Boston College Biology Department College of Arts & Sciences

Boston College Biology Department
College of Arts & Sciences
Syllabus/Contract for Individually Arranged & Non-Scheduled Courses
(Undergraduate Research, Senior Thesis Research, etc.)
Student Name:
Class Year:
Instructor of Record (submits grade):
Primary Mentor (if different than instructor):
Location if NOT at Boston College:
(If research is not being done at Boston College, please answer supplemental
questions at end of form.)
Semester: Fall
(contract form should be submitted for each semester of Undergraduate Research)
Check as appropriate:
Undergraduate Research 1 or 2 (BIOL 4911/4912)
Advanced Undergraduate Research 1 or 2 (BIOL 4917/4918)
Senior Thesis Research 1 or 2 (BIOL 4951/4952)
Biology Honors Senior Thesis Research 1 or 2 (BIOL 4955/4953)
Undergraduate Research Investigations 1 or 2 (BIOL 4954/4914)
(off-campus research students – please answer supplemental questions)
Other (specify)
Please fill out the following sections as appropriate:
1. What work is the student expected to do for the course and approximately how many hours
are anticipated per week for this?
2. List key deadlines and nature of final project (if applicable).
3. Criteria for evaluating student performance:
4. Additional Comments:
Both student and instructor should sign to acknowledge agreement and understanding of the terms
NOTE: Signing this form acknowledges that the work for course credit cannot be part of paid
Student Signature
Faculty Signature
Off-Campus Research Supervisor:
Email Address:
If there is someone in the lab who plays a major role in the day-to-day mentoring of the student, please
provide his or her name and contact information:
Position (grad student/postdoc/research associate/fellow):
Email Address:
In addition to answering the above questions, students in off-campus labs should attach a
description of their research project.
Approval of Associate Chairperson: _____________________________________________