DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL, TWO-FLUID CODE FOR SODIUM BOILING NATOF-2D by R. G. Zielinski and M. S. Kazimi Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 81-030 September 1981 mmmuwIhn Energy Laboratory and Department of Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Mass. 02139 DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL, TWO-FLUID CODE FOR SODIUM BOILING NATOF-2D by R. G. Zielinski and M. S. Kazimi September 1981 Topical Report of the MIT Sodium Boiling Project sponsored by U. S. Department of Energy, General Electric Co. and Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 80-030 go N -i- REPORTS IN REACTOR THERMAL HYDRAULICS RELATED TO THE MIT ENERGY LABORATORY ELECTRIC POWER PROGRAM A. Topical Reports (For availability check Energy Laboratory Headquarters, Headquarters, Room E19-439, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139) A.1 A.2 A.3 A.4 General Applications PWR Applications BWR Applications LMFBR Applications A.1 J.E. Kelly, J. Assessment and COBRA-IIIC/MIT MIT-EL-78-026, Loomis, L. Wolf, "LWR Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis-Comparison of the Range of Applicability of the Codes and COBRA-IV-1," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. September 1978. M. S. Kazimi and M. Massoud, "A Condensed Review of Nuclear Reactor Thermal-Hydraulic Computer Codes for Two-Phase Flow Analysis," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-79-018, February 1979. J.E. Kelly and M.S. Kazimi, "Development and Testing of the Three Dimensional, Two-Fluid Code THERMIT for LWR Core and Subchannel Applications," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-79-046. J.N. Loomis and W.D. Hinkle, "Reactor Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis-Improvement and Application of the Code COBRA-IIIC/MIT," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-80-027, September 1980. D.P. Griggs, A.F. Henry and M.S. Kazimi, "Development of a ThreeDimensional Two-Fluid Code with Transient Neutronic Feedback for LWR Applications," MIT Energy Laboratory No. MIT-EL-81-013, April 1981. J.E. Kelly, S.P. Kao and M.S. Kazimi, "THERMIT-2: A Two-Fluid Model for Light Water Reactor Subchannel Transient Analysis," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-81-014, April 1981. H.C. No and M.S. Kazimi, "The Effect of Virtual Mass on the Characteristics and the Numerical Stability in Two-Phase Flows," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL-81-023, April 1981. J.W. Jackson and N.E. Todreas, "COBRA IIIC/MIT-2: A Digital Computer Program for Steady State and Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Rod Bundle Nuclear Fuel Elements," :IT-EL-81-018, June 1981. J.E. Kelly, S.P. Kao, and M.S. Kazimi, "User's Guide for THERMIT-2: A Version of THERMIT for both Core-Wide and Subchannel Analysis of Light Water Reactors," 1MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. !'IT-EL 81-029, August 1981. -ii- A.2 P. Moreno, C. Chiu, R. Bowring, E. Khan, J. Liu, and N. Todreas, "Methods for Steady-State Thermal/Hydraulic Analysis of PWR Cores," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 76-006, Rev. 1, July 1977, (Orig. 3/77). J. Liu and N. Todreas, "Transient.Thermal Analysis of PWR's by a Single Pass Procedure Using a Simplified Model'Layout," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 77-008, Final, February 1979 (Draft, June 1977). J. Liu and N. Todreas, "The Comparison of Available Data on PWR Assembly Thermal Behavior with Analytic Predictions," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No. MIT-EL 77-009, Final February 1979, (Draft, June 1977). A.3 L. Guillebaud, A. Levin, W. Boyd, A. Faya, and L. Wolf, "WOSUB-A Subchannel Code for Steady-State and Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Bundles," Vol. II, Users Manual, MIT-EL 78-024, July 1977. L. Wolf; A. Faya, A. Levin, W. Boyd, L. Guillebaud, "WOSUB-A Subchannel Code for Steady State and Transient Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis of Boiling Water Reactor Fuel Pin Bundles," Vol. III, Assessment and Comparison, MIT-EL 78-025, October 1977. L. Wolf, A. Faya, A. Levin, L. Guillebaud, "WOSUB-A Subchannel Code for Steady-State Reactor Fuel Pin Bundles," Vol. I, Model Description, MIT-EL 78-023, September 1978. A. Faya L. Wolf and N. Todreas, "Development of a Method for BWR Subchannel Analysis," MIT-EL 79-027, November 1979. A. Faya, L. Wolf and N. Todreas, "CANAL User's Manual," MIT Energy Laboratory No. MIT-EL 79-028, November 1979. A.4 W.D. Hinkle, "Water Tests for Determining Post-Voiding Behavior in the LMFBR," MIT Energy Laboratory Report MIT-EL-76-005, June 1976. W.D. Hinkle, Ed., "LMFBR Safety and Sodium Boiling - A State of the Art Report," Draft DOE Report, June 1978. M.R. Granziera, P. Griffith, .W.D. Hinkle, M.S. Kazimi, A. Levin, M. Manahan, A. Schor, N. Todreas, G. Wilson, "Development of Computer Code for Multi-dimensional Analysis of Sodium Voiding in the LMFBR," Preliminary Draft Report, July 1979. M. Granziera, P. Griffith, W.D. Hinkle, M.S. Kazimi, A. Levin, M. Manahan, A. Schor, N. Todreas, R. Vilim, G. Wilson,."Development of Computer Code Models for Analysis of Subassembly Voiding in the LIFBR," Interim Report of the MTI Sodium Boiling Project Covering Work Through September. 30, 1979, MIT-EL-80-005. ~ lllllllW10 YIIII IY IIIi ^ ~ 61411111,i A. Levin and P. Griffith, "Development of a Model to Predict Flow Oscillations in Low-Flow Sodium Boiling, "MIT-EL-80-006, April 1980. M. R. Granziera and M. S. Kazimi, "A Two-Dimensional, Two-Fluid Model for Sodium Boiling in LMFBR Assemblies," MIT-EL-80-011, May 1980. G. Wilson and M. Kazimi, "Development of Models 'for the Sodium Version of the Two-Phase Three Dimensional Thermal Hydraulics Code THERMIT," MIT-EL-80-010, May 1980. R.G. Zielinski and M.S. Kazimi, "Development of Models for the Two-Dimensional, Two-Fluid Code for Sodium Boiling NATOF-2D," MIT Energy Laboratory Report No MIT-EL-81-030, September 1981. -------- ----- I _______________________________InIIIIIIIIIIEEIIIIEEIIYhIhIIIIIYI,,,IIL -iv- B. Papers B.1 B.2 B.3 B.4 General Applications PWR Applications BWR Applications LMFBR Applications B.1 J.E. Kelly and M.S. Kazimi, "Development of the Two-Fluid MultiDimensional Code THERMIT for LWR Analysis," Heat Transfer-Orlando 1980, AIChE Symposium Series 199, Vol. 76, August 1980. J.E. Kelly and M.S. Kazimi, "THERMIT, A Three-Dimensional, Two-Fluid Code for LWR Transient Analysis," Transactions of American Nuclear Society, 34, p. 893, June 1980. B.2 P. Moreno, J. Kiu, E. Khan, N. Todreas, "Steady State Thermal Analysis of PWR's by a Single Pass Procedure Using a Simplified Method," American Nuclear Society Transactions, Vol. 26. P. Moreno, J. Liu, E. Khan, N. Todreas, "Steady-State Thermal Analysis of PWR's by a Single Pass Procedure Using a Simplified Nodal Layout," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 47, 1978, pp. 35-48. C. Chiu, P. Moreno, R. Bowring, N. Todreas, "Enthalpy Transfer between PWR Fuel Assemblies in Analysis by the Lumped Subchannel Model," Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 53, 1979, 165-186. B.3 L. Wolf and A. Faya, "A BWR Subchannel Code with Drift Flux and Vapor Diffusion Transport," American Nuclear Society Transactions, Vol. 28, 1978, p. 553. S.P. Kao and M.S. Kazimi, "CHF Predictions In Rod Bundles," Trans. ANS, 35, 766 June 1981. B.4 W.D. Hinkle, (MIT), P.M. Tschamper (GE), M.H. Fontana (ORNL), R.E. Henry (ANL), and A. Padilla (HEDL), for U.S. Department of Energy, "LMFBR Safety & Sodium Boiling," paper presented at the ENS/ANS International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Reactor Safety, October 16-19, 1978, Brussels, Belgium. M.I. Autruffe, G.J. Wilson, B. Stewart and M. Kazimi, "A Proposed Momentum Exchange Coefficient for Two-Phase Modeling of Sodium Boiling," Proc. Int. Meeting Fast Reactor Safety Technology, Vol. 4, 2512-2521, Seattle, Washington, August 1979. M.R. Granziera and M.S. Kazimi, "NATOF-2D: A Two Dimensional Two-Fluid Model for Sodium Flow Transient Analysis," Trans. ANIS, 33, 515, November 1979. I ii IliYI "--- InmIhufI I 411ll0 419u lIM0II ill DEVELOPMENT OF MODELS FOR THE TWO-DIMENSIONAL, TWO-FLUID CODE FOR SODIUM BOILING NATOF-2D ABSTRACT Several features were incorporated into NATOF-2D, a twodimensional, two fluid code developed at M.I.T. for the purpose of analysis of sodium boiling transients under LMFBR conditions. They include improved interfacial mass, momentum and energy exchange rate models, and a cell-to-cell radial heat conduction mechanism which was calibrated by simulation of Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Runs 544 and 545. Finally, a direct method of pressure field solution was implemented into NATOF-2D, replacing the iterative technique previously available, and resulted in substantially reduced computational costs. The models incorporated into NATOF-2D were tested by running the code to simulate the results of the THORS Bundle 6A Experiments performed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and four tests from the W-1 SLSF Experiment performed by the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory. The results demonstrate the increased accuracy provided by the inclusion of these effects. EIIIIImmII,,IIIIYIYLIIIIIYIIIIhA 111Wi NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by the United States Government and two of its subcontractors. Neither the United States nor the United States Department of Energy, nor any of their employees, nor any of their contractors, subcontractors, or their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. ,6 MIYM ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Funding for this project was provided by the United States Department of Energy. This support was deeply appreciated. A very special thanks is due to Andrei L. Schor, whose enthusiasm for Sodium Boiling provided a constant source of information and inspiration. The work described in this report was performed primarily by the principal author, Robert G. Zielinski, who submitted this work in partial fulfillment for the M.S. degree in Nuclear Engineering at M.I.T. -4- Table of Contents Page TITLE PAGE ABSTRACT . . .. . . . .. . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . TABLE OF CONTENTS . List of Figures . . List of Tables . . . Nomenclature . . . . 0 . . . . • 0 0 . 2 * . . . S 0 . 0 0 . 0. 3 . 6 " 6 4 . . . .• 8 12 . Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION . . Sthe . . . S 0 . . . 6 0 0 17 SCod . . 1.1 Description of the Code 1.2 Scope of Work -~CI1II - 1.2.1 Chapter 2: 17 -l~~~- 21 ~ Interfacial Mass, Energy, and Momentum Exchange Models . . . 1.2.3 Direct Solution of the Pressure 1.2.4 Comparison to Experiments on Boiling . . . . . . . . . . 22 iel 23 . INTERFACIAL MASS, ENERGY AND MOMENTUM EXCHANGE MODELS . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 22 Fluid Conduction Model . . . . . 1.2.2 Behavior 13 24 . 2.1 Introduction . .. . 24 2.2 Conservation Equations Used in NATOF-2D 26 . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . 2.4 Energy Exchange Rate ........ . . . . . 2.5 Interfacial Momentume Transfer . . . . . . . . .0 . . . 2.6 Programming Information .0 . . . Chapter 3: FLUID CONDUCTION MODEL . . . . . . . 2.3 3.1 Interfacial Mass Exchange Introduction . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . . . 29 40 47 54 i55 -5- Page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . . . . . . . . . 65 3.5 Experimental Calibration . . . . . . . 68 3.6 A Comparison with Effective Conduction . 3.2 Formulation 3.3 Intercell Areas 3.4 Implementation Form . Mixing Lengths 3.7 Chapter 4: . . . . . Programming Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIRECT SOLUTION OF THE PRESSURE FIELD . . . . .. . . . . 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Direct Method Solution Techniques 4.3 A Comparison of Direct and Iterative Methods 4.4 Chapter 5: in NATOF-2D . . Programming Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3 On the Modelling of Sodium Reactors 5.4 The Mass Exchange Rate ........ 5.5 Varying Mesh Spacing . . Chapter 6: VERIFICATION OF MODELS . . . . 6.2 THORS Bundle 6A Experiment, Test 71H, Run 101 6.2.1 * * * * * * a * a a a a * * * * * , . . . 88 . . . 97 101 103 * . . 106 . . . 109 * * . 113 * * * . * . 115 * • 115 * * * 116 * * 116 Description of the THORS Bundle 6A Experiment . 6.2.2 * 87 * * ....... Introduction . . ... . . 6.1 . .. 102 Double versus Single Precision . . .. . * 5.2 . .. 102 Introduction . . .. . 5.1 . .. 92 . . 79 . . . . 88 . . . . . EXPERIENCES WITH NATOF-2D . . . . Simulation Results . ..... . . . a * 4 & 117 IIY i -6- Page 6.3 6.4 The W-1 SLSF Experiinent . . . . . . . . . . . 6.3.1 Test Objecti ve 6.3.2 Test Apparat Ius and Procedure 6.3.3 Tests Chosen for Simulation . W-1 SLSF Simulation Results 6.4.1 . . . . . . . 6.4.3 BWT 2' . . . . 6.4.4 BWT 7B' . . . . 7.1 Conclusions 7.2 Recommendations Apperidix A: 126 127 . . a * 0 . 133 . . . .S 0 0 6 0 . . . . . e* 133 * * a . 0 . . . 138 * . 145 * *S 151 151 . . S , S . * * * .0 a S 0 * 0 6 0 * 0 0 153 0 ** . .S . . 155 0 ow SPECIFIED INLET VELOCITY AND MASS FL 157 157 Introduction . A.2 Treatment of the Momentum Equations A.3 Inlet Velocity Boun dary Condition A.4 Specified Inlet Mas s Flow Rate Boundary * 0 0 Condition . . . • . o S Programming Informa tion . . . . ..... a 159 165 .. 0 167 0 173 . 174 . . . Appendix B: NATOF-2D INPUT DESCRIPTION Appendix C: INPUT FILES FOR NATOF-2D TEST CASES C.1 . 127 A.1 A.5 . .. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . 126 133 LOPI 4 Refer ences . LOPI 2A . . 6.4.2 Chapt:er 7: . . 179 Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Run 544 . . . . ... *. . 0 C.2 Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test .. . . . . . . . . Program Run 545 C.3 THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H Run 101 . . . 0 . 179 180 . 181 -7- Page W-1 SLSF LOPI 2A . . C.5 W-1 SLSF LOPI 4 .. 186 C.6 W-1 SLSF BWT 2' ....... 188 C.7 W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' . . . C.4 . . . . . . . . . . Appendix D: NATOF-2D HEXCAN MODEL . . . . Appendix E: NATOF-2D SPACER PRESSURE DROP MODEL Appendix F: SAMPLE OUTPUT Appendix G: LISTING OF NEW NATOF-2D SUBROUTINES . . . 191 . . . . . *.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S 0 . . 0 . . . 194 196 198 202 --- -- m'millinumiI IIIflf -8- List of Figures Number Page 1.1 Typical Arrangement of Cells Used in NATOF-2D 19 2.1 Condensation Coefficient as a Function of Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 3.1 3.2 . A Comparison of New and Old MasS Exchange Rates for a Superheat of 2 C . . . . . A Comparison of New and Old Mass Exchange Rates for a Superheat of 20 C . . . . 38 . 39 Variations between Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 0.006 .... 45 Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 6.0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Values of r and K as a Function of Void Fraction for Typical Operating Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Top View of Fluid Channels Showing the Radial Heat Transfer Between Them . . . . . . . 58 Top View of Fluid Channels Showing Radial Cell Boundary Numbering Scheme . . . . . 62 . 3.3 Unit Cell Used in NATOF-2D . . 63 3.4 Radial Temperature Profile at the End of the Heated Zone for Various Effective Nusselt Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the Heated Zone Midplane for Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles the End of the Heated Zone for Nu = and Nu 2 = 28 . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3.5 3.6 . . . . . . . and at 22 . . -9- List of Figures (continued) Page Number 3.7 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles 25 Inches Downstream of Heated Zone for Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 3.8 .......... 3.11 * . . . . 3.13 . . . . . 74 e . . * * * * 75 * . . . . . . 76 and at 22 . . 77 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles 25 Inches Downstream of the Heated Zone for . . . . . . . . . 78 Possible Temperature Distributions Which Yield the Same Cell Averaged Temperature . . . 81 19-Pin Cell Geometry Used for the Calculation . of Effective Mixing Lengths 4.1 . A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles the End of the Heated Zone for Nul = . . .. and Nu 2 = 28 . . . . Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 3.12 . A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the Heated Zone Midplane for Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 . 3.10 . Normalized Heat Input per Rod for Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Run 545 3.9 . . . . . . 83 Arrangement of Cells for Pressure Field Matrix Shown in Figure 4.2 . . . . . . . . 89 . . . . . . . . . . 90 . . . . . . . . . 93 . . . . . . ... 4.2 Pressure Field Matrix . 4.3 Upper Triangular 4.4 Lower Triangular Matrix . 4.5 A Comparison of Steady State CPU Usage Between the Direct and Iterative Techniques (10 Axial Levels, 5 Radial Nodes) . . 98 A Comparison of Transient CPU Usage Between the Direct and Iterative Techniques (10 Axial Levels, 5 Radial Nodes) . . . 99 4.6 Matrix . 93 . -10- List of Figures (continued) Number 6.1 Page Location of Cells Used in the NATOF-2D Simulation of the THORS Bundle 6A . . 119 NATOF-2D Predicted Inlet Mass Flow Rate of . . THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H Run 101 . 121 Experiment 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 . . 6.9 6.11 . . . . . . . . . 122 123 A Comparison of NATOF-2D Predicted Liquid and Vapor and Velocities (THORS Bundle 6A, Test 71H, Run 101) . 125 Location of Cells Used in the NATOF-2D Simulation of the W-1 SLSF Experiments . 130 W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 2A Experiment Inlet Mass 5 / . . 134 A Comparison Between Experiment and NATOF-2D Predicted Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel (W-I SLSF Test LOPI 2A) . . . . 135 . . . . . . . . A Comparison of NATOF-2D Central and Edge Channels Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone W-1 . SLSF Test LOPI 2A) . . . . . . . SLSF Test LOPI 4 Inlet Mass Flow Rate / 5 / . •a . a. • • a• . . . • 136 137 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel 6.12 . NATOF-2D Predicted Temperature Histories at End of the Heated Zone for the Central and Edge Channels . . (THORS Bundle 6A, Test 71H,Run 101) (W-1 6.10 . NATOF-2D Temperature Profiles of Central Channel At Various Points in Time (THORS Bundle 6A, Test 71H, Run 101) Flow Rate / 6.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Edge Channel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 -11- List of Figures (continued) Page Number 6.13 NATOF-2D Void Maps for W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 for the Central and the Middle Channels . (Void Fraction = 0.1) . . . . . . . . 6.14 W-1 SLSF Test BWT 2' Inlet Mass Flow Rate . . 6.15 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test BWT 2' and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central 6.16 . . . . . . . . . . SLSF TEst 7B') . . . . . . . . . . . 143 . . . . . . . . . 144 147 . . . . . . . .. 148 . . . . . . . . . 149 . . . . . . . . . 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 . . . . 168 . . 170 . . 171 Example Cell Numbering Scheme for Flow . . . . . Cell Configuration for Matrix Shown in Figure A.4 A.4 . Positions Used for the Evaluation of Boundary Calculation . A.3 . A Comparison Between NATOF-2D and W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' Temperature Histories at the End of the heated Zone for the Central Variables A.2 . A Comparison of NATOF-2D Edge Channel Void Maps for CF = 1.0 and CF = 0.01 Channel A.1 . A Comparison of NATOF-2D Central Channel Void Maps for CF = 1.0 and CF = 0.01 (W-1 6.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (W-1 SLSF Test 7B') 6.19 . A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test BWT 7B' and NATOF-2D Predicted Inlet Mass Flow Rate 6.18 . 142 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test BWT 2' and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Edge Channel 6.17 . Channel 141 . . . . . . . . . . . . Pressure Field Matrix With Flow Boundary Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . ------- Ill IIIYII IIYIIYYI IIIIYI iY ii -12- List of Tables Page Number 2.1 Parameters Used in K versus r Comparison . . 52 3.1 Test Parameters for Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Bundle . . . . 69 3.2 Conduction Mixing Length Theory Results . . . 84 5.1 Convergence Criteria Versus Minimum Timestep . 104 5.2 A Comparison of PWR and LMFBR Properietes . . 107 5.3 A Comparison of Water and Sodium Properties . 107 6.1 Description of THORS Bundle 6A 6.2 Geometric Parameters of W-1 SLSF Test (Single Bundle 6.3 . Precision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a .... . 118 . . . . . 128 . . . . . 129 Power and Flow Rates of the W-I SLSF Experiment . . . . . . . . . . -13- Nomenclature Definition Letter Units(SI) a Fuel pellet radius m A Area m A Matrix of pressure coefficients Ar Volumetrically averaged Radial area between cells Ar* Radial area constant b Fuel rod radius CF Condensation factor d Wire wrap diameter D Diameter Dc Conductive diameter De Equivalent diameter f friction factor g Gravity constant m/s2 hfg Enthalpy of vaporization J/kg h Enthalpy J/kg H Heat transfer coefficient w/m 2- J Mass flux kg/m2-s K Momentum exchange coefficient kg/m 3-s L 2 oK Lower triangular matrix 9ij .. ij Effective conduction mixing length Centroid-to-centroid distance of adjacent cells m Momentum exchange rate kg/m 2-s - IIIIIYIIIYIIIYIIIYIIiril Nomenclature (continued) Units (SI) Letter kg/mole M Molecular weight of particles n Row number Nu Nusselt Number P Pressure N/m2 P Fuel pitch m N/m 2 P Perimeter m q Heat flux W/m 2 q'" Power density W/m3 q" Heat flux W/m2 Q Heat generation rate W/m r Radial spacial coordinate m R Universal gas constant J/mole- OK S ij Length of common cell boundary m SBT Stable boiling timestep s t Time s T Temperature OK U Velocity m/s U Upper triangular matrix V Volume w Bandwidth of matrix W Total inlet mass flow rate kg/s z Axial spacial coordinate m m -15- Nomenclature (continued) Definition Greek a Void fraction a Thermal diffusivity 6 Increment A Increment, r Mass exchange rate Units(SI) 2 m2/s spacing kg/m 3-s Interfacial velocity weighting factor 3 p Density a Mass exchange coefficient Subscripts r Radial position z Axial position v Vapor Liquid i Interface e Evaporation c Condensation s Saturation T Total int Interface c Conduction w Wall kg/rn kg/m 3 -16- Nomenclature (continued) Superscripts n+1 New time step n Old time step Ili,. -17- Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Description of the Code computer The NATOF-2D code developed was Institute of Technology for the simulation of Massachusetts Liquid both steady state and transient conditions in Reactors Breeder Fast the at I / /. Metal code uses the two The fluid model of conservation equations, and a two-dimensional r-z geometry which takes advantage of the symmetry found bundles. LMFBR two The effects calculation allows the multidimensional be to boiling observed, nature dimensional the sodium corresponding high the without of of in computational costs of a three dimensional code. The model coupled separately, is assumption treats made the and liquid about two the the relationship phases, generality. The method thus requires the and between allows which of momentum phases by only the exchange coefficients. properties mass, vapor solution No the greater of the energy conservation equations for each phase. For calculational purposes, the fuel assembly is divided into a finite number of axial and radial mess cells. There is no constraint as to the positioning or number of axial levels other than at each level the mesh spacing -18- remains the constant. However, the boundaries between cells in direction radial the between fall must pin fuel centerlines, and so the number of radial cells is limited to the of number Figure 1.1 shows a typical pin rows. fuel arrangement of cells used by NATOF-2D. The fluid properties of of average volumetric a cell treated are as the properties in that cell, which the necessitates the use of sufficiently small cells in order to detailed obtain evaluated at velocities fluid each cell face. calculation are P, a, Tv, TZ, Uvz , unknowns The Uvr , Utz of the and Utr. , NATOF-2D uses a partially implicit method to solve dynamics fluid The equations. velocity and interfacial exchange However, for are faces of the cell, and are assumed to be the across uniform The information. terms are involving treated the sonic implicitly. the convective terms, only the velocities are treated implicitly, while all other factors are evaluated at the previous timestep. This method imposes a timestep limitation such that At -< Az UZ z In most cases, this is not a detrimental this constraint, since timestep is usually the same order of magnitude as the time at which information is required. The equations are by Iteration solved reduction to a Newton problem, in which the unknowns become linearized. SIIIW IIIII l ll IYwl JIJlil -19- Figure 1.1 Typical Arrangement of Cells NATOF-2D Used in -20- the only involving equations a to reduced These equations are further pressures set of linear a cell. of The pressure field is then solved for by either an iterative The a direct technique, and all variables are then updated. of advantage a Newton Iteration technique is that a using solution can always be attained small timestep. or The by taking a sufficiently heat conduction equations are solved implicitly and coupled to the fluid dydnamics equations. The code has the capability to operate velocity or flow boundary with pressure, conditions at the inlet, and a pressure boundary condition at the outlet. The velocity and flow inlet boundary conditions are new features incorporated into NATOF-2D, and are described in Appendix A. NATOF-2D is able boiling conditions, covered in this to handle including thesis the flow addresses most severe reversal. some of The the sodium work major difficulties encountered in past sodium boiling simulations. ------ ------- YYII -21- Scope of Work 1.2 Interfacial Mass, Energy and Momentum Exchange Models 1.2.1 The constituative equations used for the calculation of the interfacial mass, energy have improved been to of ability more momentum physically the two-fluid model boiling transients, since one of the this exchange rates for the account The terms have a pronounced observed phenomena. the and effect on simulate sodium to assumptions major of is that for void fractions below 0.957 the vapor work phase does not come in contact with the wall. Thus these often represent the only source of mass, momentum and terms energy for the vapor phase. The mass exchange rate, which has the strongest of any constituative effect relation on the running of the code, has been implemented in a more basic form than before, using It the kinetic theory of condensation. fully implicit independent so manner variables are that all accounted is treated dependencies for. The in a on the momentum been modified to take into account the effects of mass exchange. Finally, the energy exchange rate exchange has been rate has modelled subcooled transients. vapor to or prevent superheated the appearance liquid of highly in two phase flow -22- Fluid Conduction Model 1.2.2 The high conductivity of liquid sodium coupled with the the only mechanism available in NATOF-2D for of radial small the temperature differences to exist large allowed velocities However, transfer. mass to solely modelling the energy exchange between cells due was phenomenon this Previously, gradients across the core. temperature radial small in turbulence found in LMFBR bundles usually results between internal channels and the edge channel. incorporated conduction heat Therefore, a radial into NATOF-2D. model of vapor the been The model is applied only when single phase liquid is present in adjacent cells conductivity has phase is very low. since the Presently, only radial conduction has been employed in the code, since any axial effects convection axial tend to dominate conduction effects. Calibration of the model is accomplished by of Westinghouse two experiments / 2 Blandket /. Heat simulation Transfer Test Program The model developed is also compared to analytic results based on conduction mixing length theory / 3 1.2.3 1. Direct Solution of the Pressure Field The computer time usage of NATOF-2D is strongly dependent on the solution technique used for the calculation of the pressure field. A more efficient method has been --- - YIIIIIIIIYIIIYIYIIYIIIYIIYYYIIIIIIIIIIII uI lI MY M -23- solve the a uses implemented into NATOF-2D which to method direct pressure field matrix, rather than the iterative The advantages of technique previously employed. substantially reduced are this time, and the capability of running using smaller axial mesh cell spacings. 1.2.4 Comparison to Experiments on Boiling Behavior The major are NATOF-2D experiences documented in Chapter 5 to serve foundation for future work, and also provide an for as a explanation changes deemed necessary to the previously derived any models, especially the mass exchange rate. the running while encountered difficulties Also, some of sodium boiling codes in general are with discussed. Chapter 6 discusses results the transients performed by NATOF-2D. of the Thors 4 /, One test was a simulation while the other four are from the SLSF W-1 experiments done at Development Laboratory / /. Finally Chapter NATOF-2D. five Bundle 6A experiments conducted at Oak Ridge National Laboratory / thesis, for obtained 7 5 summarizes the the Hanford Engineering findings of this and makes recommendations for future development of -24- Chapter 2 INTERFACIAL MASS, ENERGY, AND MOMENTUM EXCHANGE MODELS 2.1 Introduction In the two fluid model NATOF-2D, each phase in the flow energy, field is described by a set of mass, momentum of these equations takes into account the Each equations. and occur between phases. the This is interactions which accomplished by the use of empirical correlations or simple physical models, that describe the mass, energy and momentum exchange rates at the liquid/vapor interface. One of the requirements of two phase flow modelling mass, energy, or momentum be gained or lost at the no that is interface. This is the so called "jump This interface. requirement equations of each phase can be is met summed condition" at the if the conservation and the NATOF-2D was together, interface exchange terms cancel each other. For the sodium boiling transients which designed to simulate, these exchange rates take on a special One of the basic assumptions of this work is significance. that only the liquid phase is in contact with the values of void fraction up to 0.957. Thus, applications, the vapor phase is entirely dependent liquid phase as a mass, energy wall for for many on the or momentum source, and -25- of thereby dependent on the accuracy the exchange models incorporated into this code. This chapter will cover the models developed for interfacial transport exchange, and compare the results with those previously used in NATOF-2D / 1 /. I _ MINIIIIIIYIIIIiIUIIN 1 41 II I -262.2 Conservation Equations Used in NATOF-2D Since this chapter deals interfacial enegy mass, in this section. the modelling used form by are NATOF-2D Since NATOF-2D is a two-phase, two-dimensional R-Z code, for each phase there will mass the of momentum exchange rates, the and conservation equations in the summarized with one be and one energy conservation equation, and two momentum equations (one for each below are the eight at direction) conservation each node. equations Given written in control volume form. Mass Conservation liquid phase: j - f(l-a)p dV + - (l-a)p Az+ Az_ v = Ar+ - (1-a)p Ar- dV U rdA (2.1) ap vUv -vz dA vU apv dV v + V vapor phase: at UzdA AZ+ Az_ = Ar+ F dV f ap Uvr dA Ar- (2.2) -27- Energy Conservation liquid phase: + (eZ + U2 /2)dV (1-a)p Az+ Ar+ - Ar( l-a)pzUkr(ek v P TF dV Ar+ V j - qZidA (2.3) Ai + + U2/2)dV V + U /2)dA aPv Uvr(e AZ- v - fa PVUz(eV Az+ S- k + U /2)dA = fQdV- f(l-a) p gU zdV k P•n-U dA + i U" f*zdA A P, w vapor phase ap v(e + U /2)dA (1-a) pU(e = v + U 2/2)dA V Az- f Q dV - p gU vdV V Ar- fP - -f dA + jP'n*U dA at dV + I qVi dA (2.4) Ai Momentum Conservation--Axial Direction liquid phase t (l-)pUtzdV+ I - (-) Az+ - Az- IAr+- I(1-a)Pk UzU rdA - (1-a)p g P-k*- AR Ar- dV - fM zdV 2)dA p U£zdA dA = fkzdA - Aw (2.5) _~_~~I _ I __EIEIIIHIIwI ,IuIIIl WNNNO -28- vapor phase -4apvUvzdV 2c PdA ap U A Az+ V f J + Pek*n - Aw - vUvz U vr dA - A Ar+ AzAz _ dA = -fvzdA A + f A r- + pvgdV f MvzdV v V (2.6) Momentum Conservation--Radial Direction liquid phase - _lt-(l-a)p ZUrdV + v Az+ - Ar+ z- - f(l-a)p Ur dA (1l-a)ptUrUtzdA + A SPr*n dA = Ar_ -f f rdA + f MrdV (2.7) v Aw vapor phase a PvUvrdV + V - P.r-n dA Av v - - fvUvz vrdA + Az+ A z_ = fvr dA Aw w Ar+ - i ap vU2 dA Ar- MvrdV v (2.8) -29- Interfacial Mass Exchange 2.3 2.1 and 2.2) r represents the mass (equations phase vapor exchange rate positive for and liquid In the mass conservation equations for the phases, between At the 1 has units of kg/m3-s. evaporation. rate present time, the accepted model for the mass exchange is This model based on the kinetic theory of condensation. particles departing from the interface. are particles The be arriving from the vapor phase, and departing to assumed When the arrival from the liquid phase. condensation is occurring. the exceeds rate In the reverse departure rate, situation, evaporation takes place and when the net flux an zero, the / mass 6 condition exists. equilibrium rate exchange is essentially is The derivation of due to Schrage /. Using a Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, it is to a particles arriving at the interface, and a flux of of flux between difference the views the interaction simply as as defined be will and show that in a possible stationary container the mass flux of particles passing in either direction through the interface is given by: M= 2 p i 2rR T (2.9) where ji = mass flux of phase i (kg/m 2 -s) M = molecular weight of particles ____ ^_ _ ~ I_ I I11 -30- R = universal gas constant P = pressure exerted by the particles T = temperature of the particles If there exists a progress velocity on the = towards the interface such that Jv M 2 P side vapor PvVp then T (2.10) where S= e-2 + (2.11) + erf#) or(1 V P 2R/ (2.12) (. p v(2RT/M) (2RT/M) T Vp = progress velocity not At the liquid-vapor interface striking the striking defined as the fraction of molecules which actually do represents the ratio condense. of the In flux a of c Therefore, condense. will surface molecules the all similar surface the manner, molecules is oe actually leaving the interface to the flux given by equation 2.9. At the condensing surface, molecules are arriving at progress flow rate pvVp, surface at a rate equivalent a and molecules are departing the to that of molecules in a -31- Thus the net flux towards the surface stationary container. is given by: P i . M 2JR 2 P (2.13) v TTeT T C If it is assume that P << 1, or in other words that the be can Y condensation rate is low, approximated by the following expression: T + 1 / Pv( 2RT /M) T (2.14) Substituting this into equation 2.13 yields eT a 2fRT 2 v 2 c e (2.15) When the two phases are in equilibrium, the net flux, j, to equal zero, and ac = Since e*. the values of the individual coefficients in non-equilibrium systems have been determined, it is justified to set a is = ae = not a,. Using this approximation the net flux becomes: J= 2a M 21 1J v 2 (2.16) and the mass exchange rate is thus F .2a = -jA = A T_ M 2Mv FP - v -1 w(2.17) where A = the interfacial area per unit volume -32- The literature shows a wide variation in the value of a for sodium, ranging a = 0.001 /, 7 of presence the pressures figure however, attributes this variation non-condensible gases which tend to to additional These gases add an on conducted Tests to 2.1). (See condensation. to low at pressures congregate at the interface. resistance 1.0 a = atmospheric at Rohsenow / from nearly gas-free systems where the flow was high show that any gases present are swept away from the interface, and a = 1.0 for all pressures. In the models developed for that only NATOF-2D, it assumed is the liquid phase is in contact with the wall for values of void fraction up to adryout . Below this value, all heat gains to the vapor phase are solely from the liquid the liquid phase is evaporating, phase. When phase is entering the system at the saturation Similarly, condenses a < adryout, temperature. condensation occurs when the liquid phases loses The heat to the wall, and becomes subcooled. again the vapor at vapor the saturation temperature. phase Thus, for it is justified to set T v to T s and Pv to Ps in equation 2.17. For values of a > adryout' the liquid becomes entrained in the vapor experiences T phase, and then it the heat losses and gains. = Ts, and PP = P s in equation 2.17. is the vapor which Thus for this case, In order to obtain -33- 1.0 0.1 0.01 0.001 I I L 0.01 0.1 1.0 Pressure (bar) Figure 2.1 Condensation Coefficient as a Function of Pressure - --- I YIIIIYIYIYIYIYYIIYYU rl~ -34- the correct behavior of this relation, it is necessary to a reverse the sign of equation 2.17 so that in vapor superheated environment, the entrained liquid evaporates, instead of condensing. section Equation 2.30 of the next confirms this behavior. sodium For the range of temperatures in which and condensation occurs, f Ts Ts . and T2 approximation, the final form of the mass exchange boiling With this rate is arrived at. S< adryout n+l S> 2a 2 - a L 3HL n+1 s _ M yTT i (2.18) s dryout n+l n+1 2- a M (2.19) P s where PV = pressure corresponding to a saturation temperature of T Pk = pressure corresponding to a saturation temperature of TZ Ps = system pressure T s = saturation temperature A = interfacial area calculated implicitly The formulations previously used for the mass rate in NATOF-2D were: exchange -35For evaporation {P A I'= 2 h ngfT Tn+i S (2.20) For condensation (p v h fg n, T v - T s n+1 n+ R n+ (l_)n S= relations These AT/T s << 1, were where AT = T, - T s . discussed be will in that assumption Simulations by NATOF-2D, detail furthler results These large. quite however, show that AT can be S the on based (2.21) T2 s- in Chapter 5. The interfacial areas in equations 2.20 and 2.21 were calculated explicitly, and the term a(1 to zero for single treats all terms eliminated the a(1 / 8 phase a) was added to force F to go The flc)w. present implicitlyr, including the areas, and has a) term. The areas and depend on the flow regime. /, formulation are from Wilson The following is a summary of the equations us( a < cm A 3a 1 rm m 23 mM /D3 (P/D)2- r m = 6. x lO1 7/2 (2.22) - - ---- -- IYIIIIIYIIUIII -36- (a m < a < 0.55 A2 2 D - 2/3 (P/D) (2.23) 0.55 < a < 0.65 a + b.a A3 3 2 + c + d-t 3 where - - 0.55 a S-0.65 - a = A2 0.55 b = 3A2 3a aA2 c = 3(A 4 - A3 ) - a3A 4 aA 2 -+ -a-- + 2(A d So ol 22 - 2*A - A4 (2.24) ) 0.65 < a < 0.957 4 D 4 2/3r(P/D)2 (2/3(P/D) ITra - 2 2/3(P/D) - T (2.25) 0.957 < a < 1.0 A5 SA 4 " 1 - 0.957 (2.26) -37- A transition regime area, A3 , between A2 and A4, and their is which has been added in order to keep the areas derivatives with to a respect comparison was made between the previous exchange rate formulations. 2.2 and respectively. predicts a term, the expected. present results are shown that the new mass in formulation rapid vapor production especially in high Even discounting the effects of the a(1 - a) present mass exchange rate still is 2 to 4 times greater than the vigorous and A for liquid superheats of 20C and 200C The results show more void regions. 2.3 continuous. The system pressure used for this comparison was 2 bars, and the figure fit polynomial a and one previously sustained implemented. Thus more boiling for the same superheats is Ell I -- -38- U W 103 J 4W3 I 0) C 'U X U, L& U) U) 'U 102 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Void Figure 2.2 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Fraction A Comparison of New and Old Mass Exchange Rates for a Superheat of 20 C -39- u C-, C, ! E o, w 4.) , C.) a u-J C, 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Void Fraction Figure 2.3 A Comparison of New and Old Mass Exchange Rates for a Superheat of 200 C _ I~~ II I 11111U111 -40- Energy Exchange Rate 2.4 Reliable constituative relations for transfer are not available at the present time. in heat interphase This is due part to the insufficient attention which this phenomenon has recieved until only recently, and also to the extreme difficulty in gathering useful data on the subject. Starting. with equations, two the phase 2.3 and 2.4, one can define an energy equations exchange due to the difference in and phase conservation energy temperature between the interface, and an energy exchange associated With with the heat transferred by virtue of mass exchange. the premise, this the energy exchange from the liquid/vapor interface to the vapor become qiv = r.hvs + AiHiv(Ti - energy Similarly, the exchange TV) from (2.27) the liquid to the liquid/vapor interface is: .i = r*hts + AiH£I(Tz - Ti) where r = mass exhange rate hvs = enthalpy of the vapor at the saturation temperature hts = enthalpy of the liquid at the saturation temperature A. = interfacial area (2.28) -41- H. = interface to vapor phase heat transfer coefficient HPi = liquid phase to interface heat transfer coefficient the Since the "jump condition" at interface requires that qiv £i we have -*h + A.H i(T - + AiH i(T Tv) = r'hs for Equation 2.29 can be used to solve the - Ts) mass (2.29) exchange rate to yield H. ivAi(T - Ti ) + H i.A(T - Ti ) hfg (2.30) The above relationship shows that if Hiv and H£i were known, and if Ti was defined, determined. exchange mass the Unfortunately, 2.28 and the interfacial would be there is a lack of data on the interface heat transfer coefficients at Therefore, rate the time. present an alternative is to use either equation 2.27 or given formulation energy in exchange rate. section 2.3 for the One cannot use equation 2.27 for the vapor energy equation and equation 2.28 for the liquid energy equation simultaneously since there would be no guarantee that the jump condition was being satisfied. Attempts to define an interface temperature with a -42- value somewhere in temperatures have temperature based the range between the liquid and vapor proven For fruitless. an interface on two infinite bodies in contact, Ti is given by the relation T - Ti T - (kpc ) _ T (kpc ) (2.31) Since the conductivity and density of the liquid phase is so much greater than that vapor TR. Ti yields 2.31 equation the of phase, This solution of would be result acceptable is T, stayed near the saturation temperature when but both phases are present, attaining a sodium high difficulties experienced condensation vapor rate resulted in vapor coexisting with liquid which is in have subcooled by as much as 100 0 C. Therefore, the decision was made to set the interfacial temperature to the saturation temperature. temperature chosen was it since temperature for a two-phase mixture, for is The the saturation equilibrium As previously stated, values of a < adryout' the vapor gains heat solely from the liquid. state In an evaporating the assumption that Ti = Ts implies that all the liquid superheat is utilized as latent where heat Tk < Ts, temperature, virtue for of and mass evaporation. And is kept the all vapor losses heat transfer to the in a condensing state at from liquid the saturation the vapor are by phase. For -43- With the roles of each phase will be reversed. a >adryout this understanding, the final form of the interfacial energy exchange rate becomes: C < dryout S=Svs n+h (n+1 + An+1 s iv i (2.32) +1) - C > adryout n+1 hs qi= + An+lHH (2.33) (Tn+1 - Tn+1) where H. Nu iv De k = Nu H V e previous The formulation of the heat interfacial exchange rate was i (T AiHI(T + AiH + r h = F h ehvs + chs + - TV) - (2.34) Tv) This formulation effectively kept T V equal to T,, and led to situations of the vapor phase being subcooled by as much 100 0 C. as is as The present formulation has eliminated this problem shown in figure 2.5. The nusselt number transfer temperature coefficients of the chosen has phases. a for the pronounced To interfacial effect illustrate this, on heat the three -44of a sodium boiling transient were run in which simulations only the interfacial nusselt number was varied. these In cases there was no switch in correlations at a=adryout. temperatures correspond to those found at the top of given As can the heated section of the fuel bundle. figure been (Nu 2.4, plotted = 0.006) temperature time, versus to leads to a small saturation seconds in number nusselt At temperature. boiling inception, at a after to void fraction corresponding began seen quite a variation between the vapor the 0.55 be vapor and liquid temperatures have the where and approximately The the adryout phase vapor The liquid temperature superheat to high levels. stayed very close to the saturation temperature. When Nu indicates. = 6, This Tv Ts and T as figure 2.5 test case also showed that the saturation temperature was more stable with time, wild = Ts fluctuations. For and less prone to Nu = 6000, the results were about the same. Based on these simulations, a recommended. A value of 2.33. term = 10 is value in this range will keep the vapor at the saturation temperature, but not make the contribution Nu sensible heat the dominating one in equations 2.32 and -45- 1120 - Saturation Temperature 1100 - A r 1060 1040 / I I 1 ! I r 1020 I cIII ' 1, 000 - I I I I II 980 a I II II S960 940 920 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Time (sec) Figure 2.4 Variations Between Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 0.006 -46- 1120 1100 1080 1060 1040 0 03 5- 1020 4L 543 1000 E 03 980 960 940 920 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 Time (sec) Figure 2.5 Vapor and Saturation Temperatures for an Interfacial Heat Transfer Nusselt Number of 6.0 -47- Interfacial Momentum Transfer 2.5 the The interfacial momentum exchange rate, similar to energy exchange rate, is composed of two terms. interfacial The first term takes into account the momentum gain exchange mass interface, the across due to and the second term accounts for the effect of shear stresses at the interface. section will show how these terms can be combined into This a single term which contains both of these effects. phase The momentum conservation equation for the vapor in the z-direction written in differential form is t + U Vv (p a = 3Z z (ap U 2 vz f - ap v.35) g - Mi -fwz (ap UvrUvz) vz v r r + + - Ui r (2.35) where Miz = shear stress contribution U.i = contribution due to mass exchange which is traveling at an interfacial velocity i = rlnu + factor (0 I (1 - r)Uv, where n is a weighting n < 1) In order to facilitate the implimentation of the finite difference scheme utilized by NATOF-2D, it is cast equation 2.35 into non-conservative necessary form. to This is accomplished by applying the product rule of differentiation to the following terms: -48- Uv -a-(apv Uvz )_ = a+ vat at a (ap U2 ) = ap z v vz v vz 3r-(ap v Uvz Uvr (2.36) U-(ap a vapv vzat U aVzp z (2.38) + a (apU vr +r Uvz 3r ap v Uvr au 2.35, equation into Substituting these values (2.37) v vz z the vapor momentum equation becomes: vz apvz vvr -f wz (ap v ) + ap vUz vz -t at +U vz a pv T- - ap a (aPUv) U vz Dr vr + g - Miz +U vz az (apU vz ) + aP a-p 3z + - (2.39) Uizr + The vapor mass conservation equation is given by: v(() + -(ap v UV r (ap Uv + (2.40) and this can be substituted into equation 2.39 to yield non-conservative auvz + pV v at -f Next Mz vz - the form auvz acp vUvz 7t ap g - M + + ap U -a vz v vr ar - Uiz Uv + ap a aaz (2.41) is defined such that M' vt = -Miz Vziz + U iz i. - Uvz v2) (2.42) -49- where (2.43) - j, z ) vz V izZ : K = interfacial momentum exchange coefficient be rearranged by the following procedure: M' VZ can Mz vz (1-n)U~vz - Uvz]F = -K(Uz - U z) + [ nUz = -K(U Uvz Ezz) - + [ n(U - Ezvz + U v- U v) vz Uv vz = -(K + Jr)*(Uvz - Uz) (2.44) One can follow the same the for procedure liquid phase momentum equation to obtain the non-conservative form, which is: (l-)pt (l-c)fr t+ 3tz 3t S + (l-a)P Uz Z az R -f wz - (l-)p (l-)j + (1U-a)p r -z z + Mizz)- Uizr + URz iz (2.45) Defining where Mz = Miz Miz Uizr + Uzr = K*(Uvz - UZ) one can simplify MIz to obtain Mz = (K PIZ (l-n)F)*(U vz - U Ezz) (2.46) In order to better interpret these results, consider a -50- situation where n = 0.5 terms MIz and evaporating an where UV> Uk. For both MIz U that so = (Uz condition + Uv)/2, and (F > 0), The vapor phase bulk decrease. (Ui < UV ) momentum decreases by picking up slower particles and the liquid momentum bulk phase the decreases by losing particles traveling at Ui > UY. In a condensing condition, both MI vapor The and M increase. phase bulk momentum increases by losing its slow particles and the liquid phase gains momentum by receiving fast particles. A comparison of K and nr verses void fraction was in order to access the importance of this phenomenon. can be seen in figure 2.6, for values of term is the dominating one. a > 0.88, made As the This is a desired result, since as the liquid becomes entrained in the vapor phase, the slip ratio should decrease as the liquid particles become borne in the vapor phase. Parameters used for this comparison are given in Table 2.1. To determine what effect this modification actually has on NATOF-2D simulations, a sodium boiling transient was with the new correlation (with n = 0.5), same transient insignificant without difference The it. for the run and compared to the results full range showed of an void fractions. Simulations were also run in which n was varied in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. The only noticeable difference was -51- 1 v, t C v 4 SL C rCI 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 Void Fraction Figure 2.6 Values of r and K as a Function of Void Fraction for Typical LMFBR Transient C,onditions 1.0 -52- Table 2.1 Parameters Used in K versus nr Comparison Pressure (N/m2 ) Saturation Temperature (OK) 2. x 105 1235.59 Fuel Pin Diameter (m) 5.842 x 10 Hydraulic Diameter (m) 4.223 x 10-3 Pitch/Diameter 1.25 Vapor Density (kg/m 2 ) 0.53 Vapor Velocity (m/s) Liquid Velocity (m/s) T - Tsat (OK) 25.0 5.9 2.0 -53- that for n = 0.0 the vapor was lower than for velocity n = 1.0, and for n = 0.0 the liquid velocity was higher than for n = 1.0. condensation Since these results are is occurring Refering to equation 2.44, the when n = 1. (r < 0), this term (K + qr) region was is Refering to equation 2.46, where expected. smallest the term is smallest for r = 1, and so the liquid phase is not dragged as much by the vapor phase. velocity. a Thus the vapor phase isn't slowed down by the liquid phase as much. (K - (1-)r) for Hence, the lower -542.6 Programming Information Both the new mass exchange and rate energy exchange rate were incorporated into subroutine NONEQ. The momentum subroutine WS. since it must exchange was rate incorporated into Since r is required in this formulation, and be evaluated at the previous time step, the value of the mass exchange rate is stored ONESTP for use in the following time step. in subroutine I I YIIillllll -55- Chapter 3 FLUID CONDUCTION MODEL 3.1 Introduction Some of the previous boiling sodium transients simulated with NATOF-2D have shown a large difference in the fluid termperature between the central channels and the edge channel. A small variation is expected since the edge channel experiences heat losses to the hexcan container, and since there is usually a lower power to flow ratio ouside the channel. However, whereas experiments a radial temperature for steady state reported variation In LMFBR bundles, the fuel spacer between wires. fuel transversely These rods, and 1 wires tend and good mixing of the coolant. developed, to unable are pressure gradient, act to small in magnitude. the 9 SLSF was /, NATOF-2D wound as a spacing agent sweep the coolant This results in turbulence NATOF-2D, simulate which 10 0C of helically this radial velocities found in NATOF-2D are due radial W-1 the /. rods around the bundle. is / operation predicted a difference of 600C / with in in in as originally phenomenom. solely to The the most cases is rather Since mass transfer between cells was only mechanism available for energy exchange, the large temperature gradients persisted. When boiling occurs, the -56- effects sweeping mentioned previously negligible become compared with the expansion of the vapor phase. to Therefore radial profile, the temperature observed heat conduction has been incorporated into The heat transfer between cells has been modelled the code. in terms of "effective" conduction Besides cells. adjacent effects, for account the between the modelling the formulation will also be used pure has been neglected since the phase makes any for vapor-liquid calculating or dominate any vapor-vapor radial heat This chapter will present radial offer typical values for the effective conduction. Axial heat Also, the low conductivity of the vapor transfer effects negligible. methodology for the high axial velocities allow the effects of convection to conductive effects. in conduction account to mixing and diffusive effects in the fuel bundle. conduction fluid heat the conduction, and nusselt number for ... ..... .. - illll ii iii Ii4 l -57- 3.2 Formulation figure For the arrangment of cells shown in heat total In the transfer rate to cell i can be expressed as the sum of the heat transfer faces. 3.1, this rates through each of its two formulation, the heat flux is given by an effective heat transfer coefficient times the difference the temperature of the adjacent cells. in Written explicitly, this becomes: qiT qi-,i + (3.1) i+1,i where q-,i = Ai-1,ihi-1, 1i-1 i+li Ai+liJi+li Ti) i+l - T i (3.2) (3.3) and qiT = total heat transfer rate to cell i qi-1,i = heat from cell i-I to cell i heat from cell i+1 to cell i qi+1,i = hi1,i =1effective heat tranxfer coefficient between cell i-1 and cell i Ti = temperature of cell i Ai+1, i = intercell area On either side of the interface seperating two adjacent cells, a heat transfer coefficient has been defined with the form: -58- Figure 3.1 Top View of Fluid Channels Showing the Radial Heat Transfer Between Them ^ I I -59- KR Nu/ i 2 (3.4) D where Nu = effective nusselt number KX = conductivity of the liquid in cell i D = conductive diameter of cell i 4*A - P pc = perimeter of fluid-fluid conduction Conservation of energy.requires that the heat flux from and cell i to the interface of cells i opposite to be i+1 equal and heat flux from cell i+1 to the interface, the and so an interface temperature, Tin t , can be defined such that hi(Tint - T i ) = (3.5) - Ti+l) -hi+(Tint Solving for the interface temperature yields TTint hiT i + hi+lTi+ 1 h + h i + hi+l (3.6) Since the heat flux to the interface from cell i is the same as the heat flux between cells i and side of equation 3.5 can be i+1, the right hand equated to equation 3.3 to yield: hi(Tint - T i ) = hi+li(Ti+l, i - Ti (37) I_ -60- solved for. can h Substituting in equation 3.6 for Tint, now be The result is: i+1 hi 1+1,h h + h. hi+ 1 + h i Considering the case where h i (3.8) = hi+1 , equation 3.8 reduces to 1/2h h 1/2hi+ hi+,i KR = Nu---D as one would expect. In summary, the methodology of this approach is to calculate h as given by equation 3.4 for each cell, and then use these values to solve for hi+l, i . Once this accomplished, equation 3.1 can be evaluated for each cell. is -61- 3.3 Intercell Areas NATOF-2D is structured in such a way that the between cells at lies centerlines as one illustration of this, boundary plane connecting the fuel pin the along with the An outward. radially travels numbering of the boundaries is given in figure 3.2. Treating the bundle as a porous body, the transfer rn heat radial area becomes dependent only on the radial distance Thus Ar = Ar * r (39) where Ar = volumetrically averaged radial area between cell boundaries Ar = radial area constant r = //2* n-p n = row number (1,2,3,.....) p = fuel rod pitch (m) Considering for the moment the unit 3.3, Ar cell shown in figure can be solved for by requiring that Ar.dr Vcell = r. = Ar *rndr * 2 = Ar *r /2 1 (3.10) -62- Figure 3.2 Showing Radial Top View of Fluid Channels Cell Boundary Numbering Sc heme ---- 1111 I -63- 4I D Figure 3.3 Unit Cell Used in NATOF-2D Figure 3.3 Unit Cell Used in NATOF-2D -64- The volume of the unit cell is given by V_ cell i 2 2 Az Apn pin 2 (3.11) where Api = area of the pin and wirewrap n 2 =-(D2 +d D = fuel pin diameter d = wire wrap diameter Az = axial height of cell Using the relation in equation 3.10 yields: Ar Ar 4 (V3 - P2 Az (3.12) The final form of the radial heat transfer area is Ar 1 = 2 Ai2 P / When this formulation is nPAz then (n = 1,2,...) (3.13) implimented in NATOF-2D, it is necessary to divide the total heat transferred by the volume of the cell so that the term will appear as a heat source term in the energy conservation equation. boundaries lie at nj_ 1 For a cell whose and nj, excluding the edge cell, the total volume is given by 2 V = P2* 2 Apin pin2 2 2 (3.14) (3.14) ~-I- " IYIY IYIIIIYIIIYIYYIIIIIIIYIYIYIVVIII -65Implementation Form 3.4 Up until this point, no mention has been time step discretinization In this formulation. NATOF-2D and the used section, in the code options of the for this available in limitations of each are and advantages the made covered. The first option is to treat the calculation in a fully explicit manner such that n n+1 iT = Ai-,ihi- n n (Ti-1-Ti) n n n A i+l,ihi+l,i (Ti+,i-Ti) + (3.15) where the superscript (n+1) refers to the present time step, on the step. are low. terms of equation 3.15 are known values, this option RHS requires that the calculation be time all Since and (n) refers to the previous time step. performed only once per Thus the cpu costs for the explicit calculation It also ensures strict energy conservation since q1-1,i = q ,i - 1" A fourier -stability analysis performed on equation 3.15 shows that this formulation limits the time step size to Ar 2 At < - 2-a*Nu (3.16) where pc p In most cases, more the convective restrictive than the time limit conductive (At limit. < Az/U) However, is a -66- calculates feature has been implimented into the code which limitation when the explicit calculation is step time the and utilized, maintains a the below value step time conductive limit. The second option available is to treat the radial heat transfer calculation semi-implicitly. The of form the calculation is: n+l n n n+1 = ) + Ai+1 Ai-l,ihi-,1(Ti-l-Ti qiT n n h i+,i(Ti+T n+1 -T (3.17) A stability analysis applied to equation 3.17 shows that the therefore poses no scheme is unconditionally stable, and constraint to the time step size. However, it does have two The first is that it fails to conserve energy limitations. since the relation n h n 1-1,i (T 1-1 1 n n n+l -T ) = -h n+1 (3.18) ) (T -T 11.i-1 1 1-1 (3.18) The second limitation will not be satisfied in general. is this calculation needs to be performed once per newton that iteration, instead of once per time step. Thus, the cpu usage will be greater than the explicit method. A fully implicit calculation of the form n n+1 iT = n+1 n n+l Ai-1,ih-1,1(Ti-1-Ti ) + n+1 n+1 Ai+1,ihi+l,i (Ti+1-Ti (3.19) cannot be utilized by NATOF-2D since the solution scheme of ---- --- --" ---- ""' ~--- 111 11liii~i1 -67- the code requires that the only linkage between cells be by the pressures of the cells. A such formulation of this would also link the cell temperatures. As can be seen in figure 3.2, all similar, and therefore has a quite nusselt number, Nu 2, is are we are somewhat justified in using the same effective nusselt number Nul. however, cells interior different used effects of any differences. to shape, take edge The and into channel, so a second account the -68- 3.5 Experimental Calibration effective In order to obtain a practical value for the experiment sodium phase single for radial heat conduction, a steady-state, number nusselt Westinghouse Heat Transfer Test Program / Blanket The heat transfer test section was assembly. blanket mockup of /. 2 LMFBR an section consisted of 61 rods test The a the from chosen was axial Each rod delivered an contained in a hexagonal duct. heat output approximating a chopped cosine distribution with a 1.4 maximum-to-average ratio over a 114.3 cm. test the total bundle power was 440 kw, and the 544, No. radial power distribution was uniform. Table in given In length. 3.1, and the are Test parameters for input NATOF-2D the simulation is given in appendix C. The test procedure to was adjust loop test the operating parameters until the desired sodium flow and inlet temperature was achieved. At this power to the point, power bundle was gradually increased until the test section gradient and temperature rise attained operating conditions. The test section was then allowed to achieve a steady state configuration, at which point data was collected. No. 544, different For test the temperature profile across the bundle at three axial levels was recorded. These levels corresponded to the heated zone midplane, the outlet of the heated zone, and 25 inches downstream of the heated zone. In the NATOF-2D simulation, the proper flow and total -69- Table 3.1 Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Rod Bundle Test Section Design / 2 / PARAMETER Number of Rods Rod Diameter (cm) 61 1.32 Length of Heated Zone (cm) 114.3 Total Bundle Length (cm) 265. .094 Wire Wrap Spacer Diameter (cm) Triangular Rod Pitch 1.43 Wire Wrap Pitch (cm) 10.16 Pitch to Diameter Ratio Duct Inside Diameter (cm) 1.082 11.4 Axial Power Distribution, Cosine Max/Avg Sodium Inlet Temperature (oC) 1.40 316. Sodium Flow Rate (m 2 /hr) Run 544 13.5 Run 545 12.0 Test Bundle Power (kw) 440 -70- the nusselt numbers were varied until as Then the the core was established. through rise enthalpy profile temperature as possible the experimental closely obtained matched results. As the effective nusselt number was increased, the section radial temperature profile at the end of the heated became as flatter, shown figure in A comparison 3.4. between the experimental results and the NATOF-2D simulation 3.6' and 3.5, for different elevations is given in figures 3.7. From this experiment, the recommended for the tests was values effective nusselt number are Nu = 22 = 28 2 A second experiment from the same series of Nu simulated NATOF-2D in order to verify the generality of by the previous results. This was Run No. the same total power was used power was distribution as varied In this test, 545. before, but the to give a power skew which peaked at the edge pins and was at a minimum at the The normalized heat The results for three figures 3.9, 3.10, radial center. input per rod is shown in figure 3.8. different and 3.11. elevations are shown in -71- 450 S-II~L 440 d------- 9 -4--430 420 CL 410 cr E I- 400 A N'u ~aS1 390 1- 380 - Nu2 0 0 7 14 A 15 20 * 22 28 * p p Channel Number Figure 3.4 Radial Temperature Profiles at the End of the Heated Section for Various Effective Nusselt Numbers -72- 390 380 0 S- 370 r- E -j .. 50 350 2 1 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.5 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the Heated Zone Midplane for Nul = 22 and Nu2 = 28 / 2 / -73- Experiment - NATOF-2D 450 1. 440 0 4 430 SQ. i- * 420 0r -J 410 1- 2 i i I a 1 2 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.6 A comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the End of the Heated Zone for Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 / 2 / -74- 440 430 = 420 E -~ 410 *r0 -J 400 1 2 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.7 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 544 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles 25 Inches Downstream of Heated Zone for Nul = 22 and / 2 / Nu2 = 28 -75- Figure 3.8 Normalized Heat Input per Rod for Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Run 545 / / 2 -76- 400 1- 390 Ii 0 S. 380 1 S*,..0.I I- 370 -J Experiment 360 NATOF-2D 1 I i I I 1 2 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.9 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 nad NATO.F-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the Heated Zone Midplane for Nul = 22 and Nu2 = 28 / 2 / -77- 450 440 430 E I-, .- * = 420 Experiment NATOF-2D 410 I I 1 2 I 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.10 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles at the End of the Heated Zone for NuI = 22 and / / 2 Nu 2 = 28 -78- Experiment NATOF-2D 460 - 450 0.. ) 0 v I- 440 0- ** r- CT 430 .. 1 420 F I 1 2 3I 4 I 3 4 5 Channel Number Figure 3.11 A Comparison Between Westinghouse Run 545 and NATOF-2D Radial Temperature Profiles 25 Inches Downstream of the Heated Zone for Nul = 22 and Nu 2 = 28 / 2 / -79- A Comparison with Effective Conduction Mixing Lengths 3.6 In this section, a is comparison made between the fluid-to-fluid conduction model implemented in NATOF-2D, and an analytic mixing model for lengths subcahnnel developed codes. energy The to by transport model the effective determine used mixing lengths is from M. R. Yeung conduction for the evaluation of / 3 1. Before making the comparison, a brief outline is of the method of M. in given R. Yeung to calculate the effective conduction mixing lengths. In this model, the heat transfer rate due to conduction between subcahnnels i and j is given by the relation: S ij (T - T i iiJ ) S KZ * (T 1 - T )L1 (3.20) ij where = the length of the common boundary S mixing length ij - the effective conduction i *= ij the centroid-to-centroid distance of adjacent coolant channels Ki = conductivity of the liquid phase LiJ = ratio of the effective conductive mixing length to the centroid-to-centroid distance The effective conduction mixing length takes into account -80- the fact that the actual heat flux due to conduction, .T this, illustration As an attempting to model a localized effect. of 3.20 equation with bulk temperatures while deal codes subchannel by given that may be quite different than since (3.21) )interface q possible temperature distributions which yield the same bulk temperature are shown in figure 3.12. As can be seen, 3T/3x)int can vary widely. Equation 3.20 can be rearranged to give: (T S L ij =K * R 1_ - T ) Qij (3.22) ij Since the total heat transfer can be expressed as q ijQ ij ds s ds (3.23) equation 3.23 can be substituted also into equation 3.20, and the dimensionless group q'''a /2k and the rod radius b can multiply and divide 3.20 to yield a form analytically which can by evaluating each quantity. determined be This form is: S (T i - T) q"'a 2 /2K L j jij qss s q"a 2 /2b b (3.24) where a = fuel pellet radius -81- 1 2 Channel Number Figure 3.12 Possible Temperature Distributions which Yield the Same Cell Averaged Temperature -82- b = fuel rod radius qs = heat flux at common boundary S q"' = power density of the fuel The method of evaluating each of these terms temperature local from the and power distributions and the geometry For the purposes /. 3 is given in reference / this of comparison, it will suffice to give the results for a 19-pin hexagonal geometry The bundle. used for calculating the effective mixing lengths is shown in figure 3.13, where dashed denote lines cell the The results of the boundaries. calculation are give in Table 3.2. To compare the NATOF-2D formulation with the conductive mixing the results, length heat of transfer both formulations are equated such that 2S. .Az Ar*hij(T i - T) = K - T L ij where the factor 2 has been added to (3.25) the RHS of equation 3.25 to take into account the fact that NATOF-2D divides the core into 6 symmetrical volumes, while Yeung's work divides the core into 12. Thus the area used in NATOF-2D is twice as large. Assuming that k. is the same for both formulations, hij is then given by 2-Nu*K, Dcl + D c2 (3.26) go,,141 -83- Effective Wall Distance (w) Figure 3.13 19-pin Cell Geometry Used for of Effective Mixing Lengths Calculation -84Table 3.2 S 12 /1 S23/ * 12 1 - 1P - 1 2 1P /3 D 1) 23 3 D (P/D - S34 /34 1 P + 1 (2W 2. p + 2 3 D 1 P 2W 2 D D 1 16 1 ( 2W) 12 - D 1 4J 2W ~ D 12 Effective Mixing Lengths 2W/D L2 3 Fuel Bundle 1.10 .85 .86 1.20 .75 .27 .57 1.30 .79 .77 .79 1.40 .791 .79 .81 1.04 .69 .69 .645 1.08 .69 .69 .68 1.10 .69 .69 .69 1 .20 .69 .69 .70 1.12 Blanket Bundle - i Ii , II i 1.1III -85- Rearranging equation in 3.25 dimensionless form, and substituting in 3.26 yields: 1 DC + Dc2S DNu J N= ij Ar (3.27) ij As can be seen, both formulations are of the same form, and differ only by a constant multiple. of First, considering cells 1-2, each term of equation 3.27 can be evaluated to get: 12 12 =2 3DD 2 r - Ar = P-Az 4[ c1 J) 2 Substituting these values into equation 3.27 yields = Nu From Table 3.2, L 1 2 has blanket bundle of 3 L12 a (3.28) value equal to 0.69. For a the type simulated, this relation shows that the Nusselt number, due to conduction only, should be: Nu = 4.348 For the edge cell, the complex geometry each be term numerically evaluated. requires For this comparison, typical dimensions of a blanket assembly were used: D D = 1.320 x 10-2 meters = 1.320 x 10 meters that -86P = 1.426 x 10 -2 meters P/D = 1.08 W = P - D/2 = 7.66 x 10 -3 meters The result is that Nu = 4.6322 L 34 = 6.617 The results show calculated from nusselt effective the that length theory is much smaller than mixing This is to be that required for the experiment calibration. expected for two reasons. theory length only takes is first The into accounting for turbulence reason is that the mixing length that account and mixing. results are the mixing fluid-to-fluid nusselt conduction effects, while the effective also number number is The second specifically for 19 pin bundles, while the simulations were conducted for 61 pin bundles. It is expected that for smaller bundle sizes the effective nusselt numbers will also decrease. -- --- I __ II IIIII l~inn, ,m10lM -87- 3.7 Programming Information Two additional subroutines have been added to NATOF-2D. QCOND The first is subroutine per transferred unit which which the heat volume, and its derivative (when the implicit formulation is required). HTRAN, calculates effective the calculates The second is subroutine transfer heat coefficient. The user performed by specifies the specifying which are a user input. the type of calculation to be sign of the nusselt numbers, A negative nusselt number refers to a semi-implicit calculation, while a positive nusselt number refers to a fully explicit calculation. The nusselt numbers given in used as this chapter should be a gauge for the ones actually used, which can best be determined by calibration to steady state results of experiment being simulated. the IIIIIIIIIIIYIYII iilliY Yr lii~ ii ~~~~ , -88Chapter 4 DIRECT SOLUTION OF THE PRESSURE FIELD 4.1 Introduction In the solution scheme employed by NATOF-2D, conservation equations, the equation equations governing the exchange single equation for each terms cell which of are the state, eight and the to reduced a involves only the pressure of a cell and its (up to four) neighbors. The form of the equation is: ai Pij_- + biJPi-lJ + ci PiJ + diJPi+lJ + eijPiJ+1 = fij (4.1) As can be seen, the pressure of a cell is influenced only by the pressure of the cells directly in contact with it. written out in matrix form, is this large system bands. the diagonal and contained in five example, the resulting matrix for the solution For of a problem with four axial levels and three (figure 4.1) equations a matrix whose non-zero a five-stripe band matrix, i.e. components are near of When radial nodes is shown in figure 4.2. NATOF-2D Previously, used an iterative solution technique known as block-tri-diagonal, which is an extension of the Gauss-Siedel iterative technique. methods, and this proceeded Like all iterative scheme started from an initial approximation to calculate a sequence of further -89- fictitious cell fictitious cell I Figure 4.1 I Arrangement of Cells for Pressure Field Matrix Shown in Figure 4 .2 - '~" -- ^ .m II "inIImYYY mmrIIrl. -90- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a3,7 0 0 0 0 0 0 a4,8 0 0 0 0 a5, 5 0 0 a5,9 0 0 a5 ,6 0 a6,5 a6,7 U 0 a6,10 0 0 0 a7, 7 a7,8 0 0 a7,11 a8,7 a8,8 0 0 0 0 a ,9 0 a10,9 al,l al,2 0 0 al,5 0 0 a2,1 a2,2 a2,3 0 0 a2,6 0 a3,2 a3,3 a3,4 0 0 0 a4,3 a4,4 0 a5,1 0 0 a6,2 0 0 0 0 0 0 a8,4 0 0 0 0 0 a9,5 0 0 0 0 810,6 0 0 0 0 0 a,6 0 all,7 0 0 0 0 0 a7,3 0 0 0 0 0 Figure 4.2 Pressure Field Matrix 0 a12,8 0 ag910 0 0 a8,12 0 a10,10 10,110 alO,10alO,11ll a11,10 all,11 all,12 0 a12,11al2,12 -91- eventually gave the required solution which approximations within a user defined convergence. method The iteration on depended dominant, i.e. the terms bij diagonally 4.1 being much smaller than the terms situation the allowed and dij aij field pressure axial be until direction This solved for were iterations directly in the radial direction, and then the of equation eij. and to being matrix the performed in converged. Diagonal dominance could only be the solution maintained by having an axial mesh spacing which was much greater than the could be used limited the number of cells which simulations, and thus prevented high the pressure field This spacing. radial in resolution. Since solution the has method employed for a strong influence on the running time of the code, a more efficient technique would result in drastically reduced costs. i.e. a The method now employed is a direct method without any section will which calculates intermediate give a the required approximations. The method, solution following background on direct methods and the solution technique employed in NATOF-2D. ___ -92Direct Method Solution Techniques 4.2 in If a matrix is of the form shown accomplished easily is solution by the 4.3, figure what is called "back The n-th equation gives xn directly (bn/un), substitution". and then the (n-1)th equation can be solved for xn- 1since is terms, In matrix determined. can procedure This known. continued until xI is be the system situation similar when occurs of equations Ax A is a lower triangular matrix (figure 4.4) and "forward substitution" is The form triangular Gaussian Elimination, interchanges rows to and eliminate technique for addition all matrix can example, be which employed. obtained by uses row and subtraction of multiples of terms below the diagonal. This can be used for small matrices, but for the large occurring systems the of matrix. triangular b is easy to solve when A is an upper A xn in most calculations, NATOF-2D the computational costs become prohibitive. In order by required performed on factoring the to the avoid number of row interchanges Gaussian elimination, triangularization can be the matrix. matrix into Triangulazization refers to a lower and a upper triangular such that A = LU where L = lower triangular matrix U = upper triangular matrix (4.2) -93- u 11 u 12 u 0 U 0 0 u 0 0 u 0 0 0 0 Figure 4.3 22 25 35 45 u 55 0 u U U U u 16 26 b b 36 b3 46 b 56 bs U66 b Upper Triangular Matrix 0 0 bi 122 0 bb24 32 0 42 0 '52 162 Figure 4.4 U lb b5 5 b6 6 b, Lower Triangular Matrix -- iII IihhY i IIYllU IUIMiIIl ,ill lhi, l,,ii, ' Willilili -94- Thus the system of equations Ax = b becomes LUx = b The factorization, Defining y is / unique. / 10 = Mx, the system Ly = b can be solved for y by Then, U. = y can be solved for solution x by This is the basic technique used for backward substitution. direct possible, when forward substitution. the (4.3) of the pressure field employed by NATOF-2D. Since the pressure field matrix is in of number reduced to true especially the if the w if This is number of zeros. bandwidth is much less than the large dimension of the matrix. value the form, required for the LU factorization is operations due band a The bandwidth of a matrix A has aj' = 0 whenever li-jl 2 w. For example, the matrix in figure 4.2 has a bandwidth of 5. Taking into account the presence of the the zeros, terms of the upper triangular matrix are given by / 11 /: i-1 uij = aij - 1 uikUkj k = max(1,j-w+1) where j = i,... min(i+w-l,n) n = dimension of the matrix A (4.4) -95- The terms of the lower triangular matrix are by given the relation: .. = -j j-1 -1 .. 33 Skj ik ) (4.5) k = max(l,i-w+l) where i = j+1,.. . min(j+1-w,n) A comparison between count of operations using elimination and using a LU factorization of a band Gaussian matrix the given is by Franklin / 11 /. For Gaussian elimination there are: 2 C1 = n + (n-1)n(n+1)/3 C2 = n(n-1) + (n-1)n(2n+1)/ '6 multiplications or divisions additions or subtractions For the LU factorization and solution there are C 1 = w(w-1)(3n-2w+1)/3 + (2w-1)n - w(w-1) multiplications or divisions C 2 = w(w-1)(3n-2w+1)/3 additions or subtractions IYY IIIYIIYIYIYIIIYlllylII i I ii dIIll u -96- For the matrix given in figure 4.2 the count would be Cl C2 Gaussian Elimination 1616 1480 LU Factorization and Solution 384 260 As can be seen, the saving is substantial. dependence on the bandwidth of the be operations for the LU factorization and solution has a strong required can of number The above result shows that the drastically reduced by reordering the numbering of is In NATOF-2D, the numbering scheme the cells. bandwidth The matrix. count to from the bottom to the top for each cell in a channel. a with problem twelve axial levels and three radial nodes has a bandwidth of thirteen. so numbering Thus that by However, rearranging the cells are numbered across for each the axial level, the 'bandwidth is reduced to four. be Since there will diagonal elements, employed to achieved reduce a number of divisions partial pivoting strategy cumulative rounding error. a by the is also This is by reordering the rows of the matrix such that the largest elements appear on the diagonal. / 12 / . -97- 4.3 A Comparison of Direct and Iterative Methods in NATOF-2D Unit (CPU) time usage of the direct and Processing Central The results are plotted as calculations. NATOF-2D most for size typical of matrix a gave which nodes, radial 5 comparison had 12 axial levels and time CPU the for used case test The calculations. transient and state steady both for methods solution iterative the between made is comparison a section In this versus time into the simulation. 4.5, For the steady state calculation, shown in figure the CPU usage for the direct solution is about 100 seconds less than for the iterative solution. in the CPU for expected, since converging to to state calculations solution may in the of fact in the into longer is to be pressure per time step is convergence a This solution. therefore and zero, meet change the time the CPU usage per Newton iteration iterative the decreases required the increases, As down. settling is calculation difference occurs at the start of the calculation, when usage system The major iterations fewer criterion. duration, are For steady iterative the be quicker, since the direct method takes a fixed amount of time to solve the pressure field matrix regardless of the pressure change increment. For the single phase transient case, 4.6, shown in figure the direct solution used only half the CPU time of the III uiI -98- 400 U 300 E I- 200 100 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Time into Simulation (sec) Figure 4.5 A Comparison of Steady State CPU Usage Between the Direct and Iterative Techniques (10 Axial Levels, 5 Radial Nodes) -99- 200 S150 100 50 0.5 1.0 1.5 Time into Simulation (sec) Figure 4.6 A Comparison of Transient CPU Usage Between the Direct and Iterative Techniques (10 Axial Levels, 5 Radial Nodes) -100- iterative solution. CPU requirements during This is a considerable savings when the are large. Experience has shown that boiling transients, the large pressure changes cause the iterative solution to have an greater even CPU time usage relative to the direct method. A transient was also run with a decreased mesh spacing, so that there were now 42 cells the in axial direction, before. The iterative technique took four times as much CPU time as the covering direct approximately solution, thus the same length demonstrating the as important diagonal dominance plays in the iterative technique. role -101- 4.4 Programming Information Two subroutines have been incorporated into NATOF-2D to DIRECT which The second is subroutine commercial subroutine at M.I.T. MULTICS computer which performs Lower-Upper Factorization The basic algorithum and the solution of Band Matrices. this subroutine can be found in / laws, the on available LEQT1B Subroutine LEQT1B is a performs the direct solution. system subroutine is rearranges the pressure field matrix in order to minimize the bandwidth. which one The first perform the direct solution. 10 of Due to copyright /. this subroutine cannot be disseminated outside of the Massachusetts subroutine of Institute similar of form Technology. should be However, a available on most computer systems. The user has the option to specify either a iterative direct or solution technique by setting the input parameter indgs to either 0 or 1 respectively. ' ' T , i 11lilnli1 ,H ii I II Jllll -102- Chapter 5 EXPERIENCES WITH NATOF-2D 5.1 Introduction The original development of NATOF-2D until June of 1980, running the code was of limited extremely low computational the six months past completed therefore prior experience with and a wasn't have nature. However, the cost available at M.I.T. over allowed numerous testing simulations to be made which yielded information in the area of code capability and constraints. the experiences In this chapter some of encountered will be documented in order to provide a foundation for future work, and explanation relations. for any changes made to also the provide an constituative -1035.2 Double versus Single Precision to effort an In in digits significant in digits significant it are there 9 precision, and 18 in double single At the time, precision. MULTICS On computed. is which a variable variable is stored and to a which of number the Single precision refers to precision code. to a single converted was NATOF-2D costs, computational and storage memory both reduce that felt was out carrying calculations to the 18th place was being excessive. value The results showed exact agreement in the precision. of computed in both single and double transient phase single same the A comparison was made between the results of This was to the eigth significant digit. up variables costs computational encouraging since the single precision were 25% less. However, in two was size timestep encountered boiling phase convergence obtaining in were problems smaller, considerably the where transients of the Newton Iterations for the single precision version of NATOF-2D. To explore this problem, the code was modified so that the user could a impose calculation. calculation of decreasing time step sizes on a series The procedure was to reach a steady gradually reduce the timestep already at a steady always be attained. state This to is a allow state size. phase solution, and then Since solution, single the code was convergence should particularly true for the ' IIII iI.' , , -104iteration scheme since as At+O, used, results showed that for small actually and had diverged, AP-0. timestep difficulty However, the sizes, in the code reaching the convergence criteria (in NATOF-2D, convergence is assumed if 6Pmax < user relaxed, the input). code could run to slightly smaller timestep sizes, but it still wasn't converging on zero state solution implies. was criteria convergence the If Table 5.1 as lists a the steady smallest timestep size for various convergence criterias. Table 5.1 Newton Iteration Convergence Minimum Timestep Size (N/m2 ) (seconds) -2 10 2 0.01 The problem conservation -3 0.1 10 1.0 10 10.0 10 -6 experienced equation. -4 The requires that the quantity n+1 (1 - c)pe At was traced solution to the scheme energy employed n (1 - ac)pk e (5.1) -105be evaluated at each timestep. and/or timesteps sizes in a steady state configuration, the term pke, has a However, the magnitude of very small variation. is small For typically term this of the order of 109, which is the same as the In any single precision computation, machine precision. it is reasonable to assume that the 1st 8 digits are valid, but that the 9th digit is subject to "noise" fluctuations and computational roundoff errors. Yet for small timesteps, the calculation was relying on this term to solve the Any error would to the proportional inversely be then equation. timestep size. When the code 10-10 timesteps of stability problems. was seconds From to returned could this be precision, double attained experience it with has no been concluded that double precision is a necessity for NATOF-2D. . .1010 11,L, 5.3 On the Modelling of Sodium Reactors Numerous problems phenomenological have modelling been of encountered sodium which were not encountered in PWR and for reason this difficulty boiling BWR be can between typical the transients modelling. traced characteristics of LMFBRs and the properties of comparison in The to the sodium. A PWR and LMFBR characteristics, and water and sodium properties is given in Table 5.2 and Table 5.3 respectively. As shown in Table 5.2, the most striking difference core properties unit length. is the temperature rise of the coolant per For a PWR this is 9.7 0 C/m, while for an 125.4 C/m. is it In the numerical scheme LMFBR employed in NATOF-2D, the core is divided into a finite number of axial Unless the number is large, there will always exist levels. a in substantial temperature difference from cell to cell. some of the loss-of-flow transients simulated, this as much as 150 0 C. model for can In be Combined with the higher power density, a LMFBR transient analysis experiences rapid temperature changes throughout its length not experienced by PWR codes. The pj/pv, ratio, psi, and 1000 which for is is difference major second approximately sodium at 44 the 6 for water at 2200 psi. At pressure, the ratio for sodium increases to 3000. density ratio for sodium density atmospheric The large leads to a rapid voiding of the -107- Table 5.2 A Comparison of PWR and LMFBR properties / 13 Proposed PWR LMFBR Core Thermal Power (MWth) 3,411 3,800 Core Diameter (m) 3.4 3.11 Core Height (m) 3.7 1.22 Core Power Density (kw/liter) 98 395.7 Reactor Inlet Temperature (OC) 289 385 Reactor Outlet Temperature (OC) 325 538 System Flow Rate (total 10 6 1lb/hr) 136 136.8 Table 5.3 A comparison of Water and Sodium Properties / Water Pressure (psi) 2250 Saturation Temperature Liquid Density (kg/m Vapor Density (kg/m 3 ( C) ) 3) Liquid Specific Heat (J/kg-OK) Liquid Conductivity (W/m-oK) Vapor Specific Heat (J/kg-oK) Vapor Conductivity (W/m-oK) 346. 593.4 102. 9211. 0.4074 7709.4 0.1061 Sodium 44 1016. 707.5 0.748 1324. 46.03 281.8 .073 - *mmmommirnim iii, illklllll1,,I, ,I , ll -108core for extremely small superheats. this Accompanying is the expulsion of the liquid phase, and a mass phenomenon depletion of the core often resulting in flow reversal. numerical difficulty experienced during the of boiling initial The stages is attributable to the fact that the density of the cell varies by a factor of 1000 in very a short timespan. The boiling transients which the code simulate are is required thus of an extremely harsh nature. to For these reasons, the mass exchange rate plays a critical role in the calculations. -109- The Mass Exchange Rate 5.4 in used Of all the constituative relations NATOF-2D, exchange basic physical requirements of any mass that the model prevent essence, In vapor. superheated liquid or highly with situation two-phase subcooled is vapor production rate should not exceed the limit established by equilibrium, and also that it should a The mass exchange rate is probably the most important. the it toward tend should equilibrium. and the high density ratio leads to void fractions of As the void travels 0.9 in as little as 1/10th of a second. into subcooled liquid regions, it is quickly, transient, required cells condense to remains condensation where occurring and low throughout the is occurring are is evaporation density mixture the required contains a negligible amount of energy. it since However, unlike cells where thus vapor of The high power density of the evaporation and condensation. core rate the The mass exchange rate determines to experience rapid density changes throughout the transient. Since at even void fractions of 0.95, the vapor phase the cell, rapid only represents 2% of the mass in condensation requires that either the pressure of decrease (in cell order to lower the saturation temperature) or else that the mass flux into the cell The the requirements of a be extremely large. large condensation rate have often -- --- ~' MUMMI -110- lead to code failure on a negative cell pressure error. either case, the change In pressure for the timestep is in large. is The pressure of a cell the thus effect the stability of change pressure, in if determines 6P, convergence variable key the in Large variations in pressure scheme of NATOF-2D. numerical the of code, a since Newton has is it the which iteration, the Defining occurred. convergence criteria in relative terms such that 6P convergence - p a convergence of 10 can easily be attained in single phase However, calculations. convergence -10 must be in relaxed boiling to 10 or 10 proven a necessity if timesteps are to be computational within time the transients, 4 This has which taken 10 - limitations (i.e. 3 are or 10 - 4 sec) Small timestep sizes, well below the convective are necessary, since the effect of reducing the timestep size is to reduce the magnitude of I, kg/s-m. One noticeable limit, phenomenon which has units of during sodium boiling siumlations, is the appearance of a stable boiling timestep, or SBT. code The SBT refers to the timestep size can attain a reasonable convergence (10 which at -3 - 10 single Newton Iteration, but above which convergence be obtained the -4 ) in a cannot regardless of the number of Newton Iterations. The SBT appears to be a function the of convergence the mesh cell spacing distance (whose effects are criteria, covered in the next section) and the condensation rate. The condensation rate, as previously mentioned, profound corresponding to a reducing the small change. energy rate (i.e. By numerically multiplying it by a small number, which will be designated CF), the calculation proceeds essentially What quickly. a it requires a large density change since effect, has occurs is code is. the that more allowed to operate in a highly nonequilibrium, two-phase low the density mode which prevents density The change. need to the make effect is so pronounced that setting the condensation rate to zero allows the code to timestep large run at a limited by any boiling effects (except during not the short period of boiling inception) but by the convective -2 sec due to the high vapor velocities), while limit (10 setting the timestep sizes manipulation multiplicative of 10 -7 factor seconds. to In one necessitates the past, this has been justified by reference to experiments which showed the condensation rate to be slightly lower than the evaporation rate. However, the fact that analytic results done with NATOF-2D show vapor coexisting with liquid subcooled by hundreds of However, in the experiments covered in degrees simulated negates in this premise. this work, and chapter 6, this manipulation has been necessary in order to obtain results of a time spanning any reasonable lImMilM -112duration. In the previous formulation used for the mass rate, the term a(l - a) was added. exchange This term had the effect of inhibiting condensation at small void fractions, and thus allowed the code to run smoother than the formulation presently implimented, which requires higher condensation. -1135.5 Varying Mesh Spacings In order gradients in the axial direction, the number of temperature decreasing AT from cell to cell, the mass exchange by detailed rate decreases, and also the results are of a more the inaccuracies caused Smaller mesh cells reduce nature. mentioned As by volume averaging of the fluid properties. in Chapter 4, NATOF-2D could not use small mesh spacing due order to the necessity of maintaining diagonal dominance in to are this of The two advantags axial cells was increased. that large the of effects the minimize to However, the direct obtain the pressure field solution. solution technique does not have and constraint, this so small mesh spacing becomes possible. limit There is a practical axial will Iteration be much. as times ten roughly per steps computational of by a factor of 10, the number Newton of number example, if the number of levels is increased For levels. the to However, the convective time limit, Az/v, would decrease the time step size also by need a factor about computation would compute the same time length a time step doubtful that greater than before could in ten, so that the times more cpu time to 100 size be of single phase. It is two orders of magnitude taken during the boiling transient. For testing purposes, the number of increased axial levels was by a factor of 4, from 10 levels to 40 levels, to I------~-~I-~ IY U IIIIii , -114- see whether any increased timesteps could boiling. taken The decreased mesh spacing allowed timesteps to be which varied from 2 x 10 seconds to 10 with a condensation factor of = 0.01. roughly during taken be three times greater case, which had a CF = 0.002. than The cpu for the Increasing CF to 0.1, times greater, and a SBT of 2 x 10 -4 cpu usage decreasing 6 seconds. drawn from this is that higher accuracy results can be attained without the corresponding cpu by was usage for the 10 axial level same 40 axial level calculation resulted in a The conclusion seconds, the mesh spacing. costs For the experimental test simulations covered in Chapter 6, 40 axial levels were used. __ __ Ii iiIWI ', Chapter 6 VERIFICATION OF MODELS 6.1 Introduction In order to test the capability the and NATOF-2D of validity of the models described in the previous chapters, a The total of five sodium boiling transients were simulated. first one was THORS Bundle 6A Run 101 conducted at Oak Ridge 4 National Laboratory / W-1 SLSF Experiments, Development Laboratory, /. done The other four were from the by the include and Hanford two Loss Engineering of Integrity transients and two Boiling Window Tests / The tests cover a wide range of conditions under the code will be previous simulations / to drastically to required increase 1 operate. number improved the quality of the results, /. 5 which In contrast to been made of mesh cells. This /, the decision has the Piping but also constrained the length of the calculation due to the large CPU usage. In the next sections, a description of the runs will be given, and the results will be presented. -116- THORS Bundle 6A Experiment, Test 71H Run 101 6.2 Description of the THORS Bundle 6A Experiments 6.2.1 / / 4 was THORS the of purpose The Experiments 6A Bundle to investigate the extent of dynamic boiling stability at low flow conditions. conducted The tests were in the THORS Facility, an engineering-scale high-temperature facility sodium the thermo-hydraulic testing of LMFBR for subassemblies. The test section used was a full-length simulated LMFBR units simulator pin fuel spaced heated electrically 19 It consisted of fuel subassembly. by wire-wrap helical The heated length of Bundle 6A was 0.9 meters, and spacers. axial 1.3 a had variable pitch heater windings to produce peak-to-mean chopped cosine power distribution. Appreciable fabricating effort was expended in designing a low thermal inertia bundle housing. However, a posttest analysis revealed that sodium had penetrated entire and the housing region, and thus the housing had a high heat capacity. The selected run from this series 101. The bundle power level was was Test 127 kw. 71H, Run This was the lowest power run that exhibited dryout. At 3.2 seconds into the transient, the initial flow of 0.39 1/s was over a period of 3.6 seconds to a flow of 0.12 1/s. inception occurred at 13.7 seconds. Flow decreased Boiling oscillations __i M il020Ii i Mii il11 llii 9,li W lliliMilllNWI HIM, ", -117- of occurred at a frequency 1.5 to 1.1 A Hz. In Figure of the bundle is given in Table 6.1. description the 6.1 the locations of the axial levels used in geometry NATOF-2D simulation are shown. pressure boundary conditions during the single phase outlet This allowed the exact flow rate part of the transient. be boundary the inception, cells. four or At the were conditions of point to cells axial established permitted the proper flow splits to be three of number large the while maintained, first velocity, inlet The simulation was carried out under in the boiling switched to pressure/pressure, and the transient was continued. fluid-to-fluid Nu simulation, this For was 0.01, and the heat conduction nusselt numbers were radial Nu 2 = 13. and 13 CF The input parameters for the simulation are given in Appendix C.3. 6.2.2 Simulation Results of The time simulation boiling inception approximately was THORS experiment. 2.7 hexcan is a heat capacitance. NATOF-2D seconds sooner than the In NATOF-2D, the hexcan is During transients the heated up and cooled off by the coolant, with no losses to the environment. heat the This can be attributed to underestimating the heat capacity of the hexcan. modelled as during In principal, by adjusting the capacity of the hexcan, the boiling inception time can ~iYll rn -118- Table 6.1 Description of THORS Bundle 6A Number of Pins Pin Diameter (m) 19 5.84x10 - 3 Pitch/Diameter Ratio Wire Wrap Diameter (m) 1.42 x 10-3 Distance from fuel pin to the wall (m) 0.71 x 10- Heated Length (m) 0.9 Axial Power Distribution, Cosine peak/mean Radial Power Distribution, peak/mean Total Bundle Power (kw) 1.3 1.0 127 Pin Power (kw/pin) 6.7 Inlet Flow, Steady State (kg/s) 0.3344 Inlet Flow, Boiling Inception (kg/s) 0.1029 Inlet Liquid Temperature (OK) 660.91 3 ~_ _ ~___~ 11 ,I",. -119- Axial Cell Level Height (m) 2.245 40 Gas Plenum 1.594 31 1.391 Blanket -1.238 Active Fuel 0.324 - 0.0 Figure 6.1 Location of Cells used in the NATOF-2D Simulation of THORS Bundle 6A Experiment -120- calculation, of the can. a a the value is estimated based on the properties The results of this test indicate the need for discusses the model. sophisticated more of start the to Prior value. desired any assume Appendix D sensitivity of the boiling inception time to the hexcan heat capacity. the At almost followed boiling of time immediately. The first is that this. allows channel the to There void two reasons for are rate small the reversal flow inception, condensation of rapidly, which increases the fluid pressure and forms a flow blockage. The second reason is that information about pressure drops at the inlet due to accurately be not with As simulated. could effect valve adjustments was not documented, so this the hexcan heat drop capacity, it is possible to adjust the spacer pressure feature of NATOF-2D to obtain the experiment's flow reversal time. Appendix E typical gives values of spacer the pressure drop, and its effect on flow reversal. Figure 6.2 shows the inlet mass flow a frequency of of about 3 Hz. oscillations was This found in the Figure 6.3, the temperature profile of the at various during the The flow oscillations were quite severe and had transient. frequency rate about twice experiment. central the In channel points of time during the transient is plotted. Figure 6.4 shows the temperature history at the end of heated section for both the central and edge channels. the This -121- 0.3 0.2 a, 0.1 0.0 I-" -0.1 -0.2 - -0.3 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. time into simulation (sec) 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 U- L -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.2 NATOF-2D Predicted Inlet Mass Flow Rate of THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H, Run 101 -122- 900 - 10.8 sec 800 o 0 0) L 700 3.0 sec 0) E 600 - *r- ..I- J *1 0r 500 1- 400 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 Distance above start of fuel (m) Figure 6.3 NATOF-2D Temperature Profi Channel at Various Poi nts (THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H, es of Central n Time Run 101) _ _ I_ ~ _~___ I--C I IIRIIIIIII m. -123- 1000 900 0 w oJ 5- 800 Cr 4-, EI I"0 -.J 700 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.4 NATOF-2D Predicted Temperature Histories at End of the Heated Zone for the Central and Edge Channels (THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H, Run 101) -124- figure demonstrates the of effects conduction model in reducing radial the temperature radial heat variations to levels comparable with the test results. Figure 6.5 compares the vapor The and liquid velocities. large difference in velocities indicates the need for a separated flow model. II I llill I iioal il i 1j ,lli, 111 l lI l ll l ,,,,, -125- 26 20 vapor - 10 liquid 0 12. 11. 13. time into transient (sec) -- End of the Heated Zone 5 4 -- A- vapor liquid 3 *1 liquid only r 0-1* 0 £ * 0 * * L -I 11. 0 I 12. 13. time into transient (sec) -- Midplane of Heated Zone Figure 6.5 A Comparison of NATOF-2D Predicted Liquid and Vapor Velocities (THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H, Run 101) ,, IJ, 1 ilI -126- The W-1 SLSF Experiments 6.3 Test Objective 6.3.1 The W-1 provide pin "stability" in a fuel under on data experimental 5 / Experiment SLSF sodium (LOPI) The accident first was flow transients The test was divided into LMFBR accident conditions. two groups. to boiling and boiling during bundle designed was / the Loss-of-Piping Integrity The objective of this series simulation. was to determine the heat transfer characteristics from fuel pins to sodium double coolant a during transient simulating a ended pipe break at the primary vessel inlet nozzle. The difference in heat transfer characteristics as a result of fuel conditions were studied. The second group of tests was the Boiling Window Tests. The objective of this series was to establish the family flow/heat-flux combinations that will boiling in the bundle for a given inlet produce of incipient temperature. The test runs were designed to determine whether or not there is a regime of boiling beyond the onset that persists and does not immediately lead to dryout for low flow and intermediate to high heat fluxes. The SLSF W-1 boiling window three operating phases: approach boiling and dryout with fuel boiling tests were tests designed pin to to were conducted boiling, failure. determine The in incipient incipient low heat flux __ iIbYYImgkII ,YIYIIIIYIII i liij I MIlI i -127- combinations for achieved. the which onset of sodium boiling is One dryout test was performed to identify the far end of the "boiling window" at the highest heat flux tested. Test Apparatus and Procedure 6.3.2 The tests were carried out on the (SLSF) Facility Sodium Loop Safety the Engineering Test Reactor under the at direction of the Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory. Each LOPI was initiated from steady full-flow conditions. Over the state full first 0.5 seconds of the transient the inlet flow was dramatically reduced. seconds into power At 0.65 the transient, the reactor was scrammed. The test section was returned to full flow after approximately 3 seconds from time zero. The Boiling steady-state Window flow of Tests 1.95 kg/sec. a at initiated were The flow was linearly reduced to its "low flow" value in 0.5 seconds, where it was held for a specific time, and then linearly returned to state in 0.5 seconds. initial The geometric parameters of the characteristics respectively. used in 6.3.3 its fuel of the tests are given in Figure 6.6 shows the axial bundle and the table 6.2 and 6.3 cell locations the NATOF-2D simulations. Tests Chosen For Simulation From the available results, a total of four test were -128- Table 6.2 Geometric Parameters of the W-1 SLSF Bundle 19 Number of Pins Pin Diameter (m) 5.842 x 10 - Fuel Pellet Diameter (m) 4.94 x 10 Wire Wrap Diameter (m) inner pins 1.422 x 10 - outer pins 7.11 x 10 3 4 Fuel Pitch (m) 7.264 x 10 Pitch/Diameter Ratio 1 .25 Flat-to-Flat (m) 3.26 x 10-2 Length of Active Fuel 0.9144 3 Axial Power Distribution, Cosine 1.4 peak/mean Radial Power Distribution, Cosine peak/mean Fuel Fill Gas Inlet Liquid Temperature (OC) 1.0 Uranium-Plutonium mixed oxide,-Pu 25% of total mass 10% Helium-Neon 388. - lIlm imli i dlIii i ur Nlnnd Uij I I l i ll~ iiI lll,dJii IIILHH -129- Table 6.3 Power and Flow Rates of the W-1 SLSF Tests LOPI 2A Power (kw) Steady State Flow Rate (kg/s) Low Flow Rate (kg/s) 661.8 1 .95 .65 LOPI 4 Power (kw) Steady State Flow Rate (kg/s) Low Flow Rate (kg/s) 705.3 1 .95 .65 BWT 2' Power (kw) Steady State Flow Rate (kg/s) Low Flow Rate (kg/s) 348.3 1.95 .47 BWT TB' Power (kw) Steady State Flow Rate (kg/s) Low Flow Rate (kg/s) 661.8 1.98 .74 ,111 0 -130- Axial Cell Level Height (m) 39 2.4511 Gas Pl enum 29 1.4478 Blanket 24 -.1938 Active Fuel 0.2794 6 0.0 Figure 6.6 Location of Cells used in the NATOF-2D Simulation of W-l SLSF Experiment -131chosen for simulation NATOF-2D. Two tests and two from the BWT with selected from the LOPI tests, were tests. tests were selectively chosen to provide a full range These a to calculation phase single of transients: from full dryout simulation. LOPI simulation is The first the LOPI 2A. this In test, maximum coolant temperature reached 9410C and showed no indication of This boiling. provide will test some calibration information for the future test of the series. The second LOPI simulation about 0.5 seconds thermocouples used 4. LOPI The maximum reached was 9560C, and the data showed temperature coolant is of boiling. Failure one of of the for the test section power calculations resulted in LOPI 4 being run at approximately 5% overpower This transient will test the sensitivity of (15.12 kw/pin). the code to such an occurrence. The first BWT simulation approximately 0.8 seconds is of BWT boiling coolant temperature reached 953oC at kw/ft. 2'. a In this test The was observed. pin power 7.5 of The test section was held at 24% of full flow for a duration of 4 seconds. of This test offers the opportunity simulating a low-power/low-flow sodium boiling transient. The second BWT to be simulated is BWT7B'. most interesting at the and demanding test to be run by the code. Approximately 2.0 seconds of boiling dryout This is a pin power of 14.4 kw/ft. occurred before clad The test section had -132- 38% of full flow for a period of 3.0 oscillations, flow reversal hypothesized for sodium boiling and seconds. Inlet flow dryout is the worst case codes. Ability to model this sequence of events will severly test the limitations of NATOF-2D. The input files used in the NATOF-2D simulation of W-1 SLSF Tests are given in Appendix C. the ~_ O MM l im immlllimilllY I IIdIY l -1336.4 W-1 SLSF Simulation Results 6.4.1 LOPI 2A The LOPI 2A was simulation carried out under velocity/pressure boundary conditions in order to accurately the experiment's inlet flow rate (shown in Figure duplicate the experiment's result is shown in Figure and temperature The shape of the two curves 6.8. close, fairly are slightly predicting NATOF-2D liquid predicted NATOF-2D A comparison between the 6.7). with temperatures. higher Differences are to be expected however, since average cell temperatures are being compared with temperatures taken at a point. simulation shows that the fuel pin properties This model the Figure 6.9 compares the temperatures at the end of the accurately used in the code are quite good, and response of real fuel pins during a reactor scram. heated .zone for the central and edge channels. shows how the edge channel takes longer to This figure respond to the transient due to the effects of heat losses to the can. 6.4.2 LOPI 4 The 4 LOPI velocity/pressure shown in approximately boundary 0.5 seconds The experiment, of boiling. flow rate is there The predicted temperature at the end of the heated zone matched the experiment for the central under run also conditions. the in As 6.10. was simulation was NATOF-2D closely channel (Figure -134- 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. time into transient (sec) Figure 6.7 W-1 SLSF Test Flow Rate LOPI 2A Experiment Inlet Mass I - I AiilII -135- 1100 1000 F* Z 900 0o 4J S- NATOF-2D s800 I- C" 700 Experiment 600 500 0. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.8 A Comparison Between Experiment and NATOF-2D Predicted Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel (W-l SLSF Test LOPI 2A) -136- 1100 1000 Central SChannel 900 c) 4- 800 I- ' Edge Channel S- 700 **- 600 500 I 1.0 - 2.0 3.0 -- 4.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.9 A Comparison of NATOF-2D Central and Edge Channel Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone (W-l SLSF Test LOPI 2A) I~ I -- -- ---- IIIEIIEIIIIEI~IEEIIUIEIYIIIiiI I.YYIUY __ -137- 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 time into transient (sec) Figure 6.10 W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 Experiment Inlet Mass Flow Rate -138- 6.11), but not as well for the edge channel (Figure 6.12). Void maps for the central and middle channels are shown Although these maps are for voids in Figure 6.13. they nearly the overlap the regions In and near the traveled.from the center of the bundle to demonstrates the value of voided were large, as the coolant velocities radial A negligible void maps for 0.9. void was found in the edge channel. 0.1, of a the edge. two-dimensional This model in simulating boiling transients. 6.4.3 BWT 2' The BWT transient. 2' The in Figure 6.14. simulation was a low power-low flow test section inlet mass flow rate is shown The temperature histories at the midplane and end of the heated zone for the central channel are shown in Figures 6.15 and 6.16. Unlike the experiment, which had 0.8 seconds of boiling, no sodium boiling The simulation. liquid reached in occurred the a maximum temperature of 931 0 C, approximately 20 0 C below saturation. The exact reason for this possibly may be associated capacity of the fuel rods. rate also could have result to The been is not known, overestimating reported too high. inlet In a but the heat mass flow low power transient such as this, the necessity of using cell averaged temperatures, results in lower peak temperatures. Even - - - -an- Ilimilili I41I0 I i I, II -139- 1100 1000 900 NATOF-2D 0 o 800 S. w E I-03 Experiment of,= 4.J 700 0* -J 600 500 Ik I 0.0 I I a 1 1.0 I 1 2.0 1 1 3.0 4.0 5.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.11 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel 1100 1000 Experiment 900 0 I 800 NATOF-2D I c0 *1l 0L 700 -J 600 500 I a 0.0 1 I t 1.0 2.0 a 3.0 I 4.0 I I 5.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.12 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 and NATOF-2D Temperature H 4 stories at the End of the Heated Zone for the lMidplane Channel ...... YJiYiliiim~lll Y Yiiill iu -141- -0.3 Li. G 0.2 (. < 0.1 40 0.0 LU .2 -. 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.7 1.8 time into simulation (sec) -- Central Channel 0.3 LL 0.2 U 0.1 4- o 0.0 0 -. 1 -.2 u -. 3 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6' time into simulation (sec) -- Middle Channel Figure 6.13 NATOF-2D Void Maps for W-1 SLSF Test LOPI 4 for the Central and Middle Channels Void = 0.1 ,MIN -142- 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 -. 5 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 time into transient (sec) Figure 6.14 W-1 SLSF Test BWT 2' Inlet Mass Flow Rate -- -- --- ~ ~ ~ --- U1111hl Ii -143- 1100 1000 900 o . 800 E 700 I e- -J 600 500 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.15 A Comparison Between W-l SLSF Test BWT 2' and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the End of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel -144- 900 800 700 I -o *1a -J 600 500 400 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.16 A Comparison Between W-l SLSF Test BWT 2' and NATOF-2D Temperature Histories at the end of the Heated Zone for the Central Channel - --- using cells 5 ------ *IYliill cm in length resulted in axial cell to cell temperature differences of 120 C. Further simulations of this that have experiment revealed this result is not caused by overestimating the radial fluid-to-fluid heat transfer or the hexcan heat capacity. 6.4.4 BWT 7B' BWT 7B' was a high power boiling window transient. simulation was carried out under velocity/pressure until conditions the point of boiling code code When when the the dryout point, at which time the switch is reached made in interfacial mass and energy the boundary inception, pressure/pressure boundary conditions were used. The reduced to exchange correlations, extremely small timesteps (10-7 sec) which were below an acceptable level. The reason for this can again be traced to the problems of boiling and condensation. Even at high void fractions, the liquid phase is often subcooled to a large extent. the switch temperature. in correlations requires drastic Thus changes in The vapor phase must act as the source of this heat, and since it obeys the perfect gas law, large pressure changes are necessary. In order to obtain results, was relaxed (6P = 10-2). the convergence criteria It was found that with this large convergence criteria it was possible to set CF = 1.0 and run -146for 0.7 seconds during boiling, until small The required. simulation offers timesteps interesting some observations when compared to the same case were which was run with CF = 0.01. For CF = 0.01, after boiling flow reversal occurred at CF = 1.0). 6.18 seconds inception, while for CF = 1.0, flow reversal didn't occur until 0.45 seconds. experiment's 0.25 flow rate Figure 7.17 compares the to that predicted by NATOF-2D (for A comparison of void maps is given and 6.19 for the central and edge channels. in figures As can be seen the large condensation rate keeps the void centralized. Figure 6.20 compares the temperatures at the end of the heated zone for the central channel. -147- 2.0 1.5 U 4J 1.0 I- Experiment r,, ou, 0) 4 'a 3J 0.51- LIu) u) 'U 4. 43 NATOF- 2D -4 0.0 - -. 51I 0.0 I I 1.0 2.0 I 3.0 I 4.0 1 5.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.17 A Comparison Between W-1 SLSF BWT 78B' and NATOF-2D Predicted Inlet Mass Flow Rates -148- 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -.1 -. 2 -. 3 -. 4 -.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 time after boiling inception (sec) Figure 6.18 A Comparison of NATOF-2D Central Channel Void Maps for CF = 1.0 and CF = 0.01 -- Void = 0.9 (W-l SLSF Test BWT 7B') -149- 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 -.1 CF = 1.0 -. 2 -. 3 -. 4 CF = 0.01 -. 5 I 0.0 ' 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 time after boiling inception (sec) Figure 6.19 A Comparison of NATOF-2D Edge Channel Void Maps for CF = 1.0 and CF = 0.01 -- Void = 0.9 (W-1 SLSF Test BWT 7B') -150- 1100 1- 1000 I 0 w 54=) 900 S.. NATOF-2D 0a I- -o Experiment 800 -J 700 600 0.0 I I II 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 I 5.0 6.0 7.0 time into simulation (sec) Figure 6.20 A Comparison Between NATOF-2D and W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' Temperature Histories at the End of Heated Zone for the Central Channel - C ~-...I~.-~--~I--- YIIYYIIYIUIYllllr -151- Chapter 7 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Conclusions The models implemented in NATOF-2D simulations described particular, the fluid heat conduction during the temperature improved gradients found in the technique detailed performed Chapter in model 6. gave a to comparable distribution experiments. The direct well In much the solution allowed the simulations to be performed in a more fashion, and the within imposed limits by computational costs. Little more can be said about the interfacial and exchange energy The effects of Chapter 2. correlate rates with than these 'experimental sodium described in are difficult to results, since two-phase flow interactions are almost never directly the is what terms momentum However, measured. boiling simulations showed that the models gave physically reasonable results. Problems were encountered during boiling simulations, and most in the of these were covered in Chapter 5. For this reason, it is difficult to judge the effect of mass exchange model of the code. the However, it was possible to achieve full condensation with the model convergence criteria. test for a relaxed -152- The simulation, core, and more the better smaller volume changes upon attained. the smaller of axial mesh confined condensation is is cell spacing in the the voided areas of the achieved. Since the the cell leads to reduced pressure drop boiling, increased convergence could be __ - YIIYLIIIIII -153- Recommendations 7.2 NATOF-2D, in its present form. is an adequete model for However, before extensive use of single phase calculations. necessary, to the code can occur, it will be of difficulties a rates behaved, since they effect the void fraction, flow well reversal and heat transfer from the fuel has is condensation requirement to have the evaporation and be It condensation. and boiling the overcome NATOF-2D occurred, can a be Once pins. this valuable tool in LMFBR accident analysis. Throughout the present effort, there has persisted of problem the transition between the vapor and modelling to liquid phases without resorting small very of constituative relations in the belief that be could overcome. cause which the by of the being the NATOF-2D, The particularly small condensation, Newton Iteration behaved well scheme numerical the functions. properties of sodium and LMFBRs have severely tested the limits of the method, and have either relations constituative simulated. method, is extremely powerful for However, problem the difficulties, but rather the properties of transients utilized this However, continued work has shown that properties it is not the timesteps. focus of this work had been the development the Initially, the timesteps or else must the be taken relaxed posed to a choice: achieve convergence associated with larger timesteps must be accepted. full criteria -154- The results of improving the this work capability to effective of value in this line nature semi-implicit for Rather would be develop a method which is able to solve than iterations it sizes, for the unknowns of the problem at each more need of the iteration scheme. than the simple reduction of timestep cost the demonstrate development of the would use the to cause the 6A Test be calculation if Of particular are required. before even timestep, to derivatives of the problem to be well behaved. The NATOF-2D simulation of THORS Bundle Run 101 demonstrated 71H, the need for improving the model for heat losses to the hexcan, and for including heat losses to the environment. Another area for future work would be of a mechanism the development for assuming a temperature gradient in the used cell, replacing the assumed flat profile presently the code. in the This would be necessary to achieve greater detail simulation results since further decreases in the axial mesh spacing beyond those used in the simulations not in possible due to computational constraints. gradient would allow boiling inception to occur are An assumed in a more localized manner, reducing the effects of full cell boiling. -155- References 1. Granziera, M.R., and Kazimi, M.S., "A Two Dimensional, Two Fluid Model for Sodium Boiling in LMFBR Assemblies," MIT Energy Laboratory Report MIT-EL-80-011, May 1980 2. Engel, F.C., Markley, R.A., and Minushkin, B. "The Effect of Heat Input Patterns on Temperature Distributions in LMFBR Blanket Assemblies," Westinghouse Electric Corp. Advanced Reactor Division, Madison, Pennsylvania (1978) 3. Yeung.M.R., "A Multicell SJug Flow Heat Transfer Analysis for Finite LMFBR Bundles," PhD. Thesis, Department of Nuclear Engineering, MIT, (1978) 4. Ribando, R.J., et al.,"Sodium boiling in a Full-Length 19-Pin Simulated Fuel Assembly (THORS Bundle 6A)", ORNL/TM-6553 (1979) 5. Rothrock, R.B. and Henderson, J.M.,"Description and Results of the W-1 SLSF Experiment Fuel Pin Heat Release Characteristics and Sodium Boiling Stability", Hanford Engineering Development Laboratory, Energy Contract No. EY-76-C-14-2170 6. Schrage, R.W., A Theoretical Study of Interphase Mass Transfer, Columbia University Press, N.Y. (1953) 7. Collier, J.G., Convective Boiling and Condensation, McGraw-Hill, United Kingdom, 1972 8. Wilson, G., and Kazimi, M.S., "Development of Models for the Sodium Version of the Two Phase, Three Dimensional Thermal Hydraulics Code THERMIT," MIT-EL-80-010 9. Knight,D.D., "SLSF W-1 LOPI Experiments Preliminary Evaluation of Data," ST-TN-80015, October 1979 10. Martin,R.S., and Wilkinson, J.H., "Solution of Symmetric and Unsymmetric Band Equations and the Calculation of Eigenvectors of Band Matrices," Numerische Mathematic 9(4) 1967 11. Franklin, Joel N., Matrix Theory, Prentice Hall. Inc., Englewood Cliffs, N.J. (1968) -156- 12. Bell, W.W., Matrices for Scientist and Engineers, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York, N.Y. (1975) 13. Nero, Anthony V., A Guidebook to Nuclear Reactors, University of California Press, Berkley and Los Angeles, California (1979) 14. Weast, Robert C. et al., CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, The Chemical Rubber Company, Cleveland, Ohio (1969) -157- Appendix A SPECIFIED INLET VELOCITY AND MASS FLOW RATE A.1 Introduction it In the simulation of sodium boiling transients, necessary to establish the proper flow rate through the bundle in order to obtain a temperature corresponds to the distribution experimental results. could only be accomplished by specifying the is which Until now, this the pressures at inlet and at the outlet, and allowing the AP across the core to determine associated with the this mass method flow rate. One difficulty is that the pressures at the inlet and outlet are not always provided, and when provided, they often do not specify the effects of pressure drops to valve throttling and fuel pin spacers. due Another difficulty is that the flow rate is very sensitive to the AP across the core, and thus specified pressures any can small lead inaccuracies to large in flow discrepencies. This has resulted in the use of a trial error to process the rate and determine the necessary inlet and outlet pressures. An alternative to this method would be to velocity of the fluid specify the or the total mass flow rate at the inlet, and infer the required inlet pressure from this. advantage of these methods is that the proper flow The rate -158could always be maintained. This appendix will describe how the / relationship between pressures and fluid velocity is treated in NATOF-2D, and show how these equations can be modified in order that an inlet velocity or an inlet mass flow rate can be imposed. A.2 Treatment of the Momentum Equation As described in the introduction to Chapter Four, to function of This cells. between pressure field solution is accomplished by a velocities treating the relies on only the NATOF-2D interactions pressures relating the reduction by employed scheme solution the at a cell as only boundary a pressures in the two neighboring cells in the the momentum equation, and then substituting these relations into the mass section will describe equations to obtain this result. appendix inlet, is only the on Since the calculations of liquid z-direction the of treatment the This equations. conservation energy and the focus momentum this of the velocity at the and vapor momentum equations need be considered. The time discretinized, finite difference form momentum equation for the of the vapor and liquid phases in the z-direction are: vapor phase n (Un+l- U ) +J 2vz rvz- ( + (A Un v Uvz i+j n+l n (ap v)i+j g = -(wz + Mvz i+j + pn (A.1) -160- liquid phase +n n n+l ((l ( - - (ArU z)n +U tr i+& Ar + ((1 - a)p )n un(A) ) + + g Un)(AU = (-_)n -(Mwz z (pn i + _ pnj) Azi+1 - M£v (A.2) where the interface momentum exchange terms are given by: Mvt z = (K + pr)n(Uvz- M vz = (K- Uz (1-n)r)n(Uvz- ) n+ l Utz ' (A.3) )n+ 1 (A.4) and the wall friction terms are given by: M = n n .un+l fV *Uvz U vz (A-5) M = n n fn*U *Un+l (A.6) wz A detailed description of the donor cell technique used to n evaluate the terms AUv+ 4 , etc. is given in Reference 1. Since these terms focus of this section variables, the are is technique treated the used explicitly while the main treatment of the implicit need not be repeated. locations used to evaluate the terms are shown in The figure A.1. For greater clarity, equation A.1 can be rearranged so ELIlliI -161- 1+1 2 ij-I 2 Figure A.1 1+1 i+ +,j+ +: Positions Used for the Evaluation of Variables -162- that When all implicit terms appear on the left hand side. the relations given by equations A.3 and A.5 are substituted the result is into equation A.1 At (v ___ + f vUvz + (K+nr) V At -(K n Uvz i+ + j n ai++j n+l + nr)Unz i+ j has _ p i+1LAzi+ iL (A.7) = EXPLICIT TERMS As can be seen, the specific choice of discretinization n+l n+l -&jAz1+ V VZ (p the time step made the velocities only dependent on equation n+1 corresponding to A.7 for the liquid phase, the term Utz i++j the pressures. Since there is also an n+l n+l the eight Pi+lj, be replaced with a term only dependent on Uv, n+1 . Thus knowledge of any two variables in equation and P can A.7 allows the calculation of the third. The iteration scheme for conservation the solution equatons (2 mass, 2 energy, and 4 momentum) is an extension of the Newton iteration solution A.1 of algebraic The equations are cast in a form similar to that equations. of of and A.2, and then a vector X of the unknowns is defined such that n+1 X = , P, T , T v , Uvz, Uvr, Uz, UZr (A.8) The finite difference equations can be written in the form F (X) = 0 where i I --- III i -163p = 1,2,...8 At an iteration k, be F (X ) will not equal zero in general, so this is obtained. not will solution approximate an A Taylor expansion around the point an exact solution. Xk is made to obtain 8 aF, 3 PX Fp(Xk) + F (Xk+1) is 8 aF k X)k k+l q (A.10) q q=1 If Xk + (X required to be the solution of A.9 then k+l -X) k *(Xq xqX q q k+l Defining 6X = Xq q k Xq - -F (Xk ) = p (A.11) be can A.11 equation written explicitly for the vapor and liquid momentum equations. The result is: vapor phase (apv) i+J.6U v At aUv + + aMu vz z *Z U (i+lj z 1 £3, - ( J) - = aMw v6U + auvz -F 1 (A.12) 6a liquid phase ((l-a))i+ + aMv a AvUz , *6Z U aM P vz - i+ lj Az) iz At = ) + M Pij -F 2 aZ (A.13) Solving equations A.12 and A.13 for the velocities yields 6Uvzi+fJ = Wvi+ (6Pi vziaji+lj - 6Pij) + Rvz (A.14) -164- U z =W ( 6 Pi+lj - 6Pij i ) + Rz (A.15) Rzi+}j where Wv(l-)p vzi+ltj = a + -A-z At ( =v +4+ At aM M aM (-wz Wz U Uv At Mvz 3z U9kz zz + 3Mwzi + (1-a)p Mv MMwz VMv +(z Uvz z aUz Vz z Mvz Uzz (1-a) z J AzMv + z Mv z ] 3Mv -M aUz 3Uvz Rvz = M [ aU z At + z +auV vz M vz wzR + r(l-+) F Mvz + vz au _ aMv z mvz mvz (l-a)P, + Mwz aU At +U £z +Mtvz) z Uv----) and similarly for the liquid phase. Equation A.14 and A.15 are the equations which form of the will be used in the following two sections to descriibe the inlet velocity and mass flow rate conditions. momentum boundary Inlet Velocity Boundary Condition A.3 An inlet velocity boundary condition refers to is across constant user velocity, given as a function of time, which fluid defined a inlet. bundle the the Only inlet velocity and the outlet pressure need to be specified, since the pressure inlet two these With the calculate no longer enters into the calculation. parameters, iteration is performed, the generate field pressure the After distribution. necessary pressure inlet will there the to However, specified velocity can be inferred. since a constant velocity across the bundle is general can scheme iteration the assumed, in be a different inlet pressure for each cell. The inlet velocity Wvz i+4j and Wkz i+jj in condition is imposed by setting equation A.14 and A.15 to zero, and then setting Rvz = Uinlet - Uvz 1++j (A.16) Rz = Uinlet - UIz 1++j (A.17) Since Rv, and Rtz represent the error term from the previous iteration, Newton one can see that as Rvz and Rz go to iteration converges on the exact solution. zero, the Equation A.7 is then used to update the boundary pressure, Plj, since P2.1 , Uvz l+aj, and Ukz 1+.I are known. The inlet velocity boundary condition calculation is -166simple to perform, but it has the disadvantage of preventing localized flow reversal during sodium boiling transients. The second method, inlet mass flow rate, does not have restriction. this ________________________Mi I...1 i -167A.4 Specified Inlet Mass Flow Rate Boundary Condition The method for specifying the inlet mass flow rate by Andrei L. Schor at the Massachusetts Institute developed For of Technology. figure was A.2, cell the in and A.2 can be written for the A.1 equations shown scheme numbering bottom row of real cells in the form: P0 ) + rcj (A.18) - P0 ) + rvj (A.19) Uj = a j.(Pj - Uvj = avj'(P j J = 1,..nJ The mass flow rate of each phase into the cell is given by: W = Aj.(1 - c)pU (A.20) W = Aj*a*pU (A.21) where W = liquid mass flow rate into cell j Wvj = vapor mass flow rate into cell j Aj = flow area of cell j The total mass flow rate into the cell, Wj, is: Wj W WYj = + A (1 - A ap (a Wvj a)p,(a2 j(Pj - (A.22) PO) (Pj - P0 ) + rVj) + r j) + (A.23) -168- I I U "i ---a 1*I> IL I r I I 1v >1 03 CI0 I-- --- I Figure A.2 A Example Cell Numbering Scheme for Flow Boundary Cal culation -169- Wj = A ((1 - a)paj + aPvavj)(Pj - Aj((1 - a)ptrij P0) + + apvrvj) (A.24) And the total mass flow rate into the bundle then becomes: nJ WT - W (A.26) j=1 Defining aj = A ((1 - a)pa rj = A ((1 - a)pr j + ap aj) (A.27) + apvrvj) (A.28) WT is then given by: nJ WT = nJ I a (P - ) P + (A.29) J=1 j=1 nJ = I rj nj , ajPj - P nj , aj + j=1 j=1 I rj (A.30) j=1 Rearranging equation A.30 yields -jaj1 P0 + alP + " + a P = rj (A31) j=1 j=1 When written in incremental form, equation A.31 becomes nj -a J 6P j=1 Thus, condition, + aSP for the there equation to solve. field + 1 1 1 a 26P 2 2 2 specified will be an 6P + a. mass flow nj nj additional This equation is added to matrix described in Chapter 4. =0 rate (A.32) boundary pressure the field pressure For the configuration of cells shown in figure A.3, the resulting matrix is shown in figure A.4. The coefficients c 0 1,c 0 2 and c 0 3 are given by equation -170- 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 0 Figure A.3 Cell Configuration for Matrix Shown in Figure A.4 -171- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 a4 , 7 0 0 a5, 5 a5 ,6 0 a5 , 8 0 a6, a6, 0 0 0 a7, 4 0 a7, 7 a7, 8 0 0 0 a8 , 5 a8 , 7 a8, 0 0 0 0 0 a9 , 8 0 1 C01 C0 2 C10 al,1 a 1 ,2 C20 a2,1 a2 , 2 a2, 3 0 a2, 5 C30 0 a3, a3 ,3 0 0 0 a4 , 1 0 0 a4 , 4 a4, 0 0 a5 , 2 a5 , 4 0 0 0 a6 ,3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Figure A.4 C0 3 2 al, 4 a3, 5 5 6 6 0 a9 , 6 a6, 8 9 a8 , 9 ag. 9 Pressure Field Matrix with Flow Boundary Calculation -172- and c30 are the coefficients The coefficients c1 0 , c A.8. Previously, these of the momentum equation at the boundary. were terms used, not a during constant condition, With timestep. these however, terms pressure in the boundary cell to cells, and in this boundary the since are the the flow used bottom was pressure boundary to relate the row real of way the boundary cell pressure can be updated. Note that the bandwidth of the matrix remains the same, and therefore the additional cpu are requirements negligible. This method offers an advantage over a specified velocity, it since allows the boundary pressure to adjust itself to the conditons prevalent in the bundle. principle, it is inlet possible to Thus, in have flow reversal in some channels, while still maintaining a net positive flow. . . . . .. . . -I i illlllll ll iIIIhIl ii lllii -173- A.5 Programming Information inlet The boundary condition at the specified is by setting the input parameter, itbd, to -1, 0 or 1 to indicate a velocity, pressure, or flow boundary condition. For the velocity boundary condition, the inlet subroutine is and input, BC. These the values velocities are velocity the passed at are updated in subroutine to ONESTP, where the differnece between Ub and Uj (i = 1,nj) is used to calcualte AU, rather than AP in the boundary cell momentum equations. For the flow boundary condition, the desired flow input for the timestep is used along with previous timestep to get a the first pressures estimate of for subroutine BC (that is, solving equation A.31 for PO). new PO PO in The is passed to subroutine ONESTP, where it is treated the same as a pressure boundary condition. is the The difference that 6Pois calculated in subroutine DIRECT, and added to PO to get a better estimate. convergence is attained. This is continued until This option is only available when the direct method pressure field solution is used. -174- Appendix B ********** N A T 0 F - 2 D - INPUT DESCRIPTION ********** SECTION I The following cards are read via namelist input. A total of four namelists are used: "restrt", "unos", "duos", and "tres". The input should look like: $"namelist" fl,f2,f3,...,fn,$end for each namelist, where each fI is a field consisting of: all blanks, or name = constant, or of constants. name = list The order of input is immaterial; as many cards as needed may be used; the $end signifying the end of the namelist input should appear only on the last card, for each namelist. For additional details on the use of namelist input, the user is referred to a standard fortran manual. Group No. 1 Contents Format namelist $restrt, nres nres = steady state or transient indicator (1/0) 2 namelist ,ncf ,nj ,ni igauss, dtmax ,dtmin ,epsl tset ,indgs ,sprint, itbd $unos ,ncld ,itml ,eps2 ,$end ,nset ni = number of mesh cells in the axia 1 nj = number of mesh cells in the radi al direction ncf ncld itml = = = igauss = direction number of mesh cells in the fuel number of mesh cells in the clad maximum number of iterations in the Newton iterative solution maximum number of iterations in the pressure problem solution (only necessary when indgs = 1) NIN I -175- indgs = indicator for direct or gausian dtmax solution (0/1) = maximum value of the time step dtmin = minimum time step increment epsl = convergence criterion for the Newton increment iteration (N/m-2) = convergence criterion for the pressure problem (N/m-2) sprint = time interval between monitoring prints itbd = inlet boundary condition number -1 = velocity boundary condition 0 = pressure boundary condition 1 = flow boundary condition eps2 The following two corresponding cards can be incremented from i = 1 to 40, and control The code will print nset the printed output. times the flow map at an increment of tset. nset(i) = number of printouts tset(i) = time between printouts 3 namelist $duos apu tinit $end ,nrow ,dil ,ntcd ,pitch ,radr ,ip ,d ,e ,ad , ,thc ,thg ,iss , ,rnusll,rnusl2,alpdry, = number of rows of fuel pins in the fuel assembly pitch = distance between fuel pin centerlines (m) = diameter of. the fuel pin (m) d e = minimum distance between fuel pin surface and hex can wall (m) ad = fraction of theoretical density of fuel apu = fraction of plutonium in the fuel dil = fraction of helium gas in gas compositon = fuel pin outside radius (m) radr the = clad thickness (m) thg = gap thickness (m) = transient or steady state iss indicator (0/1) tinit = initial starting time (sec) ntcd = number of boundary condition cards = partial or full boundary lp calculation (0/1) rnusll = effective nusselt number for radial nrow -176heat conduction -- inner cells 0 > implicit calculation 0 = bypass calculation 0 < explicit calculation rnusl2 = effective nusselt number for radial heat conduction -- edge cells alpdry = dryout void fraction The following cards are required only for an initial start, and appear at the very end of the input file. 3 namelist ,pout ,tin ,tav ,$end $tres ,pin pin = initial inlet pressure to the fuel assembly (N/m2) = initial outlet pressure to the fuel assembly (N/m2) = initial inlet temperature of the pout tin tav coolant (K) = average temperature of the fuel assembly (K) SECTION II The following cards are read via NIPS free-format input processor. Fields are separated by blanks. Entry (or group of entries) repetition is allowed; for example n(a b m(c d e ) f ) where: a,b,c,d,e,f are entries (integer or real) and n,m are integers representing the number of repetitions; note that no blanks must appear between a left parenthesis and the integer preceding it. Up to 10 levels of nesting are permitted. The end of a group is marked by a $-sign. The following cards govern the boundary conditions of the problem as a function of time. These cards are always required. The order of input must be maintained. Those cards marked with a * are necessary only for a full 1) boundary calculation (lp calculation (lp = 0), the boundary For a partial follows: as boundary is calculated X = X1(L)*dtime + X2(L) and for a full boundary calculation: X = (X1(L)*dtime + X2(L))*exp(OMX(L)*dtime) + X3(L) ~I~ -- I IIIYIY iiIII1~ -177where dtime = L = tb(L) = X1, X2, time - tb(L-1) index of currect time segment , time at the end of segment L X3, OMX = input parameters - = time at the end of a time segment 1 tb(ntcd) 2 bnbl(ntcd) = velocity at inlet (m/s) (itbd = -1) = pressure at bottom of fuel assembly (N/m2) (itbd = 0) = flow at inlet (kg/s) (itbd = 1) bnb2(ntcd) bnb3(ntcd) omb(ntcd) 3 pntl(ntcd) pressure at top of fuel assembly (N/m2) pnt2(ntcd) pnt3(ntcd) omt(ntcd) 4 albl(ntcd) void fraction at the inlet of the fuel assembly alb2(ntcd) alb3(ntcd) oma(ntcd) * * tvbl(ntcd) = vapor temperature at the inlet (K) tvb2(ntcd) tvb3(ntcd) omv(ntcd) * * tlbl(ntcd) = liquid temperature at the inlet(K) tlb2(ntcd) tlb3(ntcd) oml(ntcd) * * hnbl(ntcd) = power density in hnb2(ntcd) hnb3(ntcd) omh(ntcd) 5 6 7 the fuel pins (w/m2) The following cards are always required for a steady state calculation, but not for a transient calculation. The dimensions are given by: ni = number of axial cells nj = number of radial cells npin = ncf + ncld + 2 nn = ni*nj 8 n(19) = row numbers where the boundary -178- between cell J and cell J + 1 lies (n 9 10 11 12 13 dz(ni) tcan(ni) shape(nn) sppd(nn) ppp(npin) 14 iplnm(ni) = 2,...) = = = = = axial mesh spacing of cells (m) heat capacity of hex can per unit area power density shape in fuel assembly spacer pressure drop radial power profile inside fuel pin (fuel, gap and clad) = axial composition of the fuel pin 0 = gas compositon 1 = mixed oxide U,Pu02 RESTART OPTION For a restart of a previous calculation, the namelists restrt,unos and duos are required, for a selected number of cards. For namelist restrt, the following previously defined card is required: nres = 0 For namelist unos, the following previously defined cards are required: nset(i)= tset(i)= The following cards are optional inputs: epsl ,eps2 ,dtmax ,igauss,itml ,indgs dtmin ,sprint,itbd For namelist duos, the following previously defined cards are required lss tinit = 0 = ntcd Ip = rnusll rnusl2 = alpdry = Boundary condition cards are always required. As of September 1, 1981 - lII ll -179Appendix C.1: Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Run 544 Srestrt ntype rPes = 0 = 1 Seand Sunos sprint = 0.1 ni = 14 nj = 5 ncf ncld = 4 = 2 itmi = 8 indgs = 0 igauss dtmax dtmin epsl eps2 nset tset Send $duos rnusl1 rnusl2 tsr nrow pitch d a 1 S ad apu dil = = = = a 1.0 a 1.e-8 a 10. = 0.001 3 1 = 3.0 = 22.0 z 28.0 = 0.0 = 5 = 1.4216e-2 = 1.32e-2 98.60e-4 0.95 0.0 0.9 radr = 6.60e-3 the a 8.61e-4 thg • 1.36e-4 = 1 Iss tinit = 0.0 a 1 ntcd Ip a 0 Send $tb 3.5 Spnbl .0 Spnb2 1.888ae5 Spntl 0.0 $pnt2 1.5e5 Salb1 0.0 $alb2 0.0 Stvbl 0.0 Stvb2 569.14 Stlbi 0.0 Stlb2 589.14 Shnwl 0.0 Shnw2 a.930e7 Sn 2 3 4 5 15(0) Sdz 14(.1633) Stcan 14(6500.) 5(2(0.0) .3a .71 .92 1.0 .92 .71 .38 5(0.0)) Sshape Ssppd 4(0.0 61.0 12(0.0)) 0.0 89. 12(0.0) 4(1.0) 4(0.0) Sppp Slplmn 9(1) 5(0) Stres pin = 1.888e5 pout a tin tav Send = 589.14 = 700.0 1.5e5 -180Appendix C.2: Westinghouse Blanket Heat Transfer Test Program Run 545 Srestrt ntype z 0 nres Send Sunos = 1 sprint = 0.1 ni nj ncf ncld = 14 = 5 = 4 = 2 itmi indgs igauss dtmax epsl = = = = = = eps2 = .001 nset tset = a dtmin 8 0 100 1.0 1.e-8 10. 1 3.0 Send $duos rnusll = -22.0 rnusl2 a -23.0 tsr = 0.0 nrow = 5 pitch d e ad apu dil radr the thg Iss tinit ntcd = = = = = = = = = = = Ip Send 3.5 0.0 1.833e5 0.0 1.421E5e-2 1.32e- 2 8.60e--4 0.95 0.0 0.9 6.60e--3 8.61e--4 1.36e--4 1 0.0 a 1 = 0 1.5e5 0.0 0.0 0.0 589.14 0.0 589.14 0.0 8.3765e7 2 3 4 5 15(0) 14(.1633) 14(6500. 2(0.0) .31 .58 .76 .82 .76 2(0.0) .34 .64 .83 .91 .83 2(0.0) .39 .72 .93 1.02 .93 2(0.0) .42 .79 1.02 1.11 1.02 2(0.0) .46 .87 1.12 1.22 1.12 5(0.0 61.0 12(0.0)) 4(1.0) 4(0.0) 9(1) 5(o) Stres pin ;out tin tav Send = = = = 1.838e5 1.5e5 5a9.14 700.0 Stb $pnbl Spnb2 $pntl $pnt2 Salbl Salb2 Stvbl $tvb2 Stlbl $tlb2 Shnwl Shnw2 Sn Sdz Stcan .31 5(0.0) .34 5(0.0) .39 5(0.0) .42 5(0.0) .58 .64 .72 .79 .87 .46 5(0.0) $shape Ssppd Sppp Slplmn Appendix C.3: THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H Run 101 - Steady State Srestrt nres Send $unos sprint ni nj ncf ncld itmi indgs igauss dtmax epsi eps2 nset tset itbd 1 a a = * * a * * * - = i * = 8. 42 3 4 2 8 0 0 1.0 11. 0.002 5 1.2 -1 Send Sduos rnusll a -13. rnusl2 = -13. nrow U 3 pitch - 7.265e-3 d e ad apu dil a * * a 5.842e-3 7.113e-4 0.95 0.0 0.9 radr w 2.921e-3 the thg * 0.381e-3 0.6e-4 1 0.0 I 0 a a Iss tinit ntcd Ip * a * Send 11.0 0.0 1.02504 0.0 1.4445e5 0.0 0.0 0.0 660.91 0.0 660.91 0.0 4.90971831e8 2 3 17(0) 7(.05398) 25(.0508) 10(.07232) 7(0.0) 21(650.) 14(0.0) 3( 7(0.0) .43 .515 .64 .73 .815 .885 .94 .98 1.0 1.0 .98 .94 .885 .815 .73 .64 .515 .43 17(0.0)) 2(0.0 50. 40(0.0)) 0.0 50. 40(0.0) Stb Sfbl $fb2 Spntl Spnt2 Salbi $alb2 Stvbl $tvb2 StlbI $tlb2 Shnwl Shnw2 Sn $dz Stcan $shape Ssppd 4(1.0) 4(0.0) Sppp 28(1) 14(0) Stres pin a 1.7277e+5 pout a 1.4445e+5 $Sp1na tin tav Send = * 660.91 900.0 -182- THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H Run 101 - Transient (0.0 - 11.0 sec) $restrt * 0 nres $end $unos = 5 itml igauss a 100 dtmax = 1.0 dtmin = 1.Oe-04 nset(1) a 12 nset(2) - 0 tset(1) = 1.0 tset(2) = 0.0 indgs sprint epsi eps2 itbd = a = a = 0 10.0 250. 1.e-2 -1 Send $duos rnusi1 = -13.0 rnus12 = Iss = 0 tinit - 0.0 -13.0 ntcd a 3 a 0 Ip Send 3.2 6.8 30.0 0.0 -0.197185 0.0 1.02504 1.02504 .315174 0.0 -3347.222 0.0 1.4445e5 1.4445e5 1.324e5 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(660.91) 3(0.0) 3(660.91) 3(0.0) 3(4.90971831e8) $tb Sfbl $fb2 Spntl $pnt2 Salbi Salb2 Stvbl $tvb2 Stlbi Stlb2 $hnbi Shnb2 ___* ---- Y -183- THORS Bundle 6A Test 71H Run 101 - Transient (11.0 - 20.0 sec) Srestrt O nres Send $unos itmi igauss dtmax dtmin * 5 * 100 1.0 = * nset(1) * nset(2) tset(1) tset(2) = indgs sprint * epsi eps2 * itbd * 1.0e-08 50 O 0.1 0.0 0 15. 250. 1.e-2 0 Send $duos rnusl1 rnusl2 Isa tinit ntcd Ip a -13.0 -13.0 0 0.0 a 3 a 0 a * * Send 5.0 10. 25. 3(0.0) 3(1.6113e5) 3(0.0) 3(1.324e5) 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(660.91) 3(0.0) 3(660.91) 3(0.0) 3(4.90971831e8) Stb Spnbl Spnb2 $pntl Spnt2 Salbi Salb2 Stvbi Stvb2 Stlbi Stlb2 Shnbl Shnb2 The flow map output for this problem at Time = 11.3415 sec appears in Appendix F. Appendix C.4: W-1 SLSF LOPI 2A - Steady State $restrt nres = 1 Send $unos sprint = 0.1 ni = 40 nj a 3 ncf ncld itmi = 4 = 2 = 6 indgs igauss dtmax = 0 = 500 = 1.0 epsl = 10.0 eps2 = 0.005 nset(1) = 1 tset(1) u 6.0 itbd = -1 Send $duos rnus11 rnusl2 = -13. = -13. nrow pitch 3 = 0.7264d-2 d e = 0.584d-2 0.711d-3 ad = 0.954 apu dil = radr the thg Iss tinit ntcd = = = = = = = 0.25 0.9 0.2921d-2 0.381d-3 0.6d-4 I 0.0 1 = 0 lp Send 8.0 $tb 0.0 Sfbl 5.97742777 $fb2 0.0 Spntl 2.776e+5 $Spnt2 -0.0 Salbl 0.0 $alb2 0.0 $tvbl 661.14 $tvb2 0.0 Stlbi 661.14 $tlb2 0.0 $hnwl 1.907849e+9 $hnw2 2 3 17(0) $n 6(.05948) 23(.0508) 11(.10033) $dz Stcan 29(0.85e+4) 11(0.0) 3( 6(0.0) .66 .835 .98 1.11 1.22 1.3 1.37 .141 1.42 1.41 1.38 1.32 1.25 1.14 1.02 .85 .7 .5 16(0.0)) $shape 2(0.0 0.0 38(0.0)) 0.0 0.0 38(0.0) $sppd 4(1.0) 4(0.0) Sppp $1plnm 29(1) 11(0) Stres pin = 6.0d+5 pout = 2.776d+5 tin tav = 661.14 = 900.0 Send OMNiYlbh -185- W-1 SLSF LOPI 2A - Transient (0.0 - 4.5 sec) $restrt nres =0 Send Sunos Itml a 5 igauss = 100 dtmax a 1.0 dtmin a 1.0e-06 nset(l) - 45 nset(2) - 0 tset(1) - 0.1 tset(2) = 0.0 indgs sprint epsl eps2 itbd = 0 a 0.1 = 70.0 = 1.e-2 = -1 Send Sduos rnusl1 a -13.0 rnusl2 Iss x -13.0 a 0 tinit * 0.0 ntcd = 7 a0 Ip Send 0.33 0.5 0.65 0.85 1.33 3.0 6.0 -13.8911754 -.81961177 1.85778667 1.393341 0.29027917 0.0 0.4180020 5.9774277 1.3933398 1.2540058 1.5326738 1.811342 1.950676 1.950676 2(-2.1356e5) 5(0.0) 2.776e5 2.071252e5 5(1.7082e5) 7(0.0) 7(0.0) 7(0.0) 7(661.14) 7(0.0) 7(661.14) 3(0.0) -8.346839e9 3(0.0) 4(1.907849e9) 3(2.384811e8) $tb $vbI $vbl Spntl $pnt2 Salbl Salb2 Stvbl Stvb2 Stlbi Stlb2 Shnbl Shnb2 -186Appendix C.5: W-1 SLSF LOPI 4 - Steady State $restrt nres = 1 Send $unos sprint = 0.1 ni nj ncf ncld itml = = = = = 40 3 4 2 6 indgs igauss dtmax epsi a = z = 0 500 1.0 10.0 eps2 a 0.005 nset(l) = i tset(1) = 5.0 a -1 itbd Send $duos rnusll rnusl2 = -13. = -13. nrow pitch = 3 = 0.726ad-2 d e = 0.584d-2 = 0.711d-3 ad apu radr a = = - the thg a 0.381d-3 - 0.6d-4 Iss a i tinit - 0.0 dil 0.954 0.25 0.9 0.2921d-2 ntcd = 1 lp =0 Send 8.0 Stb 0.0 $fbi 5.97742777 $fb2 0.0 Spntl 2.776e+5 $pnt2 0.0 Salbl 0.0 Salb2 0.0 Stvbl 661.14 Stvb2 0.0 Stlbi 661.14 Stlb2 0.0 $hnwl 2.0332515e+9 $hnw2 2 3 17(0) Sn 6(.05948) 23(.0508) 11(.10033) $dz 29(0.85e+4) 11(0.0) $tcan 3( 6(0.0) .66 .835 .98 1.11 1.22 1.3 1.37 .141 1.42 1.41 1.38 1.32 1.25 1.14 1.02 .85 .7 .5 16(0.0)) Sshape 2(0.0 0.0 38(0.0)) 0.0 0.0 38(0.0) $sppd 4(1.0) 4(0.0) $ppp 29(1) 11(0) $1plnm $tres pin = 600000.0 pout a 277600.0 tin tav - 661.14 = 900.0 Send I 1IIiiwill illI lliiJl,, dI g -187- W-1 SLSF LOPI 4 - Transient (0.0 - 5.0 sec) $restrt nres a 0 Send Sunos itmi Igauss a 5 * 100 dtmax dtmin a 1.0 * 1.0e-08 nset(1) = 30 nset(2) * 6 tset(1) * 0.1 tset(2) * 0.333333333 indgs sprint epsI eps2 itbd = 0 * 10. = 700. = 1.e-2 * -1 Send $duos rnusl1 rnusl2 Iss tinit -13.0 = -13.0 * 0 - 0.0 ntcd 7 = Ip Send 0.33 0.5 0.65 0.85 1.33 3.0 6.0 -13.8911754 -.81961177 1.85778667 1.393341 0.29027917 0.0 0.4180020 5.9774277 1.3933398 1.2540058 1.5326738 1.811342 1.950676 1.950676 2(-2.1356e5) 5(0.0) 2.776e5 2.071252e5 5(1.7082e5) $tb Svbl $vbl Spnti $pnt2 7(0.0) Salbi 7(0.0) 7(0.0) 7(661.14) 7(0.0) 7(661.14) 3(0.0) -8.8954752e9 3(0.0) 4(2.0332515e9) 3(2.5415644e8) Salb2 Stvbl Stvb2 Stlbi Stlb2 Shnbl $hnb2 -188Appendix C.6: W-1 SLSF BWT 2' - Steady State $restrt nres = i $end $unos sprint = 6.0 ni = 40 nj 3 ncf =4 ncld = 2 itml 6 indgs igauss dtmax epsi eps2 nset(1) tset(1) itbd Send $duos rnusll rnusl2 nrow pitch = 0 = 500 1.0 = 1000.0 = 0.005 1i = 3.0 = -1 = = = = -13. -13. 3 0.7264d-2 d e ad apu dil = = = = = 0.584d-2 0.711d-3 0.954 0.25 0.9 radr the thg Iss tinit ntcd Ip Send 8.0 = 0.2921d-2 O0.381d-3 = 0.6d-4 = I = 0.0 = 1 = 0 $tb 0.0 5.97742777 $fbl $fb2 0.0 2.776e+5 0.0 0.0 0.0 661.14 $pnti $pnt2 Salbl $alb2 $tvbl $tvb2 0.0 $tlbi 661.14 $tlb2 0.0 $hnwl 9.3999172e+8 $hnw2 2 3 17(0) Sn 6(.05948) 23(.0508) 11(.10033) $dz 29(100.) 11(1.0) $tcan 3(6(0.0) .66 .835 .98 1.11 1.22 1.3 1.37 1.41 1.42 1.41 1.38 1.32 1.25 1.14 1.02 .85 .7 .5 16(0.0)) $shape 2(0.0 30. 38(0.0)) 0.0 30.0 38(0.0) $sppd 4(1.0) 4(0.0) Sppp 29(1) 11(0) $1plnm $tres pin = 600000.0 pout tin tav Send = 277600.0 = 661.14 = 900.0 ^ YYIIIIII -189- W-1 SLSF BWT 2' - Transient (0.0 - 3.0 sec) $restrt a 0 nres Send Sunos ital z 5 Igauss dtmax dtmin = 100 = 1.0 * 1.0e-06 nset(1) nset(2) tset(1) tset(2) indgs sprint a 27 = 0 - 0.11111111111 = 0.0 a 0 =. 4.0 epsl a 700. eps2 = 1.e-2 itbd Send Sduos a -1 rnusll rnusl2 * Iss a 0 tinlt * 0.0 = -9.0 -9. ntcd a 2 a 0 lp Send 0.5 5.0 -9.07342871 0.0 5.9774277 1.44071334 -2.1356e5 0.0 2.776e5 1.7082e5 2(0.0) 2(0.0) 2(0.0) 2(661.14) 2(0.0) 2(661.14) 2(0.0) 2(9.3999172e+8) Stb $Vb 1 Svb2 Spntl Spnt2 Salbl Salb2 Stvbl Stvb2 Stlbl Stlb2 $hnbl Shnw2 -190- W-1 SLSF BWT 2' - Transient (3.0 - Srestrt = 0 nres Send $unos itml =5 igauss a 100 dtmax m 1.0 dtmin a 1.Oe-09 nset(l) z 23 nset(2) - 0 tset(1) .11111111 tset(2) x 0.0 0 indgs sprint x 10. epsl - 700. eps2 = 1.e-2 itbd $end $duos =0 rnusll rnusl2 = -11.0 = -11.0 hss a 0 tinit = 0.0 ntcd = 3 Ip ='0 Send 2.5 3.0 7.0 0.0 6.9528e+5 0.0 2.1087e5 2.1087e5 5.5878e5 0.0 2.1356e5 0.0 1.7082e5 1.7082e5 2.776e5 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(661.14) 3(0.0) 3(661.14) 3(0.0) 3(9.399917e+8) $tb Spnbl Spnb2 Spntl $pnt2 SalbI $alb2 Stvbl Stvb2 StlbI $tlb2 $hnbi Shnb2 5.5 sec) -191Appendix C.7: W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' - Steady State Srestrt nres = 1 Send Sunos sprint a 10. ni = 40 nj ncf ncld Itml indgs a 3 = 4 a 2 6 a 0 igauss a 500 dtmax = 1.0 epsl = 1000.0 eps2 = 0.005 nset(1) 1I tset(1) - 3.0 itbd = -1 Send $duos rnusli rnusl2 a nrow pitch d a 3 a 0.7264d-2 a 0.584d-2 e ad apu - 0.711d-3 = 0.954 - 0.25 a 0.9 dil radr the thg Iss -13. = -13. a 0.2921d-2 m 0.381d-3 w 0.6d-4 0 1 tinit U 0.0 U 1 ntcd a 0 Ip Send 8.0 0.0 6.06976171 0.0 2.776e+5 Stb $fbi Sfb2 Spntl Spnt2 0.0 Salb * 0.0 $alb2 0.0 $tvbl 661.14 $tvb2 0.0 Stlbi 661.14 Stlb2 0.0 Shnwl 1.7860674e+9 $hnw2 Sn 2 3 17(0) $dz 6(.05948) 23(.0508) 11(.10033) Stcan 29(100.) 11(1.0) 3(6(0.0) .66 .835 .98 1.11 1.22 1.3 1.37 1.41 1.42 1.41 1.38 1.32 1.25 1.14 1.02 .85 .7 .5 16(0.0)) $shape Ssppd 2(0.0 30. 38(0.0)) 0.0 30.0 38(0.0) 4(1.0) 4(0.0) Sppp $1pinm 29(1) 11(0) Stres pin a 600000.0 pout * 277600.0 a 661.14 * 900.0 tin tav Send -192- W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' - Transient (0.0 - $restrt nres $end Sunos itml igauss dtmax =0 = 5 = 100 a 1.0 dtmin a 1.0e-06 nset(1) nset(2) tset(1) tset(2) indgs sprint = 15 = = = 0 epsl a 700. eps2 = 1.e-2 itbd $end $duos rnus11 z -1 = -13.0 rnusl2 = -13.0 Iss = 0 tinit = 0.0 0.1 0.0 0 = 2. ntcd = 2 = 0 Ip $end 0.5 5.0 -7.6025298 0.0 6.06976171 2.2684968 -2.1356e5 0.0 2.776e5 1.7082e5 2(0.0) 2(0.0) 2(0.0) 2(661.14) 2(0.0) 2(661.14) 2(0.0) 2(1.7860674e+9) $tb Svbl $vb2 $pntl Spnt2 $albl Salb2 $tvbl $tvb2 $tlbi $tlb2 $hnbl $hnw2 1.5 sec) 0 4-111il, U -193- W-1 SLSF BWT 7B' - Transient (1.5 - 5.0 sec) Srestrt nres = 0 Send Sunos itmi a 5 igauss dtmax dtmin nset(1) nset(2) tset(1) tset(2) indgs sprint epsi eps2 a 100 a 1.0 a 1.06-09 * 45 - 0 a 0.05 = 0.0 = 0 = 10. - 2000. * 1.e-2 itbd Send $duos a 0 rnusl1 rnusl2 a -11.0 u -11.0 alpdry • .0.957 = 0 Iss tinit a 0.0 ntcd = 3 Ip a 0 Send 2.0 2.5 7.0 0.0 6.6306e+5 0.0 2(2.3684e5) 5.6837e5 0.0 2.1356e5 0.0 1.7082e5 1.7082e5 2.776e5 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(0.0) 3(661.14) 3(0.0) 3(661.14) 0.0 -3.214921e9 0.0 2(1.7860674e+9) 1.7860674e+8 Stb Spnbl Spnb2 $pntl Spnt2 $albl Salb2 Stvbl Stvb2 $tlbI Stlb2 Shnbl Shnb2 -194- Appendix D NATOF-2D HEXCAN MODEL In NATOF-2D, the user specifies the the hexcan per heat capacity of area (J/m2 -OK) for each axial level. unit Presently, this value is estimated by the user based on properties of the can. limitations properties since or the However, this simple model has many it cannot dimensions take into account varying of the hexcan, or heat losses to the environment. The value chosen for the hexcan heat capacity has a pronounced effect of the temperature profile of the coolant. As example, an different two values simulation chosen cases of the for D.1 gives the run hexcan the Chapter 6) and the input Table were can test be heat The Nu 1 = 13. radial capacity. for The found in Appendix C.6. liquid temperature at the end of the heat and Nu 2 = 13. NATOF-2D was BWT 2' (described in heated zone for the central channel time. with conduction at various nusselt points of numbers were __ _.__ illililillhl 1"11 -195Table D.1 Liquid Temperature (oC) Time (sec) at Various Points in Time HCAN = 100 HCAN = 8500 0.0 538. 538. 0.5 580. 578. 1.0 661. 649. 1.5 735. 708. 2.0 790. 756. 2.5 832. 794. As can be seen, an inaccurate choice of the hexcan capacity can cause large heat liquid temperature differences. Thus, in two-phase transients, boiling inception time can be drastically altered. -196- Appendix E SPACER PRESSURE DROP MODEL The spacer pressure drop feature of NATOF-2D allows the user to simulate pressure drops which occur due to valve throttling, spacer in the wires, etc. bundle The spacer pressure drop is calculated as follows: AP = SPPD * p U 2 2 where SPPD is specified for each cell. Flow reversal occurs in NATOF-2D when the the first real pressure cell exceeds the pressure at the boundary. Thus, by specifying a large boundary pressure, and value of SPPD, in it is possible a large to prevent flow reversal during boiling transients. As a sample test of this feature, in which a constant flow simulations were of 2 kg/sec was imposed on the bundle, with an outlet pressure of 2.5 bars. parameters used were from run the The geometric W-1 SLSF Experiment. value of SPPD for the bottom row of cells was varied over The a wide range, and the inlet pressure necessary to maintain the flow rate was inferred. Table E.1 gives values of SPPDs and the corresponding inlet pressure. _I_~ _____I__ __ __ IM111W 116 id -197- Table E.1 Inlet Pressure vs. SPPD for Constant Flow Boundary Condition Inlet Pressure (bars) SPPD 0.0 5.16 10.0 5.26 100.0 6.12 500.0 9.96 As can be reversal drop. time seen, it drops possible are experimental accurately determine flow outlet and inlet known, the spacer pressure drop feature can be used to obtain the rate. to by the correct choice of the spacer pressure Furthermore, if the pressure is correct inlet flow flow map at time = 11.3415 sec. number of time steps u 161 number of iterations • 206 time step size = 0.26120-02 sec. cpu time = 712.16 inlet mass flow rate = 0.577033D-01 kg/sec outlet mass flow rate = 0.7576690+00 kg/sec total heat transfered x 0.3617300+05 watt inlet enthalpy flow * 0.503501D+05 watt outlet enthalpy flow v 0.982316D+06 watt channel iz p void (bar) 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 1.3240 1.3502 1.3756 1.4131 1.4484 1.4785 1.4979 1.5115 1.5224 1.5321 1.5408 1.5479 1.5552 1.5629 1.5710 1.5795 1.5882 1.5972 1.6058 1.6139 1.6210 1.6266 1.6303 1.6325 1.6312 1.6293 1.6280 1.6267 0.0025 0.0025 0.0219 0.1406 0.4837 0.7753 0.8795 0.9099 0.9376 0.9447 0.9480 0.9494 0.9494 0.9491 0.9488 0.9485 0.9484 0,9482 0.9472 0,9458 0.9435 0.9397 0.9271 0.7176 0.0169 0.0000 0. 0001 0.0000 number tv tl tsat twall ---------(degree celsius) -------914.304 914.304 916.493 919.664 922.590 925.046 926.604 927.685 928.546 929.312 929.992 930.547 931.117 931.712 932.334 932.985 933.656 934.336 934.990 935.601 936.137 936.559 936.833 936.993 936.900 939.245 939.215 939.198 723.717 723.717 731.763 739.740 747.438 755.750 764.217 774.945 795.077 825.230 858.958 880.073 892.759 899.557 904.565 913.784 924.738 934.664 935.600 936.620 937.665 938.932 941.047 938.730 915.544 887.411 853.287 812.318 912.005 914.303 916.490 919.664 922.590 925.046 926.604 927.685 928.546 929.312 929.992 930.547 931.117 931.712 932.334 932.985 933.656 934.336 934.990 935,601 936.137 936.559 936.833 936.993 936.900 936.761 936.658 936.565 722.192 722.192 730.203 738.455 746.526 755.160 763.753 773.502 784.533 796.585 809.545 819.322 829.350 839.675 837.319 861.088 887.445 949.574 960.766 971.042 974.239 972.108 957.825 939.721 917.795 890.151 856.202 815.276 uvz (m/sec) 2.80873 2.93854 3.63601 4.88741 6.84971 9.26300 11.15557 12.64466 14.59305 16.13365 16.77430 17.27383 17.66196 18.03033 18.38645 18.62471 18.68256 18.07009 16.99696 15.25347 12.62162 8.62277 2.39687 -0.19455 0.21688 0.25595 0.23974 0.22233 ulz (m/sec) 2.78910 2.86145 3.14366 3.54369 3.65853 3.24684 2.81298 2.55882 2.45305 2.53376 2.54972 2.60706 2.68181 2.76169 2.83970 2.89438 2.90893 2.83700 2.70355 2.46241 2.06388 1.41161 0.37249 0.06971 0.22406 0.25595 0.23974 0.22233 uvr (m/sec) 0.00000 0.00185 0.00474 -0.00620 -0.00175 0.01743 -0.00296 -0.01069 0.00918 0.00266 -0.00716 -0.00413 -0.00271 0.00079 0.00354 0.00364 0.00143 -0.00168 -0.00413 -0.00784 -0.01515 -0.02123 0.00124 0.05584 0.01677 0.00227 -0.00069 -0.00076 J ulr (m/sec) 0.00000 0.00185 0.00474 -0.00620 -0.00174 0.01726 -0.00291 -0.01046 0.00892 0.00258 -0.00693 -0.00400 -0.00262 0.00076 0.00343 0.00352 0.00138 -0.00163 -0.00400 -0.00760 -0.01472 -0.02069 0.00122 0.05571 0.01077 0.00227 -0.00069 -0.00076 i- M H X w 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.6280 1.6267 1.6255 1.6243 1.6231 1.6220 1.6209 1.6198 1.6187 1.6176 1.6165 1.6154 1.6142 1.6131 1.6120 1.6113 0.000( 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 939.215 939.198 939.136 939.004 938.794 938.507 938.191 937.718 937.517 935.479 935. 645 935.666 935.616 935.541 935.457 387.770 853.287 812.318 765.934 716.213 664.447 611.886 560.093 509.717 462.993 416.119 398.087 390.952 388.616 387.967 387.808 387.770 936.658 936.565 936.474 936.384 936.296 936.210 936.125 936.043 935.962 935.860 935.796 935.712 935.628 935.543 935.457 935.406 channel number iz 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 p (bar) 1.3240 1.3502 1.3754 1.4133 1.4484 1.4778 1.4980 1,5119 1.5220 1,5320 1,5410 1.5480 1.5553 1.5629 1.5709 1.5793 1.5882 1.5972 1.6059 1.6141 1.6215 void 0.0032 0.0032 0.0246 0.1954 0.5861 0,8179 0,8626 0,9151 0,9400 0,9403 0.9494 0,9498 0,9505 0,9502 0.9492 0.9484 0.9479 0.9479 0.946! 0.9452 0.9421 tv ----- 856.202 015.276 768.824 718.979 667.045 614.262 562.240 511.548 464.089 416.466 398.212 390.990 388.626 387.969 387.008 387.808 912.005 914.297 916.469 919.684 922.596 924.992 926.613 927.716 928.520 929.305 930.011 930,557 931.124 931.710 932.326 932.977 933.653 934.340 935.000 935.620 936.172 0.23974 0.22233 0.21106 0.20355 0.19773 0.19274 0.18825 0.18441 0.18099 0.18042 0.18100 0.18249 0.18417 0.18467 0.18292 0.18292 -0.00069 -0.00076 -0.00039 -0.00016 -0.00007 -0.00005 -0.00004 -0.00003 -0.00002 0.00001 0.00005 0.00009 0.00010 0.00003 -0.00010 0.00000 -0.00069 -0.00076 -0.00039 -0.00016 -0.00007 -0.00005 -0.00004 -0.00003 -0.00002 0.00001 0.00005 0.00009 0.00010 0.00003 -0.00010 0.00000 uvr (m/sec) ulr (m/sec) 0.00000 0.00251 -0.00313 -0.00152 0.03048 0.02046 -0.06563 0.00142 0.02238 -0.00466 0,00442 0.00128 0.00143 0.00406 0.00571 0.00460 0.00092 -0.00240 -0.00554 -0.01208 -0.02705 0.00000 0.00251 -0.00313 -0.00152 0.03039 0.02028 -0.06462 0.00138 0.02176 -0.00452 0.00427 0.00124 0.00139 0.00392 0,00553 0.00445 0.00089 -0.00232 -0.00537 -0.01173 -0.02630 2 .tI tsat twa I .(degr'ee celsius) -------- 914.297 724.332 914.297 724.332 916.472 733.267 919.684 742.515 922.596 751.942 924.992 762.102 926.613 771.577 927.716 783.069 928.520 806.522 929.305 826.719 930.011 864.631 930.557 882.380 931.124 894.599 931.710 ' 902.509 932.325 907.412 932.976 915.767 933.653 925.415 934.340 934.675 935.000 935.603 935.620 936.669 936.172 937.913 0.23974 0.22233 0.21106 0.20355 0.19773 0.192740.18825 0.18441 0.18099 0.18042 0.18100 0.18249 0.18417 0.18467 0.18292 0.18292 722.080 722. 680 731.532 741.160 751.028 .761.498 770. 883 781.281 792.532 805.750 819.832 829.535 839.339 848.931 844.384 866.811 891 .275 948.597 958.983 968.288 90.,950 uv (m/sec) 2.76187 2.89537 3.70797 5.23751 7.86026 10.16014 10.84887 12.66733 14.66586 15.96186 16.77386 . 17.34419 17.78258 18.14940 18.45993 18.64648 18.67160 18.05545 17.01460 15.26988 12.35471 ulz (m/sec) 2.73827 2.79878 3.08188 3.54216 3.73747 3.32169 2.80917 2.49359 2.48910 2.57973 2.53586 2.59818 2.66169 2.74732 2.84136 2.90881 2.92745 2.85070 2.71860 2.47962 2.03568 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.5882 1.5972 1.6059 1.6141 1.6215 1.6273 1.6303 1.6306 1,.6306 1.6293 1.6280 1.6267 1.6255 1.6243 1.6231 1.6220 1.6209 1.6198 1.6187 1.6176 1.6165 1.6153 1.6142 1.6131 1.6120 1.6113 0,9479 0.9479 0.94e 0.9452 0.9421 0.9364 0.9242 0.5223 0.0039 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 933.653 934.340 935.000 935.620. 936.172 936.609 936.830 936.854 936.856 938.798 938.750 938.733 938.668 938.537 938..343 938.088 937.810 937.402 937.206 935.520 935.653 935.665 935.615 935.540 935.457 387.770 925.415 934.675 935.609 936.669 937.913, 939.654 941.021 935.666 913.266 884.788 850.373 809.189 762.942 713.496 661.989 609.711 558.244 508.289 462.128 416.149 396.270 391.063 388.660 387.980 387.811k 387.770 933.653 934.340 935.000 935.620 936.172 936.609 936.830 936.854 936.856 936.755 936.660 936.567 936.475 936.385 936.296 936.210 936.125 936.043 935.962 935.880 935.795 935.711 935.627 935.543 935.458 935.406 channel iz 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 p (bar) 1.3240 1.3501 1.3755 1.4134 1.4475 1.4772 1.4999 void 0.0001 0.0001 0.0015 0.0152 0.1216 0.4855 0.8437 tv tl -------------914.291 914.291 916.486 919.689 922.519 924.942 926.765 724.102 724.102 734.048 746.893 761.580 776.337 789.181 number 891.275 948.597 958.983 968.288 970.950 968.521 954.083 937. 146 915.593 887.539 853,351 812.186 765.048 716.278 664. G01 612.099 560,399 510.122 463.820 416.502 398.402 391.105 388.672 387.983 387'. 812 387.812 18.67160 18.05545 17.01460 15.26988 12.35471 7.23057 0.56214 0.23920 0.25300 0.23780 0.22265 0.21310 0.20640 0.20090 0.19599 0.19151 0.18741 0.18383 0.18056 0.17989 0.18018 0.18147 0.18371 0.18544 0.18290 0.18290 2.92745 2.85070 2.71860 2.47962 2.03568 1.22169 0.17885 0.23592 0.25495 0.23780 0.22265 0.21310 0.20640 0.20090 0.19599 0.19151 0.18741 0.18383 0.18056 0.17989 0.18018 0.18147 0.18371 0.18544 0.18290 0.18290 0.00092 -0.00240 -0.00554 -0.01208 -0.02705 -0.04532 -0.00820 0.01277 0.00997 -0.00004 -0.00131 -0.00081 -0.00036 -0.00015 -0.00007 -0.00005 -0.00005 -0.00005 -0.00003 0.00001 0.00008 0.00017 0.00025 0.00017 -0.00027 0.00000 3 tcan tsat twall (degree celsius)-------------- uvz (m/sec) ulz (m/sec) 724.102 724.102 734.048 746.893 761.580 776.337 789.181 2.34813 2.32161 2.43372 2.82541 3.63084 5.11298 7.82457 2.34786 2.31818 2.38073 2.53235 2.69108 2.56616 2.14141 912.005 914.290 916.483 919.688 922.519 924.942 926.765 722.663 722.663 732.156 744.564 759.823 775.609 788.647 . 0.00089 -0.00232 -0.00537 -0.01173 0.02630 -0.04420 -0.00814 0.01276 0.00997 -0.00004 -0.00131 -0.00081 -0.00036 -0.00015 -0.00007 -0.00005 -0.00005 -0.00005 -0.00003 0.00001 0.00008 0.00017 0.00025 0.00017 -0.00027 0.00000 I ru O 1 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 1.5118 1.5214 1.5321 1.5409 1.5480 1 5553 1.5628 1.5707 1.5792 1.5882 1.5973 1.6061 1.6144 1.6221 1.6284 1.6305 1.6303 1.6303 1.6293 1.6280 1.6268 1.6255 1.6243 1.6231 1.6220 1.6209 1.6198 1.6187 1.6176 1.6165 1.6153 1.6142 1.6131 1.6120 1.6113 0.9269 0.9180 0.9375 0.9439 0.9453 0.9472 0.9468 0.9458 0.9447 0.9443 0.9447 0.9442 0.9412 0.9333 0,9067 0.7020 0.2680 0.0019 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 927.713 928.472 929.315 930.002 930.555 931.121 931.702 932.314 932.968 933.651 934.344 935.010 935.642 936,222 936.693 936.847 936.831 936.036 937.786 937.716 937.595 937.452 937.308 937.153 936.976 936.790 936.545 936.377 935.680 935.700 935.675 935.615 935.539 935.458 387.770 806.221 817.640 841.307 868.943 881,914 894.130 899.128 899.633 909.964 921.601 934.564 935.556 936.799 938.643 941.081 937.777 924.139 904.095 874.505 838.230 797.743 753.030 704.672 654.042 602.703 552.252 503.598 458.816 415.774 398.497 391.241 388.736 388.004 387.816 387.770 927.712 928.472 929.315 930.002 930.555 931.121 931.702 932.314 932.968 933.651 934.345 935.010 935.642 936.222 936.693 936.847 936.831 936.636 936.755 936.662 936.568 936.476 936.385 936.297 936.210 936.126 936.043 935.962 935.880 935.795 935.711 935.626 935.542 935.459 935.406 801.344 814.924 829.134 843.314 853.109 861.994 870.457 862.147 880.900 899.784 943.994 953.065 960.568 959.247 946.747 939.050 925.918 906.129 876.635 840.426 800.003 755.304 706.882 656.122 604.603 553.963 505.048 460.152 416.088 398.636 391.291 388.751 388.008 387.817 387.817 806.221 817.640 841.307 868.943 881.914 894.130 899.128 878.998 896.462 913.215 930.023 932.410 933.121 934.261 940.342 937.468 923.782 903.736 874.105 837.852 797.409 752.745 704.431 653.842 602.545 552.133 503.527 458.768 415.774 398.497 391.241 388.736 388.004 387.816 387.816 9.66715 10.81656 12.20306 12.85329 13.38528 13.80544 14.14821 14.47696 14.68455 14.76841 14.38129 13.55669 11.89976 8.51273 2.10520 0.22167 0.28323 0.18297 0.18005 0.18869 0.19229 0.19148 0.18871 0.18541 0.18221 0.17933 0.17694 0.17464 0.17395 0.17292 0.17110 0.16851 0.16678 0.16960 0.16960 1.99827 2.13968 2.12147 2.11556 2.15590 2.19861 2.27296 2.36172 2.43020 2.45266 2.39341 2.29605 2.11027 1.67252 0.65164 0.29299 0.27942 0.18343 0.18005 0.18869 0.19229 0.19148 0.18871 0.18541 0.18221 0.17933 0.17694 0.17464 0.17395 0.17292 0.17110 0.16851 0.16678 0.16960 0.16960 C - 1 2 3 4 c 5 c 6 c 7 c 8 c 9 c 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21, 22 23 * 24, 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 ' 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 c 46 47 48 * * subroutine read2(,uvz,ulz,uvr,ulr.dh,dv, qst,tr,, np,ntr,npin,npml,nn,.ican,nres.itbd) this subroutine reads all other information, controls the writing of input data for a restart, and calculates parameters which will remain constant throughout the problem. implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /number/ zero,one,big.small common /bcond/ tb(51),pnbl(51),pnb2(51).pnb3(51),omp(51). pntl(51),pnt2(51),pnt3(51),omt(51),albi(51), * * alb2(51),alb3(51),oma(51).tvbl(51),tvb2(51), * tvb3(51),omv(51),tlbi(51),tlb2(51),tlb3(51), * oml(51),hnwl(51).hnw2(51).hnw3(51).omh(51), * vbl(51).vb2(5i),vb3(51).omvb(51).flbi(51), * flb2(51),flb3(51).omfb(51),1max,lp common /pshape/ shape(500) common /dim/ dz(150),dzl(150),dro(150),dr(150),dr2(150)dr3(150), * dr4(150),dr5(150),dr6(150),ni,nj.nimlnim2,nJmlnni, * nnj,nnjj common /pinO/ rodr(20),vp(20),vm(20),radr,ppp(20) common /gconst/ dil,radfu,radcl common /cconst/ caO,cal,ca2.ca3,cbO,cbl,cb2,cb3 common /fconst/ faO,fal,fa2,fa3,fbO,fbl,fb2,ad,apu,lplnm(150) common /fconst/ncf,ncc,ng common /pd/ d4.pod2 common /dryout/ alpdry common /poverd/ r common /hxcn/ acov common /stst/ tafp,lss common /eccof/ cefl,ccfv common /extra/ con common /nussy/ rnusll,rnusl2 common /tbound/ tbc(50).tbmax,tsr dimension p(nn),tv(nn),tl(nn),alfa(nn),uvz(nn),ulz(nn), * uvr(nn),ulr(nn).dh(nn),dv(nn).qsi(nn),tr(ntr), * dtr(ntr),tw(np),sppd(nn),tcan(ncan) dimension rad(20),xin(5),n(20) namelist/duos/nrow,pitch,d,e,ad,apu,dil,radr,thc,thg.lss, * tinit.ntcd,lp,cefl,ccfv,con,rnusll,rnus2, * alpdry,tsr,itbc namelist/tres/pin,pout,tav,tin faO = 1.81d+06 fal = 3.72d+03 fa2 = -2.510d0 1 2 3-4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ii 12 13 14 15. 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 H - H Z Z (D R C I H 0 0Q) 0 Ca C t O H H 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 .61 62 63 64 65 66 67 fa3 = 6.59d-04 fbO = 10.80d0 fbi = -8.84d-03 fb2 = 2.25d-06 c caO 4.,28d+06 cal a 3.75d+02 ca2 = -7.45d-03 ca3 = zero cbO = 16.27d0 cbl = zero cb2 = zero cb3 = zero alpdry = 0.957dO c tb(t) zero read(5,duos) c 68 69 79 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79. 80 81. 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 = c 41 42 43 2 3 call nips(4h tb,4h if(itbd) 41,42,43 continue call nips(4h v,4hbi call nips(4h v,4hb2 if(lp.eq.0) go to 2 call nips(4h v,4hb3 call nips(4h om,4hvb go to 2 continue call nips(4h pn,4hbi call nips(4h pn,4hb2 if (lp.eq.0) go to 2 call nips(4h pn.4hb3 call nips(4h omp,4h go to 2 continue call nips(4h fl,4hbi call .nips(4h fl,4hb2 if,(Ip.eq.0) go to 2 call nips(4h fl,4hb3 call nips(4h om,4hfb continue call nips(4h pn,4hti call nips(4h pn,4ht2 if (Ip.eq.0) go to 3 call nips(4h pn,4ht3 call nips(4h omt,4h continue ,tdum,tb(2),ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,vbi(2) ,ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,vb2(2) ,ntcd,ierr,O) 4950 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 *61, 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 ,idum,vb3(2) ,ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,omvb(2),ntcd.lerr,0) ,tdum,pnbi(2),ntcd,ierr.0) ,idum,pnb2(2),ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,pnb3(2),ntcd,ierr,O) ,tdum,omp(2),ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,flbl(2),ntcd, err,0) ,idum,flb2(2),ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,flb3(2),ntcd,ierr,0) 0idum,omfb(2),ntcd,ierr,0) ,idum,pntl(2),ntcdierr.0) ,idum,pnt2(2),ntcd,lerr,0) ,idum,pnt3(2),ntcd,.err.0) ,idum,omt(2).ntcd,ierr,0) 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 8485 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 I Ij CD 97 call nips(4h al,4hbI ,idum,alb1(2) ntcd.ierr.0) 98 call nips(4h al,4hb2 ,idum,alb2(2),ntcd,ierr,O) 99 if (lp.eq.0) go to 4 100 call nips(4h al,4hb3 ,idum,alb3(2),ntcd,ierr,O) 101 call nips(4h oma,4h ,idum,oma(2),ntcd,ierr,0) 102 4 continue 103 tv,4hbl .idum,tvbl(2),ntcd,ierr.0) call nips(4h tv,4hb2 104 call nips(4h ,idum,tvb2(2),ntcd.ierr,O) 105 if (Ip.eq.0) go to 5 106 call nips(4h tv,4hb3 .idum,tvb3(2).ntcd. err.O0) call nips(4h omv,4h 107 ,idum,omv(2),ntcd.ierr,0) 5 continue 108 109 call nips(4h tl,4hbi ,idum,tlbi(2),ntcd.ierr,O0) 110 call nips(4h tl ,4hb2 .idum,tlb2(2).ntcd,ierr.0) 111 if (lp.eq.0) go to 6 112 tl,4hb3 ,idum,tlb3(2).ntcd,ierr,O) call nips(4h 113 call nips(4h oml,4h ,idum,oml(2),ntcd, err,O) 114 6 continue 115, call nips(4h hn,4hw 1 .idum,hnwi(2),ntcd,lerr.0) 116 call nips(4h hn.4hw2 ,idum,hnw2(2),ntcd,ierr.0) 117 if (lp.eq.0) go to 7 hn,4hw3 118 call nips(4h ,idum,hnw3(2),ntcd,ierr,O) 119 call nips(4h omh.4h ,idum,omh(2),ntcd, err,O) 120 7 continue 121 if(itbc.eq.0) go to 225 122 ,idum,tbc(1),ltbc,ierr,0) call nips(4h tb,4hc 123 itbcmi = itbc - 1 124 tbmax = tsr 125 do 22 1 = 1,itbcml,2 126 tbmax = tbmax + tbc(i)*tbc(i+l) 127 22 continue 128 225 continue 129 C 130 if (nres.eq.1) go to 23 131 read(7.1003)nrow.pitch,d.e 132 write(8,1003)nrow,pitch,d,e 133 call reduml(n,dz,tcan,shape,sppd.ppp,lplnm,ncan,nn.npin, 134 ad,apu,dil,radr.thc, 135 go to 24 136 137 23 continue 138 c 139 call nips(4h n,4h ,n(1),rdum, 19.ierr,1) 140 call nips(4h dz.4h ,Idum,dz(1).ni,ierr.0) 141 call nips(4h tc,4han .Idum,tcan(1),ni,lerr,0) 142 call nips(4h sh,4hape .Idum,shape(1),nn. ierr.0) call nips(4h sp,4hpd ,idum,sppd(1),nn,ierr.0) 143 144 call nips(4h ppp.4h ,Idum,ppp(1),npin.ierr,O) 9798 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ,lplnm(1),rduT,ni,ierr,1) call nips(4h Ipl,4hnm 145 24 continue 146 147 c Imax=ntcd + 2 148 do 25 ko=l,nn 149 qsi(ko) = (4.*d/(pitch - d))**2 150 25 continue 151 152 c povd a pitch/d 153 pod2 = povd*povd 154 d4 = 4./d 155 r = -16.15 + 24.96*povd - 8.55*povd*povd 156 1.57 c = dz(i) dzi(i) 158 do 111 i - 159 dzl(i) = (dz(i) + dz(i-1))/2.0 160 111 continue 161 162 c al = dsqrt(3.OdO)/2.0 163, a2 = 3.1415927/4.0 164 w = pitch - d 165 . 16r c x = (pitch*pitch*al - (d*d + w*w)*a2)/a2/d . 167 168 xi = 4.0/x xix = x/ai/pitch*6. 169 170 c do 8 j = 1,njml 171 do 8 1 = 1,ni 172 ko = (J-I)*ni + 1 173 dh(ko) = x 174 dv(ko) m xi 175. 8 continue 176 dr5(1) = xix*(n(1) - 1)*d*a2 177 178 c do 9 j = 2,njmi 179 180 c n41 = n(j) - 1 181 n42 = n(j-1) - 1 182 ,dn4 = n41*n41 - n42*n42 183 dr4(j) = dn4*x*a2*d*3.0 184 dr5(j) = xix*d*a2*n41 185 dr6(j) = dr4(j)/1.5/(n41 +n42)/w 186 187 c nx = n(j) - n(J-1) 188 nxl = 2*n41 189 nx2 = (2*n42 + nx)*nx 190 dnxi = nxl 191 drl(j) = dnxi/nx2/pitch/al 192 145146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157. 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180' 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 Ao C 193 194 195 196 c 197 198 199 200 c 201 202 203 204 c 205 206 207 208 c 209 210 211, 212 213 214, 215 216 217 218 c 219 220 221 222 223224 c 225 226 227 228 229 230 C 231 232 233 234 235 236 c 237 238 239 240 dr2(j) dro(J) 9 continue = 2.0*n42/nx2/pitch/al = pitch*al*nx dn4 = (n(1) - 1)*(n(1) - 1) dr4(1) = dn4*x*a2*d*3.0 dr6(1) = dr4(1)/1.5/(n(i) - i)/w drl(1) = 2.0/pitch/ai/(n(1)-1) dr2(1) = 0.0 dro(1) = pitch*al*(n(1)-1) bi = (n(njml) + nrow - 2) b2 = (nrow - n(njmil)) b3 = (nrow - 1) xx = bl*b2/2.0 + b3/2.0 + 1.0/6.0 pt = b3*pitch + (d/2.0 + e)/al + a2*d*xx*4.0 ac = (bl*pitch + (d/2.0 + e)/al)*(b2*ptch*al + d/2.0 + e)* 0.50 - a2*(d*d + e*e)*xx * y = 4.0*ac/pt pp = a2*d*xx*4.0 yy = pp/ac arm = (one - a2/al*(d*d + w*w)/(pitch*pitch))* (n(njml) - 1)*pitch * drl(nj) dr2(nj) dro(nj) dr4(nj) acov = = zero = arm/ac = b2*pitch + d/2.0 + e = ac*6.0 (b3*pitch + (d/2.0 + e)/al)/ac do 10 1 = 1,ni ko = njml*nt + I dh(ko) = y dv(ko) = yy 10 continue dr3(nj) = dr6(nj) = do 11 j = dr3(j) 11 continue radfu radcl ncld drf dro(nj) dr4(nj)/i.5/(n(njml) -1)/w 1.njml = (dro(j) + dro(j+l))/2.0 radr - thg - the radfu + thg npin - ncc radfu/ncf 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205. 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 I #I 241 242 243 c 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 c 257 258 c 259, 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 274272 273 274 c 275 276 c 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 c 286 c 287 c 288 c drc tafp = thc/ncld = radfu*radfu/d rad(1) = zero do 14 k = 1.ncf rad(k+1) = rad(k) + drf 14 continue rad(ng+I) = rad(ng) + thg do 15 k = nccnpml rad(k+1) = rad(k) + drc 15 continue do 16 k = 1.npmi if( rodr(k) - (rad(k+i ) + rad(k))/2.0 if( rodr(k) - (rad(k+1 )+rad(k))/(rad(k+I)-rad(k))/2.0 16 continue call inecho(nrow.pitch,d,e,ad,apu,dil.thc,thg,lsstinit,lp) vm(1) - zero vp(1) = drf*drf/8.0 rm = (radr + rad(npml))/2.0 vm(npin) = (radr*radr + w*w/4.0- rm*rm)/2.0 vp(npin) = zero do 17 k = 2,npml rp = (rad(k+1) + rad(k))/2.0 rm = (rad(k) + rad(k-1))/2.0 vp(k) = (rp*rp -rad(k)*rad(k))/2.0 vm(k) - (rad(k)*rad(k) - rm*rm)/2.0 17 continue if(nres.eq.1) go to 18 call redum2(,p,alfauvz,ulz,uvr,ulr,tr,tcantw,nn, *,nj,npin,tinit,lss) go to 20 18 continue read(5.tres) qpp = hnw2(2)*radfu*radfu/radr/2.0 call stead(pin,pout.tin,tav,qpp,p,tv,tl,uvz,ulz.uvr.ulr, * alfa,twtr.dtr,dh,dv,nn,np,ntr.npin.npml) write(8,1003)nrow.pitch.d.e call redum3(n,dz,tcan,shape.sppd.ppplplnm,ncan.nn,npin, * ad.apu,dil,radr,thc,thg,ni) 20 continue computes the time step limitation imposed when the explicit radial heat conduction option is utilized 241242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253. 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 W / 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 N if( return drmin = dr6(1) do 37 1 = 2,nj 37 drmln = dminl(drmin,dr6(i)) drmin = drmin*drmin/dmaxl(rnusli,rnusl2)*1.8623d+03 dtmax = dminl(dtmax.drmin) return 1003 format(15,3d15.9) end 289290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 o cx) 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316, 317 318 . 319 c 320 c 321 c 322 c 323 c 324 c 325 c 326 c 327 328. 329 330 -c 331 332 333 334 335 c 336 c 337 c 338 339 340 341 . 342 343 c 344 345 subroutine ws(po,tvo,tlo.alfao,alfazaalfar.rhov, rhol.rhovz.rholz,rhovr,rholr.hv,hl, uvzo.ulzo.uvroulro, wev.wel.,wz3.wz4.wz5.wz6,wz7.wz8,wz9, wzlO.wzli,wr3,wr4,wr5.wr6,wr7,wr8,wr9. wrlO,wril.dh,dv,qsi,sppd,gamo,nn) implicit real*8 (a-h.o-z) common /dim/ dz(150).dzl(150)dro(1 50),drdri(150),dr2(150),dr3(150) * dr4(150),dr5(150).dr6(150),ni.nj.nimi.nim2.nJml.nni, * nnj,nnJJ common /tempo/ time.dt.dto,dtls,sprint,ndt,nres common /number/,small common /flbdry/ fbftr(20).explm(20),expvm(20) dimension po(nn).tvo(nn).tlo(nn).alfao(nn).alfaz(nn). * alfar(nn),rhov(nn),rhol(nn),rhovz(nn),rholz(nn). * rhovr(nn),rholr(nn).hv(nn),hl(nn).uvzo(nn). * ulzo(nn),uvro(nn),ulro(nn)wev(nn).wel(nn), * wz3(nn),wz4(nn),wz5(nn),wz6(nn,wz7(, nn).wz(nn). * wz9(nn).wz10(nn),wzll(nn).wr3(nn).wr4(nn), * wr5(nn),wr6(nn), (nn)nn)wr8(nn),wr9(nn).wrlO(nn). * wrtl(nn),dh(nn),dv(nn),qsi(nn),sppd(nn),gamo(nn) * * * * * subroutine ws complete the evaluation of the explicit terms involved in the solution of the problem stated with subroutine donor. here are set the terms containing the time Increment is written separately from subroutine donor in order to allow a change in the value of dt when the problrm does not converge with the previous dt.(see next coment in this subroutine.) do 3 jo a 1,nj do 3 io - 2,ni ko = (jo-1)*ni+io wwzl wwz2 wwrl wwr2 a alfaz(ko)*rhovz(ko) a (one - alfaz(ko))*rholz(ko) - alfar(ko)*rhovr(ko) = (one - alfar(ko))*rholr(ko) calculate the interfacial and wall * * * * friction terms call coeff(tvo(ko).tlo(ko).uvzo(ko).uvro(ko).ulzo(ko).ulro(ko). alfaz(ko),alfar(ko),rhovz(ko).rhovr(ko). rholz(ko),rholr(ko).dh(ko),dv(ko).qsi(ko). sppd(ko).wwzl,wwz2,wwri.wwr2, fvz,flz,fvr,flrciz,clr) * wev(ko) * -(rhov(ko)*hv(ko)+po(ko))*alfao(ko)/dt wel(ko) = -(rhol(ko)*hl(ko)+po(ko))*(one-alfao(ko))/dt 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3637 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 0 346 c 347 348 c 349 c 350 c 351 c 352 c 353 c 354 c 355 c 356 c 357 c 358 c 359 c 360 361 362 363 364 365 c 366 , 367 368 369 370 c 371 372 373 374 375 376.c 377 378 c 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 c 388 389 390 391 392 393 If( go to 1 since the program allows a change in the value of the time increment dt,even if the time step is not completed,we put a check here to know if such a change did occur (in this case ndt would be different than zero) In case the test be true,we subtract the terms which have the old dt and add them back with the new value of dt. here we have added the effects of mass exchange on the interfacial momentum exchange coefficient. We assume the interfacial velocity is given by ui = eta*uv + (1 - eta)*ul where 0 < eta < 1 eta = 0.5 wz4(ko) = wz6(ko) = wr4(ko) = wr6(ko) = clz clz cir cdr + + - eta*gamo(ko) (i. - eta)*gamo(ko) eta*gamo(ko) (1. - eta)*gamo(ko) wz3(ko) wz5(ko) wr3(ko) wr5(ko) = = = = wz4(ko) wz6(ko) wr4(ko) wr6(ko) + + + + alfaz(ko)*rhovz(ko)/dt + fvz (one-alfaz(ko))*rholz(ko)/dt + flz alfar(ko)*rhovr(ko)/dt +.fvr (one-alfar(ko))*rholr(ko)/dt + flr wz7(ko) wz8(ko) wr7(ko) wr8(ko) go to 2 = = = = wz7(ko) wz8(ko) wr7(ko) wr8(ko) - uvzo(ko)/dt*alfaz(ko)*rhovz(ko) ulzo(ko)/dt*(one-alfaz(ko))*rholz(ko) uvro(ko)/dt*alfar(ko)*rhovr(ko) ulro(ko)/dt*(one-alfar(ko))*rholr(ko) 1 dtc = one/dto - one/dt wz7(ko) wz8(ko) wr7(ko) wr8(ko) wz3(ko) wz5,(ko) wr3(ko) wr5(ko) = = = = = = = = uvzo(ko)*alfaz(ko)*rhovz(ko)*dtc + wz7(ko) ulzo(ko)*(one-alfaz(ko))*rholz(ko)*dtc + wz8(ko) uvro(ko)*alfar(ko)*rhovr(ko)*dtc + wr7(ko) ulro(ko)*(one-alfar(ko))*rholr(ko)*dtc + wr8(ko) wz3(ko) - alfaz(ko)*rhovz(ko)*dtc wz5(ko) - (one-alfaz(ko))*rholz(ko)*dtc wr3(ko) - alfar(ko)*rhovr(ko)*dtc wr5(ko) - (one-alfar(ko))*rholr(ko)*dtc 2 continue wzll(ko) = wz3(ko)*wz5(ko)-wz4(ko)*wz6(ko) wzlO(ko) = -(alfaz(ko)*wz6(ko)+(one-alfaz(ko))*wz3(ko))/ / dzl(io)/wz11(ko) wz9(ko) = -(alfaz(ko)*wz5(ko)+(one-alfaz(ko))*wz4(ko))/ / dzi(to)/wzi1(ko) 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 N) 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 3 continue c c c radial direction equations do 4 jo a 1,njmi do 4 io a 2,niml ko = (jo-1)*ni + io c wrll(ko) = wr3(ko)*wr5(ko) - wr4(ko)*wr6(ko) wrlO(ko) = -(alfar(ko)*wr6(ko)+(one-alfar(ko))*wr3(ko))/ dr3(jo)/wrll(ko) / wr9(ko) - -(alfar(ko)*wr5(ko)+(oneralfar(ko))*wr4(ko))/ / dr3(Jo)/wrii(ko) 4 continue c c c c c these terms are only used for the flow boundary condition they are the explicit terms of the non-discretized liquid and vapor momentum equations do 5 i - 1.nj ko - (i-1)*ni +.2 explm(i) - -(wz7(ko)*wz6(ko) + wz3(ko)*wz8(ko))/wzll(ko) expvm(i) - -(wz7(ko)*wz5(ko) + wz4(ko)*wz8(ko))/wz11(ko) 5 continue return end 9798 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109. 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 H W 420 421 422 c 423 c 424 c 425 c 426 c 427 c 428 c 429 c 430 c 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 c 438, 439 440 . 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450. 451 452453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 * subroutine qcond(t1,tc,tcn,tr,all.alp,alr,qici,qic2, indl,numr) this subroutine calculates the radial heat transfer between cells. If vapor is present in a cell, no heat transfer is assumed. Both a partially Implicit and a full explicit calculation is possible. qici = qic2 = heat transfered per unit volume the derivative of qici with respect to tl implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /dim/ dz(150).dzl(150).dro(150),dri(150),dr2(150).dr3(150). dr4(150).dr5(150).dr6(150).ni,njntml,nim2,nJmlnni, * nnj,nnjj * common /nussy/ rnusli,rnusl2 common /number/ zero,one,big,small 10 30 40 50 qici = zero qic2 = zero rnui = dabs(rnusli) ti = tc ti = ten If(indl.eq.1) if(numr.eq.nj) go to 50 go to 30 if( continue if( return call htran(tc,tr.h,rnul.1,2) qic2 = -onesdr5(1)*h/dr4(i) qicl = qic2*(ti - tr) return continue if( return if( go to 40 call htran(tc,tl.h,rnul,numr,(numr-1)) qic2 = -one*dr5(numr - 1)*h/dr4(numr) qici = qic2*(ti - tl) continue if( return if( rnul = dabs(rnusl2) call htran(tc,tr.h.rnul,numr,(numr + 1)) qic2 = qic2 - h*dr5(numr)/dr4(numr) qici = qici + h*dr5(numr)*(tr - ti)/dr4(numr) return continue if( return rnu2 = dabs(rnusl2) call htran(tc,tl,h,rnu2,nj.njml) 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 toc 468 469 470 471 qlc2 = -one*dr5(njml)*h/dr4(nj) qict * qic2*(ti - tl) return end 4950 51 52 52 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 subroutine htran(ti.t2.h,rnu,nui,nu2) c c c c this subroutine calculates the intercell heat transfer coefficient for subroutine qcond implicit real*8 (a-ho-z) common /dim/ dz(150),dzl(150),dro(150),drl(150),dr2(150),dr3(150), * dr4(150),dr5(15 (15,dr6(150),ni,nnim,nim2nmnni * nnj,nnjJ c convi = condl(tl)/dr6(nul) conv2 = condl(t2)/dr6(nu2) c h = 2.*rnu*conv*conv2/(convi + conv2) return end . I2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 0 488 489 490 c 491 c 492 c 493 c 494 c 495 c 496 497 498 499 500 501' 502 503 504 505 506, 507 508 509, 510 511 c 512 513 514 515 516 517 518. 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 *526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 * subroutine bc(p,tv,tl,alfa,alfaz.rhov.z,rholz,uv,ul.wz9,wzlO, time,itbd,nn) this subroutine calculates the boundary conditions as a function of time. The inlet boundary condtion indicator, itbd, can be either -1,0.1 to indicate a velocity, pressure, or flow boundary condition at the inlet. implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /bcx/ ulo ,pnbl(51),pnb2(51),pnb3(51),omp(51) , common /bcond/ tb(51) * pntl(51).pnt2(51).pnt3(51),omt(51) ,albl(51), alb2(51),alb3(51),oma(51) ,tvbl(51).tvb2(51). * tvb3(51),omv(51) ,tlbl(51).tlb2(5i),tlb3(5i), * oml(51) ,hnwi(51),hnw2(51).hnw3(51),omh(51) , * vbl(51) ,vb2(51) ,vb3(51) ,omvb(51),flbi(51), * flb2(51) ,flb3(51) ,omfb(51),lmax,lp * common /dim/ dz(150),dzi(150).dro(150),dri(150),dr2(150).dr3(150), dr4(150),dr5(150),dr6(150),ni,nj,niml,nim2,njml.nni, * nnj,nnjj * common /flbdry/,explm(20),expvm(20) dimension p(nn),tv(nn).tl(nn),alfa(nn),alfaz(nn),rholz(nn), * rhovz(nn).uv(nn),ul(nn),wz9(nn),wz40(nn) • 1 a 2 1 continue if(time.le.tb(l)) go to 2 1 = 1 + 1 if( return go to 1 2 continue dtime = time - tb(l-1) if(itbd) 3.5,7 3 continue vb = vbt(l)*dtime + vb2(l) If(lp.eq.1) vb = dexp(omvb(l)*dtime)*vb + vb3(1) do 4 j = 1,(nn-nimi),ni ul(j) = vb uv(j) = vb 4 continue go to 100 5 continue pnb a pnbi(l)*dtime + pnb2(1) if(lp.eq.1) pnb = dexp(omp(l)*dtime)*pnb + pnb3(1) do 6 j = 1,(nn-niml),ni p(j) = pnb 6 go to 100 7 continue . 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 3G 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 a N) H { flb = flbl(1)*dtime + flb2(1) 536 if(lp.eq.1) flb = dexp(omfb(1)*dtime)*flb + flb3(1) 537 fbftrl = O.dO 538 fbftr2 = O.dO 539 do 8 j = t,nJ 540 ko = (J-i)*ni + 2 541 fbftr(J).= dr4(j)*((1.dO-alfa(ko))*rholz(ko)*wzlO(ko) + 542. alfa(ko)*rhovz(ko)*wz9(ko)) + 543 fbftrl = fbftrl + fbftr(j) 544 fbftr2 = fbftr2 + dr4(J)*((1.dO-alfa(ko))*rholz(ko)* 545 explm(j) + alfa(ko)*rhovz(ko)*expvm(j)) * 546 8 continue 547 fib = (fbftr2 - flb)/fbftrl 548 do 9 j = 1,nj 549 ko = (j-1)*ni + 2 550 fbftr(j) = -fbftr(j)/fbftri 551 fib = flb - fbftr(j)*p(ko) 552 553 9 continue ,nj do 10 J = 554, ko = (J-1)*ni + 1 555 p(ko) = flb 556 . 10 continue 557, 100 continue 558 pnt = pntl(l)*dtime + pnt2(1) 559 alb = albl(i)*dtime + alb2(1) 560 tvb = tvbl(1)*dtime + tvb2(1) 561 tib = tlbl(l)*dtime + tlb2(l) 562 if(lp.eq.0) go to 11 563 564 c pnt = dexp(omt(l)*dtime)*pnt + pnt3(l) 565 alb = dexp(oma(])*dtime)*alb + alb3(1) 566. tvb = dexp(omv(1)*dtime)*tvb + tvb3(1) 567 tlb = dexp(oml(1)*dtlme)*tlb + tlb3(l) 568 569 c 11 continue 570 do 12 j = ni,nn,ni 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 ko = j - nimi p(J) ,alfa(ko) tv(ko) tl(ko) 12 continue return end = = = = pnt alb tvb tlb 4950 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61. 62 63 64 65 66 67 .68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 . 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 c 595 c 596 c 597 c 598,c 599 c 600 a 601, d 602 c 603 c 604 c 605 c 606 607 608 609 c 610. 611 612 613 c 614 c 615 c 616 617 618 619 620 621 c 622 c 623 c 624 625 626 627 subroutine noneq(alfao,alfa,tv,tl,p,rhov,rhol,ts,s,iflag) implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) common /error/ ierr common /number/ zero,one,big,small common /pd/ d4,pod2 common /dryout/ alpdry dimension s(5,2) data an,rgas /6.d-04,2.09882d-02/.half /0.50dO/ data ai,bl /12020.0,21.9358/ data pi,sr3,cadry.adry /3.141592654,3.464101616,0.043,0.957/ data hO,hi /5.089d+06.-.O143d+04/ data rnu /10.0/ data hlO.hli,hl2.hl3 /-6.75075d+04,1.63014d+03, * -.416720.1.54272d-04/ 14 subroutine noneq calculates the mass and energy exchange rates and its derivatives. rgas = square root of gas constant for sodium over 2*pi pod2 a pitch to diameter ratio squared s(t, s(2, s(3, s(4, s(5, ) ) ) ) ) exchange rate - d/dtv a d/dtl = d/dp * d/dalfa i2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13. s( s( ax = alfa if( ax * 1.e-4 if( ax = 0.9999 xx - one/(sr3*pod2 - pi) ann = an*an*d4*d4*pi*xx/12. if( go to 10 incipient boiling area = 3.*ax/an darda = 3./an go ,to 60 10 continue if( go to 20 bubbly flow correlation area - d4*dsqrt(3.*pi*xx*ax) O0.5*d4*dsqrt(3.*pi*xx)/dsqrt(ax) darda go to 60 20 continue ,1) - mass .2) - energy 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 628 629 c 630 c 631 c 632 633 634 c 635 636 637 638 c 639 640 641 642 643 c 644 c 645 c 646 647 648 , 649 ' 650 651 c 652 c 653 c 654 655 656 657 658. 659 660 c 661 662 663 664 665 666 c 667 668 c 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 if( go to 30 slug/churn flow transition arl = d4*dsqrt(3.*pi*xx*ax) dardal = 0.5*d4*dsqrt(3.*pi*xx)/dsqrt(ax) ar3 = sr3*pi*pod2*xx*xx - pt*ax*xx ar2 = d4*dsqrt(ar3) darda2 = -0.5*d4/dsqrt(ar3)*pi*xx call poly(arl,dardal,ar2,darda2,area,darda,alfa) go to 60 30 continue if( go to 40 annular flow correlation arl = sr3*pi*pod2*xx*xx - pi*ax*xx area = d4*dsqrt(arl) darda = -0.5*d4/dsqrt(arl)*pI*xx go to 60 40 continue dryout correlation arl = area = dardal = darda2 = darda = 60 continue sr3*pi*pod2*xx*xx - pi*ax*xx d4*dsqrt(arl)*dsqrt(l. - ax)*4.822 -2.411*d4/dsqrt(arl)*pi*xx*dsqrt(1. -2.411*d4*dsqrt(ari)/dsqrt(1. - ax) dardal + darda2 ts hlg ftr pstl srts = = = = = coef = rgas*ftr/(i.0 - O.5*ftr) sat(p) hl*ts + hO 0.1 dexp(bl -al/tl) dsqrt(ts) ce = 0.0 cc = 0.0 if(alfa.eq.0.0) go to 70 if( go to 85 If( ce = 1.0 if(tl.le.ts) cc = 1.0 go to 80 ax) • 4950 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ro co v 676 677 678 679 c 680 c 681 c 682' 683 684 685 c 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694, 695 696 c 697 698 c 699 700 701 702 c 703 704 705 706. 707 708 709 c 710 c 711 c 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 70 continue if( ce * 80 continue 1.0 mass exchange rate cel = (pstl - p)/srts ce2 = area*coef*(ce + cc) ddp a dtsdp(p) s(1.1) = cei*ce2 s(2.1) = 0.0 s(3.1) = ce2*al*pstl/ti/tl/srts = -ce2*(0.5*cel*ddp/ts + 1./srts) s(4.,) s(5.1) = darda*coef*(ce + cc)*cel go to 87 85 continue if(,ts) ce - 1.0 If(tv.le.ts) cc a 0.01 pstv = dexp(bl - al/tv) mass exchange rate cel = (pstv - p)/srts ce2 = area*coef*(ce + cc) ddp = dtsdp(p) s(1,1) = s(2,1) = s(3,1) a s(4.1) = s(5,1) = 87 continue cel*ce2 ce2*ai*pstv/tv/tv/srts 0.0 -ce2*(0.5*cel*ddp/ts + 1./srts) darda*coef*(ce + cc)*cei energy exchange rate u = condl(tv)*rnu*d4 ((hl3*ts + h12)*ts + hli)*ts + hO hi a hi + hlig hv, dhldp - ((3.*h13*ts + 2.*h12)*ts + hli)*ddp dhvdp = dhldp + hI*ddp if( go to 90 s(1,2) = s(1.,)*hv + area*u*(ts - tv) s(2,2) = s(2,1)*hv - u*area s(3,2) = s(3,i)*hv s(4,2) - s(4,1)*hv + s(1.1)*dhvdp + area*u*ddp s(5.2) = s(5,1)*hv + darda*u*(ts - tv) return 9798 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109. 110 1I1 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 %q 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 90 continue u = s(1,2) = s(2,2) = s(3.2) = s(4,2) = s(5.2) = return end condv(tl)*rnu*d4 s(1,1)*hl + area*u*(t) - ts) s(2,1)*hl s(3.1)*hl + area*u s(4,1)*hl + s(1,1)*dhldp - area*u*ddp s(5,1)*hl + darda*u*(tl - ts) 145146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 a .4 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 c c c c subroutine poly(one,two,three,four,area,darda.alfa) this subroutine performs a polynomial fit for the area and the the derivative of the area in the bubbly/annular flow transition Implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) a =a one two b c = 3*(three - one) - four - 2.*two d = four +two + 2*(one - three) c x = 10.*(alfa - .55) c area - a +b*x + c*x*x + d*x*x*x darda * b + 2.*c*x + 3.*d*x*x c return end 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13. 14 15 16 17 I 751 subroutine direct(al,a2,a3,a4,,zi.z2.z3.z4,bbb. aaa,xl,dpbd,itbd,nbandi,nband2,ndds) 752 * 753 implicit real*8 (a-h,o-z) 754 common /number/ zero,one,big,small 755 common /gauss/ nznr,nzmi 756 common /error/ ierr 757 common /cntrl/ epsi.eps2,res,itl,it2,it3.itmi.imttm2,igauss,indgs 758 common /flbdry/ fbftr(20),explm(20),expvm(20) 759 dimension al(nc).a2(nc).a3(nc),a4(nc),f(nc),x(nc), xl(nddsnband2).zl(ndds),z2(ndds),z3(ndds), * 760 z4(ndds),bbb(ndds).aaa(ndds,nbandi) 761 * 762 c 763 dpbd = zero 764 10 continue 765 c 766 c this subroutine solves the pressure problem by use of a direct solution, using library subroutine leqtlb. 767 c 768 c 769, c rearrange numbering of cells to minimize the 770 c bandwidth. 771 c 772 do 30 J=l,nr 773 do 20 I=i,nz 774 c 775 incl = nr*(i-1) + J 776 inc2 = nz*(J-1) + 1 777 c 778 z1i(nci) = al(Inc2) 779 z2(incl) = a2(inc2) 780 z3(incl) = a3(inc2) 781' z4(incl) = a4(inc2) 782 bbb(incl) = f(inc2) 783 'c 784 20 continue 785 30 continue 786 c 787 if( go to 36 788 do 35 1 = 1,(ndds-1) 789 ,ko = ndds + 1 - i 790 zl(ko) - zl(ko - 1) 791 z2(ko) = z2(ko - 1) 792 z3(ko) = z3(ko - 1) 793 z4(ko) = z4(ko - 1) 794 bbb(ko) = bbb(ko - 1) 795 35 continue 796 zi(1) = zero 797 z2(1) = zero 798 z3(1) = zero 4. 12 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13* 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24" 25 26 27 28 29" 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 it41 799 800 801 802 c 803 c 804 C 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 c 814 c 815 c 816 817, 818 819 : 820 821 c 822 c 823 c 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 c 831 c 832 c 833 834 835 836 ' 837 838 839 840 c 841 c 842 c 843 c 844 c 845 846 z4(1) = zero bbb(1) = zero 36 continue set values for ier ijob n nlc nuc ia ib m . input data = O 0 = ndds Inr - nic - ndds = ndds = 1 a set up matrix aaa JO ji j2 j3 j4 = nr + 1 1 - nr = nr + 2 = 2*nr + 1 = initialize matrix aaa to zero nband a 2*nr + 1 do 50 j a 1,ndds do 40 k a 1,nband aaa(j.k) a zero 40 continue 50 continue input band components do 60 1 a 1,ndds aaa(i.ji) a z2(i) aaa(i.j2) a zi(i) aaa(i.j3) a z4(i) ,aaa(I.j4) - z3(t) aaa(i.JO) a one 60 continue for a flow boundary condition, it is necessary to add an additional equation to the pressure field matrix, in order to update the boundary pressure if( go to 70 do 63 j a 1,nr * 4950 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61. 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84' 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 ru 847 aaa(i.(nband2+j)) = fbftr(J) 848 63 continue 849 do 68 J = 2,nr 850 nbi = (2-j) + nr 851 aaa(j,nbl) = aaa(j,1) 852 aaa(j,1) = O.OdO 853 68 continue 854 70 continue 855 c 856 c at this point a call to the library subroutine 857 c leqtlb is made 858 c 859 call leqtlb(aaa,n,nlc.nuc,ia,bbb,m,ib.ijob,xlier) 860 c 861 c check the results 862 c 863 if (ier.eq.129) ierr - 1 864 c 865 if( go to 90 866 dpbd = bbb(1) 867. do 80 i = 2,ndds 868' bbb(i-i) = bbb(i) 869 80 continue 870 90 continue 871 c 872 c now convert back the results to the old numbering scheme 873 c 874 do 110 j - 1,nr 875 do 100 i = 1,nz 876 c 877 inci = nr*(i - 1) + j 878 inc2 = nz*(j - i) + 1 879. c 880 x(inc2) - bbb(incl) 881 100 continue 882 110 continue 883 res = O.OdO 884 1 do 120 1 = 1,nc 885 ,xx = dabs(x(l)) 886 if( res - xx 887 120 continue 888 return 889 end 04 4. * 9798 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 10% 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 rN 4=