vxJ\ r en, <p 9 TIE ELECTROLYTIC PICKLING INT, DECi1918J OP STEEL. IJ'<~oz/ I iI yce 9zra•/ TABIE OF COJTENTTS. Introduction Attempts to Utilize Page 1 Liquors Theoryof Electrolytic Reed's Pickling Process Object of the Thesis Part 1 3 3 4 Miethodof Investigation 6 Proc edure 7 Data Part 2 9 2 11ethod of Investigation 16 Procedure 16 Discussion of Results 17 21 Data Appendix 22 Conclusion 24 Bibliography 25 After iron has been raised to the annealing temperature and thenr is cooled, it is foundto be covered with a coating of black iron oxide, e304, called "mill scale"'. or on heavy pieces it ia be may be only a very thin coating, as thick as This scale 1/32 of an inch, and is usually porous. The pick- ling of the steel, the removing of this scale, is a necessary -preliminaryto its treatment by any process which puts a coating of anyt'hing on the iron; i.e., the galvanizing of iron or the enamelling of iron being examples. As ordinarily carried out, the picI:ling is done by im- mersing te object to be ickled in a bath of sulphuric, hy- drochloric or hydrofluoric acid. Wen sulphuric acid is used, as is most generally the case, the bath should be boiling, and the acid should be an aqueous solution containing from 3 o acid. to The mill scale itself is not attacked by the acid, but the acid attacks the iron under the mill scale, generating hydrogen. The iron being dissolved from under the scale leaves it loose and in time it falls off, assisted by the pressure of the hydrogen generated between it and the pure iron surface. The time of pickling varies from about thirty minutes four houars, being proportional to the thickness of the scale and inversely as the strength of the acid. be very pure or the time to twenty- The acid used must of pickling is very much prolonged. The presence of arsenic or another acid, such as hydrochloric acid, in the pickle has a very retarding effect.* It is easily seen that the method of pickling cribed is very eensive; just des- rmuch good iron and acid are used to form a product, FeSO4 , which is practically worthless. The scale is not attacked by the acid, but pushed off by brute force; the force being bought at a very high price by the action of acid on iron. Not all of the scale is of equal thick- ness, so one part of the surface is clean and dissolving rapidly in the acid, while scale. the other part is still covered with It has been found that a voltage of 0.12 volts, tend- ing to make the iron go into solution, exists between iron and the scale in a bath of sulphuric acid.** Thus more iron is dissolved due to the electrolytic cell formed. The ideal pick- ling would be by forming a bath which would dissolve only the scale; but probably such a solvent will never be invented. Many attempts have been made to utilize the waste ferrous sulphate, but thus far no process has been successful. A small amount of the pickle liquors are evaporated and the sulphate A larger crystallized out to give the copperas of commerce. amount of the liquors are neutralized with lime, evaporated, and the product calcined to give the Venetian red of commerce. Attempts have been made to electrolyze the liquors forming sulphuric acid and iron, but the iron "trees" and short circuits the cell. The waste ickle liquors contain some acid which is thrown away. * Storey- Met. & Chem. Eng. 11 - 1913 - Pg 45. ** Hering- Met. & Chem. Eng. 13 - 1915 - Pg 7 5 . : The ordinary methods of pickling are seen to be etrem - - ly wasteful as well as unscientific, and with the view of correcting these errors numerous attempts have been made toQ eleQtrolytically :U -. I,' , 1 q ~o. ~A -C;e -- 4 -l.~a +Es In some of these the pickle the steel. cvir?R n-^ A^n s-&oUa 4ritLaon4 4A a'hn cn4.~ r^" a^;,; eicl+ 'O'M 'I cc cr 1 MM a'an4'i'sal- w~a -vvt~e +, m ^1 lr A:M T he time of pickliag is decreased, but the action is likely to be irregular, solution of some of the iron always occurs and the cost of power is greater than the value of the time gained. In other methods the metal is made cathode in a bath which is Aneutral,weakly acid or alkaline; but the scale is removed very slowly and irregularly. In the eutral or alkaline tion some of the scale is reduced to metallic iron which is deposited on the surface of the metal, thus aking · ;-. oTiu- the sr- face irregular. The process to be studied in this thesis is based on the fact that in the electrolysis of any solution reduction occurs at the cathode. The iron to be pickled is made the cathode in an acid bath, and the hydrogen generated reduces the scale to the lower oxide, which dissolved very readily in the acid. C. J. Reed patented this process in 1907. 'The patents say that in the preferred mode of procedure the electrolyte consists of an aqueous solution of sulphuric acid having a specific gravity of 1,20; equivalent to an acid content of 27.1%, although good'results may be obtained with solutions having a specific gravity between 1.15 and 1.25. concentration When the acid is below 9% the action is too slow or irregular to be of much commercial value. The anode may be of lead and . ' the urrent density at the cathode from forty to seventy am!i perpe per square foot. While the process is not limited to ,the.gfse of an electrolyte of any particular temperature, thi 're mal of the scale is found to be effected much more rapid- and economically at a high temperature. The! ,e-fficiently e!eetrolyte is preferably maintained at a temperature of 600 ,eentigrade. Even higher temperatures may be used, but above 6Q centigrade there is a greater tendency for the acid to .. - dissolve metallic iron, and a higher current density is re: ,..ir.ed to prevent such solution. The first part of the thesis will consist of a compari- son of the old method of pickling, with Reed's method. ? This w.swaa part of a thesis last year, but the comparison was more favorable to Reed's method than is actually the case in commetal practice; since any scale which droped off was made In to dissolve and counted as part of the dissolved iron. this thesis it is proposed to filter off any scale which does not dissolve at once, and then make a comparison. The sheets of metal will be as near alike as possible, and will be treated until they are considered to be clean. The amount .of iron will be found by reducing it all to the ferrous state and then oxidizing it to the ferric state. The power used in the electrolytic method will be measured, and a comparison made as to costs between the old and the electrolytic methods. The apparatus to be used in the electrolytic pickling is shown in the following pages. The second part of the thesis. will be to find out if I.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~I I%* .. N~~~~~~~h.* :: 5 ferrous sulphate in the solution at the anode exerts any de-: ipolarizing effect. The same apparatus will be used as in the electrolytic pickling, with the addition of a diaphragm to keep the anode and cathode portions separate. The volt- age neestsary to pickle the metal will :be noted when the anode portion is a pure acid solution, and then a known amount of ferrous sulphate will be added and the voltage measured again, keeping all the other factors the same. anode is of lead and the cathode may be of any material, preferably iron. i .: The ::iV: · ilj( r: ...- : f f OF PTEIR ACID PICELIN G OF STL A CONARiiSO WITH ELECTROLYTIC ACD 1 B PICKLING AD ELECTROLYTIC AAMLI PBICKLING 1 ;o :The sheets of iron pickled in this 'set of tests were f sent from the American Sheet & Tin Plate Company at Columbus, Ohio, andl-were covered with a thin scale of the black oxide I, 'c U2 , / L ofiron, e3 4. Ic x The method of carrying on these pickling tests and making the calculations is as follows: ·;; .i :i -·- Since the sheets were too large to pickle entire, they -id into sizes which would fit easily into the pickling were ct cell. Two samples gether as :"i r? · rj were cut out of the same sheet as near to- ossible; one sample being used for electrolytic pickling, and the other for acidi pickling . In order to :I?: get a epresentative f these sarmples were cut result, two 9 .from each large sheet and pickled. One sample was put into the a s· 1 d pickle and the time, current, voltage, etc., noted. When it was considered pickled it was taken out and another sample put -1 i, in; the same data being taken. Thus the pickle liquors repre- ;i a " sented as nearly as possible the average of those obtained in .:i i: actual practice. The current density was figured for each separate sheet pickled, and. the average current density obtained ii; was used in the calculations. From the voltage which -as taken in every run, the average voltage was found and used in the lit .'j :" The temperature was taken in every case ana t-hle calculations. average temperature found. The areas pickled of all the samples were added together to get the total area pickled. By . · i·i- ii·· :·.· 'I- · ·rS.;1.·i.l· . .... ·· · '·:··;-·-·,i i. -: '· · .. .: " i: :::" \L · i- .\ rie&ft'cing the iron in a"' nown volume of the pickle liquor to the Iferrus state? an'd titratitg with poetassiu pern;ig nate solu- ttion of known strength, the total amount of iron in the solution and the total area of the samples could be obtained. By weighits area, the area per unit in:.a sample sheet and measuring yfeight of sheetcould be obtained. Thus knowing the area per unit;.:weight of sample, and the amount of iron dissolved per unit of area the amount of iron could be calculated. dissolved per ton of sheet iron Knowing the amount of iron dissolved, the amount of acid used to combim.e with it could be calculated. In the electrolytic pickling, knowing in addition the watt hours used per unit of area, the total watt hours used to pickle a Xi -. IQI f a.......... 5 ULI± bI1 Uo CULL. ± u| UiO;l b-I sneeb$ VUaLU.Ut. Uti QUICa La-el. It:5ti In the electrolytic pickling 1000 W ; ap, gr. 1.191 were used as a pickle. Q.c of sulphuric acid The pickling cell was a glass eoulometer jar, approximately 15 cm. long by 15 cm. deep by 5 er. wide, having anodes of A .i lead on each side of the jar, co-nnectedin parallel and together forming the anodes. The iron sheet was immersed in the acid midway between the two &aodes and made the cathode. lead It was held in the solution until pickling was considered complete. The surface of the iron after electrolytic pickling was a silvery white and very clean. After pickling, the pickle liquors were filtered and analyzed for iron by running 25 .c. of the liquor through a Jones reductor and titrating with lI.nO 4 In this part of the thesis, the iron sheets were simply dipped in a hot acid solution of 45% sulphuric acid by weight, ;.'I i . iiI r :: s 1IL ;r :· . i : ?- i -r%· ;i Cell used in the electrolytic pickling of iron A anodes of lead B pickle liquor C cathode of iron E pickle vat F liquid in thermostat Voltmeter and ammeter as .;.,hown. !, "'? .:- - . . · ":and removed when they were considered pickled. There was a . foodbit A tainer, and this was filtered off to get the iron which was ac- of scale which collected on the bottom of the acid con- tually dissolved. -Thesurface of the iron obtained in this piC"ling was not as white and clean as the surface obtained in .the electrolytic pickling. In this pickling there seemed to be a very fine mist of black particles deposited on the iron which darkened the surface, and these did not wash off easily; they had to be rubbed with the finger before they would loosen and wash away. Analysis of the liquor showed that more iron was dissolved in this method than in the electrolytic method; thus using more acid. In addition to this, all of the scale from the samples was on the bottom of the pickle jar, and in a plant, unless this is recovered, the.value of the iron thus thrown away must be charged up,against the acid pickling process. Alkali electrolytic pickling was also tried, but did not . succeed. Anodes of iron had to be used because the lead transferred in alkaline solution. After passing the current for two hours there was no pickling noticed. I. ':I ;: 9 Folowring are the data taken on the electrolytic pickling of the samples sent from the American Sheet & mTin Plate CO:mpany. Amperes Current density Amps ./sq.cm. 2.79 Time- minutes to pickle each sample 3.0 °O Temperature- Area pickled sq.cm. ',' 59-5 156.2 Total area pickled 2.68 2.90 2.66 2.0 5.25 3.0 3.0 65 .o 169o.o 6o.o 182 .0 245.5 169.3 146.0 (sq.cm.) 899.5 1000 c.c. 1.191 Volunme titrated 25 c.c. c c. of K1n04 12.51 inO4 .0548 59.5 Specific Gravity at 2000 of .04-71 2.50 Volume of liquor used in pickling 1 c.c. 8.0 8.0 .0325 .0440 .0583 Volts i "''; 8.0 8.0 .00578 grams of e 1C i¢ e'14 . K..&tuw &P4%.& frt , ' r 1 gram of sample has area of 3.73 ae, the-lK I-$ n/al -st. po' oi sq.cm. The 6calculations ae based upon the ollowvingcosts. Power costs Q20.00 per H. P. Iron costs 4 per lb. ;4 ji 'oaWC , f ?", r Ul .e..., year ,.--, Sulphuric acid costs 80/ per 100 lbs of .600 Twaddel ,0'' .Ot~ weight, by H2S 39.19 1=3 sp. grav; acid 4 To pickle 1 ton (2000 lbs.) of iron sheets, it costs: .961 / Iron lost .5 Povwer used Acid used .8 4.-025 .85 2' ""1 . .... 10 ... · Folloving are the data taken from the straight acid pickling of the samples sent by the American Sheet & Tin Plate Co. Time- minutes to pickle each'samle Area pickled sq.cm. I Temperature- :· 3.0 111.00 100. O°C 4.o 8.0 138.10 6s.00oo13.30 95 99 99. 16s. 5o 98. Total area pickled 768.9 (sq.ocm.) -2o Y v Specific Gravity at 2000 Volume titrated c .c. nO 4 23.04 :: 1 c.c. En04 25 c-c. 460 c.c. Uf Volume of liquor used in pickling 1. ;· 6.o 3.0 1.04 ( 2 = .00578 grams of Fe 1 gm. sample has area of 3.73 s.cm :· The cost to pickle 2000 lbs. (1 ton) of iron sheets by the straight acid pickling is as follows: Iron lost 1.16 T Acid used 2 .20 The saving is: 2.200 4-s;7-47 per ton P:. :'::· i:r The sheets of iron r·;i sent from the General Electric and were samoles of transformer and so brittle Companyat Pittsfield, iron. 8· blue that when the samole of iron was bent the scale seemed to have a large content of silicon crystalline ;!ass., There were two entire- broke off, showing the pure white iron underneath. "t.- . v.ere kinds of scales;the firstbeing a light ly different ·. set of tests icl1ed in tis in its formation. The iron andawias distinctly The scale of the second sample was the usual blue black oxide, non-crystalline, and very adhesive. Directly unaderthe scale on both samples was a layer :-· " a: Wr.· _·2i · but this was very thin and gave of oxidethe colorof rust; -- no trouble in removing. The cell used in this set of. tests was I coated with wax on the which itr · was used inside to keep the hydrofluoric acid from reacting with the container. Anodes of lead were used as in the previous experiments. 'Ita, i porcelain cup wvasthe same as in the previous The procedure exo er ients. The pickle liquors used in this set of eeriments wvere a mixture of sulph-uric and hydrofluoric acid, because owing to ;-· the silicious nature o not i!: the issolve it readily. electrolytic pickle but with the scale, plain sulphuric acid would The iron w7hen it came out from the was a pure silvery white in each case; it cameout black. lain acidpickling The temperature was kept low in -thi set of runs because the cell had to be coated with wax, and a higher temperature would have melted the wax. 12 An unexpectedly long time was taken to electrolytically pickle the samples of the first sheets of iron, thirty-two minutes being the average. At the end of ten minutes, however, the pealehad become so loosened that it ould be very easily brushed off, and if that could be done in a pickling plant the cost of electrolytic pickling could be cut down enor- mously. These samples were not pickled in a lain acid bath - after two hours, and in a bath of only sulphuric acid would not ::: pickle at all. ''"' Is: I. .l . _. .trl. i 1 1 ·· ,-. e E.. i ..i, I 12" i i i I i i i 13 P i tF:: · Following are the data taken on the electrolytic and i·j · acid pickling of the first samples (light blue brittle scale) 61 sent by the General Electric Company. -35% by weight sulphuric acid and 2 The solution used was hydrofluoric acid. Electrolytic :-i Acid 9 Amperes :. 2.5 2.5 :9 a: · ·.:--?·Ii ? :B' Ei :% i i ·:: ·:; Current Density Amps. S.cm. .0o17 3.65 2.90 Time - minutes to pickle each sample 19 45 Over 120 min. Temperature - 00 20 20 was not picled Volts and samle c ··.j ;I Area -s ·:I .?. " r· i: Sa. ickled m. 30.6 Total area pickled sq. cm. 59.0 Volume of liquor used 100 C.c in pickling Volwume titrated 1 c.c. of 10G 1.35 O 4 c 5.9 3 r J .00578 grams of Fe - i gm. of sample has area of 8.25 sq. cm. .i i; ?~.·r * .~IJ· ,,rR /"'' ( jiat - ,,@,,,7"4 , The costs are as follovws for pickling 1 ton. Cost of iron " 1T acid " I power .2395, .*728 ,214z0 ..>I .b85 13. .535 C1.-413 W ,, .413 . No comparison of costs was made here because the sample in acid did not pickle. -& f' (~ e ? c. 50 cc. 50 c.c. c.c. of KLn0O4 :: 28.4 f;, . t, .:, , l,,.,, f, 14 ·.'" ·iAi Follovring are the data taken on the electrolytiC pickling of the second samples (dark blue adhesive scale),sent by the The solution used was 35j by weigh C-eneralElectric Company. acid. by weight hydrofluoric 2 sulphuric acid ad " .ff.: ·- ? 3 mt.pere s 7 a, .o665 Current density Amps/ sq.cm. f Voltz 3 3 .0695 .0705 .0723 3.2 3.2 3.1 3 .3 5 4 3 24 24 24 24 45 1 42,6 43 2 41.25 u Time- minutes to pickle each sample - r· 00 ·ia. -. ·!· Temerature- ;i·. ;a X ;i Area pickled Total area pickled 172.2 sQ* cm. , .i,. ·i ,-· ri: Volume of liquor used in p icking i9, i·· oi Volume titrated 25 c c. 1t 3.76 c.c. linO 4 I = ln0 4 1 c.c. of 137 o.c. .00578 grams of Fe ( II.,I t1- 1 gram of sample has area of 8.15 sq. cm. i Cost to pickle 1 ton of iron sheets: / 1. Cost of iron lost 17 " ac i d -942 W i' "Ipower 2.141 r asi; r·· ·" ;a. i 3' i b"· e··-t?rr i' " ~,I Jk i, 1.az;" '.,I - .",~6 , z: 2acn i 15 Follovring are the data taken on the acid pickling of the second samples (dark blue adhesive scale), sent by the Gen.eral 35$ by weight sul- Electric Company. The solution used was phuric acid and 2 by weight hydrofluoric acid.. Time- minutes to pickle Area Pickled 13 9 each sample 42 39.7 24 24 sq.cm. Temperature C0 9 13 39.1 24 24 Total area pickled SQ. cm. 153.9 Vol-ume of liquor used in pickling 100 c .C Volume titrated 25 c.c.c c.c.C iM04 -: ) , , fr7 I, 1 c.c. IT04 = .00573 grams of Fe _- ,3 dd4;;I, .r 7-- S I_(".', ! :_ The cost to pickle 2000 lbs. ( ton) of iron sheets by the straight acid pickling process is as Iron lost 7i L_L0 \ 1,29 Acid used p2.44 The saving is: 2 44 2.J4 i-h,3-0 per ton 03,a ~'0 i . TO STUDY TE DEPOLARIZING EFECT ON 'Te PICLE OF FERROUS SULP1ATE LIQUOR. It has been suggested that the oxygen generated at the anodes in this electrolytic pickling process might oxidize the ferrous sulphate to ferric sulphate, and by doing so, lower the voltage necessary to pickle the iron. In this part i i 1, . of the thesis it is proposed to find out if the presence of I ferrous sulphate at the anode does lower the voltage necessary to any appreciable extent. eans of a porous cup, the By anode and cathode portions were kept separate. was very simple. [!ii The theory All that was necessary to do was to add a little ferrous sulphate to the anode compartment and same current was lowing, that flowed when there phate present, read the voltage. h-,e-a the was no sul- As is explained later, however, difficulties of manipulation made it necessary to the experiment several times. .repeat The cell used consisted of a porcelain cup in which was placed a porous cup of the same material. The cathode . liquor was poured into the outer cup and the ano6e licuor into the inner cup. The cathode was a sheet of iron bent so that it fitted around the porous cup, and the anode was a strip of lead. ' The cellwas kept at constant temperature by being immersed in. a water bath-. The first run was made with steam blowing into the outer compartment in order to keep up the. temperature.; but it was found that the steam rushing in-churned . -/-l liquid so violently .. I -I C-·-------L- --ur _ _ ~ ~ - depolarizing effect Cell used in the study of'the. of ferrous sphate on the piekl. liquor. A cathodes of iron B cathode liquor C anode;-of iron D porous cup diaphragm E anode liquor F l'iuid in thermostat G pickling vat Voltmeter nd ammeter as shown. 17 .,." I I ,thatthe voltage readings were not constant. The data follows: Bulphuric acid was in both the outer and inner compartments. I II I 3-05 Amnperes ' Temp. In the next rn 2.90 7.2 600 7.2 5OC 200 c.c. of a solution containing 30, sulphuric acid by weight, and 10% ferrous sulphate, were put into the anode compartmenrt. Voltage 2.85 Amperes 7.2 Temp . j 2.90 7.2 - Temp. of inner 0oC0 cell-the anode The corresponding acid run was: Voltage Amperes 2.85 Z-2 2.83 7-2 0 Temp. 0 . Next was determined what effect a more concentrated solution would have. 200 c.c. of 90% sulphuric acid by weight were used in the anode compartment. The current was thought to have some effect, so it was cut down. The values found in this run are as follows: Voltage Ameres 2.3 2 2.36 2. Temp 63 63 - Temp. of inner cell. I Then a saturated solution o ferrous sulphate in 9Q R sulphuric acid was made by adding ferrous sulphate while the temperature was held at 600°C. This solution was poured into i the cell. 200 c.c. of the clear solution were used. The re- i sults are as follows: Voltage Amperes Temp. inner cell-anode " outer IT cathode 2.78 2.5 66o0 68.500 2.76 2 5 66o0 63-.50 - i i Voltage . l out the Acid was again put into the anode, after ting anode comoart-ent and washing used, (90%) -' -;ere 200 c.c. acid it. with the following results: Vol tge 2,6 Am-,oeres 2 50 Temp. inner cell 66o0 " oute r 2.6 2 .50 660 68.50C 6s.50 ° " The voltage here was very 1muchlower than was the voltage on te first run with the 90}:acid, and the oly way to accountfor it was by su-pos.ing that the electrodes were not in exactly the run was made. The irst were when the same places as ty electrodes miht have been closer together, thus forming a ath for the current, and so the voltage wouldbe less shorter than in thefirst run. ere made Therefore, another series of runs electrodes thle ano were not moved; the liluid e com a rt ent In in the first r 200 c.c. of 5p aci3 s rtllows: are 2 .58 Voltage re iae ers 2. Tepo. iimner cell acid the out of bein.g sioned . The res8ts w-ereused in the anode comoa.rtmelnt " -vhich outer bl0 61.25°0 " For the next run 200 c.c. o and 40% ferr--ousslphate y a solution of 35> sulphuric veight wrerie uased in the anode cormpaartment. Res ults as followvs: Voltage -Impere s Ten-,. inner cell outer hissolution ~ 2 -49 2.50 tO C 2.45 2.50 61 C 61°z 61.250C was siohoned out and 200.0. of 5 acid ere i; 19 again put in the cell. The results are as follows: Voltage Amperes Temp. inner cell i " outer " 2.52 2. 0 61 C 61.25°0 The acid solution was then siphoned out, and 200 c.c. of a solution, 35% sulphuric acid and 8s ferrous sulphate by:wight, was put in; with the following result: I Voltage Amperes 2-475 2 .50 Temp. inner cell 610C " i outer " 61.250C Thisferroussulphate solution was then siphoned out and 200 c.c. of 35% acid solution put in again. Voltage Amperes Results as follows: 2.52 Temo. inner cell " outer " 2.50 610 61.250C The results from these last four runs seem to show that there is a very slight lowering of the voltage as the content of the ferrous sulphate is increased. After the first acid run it was noticed that there was a very heavy deposit of lead peroxide on the lead anode, which disappeared as soon as the ferrous sulphate solution was added and current flowed. This tended to show that the ferrous sulphate was oxidized to some extent. The blue solution of ferrous sulphate also became yellow as the current continued to pass, showing that ferric sulphate was formed. The drop in voltage which occurred be- tween the first and second acid run of this series could not be explained by an electric phenomenon, but might be explained by the fact that the cell had been standing dry for some days 2O before the run was made, and the solution did not get through the walls entirely when the first run was made; but after having made the first acid run and the first sulphate run, the walls of the inner cell wrere saturated and conducted the current better, thus lowering the voltage necessary. To see if this was a possible explanation, the cell was left full of acid from Saturday noon until Monday morning, and then the following set of runs were made. In these runs,the electrolyte was not removed from the cell, and. the ferrous sulphate was added directly to the acid in the inner cell. In order not to have the volume of the solution in the inner cell greater when the sulphate was added, every time a given amount of errous sulphate was added to the acid in the inner cell a like amount was added in volume noted. to acid in a graduate, and the increase Then, when the sulphate was dissolved in the inner cell, a volume equal to the increase in volume as shown by the graduate was taken from the cell awith a piopette. Thus, the volume in the cell was always the same, the temperature always the same and, as the electrodes were always in the same position, thecrosssectionexposed to the carrying of the current was not altered and the only decrease in voltage would .be due to the.greater conductivity of the electrolyte. The re- sults are as follows: Acid run - 200 c.c. of 35% sulphuric acid (1.21) in inner cell. Voltage 2.54 Amperes Temp. inner cell 2.50 590C " .i outer " 60 =" "· 200 c.c. solution of 35% sulphuric acid and 45/ ferrous sulphate: Voltage 2.52 Amperes 2. O Temp. inner cell " outer " 59 O000 200 c.c. solution of 35-~sulphuric acid and 2.52 Voltage '· Amperes 2. 0 Temp. inner cell 59 C n 38 ferrous sulphate: outer " 6I0T The last solution was allowed, to run for some time and ib i; became yellow, due to the ferric finally toidformed. This last set of runs showed that although ferric sulphate was undoubtedly formed, and would increase the value of the by-product, the depolarizing effect was negligible, and the current saved would not amount to very rmuchwhen it came to figuring the costs of the plant running expenses. i. / APPENDIX. ornmulae for Computing the Costs. (907,200)(cm. per gm.) (1) Area per ton (2) Gin. iron dissolved per sq. cm. = (33 (4) pickle liauors) --- (vol. sampie-or titration) (area pickled). Total grams of iron dissolved = (area per ton) ( gr . iron dis. per sq. cm.) Cost of iron dissolved (total gin.irondis.)(cost per lb.) (5) Cost of power to (c.c. 5nO4) ( iron equiv. per c.c.)(vol. " o'grams in a poud'C i9Wi..er (timneto ickle - ton.. area per picle) ton) ---- ·- (c ur -- · .den. ) (volts) ( cost of power) (746)(24)(365) (60 (6) (7) Kilos of pure 2SO4 (total kilos iron dssolved)(98 5 5 M. - Cost of acid = (kilos of pure 2SO4 )(cost _ ___ ____ (kilos in 1 lb.)(0fH 2 SO4 per N11 of acid per 100 lbs.) _ lb.) 27 A PED IX Following are the values which ere used in computing the costs listed in the foregoing pages. Samples from iraer. Sheet & Gcn.eral Electric Tin Plate Co. * t Saml,)e1 Co. Sa-mle 2 * iIht blue* Dark blue $ >rittie adhesive * se, cle * scace & - - Elect.* Acid Volts- average 1 ec *2.71 . -ie I cid-L ' * C * * 3p.2E *. Current Denisity I Averae amp/sq .cIm. *1 * 475* Time-average min. *Ove to pickle Area s, **J10¥0i Vol. of scamle for titration c.c. jI*76 * 06o 2 * Vol. of sickle licuors c.c. !.c.c. of _1 $ cm. 4 - *120 ickled c.c. M O .069 * ,Ic 0 17 2 *41 *4- * $c 25* 10 " 25 *1000 *12 51 *S 460 ' * 2.04 $ l00 *1.65 * 00* *100 *5- Ac J.7b hi0LO to .00573 gramis of iron. 4 4. is equivalent L A - * 24 -- C NC iLU S ION-- In conclusion, the results of this investigation can be summed up as follows: (1) While the iron in the ferrous sulphate formed during electrolytic pickling is undoubtedly oxidized to ferric sul- phate and may thus increase the value of the by-product, is no appreciable lowering of the voltage because of this (2) there reaction. There is undoubtedly. a saving in the cost of pickling iron when the electrolytic process is used and. the costs of materials are as given in the foregoing pages. The electrolytic process is very much quicker, thus saving labor eense. The product turned out by the electrolytic rocess is better because cleaner than that turned out by the acid process. 25 -- LIO?:T0GRPEY-- U. S. Patent ;s55,667 U. S. Patent )iig27,179- July U. S. - June 4, 1907 1, 1907 $27,180 - July 31, 907 Patent Clishiam, 0. C. lv. T. T. Chem. Eng. Thesis Pastene, R. J. LF.i. Rosenthal, C. ii. LahLrnan, 0. . . i. - InTdus. 1914 . Chem. Eng. Thesis - Indus. 1914 T. 1 Chem. Eng. Te sis - Indus. 1915 LI. I. T. Electrochem. Thesis - 1916 Storey, eiet. & Chem. Pg '45, 1913 Hering, Let. & Chem. Eng.13, P Reed. C. J. 75,1915 Trans. Amer. Electrochem. Soc. 1-131-1907