620 Or3b no.42 c.4 Liti POCUMENI COLLECT OREGON CDLtICT ION Particulate Emissions From Sawmill Waste Burners R. W. Boubel .- '-'s \ -.. t- T:I - ----- w .' BTh1 August 1968 - ---- ation tate University Corvallis, Oregon THE Oregon State Engineering Experiment Station was established by act of the Board of Regents of Oregon State University on May 4, 1927. It is the purpose of the Station to serve the state in a manner broadly outlined by the following policy: (1)To stimulate and elevate engineering education by developing the research spirit in faculty and students. (2) To serve the industries, utilities, professional engineers, pubic departments, and engineering teachers by making investigations of interest to them. (3) To publish and distribute by bulletins, circulars, and technical articles in periodicals the results of such studies, surveys, tests, investigations, and research as will be of greatest benefit to the people of Oregon, and particularly to the State's industries, utilities, and professional engineers. To make available the results of the investigations conducted by the Station, three types of publications are issued. These are: (1) BULLETINS covering original investigations. (2) CIRCULARS giving compilations of useful data. (3) REPRINTS giving more general distribution to scientific papers or reports previously published elsewhere, as for example, in the proceedings of professional societies. Single copies of publications are sent free on request to residents of Oregon, to libraries, and to other experiment stations exchanging publications. As long as available, additional copies, or copies to others, are sent at prices covering cost of printing. The price of this publication is 50 cents. For copies of publications or for other information address OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION, CORVALLIS, OREGON 97331 PARTICULATE EMISSIONS FROM SAWMILL WASTE BURNERS By Richard W. Boubel, Ph. D. Professor of Mechanican Engineering Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon 97330 BULLETIN NO. 42 AUGUST 1968 Presented at the 61st Annual Meeting of the Air Pollution Control Association June 23-27, 1968 St. Paul, Minnesota Engineering Experiment Station Oregon State University Corvallis, Oregon TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................ INTRODUCTION ...................... PROCEDURE ....................... ABSTRACT RESULTS ......................... ...................... ................. i 1 2 6 CONCLUSIONS 10 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 10 REFERENCES ....................... 12 APPENDIX ......................... 13 ABSTRACT To obtain particulate emission data from the HWigwamu type wood residue incinerator, 100 individual samples were taken from 19 burners located in the Pacific Northwest. The samples were taken while the burners were in normal operation so they are representative of actual emissions. Gravimetric and size analyses were made on each of the samples. Summary results are presented in the body of the paper. They indicate the extreme variability of these burners. For instance, the particulate emissions ranged from a low of 0. 004 grains per cubic foot to a high of 0. 607 grains per cubic foot. Data and results from the 19 individual burners are included in the appendix. The information presented enables control officials to evaluate these burners for particulate emission quantities, size distribution, and transport characteristics of the emissions. From an "average burner" one can expect a particulate emis sion of 0. 168 grains of particulate per cubic foot of gas (corrected to 12% CO2 and STP). This is equivalent to approximately 10. 7 pounds of particulate per ton of fuel consumed. The particulate has two distinct size distributions, one representing the "smoke" (less than 2 microns) and one representing the material which would settle from the atmosphere downwind from the burner (larger than 10 microns). The stokes diameter of the larger particulate was estimated to be 1/10th the actual measured diameter. PARTICULATE EMISSIONS FROM SAWMILL WASTE BURNERS Richard W. Boubel, Ph. D. , Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. One of the air pollution problems which exists in the Pacific Northwest can be traced directly to the incineration of wood residues by the lumber industry. In the manufacture of lumber or plywood, considerable waste material is produced. One way to dispose of this residue is incineration in a Wigwam type burner. There are over 500 of these burners in Oregon alone. Figure 1 shows a typical Wigwam or Teepee burner. This study was undertaken to learn more about the characteristics of the emissions from these incinerator s. Figure 1. Typical 'Wigwam type incinerator. This study was sponsored by the Research Grants Branch, National Center for Air Pollution Control, Bureau of Disease Prevention and Environmental control, Public Health Service, Grant Number AP 00348. PROCEDURE During the summer of 1967, a test crew of two men took 100 samples at 19 waste burners in the Pacific Northwest. The crew used a probe operated from the grourjd t obtain these samples. The probe has been previously described ( 2; The probe and sampling system operated satisfactorily as indicated by the fact that the 100 samples were taken by the two man crew in 42 working days. This included the travel time between sites and occasional trips to the laboratory with the samples. Some troubles were encountered, such as getting the probe stuck in the top of a burner occasionally, but these were the exception rather than the rule. The sampling train used in all tests is shown in Figure 2. It was designed to collect all of the articulate in a form suitable for both gravimetric and size analysis. gases in to vacuun, moisture trap Figure 2. Sampling train. In the early stages of the development of the sampling train attempts were made to measure the velocity of the gas stream at the top of the burner using a pitot tube and a micromanometer. A pitot tube is not a good device to measure such low velocities and the high temperature eliminates the use of devices such as anemometers. The velocity was also observed to fluctuate considerably. An average velocity value of 600 feet per minute was obtained from the more extensive data in previous studies. Therefore this velocity was matched at the sampling probe tip rather than attempting to continually vary the sampling rate to follow the fluctuating velocity. 2 S S S S S S . S S . S S . I. . S S I I., S I. S S S I. S I. 5 . I. I S S I S S 4 I S I. 5 S I S I. S S S S S U I I. S I. I. S S I. II;;;;:IIIuuuupIInuuIuiuu.n..uuuII "!!!!!!!!:::;;.duIuIIuIIuuIIuII IIIIuIIflhIIIh:ulIuuIIIIIIIIuIuuIl IIIIIIIflhIInhIII.i;!qIIIIIIIIIuhII IIIIIIIIIl..;;;:::!!IIIuuuuIIIIuluIuII 111111111 .;;:!!uuuIuIuIuuIuIIIfl uiuuuiiuiiuuuhl.rn:uiiuupi..uuuu. IIIIuuIIIMIu'!;..?!uIIIuIIIMIIuIuII uuuuIIuIIi!!!!!:;;flhIIIuIhIuuuuII IIIIuIIIuIC!!I!uuIlIIflhIIIuuIIIp IIuIuunhIup!!::;..uIIIInhuuIIIIu IIII.IuIn,.u..;;::!:....,,uIu...uh. luuuluuuuIIi;!!Iu.uIuuuuuIuIuu.I.. IuIuI;;;;:!!!!!uI"uIuuuIuuuuhIIuI IIIIIIIIIIuIIII.;;!!!!uIuIIIIIIIIUII IluuuuuIIIIu::!;;iiuilluuuIuuIu IIIIIuI!re;;ii.IuuIIIIIIuInhIIIIII IIIIIIIllihI'I!!!!:IIIIIIIIIIIIII IuIuuIIIIulb.ii;;;:!!!"uuuInuIIuIII IIIIIIIIII"!!!!!!!.;iIuIIuIIuuIIIIII IIUIfl::UIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIflIU iiuiuinunuipu"::uuiuniiiiini uuuuuuiuiiiuuiuuuiuui;;;:iuiiiiiii IIIIuuIuIIIuuIluI"!:;iii.uiluIuuuuu iiiiuuiuiiuuuuuuiuiifluuuIuuuuijIului uiuiunuuiuuuuiuiiii.....;uninu I. S S 5 I I. S S S S I. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIflpiIIII iiuiuuuUiP'ruuuuiiiiiiiuuiHhi .Iuun,uuc::uuuuluuuu.,..uuuI.IunI 111111;;;; ;;;::e!!!!!uuuuuuIuIIuu U S S I S S IIuIIuIIuIIIuIuIuuuabIluIIIIIuuII !!!!UIIIIuIIIuIlIflhIIIIIIIIIIIilI IuIuuuuIuIIn:::-:;iiuuIuIuIIluIuIuu IIII!;:!I'IIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIII I. S S S S S S I. S S S U S I. I. S S S S 0 I. I S S S U I. I. I S S I S I. S S I. S I S I S S S I. * S S I S S I * S S I I. S 5 S S S I I S I S S S S S U S S I S * S S S S S S S S each collecting element, except the membrane filter, with distilled water. A drop of the liquid was then placed on a microscope slide and a particle size distribution determined. Figure 4 illustrates the particulate collected by the sample train. The remaining liquid was Figure 4. Particulate collected by sampling train. 100X evaporated in a dried, tared evaporating dish. The weight of the sample was then determined. Sample weights on the order of five milligrams were collected with the sample train. The samples were then ashed by placing them in a muffle furnace at 750° C for 30 minutes. After cooling they were again weighed to determine the percent ash. Figure 5 shows the material collected during typical runs. The membrane filter is above the respective washings. S Figure 5. Particulate samples. 4 Figure 6 shows the same samples after ashing. 1J 0 Ut) Figure 6. Particulate samples after ashing. The small particles, collected on the membrane filter, were treated for microscopic examination by making the filter material transparent by applying a drop of dioxane. An example of the small particles collected on the membrane filter can be seen in Figure 7. The particles collected in the sampling train components followed approximately a log normal distribution. PA ;r *i# 'b:. hL r .,.f.' _, :,?.. .'' e . s. 'a i) Figure 7. Particles collected on the membrane filter. 450X. Data tabulation and reduction was done after all samples were analyzed. Variables of interest were: (1) weight gain by the membrane 5 filter, (2) weight gain by the train ahead of the membrane filter, (3) gas percent ash in the particulate, (4) average temperature of the volume particulate emission per unit during the sampling period, (5) of exhaust gas, (6) draft ratio (actual measured draft: theoretical shell, draft) which indicated the amount of leakage through the burner (8) size the membrane filter, and (7) size analysis of particulate on analysis of particulate in the sampling train ahead of the membrane filter. RESULTS to deterSince 19 different burners were tested, it was desirable burners. mine if significant differences existed between the various An analysis of variance was run and the results are indicated in Table 1. Significant @ 5% Level Variable of Interest Ash content of particulate Average gas temperature Particulate emission Draft ratio Mean particle size collected ahead of membrane filter Mean particle size collected by membrane filter (Burners significantly different) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Table 1. Analysis of variance of data from 19 burners. Except for the draft ratio, it appears that each burner is significantly different from the average and they must be considered as individual sources (rather than identical sources). indicates The average draft ratio for all 100 tests was 0. 49 which wigwam draft can be expected from a that about 1/2 the theoretical of the overfire air considering the size burner. This is reasonable where the shell meets ports, leakiness of the shell, gaps at the point the ground, etc. The mean values of the significantly different variables are preto use sented in Table 2. The overall averages would be the values be signifito describe a "typical" waste burner. Some values would cantly higher than the average, and some values significantly lower, as indicated by the analysis of variance. Average Particluate Mean Particle Particle Geo. Mean Particle Particle Geo. Ash Deviation on Size on Content Gas Temp. Emission Size Ahead Deviation Ahead ° of Filter Filter of Filter, p. grain/ft Number F Filter, p. % 2. 09 2. 42 3.41 3.79 3.74 23 379 338 208 166 519 791 230 308 0. 120 0. 312 0. 155 0. 129 0. 224 0. 130 0. 284 0. 191 0. 163 0. 252 0. 194 0. 132 0. 021 0. 128 0. 160 0. 252 37 485 0. 168 3. 28 21 3 4 30 25 5 31 6 44 7 24 8 9 10 32 56 28 11 56 12 13 14 15 16 * * * * 18 19 45 13 22 Overall Average 0. 70 0. 90 0. 96 1. 26 1. 10 1. 19 1. 08 6. 29 2. 06 50 2 17 2. 25 2. 86 2. 38 3. 48 3. 64 4. 00 3. 25 3. 96 3. 60 2. 63 2. 84 2. 73 2. 87 2. 38 3. 18 4. 12 3. 31 0. 171 0. 105 1 389 539 400 455 291 544 525 598 866 435 405 0.080 1.92 2.98 2. 57 2. 71 3. 70 3. 92 2.85 3. 03 3. 41 3. 38 3.68 3. 29 3.44 1. 42 1. 42 1. 45 1. 56 1. 42 1.42 1. 07 1. 03 1. 01 1. 43 1. 43 1. 46 1. 45 0.99 1.49 0. 96 1. 02 1. 06 1. 03 1. 10 1. 04 0. 96 3. 01 0.92 1. 40 1. 55 1. 61 1. 57 1. 57 1. 59 1. 47 1. 56 3. 25 1. 02 1.49 Indicates samples lost Table 2. Significant Variables: Wigwam Waste Burners. The particulate emitted from the Ittypicalil waste burner would be about 37% ash. This indicates they would be about 1/3 combusted (100% ash would be complete combustion; the wood has about 1% ash originally). The emission temperature would be 485°F which is considerably below the 600° F - 900° F temperature range recommended for smoke-free operation (3, 4) The loading to the atmosphere is 0. 168 grains per cubic foot of gas corrected to 12% CO2 and standard temperature (60°fl and pressure (30. 00 inches of mercury). This value is considerably below the value used by many control agencies of 0. 3 grains per cubic foot for allowable incinerator emissions. Converted to metric units, the average particulate emission is 384 mg/m3 (corrected to 12% CO7 and STP). If the air/fuel ratio for a typical wood is assumed, 12% CO1 is approximately equivalent to 9. 5 pounds of air per pound of fuel 5), the average emission can be calculated 10. 7 pounds of particulate per ton of fuel consumed. This is considerably below the value of 22 pounds of particulate per ton of fuel which has been used for years when calculating the emission inventory (6) An emission of 22 pounds per ton of fuel is roughly equivalent to 0. 345 grains per cubic foot. This high a value was measured at times on some of the burners tested (see appendix for data on individual burners). Twenty-two pounds per ton of fuel can still be used as a high value but a more realistic value for an area survey would be the 10. 7 pounds per ton figure. Possibly it would be easier to remember, as well as being simpler, if it were rounded to 11 pounds per ton. The particle size distributions measured showed a significant difference for that material collected in the train ahead of the filter and for that material on the filter itself. This is to be expected because the train was designed to remove the large material before it reached the membrane filter. The large geometrical deviation ahead of the filter also indicates the wide range of particle size collected by this portion of the train. If an attempt is made to convert the distribution to a weight mean, rather than a count mean, using the formula suggested by Hatch and Choate (v): lnM'g = lnMg + 3(lng)2 where: M'g = weight mean Mg count mean o- g geometric deviation the weight mean size becomes unreasonably large. This formula should not be used therefore because the distributions encountered were not truly log-normal but a compromise between log-normal and normal. The reason for this was that the particulate emitted could not be considered as being generated by one single source. It was a combination of particles from different processes (sawing, planing, barking, etc.) which had undergone a chemical reaction (combustion) to varying degrees of completeness. A count mean therefore appears to be the best way to describe the size distribution of the material emitted by a wigwam waste burner. Two distinct size distributions were noted upon microscopic examination of the collected material. One size distribution was noted for a larger particulate which was capable of settling to the ground as dustfall. Another distribution was noted for the smaller sized particles which are seen as TTsmokett and are referred to as suspended particulate. An average value of 24% for the weight of the particulate collected on the membrane filter indicated that about one quarter of the mass of the particulate is emitted as 'smoke" or suspended particulate. A brief experiment was conducted in the laboratory to determine the settling velocity of the larger particulate. The time required for the particles to fall 10 feet was observed. The averages of several trails are presented as Table 3. Particle Size, mm Measured Settling Time, sec/305 cm Stokes Diameter Assuming S. G. = 0. 67, mm 3 3.33 0.4 5 2.33 0.7 9 1.67 0.9 Table 3. Settling velocities for large waste burner emissions. It appears that the larger material emitted by a waste burner, which is certainly a nuisance to nearby property owners, has a stokes diameter about i/b its measured diamter. The slow settling is primarily a function of the shape of the particles which is far from spherical. These particles will carry a great deal farther on a wind than would normally be expected if settling velocity were calculated from their measured size. Using a stokes diameter of i/io the actual, a 1 mm particle starting from an emitted height of 75 feet can be expected to travel about 1/5 mile on a 5 mph wind before reaching the ground. This assumes laminar flow which of course is never the case. It does give some idea of how far a relatively large particle (considering the size distribution) can travel on a light wind before reaching the ground and adding to the pollution burden as dustfalL. A correlation matrix of variables was run on a computer to see if there was a significant relationship between variables measured during this study. Only three significant correlations were found but they were very interesting as they indicate how a burner might be operated to reduce air pollution: 1. The particulate emission correlates inversely with the emission temperature. The higher the temperature, the lower the emissions. 2. The draft ratio (actual/theoretical) correlates directly with temperature. Higher temperature, and hence lower emission, is achieved with a tighter burner (better maintenance and the doors closed!). 3. The percent of ash in the emission correlates directly with temperature. Higher emission temperature indicates more complete cornbusion with less material to be emitted as an air pollutant. The size of the particulate emitted did not correlate significantly with temperature which would indicate that it was more of a function of the material being fed to the burner than how the burner was operated. CONCLUSION Until the day of complete wood utilization at all mills comes, we will be using the wigwam burner for residue disposal. The information gathered during the extensive testing of several representative burners is both valid and useful. It can be used by the mill operators to reduce emissions to the minimum so that they might be observed as better industrial citizens. It can be used by control officials to evaluate these burners for particulate emission quantities, size distribution, and transport characteristics of the emissions. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS cooperation of the 19 mills is greatly appreciated. They are not named as this would not add to the value of this particular study. The lumber industry, as typified by these cooperating mills, has been very helpful in trying to solve their own air pollution problems. The Oregon State Sanitary Authority Staff has cooperated on many of the studies reported here. Their continued efforts with the wood industries wilI result in a better environment for the entire Pacific Northwest. 10 The crews who did the work of testing and analysis deserve special mention. They performed their work well and cheerfully. All were students at Oregon State University: John Kellogg and Larry Thornburgh handled the field collection of the samples, Robert Morrison and Robert Black performed the laboratory analyses. II REFERENCES 1. R. W. Boubel and K. R. Wise, 'An Emission Sampling Probe Installed, Operated, and Retrieved from Ground Level, J. Air Poll. Control Assoc. , 18, 84-85 (February 1968). Z. K. R. Wise, 'An Emission Sampling Device Installed, Operated and Retrieved from Ground Level, Thesis for the Master of Science Degree, Oregon State University (June 1967). 3. R. W. Boubel, "Wood Residue Incineration in Tepee Burners, Circular No. 34, Engineering Experiment Station, Oregon State University (July 1965). 4. R. W. Boubel, M. Northcraft, A. Van Vliet, and M. Popovich, "Wood Waste Disposal and Utilization, " Bulletin No. 39, Engineering Experiment Station, Oregon State University (August 1958). 5. G. R. Fryling, ed., "Combustion Engineering, " Combustion Engineering [nc., New York, N. Y. (1966). 6. ________________, "Elements of Air Quality Management, 7. T. F. Hatch and S. Choate, "Statistical Description of the Size Properties of Non-Uniform Particulate Substances, " J. Franklin Inst. 207, 369 (1933). Training Program Manual, Division of Air Pollution, USPHS, Cincinnati (July 1963). 12 APPENDIX Mill No. - 1 40 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 30 ft. Burner Top Dia. - 15 ft. Forced Draft System - None Grate System None Overfire Air Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents None Burner Condition - Good Fuel Type Douglas Fir bark Burner Height I RESULTS OF 4 TESTS VaLLb1e of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, ° F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0450 Standard Deviation 0.0770 Value High Value 0.0059 0. 1605 Low 50.17 31.05 9. 52 81.16 388.75 62.77 300.00 440.00 0.171 0.245 0.024 0.453 0.39 0.11 0.24 0.48 6.29 4.14 2.80 11. 90 2.25 1.04 1.39 3.66 0.70 0.09 0.61 0. 82 1.42 0.02 1.39 1.44 Actual/ (Count Basis), j. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter ICountBasis), Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation _________ .L H Mill No. 2 Burner Height 35 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 30 ft. Burner Top Dia. 15 ft. Forced Draft System Centrifigal Fan Grate System - Elbow Grates Overfire Air - Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents None Burner Condition - Fair Good Fuel Type White Fir sawdust, rough stock, planer shavings ; _J ...* . -..... s I- RESULTS OF 4 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, °F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Standard Deviation Mean 0.0355 0.0158 Value High Value 0.0164 0.0552 Low 21.35 0.52 20.73 21.97 538.75 72.15 470.00 635.00 0.105 0.047 0.061 0.167 0.92 0.10 0.79 1.00 2.06 0.48 1.46 2.61 2.86 0.55 2.29 3.60 0. 90 0.03 0.87 0.95 0.02 1.40 Actual/ (Count Basis), 1j. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter untBasis), Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation I.L 1.42 [ 1.45 J Mill No. 3 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. 25 ft. Forced Draft System - None Grate System - None Overfire Air Tangential, Adjustable Relief Venti None Burner Condition Fair Fuel Type Cedar sawdust, bark, rough stock Burner Height RESULTS OF 2 TESTS Vanable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0159 29.82 400.00 Standard Deviation 0.0008 2.02 Value High Value 0.0154 0.0165 Low 28.40 31.25 * * * 0.080 * * 0.68 * * * 1.92 0.66 1.45 2.39 2. 38 0.23 2. 22 2. 55 0.96 0.05 0.92 0.99 1.45 0.06 1.41 1.50 Actual/ (Count Basis), p. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter ACount Basis), . Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation * Only one value Mill No. - 4 Burner Height -40 ft. 40 ft. Burner Base Dia. Burner Top Dia. 20 ft. Forced Draft System None Grate System None Overfire Air Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents Yes Burner Condition - Good Hemlock rough stock Fuel Type 4; .I. . (.. _al , v-rn RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of ParticuLite Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0173 Standard Deviation 0.0039 1 Value High Value 0.0130 0.0232 Low 25.29 11.96 16. 59 46.15 455.00 50.74 390.00 510.00 0.120 0.032 0.082 0.156 0.43 0.08 0.33 0.54 2.09 0. 50 1.47 2. 58 348 0.67 2. 76 4.42 1.26 0.25 1.03 1.61 1.56 0.24 1.28 1.86 Actual/ (Count BasL3), IJ Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter LCount Basis), P- Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. -5 60 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 60 ft. Burner Top Dia. - 30 ft. Forced Air System Centrifigal Fans Grate System None Overfire Air Tangential, Fixed Relief Vents - None Burner Condition - Fair Good Fuel Type Ponderosa Pine sawdust, shavings, rough stock Burner Height RESULTS OF 5TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams %Ash of Pa'ticu]ate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actua] I Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), 0. 0180 0. 0079 Value High Value 0.0050 0.0260 Low 30.67 8.32 20.22 37.96 291.00 133.15 190.00 525.00 0.312 0.184 0.103 0.539 0.38 0.19 0.22 0.71 0.42 1.08 1.00 3. 65 3.64 0.92 2.70 5.15 1. 10 0. 17 0.90 1. 24 1.42 0.05 1.36 1.49 L Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Mean Standard Deviation . Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. 6 Burner Height 50 ft. 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. Burner Top Dia. 25 ft. Forced Draft System Axial & Centrifigal Fans Grate System Flat Grates Overfire Air Tangential, Fixed Relief Venl - None Burner Condition Good Fuel Type - White and Red Fir, Lodgepole Pine sawdust, shavings, rough stock - a-As .-.I' RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Inteiest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actua] / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Mean 0.0330 Standard Deviation 0.0133 Value High Value 0.0121 0.0488 Low 44.26 7.09 34.67 53.79 544.00 22.75 525.00 580.00 0.154 0.063 0.060 0. 232 0.74 0.04 0.68 0. 77 2. 98 1. 44 1.80 5.02 4.00 1.12 2.93 5.78 1.19 0.08 1.10 1. 27 1.42 0.11 1.32 [1.59 .L Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter ountBasis), Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation 1J. Mill No. 7 Burner Height 50 ft. 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. Burner Top Dia. 25 ft. Forced Draft System Centrifigal Fan Grate System None Overfire Air Window, Fixed Relief Vents None Burner Condition Fair Fuel Type Fir and Pine sawdust, bark, rough stock .4 ... - &__. .- ..* '.1 RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Inteiest Total Particulate Collected gtams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0253 Standard Deviation 0.0124 Low Value 0.0090 23.69 4. 59 16. 39 525.00 72.80 410.00 High Value 0.0426 27. 53 590.00 .-*----- 0.129 0.063 0.041 0.190 0.72 0.08 0.63 0.85 2.57 0.66 1.92 3.64 3.25 0.43 2.67 3.82 1.08 0.06 0.98 1.14 1.43 0.06 1.34 1.49 (Count Basis), Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter ICount Basis), J. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. 8 Burner Height - 60 ft. Burner Base Dia. 50 ft. Burner Top Dia. 25 ft. Forced Draft System Centrifigal fan Grate System - None Overuire Air - Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents None Burner Condition - Good Fuel Type Pine, some Fir sawdust, shavings, Fir bark RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particul ate Collected, grains % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, °F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Mean 0.0395 Standard Deviation 0.0178 Low Value 0.0133 High Value 0.0615 31.61 8.23 25.09 45. 36 598.00 49.32 525.00 650.00 0.224 0.096 0.096 0.358 0.68 0.15 0.55 0.90 2.71 0. 71 2.07 3.88 3.96 0.94 3.04 5.33 .O7 0.06 1.01 1.17 Basis), Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter kCount Basis), .L Membrane Filter 1.42 0.03 1.43 Geometrical Deviation __________________________________________________________________I.______________________________________________________ 1.48 -_________________ Mill No. 9 Burner Height - 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 25 ft. Burner Top [Ma. 15 ft. Forced Draft System Centrifigal Grate System flat Overfire Air Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents None Burner Condition Good Fuel Type Fir shavings, bark 1'- RESULTS OF 15 TESTS Standard Deviation Low Value 1 High Value Mean Variable of Interest Total Particulate 0.0064 0.2104 0.0665 0.1054 Collected, grams 79. 98 22. 81 14. 78 56.48 % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. 1500.00 150.00 323.58 866.33 During Test, F Particulate Emission, 0.027 0.362 0.087 0.130 Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, 1.20 0.56 0.16 0.79 Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train 6.45 2.05 1.30 3.70 Mean Diameter (Count Basis), p. Sampling Train 2.62 5.61 0.84 3.60 Geometrical Deviation ______- _ -i--________________ _____________ ______________________ Membrane Filter 1.19 0.91 0.08 1.03 Mean Diameter I Count Basis), p. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation 1.46 0.07 1.33 1.65 Mill No. -10 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 50 ft. Burner Top Dia. 25 ft. Forced Draft System - Centrifigal Grate System - flat Overfire Air - Tangential, fixed Relief Vents - Yes Burner Condition Good Fuel Type Fir, Pine, Larch, Spruce sawdust, bark Burner Height RESULTS OF 5 TESJ Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), IJ Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter Mean 0.0356 Standard Deviation 0.0186 Low Value 0.0045 1 I High Value 0.0510 27.78 14.63 3. 22 38.94 435.00 94. 54 300.00 525.00 0.283 0.211 0.019 0.605 0.37 0.20 0.06 0.61 3. 92 0.76 2. 71 4.45 _________- ______________ ___________ 2.63 0.68 1.80 3.46 1.01 0.05 0.96 1.09 1.45 0.04 1.39 1.50 Count Basis), JJ. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. U Burner Height 35 ft. Burner Base Dia. 25 ft. Burner Top Dia. 15 ft. Forced Draft System - Centrifugal Grate System None Overfire Air Window, fixed Relief Vents None Burner Condition poor Fuel Type Fir, Pine, Spruce sawdust, thavings, bark, rough stock RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0308 Standard Deviation 0.0094 Low Value 0.0198 High Value 0.0453 55.83 16. 82 32. 57 73. 58 405.00 59. 58 340.00 500.00 0.190 0.042 0.132 0.246 0.29 0.06 0.22 0.33 2.85 0.69 2.00 3.52 2. 84 0. 88 1. 81 3.63 0.99 0.08 0.88 1.10 1.49 0.04 1.43 1.53 Actual/ (Count Basis), i. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter jCount Basis), Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation FJ. Mill No. -12 Burner Height - 60 ft. Burner Base Dia. 50 ft. Burner Top Dia. - 25 ft. Force Draft System Centrifugal Grate System - Flat Overfire Air - Tangential, adjustable Relief Vents - None Burner Condition - Fair Fuel Type - Hemlock sawdust, shavings, rough stock - RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0. 0195 Standard Deviation 0.0076 Low Value 0.0090 High Value 0. 0275 No Dat 379.00 163.72 90.00 490.00 0.163 0.152 0.045 0.429 0. 70 1.05 0.17 2. 57 3.03 0.79 2.00 4.12 2.73 0.69 1.91 3.52 0.96 0.05 0.88 1.00 1.40 0.06 1.31 1.47 Actual/ (Count Basis), Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter (Count Basis), F.L Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. 13 Burner Height 45 ft. Burner Base Dja. 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. - 20 ft. Forced Draft System - None Grate System None Overfire Air Tangential, fixed Relief Vents None Burner Condition Poor Fuel Type - Veneer (fir, hemlock, spruce, cedar) rough stock RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0. 0224 Standard Deviation 0.0195 Low Value 0.0045 High Value 0. 0522 No Data 388.00 66.86 290.00 450.00 0.252 0.242- 0.028 0.607 0.70 0.42 0.11 1.26 3.41 0.98 2. 52 4. 95 2.87 0. 46 2. 13 3. 1.02 0.08 0.92 1.13 1. 0. 18 1. 32 1. 75 (Count Basis), p. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter kCount Basis), p. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. 14 Burner Height 50 ft. Burner Base Dlii. - 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. 20 ft. Forced Draft System None Grate System - None Overfire Air - Tangential, None Relief Vents Yes Burner Condition Fair Fuel Type - Alder, Maple, Oak sawdust, bark, rough stock - RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Mean 0.0139 208.00 r Standrd Low Deviation Value 0.0080 0.0060 High Value 0.0253 No Dat 60.89 130.00 290.00 0.194 0.069 0.123 0.287 0.31 0.15 0.14 0.49 3. 38 0. 79 2.90 4.78 2.38 1.30 1.26 3.99 1.06 0.13 0.92 1.19 1.61 0.09 1.50 1.72 1j. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter jCount Basis), p. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. -15 Burner Height - 40 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 30 ft. BurnerTopDia. -15 ft. Forced Draft System None Grate System None Overfire Air - Tangential, fixed Relief Vents - None Burner Condition - Poor F uel Type - Fir, Hemlock, Spruce sawdust, bark, rough stock RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, °F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 1 0.0101 Standard Deviation Low f I Value I 0.0054 0.0050 High Value 0.0184 No Dat 166 73.09 100.00 275.00 0.132 0.081 0.069 0.271 0.12 0.08 0.00 0.24 3.68 1.01 2.44 5.06 0. 53 2. 51 3. 70 0.04 1.00 1.08 I (Count Basis), .t Sampling Train 3. 18 Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter 1.03 Mean Diameter rnount Basis), Membrane Filter 1.57 Geometrical Deviation ______________________ F I 0.12 I 1.41 ________________ 1.72 __________ ________ _______-. I .1 Mill No. - 16 45 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. - 20 ft. Forced Draft System - Axial Grate System Mushroom Overfire Air - Tangential, fixed Relief Venl None Burner Condition Good Fuel Type - Redwood bark Burner Height 1 ii ê.1 RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, °F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Mean 0.0113 Standard Deviation 0.0044 Low Value 0.0071 High Value 0.0166 44.84 28.97 15.09 93.22 519.00 22.75 480.00 540.00 0.020 0.008 0.012 0.032 0.31 0.17 0.00 0.44 3.29 0.75 2.60 4.28 412 1.46 2.57 6.38 1.10 0.09 0.98 1.17 1.57 0.20 1.40 1.81 1j. Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter ountBasis), Ii. Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. -17 Burner Height 50 ft. Burner Base Dia. 40 ft Burner Top Dia. - 20 ft. Forced Draft System Centrifigal, Axial Grate System Mushroom Overfire Air Tangential, fixed Relief Vents - None Burner Condition Good Fuel Type Redwood shavings Li '/ L1 RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / it3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Low Value High Value 0. 0067 0.0353 12.84 5.16 6.81 19.19 791.00 248. 93 450. 00 1075.00 0. 0449 0. 0519 0.128 0.074 0.055 0.228 0.41 0.14 0. 24 0. 60 3.44 0.96 2.23 4.55 3 31 0. 60 2. 83 4.35 1.04 0.09 0.96 1.17 1.59 0.18 1.38 .i Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter MeanDiameter Count Basis), Mean Standard Deviation .L Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. -18 Burner Height - 40 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. 20 ft. Forced Draft System None Grate System - None Overfire Air - Tangential, fixed Relief Vents - None Burner Condition Poor Fuel Type - Douglas Fir sawdust, rough stock RESULTS OF 5 TESTS Variable of Interest i'otal Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, 0 F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0088 Standard Deviation Low Value High Value 0.0057 0.0014 22.17 0.07 0.00 22.22 230.00 183.20 100.00 550.00 0.0143 0.160 0.133 0.004 0.302 0.15 0. 09 0. 00 0. 25 3.41 0.77 2. 86 4 75 3.74 1. 22 1. 77 4. 97 0.96 0.13 0.78 1.09 1.47 0.04 1.43 1.54 Actual/ (Count Basis), Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter (Count Basis), Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation Mill No. 19 Burner Height - 40 ft. Burner Base Dia. - 40 ft. Burner Top Dia. 20 ft. Forced Draft System - None Grate System - None Overfire Air - Tangential, fixed Relief Vents Yes Burner Condition - Poor Fuel Type - Douglas Fir sawdust, rough stock, sander dust, shavings RESULTS OF 5 TESTS 1 Variable of Interest Total Particulate Collected, grams % Ash of Particulate Average Temp. During Test, 0 F Particulate Emission, Corrected grains / ft3 Draft Ratio, Actual / Theoretical Sampling Train Mean Diameter Mean 0.0233 Standard Deviation 0.0127 High Value Low Value 0.0087 0.0347 23.15 5.18 14.52 27.35 308.00 208.28 100.00 540.00 0. 465 0. 252 0. 194 022 0.12 0.00 0.40 3.79 1. 75 2.34 6.15 3.01 0.75 2.35 4.30 0.92 0. 03 0. 83 1.56 0.14 1.43 (Count Basis), .t Sampling Train Geometrical Deviation Membrane Filter Mean Diameter Count Basis), i 0. 96 .L Membrane Filter Geometrical Deviation 1.74 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY ENGINEERING EXPERIMENT STATION CORVALLIS, OREGON LIST OF PUBLICATIONS Bulletins- No. 1. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. Preliminary Report on the Control of Stream Pollution in Oregon, by C. V. Langton and H. S. Rogers. 1929. l5. A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette Valley, by H. S. Rogers, C. A. Mockmore, and C. D. Adams. 11)30. 40. The Properties of Cement.Sawdust Mortars, Plain and with Various Admixtures, by S. H. Graf and R. H. Johnson. 1930. 40. Interpretation of Exhaust Gas Analyses, by S. H. Graf, G. \V. Gleeson, and \V. H. Paul. 1934. 25ç'. Boiler-1iVater Troubles and Treatments with Special Reference to Problems in Western Oregon, by R. K. Summers. l93a. None available. A Sanitary Survey of the Willamette River from Sehiwood Bridge to the Columbia, by G. \V. Gleeson. 1936. 25. Industrial and Domestic \Vastes of the \Villamette Valley, by G. \V. Gleeson and F. Merryfield. 1936. 50. An Investigation of Some Oregon Sands with a Statistical Study of the J'reclictivc Values of Tests, by C. E. Thomas and S. H. Graf. 1937. 50g. Preservative Treatments of Fence Posts. l93S Progress Report on the Post Farm, by T. J. Starker. 1938. 25g. Yearly progress reports, 9-A, 9-B, 9.C, 9.D, 9-K, 9K, 1ML No. tO. No. 11. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. 15g. Precipitation.Static Radio Interference Phenomena Originating on Aircraft, by E. C. Starr, 1939. 75. Electric Fence Controllers with Special Reference to Equipment Developed for Measuring Their Characteristics, by F. A. Everest. 1939. 40g. Mathematics of Alignment Chart Construction \Vitliout the Use of Determinants, by J. R. Griffith. 1940. 25. Oil.Tar Creosote for \Vood Preservation, by Glenn Voorhies. 1940. 25g. Optitnuni Power and Economy Air.Fuel Ratic,o for Liquefied l'etroleutn Gases, by \V. H. Paul atid M. l'opovich. 1941. 25c'. Rating atid Care of I )noiestic Sawilui Burners, liv K. F. \Vitley. 1941. 25 . The Improventent of Reversible Dry Kiln Fans, by A. I). Hughes. 1941. 25. No. 15. No. 16. No. 17. An Inventory of Sawtuuill \Vaste in Oregon, by Glenn Voorluies. 1942. 25ç. No. 18. The Use of the Fourier Series in the Solution of Beam Problems, by B. F. Ruffner. 1944. 50g. No. 19. 1945 I'rogress Report ott Pollution of Oregon Streams, liv Fred Merryfield and No. 20. The Fishes of the \\'illameite River Systeoi in No. 21. \V. G. \Vihinot. 1945. 40g. l)imick and Fred \l e rrvlielil. 545. 40 C. hielatioti to Pollution, by IF E. The Use of the Fourier Series in the Solution of Beam-Column l'roblems, by No. 22. B. F. Ruffner. 1945. 25. Industrial ant City \Vastes, by Fred Merryfield, \V. B. Bollen, and F. C. Kachtel N'o. 23. Ten.Year Mortar Strength Tei,is of Sonic Oregon Saints, by C. K. Thomas and No. 24. Space Heaiuuig by Electric Raitiant Panels and by Reverse-Cycle, by Louis SIegel. No. 25. The Banki \Vaier Turbine, by C.. \. Mockni ire and Fred Merrvhiehil. Feb 1949. No. 26. Ignition Temperatures if \arious Patiers, \Vooits, aint Fabrics. by S. H. Graf. Mar 1949. (0g. Cylinder Head Temperatures in Four Airplanes with Continental A-65 Engines, by S. 11. Lowy. lulv 1549. Dielectric I'rotierties of I )ougtas Fir at High Frequencies, Lv I. I. \Vittko1if and H. I). Hacitonald. July 1949. 40g. Dielectric Protie ri ins of I'on derosa I 'inn at 11 i ghi F rnituienci ns, In' I. I. \\ iii kopf anit H. I). Macdonald. Sejuiember 1949. 40r. Exhlatided Shale Aggregate iii Structural Concrete, lw 1). 1). Rilchuie and 5. 11. Graf. Aug 1951. 6O. Improvements in the Field Distillation of Peppermint Oil, by A. D. Hughes. No. 27. No. 28. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. hoPer. 1947. S. H. Graf. 194$. 40g. 1948. 25g. SOC. 40g. Atig 1952. 60. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31, No. 32. No. 33. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. No. 37. I'roceediugs of the Eleventh Pacific Northwest Industrial Vaste Con{erence-1963, Sept 1963. $1.00. Proceedings of the 1964 Northwest Roads and Streets Conference, June 1064. $1.00. Research Activities in the School of Engineering, by J. C. Knudsen, Sept. 1964. 35. The Use of a Technical Library, by K. K. Vsaldrnn, Oct. Ut64. 356. Proceedings of the 1964 Surveying and Mapping Conference, July 1965. 35. Wood Residue Incineration in Tepee turners, by R. 'N. llouhel, July 1965. 356. Research Activities iii the School of Engnieernig, 1964-66, by J. C. Knudsen, November 1966. 75. Industrial Engineering in Industry, 6y 'N. I'. l';iigesser Aug. 1967. 606. Proceedings of the 1966 Nnrtlisvest Roads and Street C,,nferi'nce, Nov. 1967. $1.25. Reprints- No. 1. Methods of Live Line Insulator Testnig and Results of Tests with Different No. 2. Some Anomalies of Siliceous Matter in Boiler Water Chemistry, by R. E. Sumniers. Retirijiteil troni C,,nihiustioii. lan 103). 1Sf. No. 3. Asphalt Emulsion Treatment I'revents Radio Interference, by F. 0. McMihlan. No. 4. No. 5. No. Reprinted from Eiectrical Engineering. Mar 1935. None available. A Radio Interference Measuring Instrument, lw 1'. 1). Mcl\lillan and H. G. Baruett. Reprinted from Electrical Engineering Aug. 1935. t0. 6. Instruments, by F. 0. McMillan. Retiriiiteil from Proc IN \\ Elec Lt and Power Assoc. 1927. 206. Reprinted from Electrical \Vest. Jan 1935. None available. Some Characteristics of A.0 Conductor Corona, by F. 0. McMillan. \Vater.Gas Reaction Apparently Controls Engine Exhaust Gas Composition, by C. 'iV. (ileeson and \V. 11. Paul. Retirnited from National Petroleum News. Ccli 1936. None available. Steam Generation by Burning \\'onih, ty K. F. Sunuuers. Retirinteil from Heating and Ventilating. Atir 1916. 100. No. S. The Piezo Electric Engine Indicator, by \V. 11. l'aul and K. R. Eldreilge. Reprinted from Oregon State Technical Record. Nov 1935. bc'. No. 9. Humidity arid Low Temperature, by \V. H. Martin and E. C. \Villey. Reprinted from l'ower I'lant Engineering. Feb 1937. None available. No. 10. Heat Transfer Efticieoey of Range Units, by \V. 3. \Vatsli. Reprinted from Electrical Engineering. Aug 1937. None available. No. 11. Design of Concrete Mixtures, by I. F. \Vaternian. Reprinted from Concrete. Nov No. 7. 1037. No. 12. None available. \Vater-\Vise Refrigeration, by \V. H . \Iartin and K. E. Sumniers. Reprinted from Power. July t935. 100. No. 13. Polarity I .insits of the Stdere Gat, by F. 0. McMillan. Reprinted from ATEE Transactions, Vol 5)). Mar 1939. tOO. No. 14. Influence of Utensils (in Heat Transfer, by \V. C. Short. Itetirinted from Electrical Engineering, Nov 1935. 100. No. 15. ('nrrosinu and Self- Protection of Metals, be If. F.. Suni,ners. Reprinteil from Industrial Power. Setlt and (jet 1935. No, 16. 106. \Ionocoiitie l"uselagc t.ireuhar Ring Aniitvsis, liv B. Journal of thi c ,\ eronautical Sciences. Jaii 1931). No. 17. I", 106. Ruffner. Ret,rinteil froiii The Photoelastic Metlinil as in Aid in Stress Anitvsis aiid Structural 1)esign, by It. I'. Riiftiiei. Ri-)rnitelh tri,oi .\eri, Dig est. Apr 9,19. 1)10. No. 15. Inch VaIn,' ,,f 11,1-I ri,,, ti Sei'ou,l.( ;rmi'thi I ),,ugha'. "ii', by l,ee CaIne. Relirintell from The Tinibernian. l une 191') 100. No. 1'). Stoicl000ictric ('alcolatioi,'. of Eslvoist (ias, liv C. Vi'. (0 yes,, n .'oi, I 1". \\'. \\'ooihl)et,t, Jr. Rcteinie,t from Niti,iit l'etrotenni News. Nov 19,19. 106. t,n. 20, 'lIe .\pthication nf l"ee,It,vk to \'i'i,hc-lIan,l 11W pin .\oi1,Iifi 'es , liv I". -N. Everest an,l H. K. Joh,,isto,i. ReiruiteI frooi Proc of the Institute of Radio Engineers. s. I Id, 941), tIe. No. 21, Strescs l)ue to Sevoo,I:irv Bending. liv No. 22, 1)40. lOf. SNaIl lea! l.,,.. No, 23. It. I". Riiti,,er. R,'t,rntc,I frooi Proc of I"n't Noriln,e'.i t'Ii,'i,s-Iastic,tv ('oilteren,e, I Oivei's,tv ot \\'ash,i,igtoo. Ma,' Baik ,,f R:,,h,,itors, l,v F. ('. \\',IIev. lfcii'nite,h fi'ooi Ilcatiog and Ventilating. Nov 11)3)), 1)10. SIi','s', ('oueentration t"a,-t,,rs io M,on Me,i,ticr, l)ne to \\','hleih Stiffeners, In' NV. If. Cherry. Ret'rinte,h from the \\'elding Journal, Reseirvhi Sutsi,temuent. Icc 11)4 t , No, 24, No. 25. I lIe. Hori,ontat.Pot;ir.l';,tt,-m'm, 'l'raver for I)i,'ectionat ltroa,lcast Aotvo,i,,s, l,v F. Everest amid \\' .!,.I'r ,t,'l,ett. Ri'printe,h fromii Proc of 'l'lie lostiti,t,- of lfa,hi,, Eu gi neers. Ma,' 11)2. lOg. Mo,lernMethinds of Mi,,,' K,nmi'Iuig, liv K. K. Mea,le. Reprinted fm'oni i'hie ('onit'iiss of Sigma Gamma Epsilon. Jan 1942. lOf. No. 26. 11 roaticast Antennas and Arrays. Calculation of liailiation tat terns; Imjiedan Ce Relationships, liv 'Austin l'ritcheit. Retirinteil front (_iiiiiiminications. Aug and No. 27. Heat Losses Through \Vetteil Walls, by E. C. \Villey. Reprinted from ASHVE Journal Section of 1-leating. Piping, and Air Conditioning. June 1946. t0. Sept 1944 No. 29. No. 29. No. 30. No. 31. No. 32. NOne avai able. Electric Power in China, by F. 0. McMihlan. Reprinted from Electrical Engineering. Jan 1947. lOg. Tlte Transient Energy Metlioil of Calctilatiitg Stability, by P. Reprinted from Al FE Transactions, Vol 66. 1947. 106. Observations on Arc 1)iscliarges at Low Pressures, by M. front Journal 0f Aptilicil l'liysics. April 1949. tOg. J. C. Magnttssott. Kofoitl. Retirinteil Long-Range Planning for Power Stiplily, by F. 0. McMillan. Re1irinteil from Electrical Engineering. Dec 1949. 106. Heat Transfer Coefficients in Beils of Moving Solids, by 0. Leveiisliiel and S. Walton. Reprinted front Proc of the Heat Transfer and Flttiil Mechanics - No. $3. Institute. 1949. log. Catalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane by Selective Oxidation, by J. I'. McCullough wit J. S. \Valton. Reprinted from Industrial aitil Engineering ('heinistrv. July 10. 1949. No. 34. No. 35. No. 36. Diffusion Coefficients of Organic Liquids in Solution front Surface lension Measurements, by K. C. Olson and J . S. \Vatton. Rehirinteil front I tidustrial Engineering Chemistry. Mar 1951. 106. Ttanietits in (Ottlileil lntlnctance.Catiacitance Circuits Atialyzeil in Terms of a hiol liii g-B all Aoaltigiie. liv P. C. Magnu-son. lietiri ii ted front Vol (9, Al EE Transactions. 1950. lOg. Geometric Mean Distance of Angle.Shatied Conductors, by I'. C. Magnusson. Tie- No. 37. intel trout Vol 70, .Ahl1E Traisactoos. 1991. 106. Energy--Choose It Wisely Today for Safety Toniorroiv, liv G. \\'. Gtccon. lie. printed front ASI IV K Journal Section of Heating, l'ipiog, ansI Air Condition- No. 38. An Analysis of Conductor Vibration Field Data, by R. F. Steidel, Jr. and M. B. gAng 1051. No.30. 106. Elton. Al EE conference taller presented at Pacific General Itleetiitg, l'ortlannl, Oregon Aug 23, 1991. 10 ]hic I looitilirevs ('onstaiii.Cooilirension Eogtoe. by 'A. H. haul tint! I. B. Httoiphireys. lieliruiteil from S A F; Quarterly Traosactioins. Atiril 1952. 106. No. 40. Gas-,Soliil Film Coefficients 0f Heat Transfer in Ftuiilizeil (oat Beils, by J . S. \\'alton. K. L. Olson, and Octave Leveiis;iiel. Rejirinteil front Industrial and No. 41. Restaurant \entilation, by 'A. II. Martin. lirtironteil fri,oi 'Die Sanitarian, \'ol Engineering (1iemistry. T une 1952. lOg. 6. May-June 1052. 106. Electroclieniistry in the l'acitie Northwest, by .1 oselili Schiulein. Retirinted from Journal of tIne Electroclieninical Societe June 1053. 20g. Mw Id St uilie. of Tattcrenl Inkts for Box Culverts, by Roy H. Shoemaker ant I I .enl is' A. Clayton. lO-pri ntet I from Research Rd tort 15-It, Ihn gIl way liesea rch 14. No. No. 42. . No. 43. No. 44. Itoaril, \\anliingtoo. It. C. 11(5.1. 206. Bed-\\'atl Heat Transfer in Ftuiilized Systems, be 0. l.cveosi,icl and No 4 Slitnnit No. 46. The Design and Effectiveness of an Underwater Diffusion l.ine for the Disposal if Sloot Sultiloti- I .iqinor, by II. R.Annhierg initl .\. t Si rang. Reprinted front No. 47. t.00i;iare \onr Shetlittils with thos Survey, by _\rtltiit \Vetitlierl,ce. lli-1trioteit froon \\c-,tern lnilustrv. No. 48. Sonic S treann Pollution I' roblerns and Abatement 1\Ieasni No. 19. Fabrication of a Zirconium-I .itteil Reaction Vessel, liv 0. G. Paaschie antI A. Kill in. Reprtnted root 'l'lie Welili ng Journal. 1' eb 1954. 20f. Heat Transfer Betscecit Immiscilile Liqtnids, by S. S. Grover and J. G. Knudsen. Re1iciniteil toni Cheoiic;il Engineering, No. 17, Vol St. lOg. How Oil Viscosity -\ffects l'istoni Ring Vicar, by H. I'ohiovichi anil I,. E. Johui. son. liepruitccl front Automotive Iniltistries. January 1956. 106. Internnittcnt Discharge of Spent Sulfite I.iituor, by Herman Ii. Amherg anil Robert Elder. April 1956. 106. Hvilratthica of Box Culverts syith Fish-I1aililer Baffle-, liv hot' H. Shoemaker, Jr. Reprntcil from Proceedings of tlte II iithiw-av Research Board, Vol 35. 1956. J. S. \Vahton. liclirinits fronti Heat lrantsler-Ren-narcli Stuilics. 1054. ttig. mi n I ree I r ui iii ion lid rk hi I C St nrr ul I K lit listed hoot b'n,wer .\plaraius intl Svstinis. I lee 195.3. tOfi. (. i P l't. .1 lily 1054. I . t06. I.. 0(1. ti-i liolierts lOf. auth l.yle K. Cs ('nil ertaken iii the lacittc Northwest, liv H. K. Annberg. Reprinited front TAI'l'I. Felt. 1955. tOf. 1 - I No. 50. I No. 51. No. 52. No. 53. No 54. A Numerical Solntion to Diniensioual Anal sic liv 0. t.evenopiel. N. F. \\'einstein, 3. C. R. I. hi 511cm let 1 from md tnotria I an it Engi nec ri rig Chemistry, Vol 48. Feb l9a6. 25c. Thermal (omitluctis-ity of l.iquiil-Liijuid Emulsions, tv I-I. Wang and James Cl. - No. 55. Kuuiloent. Reprinted front Industrial antI Ermgioi-i-viii I - Clicoii ttry, Nov 1955. tOg. No. 56. Local Shell-Side Heat Transfer Coefficients in the Vicinity of Segmental Baffles in Tubular Heat Exchangers, by M. S. Gurushankariah and J. .G. Knudsen. Reprinted from Heat Transfer-Chicago issue of AIChE Symposium Series. 1959. No. 57. llard-\Vater Scaling of Finned Tubes at Moderate Temperatures, by H. K. McCluer and .J. G. Knudsen. Reprinted from Heat Transfer-Chicago issue of AICIiE Symposium Series. 1959. l0. l0. No. 58. Heat Transfer from Isothermal Flat Plates: An Extension of Pohlhausen's Solution to I_ow and High Prandtl Number Fluids, by F. 1). Fisher and J. C. Knudsen. Reprinted from Chensical Engineering Progress Symposium Series No. 29. 1959. 10. No. 59. Radio Interference Atlenuation on Energized High-Voltage Transmission Lines: \t,oureni:-nt inil Application, by C. N. Stone, K. H. Gelirig, and R. S. Lens. Reprinted from Power Apparatus Systems. Dec 1959. 10g. No. 60. EHV Single and Twin Bundle Conductors-Intluence of Conductor Diameter and Strand Diameter on Ra,lio Intluence Voltage and Corona Initiation Voltage, by I.. N. Stone. Retirinteil from l'osver Aliparatus and Systems. Dec 1959. 10g. No. 61. Local Shell-Side Heat Transfer Coefficients and Pressure Drop in a Tubular Heat Exchanger with Orifice Baffles, by K. S. Lee and J. G. Knudsen. Reprinted from AIChE Journal. Dec 1960. 10g. N0. 62. No. 63. No. (:4. Rates of Heat Transfer from Short Sections of an Isothermal Pipe, by A. A. Faruqui and J. G. Knudsen. Retirinted from Heat Transfer-Buffalo issue of AIChE Syniliosium Series. Mar 1961. 10c. Drag Coefficients at Loss- Reynolds Numbers for Flosv Past Immersed Ilodies, by A. M. Jones and J. C. Knudsen. Reprinted from AIChE Journal, Mar 1961. 100. Persulfate Oxidizable Carbon and BOD as a Measure of Organic Pollution in Water, by C. M. Gilinour, F. Merryfield, F. J. Burgess, L. Purkerson, and J. K. Carsorell. Reprinteil from Proc of 15th Purdue Industrial \°aste Conf, May 1961. lOg. No. 65. Evaluation Criteria for Deeti Trickling Filters, by F. J. Burgess, F. Merryfield, J. K. Carsis-ell, and CM. Gilmour. Reprinteil from Journ Water Pollution Con- No. 66. Effect of Negative Corona Upon Formation of Positive Corona, by C. A. Pearson. No. 67. No. 68. Design of the ESIAC Algebraic Computer, by J. C. Looney and M. L. Morgan. Reprinted from IRE Transactions on Electronic Computers, Sept 1961. 100. Tliernial Stresses in an Idealized Wing Structure, by Mark Levinson. Reprinted No. 69. The ESIAC Potential.Plane Analog Computer, hiy J. C. Looney. Reprinted from No. 70. Wood Waste Incineration, by M. Poliovichi, H. Nortlicraft, R. W. Bouhel, and C. E. Tliornhurgh. Reprinted from Tech Reis irt A6 1-3. Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engr Center, Public Health Service, U. S. Dept of Health, E,lucation, and No. 71. The Role of Current Distribution in (athoihir Protection, by R. E. Meredith. Re- No. 72. Local Rates of I-teat Transfer aiid Pressure l.00ses in the Vicinity of Annular trol Federation, Aug 1961. 106. Reprinted fryni l'osver Apparatus & Systems, I )ec 1961. trom Journ of Aerospace Sciences, 1961. 106. Auti,inatic Control, May 1961. 10 \Veltare, 1961. 100. tirinte,l from No. 7.3. No. 74. No. 75. Materials Protection, Feb 1963. 106. Orifices, by P. S. Wi I ham s :uiil J - G. Knnileen. Reliri nte,l from The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, April 1963. tOO. Convection 0-lea> Transfer From 'l'ransve roe Ii nne:l 'I'ubcs, by K. B. Pan amid J. C. Knu,lseii. Reprinted from Chieniical Enginee riii p I 'rogress, July 1963. lOg. Myoelectric Surface Potentials for Machine Control, by K. K. Michael and F. K. rawforil. Kel>rnnte,l froni Electrical Engiiiecriiig, Nov 1963. 1O. Variable \Vimltli lube Generation Usiiig Avalanche Transistors, by \\. C. Hagnu000. Reliriiti-,h frnni I FEE Transactions, Sept 1063. 106. No. 76. Evaluating die Effective Resistances of Diaphragms or Electrolytic Separators, by K. E. Mereilmili an,l C. \\. Tol,ias. Rehininied from Journal of the Electrochern- No. 77. (hide. Ni>. 75. the Air l9ihh,itj,,n Coni rob .Ass,,ci:,iioi>, _1 un 19(5. 100. Sonic I )eiection ,,f I nic-rn:ih Ui-cay in \\no,l l',,les, liv I.. C_Jensen. Reprinted froni ieol Si:ciety, Dec 1)63. 106. if Niirog,-i' an,! l.'nbiirned II v,hrocarlsois l'riclucc-,I during Controlheih Coinhiimstion, by H. \V. htoiiln_-h soil I__A. Ri pjier inn. Reprinieil froni Journal of tile S,-coii,l Sv:nposiusi in tile Non-l)i-'truciise 'li-sting of \\'ood. \'asliington Si:,ic ('ii ye rsit 1)65. tOe. l'rcssu-ce-Voluoii- (hara,-teristic, of l'hastic Bags, iv K. Vi. Itouhel. Reprinted from .Amiiericaii lniluotrial Hygiene Association Journal, .\tay-Jtnie 1965. lOf. l,lcmitihc:,ii,,n of l.,,sv-Fhoiv .-\in'nieniatir,n Rejuircmocnts for Water juality Control l,y Cniii1iut,-r leelniii1ncs, by J l_. \'>orh,-v, 's\. V,. 'lowne, an,l F. J. Burgess. lfci,rniteil frnm,i Journal ot the \\iiier l'uIliltic,n Control Fe,lvrati,nn, May 1965. . No. 79. Ni,. SO. 106. No. 81. No. 82. No. 53. iernl,eratures in Rivers soil Reservoirs, hiy W. H. Delay and John Sea,hers. Feh. 1966 106. V,'ater-\V:,ter Kvcry,vlicre, by I". 5. hturgcss. N,,v. 1966. 100. .A High-Temperature Soli,l State Battery. by I). I'. (lark ,n,l K. E. Mere,lithi. Reprinted from Electrochemical Tmschniology. Sept.-Oct. 1967. 106. l'rechictnig Oregon State University CORVALLIS RESIDENT INSTRUCTION Undergraduate Liberal Arts and Sciences School of Humanities and Social Sciences (B.A., B.S. degrees) School of Science (B.A., B.S. degrees) Undergraduate Professional Schools School of Agriculture (B.S., B.Agr. degrees) School of Business and Technology (B.A., B.S. degrees) School of Education (B.A., B.S. degrees) School of Engineering (B.A., B.S. degrees) School of Forestry (B.S., B.F. degrees) School of Home Economics (B.A., B.S. degrees) School of Pharmacy (B.A., B.S. degrees) Graduate School Fields of Study Biological and Physical Sciences (M.A., M.S., Ph.D. degrees) Agriculture (MS., M.Agr., Ph.D. degrees) Education (M.A., M.S., Ed.M., Ed.D., Ph.D. degrees) Engineering (M.A., M.S., M.Bioeng., M.Eng., M.Mat.Sc., A.E., Ch.E., C.E., E.E., I.E., M.E., MetE., MinE., Ph.D. degrees) Forestry (M.S., M.F., Ph.D. degrees) Home Economics (M.A., M.S., M.H.Ec., Ph.D. degrees) Pharmacy (M.A., M.S., M.Pharm., Ph.D. degrees) Summer Sessions Short Courses, Institutes, Workshops RESEARCH AND EXPERIMENTATION General Research (established 1932) Agricultural Experiment Station (established 1888) Agricultural Research Division Forest Research Division Branch Stations at Astoria, Aurora, Burns, Hermiston, Hood River and The Dalles, Kiamath Falls, Medforcl, Moro, Ontario, Oregon city, Pendleton, Redmond, and Union. Engineering Experiment Station (established 1927) Science Research Institute (established 1952) Transportation Research Institute (established 1960) Water Resources Institute (established 1960) Radiation Center (established 1964) EXTENSION Federal Cooperative Extension (Agriculture and Home Economics) Division of Continuing Education, State System of Higher Education