Development of a Screening Array for Congenital Melanocytic Nevi Alexander Valiga1, Daniel Widmer1, Thomas Biedermann2, Phil Cheng1, Reinhard Dummer1, Mitchell Levesque1 1University Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland, 2University Children’s Hospital Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland Abstract Methods Previous studies have revealed a prevalence of mutations within the NRAS gene, but additional genetic changes attributable to melanoma development from congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) remain unknown. Our laboratory has shown that there exists a set of differentially expressed genes among melanoma and nevus tissues, which may hold significant implications for understanding the development of cancer from a previously benign, congenital lesion. Paired'end)RNA' sequencing) Basic&Expression&Measured&via&RT4qPCR& 20& Analysis)using)) ))))) 15& 10& DESeq) VOOM) 5& edgeR) 0& Candidate)gene) selec<on)based) on)fold)change) In the majority of pairwise comparisons between nevus and melanoma, the RTqPCR data was in concordance with the RNA-seq analysis. Of particular interest were two validated genes. The first of these is shown to be up regulated in nevus versus melanoma and is a member of a family of genes known to aid in the inactivation of tumor suppressors such as p53. The other gene of interest, shown to be down regulated in melanocyte versus nevus, is important in healthy melanocyte development and has a well-characterized link with the tumor suppressor, p53. >5& >20& Figure 2. Work flow of entire project from initial RNA sequencing analysis to validation via RT-qPCR Reference' Genome' Sequence' Data' So1ware' Setup' Sequence'Quality' Checks' 2Bgroup'differen6al' comparison' like lympho-plasmocytic infiltrate with only a few dermal melanophages. No atypical melanocytic proliferation was Figure 1. Clinical manifestations of (A) giant congenital nevus and (B) cutaneous melanoma as well as (C) Venn diagram depicting the number of uniquely, differentially expressed genes among different tissue types determined from initial RNA-seq analysis. While preliminary sequencing yielded results for melanocyte samples in addition to nevus and melanoma, variability in genetic expression during RT-qPCR analysis prompted this study to focus our efforts on only nevus and melanoma samples. Nevus& Melanoma&(in&vitro)& Melanoma&(in&vivo)& Melanoma&(pa3ent)& Gene&3& 1& 6.45& 6.99& 727.72& Gene&6& >1& >73.98& >0.16& >20.58& Figure 4. RT-qPCR derived expression for inversely expressed genes within study. Of note was that validation revealed differences within same gene across multiple tissue sources. Significant expression (p < 0.05) was seen in patient melanoma samples when compared to nevus expression for both genes. Error bars represent standard deviation of basic expression. Feature'Coun6ng' GLMBbased'differen6al' comparisons' Irina M rg ritescu et al. 638 Through next-generation RNA sequencing technology (RNA-seq), a set of genes in this flow part offor theanalysis lesion (Figure 3B). data The final accepted and expected the epidermis overlying Figure a present are shown to be differentially expressed across are melanocyte, nevus, andinmelanoma 3. Work of raw obtained from paired-end RNA diagnosis was completely regressed primary cutaneous congenital melanocytic nevus. Step sections through the tissues. Alternative analysis of this sequencing data using various bioinformatics sequencing. Adapted from Anders et al. Nature 2013 erythematous part of the lesion revealed a hypopigmented melanoma in association with a congenital melanocytic techniques combined with validation of the acquired data through real-time with loss of genes the retewhich ridges,are and a scar-like nevus, with nodal and cerebral metastasis (AJCC stage quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) analysis allows forepidermis the selection of the fibroplasia over a profile. broad zone theofpapillary and IV disease). The patient was referred to the oncologist most indicative of a benign melanocytic or malignant melanoma This in type the reticular dermis. There was and chemotherapy was initiated. He is still alive five analysis paves the way for the establishment ofsuperficial a custom part array,ofwhich would allow vascularity and a relatively abundant band- months after diagnosis. for a patient’s tissue sample to be pre-screenedincreased for cancerous potential. C" >25& Table 2. Differences across different melanoma tissue sources and their respective p-values during RT-qPCR validation. Green coloring indicates statistically significant result (p < 0.05) and red indicates an insignificant result. Notable results include the differences between significance of gene expression in in vitro and patient samples in Gene 3, 5, and 7. Mapping'Reads' The fact remains that these common mutations are not sufficient for a malignant transformation, with only 5% of melanomas developing from melanocytic nevi (Charbel et al., 2013). For example, NRAS and BRAF are frequently mutated within nevi as well as primary and metastatic melanoma lesions. So far, present studies have only determined that patients’ age as well as the size of their CMN are factors that seem to play a part in progression from a benign lesion to melanoma. Thus, it is clear that additional molecular effects are responsible for aberrant growth and disease. Conclusions and Future Directions >15& Valida<on)by)384) well)RT'qPCR) array) Congenital melanocytic nevi (CMN) are benign melanocytic tumors that exist at birth. While not fully understood, it is believed that melanocytes, driven by cAMP activity, proliferate to form these pigmented lesions (Setaluri and Rodriguez, 2014). Furthermore, over 70% of medium to large CMN, developed in utero, possess NRAS mutations, a genetic aberration that has been previously implicated in melanoma development (Charbel et al., 2013). Through a series of genetic and phenotypic changes, the cancer can then progress to a metastatic state at which point typical survival is only 6-8 months after diagnosis (Hodi, 2010). B" Figure 6. Pathway analysis for genes found to be up-regulated in nevus when compared to melanoma. Pathways related to both the immune response as well as tumor suppressors were found to be most significant. All pathways shown are significant (p < 0.05). >10& Introduction A" Results Cont. 25& Preliminary experiments assessed gene expression of each tissue type though RNA-sequencing (RNA-seq) and analyzing the resulting data by combining several software packages in R. Validation of the differentially expressed genes was confirmed via SYBR Green based RT- qPCR array. To allow for the most representative validation, the same RNA samples used in the previous RNA-seq study were used in the validation stage: nevus (n=4), melanoma (n=3). Also, an additional number of nevus and melanoma RNA samples were harvested from both solid tissue and cell culture sources, which allowed added confidence to the validation result: nevus (n=8), melanoma (n=6). Combinations of such genes would be excellent candidates to assess the overall malignant potential of patients’ nevus tissue within the context of a future diagnostic array. Results Cont. Results The clinical features and histopathological findings are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Target Gene$1 Gene$2 Gene$3 Gene$4 Gene$5 Gene$6 Gene$7 Gene$8 p(value,from,RT(qPCR,Validation in#vitro in#vivo patient 0.004 0.001 0.010 0.028 0.014 0.006 0.205 0.097 0.001 0.183 0.012 0.400 0.412 0.019 0.023 0.002 0.066 0.005 0.474 0.192 0.010 0.022 0.011 0.031 This study has shown that RT-qPCR is capable of acting as a validation platform for preliminary results gathered via next generation, paired-end RNA-sequencing. Analysis of RNA from different tissue sources (in vitro, in vivo, and patient) demonstrate that gene expression differences can arise based on source of RNA. Additional applications for RNA-sequencing data could be directed towards examining single nucleotide variants among tissue types in order to create a better diagnostic tool. Future studies would involve growing fully human artificial skin on the back of immunocompromised rats and induce nevi and melanoma growth, after which gene knockdown could be used to determine a gene of interests’ biological importance in transformation from nevus to melanoma. Implications This work demonstrates the importance of utilizing RT-qPCR to validate RNAsequencing results and solidifies the practice as an important step in the interpretation of differentially expressed genes. The seven genes currently validated during this study paves the way for future validation of genes for use in a custom array that could be used to assess the cancerous potential of skin lesions in a clinical setting. References Setaluri V and Rodriguez Cl. Arch Biochem Biophys. 2014 [Epub ahead of print] Charbel C et al. J Invest Dermatol. 2013. 134(4): 1067-74 Table 1. Comparison between selected target gene expression patterns across tissue types as seen from RNA seq and RT-qPCR approaches. Melanocytes were included during RNA sequencing but were abandoned during RT-qPCR validation in favor of more clinically relevant nevus and melanoma tissues. Hodi FS et al. N Engl J Med. 2010 8(7): 645-654 Holderfield M et al. Nat Rev Cancer 2014 14(7): 455-467 Widmer DS et al. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res 2012 25(3): 343-353 Target Gene$1 Gene$2 Gene$3 Gene$4 Gene$5 Gene$6 Gene$7 Gene$8 RNA*Sequencing*Result Melanoma$>$Nevus$>$Melanocyte Melanoma$>$Nevus$>$Melanocyte Melanoma$>$Nevus$>$Melanocyte Melanocyte$>$Nevus$>$Melanoma Melanocyte$>$Nevus$>$Melanoma Melanocyte$>$Nevus$>$Melanoma Melanocyte$>$Nevus$>$Melanoma Melanocyte$>$Nevus$>$Melanoma RT3qPCR*Result SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME OPPOSITE Anders S et al. Nat Protoc 2013 8(9): 1765-1786 Acknowledgements This work was supported by grants from Drexel University as well as the Whitaker International Program, which is a subsidiary of the Institute of International Education Figure 5. Pathway analysis for genes found to be up-regulated in melanoma when compared to nevus. Several pathways vital to melanoma oncogenesis and progression are listed above such as NRAS and those involved in EMT. All pathways shown are significant (p < 0.05).