1410 Page 1 of 11 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS Supplement No.: 1400-98-2 Effective Date: April 2, 1998 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: JOHN R. KIRKPATRICK Regional Forester Date Approved: 04/02/1998 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): 1410 7 Pages Superseded Document(s): 1410 9 Pages (Last supplement was 1400-98-1 to FSM Zero Code.) Digest: 1410 Updates objectives - to emphasize Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act compliance - policies, and procedures at Regional and Forest levels for administering the management review system. Updates the title of Fiscal and Public Safety to Fiscal and Accounting Services, and the title of Deputy Regional Forester, Administration to Deputy Regional Forester, Operations throughout the supplement. 1416.11 Codifies the Southwestern Region Review Process, a six-year management review model, adopted in December 1996. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 2 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 1410.2 - Objective The management review system will be the primary method of evaluating Region 3 operations, ensuring accountability in program performance, and adjusting performance or direction as necessary to reasonably ensure achievement of the management goals. In addition to the broad objectives of the Forest Service management review system listed in the Forest Service Manual (FSM 1400 - Controls), Region 3 will use the management review system to evaluate all programs and activities for compliance with approved Forest Land Management Plans. Under the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act (FMFIA), individual Federal Managers must take proactive and systematic measures to develop, implement, and assess appropriate, cost-effective and adequate management controls for Federal programs and operations. Annually, line managers must certify that any material weaknesses in management controls either do exist or are being disclosed and addressed accordingly. A valuable tool used to identify control weaknesses is an activity review. It is highly recommended that activity reviews and/or functional assistance trips (FAT's) be conducted if there is no other way to assure compliance with FMFIA. An important objective of the Region 3 management review system is to place emphasis on helping employees take appropriate actions to do their jobs, rather than on enforcement for noncompliance. The Region 3 management review program will assist in identifying high priority training needs. 1410.3 – Policy In addition to the five national policy statements (FSM 1410.3), to the extent reasonable and practicable, Region 3 will review performance in the following areas: 1. Carrying out our basic mission of caring for the land and serving people, through ecology based multiple-use management. 2. Quality on-the-ground resource management, protection, and public service in accordance with Forest land management plans. 3. Assuring there is program accountability at all organizational levels, which meets Forest Service quality and quantity standards. 4. Assuring a high level of budget and fiscal accountability and that Region 3 meets Congressional intent. 5. Assuring a high level of ethics and conduct by all Region 3 employees. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 3 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 6. Seeking public input concerning Region 3 planning and projects before making decisions. 7. Assuring that all Region 3 managers understand ecology based multiple-use management and are managing accordingly. 8. Assuring necessary skills are developed in the Region 3 organization to meet future needs. 9. Assuring that Forest Service Research is an active participant in helping solve land management problems by applying the best science possible. 1410.4 - Responsibility 1. Staff Directors. Staff Directors or Regional Office team leaders will send an electronic message to the Director of Fiscal and Accounting Services to provide the following information: a. The date staff work begins on a Regional Forester approved activity review (FSM 1414) or functional assistance trip (FSM 1415.1). b. The date the team leader transmits the review report to the Deputy Regional Forester and Forest Supervisor (FSM 1416.25). c. The date the Regional Office line officer approves the action plan (FSM 1416.31). Action plans are not required for functional assistance trips. d. The date planned for actions to be certified complete (FSM 1416.32, 4). 2. Forest Supervisors. Forest Supervisors are responsible for coordinating with Staff Directors by providing the following information: a. Coordinating with Deputy Regional Foresters on Regional Forester's Reviews and Cooperative Management Program Reviews. b. Coordinating with Staff Directors when staff work begins on activity reviews and functional assistance trips. c. Scheduling and carrying out management reviews of Ranger Districts. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 4 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 1410.44 - Region, Station, Area, and Institute Reviews The following chart lists the types of reviews and the responsible officer. Type of Review Responsible Officer Regional Forester's Reviews DeputyRegional Forester, Operations, Deputy Regional Forester, Resources and Deputy Regional Forester, State & Private Forestry (SPF) Cooperative Management and Program Reviews Deputy Regional Forester, Resources, and Deputy Regional Forester, SPF Activity Reviews Staff Directors Functional Assist. Trips Staff Directors 1410.44a - Regional Foresters The Regional Forester has designated the Director of Fiscal and Accounting Services as the Review Program Manager. The Review Program Manager is responsible for preparing the management review schedule each fiscal year, and for informing the Deputy Regional Foresters of the current status of reviews. Fiscal and Accounting Services provides training for Regional Office reviewers. 1410.44b - Reviews of State and Private Forestry and Research 1. Cooperative Management and Program Reviews. The Deputy Regional Forester of SPF will conduct cooperative forestry assistance reviews of State forestry organizations as described in FSM 1460. 1413 - REGIONAL FORESTER'S AND DIRECTOR'S REVIEWS. Region 3 will use the Regional Forester's Review similar to the Chief's Overview, FSM 1411, and Deputy Chief's Review, FSM 1412. A review of the Forest's strategic planning and actions will also be included. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 5 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS Regional Forester's Reviews will evaluate the effectiveness of Forest reviews, control, and accountability on the Forest. Emphasis will be placed on reviewing the Forest to determine what has been done in the areas of: 1) program accountability, 2) budget and fiscal accountability, and 3) ethics and conduct. 1414 - ACTIVITY REVIEWS. Staff Directors, in concert with Forest Supervisors, will be responsible for identifying needed activity reviews, the length of time needed to conduct the reviews, and monitoring unit followup to ensure recommendations are completed in a timely manner. Staff Directors will maintain a file that displays the progress of each review. Activity reviews will be conducted according to the Regional Forester's priorities, with consideration for the risk assessment process and adjusted for other management needs. Operations activity reviews will review Region 3 accountability in meeting the policy, direction, and standards set by Federal central agencies; for example, OMB, GAO, OPM, PCIE, Treasury, and so forth; plus the USDA agencies; for example, Office of the Inspector General. 1415 - FUNCTIONAL ASSISTANCE TRIPS AND SPECIAL WASHINGTON OFFICE ACTION TEAMS. 1415.1 - Functional Assistance Trips. Region 3 activity reviews will be supplemented by functional assistance trips (FAT's). Document the purposes and the results of the trips on informal correspondence to the unit. A brief closeout discussion will be held with supervisory staff or line officers to summarize and highlight the accomplishments of the trip. Region 3 places great emphasis on Integrated Functional Assistance Trips in the Deputy Regional Forester, Resources, area. These review teams will be interdisciplinary in composition. The teams will place a major emphasis on reviewing and assisting Forest Supervisors in taking a look at Forest Plan implementation and monitoring. The teams will also be interested in how Region 3 deals with ecology based multiple-use management. In most cases, a formal letter, which details agreed-to actions, is expected to assist the Forest Supervisor. Region 3 also offers special assistance to new line officers in transition to their new positions. The objective of this assistance is to help the new line officer get acquainted with the issues and opportunities facing the unit, and to provide assistance in identifying adjustments and strategies for favorably positioning their unit. 1416 - PLANNING, CONDUCTING AND TAKING ACTIONS ON REVIEWS. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 6 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 1416.11 - Annual Schedule. The Region adopted a six-year management review model, 1416.11 Exhibit 01, in December 1996. This model places the responsibility for activity reviews and FATs at the discretion of Forest Supervisors, and Regional Office Directors. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 7 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 1416.11 - Exhibit 01 SOUTHWESTERN REGION REVIEW PROCESS FISCAL YEAR 1997 We will conduct a joint Regional Forester's Review of the Santa Fe and Cibola National Forests. We will conduct legally required fiscal and accounting reviews. We will conduct activity reviews that were proposed on the Regional Schedule and found to be essential for completion in FY97. FISCAL YEAR 1998 We will conduct activity reviews and functional assistance trips. The emphasis will be on functional assistance trips, where feasible. Activity reviews and functional assistance trips will be unscheduled and at the discretionary request of either a Forest Supervisor or a Regional Office Director. We will conduct legally required fiscal and accounting reviews. FISCAL YEAR 1999 We will conduct a state-wide pilot Regional Forester's review of Arizona. We will conduct legally required fiscal and accounting reviews. We will not conduct any other reviews. FISCAL YEARS 2000 AND 2001 Same as fiscal year 1998. FISCAL YEAR 2002 (Assuming FY99 pilot year worked) We will conduct a state-wide Regional Forester's review of New Mexico. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 8 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS We will conduct legally required fiscal and accounting reviews. We will not conduct any other reviews. 1416.11 - Exhibit 01--Continued DURING THE SIX-YEAR IMPLEMENTATION, FISCAL AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES WILL PROVIDE THE RLT A REPORT OF REVIEWS CONDUCTED AT THE END OF THE THIRD AND SIXTH YEARS. THE RLT WILL REVIEW AND DISCUSS THIS REPORT TO ENSURE THAT WE ARE PROVIDING ADEQUATE MONITORING OF OUR ACTIVITIES FOR ACCOUNTABILITY PURPOSES. THIS REPORT WOULD ADDRESS FORMAL REVIEWS. DIRECTORS SHALL TRACK FUNCTIONAL ASSISTANCE TRIPS AND MAINTAIN THE DOCUMENTATION FILE FOR THEM. THE EXPECTATION IS THAT DOCUMENTATION OF FUNCTIONAL ASSISTANCE TRIPS WILL GENERALLY BE BRIEF (1-3 PAGES). Annually by July 1, Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors will send their schedules to the Director of Fiscal and Accounting Services for activity reviews and functional assistance trips to be conducted the following fiscal year. Functional assistance trips (FSM 1415) will be included as part of the annual schedule. Forest Supervisors will plan and schedule management reviews of Ranger Districts. Use the following priorities and direction: 1. Regional Forester's Reviews of Forests are first priority. 2. Forest Supervisor's Reviews of Ranger Districts are second priority. 3. The Regional Forester or Deputy Regional Foresters may decide on other management reviews as needed, after consulting with the Forest Supervisors. Fiscal and Accounting Services will provide a status report in April concerning the progress in meeting the management review schedule. This will allow the Regional Forester and Deputy Regional Foresters to assess the progress of the Region's program accountability. 1416.13 - Team Structure. An employee from another Forest may be included on Regional Office and Forest Supervisor review teams. Most Regional Office Resources review teams will be interdisciplinary to provide R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 9 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS an integrated review of ecology based multiple-use management and the implementation and monitoring of Forest land management plans. 1416.2 - Conducting Reviews. 1416.25 - Review Report. The team leaders of Regional Office-conducted activity reviews will be responsible for completing the review report and sending it to the appropriate Deputy Regional Forester and Forest Supervisor in a reasonable time. The team leader of the Regional Forester's Review will transmit the report to the Regional Forester and the Forest Supervisor. The Regional Forester will review all Regional Office-conducted activity review reports and action plans. 1416.3 - Planning and Taking Action. 1416.31 - Action Plan. Forest Supervisors will be responsible for drafting and presenting proposed action plans to the Regional Office for approval. The Regional Forester will decide, for Regional Forester's Reviews, whether a joint action planning meeting is needed. Deputy Regional Foresters will make the decision for activity reviews. Functional assistance trips may or may not have an action plan, depending on the circumstances and the desire of the team leader. 1416.32 - Followup. The review team leader is responsible for ensuring that all items in the review process are completed in a timely manner. In the event the team leader retires, transfers, or is otherwise unable to complete the review, the Regional Forester will designate another team leader for Regional Forester's Reviews. The Deputy Regional Foresters will designate another team leader to complete the review for activity reviews. Staff Directors will designate someone to ensure functional assistance trips are documented, and follow up on those with action plans. 1416.33 - Review File. 1. Fiscal and Accounting Services will maintain the official file for: R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 10 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS a. Chief's Overviews conducted in Region 3 by the Chief. b. Deputy Chief's Reviews conducted in Region 3 by a Deputy Chief. c. Special Washington Office action teams conducted in Region 3 by a Deputy Chief (or Chief). 2. Staff Directors will maintain the official file for activity reviews and functional assistance trips conducted in Region 3 by Chief's Office Staff Directors. 3. Fiscal and Accounting Services will maintain the official file for each Regional Forester's Review conducted by the Regional Forester or the Deputy Regional Foresters. 4. Staff Directors will furnish Fiscal and Accounting Services the information shown in FSM 1416.33 for the official file of activity reviews they conduct in Region 3. 5. Staff Directors will maintain the official file of functional assistance trips conducted of Forests by the Regional Office. 6. Forest Supervisors will maintain files of all Forest Supervisor's Reviews and activity reviews conducted by the Forest, as well as documentation concerning functional assistance trips. 1417 - YEAREND REPORT ON MANAGEMENT CONTROL. 1417.1 - Unit Reports. Annually by August 1, Forest Supervisors and Staff Directors will send their reports to Fiscal and Accounting Services for consolidating and presenting to the Regional Forester and the Deputy Regional Foresters. This report is sent to the Chief. The Secretary of Agriculture incorporates the Chief's report into the Department's yearend report to the President and Congress. The Staff's or Forest's report must extract from the year's management reviews, audits, and other special reviews of Forest Service activities, any findings that in the line officer's judgment constitute significant management control weaknesses. Only those controls determined to be a material control weakness should be reported. See FSM 1417.1, Exhibits 01 and 02, for examples of suggested formats to report this information. Questions may be directed to the Assistant Director for Review and Analysis, Fiscal and Accounting Services. R3 SUPPLEMENT 1400-98-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: April 2, 1998 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1410 Page 11 of 11 FSM 1400 – CONTROLS CHAPTER 1410 – MANAGEMENT REVIEWS 1418 - RISK ASSESSMENT. 1418.2 - Conducting the National Assessment. Fiscal and Accounting Services will take the leadership in conducting the Regional Risk Assessment once every 5 years. Staff Directors will provide assistance when called upon. The Deputy Regional Foresters and Regional Forester will approve the assessment before it is sent to the Chief. 1418.3 - Using the Risk Assessment. Staff Directors and Forest Supervisors should use the national risk assessment, plus knowledge of Region 3 activities, when setting priorities for Regional Office conducted activity reviews and functional assistance trips. The next Region 3 Risk Assessment will be published as a Regional Supplement.