Graduate School of Social Work Old Course Number New Course Number Title SW047 SCWK1047 Leadership and Social Transformation Equivalent SW048 SCWK1048 Social Change:Fin Mgmt&Resource Development Equiv SW049 SCWK1049 Social Innovation Equivalent SW050 SCWK1050 Spanish for Social Workers SW051 SCWK1051 Social Work Elective Equivalent SW052 SCWK1061 Social Work Elective Equivalent SW053 SCWK1071 Social Work Elective Equivalent SW600 SCWK6600 Introduction to Social Work SW701 SCWK7701 The Social Welfare System SW702 SCWK7702 Social Policy Analysis SW719 SCWK7719 Independent Study:International Policy SW721 SCWK7721 Human Behavior and the Social Environment SW722 SCWK7722 Psychosocial Pathology SW723 SCWK7723 Diversity and Cross-­‐Cultural Issues SW703 SCWK7724 Neurobiology of Stress & Resilience Life Course SW725 SCWK7725 Families Impacted by Military Service SW726 SCWK7726 Neuroscience of Human Relationships&Development SW727 SCWK7727 Substance Abuse: Alcohol and Other Drugs SW728 SCWK7728 Global Perspectives on Gender Inequalities SW743 SCWK7729 Public Health Social Work SW730 SCWK7730 Philanthropy in Biography and Society SW732 SCWK7732 Authority & Leadership in Professional Life SW733 SCWK7733 Working with LGBTQ Youth,Families&Adults SW734 SCWK7734 Seminar:Leadership and Social Justice SW747 SCWK7747 Research Methods in Social Work Practice SW762 SCWK7762 Basic Skills in Clinical Social Work Practice SW789 SCWK7789 Global Practice Concentration Group Indep Study SW794 SCWK7794 Immigrant and Refugee Issues SW797 SCWK7797 Frameworks and Tools for Global Practice SW798 SCWK7798 Human Services in Developing Countries SW799 SCWK7799 Independent Study: Practice Sequence SW800 SCWK8800 Basic Skills in Macro Practice SW802 SCWK8802 Aging Policy: Issues&Options SW805 SCWK8805 Policy Issues in Family and Children's Services SW806 SCWK8806 Global Policy Issues&Implications SW808 SCWK8808 Legal Aspects of Social Work SW812 SCWK8812 Child&Family Welfare Services/Trans Soc:Romania SW813 SCWK8813 Comparative Policy Analysis & Field Exper SW816 SCWK8816 Supervision and Staff Management SW817 SCWK8817 Health&Mental Health Policy SW818 SW819 SW822 SW823 SW824 SW827 SW829 SW831 SW833 SW835 SW836 SW839 SW841 SW849 SW850 SW851 SW855 SW856 SW858 SW859 SW860 SW862 SW863 SW864 SW865 SW868 SW869 SW870 SW871 SW872 SW873 SW874 SW876 SW877 SW878 SW880 SW881 SW884 SW885 SW886 SW888 SW889 SCWK8818 SCWK8819 SCWK8822 SCWK8823 SCWK8824 SCWK8827 SCWK8829 SCWK8831 SCWK8833 SCWK8835 SCWK8836 SCWK8839 SCWK8841 SCWK8849 SCWK8850 SCWK8851 SCWK8855 SCWK8856 SCWK8858 SCWK8859 SCWK8860 SCWK8862 SCWK8863 SCWK8864 SCWK8865 SCWK8868 SCWK8869 SCWK8870 SCWK8871 SCWK8872 SCWK8873 SCWK8874 SCWK8876 SCWK8877 SCWK8878 SCWK8880 SCWK8881 SCWK8884 SCWK8885 SCWK8886 SCWK8888 SCWK8889 Forensic Policy Issues for Social Workers SWPS Independent Study Impact Victimiz Ch/Ad Dev Practice:Older Adults/Health&Mental Health Setting Practice:Older Adults/Home&Community Settings Contemporary Psychodynamic Theories Sustainable Development&Responses/Global SW Dying,Grief and Bereavement Leadership and Social Transformation Veterans' Health and Mental Health Psychodynamic Theories of Individual Development HBSE Independent Study Program Evaluation Independent Study in Research Field Research:Independent Study Policy Analysis for Social Reform Clinical Practice with Children&Families Clinical Practice with Adults Clinical Practice in Schools Integrating Play in Therapeutic Settings Couples Therapy Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cross-­‐Cultural Social Work Group Therapy Family Therapy Dialectical Behavioral Therapy CSW Independent Study Clinical Social Work Group Independent Study Social Work Practice in the Prison Adv Clinical Interventions/Children,Youth&Families Psychosocial Dimemsions/Health&Medical Care Pract Adult Psychological Trauma:Assessment&Treatment Solution Focused Therapy Narrative Therapy Adolescent Mental Health Treatment Social Work Practice in Child Welfare School Social Work:Prog Development&ED Policies Strategic Planning/Public&Nonprofit Organizations Mgmt of Organizations:Children,Youth&Families Financial Mgmt&Resource Development Community Organizing&Political Strategy Social Innovation SW897 SW899 SW900 SW999 SW919 SW921 SW929 SW932 SW933 SW934 SW939 SW942 SW943 SW944 SW945 SW949 SW951 SW952 SW953 SW954 SW955 SW959 SW960 SW961 SW962 SW967 SW968 SW969 SW973 SW979 SW980 SW983 SW985 SW990 SW991 SW992 SW993 SW994 SW995 SW996 SW997 SW998 SCWK8897 SCWK8899 SCWK9900 SCWK9911 SCWK9919 SCWK9921 SCWK9929 SCWK9932 SCWK9933 SCWK9934 SCWK9939 SCWK9942 SCWK9943 SCWK9944 SCWK9945 SCWK9949 SCWK9951 SCWK9952 SCWK9953 SCWK9954 SCWK9955 SCWK9959 SCWK9960 SCWK9961 SCWK9962 SCWK9967 SCWK9968 SCWK9969 SCWK9973 SCWK9979 SCWK9980 SCWK9983 SCWK9985 SCWK9990 SCWK9991 SCWK9992 SCWK9993 SCWK9994 SCWK9995 SCWK9996 SCWK9997 SCWK9998 Planning for Health & Mental Health Services Macro Independent Study Field Education Transition Doctoral Continuation Field Education:Early Start Field Education I Field Continuation Field Education II CSW Field Education III CSW Field Education IV CSW Field Continuation-­‐CSW Field Education II Macro Field Education III Macro Field Education IV Macro Global Field Education Field Continuation-­‐Macro Survey of Res Methods/Social&Behavioral Science Tools for Scholarship/Social&Behavioral Sciences Cross Cultural Issues/Social&Behavioral Research Models of Social Work Intervention Research Qualitative Research Methods Doctoral Publishable Paper Writing Project Statistical Analysis/Social&Behavioral Research Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling Multilevel and Longitudinal Data Analysis Statistical Analyses for Social&Behvioral Research Multivariate Analysis and Statistical Modeling Qualitative Research Methods Theories and Research in Behavioral Sciences Advances in Family Theories&Research History and Philosophy of Social Welfare in U.S. International and Comparative Social Welfare Social Policy&Social Welfare:Intern'l Comp Persp Doctoral Independent Study Doctoral Teaching Practicum Theories&Methods:Teaching Professional Education Doctoral Research Internship Integrative Dissertation Seminar Dissertation Direction I Dissertation Direction II Dissertation Direction III Qualifying Exam Study