 'WI 04'%, 64 1 0 ()'R 8 2 '\ [8 Superimposed Experimental Profile (Scale 1:3007',) for Comparisonh to Ocean Density Profiles -34- [Miller, 1977]. The currents in our model are simulated by towing the model OTEC plant through a temperature-stratified basin. Thus, prototype conditions are modeled with a uniform ambient current and a horizontally uniform, vertically stratified environment. -35- THE EXPERIMENTS IV. Experimental Layout 4.1 4.1.1 The Model Basin The experiments were conducted in a 12.2 m x 18.3 m x 0.58 m basin located on the first floor of the Ralph M. Parsons laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics at M.I.T. are insultated to minimize heat The floor and sides of the basin loss to the surroundings. Figure 4.1 presents a general layout of the basin showing the experimental setup for the tests performed in a current. The Towing Apparatus 4.1.2 The towing apparatus is presented schematically in Figs. 4.2 and 4.3. A continuous belt, driven by a reversible 3 horsepower varispeed motor, pulls the towing carriage across the basin. guides the belt, carriage. forming a closed The model intake An overhead support rail loop with each side of the towing and discharge hoses, attached to trolley wheels in the overhead support rail, are pulled by the towing carriage as it crosses the basin. Figure 4.3 shows the OTEC model located in stage no. 1 of the towing carriage with data acquisition equipment located on stages 2 and 3. 4.1.3 The Discharge and Intake Water Circuits The intake and discharge water flow circuits for the stratified current tests are schematically illustrated in Fig. 4.1. -36- K !-8 3m (60') 12 2m (40') To Drain Window U Filter 0 Roto Meter H Head Tank 8 Control Valve M Manifold * Pulley + Profile Probe Stations Figure 4.1: Schematic Diagram of the Experimental Setup Guide Pulley , To/From Pumps*Drive Pulley ---Motor , -- Guide Track V Towing Carriage Figure 4.2: OTEI Schematic of the Towing Apparatus Counterweight Liftracks Peristaltic Sample Pump /Mntnr Solenoid Valves Stage no 3 __ _ Apparatus Support Frame Sample Troy IFrame / i S/Supports __ /Woz -= Z- "- . • /7 " I . j_ Stage no 2 Sampling Pr0ote Support Frame (Vorable Height' Metal Coaster - - Wheels Stage no I Model Support Frame \/ Figure 4.3: Blow Up Schematic of the Towing Carriage -39- To simulate temperature steady of the state discharge operation of an flow must be kept OTEC plant, constant. the This is accomplished by mixing cold tap water with hot water that has passed through a steam heat exchanger. A mixing valve adjusts the relative flow of hot and cold water to achieve the desired temperature. The water flows through the mixing valve to a constant head tank which provides a constant pressure to the discharge flow and helps to damp out short term temperature fluctuations. The water is filter, where it pumped from the head tank into a diatomaceous earth is purified for photographic purposes. Rhodamine B, a flourescent dye, is introduced into the water with a peristaltic pump as it leaves the filter. Then the water passes through a rotameter and control valve to the discharge hose. The discharge hose carries the water to a flow manifold located on stage no. 3 of the towing carriage. The manifold distributes the water through eight valves. Hoses connected to each valve lead to copper tubes in the upper portion of the model. The flow passes through these copper tubes and out to the discharge ports. The discharge temperature is monitored in the flow lines near the model and before it enters the discharge hose. Figure 4.4 is a photograph of the flow apparatus showing the constant head tank, the filter, the rotameters, the intake and discharge hoses and the towing carriage. The intake circuit, driven by a pump, withdraws water from the basin through the perforations in the annulus at the top of the model (see figure 3.1). The water flows through the intake hose, is measured by a rotameter and controlled by a valve, before it is fed to a drain. -40- 4-. Figure 4.4: Photograph of Flow Apparatus and Model Support Frame It should be noted that for a mixed discharge flow configuration a net flow was introduced into the basin. No effort was made to adjust the water level to account for this effect. 4.1.4 The Stratification System The basin is filled with water of different temperatures, all of which passes through the filter for photographic purposes. Initially the takes basin is filled partway approximately two hours. with Then, cold city hot water water, which from the mixing valve is bypassed through a hose network to a radial manifold located on a float in the center of the basin, providing an even distribution of the hot water over the cold water surface and minimizing mixing of the cold and hot water. The period, diffusion hot water fill takes takes place between 17 to 20 hours. the warm and resulting in a smooth temperature profile. During this the cold water Once the filling is over, surface cooling mixes the upper layers thereby lowering the mixed layer temperature. water The density difference between the entering hot and is designed to be greater than the one desired, Apa. cold Thus a cooling period of one to four hours follows the fill and precedes an experiment. Coxe et al, (1980) reported on the spatial and temporal variability of typical temperature profiles obtained with this filling procedure. found that constant temperature profiles throughout at any given time. (The average They the basin were essentially standard deviation of temperature was about 0.10 C with a maximum of 0.25*C occurring at the thermocline.) Temporally, for a typical experiment lasting 30 minutes, -42- the maximum change surface and was in temperature occurred near the about 0.50 C. These profiles Figure 4.5 shows typical basin density profiles. display the range of variability that can be expected with the filling procedure. The Temperature Measurement System 4.1.5 Temperature thermilinear, series 700, 0.05 0 C). repeatability made measurements were thermistor probes to monitor the discharge into the perforations of temperature. the temperature and fluctuation. (time constant = Inc., 1 sec, the discharge Four probes were lowered to intake annular Springs stationed in Two probes were hose Yellow using monitor intake Three probes were fixed on stage no. 1 at an elevation that would immerse them in the mixed layer of the filled basin. These probes thus travelled with the model but were located in areas that the discharge plume should of indication ambient temperature among temperature variance not perturb. (characterized by variability readings) in They provided an the mixed layer, which was compared to the variance of recorded intake temperatures. arrays of ten stationary probes, designated as located in the two far corners of the basin. the ambient temperature profile and the profile Two vertical probes, were They were used to measure its variability at various times during the experiment. The (1980), data acquisition system, designed consists of the following components: -43- originally by McCaffrey "104 10 '':/'m 3 20 30 I) Run 16 60 - Run 6 12() I 1(m) Ipt Figure 4.5: Typical Variability Between Density Profiles of Experiment -44- Basin A) General purpose computer; MITS, Altair, 8800B. B) Disk storage units; MITS, Altair, 99DCDD. C) Display terminal; Lear Siegler ADM-3A. D) Data scanner; ADDS YModel 012130. Fig. 4.6 shows a flow chart for these components as integrated into a 300 channel per second thermal data acquisition system. Temperature information from the YSI 700 thermistor is scanned by the reed relay which connects the temperature probe output to a YSI thermivolt signal conditioner, which is scaled to produce signals which are directly convertible linear DC analog millivolt to temperature readings in °C. After a prescribed number of scans, the digitized scaled analog voltages for each individual probe are averaged and the average temperatures and computed variances are sent to the display screen. During a typical experiment approximately 600 temperature readings were made using this system. 4.1.6 The Dye Measurement System Flourescent dye direct recirculation (Rhodamine B) measurements were used to determine and downstream dilutions. Sample dye concentrations were measured with a Turner Model IV fluorometer allowing a threshold detection of 1 part per billion (ppb). Experiments could be run with discharge concentrations of as much as 50,000 ppb and basin background concentrations of less than 30 ppb. A dye concentration of 10 ppb above background concentration was distinguishable and it was estimated that measurement of direct recirculation down to 10 ppb/50,000 ppb = 0.0002 or 0.02% was possible (Coxe et al, 1980). -45- I E L-J S E C D A N N eF I I Cormputer Digital 9o ter ,R SConditioner R Figure 4.6: Scan Interval Digital Real Time Clock Time Data Flow Chart for the Temperature Data Acquisition System Three types of dye samples were taken during an experiment using the sampling apparatus shown schematically on stage no. 3 of the towing carriage in Fig. A 4.3. peristaltic pump delivered a steady Two sample simultaneous flow from four sample points to a bottle rack. probes attached to stage no. 2 of the towing carriage and located at the same elevation were positioned 1.5m (450m prototype) and O.8n prototype) behind the OTEC model to measure field dilution. (250m Two more samples were taken, one each from the intake and discharge flow lines, and were used to measure direct recirculation. The field probes were steered into the center of the plume by adjusting the elevation of stage no. 2 from a switch panel located next to the computer. Stage no. 2 was supported by two motorized vertically traversing lift racks. The sample flow and bottle rack were also controlled from the switch panel. 4.1.7 The Photographs Injection of fluorescent dye into the discharge water also served to tag the discharge photographs of plume for photographic purposes. the power plant wake and Both overhead side view photographs of a cross-sectional plane along the axis of the model were taken. Figure 4.7 illustrates the apparatus used to take the side view pictures. A spotlight emits a horizontal slit of light above the water surface. A long, narrow mirror attached to the towing carriage deflects the light slit downward to illuminate a vertical plane, approximately 50cm wide x 60cm high, along the axis of the model, parallel to the direction of current. A water tight box uses mirrors to reflect the field of vision of -47- Adjustable Mirror Spotlight Su pport 00 35 mm Camera 1000 Towing Carriage Mirror Water Tight Photo Sub Watt Light Beam\ Light Shutter Spotlight _ Plane of Light Optic Light So urce Figure 4.7: Fiber Pole T""lJBasin ondow Floor Weld Adjustable Mirror Vision Cross Sectional Schematic of the Side View Photographic Apparatus a 35 mmcamera through a front submerged model. glass window at the elevation of the As the towing carriage moves past the photo station, pictures are taken of the 50cm x 60cm plane illuminated by the spotlight. On the average, 5 such pictures were needed to capture the flow field perturbations extending to 1.5m (450m prototype) downstream of the model. Figure 4.8 shows a cross section photographed as the model moved by the field of vision. The water used to fill the basin was filtered to provide adequate clarity. In order to measure quantitatively the position and thickness of the spreading layer, marker poles containing fiber optic strands were mounted along the mirror attached to the towing carriage, providing a reference grid. Overhead pictures were taken from a balcony basin. located next to the A grid of black crosses painted on the basin floor provided a reference grid. Figure 4.9 is an overhead photograph taken during an experiment. 4.2 4.2.1 Experimental Procedures Procedures Before and During an Experiment Once the basin had been filled, DEMO, a computer program written in BASIC (all the programs mentioned below are also in BASIC), was used to scan and print out the thermistor probe readings on the display terminal, which permitted continuous monitoring of changes in the temperature profile and the density difference between the upper and lower layers. Twenty minutes before the start of an experiment, the water for the -49- Figure 4.8: Typical Side View Cross-sectional Photograph . Figure 4.9: Typical Overhead Photograph -5^.- discharge flow was turned on, injected with fluorescent dye and run This allowed for through a bypass loop and rotameter at 45 gal/min. fine adjustment and stabilization of the discharge temperature and dye concentration and purged the main sections of the discharge and intake lines of air. The intake and profile probes were placed in the upper 3cm of the water column for calibration. They and the 3 surface probes attached to stage no. 1 were calibrated by the program CAL against the temperature 0 of the mixed layer as ascertained by a mercury thermometer to +0.05 C. After calibration, the profile probe the intake probes arrays were positioned were placed inside the the for intake experiment and structure. At the end of an experiment, the program DISCAL calibrated the discharge thermistors the against temperature discharge as ascertained by a mercury thermometer. When the proper density difference, experiment began. Ap_, had been reached, the The dyed discharge flow was routed through the model, the intake circuit was activated and the varispeed turned on and adjusted to the proper tow speed. when the wake was judged to be in steady towing motor was Temperature scans began state. The program OTEC collected a prescribed number of scans, designated as n, calibrated the readings by calling CAL and displayed the average and the variance of the readings of the n scans for each thermistor probe on the display terminal. A photograph was taken of this result. Typically n= 15. Since one tow of the model across the basin significantly disrupted the stratification, an experiment could only last one complete end to end tow. This was enough time to investigate two different tow speeds. -51- Each tow speed was given a run letter. Thus experiment 5 consisted of runs 5a and 5b. Three to five sets of four dye samples were taken during each run. As the model passed the photo-station, the photographer told the switch panel operator in which direction to move stage no. 2 in order to place the sampling probe in the center of the plume. Overhead pictures of the wake and side view pictures of discharge jets and flow field were taken during each run. photo-stations were used when an experiment was run in a current. the Two In the stagnant experiments, the model was positioned in the center of the basin at the start of an experiment so that the length of time before wall effects became important could be maximized. One photo-station was directed at the model while the other was directed at the mirror 1.5m (450m prototype) from the model. 4.2.2 Workup of Flourescent Dye Samples Fluorescent dye samples taken from the intake line, discharge line and flow field were flourometer. diluted as necessary for analysis with a Concentrations were determined from a calibration curve. These measurements were used to determine direct recirculation defined as intake concentration/discharge concentration and centerline dilutions at 250m and 450m (prototype) directly behind the power plant; dilution was defined as the discharge concentration/maximum concentration of the field samples. -52- 4.2.3 Manipulation of Slide Photographs A photo-enlarger was used to trace the visible dye boundaries, as The side view slides were seen in the slide photographs, onto paper. pieced together so that into one tracing. the complete set of Appendix I shows slides the complete could be combined set of side view tracings and compares them with computer simulation (see Section 5.7). For the overhead pictures, parallax error was corrected by tracing the wake and the reference grid of black crosses and then reconstructing an undistorted representation of the picture. Appendix II indicates the width of the wake at 250m prototype as ascertained by this procedure and compares it with computer sinulation (see Section 5.7). 4.2.4 Accuracy of Temperature Data The horizontal uniformity of the upper layer of the water column is about ±0.15°C. Since the probes were located at three distant locations in the basin, the three sets (i.e. the two profile arrays and the intake calibrated probes) were against three Thus the overall accuracy of the probes, locally measured temperatures. reflecting the accuracy of the mercury theremometer and the repeatability of the individual probes, was about 0.1 0 C. 4.2.5 Temperature Data Manipulations Tables 4.2 and 4.3 temperatures, list the characteristic discharge and intake the mean intake temperature -53- depression and the average Table 4.1: RUN # Net Power (MWe) Experimental Parameter Schematization TYPE OF DISCHARGE DICAG M/E 61 0 CURRENT SPEED um S/I/H 1 1A 40 M 8 90 I lB 40 M 8 90 H 2A 80 E 8 I 2B 80 E 8 90 90 3A 40 E 8 90 I 3B 40 E 8 90 H 4A 20 M 8 I 4B 20 M 8 90 90 5A 20 M 4 90 I 5B 20 M 4 H 6A 40 M 4 90 90 6B 40 M 4 90 H 7A 80 E 4 90 I 7B 80 E 4 90 H 8A 40 E 4 90 I 8B 40 E 4 90 H 9 40 E 4 90 S 10 40 M 4 90 S 11A 20 M 2 90 I 11B 20 M 2 H 12A 40 E 2 12B 40 E 2 13A 80 E 8 0±45±90 90 90 90 0 13B 80 E 8 0±45±90 0 H 14A 40 M 8 0±45±90 0 I 14B 40 M 8 0±45±90 H 15A 40 E 8 0±45±90 0 0 15B 40 E 8 0±45±90 H 16A 20 M 8 0±45±90 0 0 16B 20 M 8 0±45±90 0 I -54- H H I I H I I H Table 4.1 RUN # 17 (Continued) TYPE OF DISCHARGE CURRENT Net Power (MWe) M/E 40 E 8 0±45±90 0 0±90 0 0 J , J SPEED u 0 S/I/H 1 02 18 40 E 4 19A 80 E 4 0±90 19B 80 E 4 0 ±90 20A 40 E 4 0±90 0 0 20B 40 E 4 0-+90 21A 40 M 4 0±90 0 0 21B 40 M 4 0±90 22 40 M 4 0±90 23A 40 E 4 +450 23B 40 E 4 +450 0 0 0 Notes) Type of discharge: Current speed: M = mixed; E = evaporator; J = number of jets. S = stagnant; I = intermediate; H = high. -55- Experimental Parameters (Prototype dimensions except for]Ree ) Table 4.2: OCEAN PLANT I Qi (m/se3 (a /sec) - 4 41 Qo - (m/sec) ----- ~b 1 hi (m /sec) (m/sec) (m) (m) I hd (m) -I T'o 4 II o del) (Model) (oc) Apx10 H 4 .' U, T'a(z hi) Ta (z =hd (g/cm (m) (m/sec) (0C) (oC) 3) 1A 200 400 1.67 3.1 4 17.8 7.4+ 1531 24.3 54 0.28 25.2 25.1 1B 200 400 1.67 3.1 4 16.5 7.4+ 1443 23.7 2A 400 400 1.67 3.1 4 22.2 12.44+ 1993 24.3 57 45 0.51 0.28 25.2 25.2 25.1 24.8 2B 400 400 1.67 3.1 4 22.8 14.6+ 2052 23.8 51 0.51 25.2 25.0 3A 200 200 0.83 3.1 4 22.8 1027 24.0 0.28 25.0 24.7 3B 200 200 0.83 3.1 4 22.8 7.5+ 1026 23.8 50 56 0.51 25.0 24.8 S4A 100 200 0.83 3.1 4 17.2 3.8+ 778 24.2 49 0.28 25.3 25.1 S4B 100 200 1.67 3.1 4 17.2 3.8+ 780 24.1 50 0.51 25.3 25.' 5A 100 200 1.67 3.1 4 17.2 6.3+ 1629 24.0 48 0.28 25.3 25.1 5B 100 200 3.35 3.1 4 17.2 6.34 1634 23.9 51 0.51 25.3 25.2 6A 200 400 3.35 3.1 4 17.2 12.6+ 2893 24.7 50 0.28 25.7 6B 200 400 3.35 3.1 4 17.2 12.6+ 3256 24.8 49 0.51 25.8 25.9 7A 400 400 3.35 3.1 4 23.6 31.2+ 4180 24.3 39 0.28 25.3 24.4 7B 400 400 1.67 3.1 4 23.6 30.84+ 4180 25.2 50 0.51 25.4 25.2 8A 200 200 1.67 3.1 4 22.S 10.8+ 2056 24.6 50 0.28 25.4 25.4 8B 200 200 1.67 3.1 4 23.3 12.0+ 2067 24.2 54 0.51 25.3 25.3 9 200* 200 1.67 3.1 4 22.5* 8.7+ 2513* 22.9* 38* 0.00 24.6* 24.1 10 200 200 3.35 3.1 4 17.2f 9.7+ 3537* 21.4* 53* 0.00 24.1* 24.1 11A 100 200 3.35 3.1 4 17.0 10.6+ 3521 23.78 48 0.28 25.3 25.3 11B 100 200 3.35 3.1 4 17.1 10.8+ 3546 23.51 48 0.51 25.3 25.3 12A 200 200 3.35 3.1 4 23.6 21.9+ 4461 24.87 48 0.28 25.5 ,,, 25.7 ----- 25.4i i Experimental Parameters (Prototype dimensions except for P) Table 4.2: OCEAN PLANT I U Qo Qi u o b hi hd (m) o0 Ao x104 H (Model) (g/cm 3) (m) 1R e IF o u (m/sec) I I I RI I I1 bT T'a (z-h i ) T'(z =hD) (oc) (m3/sec) (m3/sec) (m/sec) (m) (m) 12B 200 200 3.35 3.1 4 23.6 21.9+ 4466 24.87 48 0.51 25.5 25.4 13A 400 400 1.96 2.9 4 19.8 7.4+ 2259 23.13 48 0.28 25.5 25.3 13B 400 400 1.96 2.9 4 21.1 7.7+ 2278 23.85 48 0.51 25.5 24.7 14A 200 400 1.96 1.9 4 18.3 6.0+ 2175 23.45 54 0.28 24.5 24.4 14B 200 400 1.96 2.9 4 18.3 6.0+ 2175 23.45 54 0.51 24.5 24.4 n 15A 200 200 0.98 2.9 4 16.0+ 1345 44 0.28 15B 200 200 0.98 2.9 4 17.0 16.0+ 1345 23.68 43 0.51 25.3 24.2 16A 100 200 0.98 2.9 4 19.4 3.7+ 1223 20.22 54 0.51 23.6 23.5 16B 100 200 0.98 2.9 4 29.4 3.9+ 1227 20.07 55 0.28 23.6 23.5 17 200 200 0.98 2.9 4 23.2* 7.2+ 1330* 22.9* 54* 0.00 24.6* 24.5* 18 200 200 1.93 2.9 4 23.3* 16.0+ 2837* 22.5* 44* 0.00 24.9* 23.6* 19A 400 400 3.88 2.9 5 22.3 21.3+ 5400 23.14 54 0.28 24.4 24.1 19B 400 400 3.88 2.9 5 23.3 20.84 5468 23.06 52 0.51 24.4 24.1 20A 200 200 1.93 2.9 5 22.5 13.84, 2757 20.9 54 0.28 24.2 24.0 20B 200 200 1.93 2.9 5 22.5 13.8+ 2757 20.8 54 0.51 24.2 23.7 21A 200 400 3.88 3.9 5 18.3 12.8- 5143 22.3 48 0.28 24.4 23.9 21B 200 400 3.88 2.9 5 28.5 13.24 5205 22.3 45 0.51 24.4 23.5 22 200 400 3.88 2.9 5 17.2* 10.7+ 5343* 24.5* 48* 0.00 25.4* 25.4 23A 200 200 1.93 2.9 5 22.8 12.6+ 3040 23.6 52 0.28 25.3 25.0 23B 200 200 1.93 2.9 5 22.9 14.8+ 3040 23.3 52 0.51 25.3 25.0 I _______________ (OC) I ____________________________________________ I-___________ 1 4 __________-I ________________ " 4 " under IF indicates directioL of plume buoyancy Note: "*" connotes time averaged value. "--" signifies that the data does not exist (o0C) OT '0 1600 0'0 0'o C0'0 flzoa0 Z0O0 TO'0 T0'0 TO'0 69'T OL 'T 89'T 00 TO '0 0 69' T *Z9*T TO 0 TWOr TO '0 0 0 TO'0 170*0 90 00 fl ncO*O 9010 n 0'0 90'0- 9L 'T L'1 L '6T- - L'O L '0 9 T T,.I Lk 4 - 69T ZL'T 9'T V'N 'V'N I - I OO T6 I 8 ZT UZTC 8 " ZT 69 £6 9L TOZT T'ZT ZL L*O '0 1*0 y*O ZOO COOO 6'T 'V'N 'V'N 'V'N SOZ 900 0*T TOO 'V'N 'V'N IV 6N 'V'N *V'N L'0 ci~' .~z0 dV I S 9AO 8 'OT T8 00£ VZT UTT VS L '8 T9 08 16 T 'OT 98 09£ V/OT OL VL V9 V91 69 Z17 0&T OOC 0'S LL 005 C 6 '7L 69 00£ 08 5 S fvv V9 $19 ZL OL 00£ 00£ 69 0.ZT OOT S; i) 05;T OOC 01 TL 0'Z (ul (M) be (M) 05;z I VC E*6 OL 9T SL 18 06 1$OTxO I VTT vs 081 89 Z'6 00£ 'N 'V'N ''N ''N -V'N 6'6TC 06T- LL' T LL 'T I0TXN 4 OT 6 'V'N VWN *V'N ST L'0 9'0 QCN *TO 69T 90'0Colo- $1'L - LS IT TOO L8'T (Ta3aS) I ' .4 OOC: 'V'N *V'N OWN 1T 69 6*0 89'T 0&$1 COO 69'T OOOZ- 0£ '0 T 0T 8'6TT'0 S1'0- C 06T- Z0 '0 TO'0 ZO'0 $18 8'1: 89'T 0'0 170*0 0 0 £0'0 ZO'0 nso'o flzoO* 8L'T: TO'0- u6Z'0 'V7'N 901 T'OZ- *8 16T- ~'9 cL'T Q fso - ZO'0 0 $10'0 0'0 0'0 C0'0 TO '0 £0 '0 00 Z0'0 00 0 '0 TOO0 6' - 1O'0 0'0 TO 0 C0'0 T00 TO'0 17T'0 90'0- f60'0 (Z 00) TO'0 (O) xVni~TQ (M) OSZ3 VT N -' t RUN S P I D h 250 "250 (m) (m) eq (m) Y s (m) I 1 °250 rv 'I D P P x104 Ap (g cm Nxl02 (sec- 1 ) 3) ATi T (Oc) i T 1r 2 ci o.1 I 2 2 0 MAX a (oC 2 ) (Oc2) (Oc2 13A 13.7 36 844 51 126 N.D. 2.8 -12.5 1.59 -0.04 0.04 0.08U 0.01 13B 11.0 61 543 51 76 N.D. 2.6 -11.5 1.57 -0.18 0.09 0 . 16 U 0.02 14A 8.9 41 808 55 121 N.D. 0.6 -18.8 1.74 -0.01 0.03 0.05U 0.02 14B 8.9 56 543 48 77 N.D. 0.4 -19.0 1.71 -0.06 0.05 15A 15.2 45 329 43 90 N.D. 2.6 0.7 78 N.D. 1.0 0.7 1.56 -0.02 0.01 0.03 0.02U 0.01 15B 15.2 45 212 42 16A 11.9 47 300 51 58 N.D. 0.4 -12.4 1.57 -0.01 0.02 0.o3F 0.02 16B 8.5 52 426 48 78 N.D. 0.5 -11.4 1.56 -0.02 0.03 0. 0 3N 0.03 N.A. - 3.3* 1.61* 0.01 30* N.A - 2.6* 1. 32* 0.01 40 271 - 5.9 1.60 17 30* 18 68 644 N.D. 0.9 0.03 0.051 0.03 -0.19 0.12 0.17 D 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 U 0.02 D 0.01 U 0.01 0 .1 0 U 0.01 0.02 U -0.05 19A 13.4 19B 9.3 59 293 46 113 N.D. 0.4 - 6.2 1.62 20A 8.0 48 446 34 149 N.D. 0.5 - 3.5 1.52 20B 8.0 21A 11. 2 56 944 48 249 N.D. 0.6 -16.3 1.45 0.05 0.03 0.03 21B 8.6 66 402 62 163 N.D. 1.0 -15.3 1.46 -0.05 0.06 45 N.A. -23.5* 1.63* 45 22 77 336 23A 30.8 40 500 31 28 23B 76.6 45 400 35 15 N.D. N.D. N.D. - 0.5 - 0.1 - 0.1 i i 1.50 3.5 1.53 4.0 1.53 3.0 -1 0.01 0.03 0.02 ** 0.01 0.01 -0.05 0.02 -0.05 - 0.02 J N 0.01 0.01 Notes: "*" connotes a time averaged value. "**" means that that quantity changes with time and is reported as a function of time in Table 4.4 f"-" signifies that that data does not exist "N.A." "U" indicates that that parameter is not applicable to that particular experiment indicates that ii (MAX) occurred in the upstream half of intake annulus "D" indicates that oi2 (MAX) occurred in the downstream half of the intake annulus "N" indicates thatai2(MAX) occurred at least twice and in both the upstream and downstream halfs of the intake annulus "N.D." means that that•v parameter was not detectable for that experiment 0 and maximum variance of the intake temperature as determined from the intake and discharge thermistors. Experimental Results 4.3 Table 4.1 gives Although a range of parameter variation conducted. experiments were not meant operating the experimental series that was of a summary conditions. was examined, these to represent a comprehensive set Rather towards ocean/plant operating the experimental conditions most series likely to was of plant oriented affect power production by inducing recirculation and those which could be performed resulting in significant interaction between the plume and the without Thus, the discharge depth was relatively shallow compared to basin bottom. the discharge proposed by industry (Scott, 1979). depth was somewhat 3.3). Also, the mixed layer shallow compared to site-specific data (see section Currents slightly over and under those anticipated (see section 3.3) were studied. In addition, previous work (Coxe et al, 1980) led us to anticipate maximum recirculation at currents least for the horizontal experiments. currents of at least this magnitude. of approximately 50 cm/sec, at Therefore it made sense to include The other objective of the experimental series was to amass enough data with respect to plume geometry and dilutions under a range of operating conditions that an integral jet model could indeed be verified and later used with assurance. Finally it should be noted that the nominal plant size is based on a flow rate of Qi = 5 m /s-MWe. -61- The numerical values of the dimensional parameters resulting from the experimental schematizations expressed in Table 4.1 are given in Table 4.2. The values of Apa explanation. and T' indicated in Table 4.2 deserve further Because ambient temperatures used in the experiments varied, experimentally measured temperatures (T) were cast in terms of density differences, using the density at a depth of 165m as a reference. Thus in general Ap'= p ra (z = 165m), S =0 o/oc -p [T,S = 0 O/oo Furthermore since one is more able to identify with ocean temperatures than with density differences, the values of Ap were converted to charac- teristic tropical ocean temperatures, denoted by primes, as well. ical ocean with uniform salinity of 35 depth of 165m was assumed. 0 A trop- /oo and a temperature of 170C at a Thus associated with every T and Ap', a value of T' was defined for which Ap' = p 4.3.1 ' = 17'C, S = 35 o/oo -p V ', = 35 /oo] Data Summary Tables 4.2, 4.3 and 4.4 present a summary of the results which can be expressed in parameter form. The measurement source for finding the parameter is denoted by a D, P or T (dye, photographic or temperature measurement). The listed parameters are: Sc: centerline dilution at y = 250m (prototype) as determined from measurements of discharge and plume centerline dye concentrations. -62- t250: thickness of the plume at y = 250m (protytype as seen in the side view tracings. W250: width of the plume at y = 250m (prototype) as seen in the overhead tracings. h : eq equilibrium depth, taken as depth of plume centerline at y = 450m (prototype) as seen in the side view tracings. Y : s distance to the stagnation point as seen in the side view tracings. 0250: number of oscillations that the discharge makes around an equilibrium elevation after it has reached its maximum depth of penetration (vertically X: APo: direct recirculation (percent) discharge density difference = N: directed discharges only). Ia(z = hd) - 0o Brunt - Vaisala frequency p0 o where g = 9.8 m/s 2 and p/D3z is taken as the slope of the thermocline. AT.: 1 The difference between the evaporator intake temperature and the average of the temperatures in the mixed layer near the evaporator intake. = ' t i -T (z a = h i the 4 intake probes -63- Table 4.4: Time-Variant Experimental Results of Non-Steady State Stagnant Experiments ''' Run T(mtin 9 9 9 9 9 15 AT. 1 -0.03 2 2 oa Smax) 0.01 0.03 87 160 0.06 0.01 0.02 232 319 9 9 9 452 9 10 696 528 0.08 0.10 0.01 0.01 0.02 Run 0.00 AT ' i-0.17 ai )X 17 377 0.3 17 468 0.2 18 16 0.0 18 52 0.5 0.0 18 81 0.4 0.0 18 117 18 183 18 241 18 290 0.0 0.10 K(min) 0.9 0.01 597 ] 2 0.01 0.01 0.02 -0.11 0.02 0.02 -0.05 0.02 0.04 -0.17 -0.02 0.01 0.02 1.(, 6.3 0.3 0.1 -0.04 0.01 0.03 0.1 0.2 0.01 29 -0.10 0.01 0.02 41.6* 18 360 -0.01 0.01 10 81 -0.06 0.02 0.02 3.3 22 479 -0.02 0.01 10 10 125 -0.06 0.01 0.02 0.6 22 15 -0.22 0.02 189 -0.07 0.00 0.01 0.6 22 44 10 247 0.2 22 109 10 290 -0.08 0.01 0.02 0.4 22 148 10 10 435 -0.06 0.01 0.02 0.3 22 189 17 21 151 17 225 17 296 0.02 -- -0.16 0.00 0.01 4.6 0.4 0.4 0.2 -0.17 0.01 0.03 0.5 0.2 537 17 0.5 0.00 -0.25 -0.19 0.02 0.01 0.03 0.01 4. 1 0.4 0.4 -0.17 0.01 0.01 0.5 -64- Notes: " -" signifies that that data does not exist Time is in prototype minutes "*" large values of X at initial times attributed to "jet" start-up". 2 a i (max): a : : maximum variance of the 4 intake probes. average variance of the ambient water at the elevation of the intake as determined from the 3 near-surface probes in current. 4.4 Comment on Jet Reynolds Numbers Inspection of Table 4.2 shows that in experiments 3, 4, 15, 16 and 17, the jet Reynolds number was less than 1500. However as previously mentioned (Section 3.1.1), the transition to laminar flow is gradual and viscous effects in these experiments are undoubtedly small. The side view slides indicated that significant turbulent mixing did occur. -65- V. THE INTEGRAL ANALYSIS Justification for Use of an Integral Jet Model 5.1 The physical discharging jets reasonable model experiments indicated that the formed a cohesive, well-defined plume. vertically It is also to expect the coflow to crossflow jets of the horizontal experiments However to be well-behaved. any horizontal jet with a discharge component into the current will experience reentrainment and its cohesiveness will be inversely proportional to the rate of reentrainment. The low values of recirculation in all the experiments showed that the Therefore it discharge does not significantly interact with the intake. was decided to analyze the gross behavior of the discharge independently from the intake and address recirculation as an intermittent phenomenom related to fluctuations that cannot be captured with a treatment of average discharge properties. integral jet All the vertical discharges were analyzed with an model as were the horizontal discharges that did not experience significant reentrainment, which cause the integral analysis to fail. A verified integral jet model represents the major is a powerful tool. Because it independent variables of a system, it allows rapid simulation of conditions that would otherwise require numerous experiments, some outside of the range of a particular experimental facility. Considering the limitations of our experimental basin, this was quite advantageous. 5.2 Previous Integral Model Studies of Buoyant Jets in a Current The near-field of a submerged discharge is characterized by a zone of flow establishment (ZOFE) and a zone of established flow (ZOEF). -66- The ZOFE is characterized by a potential core, which is the region that turbulent mixing has not yet penetrated. An integral analysis may either begin at the physical origin (using modified parameters to treat the ZOFE) or at the end of the ZOFE, using conditions at as this cross-section initial conditions. Analysis of discharges in a continuous environment of infinite extent, whether plumes or jets, using the integral form of the conservation Rouse et al (1952) equations has progressed considerably over the years. and Albertson et al (1950) confirmed the adequacy of representing velocity and scalar profiles in pure plumes and jets respectively, with Gaussian distributions. Morton et al (1956) used the conservation of mass equation in their analysis of buoyant jets discharged to a quiescent medium, which required specification of an entrainment function. The function they proposed depended only on the local mean velocity and width. Several investigators (Keefer and Baines, 1963; Priestley, 1966; Fan, 1967; Platten and Keffer, 1968; Hoult, 1969; Hirst, 1970; Winiarski and Frick, 1978) have analyzed vertical discharges in crossflow. Generally these analyses have resulted in integral models that have been applied to and verified against either atmospheric smoke stack or cooling tower emissions, or wastewater discharges or ocean outfalls from power plants. The hydrodynamic characteristics of the OTEC discharge studied in this work are typically in between these two kinds of discharges. For example, an OTEC discharge would have a Froude number characteristic of a relatively non-buoyant atmospheric emission or, conversely, a relatively buoyant ocean outfall. Thus the model that we choose will undoubtedly not verified for our entire experimental range. Respecting this conclusion, several other criteria were important in selecting a model. -67- have been Those criteria were that the model include the effect of buoyancy on entrainment and that it be versatile. Fox (1970) first suggested that entrainment is indeed a function of (1971,a) incorporated buoyancy into his entrainment buoyancy. Hirst function. In addition, he combined the entrainment functions of several investigators for coflow crossflow and situations formulate to a generalized entrainment function that performed well over a wide range of Because it can discharge orientations with respect to the free stream. treat both horizontal and vertical discharges and because its entrainment function does reflect buoyancy effects, the Hirst model was chosen to simulate the pilot plant discharge. 5.3 Description of Hirst Model The Hirst integral model was designed to treat three dimensional flow of round, turbulent, buoyant jets discharged at arbitrary angles to flowing stratified ambients. coordinate The integral equations are formulated in a "natural" system that follows the jet centerline. A generalized entrainment function was established that Hirst found to perform well without calibration over a broad range of jet-plume conditions. The following discussion describes the Hirst model as documented, (Hirst, 1971,a) then addresses the modifications made on it. 5.3.1 The Governing Equations The basic conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy and a scalar in Castesian coordinates were simplified for a steady mean, fully turbulent, incompressible flow in which the boundary layer assumption could be invoked and in which the pressure variation is assumed to be purely -68- hydrostatic (i.e. drag is neglected). These equations were expressed in a "natural" coordinate system to allow efficient tracking of the flow trajectory and properties. The resulting set of non-linear, coupled,partial differential equations includes three independent variables - r, s and assumption of axisymmetry removes (See Fig. 5.1). The dependency on the azimuthal angle ¢. The assumption of Gaussian distributions of fluid properties allows integration over the jet cross-sectional area. These distributions, for velocity and density are: -r2/b u = (um - uSIC2)e p 2 + u0SIC2 = Ame(r/Xb) (5- 1) (5 - 2) where b is a characteristic jet radius, the subscript infinity refers to the ambient value of that quantity, Si = sin 0i, Ci = cos e, e, is the local jet angle in the horizontal plane with respect to the x-axis, 82 is the local let angle with respect to the horizontal plane (see fig. 5.1) and X is a spreading factor to be addressed later. It should be noted that the model simulates only density differences between discharge and ambient, rather than temperature or concentration differences. This implies a linear equation of state between temperature (2) and concentration (C) of the form P = Po 1 -B (T - To) - Y(C - (5 - C 3) which includes a reference density po and concentration (y) and temperature (3) coefficients of volumetric expansion. It includes no simultaneous de- pendency on both C and T. The derivatives of the local jet centerline velocity (um),local jet "radius," (b), local jet centerline density difference (A0m), -G9 local jet angles (01 and 62) and the local Castesian coordinates (x,y,z) with respect to s are expressed as: du ds m ds deO = u (SS 1 2 1 + CCC - d 1 ) + 1 2 ds ds g(pm - pm)b2S2 4 (uS1C2 - um)E b2(um + uS C2) b2 E db ~2 2 7 -du 2p dO U0rn(S1S 2 s I (5 - 4) de + CC 12 *-12 ds ds 2 1)i ( (5- 5) ds (um + uCS 1 C2 )b dAPm p b + m+ ds u F APmb2 )7 um)T 2 -u -uu(uSC 1 2(1 + C SS C du - 2) de u2S2 ds 0 2 ds 2 ds / Lo b 2 X2 K(US1C2 0I22 2 ds do d2 ds 1 2 2 (1 + X2 ) d 2 m 22 de S db ds 1C2 ) 9z 2 S 2 (urnm ds - Um) (i 1 + (5 - 6) 2) EuuSC (5 - 7) qC2 - (P - P 0 2m)bC 2 EuS lS gX 2] (5 - q -70- 8) . a gI Figure 5.1: Natural Coordinate System dx ds = CIC2 (5 - 9) _ SC2 12 (5 - 10) S (5 - 11) dz ds where q = 1 [bK2 Lb (uS )2 1 C 2 + um ) - E 2 , S1,2 = sin1,2 C1,2 = cos1,2. (5 - 12) The numerical solutions to these equations were obtained through a variable order, Adams predictor - corrector method on an IBM, VM-1, 370 computer using the IMSL subroutine called DGEAR - Differential Equation Solver. -5 The relative error bound specified to the subroutine was 1.0 x 10-5 Numerical solution yields values of the centerline velocity and density difference, the width, orientation and position of the discharge as a function of the centerline coordinate s. Dependence of velocity and density difference on rmust be found using the similarity profiles of Equations 5.1 and 5.2. A solution can only be found after the entrainment function E and the initial conditions at the end of ZOFE are specified. These specifications are now addressed. 5.3.2 The Entrainment Function Jet entrainment is a function of the mean flow conditions, buoyancy within the jet, jet orientation, free stream velocity and the ambient turbulence. The effect of ambient turbulence is neglected due to a lack of per- tinent data. An extensive body of knowledge exists that addresses the other -72- functionalities. Fox (1970) considered byoyant jets discharged vertically up to a stagUsing an integral equation of mechanical energy conserva- nant ambient. tion, he deduced that: a2 ) umb E = (a1 + TF rL Where F r (5 - 13) the local jet Froude number, is ur( um / a Ap gb) m and a, and a 2 are This equation provides for transition between entrainment coefficients. buoyancy and momentum induced entrainment. Hirst generalized this result for non-vertical discharges to give: E = (a 1 a ub + a2 2 2 2) b F (5 - 14) rL The term alum b represents internal jet turbulence induced entrainment. The constant a l has been found experimentally to be equal to 0.057 in the limiting case of a pure momentum jet (Albertson, 1950). 2 The term a2 S2 u b/F The termrLrepresents buoyancy induced entrainment, which can be shown to be a function of the turbulent Schmidt number (Hirst, a2 = 2 2 2 1971a): 2 3X 3X2 2+1 (5 - For a simple momentum jet, Becker et al For a simple plume, Rouse et al 15) (1967) found that X= 1.11. (1952) found that X = 1.16. Since a2 en- trainment is only significant for low Fr flows, Hirst set X equal to 1.16. Thus a2 = 0.97. Hoult (1969) developed an entrainment function for buoyant jets discharged to a cross flow: -73- E = a 3 blu - umS 1 C2 + a 4 bu1 -(S 2 (5 - 16) The first term in Eq. 5 - 16 accounts for jet induced entrainment while the second term accounts for ambient current induced entrainment. To produce an expression that incorporates the effects of both buoyancy and ambient current, Hirst combined the Fox and Hoult equations to yield: a + a22 E =(a S 2 )bl m-uS 1 C2 + 1 rL a6 (a5 + 1 - 2 S2 ) ub (S1 C2 ) (5 - 17) (5 - 17) rL where a l and a2 are as previously defined and a 5 and a 6 represent ambient induced entrainment as a function of buoyancy. Hirst assumed that an ambient current will not effect the ratio of buoyancy induced entrainment to internal turbulence induced entrainment. This is a2 al tantamount to: a6 a5 which reduces Eq. 5 - 17 to: E = (al 1 S2) ebum - uS 1 C2 1 + rL a3umb 0 - (SC 2 (5 - 18) where a 3 is a new entrainment coefficient that must be empirically ascertained while a l and a2 are the same. used in Hirst's integral analysis. -74-- This is the final form of the equation Hirst evaluated a 3 by calculating jet trajectories for several flows and adjusting the value of a 3 to provide a good fit. He recommended a3 = 9.0 as the optimal value, admitting that this method is somewhat subjective. 5.3.3 The ZOFE One definition of the end of the ZOFE is the first location along the jet centerline where u < u . Prior to this point, the velocity profile in m o the potential core is top-hat. Obviously assuming a Guassian profile in the ZOFE is a bad approximation and the integral analysis described above is inappropriate. Hirst (1971,a) solves for conditions at s = se, the end of the ZOFE, by assuming top-hat profiles at s = 0 and Gaussian profiles at s = s . e In = u0 and performing mass, momentum, energy and voking the fact that u Se scalar balances between s = 0 and s = s , e the following conditions at s are derived: u = u o m (5 - 19) 2u 2 b = o 2 b + uSC o o o 1 2 u u 2 X +1 2 Ap + o (5- uSC 12 2 o1 2 20) 0 (5 - 21) = 1 (5 - 22) 2 = 2 (5 - 23) e1 o S=X o Y = Y y (5 - 24) + SeC 1 C 2 o + s S e 1 o C 2 (5 - 25) -75- e z = z + (5 - 26) S 2S Hirst assumed that buoyancy forces and free stream velocity have negligible effect on trajectory in the ZOFE. These eight conditions provide the essen- tial boundary conditions to the integral analysis. Hirst also formulates an expression for the length of se which we modified considerably. This modifica- tion will be developed later. It should be noted that Hirst (1971 b) formulated an integral model for the ZOFE, consisting of two sets of equations,one each for the inner (tophat) and the outer (turbulence eroded) region. However since this study is not particularly concerned with parameters within the ZOFE, the algebraic approach was used. Hirst's Verification of His Model 5.4 Hirst (1971,a) compared theoretical prediction to observation for 100 different flows with the entrainment coefficients held constant. Initial con- ditions for these flows fell in the following ranges: 2 10 <Frr <C, 0 R < 0.54, -450 <e1 < 450 1- 00 <e2 2- < 900 where IFr= u O (Pa/APmgbo) and R = 4,/u . Thirty flows experienced ambient current. Hirst achieved what he called "good" but not "excellent" agreement with the data. For example, for the forty cases considered with a stably stratified, stagnant ambient, the predicted maximum height of rise of a vertically directed buoyant jet was within about 5%. This was excellent agreement considering that the average rise was about 200 b . Trajectories for buoyant and non-buoyant jets discharged at various angles to the free stream were typically within 15 -76- to 20% of measured values with maximum error of about 50%. Trajectories for buoyant jets (IF 2 = 17 to 25) discharged to a crossflow were within 20% r or less. Hirst also looked at centerline velocity and concentration decay, but was more concerned with the prediction of trajectory, since he had more data on trajectory and since he calibrated a 3 to trajectory. noted that Hirst neglected drag in his analysis. It should be If however bending due to drag is important, then the calibrated value of a 3 may prove to be high since it is calibrated against data on trajectory and since, as a 3 increases, so too will bending. 5.5 Previous OTEC-Related Use of the Hirst Model Because of its generality, the Hirst model has been used in a number of applications. Van Dusen and Mangarella (1974) used it to analyze the behavior of the condenser discharge from an OTEC plant. Because they had no physical data to compare with model predictions, they were unable to evaluate the performance of the model and had no justification to alter it nor did they alter it. As their base-case, they considered a 400 MWe asymmetric plant in which the condenser flow discharges horizontally at 80 m from one circular conduit. They also modeled discharges of up to 300 from a horizontal plane. They treated crossflowing and coflowing currents with velocity of 3 m/sec, corresponding to the Gulf Stream in the Straights of Florida. Discharge velocities ranged between 4.6 and 6.1 m/sec corresponding to maximum port diameters of 17.2 and 20.0 m respectively. In short, their conceptualiza- tion of the plant and the ambient environment was significantly different than the one reported here. -77- In a later paper addressing submerged nuclear power plant discharge, Mangarella (1975) again used the Hirst model. This time he grouped four horizontal submerged discharges into one equivalent source. However he did not represent the effect this grouping has on the length of the ZOFE and the entrainment. 5.6 Adaptation of Hirst Model The Hirst model was modified to treat multiple jets, represent the ZOFE more accurately and include the phenomenom of plume collapse in the near field. These modifications, as described below, permitted more repre- sentative simulation of OTEC plume behavior. That the model be able to treat multiple, vertically directed jets was essential since an OTEC modular design with several discharge ports in proximity was anticipated. source. Multiple jets were grouped into an equivalent The introduction of an aspect factor (Winarski and Frick, 1978) captured the difference in entrainment between the multiple and the equivalent sources. Because the experimental range of the length of the ZOFE was approximately 40 m, comparison of different experiments demanded accurate representation of the ZOFE. Therefore the effects of buoyancy and free stream velocity on orientation were introduced into the description of the ZOFE. In addition, the dependency of the length of the ZOFE on buoyancy and crossflow velocity were reformulated from those given by Hirst (1971,a). A model that assumes axisymmetry cannot be expected to predict the shape of a discharge into a stratified environment. The OTEC plume will most likely be discharged into or near the thermocline were it will spread laterally due to a net pressure difference with the ambient. -78- This phenomenom was formulated and superimposed on the model output. 5.6.1 Jet Interaction Interaction between closely spaced jets has been treated in the lit- erature in two different ways. Wu and Koh (1977) combined several plume models to represent multiple sources in a row. Alternatively, Winiarski and Frick (1978) used geometrical constructs to account for entrainment differences between an equivalent single source and the actual sources. The process of merging in the OTEC design considered in this study is complicated by the presence of the cold water pipe (CWP). This precludes explicit treatment of interaction in the context of the integral equations. Obviously it is desirable to work with a single integral model (i.e. the Hirst model). Therefore the tack of Winiarski and Frick was followed. Winiarski and Frick (1978) provide a simple method involving the concept of an aspect factor (AF) to treat an array of jets in close proximity. They hypothesized that the main difference between multiple sources and a hypothetical equivalent area single source with the same fluxes of mass, momentum and energy is that the projected and peripheral areas of the two cases differ. This difference can be geometrically monitored along the trajectory of a single equivalent jet by the AF, which is defined as: actual projected cylindrical area of multiple sources projected area of equivalent single source Since current-induced entrainment is proportional to actual projected cylindrical area and jet-induced entrainment is proportional to actual peripheral area, the AF effectively expresses the entrainment velocity for the equivalent jet divided by the entrainment velocity of the true multiple sources. It is used as a coefficient multiplying the nominal entrainment -79- velocity of the equivalent source. Alternatively the average behavior of one of the multiple sources could be represented by decreasing the entrainment for a single source by the appropriate factor. The value of the AF depends on the orientation of the discharge port array with respect to the ambient current and on position along the plume trajectory. Winiarski and Frick (1978) illustrate the rela- tionship between the AF and the equivalent radius with an easily followed example that is restated here with the values changed to reflect a potential OTEC scenario. Imagine three sources of radius 3.0 m whose centers form an equilateral triangle 15.0 m on a side (see Fig. 5.2). An equivalent source of radius 5.2 m (giving the same cross-sectional area as the three sources combined) is centered at the centroid of the triangle. The AF is initially 1.73 and remains constant until shadowing begins, at which time it begins to decrease linearly. The slope of the decrease can be determined by solving for the equivalent radius and the AF at the beginning of merging. This point and the point that defines the initiation of shadowing are connected and extrapolated to the equivalent radius for which AF = 1.0, indicating that the sources are completely merged. Formulation of the AF as proposed by Winiarski and Frick (1978) assumes that the only difference between an equivalent area source and a group of closely spaced multiple ports issuing in the same direction is the entrainment rate and that this difference in entrainment can be accounted for by multiplying both current-induced and jet-induced the same coefficient, that all shadowing is effective, that the completely merged multiple sources behave as an axisymmetric equivalent source and that the -80- a) Initial separate sources 3.0 m (initial radius) - 3x2x3.0 25.2 =1.73 2x5.2 A.F. b) Shadowing starts c) 7.5 m 3.8 m 1.6 m I A.F.- 3x2x3.8 S2xb.6 1.73 16.6 (a) 5.2 (b) 6.5 (c) 13.0 14.7 2.0 1. 1.0 4-- S - "0 I IIII 2.5 1 I 7.5 --- Figure 5.2: 1 I II 10.0 Equivalent radius(m) Example Aspect Factor Illustration -81- I 12.5 15.0 sources deform symmetrically. These assumptions facilitate evaluation of the AF and,while approximate, are justified by the fact that the AF works reasonably well as documented in Section 5.7 and cannot readily be evaluated without them. The validity of several of the assumptions were tested in a series of simulations of the vertical discharge experiments in a current in which the base case AF was modified. See Figs. 5.3 - 5.5 for the orientation of the port array with respect to the current. Since use of an AF can be expected to affect trajectory as well as dilution, we examined the behavior of these two parameters with different AF modifications and compared this behavior to the base case results. The results are pres- ented in tabular form below. Table 5.1.1 Description of Simulations for AF Sensitivity Simulation Case A.F. f(beq,s) radius E. 1 Base Case 2 Merged Initially N.A. E. 3 No Interaction /-; E. 4 Individual Source N.A. A. 5 No Shadowing f(beq, s) E. Notes: "E." = equivalent "A ." = actual ,, f" = function of = number of actual sources "b 1 eq "N.A." = equivalent radius = not applicable -82- Table 5.1.2 Statistical Results of Sensitivity Simulations X S 1 c 1 h eq 2 S c 2 h eq S 3 c h eq S 5 c h -0.7 -2.4m 2.7 9.7m 3 5 eq Statistic x. -x -1.6 a x -x p o 2 .6m -0.8 27.4m 1.5 -3.8m 2.5 11.5m 2.7 19.3m 2.4 13.8m -0.16 0.03 -0.08 0.34 0.15 -0.05 0.26 0.14 0.28 0.24 0.25 0.17 -0.07 -0.03 x G 0.28 0.12 x Notes: superscript of parameter indicates case (see previous table) "p" = predicted "0" = observed "5" = mean value of parameter x Case four was not meant to be compared with observation and therefore does not appear in Table 5.1.2. Case two is an attempt to ascertain whether or not inclusion of the AF really does improve simulation when an equivalent source is used. De- leting the AF but invoking an equivalent area source implies that the multiple sources behave as a completely merged equivalent source from their origin. As indicated by Table 5.1.2, this assumption causes a significant reduction in the ability to predict equilibrium elevation, while affecting dilution only slightly, compared to the base case results. The model per- forms much better with the AF than without it. Case three is an attempt to determine whether or not it is important to account for interaction at all, when using an equivalent area source. -83- Using a constant AF equal to n assumes that the multiple sources do not interact (i.e. that no shadowing nor merging occurs). The results of Table 5.1.2 indicate that this approach causes a 15% overprediction of dilution. Since predicted dilution should be approximately 15% less than observed dilution according to the analysis of Section 5.7, it was concluded that it is important to account for interaction, which as demonstrated by the base case and case five decreases overall dilution relative to this case. Comparison of case three to case four indicates the validity of the AF formulation. Since in case three, the sources are assumed to be in- dependent, the equivalent area source should exhibit the dilution and elevation characteristics of any one of the individual sources it accounts for, when that individual source is modeled separately, which is exactly the situation in case four. These two parameters were within 9% of each other in the mean with minor standard error reflecting the consistency of the error. Thus it is concluded that the AF theory is reason- ably sound analytically, but does not correlate perfectly between instances where it should. Table 5.2 presents a summary of the comparison. -84- Table 5.2: Equivalent Source, No Interaction Compared to Individual Source x S h 1.1 -6.4m c eq Statistic xi-x V a 0.7 x -x xiXn 1.6 m 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.02 x . x Notes: "i" = simulation of individual jet " 2' = simulation of equivalent source with AF = Vn = mean value of x Sc and heq as defined in section 4.3.1 -85- The validity of the effective shadowing assumption will depend on the distance between the sources and the free stream turbulence and uniformity. For example, a source directly behind another source along the free stream axis will probably experience complete shadowing. As the distance between the two sources increases, it is clear that this geometrical shadowing becomes ineffective. Because the distance between ports in the vertical ex- periments was as much as 6.2 ro, this consideration was explored in case five. In case five, all shadowing was considered ineffective. initial value of AF was always geometrical configuration. Thus the vn, despite the number of ports and their Only when merging commences does the AF in case five decrease. The results of case five are similar to those of the base case except that predicted dilution is slightly higher and predicted elevation is slightly lower. The dilution of the base case still corresponds better with the experimental uncertainty analysis of Section 5.7. In addition, since dilution is increased in case five relative to the base case, mean error now exists in the prediction of t2 5 0 and W250 when virtually none exists for the base case simulation. Thus the base case AF does perform better, although nothing definitive can be concluded concerning the effectiveness or lack thereof of geometrical shadowing. Figures 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 depict the initial jet arrangements and illustrate the evolution of the base case AF for the three experimental cases of two, four and eight ports. While both current-induced and jet- induced entrainment are multiplied by the AF, it is formulated specifically for current-induced entrainment. These two types of entrainment are of the same order of magnitude under the vertical experimental conditions j yl_ __ 11 V I ___ I ~___ _ il_I ~1 (b) (a) Initial Separate Sources Shadowing Starts Plant Periphery Plant Periphery 22.50 A.F. = 2 x 2 x 3.1 2 x 4.4 Figure 5.3: = 1.41 A.F. = 2 x 2 x 7.4 2 x 10.5 Aspect factor definition sketch for two jet experiments. = 1.41 Equivalent Source A.F. (2 x 19.4) + 14.8 2.0 2 x 27.4 (a) 4.4 = 1.00 (c) (b) 10.5 27# .'t , - 1.5 01 U cJ I0 - $-4 t4 PO 6 -a 0 .0 o 0.0 11 mr p 5.0 10.0 15.0 Equivalent Radius Figure 5.3: Continued. p 20.0 (m) 25.0 30.0 a) b) Initial separate sources 3.Im Shadowing starts Plant Periphery Plant Periphery 22.50 A.F. = 4 x 2 x 3.1 = 2.0 A.F.= 2 x 6.2 Figure 5.4: Aspect factor definition sketch for four jet experiments. 2 x 10.5 = 2.0 (c) Merging Begins Equivalent Source 13.7m 'Plant Periphery (2 x 2 x 13.7) + 11.4 2 x 27.4 A.F. (a) 6.2 2.0 r = 1.21 (b) 10.5 (c) 27.4 32.0 I 1.5 1.0 C a.' w ) -o 0.5 aD a 0.0 a 0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 Equivalent Radius Figure 5.4: a a ~i Continued -90- (m) 25.0 30.0 35.0 (a) Initial Separate Sources Shadowing Starts (b) Plant Periphery 22.50 A.F. = 4x 2x3.1 2 x 8.8 Figure 5.5: = 1.41 A.F. = 4 x 2 x 5.3 2 x 14.8 Aspect factor definition sketch for eight jet experiments. = 1.41 (c) Merging Begins Current Equivalent Source 7.4 m Plant Periphery N A.F. = (3 x 2 x 7.4) + 9.2 2 x 20.9 (a) 8.8 (b) (c) 20.9 15.0 20.0 2.0 1.5 1.0 m 0.5 1 0.0 0.0 5.0 10.0 Equivalent Radius (m) Figure 5.5: Continued. -92- 25.0 30.0 35.0 in current of this study. Exact geometrical treatment of jet-induced en- trainment would require a peripheral factor reflecting the ratio of the sum of the peripheries of the multiple sources divided by the periphery of the equivalent source. This ratio would remain constant until merging be- gan, after which it would approach one as the multiple sources became completely merged. Except for the condition of no geometrical shadowing, the peripheral factor would always be greater than the base case AF. Thus it would appear that multiplication of jet-induced entrainment by the AF instead of a peripheral factor would result in an underestimation of entrainment. a cluster of jets in proximity are in effect fluid. "competing" for the However local ambient The pressure field set up around an individual jet is not as effec- tive in aspirating ambient fluid in the presence of the pressure fields of neighboring jets. Thus while geometry indicates that shadowing and proximity do not decrease jet induced entrainment, it is physically reasonable that they do. In light of this, the base case AF was applied to jet- induced entrainment also. The AF was formulated for the ZOEF. If the concept of an equivalent source is employed from the point of discharge, it is clear that similar logic would hold in the ZOFE. Because entrainment in the ZOFE is repre- sented by the starting length, se, the AF was used to correct for an overprediction of it. For a vertically directed aggregate jet, se = Q/Eag ' where Eag is the entrainment rate of the aggregate source. Now, in order to reflect entrainment in the multiple sources, Eag must be multiplied by the appropriate AF. It is therefore assumed that the starting length for the -93- multiple sources is s is computed based on the dimensions of e s /AF, where e the equivalent jet as discussed in the following section. Deflection in the ZOFE 5.6.2 Simple momentum balances allowed representation of deflection in the ZOFE. Deflection of 81 can be ascertained through crossflow and coflow component momentum balances in the x-y plane. Consider a jet issuing from the origin at 610 from the x-axis in the horizontal plane (see Fig. 3.3). If drag is neglected, the conservation of coflow momentum can be expressed as: d ds (M) y (5 - 27) = Eu while the corresponding crossflow d (M ds x balance is: (5 - 28) = 0 Therefore at s e M (se) = Mx(S where it e M(o) y(O) +(Sc - 1) u O (5 - 29) and ) = Mx(o) = M(o)C 1 = QoUoC 1 = Q u and Sc = centerline dilution. (5 - 30) From M (s ) and M (se ) can be shown that: -(S) u S + (S-)UQo (5 - 31) This relationship is written into the model code for the various combinations of initial orientation and free stream velocity. Deflection of 82 can be ascertained through crossflow and coflow mo- mentum balances in the vertical plane defined by the free stream direction. Consider a jet issuing from the origin at e2 0 from the y-axis in plane (see fig. 3.3). the y-z The coflow momentum conservation balance is still the same -94- (Eq. 5-27). Conservation of vertical crossflow momentum can be expressed as: 1 d ds (z p f j- 0 (5 - 32) A where A is the jet cross-sectional area. The distribution of the jet den- sity p. will vary over the cross-sectional area and trajectory. the approximation is made here that pj only over the initial jet area. However = po and integration is performed Thus the buoyancy contribution is evalu- ated as if the jet were instantaneously placed in the middle of the trajectory. M (s z This yields: ) e where P M (o) z = p(z) + H (o cogb r at z=zo + SeS . o s (5 -33) e My(s is as previously defined. Thus: -1 - (s) 2 e 2 = tan -1 Qu S Quo S2 0 + H ( O - 0 0 2 )gb s oe (5 - 34) (S-1)Qu Q0UoC 0 O 0 2 + c This relationship was written into the model code for the various combinations of initial orientation, direction of buoyancy and free stream magnitude. 5.6.3 Starting Length The relationships which Hirst (1971,a) used for the dependence of se on crossflow and buoyancy have been redefined. Dependence on Crossflow function of R. Unfortunately little data exist concerning se as a Fan (1967) graphically defined se for jets in a crossflow us- ing only the point at R = 0 from Albertson (1950) and the three points from Gordier (1959) at R = 0.250, 0.167 and 0.125 (Fig. 5.6). -95- Fan's linear fit to S: Gordier's and Albertson's data - : Hirst's fit to data --- : Fit used in this study s e O 0.71 + 0.247 R) S(0.057 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.7 0.8 R Figure 5.6: Crossflow Ratio Versus Normalized Starting Length 0.9 1.0 the data neglects the fact that the rate of decrease in se seems to decrease as R increases. The fit allows se to go negative at values of R > 0.4 which is physically unreasonable. for Fan's line into his code. Hirst incorporated an equation He claimed that it was valid up to values of R of = 0.5. If it is assumed that the dependency of entrainment on R in the ZOFE is proportional to the corresponding dependency in the ZOEF, then manipulation of the entrainment function together with the conditions specified at s=s epermits formulation of a relationship that better reflects the actual physical processes. For the non-buoyant case in a crossflow the entrainment function within the ZOEF is found from Eq. 5-18 using Hirst's values for a and a : l 3 E = (5-35) mb (0.057 + 0.513 R) If b = bo and it is recognized that at s = se in a crossflow,Ese = Q0, then the entrainment function for the ZOFE can be found by normalizing Eq. 5-35 for the stagnant case where it is known that se = 12.4b o. This process gives Se(R)= b 0.71 (0.057 +0.513R) (5-36) o A graph of Se/bo versus R according to Eq.5-36would overpredict the measured decrease in se /bo with increasing R (see fig. 5.6). This seems to indicate that Hirst overestimated a 3 , the current induced entrainment coefficient. This observation can be accounted for by the fact that Hirst neglected drag force. Jet experiments by Chan and Kennedy (1972) indicate significant drag forces at least near the jet origin. Apparently in calibrating a 3 to trajectory, Hirst compensated for the neglected beading effect of drag by inflating entrainment. -97- Nevertheless equation 5-36 appears to model the shape of the decay indicated by the data quite well. If the velocity ratio coefficient, 0.513, is changed to 0.247, excellent fit with the data is achieved (see fig. 5.6). It is this curve that is used to express starting length as a function of R. It is approximated by the following series of straight lines: = 12.4 - 31.1 R R)/ b = Se(R)/bo 0.0_R0.167 (5-37.1) 9.1 - 11.6 R 0.167 <R<-0.4 (5-37.2) s (R)/ b = e 5.8 - 3.1 R 0.4<R<1.2 (5-37.3) se (R)/b = 2.9 - 0.8R 1.2<R.3.625 (5-37.4) s Dependence on buoyancy Abraham (1963) graphically defined starting length for buoyant jets discharged vertically up into a stagnant ambient. Abraham's graphical solution can be approximated by a series of straight lines such that (IF )/bo = 2.40 F + 3.00 = 1.28 F S (F )/b e r o r < 1.5 (5 - 38.1) + 4.68 1.5< IF < 4.0 (5 - 38.2) + 8.37 4.0< IF < 7.0 r (5- 7.0< IF < 35 (5 - 38.4) (5 - 384) 35 < 7r < 200 (5 - 33.5) Fr > 200 (5 - 39.6) s (F )/b 0 e r - 0.34 F Sc r)/bo c r = 0.014 Fr + 10.7 s r r)/bo = 0.0071Fr + 10.95 seo Fr)/b = 12.40 0< IF r 38.3) This approximation is appreciably different than the one Hirst recommended in his code, especially for low Froude number cases where several discontinuities in the approximation occur. -98- Abraham provides theoretical results for IF > 0 but there is no data r For IFr < Obut to substantiate them. IFri large (conditions representative of OTEC operation), the approximation, seF ) = 12.4b should be reasonable. o e r Dependence on both Crossflow and Buoyancy For a buoyant jet in a crossflow the starting length used in the model is given by combining Eqs. 5-37 and 5-38: s b 5.6.4 s (R) e e b 0 s OF) er b .1(5-39) 12.4 Lateral Spreading of Plume A jet discharged to a stratified medium will seek an equilibrium ele- vation at which it will proceed to spread laterally, due to a net pressure force difference between it and the ambient. This lateral spreading or collapse may be treated in an intermediate field analysis (eg. Larsen and Sorenson, 1968; Jirka, 1980). However, the experiments of this study in- dicate that the collapse is significant in the near field as well. collapse within the near field can be addressed, then If proper boundary con- ditions of plume width and thickness can be input to an intermediate field spreading model. The assumption of axisymmetry disallows direct simulation of this phenomenom with the Hirst model. And, since the Hirst model has been previously calibrated, we wanted to leave the integral equations intact. Accordingly, a relatively simple modification was made along the following lines. Consider first a rectangular jet of uniform density at some equilibrium elevation D. As illustrated in Fig. 5.7 nominal width and thickness are 2w* and 2t* such that the area of the rectangular jet is the same as that of a circular jet of radius b; thus 2 =Sb 4w t* (5-40) -99- Pressure --- ~ -~ 01 E -w * t I S-- I- - - I Figure 5.7: Vertical pressure distribution of water column when the plume is at equilibrium (Schematic) . t + ) Note, however, that the width W and thickness t output by the program are each 2/rTtimes the respective values of w* and t*. Thus they are consistent with the jet width output by the original Hirst model and correspond to a jet cross-sectional area evaluated at radius V2b. In a stratified environment, a pressure difference will exist between This difference is represented by the dashed the jet and the ambient. region in Fig. 5.7. If the ambient pressure at the top of the jet is PD-t' then the ambient pressure force acting on the jet in the negative x direction is - D+t LPDt* z FA = - (P. + (n-D) T) + dz D-t D-t 2 + 2pgt + 2pmgt P Dt = 2t S2t** D-t - 2 g 3 (5-41.1) t*3 p z 3z = the ambient density at D and where p gdn 9z = the average density gradient The jet pressure force acting in the positive from D - t* to D + t*. direction is D+t* z gdn PD-t* +I = F D-t* D-t* = 2t*P D-t *+ dz i 2pgt* 2 (5-41.2) J The net pressure force in the x direction is thus F P = F - F A = 2t*g(p- J ) + 2 gt*3 3 9z (5-41.3) Spreading along the jet centerline s can be represented by two components: -101- dw_* ds where ds J db +dw (5-42) IB dJs ds represents axisymmetric jet spreading already accounted for dw * by the Hirst model and -ds *is the buoyant spreading being formulated B presently. In lieu of solving a lateral momentum equation for the buoyant spreading rate, the following proportionality is assumed: udw* 2 , udsw* Fp O( (5-43) t This type of assumption has been used with reasonable success in analyzing the buoyant spreading of surface jets as well as internal and surface layers (Jirka, 1980 and Larsen and Sorenson, 1968). dw ds B c u Thus (5-44) ph The constant of proportionality c will be evaluated below. The discussion so far assumes that the jet has reached its equilibrium elevation and that the pressure within the jet is hydrostatic. these assumptions are invalid near the jet origin. Clearly However it is still desireable to represent lateral spreading within the near field. Indeed, because of oscillation about the equilibrium elevation, true hydrostatic conditions will not exist until well into the intermediate field. In lieu of using a vertical momentum equation to determine FJ under non-hydrostatic conditions, the transition to lateral spreading provided by Eq. 5-44 for horizontal jets is represented by multiplying Fp by C2. is initiated at the end of the ZOFE at which point -102- This procedure w t* (5-45) = bT In summary, the procedure begins by computing Fp then ds * B from Eq 5-44 and thus w* from Eq. 5-42. from Eq. 5-41.3, A new value of t* is then found from Eq. 5-40 using updated values of w* and b. (b is computed as part of the original integral jet calculations.) The uncalibrated values of W generated by this method (coefficient of proportionality in Eq. 5-44 = 1) were considerably larger than experimental ones. This trend was anticipated since a jet of constant density was assumed rather than a smoothly varying Gaussian distribution Since the constant jet that matched the ambient density at the jet edges. density was taken as the jet centerline density, FJ was overestimated. Although Eq. 5-44 could have been derived for a Gaussian distribution, it was not since the analysis demanded calibration anyway. A visual best fit value of the constant of proportionality in Eq. 5-44 was found to be 0.2. In effect what this formulation achieved was a superimposition of buoyant spreading over entrainment-induced spreading. More formally, the gov- erning differential equation for the effective radius could have been replaced by two equations for thickness and width. However in this case, the entrainment function would also demand reformulation. Note that, due to density stratification, the laterally spreading jet would entrain faster on its vertical faces than on its horizontal faces. However Hirst had com- pared the predictions of his entrainment function with a number of experiments with appreciable stratification. -133- Although the stratification in these experiments was generally less than that expected near the thermocline at potential OTEC sites, comparison with data from the OTEC experimental dilutions demonstrated that the generalized entrainment funcThus it was not tampered with. tion worked reasonably well. 5.7 Hirst Model Simulations of Experimental Conditions Vertical Discharge Experiments 5.7.1 The model simulations of the vertical discharge experimental conditions in current (1A-8B, 11A-12B) were compared to experimental data. Figs. 5.8 through 5.11 illustrate the model's performance in predicting Sc , t2 5 0 ' W 2 5 0 , and h eq Note that because the plume centerline is predicted to . oscillate about the equilibrium elevation, the predicted value of heq in this and later simulations was chosen as an average of maximum and minimum centerline elevations once the plume turned horizontal. are presented in tabular form in Table 5.3. Results Table 5.4 indicates the mean error, the standard error, the normalized mean error and the normalized standard error of the distributions. Table 5.4: Statistics of Simulation Versus Observation for Vertical Discharge Experiments in a Current x S t c 50 W 250 h eq (h -h eq d) 02 250 Statistic_ x -x p o a (x -x p xo /x Notes: -1.6 -3.6m 7.9m 2.6m 2.6m -0.4 2.5 14,8m 61.9m 11.5m 11.5m 1.2 -0.16 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.24 0.26 0.22 0.21 0.14 0.28 0.80 "p" = predicted "o" = -104- observed "R = mean value of x ,/ * - / ,/ / * / 9- d 6- 3 9 SMOBSERVED FIG 5.8:PREDICTED VERSUS OBSERVED. PRRED WITR PERFECT FIT LINE, XYT. -105- CM- 1/ / 120 /0 I / / / -i 30- // 3 120 0 s 'tmiBSERVED FIG 5.9:PREDICTED VERSUS OBSERVED. P"RED HITH PERFECT FIT LINE. XmY. PgREO Hull PERFECT FIT LINE. X=. -106- COK- 50 500 / 4 Od C3 •* /n/ cc* 300. 200- 100- I0. 2oo Ko 400 WnOBSERVED FIG5.10:PREDICTED VERSUS OBSERVED,. CSM-PARED WITH PERFECT FIT LINE, X=Y. -107- 5oO 150 120 90 . 60- 30 / / I Il 80 30 6Q I 90 p L20 h.. OBSERVED FIG5.11:PREDICTED VERSUS OBSERVED. COMPRRED WITR PERFECT FIT LINE. X=Y. -108- L50 Table 5.3: Simulation Versus Observation for Vertical Discharge Experiments in a Current RUN P S c o S c t 250 P (m) t 250 0 W250 P W 250 O P heq heq (m) 0 P 25heq 0 0 250 0 (m) (m) (m) (m) 100 88 1.5 1.4 1A 8.3 7.5 85 448 450 lB 6.2 7.5 78 257 330 98 85 0.9 0.7 2A 6.6 70 406 450 101 71 1.8 1.3 2B 4.7 100 229 300 96 76 1.0 1.0 3A 4.9 70 274 300 86 72 2.0 2.5 3B 4.6 7.2 59 174 240 63 64 1.0 2.0 4A 8.2 9.3 58 342 300 90 80 1.9 1.9 4B 6.9 9.3 56 203 150 71 74 0.9 0.7 5A 9.7 8.0 59 348 255 82 77 1.7 2.1 5B 7.2 8.0 42 188 140 76 70 0.8 1.1 10.1 69 500 360 93 104 1.8 1.0 10.1 86 279 300 84 94 1.0 ND 6A 6B 11.6 8.0 12.2 9.3 12.0 7A 10.9 8.7 81 473 450 85 84 1.9 1.8 7B 7.4 8.7 61 260 345 75 80 0.9 0.9 8A 7.5 9.2 50 305 300 76 75 1.9 2.0 8B 5.7 9.2 50 170 180 72 68 1.0 1.4 300 92 106 1.9 1.4 80 93 1.0 ND 11A 11B 12A 12B 13.7 12.1 72 12.1 76 220 12.8 69 387 300 85 91 1.9 1.5 8.8 12.8 58 210 225 74 75 1.0 1.5 9.7 12.5 Notes: "0" = observed "P" = predicted "ND" = not detectable Parameters Sc, t250' W250 -109- heq and 0250 as defined in chapter 4. I Appendix I permits a visual, qualitative assessment of how well the Table 5.5 pre- model is predicting geometry in the vertical (y-z) plane. sents the conclusions of this visual assessment. Table 5.5: Assessment of Model's Prediction of Geometry in the Y-Z Plane El. Run Thk. El. E E 6A G G lB E E 6B E G 2A E G 7A C E 2B 7B E F 3A 8A E E Run Thk. 1A 3B F E 8B E E 4A E G 11A G G 4B E E 11B F F 5A E E 12A E G G 12B F E 5B ____ G ____I. ___ ___ _12__ Notes: "Thk" = thickness "El" = elevation "E" = excellent; "G" -110- = good; "F" = fair; "P" = poor. The model achieves excellent agreement simultaneously for thickness and elevation 33% of the time and separately 61 and 50% of the time respectively. Overall the agreement is very good. cillation is not that accurate. The agreement for os- However it is consistent in that in both experiment and simulation for a given plant configuration, the number of oscillations is inversely proportional to the current speed. Appendix II permits a qualitative assessment of how well the model is predicting geometry in the x-y plane. In no case is a glaring anomaly observed. Furthermore, in comparison with the vertical profile an overprediction of width is generally correlated with an underprediction of thicknes and vice versa. This implies that the approach used to treat lateral spreading has introduced the error. 5.7.2 Overall the agreement is very good. Qualification of Comparison for Vertical Discharge Experiments The statistics and conclusions presented above must be qualified with respect to the accuracy of the data. Due to the uncertainty associated with placing the dye sampling probe (referred to in Section 4.2.1) at the centerline of the plume for a given experiment, the observed centerline dilutions will generally be greater than the ones that actually occurred. at y=250m (prototype) is 67m. dilution is 9.8. The mean value of the observed thickness The corresponding measured mean centerline The ability to place the sampling probe at the centerline is estimated to be approximately + 15% of the mean thickness or ± 10m. Now if the sampling process is assumed to exhibit a Gaussian distribution and if the mean plume thickness corresponds to 4z,then the expected value of measured concentration E(c) can be evaluated. -111- It would be equal to: 2 E(c) = f (z) c o exp ( -. z ) dz (5 - 46) 2a where f(z) = the Gaussian probability distribution function of the sampling process with a = 10m. E(c) = 1/9.8 = reciprocal of the observed mean centerline dilution. az z = 16.75 = standard deviation of the observed plume. z = coordinate normal to the free surface in the y-z plane with its origin along the jet trajectory (jet assumed approximately horizontal at y = 250m prototype) The solution to Eq. 5-46 gives c = 0.12. Recalling that E(c) =0.10, this implies that the sampling procedure will detect concentrations that are approximately 85% of the actual centerline value. Therefore an optimal predicted value of Sc would be approximately 85% of 9.8 or 8.3 giving a mean error of 1.5. This agrees very well with the results presented in Table 5.4 . The observed values of t250,heq, (heq -h d ) and 0250 are determined from side view photographs. The major limitation in measuring the parameters is associated with intermittent billowing at the plume boundary; it is not always clear what the average elevation of the boundary is. The uncertainty attributed to this is estimated to be ±5 % of the mean plume thickness or about ± 3m. The mean error in the prediction of thickness is -112- less than the uncertainty of measurement while the mean error in the prediction of elevation and change in elevation is on the order of the uncertainty. Thus, with respect to mean error, the model can be considered cal- ibrated within the experimental uncertainty for these parameters. The standard deviations of these quantities are considerably larger than the experimental uncertainty. bility of the model. This reflects inaccuracies in the predictive capa- The mean error in the prediction of oscillation is particularly significant. However, since in both prediction and observation the amplitude of oscillation is an order of magnitude less than the mean thickness, the importance of this phenomenom is minor. The observed values of W250 are determined from photographs taken above and to the side of the experimental basin; thus they must be corrected for parallax error. The uncertainty of this procedure is estimated to be + 5% of the observed mean width or about + 15m. The mean error in predicting W250 is near zero because the coefficient of proportionality governing lateral spreading in Eq. 5-44 was calibrated against observations of W250. However, the scatter indicated by the standard deviation of W250 is again significant compared to the experimental uncertainty. To summarize, the scatter in the prediction of W250 and t250 results largely from the inexactness of the lateral spreading formulation rather than from any significant experimental uncertainty or lack of reproducibility. The scatter in the prediction of dilution arises largely from the uncertainty of the experimental technique. The mean error in the predic- tion of dilution reflects the bias of this uncertainty. The scatter and error in the correlation of elevation between prediction and observation arises from a combination of experimental uncertainty and error in the -113- predictive capacity of the model. In light of the experimental uncertainty and bias, the overall correlation between observation and prediction is very good. The model is calibrated and will predict reasonably well the behavior of a vertical discharge from an OTEC pilot plant. 5.8 Horizontal Discharge Experiments The orientations (e0) of the individual jets of a horizontal discharge experiment vary about the plant periphery as indicated in Table 4.1. More- over, the jets interact both directly through merging and indirectly by altering the ambient flow field. The integral jet model can treat an in- dividual horizontal jet, but is incapable of accounting for interaction. Therefore, only limited integral model simulation is possible. The crossflow jet (81 = 0 ) of a particular horizontal jet array should exhibit the maximum lateral penetration. Thus simulations were obtained for a crossflow jet from experiments 13A - 16B and 19A - 21B. The predicted lateral.penetrations of these jets (equal to x2 5 0 + W250/2) at y = 250m (prototype) were compared to the observed composite plume half-width at the same point. (See Table 4.3. Note that W250 in this table refers to the composite plume width; one half of this value was used for comparison.) The mean predicted lateral penetration was 59m less than that observed for the intermediate current experiments (u. = 0.28 m/s) while it was only 5m less for the higher current experiments (um = 0.51 m/s). For all experiments the average underprediction was 32m with an associated standard error of 85m. This suggests a shielding effect associated with adjacent jets pointing in the upstream direction which block the ambient current making the apparent crossflow velocity lower. Apparently this effect is inversely proportional to the magnitude of the ambient current. -114- This analysis is supported by results shown in Appendix II. Dilution associated with a horizontal experiment is spatially complex and variable. Since all such experiments, except for experiment 23, had a counterflowing jet which cannot be simulated with an integral model due to reentrainment, it was not justified to compare the observed dilutions with simulation. In addition, even at y = 250m (prototype; the position of the first sampling probe), the flow field of the other jets had significantly overlapped making it difficult to determine what percentage of dye came from which discharge. This problem is compounded by the fact that each individual jet exhibited its own elevation and thickness. As a result comparison between observed and predicted geometry in the y-z plane was not made. 5.9 Additional Comments on the Model Equations 5.9.1 An Infinite Entrainment Rate? Inspection of the Hirst model entrainment function, Eq. 5-18, indi2 cated that as IF2 rL 0, E-l-, which is physically unreasonable. It is ob- vious that the entrainment function must approach some asymptotic value to prevent it from going to infinity. fied forF 2 < rL 2 value for IF rL Since the function has not been veri- 10.5, it was reasonable to establish a lower limit of the in Eq. 5-18. This value was chosen to be ten. Only in experiments 4A and 4B was the value of F at the start of the integral analysis. 2 r less than ten In these experiments, F 2 equalled L about 3.0 initially, which is about four times smaller than the next smallest initial value which occurred in experiment IA. Thus it would be the ex- ception,not the norm, in simulating OTEC pilot plant conditions with the -115- model if the lower limit of F rL was invoked. Even so, when the lower limit is invoked, because F rL grows rapidly as the jet penetrates the stratification and buoyancy decreases, IFrL will not remain less than the lower limit for long. For example, the actual local Froude numbers for simula- tions 4A and 4B were less than the lower limit for approximately 24m and 28 m into the ZOEF respectively, which represents a small percentage of the total trajectory studied. 5.9.2 Boundary Layer Assumption Inconsistency As previously stated the differential equations of the Hirst model were formulated presuming that flow in a buoyant turbulent jet is of the boundary layer type, meaning that gradients tangent to the trajectory are much smaller than those normal to the trajectory and that >> . However in approximating the equations, Hirst apparently ignored this assumption at one juncture and carried a second order term through his analysis. The term v r (4 ar -2 q* = u + (5 -- 47) 47) (5 v ar appeared when Hirst introduced turbulent fluctuations into the axisummetric momentum equations. 2 2 -2 ar ar r Note that since v' = v - v, (5 - 48) . Therefore q* reduces to q* 2 r (5 - 49) av and since u>>v the second term on the right hand side should be neglected. -116- Hirst, however, retained this term, defining q* as: Lb2 q* = (u + u SC 2 )2 - E (5 - 50) , 2 in which the second order term is represented by E Removal of E 2 significantly affects the performance of the Hirst model. Inspection of Eq. 5-8 shows that the resulting increase in q* decreases the rate of bending which increases current induced entrainment. Simulating the 22 experimental vertical discharge conditions with current, using the model with the second order term removed, overpredicted dilution and underpredicted jet bending relative to both measurement and prediction with the term retained. An error analysis gave the following mean results: Sc (predicted) - Sc (observed) = 1.6 heq (predicted) - heq (observed) = 3.5m t2 5 0 (predicted) - t2 5 0 (observed) = 2.9m W 2 5 0 (predicted) - W250 (observed) = 41.5m where S c' heq t2 50 and W250 are as defined in Section 4.3.1. Removal of E 2 affected the simulations fairly uniformly. In light of these results and since the Hirst model was calibrated against a large dataset (Section 5.4), q* was left intact. The fact that we were able to achieve reasonable simulation with the model with q* as defined by equation 5- 50was sufficient justification not to tamper with it. It is nevertheless worthwhile exploring what would have happened if Hirst had calibrated his model without the E2 term. Our results indicate that with a3 = 9.0, and without the E2 term, bending would be underestimated. However, assuming that dilution would be high if a 3 = 9.0, as our data suggests, an increase in a3 to reflect actual bending would force -117- dilutions even higher. resolve this problem. Hirst would have had to introduce a drag force to These trends suggest that if a true, first order calibration of the model is pursued, drag forces will have to be accounted for. -118- VI. ADDITIONAL SIMULATIONS WITH THE INTEGRAL JET MODEL 6.1 Introduction Perturbations of the ambient ocean, particularly of the well mixed layer, by the OTEC plant and external flows must be understood in order to make a valid assessment of an OTEC plant's environmental impact. The per- turbation will reflect the plume's position within the water column and the concentration of chemical species (e.g. biocides, products of corrosion or possible working fluid leaks), nutrients and temperature within the plume. In this chapter a sensitivity study is described which ex- plored a range of plume behavior that is anticipated. The results are interpreted with specific reference to the negative impact associated with biocides and the (positive or negative) impact associated with nutrients artificially upwelled by the condenser intake. Simulations are also made that examine the behavior of a condenser jet discharged within the thermocline and the response of the integral jet model to conditions from a previous OTEC physical model study. 6.2 Selection of Base Case Plant and Ocean Additional simulations were performed for realistic OTEC plant and ocean conditions. In some instances, the conditions are such that plant performance may be adversely affected through recirculation. stances, they may induce negative environmental impacts. In other in- Base case (B.C.) conditions were selected after which a series of simulations were run, in which one or several complementary parameters were varied at a time while the others remained at their B.C. values. conditions. -119- Table 6.1 lists the base case Table 6.1: Base Case Conditions The MWe/port ratio reflects current modular design notions. It was practical to model a mixed discharge for a vertically discharging plant since closely spaced but separate evaporator and condenser flows (e.g. as envisioned by Gibbs and Cox; Scott, 1979) should mix soon after discharge. Also, studies have indicated that internally mixing the flows may not present serious mechanical nor economic problems. The discharge depth was a compromise between the hd of 80m proposed by Gibbs and Cox (Scott, 1979) for a 40 MWe vertical plant and the hd of 40m used in the physical model tests of this study, which demonstrated that such a shallow discharge will not significantly deteriorate plant performance. The base case ocean had a vertical temperature profile that was an average between the profiles reported by Bathen (1975) for Hawaii and Fuglister (1960) for the Caribbean, except that the surface temperature was taken from the Hawaiin profile. A ep of 180 C, which represents the lower bound of practicality for plant operation was chosen. be the minimum conceivable at any time during a year. -120- Thus T o would Fig. 6.1 shows the base case plant in a hydrodynamically stable configuration with respect to the ambient current; note that the orientation of the port array with respect to the current is different than in the fourjet physical model tests. Fig. 6.1 indicates that the AF is always equal to unity when the plant is in this configuration and that the equivalent area radius for the base case is 6.6m. Sensitivity to Perturbation from Base Case Conditions 6.3 Presentation of Results 6.3.1 Parameters that were varied in the sensitivity study were uo, Qo' hd ep , H and u . was achieved. Table 6.2.1 describes how variation of the parameters Table 6.2.2, which lists the runs from the six simulation series, indicates the values of the independent variables that have been changed from the base case and documents the response of the major dependent variables, Sc, heq t250 and W250 at y = 250m (prototype), to these changes. Table 6.2.1: Description of Simulations (Perturbations from Base Case Conditions) Method Study 1 u o b was varied. o was simultaneously adjusted to maintain a constant Qo" 2 Q tain a constant u 3 h d was varied. 4 6 was simultaneously adjusted to main- b was varied. o Everything else remained the same. was varied by changing the temperature of the upper mixed layer. Thus T and the temperature grad- ient of the thermocline also changed, since Ta (165m) was held constant. 5 H was varied. As H increased, the slope of the thermo- cline decreased since Ta (165m) was held constant. 6 u was varied. -121- Everything else remained the same. V4 Current Plant Periphery A.F. = 2 x 2 x 3.3 2 x 6.6 6.6 27.4 2.0 1.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 Equivalent Radius (m) Figure 6.1: Base case configuration and aspect factor sketch. -122- 35.0 Table 6.2.2: Results of Simulations Described in Table 6.2.1 Study 1: Run ~ (n ~ ~ u~~ u o (m/sec) bo(m) S (i/ec heq (m) t256 m ) W2 5 0 (m) 1 1.0 5.6 7.3 147 82 387 2 2.0 4.0 9.0 142 92 407 3* 3.0 3.3 10.9 149 102 431 4 4.0 2.8 13.1 149 110 449 5 5.0 2.5 15.3 149 119 471 6 6.0 2.3 17.4 148 128 494 b o(m) Sc Study 2: Run Q (m3 /sec) heq (m) t 250 (m) W 2 5 0 (m) 1 40 1.0 18.3 98 41 186 2* 400 3.3 10.9 149 102 431 3 1000 5.2 8.4 189 154 524 4 2000 7.3 7.5 233 194 531 5 4000 10.3 6.4 276 240 730 Study 3: -123- Study 3: Run S hd (m) h t (in) eq c 25 0 (m) W250(m) 6* 60 10.9 149 102 431 7 70 10.8 159 106 417 8 80 168 108 409 9 90 10.0 181 110 399 10 100 10.0 193 110 400 I 9.9 I I II 1 i _ Study 4: Run ep ( C) T(Cm) Sc heq (m) t 250 (m) W2 50 1* 18 24.7 10.9 149 102 431 2 19 25.7 10.7 148 100 441 3 20 26.7 10.2 146 98 451 4 21 27.7 10.1 145 93 457 5 22 28.7 10.3 144 89 461 6 23 29.7 10.4 142 87 466 7 24 30.7 10.4 141 88 475 (m) Study 5: t2 5 0 (m) W 2 5 0 (m) Run H(m) c 1 10 9.9 153 107 412 2 20 10.0 152 105 416 3 30 10.2 151 104 420 4 40 10.6 150 103 425 5* 50 10.9 149 102 431 -124- h (m) Study 5: heat (m) t2 5 0 (m) W 2 5 0 (m) Run H(m) Sc 6 60 10.9 149 10i 437 7 70 10.6 148 100 444 8 80 10.1 146 97 450 9 90 9.9 144 91 454 10.1 141 87 457 10 100 Study 6: Run u (m/sec) 1 0.2 2* 0.3 3 0.4 4 0.5 5 0.6 6 0.7 Note : "*" indicates B.C. -125- 6.3.2 Discussion of Results The perturbation of the well mixed upper layer of the ambient ocean caused by an OTEC discharge must be known in order to make a valid assessment of the plant's environmental impact. One form of perturbation is the entrainment of mixed layer water into the OTEC plume, which would occur if the upper horizontal face of the plume was in the proximity of the bottom of the mixed layer. phytoplankton This would induce an artificial downwelling of (Walsh, 1981). Another form of interaction is associated with the physical presence of all or part of the OTEC plume in the mixed layer. This would directly introduce any biocide or nutrient load of the plume into the mixed layer. An explanation of the relationship between phytoplankton and the photic zoneand the well mixed layer is necessary to fully develop the effects of these phenomena. A typical, subtropical, oceanic water column has a critical depth (Gross, 1977) at which there is just enough light to support growth of the phytoplankton population. does not occur. mixed layer. Below this depth, significant photosynthesis The phytoplankton are distributed throughout the upper The critical depth can occur either in the upper mixed layer or below it, and its position changes throughout the year. When it occurs in the upper mixed layer, OTEC induced downwelling would remove a higher percentage of the phytoplankton population from its photosynthetic cycle. However since downwelling will expose the phytoplankton to the nutrient rich water of the OTEC plume, it may actually relieve the grazing stress of the population (Brookhaven, 1981), assuming that the phytoplankton can eventually escape the OTEC plume and float back to the surface after having absorbed nutrients from the plume. Since the phytoplankton will only be exposed to biocide in the plume when the phytoplankton is below -126- the critical depth, the inhibiting effect of some biocides, such as chlorine, to photosynthesis, will be minimal. However, when the critical depth occurs below the mixed layer, while the OTEC plume may augment the nutrient supply of the phytoplankton, it will also expose the phytoplankton to the inhibiting effects of some biocides when photosynthetic activity is intense. Clearly the closer the critical depth is to the bottom of the well mixed upper layer, the less such exposure will occur. Thus the en- vironmental impact of downwelling depends on the depth of the well mixed upper layer and the location of the critical depth. Direct introduction of biocide and/or nutrient by OTEC plume intrusion into the well mixed upper layer, will always impact the entire phytoplankton community - although not necessarily uniformly - since the input will effectively become well mixed. In Hawaii and Puerto Rico the maximum, most probable, monthly mixed layer depth is about 100m (Sands, 1980). This maximum generally occurs in the winter months when the critical depth lies in the upper mixed layer. Clearly under these circumstances, the potential impact of any artificial dowiwelling is maximized as is the potential introduction of substances into the waters above the critical depth. Therefore in the following discussion of the simulation series, only when the results indicated that the upper horizontal face of the OTEC plume would reside at or above a depth of 100m was that particular simulation assessed as having potential environmental An assessment of the relative value of that impact was not impact. attempted in this study. thickness Although most of the simulations were made with a mixed layer of 50m, the results of study five indicated that the dependent variables Sc, heq , t2 5 0 and W250 are all fairly insensitive to change in H. -127- Thus conclusions reached for simulations at H = 50m are approximately valid for any other H less than 100m, and the method of environmentally assessing results as described above is also approximately valid. The results of study one indicated that heq is relatively insensitive to change in uo for a given plant size, discharge configuration and ambient environment. Since Sc is positively correlated with uo while t250 is negatively correlated with u , selection of uo for a plant entails choice between a relatively thin, undiluted discharge (i.e. small u ) and one that is relatively thick and diluted (i.e. large u ). Note that the ensuing plume of all the runs ih this study may cause downwelling of the upper mixed layer. In addition, as u0 increases it becomes increasingly more difficult to prevent intrusion of the plume into the mixed layer. The results of study two indicate that as Qo increases, Sc decreases while heq increases. Thus a tradeoff occurs between S and h . A small plant will have a relatively shallow, but highly diluted discharge that is likely to intrude into the upper mixed layer. Obviously if the discharge is going to reside partially within this layer, it is advantageous that rapid dilution take place. In this way, biocide will be dis- persed faster, mitigating any negative impact, and nutrient will be distributed faster, so that a larger percentage of the phytoplankton population may utilize it, maximizing any positive impact. The discharge from a large plant, although unlikely to intrude into the upper mixed layer, may induce significant downwelling of that layer. As indicated by study three, heq is nearly proportional to h d suggesting that (due to high dilution) the density of the diluting rather than the discharge flow is primarily responsible for establishing equilibrium plume elevation. Furthermore, Sc, t250 and W250 are not sensitive to changes in h d . Thus at least -128- when the critical depth occurs within the mixed layer, it may be desirable to design hd so that the OTEC plume resides just beneath the mixed layer. This would prevent inhibitation of photosynthesis by biocide, while still introducing any artificially upwelled nutrient to the phytoplankton community. Study four shows that as 6 increases, t2 50 decreases because the steepness of the thermocline increases with 0 also increases with it. 6 . Sc and heq and thus lateral spreading are fairly insensitive to change in For a constant u , um and heq , it might be expected that environ- mental impact would be maximized for small however that despite the effect 6 P the OTEC plant, the largest . It should be recognized has on the external fluid mechanics of 0p available will always be selected in order to maximize plant output. The results of study six indicate that since both h eq and S c vary inversely with u , the elevation of the upper horizontal face of the OTEC plume does not change significantly as u. is varied. To illustrate, note that this elevation (heq - t2 5 0 /2) is 99m and 105m for runs one (u = 0.2m/sec) and six (u ever since S = 0.7m/sec),respectively,of study six. How- varies inversely with u , the discharge fluid within the near field under high u, conditions will be characterized by higher concentrations of biocide or nutrient. 6.4 Modeling a Separate Condenser Jet It is possible that the evaporator and condenser will be discharged separately and that the orientation of the two discharges will prevent interaction. For example, consider the case where the evaporator dis- charges horizontally from the side of the plant while the condenser discharges vertically from its bottom, or the case where both flows discharge horizontally at a large separation. -129- Table 6.3 lists the independent Both these cases were simulated. variables that differ from the B.C. and the response of the dependent Note that for the horizontal condenser dis- variables to these changes. charge (Run 2) a co-flowing orientation (e1=900) was assumed. ) Run 1 (vertl - 2 (hor) 90 _ _ e2 (0) _ ' hcq( 250(n >250(m T' (OC) hd(m) b (m) 90 8.0 80 2.3 14.7 154 83 368 0 [I_ 2.3 5.6 132 78 144 80 8.0 _ _ _ S ___ It is obvious that a vertical discharge is superior in diluting the condenser flow. Surprisingly, the relatively large dilution of the vertical discharge does not result in a significantly larger thickness, but rather translates into more lateral spreading. (Note the t term in expression for Fp in Eq. 5-41 governing lateral spreading.) the Thus while both a horizontal and a vertical discharge will probably prevent the discharge from penetrating the photic zone, the vertical discharge is superior in dispersing any toxic biocides and in distributing any beneficial nutrient load into the local environment. 6.5 Modeling Experimental Conditions from a Previous Physical Model Study Coxe et al (1980) ran several experiments in which a 100 MWe, evaporator flow was discharged horizontally through one rectangular port at either cross-flowing or co-flowing orientation with respect to the free stream. Table 6.4.1 lists the independent parameters of these experiments, along with the run number assigned by Coxe. Using an equivalent area circular port, these experiments were simulated with the integral jet model. -130- Table 6.4.2 documents the results of % I . a Independent Parameters of Coxe's Table 6.4.1 Single Jet, Horizontal Discharge Experiments -I Qo Orientation RUN 33B 34A 34B (01 = 900 I (m/sec) (m /sec) crossflow (o1 = 0) crossflow (01 = 0) coflow (61 = 900) coflow 33A h U W hd (m) (m) (m) H 0 (oC) (m) u (m/sec) (m/sec) T' 0.51 24.5 21.2 55 0.28 24.5 21.2 55 0.51 24.5 21.2 11.98 10.74 75 23.4 55 500 3.9 11.98 10.74 75 23.7 55 500 3.9 11.98 10.74 75 22.2 500 3.9 11.98 110.74 75 22.3 I. I 4 (oC) 21.2 3.9 I T" (z=hd) 24.5 500 ) I (z=h.) ( oC) a 4 Simulation versus Observation ,or Coxe's Initial Condition -I P h (m)p t 4 5 0 (m) t 4 5 0 (m) x450(m) x450(m)o 450(m) W450(m) Table 6.4.2: Sp Run S S I h (m)0 p C 33A 14.4 68 93 638 825 33B 11. 3 68 77 405 508 213 261 54 248 147 0 0 46 195 116 0 0 34A 8.5 4.5 70.4 68 34B 6.6 3.8 74.7 69 __i Notes: I 62 £J Superscript "o" = observed Superscript "p" = predicted All variables measured or predicted at y = 450 m (prototype) 385 the simulations and compares them with experimental observations. For the co-flowing jets (Runs 34A and B) the integral model significantly underpredicts jet dilution. rise is a little high (h eq < h 0) As a result, predicted plume and both predicted width and thickness are too small, though the later is reasonably close. Turbulent mixing associated with the plant wake (and which is not simulated in the integral model) may be responsible for the observed dilution being larger than predicted. For the cross-flowing jets (Runs 33A and B), the predicted trajectories and widths are somewhat higher than observed. This may reflect inaccuracy in the lateral spreading formulation and/or the entrainment function. Since no experimental values of t 4 50 450 for the cross-flowing cases, these cannot be distinguished. or S exist c However, since the lateral spreading formulation was calibrated to the vertical experiments, where spreading occurred well into the thermocline, it is possible that the calibration would be different for the horizontal experiments, where spreading takes place typically in the lower portion of the well mixed layer. 6.6 Future Use of Model for Environmental Assessment It should be noted that the plant and ocean conditions presented in this chapter are by no means exhaustive. Rather a reasonable methodology has been presented and a sensitivity analysis has been undertaken to explore the response of a particular base case to individual variation response of its independent variables. The trends identified in this study will help facilitate the inclusion of environmental impact considerations into generic OTEC design. The versatility of the model will also allow detailed studies to be made of any particular design. -133- More detailed environmental assessment could be attained if the integral model were coupled to chemical and biological kinetic models. could be accomplished by writing This integral equations expressing conserva- tion of the appropriate chemical or biological species analagous to the conservation of thermal energy (heat) equation presently included in If coupling is pursued, it is important to identify the appro- the model. priate rate constants and to guarantee that the step size used in the numerical model is consistent with the fastest reaction rate. For ex- ample, consider the pulsing of the discharge water with chlorine to retard biofouling. As the chlorine is introduced to the seawater, it will almost instantaneously hydrolyze to hypochlorite by the following reaction: + C12 + H20 -+ OCIl + Cl- + 2H (6 - 1) The degradation of the hypochlorite follows several pathways that differ in rate. The step size of the numerical model must accomodate the fastest of these rates to prevent predicted concentrations of some chemical species from decreasing too slow with respect to position along the trajectory. -134- RECIRCULATION VII. 7.1 Introduction Determination of recirculation was one of the major objectives of the physical model experiments. small. Fortunately, recirculation was generally Mean direct recirculation (as determined from dye measurements) for the vertical experiments in crossflow was 0.6% with a standard deviation of 0.7%. For the horizontal experiments in a current mean direct recir- culation was 0.9% with a standard deviation of 0.9%. stagnant water tests was even less. Recirculation in These mean values and standard devia- tions are relatively small compared to the mean values of direct recirculation (-5%) and standard deviation (-5 - 10%) that Coxe et al (1980) observed in their physical model study of 200 to 600 MWe plants. Attempts to correlate direct recirculation to the independent variables in this study were generally unsuccessful due to the extremely low values of observed recirculation and, thus, the relatively high level of uncertainty in the measurements. (This is in contrast to the reasonable success which Coxe et al (1980) achieved in their analysis of recirculation.) Nevertheless it is worthwhile to qualitatively discuss the me- chanisms thought to lie behind the recirculation which was observed. 7.2 Direct Recirculation in Stagnant Water Tests Direct recirculation in the stagnant water experiments displayed significant temporal variability (see Table 4.4), with highest levels of direct recirculation occurring at the beginning of an experiment due to the evolution of the discharge plume (plant start-up). These high levels quickly diminished, until direct recirculation became relatively steady, at levels that were insignificant (mean steady value typically about -135- 0.2 %). In the context of actual OTEC operation, the recirculation at startup is not important and, for practical purposes, only insignificant levels of recirculation existed for the stagnant water pilot plant tests. It must be noted however that the duration of the stagnant water experiments was typically of order 10 hours (prototype). It is possible that an ex- tended period of ambient stagnation, a period of ambient current following stagnation or a period of current reversal could result in recirculation due to unsteady build-up of the discharge plume. While not expected to be significant, such phenomena would require a transient intermediate field spreading analysis in addition to a near field analysis. 7.3 The Upwash Effect in Vertical Experiments in a Current Experimental observation during tests with a current indicated that a significant captive eddy of low pressure often formed in the lee of the plant. Fig. 7.1 is a side view photograph illustrating this phenomenom. It is characterized by a clockwise circular gyre (as viewed in Fig. 7.1) of swirls of dye that intermittently billow from the plume. It is believed that the intake flow coupled with intense turbulent mixing within the wake combine to produce this intermittent swirling. This phenomenom is hydrodynamically similar to that of downwash which occurs in mechanical draft cooling towers (Chan and Kennedy, 1980). Both the initial Froude numbers and crossflow ratios are in the same range. The major differences between the two situations are that the OTEC orientation is inverted compared to that of the cooling tower and the stable stratification of the ocean profile at the level of the OTEC discharge is more significant than the corresponding atmospheric stratification. The phen- omenon is henceforth referred to as upwash when addressing OTEC plants. -136- Figure 7.1: Side View Photograph of Run 4A Illustrating Circular Motion of Upwashed Dye Billows -137-- cause In addition to intermittent swirling, the upwash effect can also deflection of the plume towards the plant. This is probably the primary reason that integral jet simulation (see Appendix I) did not accurately capture the shape of the top of the discharge at the lee side of the plant. 7.4 Recirculation in Tests in a Current Recirculation is manifested by an intake temperature depression, ATi., between the intake and the ambient at the level of the intake, which, 0 0 for tests in a current, was of order -0.05 C ±0.1 C. the intake water temperature itself, T i, was The variability of ±0.4 0 C with the greatest variability occuring in the upstream half of the intake structure. (Fig. 7.2 depicts the position of the four intake thermister probes.) The vertical variation in ambient temperature measured over the upper 30m (prototype) of the water column was typically 0.2 0 C +0.1 0 C. Thus since T' ( z= hi) is generally the maximum temperature of the water column, a i the mean intake temperature depression could be accounted for by assuming the intake withdraws from throughout the upper 30m (prototype) of the water column. However the spatial and temporal variability of T.1 strongly sug- gests that cooler water from below this upper layer occasionally reaches the intake. One mechanism for recirculation, is the occurrence of internal waves, consistent with the above observations, which result from the perturbation of the ambient water column as it moves past the plant. These waves could occasionally cause water from near the bottom of the mixed layer, or below, to be drawn to the intake. internal waves on the upstream The greater height expected for side of the plant - correlated with the -138- = Location of thermistor probe L Current II 271 o 64 0 03 O OO Figure 7.2: Annular intake structure showing positions of intake thermistor probes (only one half of structure depicted). -139- increased variability of intake temperature on the upstream side - promotes this possibility. Another mechanism is upwash, which has been previously described. Due to the intermittency of the dye billows that escape the plume, upwash recirculation would be expected to cause significant temporal variability of the intake water. Unfortunately the time scale of upwash recirculation, as visually estimated from the experiments, is small compared to the time it takes to collect water sample during an experiment (=10 sec). Thus while direct recirculation is measured from the water samples, its anticipated variability is not resolved. However other indirect evidence suggests the existence of upwash recirculation. Because upwash recirculation consists of the intermittent intake of highly diluted billows of discharge water, it would not be expected to cause significant mean recirculation, which is consistent with the observed low values of direct recirculation and intake temperature depression. Also the relatively high variability associated with T. sug- gests that the mean T i represents an average of frequent readings with a temperature near T'a ( z= hi) and infrequent readings of cooler temperature. The notion of upwash recirculation is ing heat budget analysis for the intake. also consistent with the followAssume that the intake tempera- ture depression is caused (at least in part) by direct recirculation of the discharge fluid,(upwash induced recirculation) and that the discharge has been mixed with ambient water of lower temperature relative to T' (zmh ). a i QiiT' Then the heat balance of the intake flow can be expressed as: + (Sa= XQT' iohere 1) T'e Q + (1 - SavX ) T' Qi where -140- (7- 1) Sa = a characteristic average jet dilution V'. = a characteristic average jet temperature T' = The average temperature of the ambient fluid that enters je the intake without having been entrained by the jet If S and T' are set equal to the average dilution of the jet and the je av average temperature of the jet respectively at its maximum point of penetration ( zma) then a solution for T' can be and X are already kno .n. obtained since Qi. Ti, T When solutions for T' were obtained, it was (z = h.). discovered that T' was always approximately equal to T' a I Fur- thermore, this trend was fairly insensitive to changing the assumptions of how values of T je were obtained. and S av These results suggest that direct recirculation (occuring through an upwash mechanism) is the primary cause of intake temperature depression. -141- VIII. 8.1 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Summary Ocean thermal energy conversion plants are being considered to produce power based on the thermal difference between the upper and lower temperature strata in a tropical or subtropical ocean. This study has examined the behavior of the near field external fluid mechanics of generic pilot plant OTEC designs under realistic deep water operating conditions to assess the environmental impact of different plant configurations and to determine if pilot plants can be expected to operate without degrading the thermal resource available for power production. 8.2 8.2.1 Physical Modeling Conditions Modeled Physical model studies investigated variation of near field plume dynamics and sensitivity of recirculation to different pilot plant designs. Both mixed and non-mixed (evaporator) discharge concepts were examined for power plant sizes ranging from 20 MWe to 80 MWe with nominal discharge flow rates of 5 m 3 /sec-MWe for an evaporator discharge and 10m3 /sec-MWe for a mixed discharge. Discharge port designs included two, four and eight discrete circular ports, with significant variations in the MWe/port ratio, issuing either horizontally or vertically. An axisymmetric, annular intake structure which promoted vertical downward inflow was located near the surface, in the mixed upper layer, for all of the experiments. -142- Prototype ambient ocean conditions were modeled by towing the model pilot plant through a temperature-stratified basin. Uniform current speeds of up to 0.5 m/sec (prototype) were studied for oceans with continuously stratified density profiles characterized by a mixed layer depth of order 50m (prototype). 8.2.2 Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work As anticipated, little recirculation was observed in the experiments. Values of direct recirculation as determined from discharge and intake dye samples were on the order of 0.7% ± 0.8%. The 0 corresponding intake temperature depression was on the order of -0.05 C ± 0.09 0 C. Two mechanisms (upwash and internal waves) were proposed to explain the intermittent recirculation which was observed. Certain experimental adjustments could be made to allow more definitive characterization of these mechanisms. A continuous flow-through fluorometer could be used so that fluctuations in direct recircultion are resolved. The discrete values of the intake temperature readings, in addition to the mean and standard deviation, could also be recorded so that maximum intake temperature depressions could be documented. Finally, the time histories of the dye sampling and temperature recording procedures could be coupled. These modifications would permit virtually complete charactertization of the mechanisms of intake temperature depression. The environmental parameters that were measured include the dilution, elevation, width, thickness and trajectory of the OTEC discharge plume. The latter four were ascertained to within a few -143- percent from photographic data with the most uncertainty associated with width (due to parallax error). Dilution was measured by a water sampling probe that moved vertically in the water column. Measured values of centerline dilution generally fell in the range of 10 to 15 with an uncertainty of about 15% due to estimated measurement bias.Use of a continuous flow through fluorometer over the entire water column would eliminate this bias. Because numerical simulations suggested that plume dynamics are fairly insensitive to the mixed layer depth as long as the ZOEF begins near the thermocline, it seems reasonable to conduct some future physical model tests with both a shallower discharge and mixed layer depth. This would test conditions of maximum recirculation and would increase the effective vertical dimensions of the experimental basin. Finally, the modeling in this study has been limited to those designs which can be represented as symmetrical, vertical columns, discharging in deepwater. into this category. However many pilot plant designs may not fall For instance, shelf-mounted and shore-based plants can be expected to interact with the ocean bottom or shoreline. The present experimental set-up could be modified to represent discharge interaction with the ocean floor. 8.3 8.3.1 Numerical Modeling Methodology A previously calibrated integral jet model (Hirst, 1971a) was used to represent the dynamics of the OTEC discharge in the near field. Major modifications included adjustment of the equations that characterized the starting length (ZOFE); introduction of jet deflection -144- in the ZOFE; introduction of a lateral spreading formulation that allowed the "squeezing" effects of the ambient stratification to be modeled; and introduction of an aspect factor, which accounted for interaction of a number of ports issuing from a circular array (i.e. the vertical discharge experiments). Comparison of simulation to observation indicated that overall agreement over the range of vertical, experimental conditions was quite good. In light of this, additional simulations were made to characterize the environmental impact of the discharge plume from an OTEC pilot plant over a broad range of realistic conditions. 8.3.2 Conclusions and Recommendations for Future Work Although the integral jet model performed well and should be useful for design purposes, it is believed that a reformulation of the integral analysis and a subsequent recalibration of the model would produce an even better predictive tool. This conclusion is based on the fact that Hirst (1971,a) included a second order term in his integral equations which was shown to affect the results of the simulations significantly. It is believed that the inclusion of this second order term, which increases the rate of bending of the plume, compensates for the omission of drag forces in the integral formulation and results in an overprediction of the calibrated jet entrainment rate. The mechanism of jet spreading (collapse) due to ambient stratification should be reformulated to include separate differential equations and entrainment -145- relationships governing jet thickness and jet width. The integral model could be coupled with chemical and biological kinetic models to help assess environmental impacts associated with such effects as the introduction of biocides or artificial nutrient upwelling by the condenser intake. -146- REFERENCES Abraham, G., "Jet Diffusion in Stagnant Ambient Fluid," Delft Hydraulics Delft Hydraulics Lab. No. 29, (1963). Adams, E.E., D.J. Fry, D.H. Coxe, and D.R.F.Harleman, "Research on the External Fluid Mechanics of Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Plants: R.M. Parsons Report Covering Experiments in Stagnant Water," Laboratory for Water Resources and Hydrodynamics, M.I.T. Technical Report No. 250, Cambridge, Massachusetts (June, 1979). Albertson, M.L., Y.B. Dai, R.A. Jensen and H. Rouse, Diffusion of Submerged Jets," ASCE Trans. 115, 639-97 (1950). Allender, J.H., J.D. Ditmars, R.A. Paddock and K.D. Saunders, "OTEC Physical and Climatic Environmental Impact: An Overview of Modeling Efforts and Needs," Proc. Fifth Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion Conf., Miami, Florida Vol. III, pp. 165-189 (Feb. 20-22, 1978). Bathen, K.H., R.M. Kamus, D. Kornreich and J.E.T. Moncur, "An Evaluation of Oceanographic and Socio-Economic Aspects of a Nearshore OTEC Pilot Plant in Subtropical Hawaian Waters." Univ. of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, Grant no. AER74-17421 A01 (April, 1975). Becker, H.A., H.C. Hottel and G.C. Williams, "The Nozzle-Fluid Concentration Field of the Round, Turbulent, Free Jet," J. Fluid Mech. 30 (2), 285-303 (1967). 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(C) Dashed line indicates experimentally observed boundaries. -151- Exp IA: 40 MWe plant; vertical, 8-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DIST14NCE. POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 tOO (M) -tOa O PLANT / * I 0 .. I - ' f ' LaO L.- 200 200 C3 m I . I Exp IB: 40 MWe plant; vertical, 8-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTRNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 20Q a OC -Oo I-3 PLANT • 200 j (M) . 2z1 I Exp 2A: 80 Me plant; vertical, 8-port, evaporator discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT Loo 2(1 (M) -L4AQ P PLANT X-. C 200 I 2W 40 MWe plant; vertical, 8-port, evaporator Exp 3B: discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE,. POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 (M) 0 100 0 - 0L0 m ,--M -200 200 - __ L -- 20 MWe plant; vertical, 8-port, mixed Exp 4A: discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DOISTNCE, 200 POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 0 t00 (M) -t00 PLANT I ,I 29I Loa Loa I . M I I I Exp 4B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, 8-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 2Q0 -0a O tOO (M) PLANT I OO / 'Na- -* /I 20Q z20 20 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, mixed Exp 5A: discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTRNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT LQQ 2aQ (M) -LOQ O PLANT * * *....* I 00 , '-M 200. 20 Exp 5B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. OISTRNCE, POSITIVE ZQ Luu IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 1!3. (M) 0 L(Mrn -10 .--I 2z Man Exp 6A: 40 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTFINCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT MI I i2 (M) i PLANT C3 1 1L..** t .O MC .. .. -U ) z20 M * 9-4 20a Exp 6B: 40 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 -tOO O LOQ (M) PLANT - 1I C-' I - / wI 20 20 -LOu M Exp 7A: 80 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, evaporator discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTFNCE. POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 -, I -.. . PLANT - . " 1 .- , . 2a . * -taO € tO (M) . . . • • . 7 o 200 80 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, evaporator Exp 7B: discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s- DISTRNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 t LOO (M) -Lta PLANT -. 100 2s I N. _ 4' _ -~ - - -D "- / 0 0n0 m 80 MWe plant; vertical, 4-port, evaporator Exp 8A: discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTRNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 1 I LOQ I I P ON (M) ol PLANT I Y 200 - Man Exp 8B: 80 MWe plant; vertical, 4 -port, evaporator discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 200 LOQ O (M) -LOC PLANT Ln 20.0 _ 200 20 MWe plant; vertical, 2-port, mixed Exp 11A: discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT 20 SP 100 (M) -tLOO O L A NIT PLANT I LOM L(M 1..0n // 20a2 M -o -I I 2011 Exp 11B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, 2-port, mixed discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTRNCE. POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT (M) LQQ LQ 200 I 200. I m: Exp 12A: 40 MWe plant; vertical, 2-port, evaporator discharge; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTRNCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT -Q LtOO 200 CM) PLANT *I -- La 2aa !l m 2za ,. 40 MWe plant; vertical, 2-port evaporator Exp 12B: discharge; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE, POSITIVE IN DIRECTION OF CURRENT -400 0 100 200 (M) PLANT PN I L -N C3 2 200 111~- I _ I J r ____ 1 ~_ _~ I , APPENDIX II SIMULATIONS OF THE OTEC MODEL DISCHARGE IN THE HORIZONTAL, X-Y PLANE, COMPARED TO EXPERIMENT Legend (A) Dashed line indicates centerline of simulation. (B) Solid lines indicate simulated boundaries. (C) " 04" or "4 "1 indicates left and right experimentally observed boundaries respectively. (D) "..." indicates observed wake too wide to be indicated on plot. -170- Run 1A: -25G 40 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -20( -15Q -1 O DISTFRtC'CE NORMtGL T -SQ Q 50 N N, CURRENT 10 -T (MI 1.5(Q --I 2(1 2 O 3G0 I Ic on p C z Fp 0U-, o, - P- FFR Q F P> ca n + + -rn: + + + + + + + + t+ 2t 0 - 40 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, mixed discharge, current speed Run iB: -250 -'200 -O0 -450 Ccco pw DISTRNCE NORHAL TO CURRENT (MI 1.50 Loo 50 0 -50 •0 ± = 0.5 m/s. 200 250 300 zC-, ,,-4 f• e r ra C3 p rt--A p1 + + + '-4 a + z +++ 0.- '. c~l l+ p2 80 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. Run 2A: -250 -20 -450 OISTRNCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (M) .OO 1.50 -50 O 50 -100 200 25(0 300 GCm F(A CC7 e -r- en 0 rt ° . ,C p +z t t -I t -'-4 p- 0 Run 2B: 80 MWe plant; vertical, eight port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE NORKFIL TO CURRENT tMI 300 O - , 0 IV 9-4 0 m -2 a ra znr a m Z fu, C") Q 'I,,-4 2 z '4l Run 3A: -25O 40 MWe plant; vertical, eight port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -2(0 -LOO -t50 OJSTRNCE NORMAIL TO CURRENT (M) 1.S0 100 50 o -50 200 250 300 u p on, FC, N M +P C3 p 0-4 0 ca ~n + + + U'- r0 a -n fl Run 3B: -250 40 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. -200 -1 0 -150( DISTRNCE NORMFL TO CURRENT (MI 150 100 50 0 -50 200 250(1 300 :) 0 CC- 0 en p + o th + m a z w a r p+ + + pg + + + + + + + + 2-Iz 0 1 Run 4A: N Un in -250 -200 I 20 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -150 -100 DISTRNCE NORMAL TO CURRENT 100 5s0 0 -50 I I I I (M) 15 200 I 251 I 1 Run 4B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, eight port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTRNCE NORIKRL TO CURRENT -250 -200 -150 - 00 -50 0o 50 100 (MI 150 200 250 300 N- I+ 00 6-P 0 z - + + r + + 0 + I 0I I I.o I-' pC+t t C1 ~ + + + + + 0 Run 5A: 20 MWe plant; vertical, four port mixed discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTFNCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (Ml Run 5B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, four port mixed discharge, current speed = 0. 5 m/s. DISTANCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (MI 3OO 300 J) cIV IV ch en m 00 U) z 0D CD wP- 2 6O a 2 I: Run 6A: -250 40 MWe plant; vertical, four port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -200 -50so -00 DISTRNCE NORMRL TO CURRENT (M) -50 0 50 100 50 2(00 250 300 CD ca '-4 p Z m - + + + + + + + + +. -U z l p~ CR + mr 0- Run 6B: 40 MWe plant; vertical, four port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTINCE NORKHIL TO CURRENT t(M !00 Is n CA w.z m a U) 2 0 n1 pl- a 2 2 a-n 2 p-I Run 7A: 80 MWe plant; vertical, four port, evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. OISTRNCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (MI gOO 0 um -t II( Q zU tm p.4 z I rn 30 C) '-4 '-4 n- 2 z p.' Run 7B: 80 MWe plant; vertical, four port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (H) Run 8A: -'250 40 MWe plant; vertical, four port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -200 -150 -100 DISTINCE NORHFPL TO CURRENT (M) -50 Q s5 L00 1.50 200 250 300 CJ'D cR N- +fl+ + 0 m Rn s-a CR +flu T -~o +r Pr 5- Run 8B: 40 MWe plant; vertical, four port, evaporator discharge, current speed 1OISTRNCE NOR1AL TO CURRENT -25a -200 -100 -150 -'50 50 0 oo = 0.5 m/s. [M) t50 200 300 250 SC7 in aa + S: p 00 Iz $.I 0"a ca -n a z) 0)a ++++ p ~ rt- -+ +.++ +1 pg I E '.4 + -+ -+ + Run IIA: -250 20 MWe plant; vertical, two port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -20 -150 -400 DISTRNCE NORHRL TO CURRENT 0 50 l00 -5a (MI L15 2a0 250 300 ,-6 CD 00- SC3 p n' 0 0n '-4 Ln ca S pI + + + + + + + + + 2 ra +W- - Run 11B: 20 MWe plant; vertical, two port, mixed discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTRNCE NORKRL TO CURRENT (Ml Run 12A: -250 I p -200 40 MWe plant; vertical, two port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.3 m/s. -15Q -1 00 DISTRNCE NORMAL TO CURRENT (M) 150 50 100 -50 200 250 Run 12B: 40 MWe plant; vertical, two port evaporator discharge, current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTINCE NORMFIL TO CURRENT -250 -200 -400 -150 -50 0 100 50 (MI 150 250 200 300 UI + ++ - + +- + p -I N I Run 13A: 80 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. a 6 . Run 13B: 80 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTFINCE NORhFIL TO CURRENT (.MI 3SQ 3 0 C2 -u P wCm Cm P 2 r-0 '.4 1 i Run 14A: 40 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTRNCE NORRAL TO CURRENT (MI 100 5 \0 -50 Run 14B: 40 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTRNCE NORKFIL TO CURRENT (M) -200 -50 -50 -LO 0 S l00 1,50 200 250 300 350 P 0 u) + p C, rn ++'.0 FFR + I"R CA p++ + +. + + + + + 20 2 tvl 1 I A Run 15A: 40 Me plant; horizontal, eight port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTONCE NORMAL TO CURRENT 50 0 -50 (MI Run 15B: 40 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTANCE NORKMRL TO CURRENT (M) Run 16A: -2GQ 20 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed - 0.5 m/s. DISTI NCE NORMAL TO CURRENT LOQ 5Q QI -5 -- QQ -L5Q( IMI LSQ zQQ 251 35(1 3QQ PC3 +a S+ + + + +l I I On pt- •. " p + C? M ID , "4 (A z + ++ • -- + c, ,-4 ""- FR z 1 ra '.0 p p~ + \o + 1 c,2 I 0 r' +++++' -t-4 c- I ,t -. + t p2 t t "4 Run 16B: 20 MWe plant; horizontal, eight port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. DISTRNCE NORPRL TO CURRENT (M) I5Q 0 u) M- z WE M -In 2 A rWE C? u-I *.6 2 I '-4 0 Run 19A: 80 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; t g Run 19B: -200 -450 80 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.5 m/s. -L00 DISTRNCE NORMAL TO CURRENT (MI -50 O0 54 100 LSQ wN + ,.- + U p 200 250 + . i * Run 20A: . 40 MWe plnat; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. 350 ,-4 U) - U IV a m C3 9-4 "? -4 0C1 Ca n 2I '-I Run 20B: -150 40 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge at crossflow; curent speed = 0.5 m/s. -100 DISTANCE NORTL TO CURRENT (M) LO -50 0 \ 0 200 Run 21A: -200 N I + -50 I 40 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.3 m/s. -1Q0 I DISTRNCE NOR ~L TO CURRENT CMI OQ 150 0 50 -50 I I + . 1 I 200 -1 250 i Run 21B: 40 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, mixed discharge at crossflow; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTFANCE NORP~1L Ti a40 -150 -40 -50 a 0 (/l 10 I r. 0 Run 23A: -200 -150 40 MWe plant; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge, 450 into current; current speed = 0.3 m/s. -1 00 ___ _ __ $ Run 23B: MWe plant; horizontal, four port, evaporator discharge, 450 into current; current speed = 0.5 m/s. DISTFINCE NORKAL TO CURRENT -200 -150 -O00 -50 0 10 50 I(M 150 200 250 300 350 I) +U - 2 + + + + + + zr + U-' APPENDIX III FINAL COPY OF INTEGRAL JET MODEL CODE Note: This code was originally written at Argonne National Laboratory by Tony C. Ku. It was written according to a publication by E.A. Hirst (1971a). -207- C************************************* C C C PROGRAM INTEGRATES THE INTEGRAL MODEL EQUATIONS (BASED C ON THE HIRST ANALYSIS) FOR AN INCLINED, ROUND, BUOYANT JET INTO AN ARBITRARILY STRATIFIED FLOWING ENVIRONMENT. C C THE PROGRAM CAN ACCOUNT FOR A CIRCULAR MULTIPLE ARRAY C BY USING THE ASPACT FACTOR FUNCTION. C ALL REFERENCES TO PAGE NUMBERS, EQUATION NUMBERS, AND C C SECTION NUMBERS REFER TO: C E. A. HIRST, 'ANALYSIS OF ROUND, TURBULENT, BUOYANT C JETS DISCHARGED TO FLOWING STRATIFIED AMBIENTS,' C C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, ORNL-4685, OAK RIDGE, C TENNESSEE (JUNE 1971). C ADDITIONAL MODIFICATIONS ARE DOCUMENTED IN THE C C M.S. THESIS OF PAUL SINGARELLA AT M.I.T. IN CIVIL ENGINEERING. C C C C*************************************** C C WRITTEN BY: C C ROBERT A. PADDOCK C ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL C SYSTEMS DIVISION C ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY C ARGONNE, ILLINOIS 60439 C (JULY 1981) C C C ADAPTED FROM A PROGRAM WRITTEN BY: C TONY C. KU C ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL C SYSTEMS DIVISION C ARGONNE NATIONAL LABORATORY C ARGONNE, ILLINOIS 60439 (1976) C C C C C ADAPTED FOR AN OTEC PILOT PLANT C ANALYSIS BY PAUL SINGARELLA C OF THE RALPH M. PARSONS LAB C OF WATER RESOURCES AND HYC DRODYNAMICS, M.I.T. C C C*********************************************************** C C C INPUT VARIABLES: -208- C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C TITLE = ANY ALPHANUMERIC TITLE XD = DISCHARGE POSITION ALONG X AXIS YD = DISCHARGE POSITION ALONG Y AXIS ZD = DISCHARGE DEPTH (POSITIVE DOWNWARD WITH ZERO AT THE SURFACE) THETID = DISCHARGE ANGLE IN HORIZONTAL PLANE WITH RESPECT TO THE X AXIS (DEGREES, 0 IS ALONG X AXIS, 90 IS ALONG Y AXIS) THET2D = DISCHARGE ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO THE HORIZOTAL PLANE (DEGREES, DOWNWARD ANGLE IS POSITIVE) UD = DISCHARGE VELOCITY DD = DISCHARGE DIAMETER SD=DISCHARGE SALINITY IN PARTS PER THOUSAND TD=DISCHARGE TEMPERATURE, DEGREES C UAMB = AMBIENT CURRENT SPEED (ALONG POSITIVE Y AXIS) GRAV = ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY SCHMD = SQUARE ROOT OF THE TURBULENT SCHMIDT NUMBER (1.16 IS RECOMMENDED) Ai = ENTRAINMENT COEFFICIENT FOR A SIMPLE MOMENTUM JET (0.057 IS RECOMMENDED) A3 = THIRD COEFFICIENT IN THE ENTRAINMENT FUNCTION (9.0 IS RECOMMENDED) VISC = KINEMATIC VISCOSITY NPTS=NUMBER OF AMBIENT PROFILE POINTS THAT CHARACTERIZE THE STRATIFICATION DELS = STEP SIZE ALONG JET CENTERLINE XLIMIT = LIMIT ON INTEGRATION IN X DIRECTION FROM ORIGIN YLIMIT = LIMIT ON INTEGRATION IN Y DIRECTION FROM ORIGIN ZLIMIT = LIMIT ON INTEGRATION IN Z DIRECTION FROM ORIGIN (SURFACE) NLIMIT=MAXIMUM NUMBER OF STEPS ALLOWED IR=PRINTOUT FREQUENCY AFI=INITIAL ASPACT FACTOR AF2=ASPACT FACTOR WHEN MERGING IS COMPLETE RDI=EQUIVALENT RADIUS WHEN AFI BEGINS TO CHANGE RD2=EQUIVALENT RADIUS WHEN ASPACT FACTOR BECOMES EQUAL TO ONE MULTOW=I WHEN THE RUN IS FOR A MULTIPLE TOWER GEOMETRY, AND IT EQUALS ZERO FOR A SINGLE TOWER RUN NARRAY EQUALS UNITY WHEN THE COORDINATES OF THE DISCHARGE, CENTERLINE AND PERIPHERY, ARE TO BE SENT TO DATA FILES. DP(I) = VERTICAL COORDINATE OF AMBIENT PROFILE SA(I) = AMBIENT SALINITY AT Z=DP(I) TA(I) =AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AT Z = DP(I) -209- C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C INTERNAL VARIABLES: AMBDEN = LOCAL AMBIENT DENSITY DENGRD = LOCAL VERTICAL AMBIENT DENSITY GRADIENT DELDND = AMBIENT DENSITY MINUS JET DENSITY AT POINT OF DISCHARGE RHOO = AMBIENT DENSITY AT POINT OF DISCHARGE (USED AS 'REFERENCE' DENSITY) FD = DENSIMETRIC FROUDE NUMBER AT POINT OF DISCHARGE INBUOY = PLUS ONE FOR A NEUTRAL OR POSITIVELY BUOYANT JET WITH AN UPWARD COMPONENT OF MOMENTUM. PLUS ONE FOR A NEUTRAL OR NEGATIVELY BUOYANT JET WITH A DOWNWARD COMPONENT OF MOMENTUM. NEGATIVE ONE FOR A NEGATIVELY BUOYANT JET WITH AN UPWARD COMPONENT OF MOMENTUM. NEGATIVE ONE FOR A POSITIVELY BUOYANT JET WITH A DOWNWARD COMPONENT OF MOMENTUM. ZERO FOR A NEUTRALLY BUOYANT JET AND NO VERTICAL MOMENTUM COMPONENT. SDD = JET CENTERLINE DISTANCE TO POINT OF DISCHARGE (ALWAYS ZERO) BD = JET RADIUS AT POINT OF DISCHARGE WD = JET DIAMETER AT POINT OF DISCHARGE REYND = REYNOLDS NUMBER AT POINT OF DISCHARGE SO = CENTERLINE DISTANCE FROM POINT OF DISCHARGE TO THE END OF THE 'ZOFE' THETIO = JET ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO THE X AXIS AT THE END OF 'ZOFE' (DEGREES) THET20 = JET ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO THE HORIZONTAL AT THE END OF 'ZOFE' (DEGREES) ZO = JET DEPTH AT END OF 'ZOFE' XO = POSITION ALONG X AXIS AT END OF 'ZOFE' YO = POSITION ALONG Y AXIS AT END OF 'ZOFE' UO = JET CENTERLINE VELOCITY AT END OF 'ZOFE' BO = JET 'RADIUS' AT END OF 'ZOFE' WO = MEASURE OF JET 'DIAMETER' AT END OF 'ZOFE' DELDNO = CENTERLINE DENSITY DIFFERENCE AT END OF 'ZOFE' FO = DENSIMETRIC FROUDE NUMBER AT END OF 'ZOFE' REYNO = REYNOLDS NUMBER AT END OF 'ZOFE' Y(1) = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE VELOCITY Y(2) = B = LOCAL JET 'RADIUS' Y(3) = DELDN = LOCAL CENTERLINE DENSITY DIFFERENCE Y(4) = THETI = LOCAL ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO X AXIS (RADIANS) Y(5) = THET2 = LOCAL ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL (RADIANS) Y(6) = X = LOCAL COORDINATE ALONG X AXIS Y(7) = Y = LOCAL COORDINATE ALONG Y AXIS Y(8) = Z = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE VERTICAL COORDINATE (POSITIVE DOWNWARD) SO = INITIAL DISTANCE ALONG JET CENTERLINE FROM POINT OF DISCHARGE TO START OF CALCULATION (END OF 'ZOFE') S = DISTANCE ALONG JET CENTERLINE FROM POINT OF -210- DISCHARGE C N, EPS, ETA, INDEX, METH AND MITER ARE VARIABLES NEEDED C TO ALLOW SUBROUTINE 'DGEAR' TO INTEGRATE THE C JET EQUATIONS. C THET1 = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE ANGLE WITH RESPECT C TO X AXIS (DEGEES) C THET2 = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE ANGLE WITH RESPECT C THE HORIZONTAL (DEGREES) C Z = Y(8) = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE VERTICAL COORDINATE C W = 2.0*SQRT(2.0)*B = MEASURE OF JET 'DIAMETER' C AVGDIL = LOCAL AVERAGE DILUTION BY VOLUME C CLDIL = LOCAL CENTERLINE DILUTION FOR SUBSTANCE WHICH C SPREADS LIKE DENSITY (OR TEMPERATURE) C C C C********************************************************* C C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION Y(8),TITLE(10),SA(30),TA(30) DIMENSION IWK(8),WK(208) EXTERNAL DIFFUN EXTERNAL PEDERV COMMON/BLKI/UAMB,GRAV,SCHMD,A1,A2,A3,RHOO, RDI,RD2,AF1,AF2,MULTOW & ),NPTS COMMON/BLK2/DP(100),DENPRO(100) NDIM=100 FMAX=10000.ODO ZERO=O.ODO PAI=3.1415927DO GRAV=9.80DO DTOR=PAI/180.ODO RTOD=180.ODO/PAI SR2=DSQRT(2.0DO) IPASS=0O C C C************************************* C C C READ INPUT VARIABLES. 10 IPASS=IPASS+1 C C C C THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO HANDLE UP TO 99 CASES DURING ONE EXECUTION 84 86 88 90 NCASEN=O NOCASE=O READ(15,84) NOCASE FORMAT(I2) NCASEN=NCASEN+1 WRITE(16,88) NCASEN,NOCASE FORMAT(48X,'CASE NUMBER',I3,' OF',I3,/) READ(15,90,END=80) TITLE FORMAT(IOA) -211- READ(15,92,END=80) XD.YD,ZD,THETIDTHET2D 92 FORMAT(5D10.0) IF(THETID.GT.180.ODO.OR.THETID.LT.-180.ODO) GO TO 100 IF(THET2D.GT.180.ODO.OR.THET2D.LT.-180.ODO) GO TO 100 READ(15,94,END=80) UD,DD,TD,SD 94 FORMAT(4D10.0) READ(15,95,END=80) UAMB,SCHMD,A1,A3,VISC 95 FORMAT(5D10.0) READ(15,96,END=80) NPTS,NLIMIT,DELS,XLIMIT,YLIMIT,ZLIMIT 96 FORMAT(2I5,5X,4D10.0) READ(15,97,END=80) AFI,AF2,RD1,RD2,MULTOW,IR,NARRAY 97 FORMAT(4DI0.0,315) C C C READ IN AMBIENT STRATIFICATION. 98 8 24 26 C C C C IF(NPTS.GT.NDIM) GO TO 100 IF(NPTS.LE.O.AND.IPASS.GE.2) GO TO 22 IF(NPTS.LE.O.AND.IPASS.LT.2) GO TO 100 DO 8 I=I,NPTS READ(15,98,END=80)DP(I),SAI),A(I) FORMAT(3D10.0) DENPRO(I)=DENSIT(SA(I),TA(I)) CONTINUE IF(NPTS.GE.2) GO TO 24 NPTS=2 DP(2)=DP(I)+IOO.ODO DENPRO(2)=DENPRO(1) DO 26 I=2,NPTS IF(DP(I).LE.DP(I-1)) GO TO 82 IF(DENPRO(I).LT.DENPRO(I-1)) GO TO 82 CONTINUE NOLD=NPTS CALCULATE DISCHARGE FROUDE NUMBER AND OTHER NEEDED PARAMETERS. 22 NPTS=NOLD CALL GETAMB(ZD,AMBDEN,DENGRD) DEND=DENSIT(SD,TD) DELDND=AMBDEN-DEND RHOO=AMBDEN DDD=DSQRT((GRAV*DABS(DELDND)*DD)/RHOO) FD=FMAX IF(UD.LT.DDD*FMAX) FD=UD/DDD SDD=O.ODO BD=DD/2.0DO WD=DD IF (NARRAY.EQ.O) GO TO 28 CALL ARRAY (WD,WD,THET1D,THET2D,XD,YD,ZD) 28 REYND=UD*DD/VISC C SCHMD2=SCHMD*SCHMD COEFF=SCHMD2/(I.ODO+SCHMD2) A2=2.ODO*SCHMD2-3.ODO*COEFF Ul2D=UAMB*DSIN(THETID*DTOR)*DCOS(THET2D*DTOR) -212- C C C C C CALCULATE THE LENGTH OF THE 'ZOFE' AND PARAMETERS AT THE END OF THE 'ZOFE' USING EXPRESSIONS IN APPENDIX D, PAGES 34-35. RATIO=UAMB/UD R12=Ul2D/UD C C C C C C C C THE PROGRAM HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO HANDLE ALL POSSIBLE COMBINATIONS OF BUOYANCY AND DISCHARGE ORIENTATION INBUOY=O IF (DELDND.GT.ZERO.AND.THET2D.GT.ZERO) INBUOY=-1 IF (DELDND.GE.ZERO.AND.THET2D.LE.ZERO) INBUOY=I IF (DELDND.LE.ZERO.AND.THET2D.GE.ZERO) INBUOY=1 IF (DELDND.LT.ZERO.AND.THET2D.LT.ZERO) INBUOY=-1 FD=FD*DFLOAT(INBUOY) FACTI AND FACT2 HAVE BEEN MODIFIED TO MORE ACCURATELY REFLECT THE STARTING LENGTH. IF (RATIO.LE.O.1670DO) & FACT1=6.2DO*(1.ODO+R12)/(1.ODO-Ri2)/DSQRT(1.ODO+1.18DO*RI2) -15.55DO*RATIO*DSQRT(1.ODO-DSIN(THETID*DTOR)**2 & *DCOS(THET2D*DTOR)**2) & IF (RATIO.GT.O.167DO.AND.RATIO.LE.O.4DO) 8 & FACTI=4.55DO*(1.ODO+RI2)/(1.ODO-R12)/DSORT(1.ODO+1.1 DO*Ri2) -5.8DO*RARIO*DSQRT(1.ODO-DSIN(THETID*DTOR)**2 & *DCOS(THET2D*DTOR)**2) & IF (RATIO.GT.O.4DO.AND.RATIO.LE.1.2DO) 2 & FACTi=2.9DO*(1.ODO+Ri2)/(1.ODO-R12)/DSQRT(1.ODO+1.18DO*R1 ) -1.55DO*RATIO*DSQRT(1.ODO-DSIN(THETID*DTOR)**2 & *DCOS(THET2D*DTOR)**2) & IF (RATIO.GT.1.2DO) & FACTI=i.45*(I.ODO+Ri2)/(1.ODO-RI2)/DSORT(1.ODO+1.18DO*R12) -0.4DO*RATIO*DSQRT(I.ODO-DSIN(THET1D*DTOR)**2 & *DCOS(THET2D*DTOR)**2) & FACT2=6.2DO IF (FD.LE.1.500O.AND.FD.GE.O.ODO) FACT2=1.2DO*FD+1.5DO & IF (FD.GT.I.5DO.AND.FD.LE.4.ODO) FACT2=0.64DO*FD+2.34DO & IF (FD.GT.4.ODO.AND.FD.LE.7.ODO) FACT2=0.17DO*FD+4.185DO & IF (FD.GT.7.ODO.AND.FD.LE.35.ODO) FACT2=0.007DO*FD+5.35DO & IF (FD.GT.35.ODO.AND.FD.LE.200.ODO) FACT2=0.0035DO*FDD+5.475DO & BO=(DD/SR2)*DSQRT(UD/(UD+DABS(U12D))) C C C C C THE STARTING LENGTH HAS BEEN ADJUSTED TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE USE. OF AN ASPACT FACTOR. ENCYL=I.ODO -213- SO=(FACTI*FACT2*DD)/6.2DO/AF1 UO=UD AVDILO=(BO*BO*UO)/(BD*BD*UD) CLDILO=COEFF*AVDILO WF=AVDILO-1.ODO SEDP=ZD+SO/2.0DO CALL GETAMB (SEDP,AMBDEN,DENGRD) BV=((DEND-AMBDEN)*GRAV*SO)/(AMBDEN*UO) C C C C C C C DEFLECTION IN THE ZOFE HAS BEEN ADDED SO THAT INITIAL CONDITIONS TO THE ZOEF ARE MORE ACCURATE CALCULATE DEFLECTION OF THET2D IN THE ZOFE IF (THET2D.LT.-90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.GT.-UO*DSIN((THET2D+90.ODO)*DTOR ))THET20=DATAN((UO*DCOS((THET2D+90.ODO)*DTOR)-BV)/ (-UO*DSIN((THET2D+90.ODO)*DTOR)-WF*UAMB))/DTOR IF (THET2D.LT.-90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.LE.-UO*DSIN((THET2D+90.ODO)*DTOR ))THET20=DATAN((WF*UAMB+UO*DSIN((THET2D+90.ODO) & *DTOR))/(UO*DCOS((THET2D+90.ODO)*DTOR)-BV))-90.ODO & /DTOR & IF (THET2D.GT.90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.GT.UO*DSIN((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)) THET20=DATAN((UO*DCOS((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)+BV)/(WF & *UAMB-UO*DSIN((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)))/DTOR & IF (THET2D.GT.90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.LE.UO*DSIN((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)) THET20=DATAN((UO*DSIN((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)-WF*UAMB) & /(UO*DCOS((THET2D-90.ODO)*DTOR)+BV))+90.ODO/DTOR & IF (UAMB.EQ.O.ODO.AND.DABS(THET2D).EQ.90.ODO) GO TO 38 IF (DABS(THET2D).LE.90.ODO) THET20=(DATAN((UO*DSIN(THET2D*DTOR)+BV)/ & (UO*DCOS(THET2D*DTOR)+WF*UAMB)))/DTOR & 38 IF (DABS(THET2D).EO.90.ODO.AND.UAMB.EQ.O.ODO) & THET20=THET2D & & C C C CALCULATE DEFLECTION OF THETID IN ZOFE THETIO=THET1D IF (DABS(THETID).LT.90.ODO) THETIO=(DATAN((UO*DSIN(THETID*DTOR)+WF*UAMB)/ & (UO*DCOS(THET1D*DTOR))))/DTOR & IF (THET1D.GT.90.ODO) THETIO=(DATAN((UO*DSIN((THETID-90.ODO)*DTOR))/ & (UO*DCOS((THETID-90.ODO)*DTOR)+WF*UAMB))+90.ODO) & /DTOR & IF (THETID.EQ.-90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.LE.UO) THETIO=THET1D & IF (THET1D.EQ.-90.ODO.AND.WF*UAMB.GT.UO) THET1O=-THET1D & IF (THETID.LT.-90.ODO.AND.UO*DCOS((THET1D+90.ODO) *DTOR).GT.WF*UAMB) & THETIO=(DATAN((UO*DSIN((THETID+90)*DTOR))/(UO* & DCOS((THET1D+90.ODO)*DTOR)-WF*UAMB))-90.ODO)/ & & DTOR IF (THET1D.LT.-90.ODO.AND.UO*DCOS((THET1D+90.ODO) -214- *DTOR).LT.WF*UAMB) THET10=(DATAN((UO*DSIN((THETID+90.ODO)*DTOR))/(UO *DCOS((THETID+90.ODO)*DTOR)-WF*UAMB))-90.ODO)/ DTOR IF (THETID.LT.-90.ODO.AND.UO*DCOS((THETID+90.ODO)*DTOR).EQ.WF*UAMB )THET10=180.ODO & ZO=ZD+SO*DSIN(THET20*DTOR) YO=YD+SO*DSIN(THETIO*DTOR)*DCOS(THET20-DTOR) XO=XD+SO*DCOS(THET1O*DTOR)*DCOS(THET20*DTOR) WO=2.0DO*SR2*BO DELDNO=DELDND*(UD+U12D)/(2.ODO*COEFF*(UD+SCHMD2*Ul2D)) IF (NARRAY.EQ.O) GO TO 106 CALL ARRAY (WO,WO,THETIO,THET20,XO,YO,ZO) 106 CALL GETAMB (ZO,AMBDEN,DENGRD) DDD=DSQRT((GRAV*DABS(DELDNO)*WO)/AMBDEN) FO=FMAX IF (UO.LT.DDD*FMAX) FO=UO/DDD REYNO=UO*WO/VISC & & & & C C C PRINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS AND PARAMETERS AT END OF 'ZOFE'. 104 WRITE(16,900) TITLE 900 FORMAT(IOX,'INTEGRAL JET MODEL FOR MULTIPLE PORT DIS', 'CHARGE ',/,15X,'INTO A STRATIFIED FLOWING EN', & 'VIRONMENT',///,5X,10A8,//) & WRITE(16,902) SDD,SO,XD,XO,YD,YO,ZD,ZO,THETID,THETIO, THET2D,THET20 $ 902 FORMAT(5X,'PARAMETER',3X,'DISCHARGE',4X,'END-ZOFE',//, 13X,'S',2X,F10.3,2X,F10.3,/, $ 13X,'X',2X,FIO.3.2X,F1O.3,/, $ 13X,'Y',2X,F10.3,2X,F1O.3,/, $ 13X,'Z',2X,F10.3,2X,F10.3,/, $ 9X,'THETI',2X,F10.2,2X,FiO.2,/, $ 9X,'THET2',2X,F1O.2,2X,FIO.2) $ WRITE(16,904) UD,UO,BD.BO,WD,WO,DELDND,DELDNO,FD,FO, REYND,REYNO $ 904 FORMAT(13X,'U',2X,F1O.3,2X,FiO.3,/, 13X,'B',2X,F1O.3,2X,FIO.3,/, $ 13X,'W',2X,F10.3,2X,FIO.3,/, $ 9X. 'DELDN',2X,FIO.7,2X,FIO.7,/, $ 13X,'F',2X,FIO.3,2X,FiO.3./. $ 10X,'REYN',2X,IPE10O.3,2X,1PEIO.3) $ WRITE(16,906) DEND,RHOO,TD,SD 906 FORMAT(//,17X,'DISCHARGE',5X,'AMBIENT',//, 7X,'DENSITY',2X,FIO.7,2X,FIO.7.//,7X, $ 'TD=',FIO.3,7X,'SD=',FIO.3) & WRITE(16,908) UAMB,A1,XLIMIT,AF1,RATIO,A2,YLIMIT, AF2,GRAV,A3,ZLIMIT,RD1,SCHMD,NPTS,NLIMIT & ,RD2,VISC,DELS,IR,MULTOW & =' 908 FORMAT(//,6X,'UAMB=',F10.3,8X,'Ai=',F10.5,4X,'XLIMIT 10 .5, ,FIO.3,7X,'AFI=',FIO.3,/,3X,'UAMB/UD=',F & 8X,'A2=',F1O.5,4X,'YLIMIT=',FIO.3,7X,'AF2=', & = F1O.3,/,6X,'GRAV=',F1O.3,8X,'A3=',FIO.5,4X,'ZLIMIT ', & F1O.3,7X,'RDI=',FIO.3,/,5X,'SCHMD=',FIO.5,6X,'NDEN=', & = IIO,4X,'NLIMIT=',IO0,7X,'RD2=',FIO.3,/,6X,'VISC ', & -215- & 1PE10.3,6X,'DELS=',F10.3,8X,'IR=',I10,4X,'MULTOW=' IF(NPTS.GT.9) WRITE(16,900) TITLE WRITE(16,911) 911 FORMAT(5X,'AMBIENT STRATIFICATION',//, 11X,'DP',10X.'SALINITY',IOX,'TEMP',7X,'DENSITY'./) $ DO 34 I=1I,NPTS 34 WRITE(16,912) DP(I),SA(I),TA(I),DENPRO(I) 912 FORMAT(5X,F10.3,5X,F1O.3,5X,FIO.3,5X,FIO.7) C C C WRITE HEADER AND PREPARE FOR INTEGRATING EQUATIONS. WRITE(16,914) 914 FORMAT(/,'I',BX,'S',4X,'THETI',4X,'THET2',9X,'W',8X,'U', 7X,'DELDN',3X,'AVGDIL',4X,'CLDIL',IOX,'X',10X, $ 'Y',IOX,'Z',6X,'AMBDEN',/) $ NPRINT=1 AVGDIL=1.0 CLDIL=1.0 WRITE(16,916) SDD,THETID,THET2D,WD,UD,DELDND,AVGDIL, CLDIL,XD,YD,ZD,RHOO $ CALL GETAMB(ZO,AMBDEN,DENGRD) NPRINT=NPRINT+I WRITE(16,916) SO,THETIO,THET20,WO,UO,DELDNO,AVDILO, CLDILO,XO,YO,ZO,AMBDEN $ 916 FORMAT(1X,F9.3,F9.2,F9.2,FIO.3,F9.3,FI2.7,F9.3,F9.3, F11.3,F11.3,Fil.3,F12.7) $ C 918 Y(1)=UO Y(2)=BO Y(3)=DELDNO Y(4)=THET10*DTOR Y(5)=THET20*DTOR Y(6)=XO Y(7)=YO Y(8)=ZO N=8 EPS=0.00OOO1DO ETA=O.O00OO0DO INDEX=I MITER=2 METH=1 C C C C C C C C MOST OF THE NEXT SECTION HAS BEEN MODIFIED TO REFLECT LATERAL SPREADING IN THE NEAR FIELD. CARRY OUT THE CALCULATIONS. CALL GETAMB (ZO,AMBDEN,DENGRD) WSDELS=DSQRT(PAI)*Y(2)/2.ODO HSDELS=WSDELS PI=AMBDEN-DENGRD*HSDELS A -216- PJ=AMBDEN-Y(3) 40 NPRINT=NPRINT+1 IF (NPRINT.EQ.3) GO TO 886 CALL GETAMB (Z,AMBDEN,DENGRD) PI=AMBDEN-DENGRD*HSDELS PJ=AMBDEN-Y(3) FP=DCOS(Y(5))*DABS((2.0DO*HSDELS**2*GRAV*(PJ-PI))-GRAV *DENGRD*((2.ODO*Z**2*HSDELS)-(2.0DO & *HSDELS*HSDELS**2/3.ODO))) & 886 DWDS=(0.103DO/Y(1))*DSQRT((2.ODO*WSDELS*FP)/ (PAI*Y(2)**2)) & S=SO+DELS CALL DGEAR(N,DIFFUN,PEDERV,SO,ETA,Y,S,EPS,METH,MITER, INDEX,IWK,WK,IER) $ THETI=Y(4)*RTOD THET2=Y(5)*RTOD Z=Y(8) +DELS*DWDS WSDELS=WSDELS+(Y(2)-BO) HSDELS=(PAI*Y(2)**2)/(4.ODO*WSDELS) WG=2.ODO*SR2*WSDELS HG=2.ODO*SR2*HSDELS BO=Y(2) AVGDIL=(Y(2)*Y(2)*Y(1))/(BD*BD*UD) CLDIL=COEFF*AVGDIL IF(NPRINT/IR-(NPRINT-1)/IR.NE.1)GO TO 888 WRITE(16,916) S,THETI,THET2,WG,Y(1),Y(3),AVGDIL,CLDIL, Y(6),Y(7),Y(8),AMBDEN $ IF (NARRAY.EQ.O) GO TO 888 X=Y(6) YY=Y(7) CALL ARRAY (WG,HG,THET1,THET2,X,YY,Z) IF(INDEX.NE.0) GO TO 10 888 IF(Y(I).LT.I.OD-3.AND.Y(3).LT..0OD-5) GO TO 80 IF(DABS(Y(6)).GT.XLIMIT) GO TO 80 IF(DABS(Y(7)).GT.YLIMIT) GO TO 80 IF(Y(8).GT.ZLIMIT) GO TO 80 IF(Y(8).LT.ZERO) GO TO 80 IF(NPRINT.GE.NLIMIT) GO TO 80 GO TO 40 C C 80 WRITE (16,5555) Y(8),HG 5555 FORMAT (' PLUME THICKNESS AT ',F10.1, & ' Z, = ',FIO.1) WRITE(16,6666)NPRINT 6666 FORMAT(' NUMBER OF STEPS = ',14) WRITE(6,7777)NCASEN IS OVER ') 7777 FORMAT(' CASE NUMBER ',12,' IF(NOCASE-NCASEN.GT.0) GO TO 86 100 STOP C C 82 WRITE(16,950) 950 FORMAT(///,' *****AMBIENT PROFILE DATA OUT OF ORDER*****',///) STOP -217- C C C*************************************** END C********** ******************************* C SUBROUTINE DIFFUN(N,S,Y,YDOT) C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C ROUTINE SUPPLIES THE DERIVATIVES OF THE EIGHT VARIABLES OF THE HIRST MODEL FOR AN INCLINED, ROUND, BUOYANT JET INTO AN ARBITRARILY STRATIFIED FLOWING ENVIRONMENT. ALL REFERENCES TO PAGE NUMBERS, EQUATION NUMBERS, AND SECTION NUMBERS REFER TO: E. A. HIRST, 'ANALYSIS OF ROUND, TURBULENT, BUOYANT JETS DISCHARGED TO FLOWING STRATIFIED AMBIENTS,' OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, ORNL-4685, OAK RIDGE, TENNESSEE (JUNE 1971). VARIABLES: N = NUMBER OF SIMILTANEOUS ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS TO BE SOLVED S = DISTANCE ALONG JET CENTERLINE Y(i) = U = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE VELOCITY Y(2) = B = LOCAL JET 'RADIUS' Y(3) = DELDN = LOCAL JET CENTERLINE DENSITY DIFFERENCE Y(4) = THET1 = LOCAL ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO X AXIS Y(5) = THET2 = LOCAL ANGLE WITH RESPECT TO HORIZONTAL PLANE Y(6) = X Y(7) = Y (DIRECTION OF AMBIENT CURRENT) Y(8) = Z (POSITIVE DOWNWARD) YDOT(1)-YDOT(8) = DERIVATIVES OF JET PARAMETERS WITH RESPECT TO S UAMB = AMBIENT CURRENT VELOCITY (ALONG POSITIVE Y AXIS) GRAV = ACCELERATION DUE TO GRAVITY SCHMD = SQUARE ROOT OF TURBULENT SCHMIDT NUMBER A1,A2,A3 = COEFFICIENT IN ENTRAINMENT FUNCTION RHOO = AMBIENT DENSITY AT DEPTH OF DISCHARGE (USED AS REFFERENCE DENSITY) AMBDEN = LOCAL AMBIENT DENSITY DENGRD = LOCAL VERTICAL AMBIENT DENSITY GRADIENT FRLINV = INVERSE OF LOCAL FROUDE NUMBER BASED ON JET 'RADIUS', B (HIRST'S DEFINITION) ENTRAN = LOCAL ENTRAINMENT RATE U12 = COMPONENT OF AMBIENT VELOCITY ALONG LOCAL JET AXIS -218- C C C******************************* C C IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) DIMENSION Y(8),YDOT(8) COMMON/BLKI/UAMB,GRAV,SCHMD,AI,A2,A3,RHOO, & RD1,RD2,AF1,AF2,MULTOW C C C*********************************** C C C C GET LOCAL DENSITY GRADIENT. Z=Y(8) CALL GETAMB(Z,AMBDEN,DENGRD) C C C CALCULATE NEEDED COEFFICIENTS AND PARAMETERS. SCHMD2=SCHMD*SCHMD CONi=(-GRAV*SCHMD2)/(2.ODO*RHOO) CON2=I.ODO+SCHMD2 SI=DSIN(Y(4)) S2=DSIN(Y(5)) CI=DCOS(Y(4)) C2=DCOS(Y(5)) BSQ=Y(2)*Y(2) U12=UAMB*S1*C2 U12MUM=UI2-Y(1) VSTAR=Y(I)+UI2 C C C C CALCULATE INVERSE OF LOCL FROUDE NUMBER BASED ON HIRST'S DEFINITION. FRLINV=(Y(3)*Y(2)*GRAV)/(Y(1)*Y(1)*RHOO) C IF (FRLINV.LT.O.1DO) FRLINV=O.IDO C C C C C C C C C C CALCULATE ENTRAINMENT FROM EQUATION 78, PAGE 21. THE ASPACT FACTOR HAS BEEN INTRODUCED TO ACCOUNT FOR DIFFERENTIAL ENTRAINMENT BETWEEN AN EQUIVALENT AREA SOURCE AND ACTUAL MULTIPLE SOURCES. ENCYL=I.ODO IF (DFLOAT(MULTOW).EQ.I.ODO) ENCYL=ASPFAC(Y(2),RD1,RD2,AFI,AF2) ENTRAN=ENCYL*(AI+A2*DABS(S2)*DABS(FRLINV))*(Y(2)*DABS(UI2MUM) & +A3*UAMB*Y(2)*DSQRT(1.ODO-SI*SI*C2*C2)) C O=0.25DO*(BSQ*VSTAR*VSTAR-ENTRAN*ENTRAN) -219- C C C C C CALCULATE DERIVATIVES OF JET PARAMETERS. FROM EQUATION 62, PAGE 13. YDOT(4)=(ENTRAN*UAMB*CI)/(Q*C2) C C C FROM EQUATION 63, PAGE 13. YDOT(5)=(Y(3)*BSQ*CONI*C2-ENTRAN*UAMB*SI*S2)/Q C C DUI2DS=UAMB*(-S1*S2*YDOT(5)+C1*C2*YDOT(4)) C C C FROM EQUATION 61 USIING EQUATION 58, PAGE $ C C C 13. YDOT(1)=-DU12DS+(4.ODO/(BSQ*VSTAR))*(O.5DO*Ul2MUM*ENTRAN +Y(3)*BSQ*CON1*S2) FROM EQUATION 58, PAGE 13. YDOT(2)=(ENTRAN-O.5DO*BSQ*(YDOT(1)+DU12DS))/(VSTAR*Y(2)) C C C FROM EQUATION 59, PAGE $ $ $ C C C 13. YDOT(3)=(DENGRD*O.5DO*VSTAR*BSQ*S2 -Y(2)*YDOT(2)*Y(3)*SCHMD2*(U12-U12MUM/CON2) -Y(3)*BSQ*SCHMD2*O.SDO*(DU12DS+(YDOT(1)-DU12DS) /CON2))/(BSQ*SCHMD2*O.5*(U12-Ul2MUM/CON2)) FROM EQUATIONS 54, PAGE 12. YDOT(6)=CI*C2 C YDOT(7)=S1*C2 C YDOT(8)=S2 C RETURN C C END C*************************************************** C SUBROUTINE PEDERV(N,S,Y,PD) C C**************** C C C C C C ******************** DUMMY SUBROUTINE TO SATISFY THE EXTERNAL REFERENCE GENERATED BY SUBROUTINE 'DGEAR'. C******************t******************** -220- C C REAL*8 Y(N),PD(N,N) RETURN C C C**************** ** END *** C*** *** ** ******************* C SUBROUTINE GETAMB(Z,AMBDEN,DENGRD) C C ROUTINE RETURNS THE LOCAL AMBIENT DENSITY (AMBDEN) AND DENSITY GRADIENT (DENGRD) AT ELEVATION Z. THE RESULTS ARE FOUND BY LINEAR INTERPOLATION/EXTRAPOLATION OF THE TABLE OF PROFILE DATA TRANSMITTED IN COMMON/BLK2/. NOTE THAT NPTS MUST BE GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO 2. C C C C C C C C** ** ******** ******* ******* C c IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) COMMON/BLK2/DP(OO1),DENPRO(100),NPTS C C IF(Z.LE.DP(1)) GO IF(Z.GE.DP(NPTS)) DO 10 I=2,NPTS IF(DP(I).EQ.Z) GO IF(DP(I).GT.Z) GO 10 CONTINUE GO TO 30 TO 20 GO TO 30 TO 40 TO 50 C 20 DENGRD=(DENPRO(2)-DENPRO(1))/(DP(2)-DP(1)) AMBDEN=DENPRO(I)+DENGRD*(Z-DP(1)) RETURN C 30 DENGRD=(DENPRO(NPTS)-DENPRO(NPTS-1))/(DP(NPTS)-DP(NPTS-1)) AMBDEN=DENPRO(NPTS)+DENGRD*(Z-DP(NPTS)) RETURN C 40 IF(I.EQ.NPTS) GO TO 30 AI=(DENPRO(I+1)-DENPRO(I))/(DP(I+I)-DP(l)) A2=(DENPRO(I)-DENPRO(I-1))/(DP(I)-DP(I-1)) DENGRD=0.5DO*(AI+A2) AMBDEN=DENPRO(I) RETURN C 50 DENGRD=(DENPRO(I)-DENPRO(I-1))/(DP(I)-DP(I-1)) AMBDEN=DENPRO(I-I)+DENGRD*(Z-DP(I-1)) RETURN -221- C C C********************************** *** END C*************************************** C C C C C C THE ASPACT FACTOR HAS BEEN INTRODUCED TO ACCURATELY PREDICT ENTRAINMENT WHEN AN EQUIVALENT SOURCE IS USED TO REPRESENT MULTIPLE SOURCES. 10 20 FUNCTION ASPFAC(Y2,RD1,RD2,AF1,AF2) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) IF (Y2.GT.RDI) GO TO 10 ASPFAC=AF1 RETURN IF (Y2.GE.RD2) GO TO 20 S=(AF2-AFI)/(RD2-RDI) ASPFAC=AF2+(Y2-RD2)*S RETURN ASPFAC=I.ODO RETURN END C C*************************************** C C C C C C THE DENSIT SUBROUTINE ALLOWS TEMPERATURE AND SALINITY DATA TO BE INPUT TO THE PROGRAM INSTEAD OF DENSITY. A MATTER OF CONVENIENCE FOR THE USER. FUNCTION DENSIT(SAL,T) SIGO=(((6.8E-6*SAL)-4.82E-4)*SAL+.8149)*SAL-.093 C=1.E-6*T*((.01667*T-.8164)*T+18.03) D=.001*T*((.0010843*T-.09818)*T+4.7867) SUMT=(T-3.98)*(T-3.98)*(T+283.)/(503.57*(T+67.26)) SIGMAT=(SIGO+.1324)*(1.-D+C*(SIGO-.1324))-SUMT DENSIT=1.ODO+(SIGMAT*O.OO1DO) RETURN END C C C C ******************************* SUBROUTINE ARRAY (W.H,THET1,THET2,X,Y,Z) IMPLICIT REAL*8 (A-H,O-Z) PAI=3.1415927DO DTOR=PAI/180.ODO C C C C C C ARRAY GENERATES THE DATA POINT ARRAYS USED TO PLOT THE PLUME PROFILES AND CENTERLINES IN BOTH THE Z-Y AND X-Y PLANES. CLX=X I, -222- CLY=Y CLZ=Z ALPHA =90.ODO-THET2 GAMMA=90.ODO-THET1 DELY=H*DCOS(ALPHA*DTOR)/2.ODO DELZ=H*DSIN(ALPHA*DTOR)/2.ODO PYI=CLY-DELY PZ1=CLZ+DELZ PY2=CLY+DELY PZ2=CLZ-DELZ WRITE (17.1) CLY,CLZ,PY1,PZI,PY2,PZ2 C C DELY=W*DSIN(GAMMA*DTOR)/2.ODO DELX=W*DCOS(GAMMA*DTOR)/2.ODO PXI=CLX+DELX PYI=CLY-DELY PX2=CLX-DELX PY2=CLY+DELY WRITE (18,1) CLX,CLY,PXI,PYI,PX2,PY2 1 FORMAT (6F10.3) RETURN END -223-