SA��� – Linear Programming Asst. Prof. Nelson Uhan Spring ���� Lesson ��. �e Simplex Method – Example Problem �. Consider the following LP �x� + �x� + �x� maximize subject to �x� − x� + �x� ≤ �� (�) �x� + �x� + �x� ≤ �� x� , x� , x� ≥ � �e canonical form of this LP is maximize �x� + �x� + �x� subject to �x� − x� + �x� + s� = �� (�) �x� + �x� + �x� + s� = �� x� , x� , x� , s� , s� ≥ � a. Use the simplex method to solve the canonical form LP (�). In particular: ● Use the initial BFS x� = (�, �, �, ��, ��) with basis B � = {s� , s� }. ● Choose your entering variable using Dantzig’s rule – that is, choose the improving simplex direction with the most positive reduced cost. (If this was a minimization LP, you would choose the improving simplex direction with the most negative reduced cost.) b. What is the optimal value of the canonical form LP (�)? Give an optimal solution. c. What is the optimal value of the original LP (�)? Give an optimal solution. atb I°=( . E 90,918,10 B°={ ) s, ,sz } €3 €2 IEx3=IaYoen0Ei×b AE×2=o ⇒£×2=( ⇒E×3=( Ea=3 : Ex AT ( 1,0 ,9ds ,dsD ' - '=O 1,90 , -2 , -4 MRI ⇒k tmax : ' . ' - minstft ) , kottmaxd Sz , "=( 't }=2 0,0 , Ad ,=O 2+dsz=o Ex ,=4 S, , . , : 4tdsz=0 ⇒E×'=( ,ds ,dsD : 991 0,91 5tdsz=0 4+9=0 E×3=( E×2=( 0%0,1 ttds "=O 91,0 Ztds ,=0 : ,ds ,ds ) : , 2,10 ,o Sz leaving is B ) � '={×3,s } , -2 ) : , -4, 5) . I ' (0,931%0) - E :X '=( ' 1,0 B '={ xns , } , dx3.dssDE2iX2-C0.1.dx3.dssDdI2ids2-Co.0.dx3.dssDAdxtoi2t4dx3tdg-oAoEiOi-1t4dx3tdg-0Aoeoi4dx3tdg-o4t5dxs-o2t5dxs-01t5dxs-o-Exha.oiEEs.D-ExECo.h-Itt.D-ExECo.atsts.DIy-OF@choosexzIsz.y as ×} MIT 1ma×=min{¥}=5 : E=x" txmaxd ⇒ " - ( 0,59230 ) E'=( 2( leaving is ×3 ) entering B2={ xns , } } 5+2×2=0 0,1×2,1 4t2d×z B2={ 1+2×2=0 ⇒d→=( 4- 0,1×2,0 :d→=( E2=( 0,5 "=O at 3 ,lI 0,230 , E :X ' xns , " E 1,1×2,0 ,ds ,o ) ,ds ,0 ) ,ds ) A££=O ⇒£h=( , AI×'=o AI dxztds ,=o : , : dxztds ,=o : : - , dxztds ,=o =O ⇒E×' all , -2,0 , -4,0 ) o -551 , , ' - E ,o ) xtnisoptimalwithualuelbc Ex ,= No simplex . In I×= -2 directions the are 3 × ,=0 ± I 2 Sz = - 2 ⇒ improving original LP, - ,o , -12=5 , Xs=0 is an optimal solution with value 15 ' , 's )