Document 11129501

Jessica Madej, Khushboo Sadadiwala, Nora Koppelman, Stephanie Singer, Mark Houck, Siara Johnson, & Naomi Goldstein Department of Psychology, Drexel University, Philadelphia PA Zelenski et al., 2003)
Par.cipants’ VIQ scores by .ming of par.cipa.on within a term will differ. al., 2015; WiK et al., 2011; Bender, 2007; Zelenski et al., 2003; Aviv et al., 2002)
•  Differences in verbal IQ have not yet been inves.gated
A special thank you to Dr. Naomi Goldstein, Stephanie Singer, Elizabeth Gale-­‐Bentz, Mark Houck and the many other members of the Goldstein Lab who gave valuable feedback and helped with this project. Gender Par.cipants that enroll at the beginning of the academic quarter will have higher VIQ scores than those who par.cipate later in the term. •  72.5% Female •  18 to 28 years (M = 20.45; SD = 2.76) Age •  No significant differences in VIQ score by .me of par.cipa.on •  Failed to support findings from previous studies •  May need to take into account an.cipated grades and IQ Race/Ethnicity •  Researchers assume independence of par.cipants but there may be group characteris.cs based on .ming of par.cipa.on in a term
•  Literature suggests an associa.on between student characteris.cs (e.g.,, academic achievement, personality) and .me of par.cipa.on in an academic term (Nicholls et Sample Size •  39 undergraduates 17.5% Caucasian Asian 7.5% 7.5% Subset of data selected from larger study that examined students’ understanding and apprecia.on of the Miranda warnings Par.cipants completed the verbal subscale of the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence – Second Edi.on (WASI-­‐II) differences in VIQ examined with a one-­‐way ANOVA Fall 2014 academic term divided into 3 groups of 19-­‐day increments: beginning, middle, and end 60.0% Black/African American Hispanic 15.0% Other Small sample size Lots of variability in IQ scores Single academic quarter Mul.ple holidays – unsure of how fall holidays influenced par.cipa.on •  Excluded students without English fluency • 
160 140 VIQ Score •  Undergraduate students cons.tute a large por.on of the subject pool in university research studies (Bender, 2007; •  Examine differences across a full academic year •  Explore characteris.cs of students in a semester system vs. quarter system •  Assess other variables (e.g.,, academic achievement) as they correspond to IQ and .me of par.cipa.on •  Control for stress and anxiety 120 100 80 60 40 Beginning Middle End Period of Recruitment F (2, 38) = 1.11, p = .34, η² = 0.06 Further inquiries can be directed to Jessica Madej, 