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Rathman 1.1 Introduction The primary objective of this cooperative work with the Houston Advanced Research Center (HARC) is to develop a novel method for automated, low-cost, high-throughput DNA sequence analysis. The overall goal is to demonstrate laboratory prototypes that provide a substantial increase in speed over the conventional DNA sequencing methods now used in the biomedical, pharmaceutical, and agricultural industries. The basic approach is shown in figure 1. In a hypothetical DNA sequencing test, a solution of single-stranded "target" DNA strands of identical but unknown sequence is washed onto a specialized microelectronic chip called a genosensor. The genosensor surface contains a large array of test sites, each site containing short pieces of singlestranded DNA known as "probes." These probes are chemically attached to the site. All probes in a given site have the same sequence, and the sequence for each site is unique on the chip. The target DNA strands will bond, or hybridize, very strongly to probes containing their exact WatsonCrick complement, but much less strongly to probes on other sites. The sites containing hybridized DNA are identified via electronic sensing on the chip, and this information is used by off-chip instrumentation to reconstruct the sequence of the target strands. MIT's role in this effort is primarily in the design and fabrication of the genosensor chips. 1.2 Development of Genosensor Arrays 1.2.1 Genosensor Electronic-Detection Principle The simplest electrical measurement that can be made at a test site to detect hybridization is probably a measurement of the change in local permittivity due to the addition of long target strands to the site. The complex permittivity E'-jE" of an aqueous solution containing DNA exhibits a dispersion around a relaxation frequency which is a function of the size and conformation of the DNA molecule. A measurement of the capacitance and/or conductance between two electrodes in the solution over a range of frequency can therefore differentiate between a site that contains only short probe strands and one that contains long target strands hybridized to the probe strands. From these measurements the relative permittivity E', the dielectric loss E", and the dissipation factor E"'E' can be obtained for the cell. The ideal electrode structure in a test well consists of two parallel plates spaced so that the entire volume between them is filled by the hybridized DNA globules in aqueous solution. For the sizes of target DNA envisioned, this spacing ranges from approximately 200 to a few thousand angstroms. A practical, easily fabricated structure that approximates this ideal is an interdigitated design shown in figure 2. Fabricated by a combination of wet and dry etching with metal liftoff, this design can achieve the required spacings between the upper and lower electrodes at their edges. Figure 3 shows various aspects of completed genosensor devices. for DNA Decoding Sponsor 1.2.2 Genosensor Fabrication Development Houston Advanced Research Center Contract HRC-HG00665-01 The primary emphasis of this project is on the process development and feasibility exploration for the genosensor design of figure 2. For this chip, conventional 2-pm photolithography, wet and dry etching techniques, and electron-beam evaporation and liftoff processes are used to fabricate an interdigitated electrode structure in which the opposing electrodes are separated vertically. Project Staff Dr. Daniel J. Ehrlich, Dr. Mark A. Hollis, Dr. Dennis D. Rathman During this past year, significant progress has been made in process development. Yield and reproducibility of 6x6 passive arrays of various 325 Chapter 1. Genosensor Technology Development GENOSENSOR SYSTEM "AGTCG" DNA PROBES WITH HYBRIDIZED UNKNOWN DNA Figure 1. Conceptual genosensor system. developed techniques to connect Al wires directly to Pt electrodes, eliminating the need for evaporation and liftoff of Au bonding pads. DETECTION-ELEMENT CROSS SECTION Ti A \11. J AQUEOUS NA SOLUTION UNHYBRIDIZED DNAPROBES Si34 SiOn SI SUBSTRATE Figure 2. Electrode design for a permittivity genosensor. The unit cell shown is repeated many times across a test well to form an interdigitated test structure with the top Au electrodes connected to one access line and the bottom Au electrodes to the other. active-area sizes have been dramatically improved to greater than 90 percent for all array sizes. Problems described in last year's report related to the patterning of the narrow Pt interconnect lines have been solved. In addition, the use of thicker Ti layers underneath the Pt lines has resulted in better adhesion of both the interconnects and the activearea electrodes to the substrates. We have also 326 RLE Progress Report Number 137 One of the more challenging fabrication efforts successfully completed this year was the development of a buried-interconnect, or insulated-lead, process. (The motivation for developing this process is discussed in Section 1.2.3 below). This involves the use of photosensitive polyimide as a second-layer dielectric which is deposited on the completed The active electrode area is opened device. conventional by polyimide the through photolithography, where the polyimide behaves like positive photoresist which can be developed out after exposure. The polyimide is then hard baked at 2000C or greater and remains on the genosensor chip to insulate the interconnect leads from the chemical solutions used in the attachment and measurement of DNA. In initial tests, the polyimide does seem to be somewhat degraded by the chemical treatments required for DNA strand attachment, but not so severely that the electrical measureInvestigation of these ments are compromised. matters is continuing. Chapter 1. Genosensor Technology Development Figure 3. Collection of photographs showing various views of a complete genosensor device. (a) Top view of the standard 100 pm X 100 pm single test cell. (b) Top view of the 6 X 6 passive array of test cells. (c) Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) closeup of the interdigitated electrode fingers. (d) Genosensor chip in electronic package. During this past year, we have delivered 30 packaged devices (and several unpackaged chips for DNA attachment experiments) to HARC for tests for this project. At present, several additional wafers are in various stages of processing. 1.2.3 Genosensor Test Results Extensive experimental and theoretical studies of genosensor electrical properties have been carried out this past year. It has been found that the preliminary data showing peaks in dissipation factor for DNA probes and hybridized DNA that were shown in figure 4 in last year's report are actually artifacts of parasitic effects. The first-generation genosensor used for those measurements did not have insulated interconnect leads on the chip surface, thus the leads were exposed to the aqueous saline solution used during the electrical tests. Extensive electromagnetic modeling has shown that the par- ticular parasitic resistance and capacitance associated with the leads combined with the high dielectric constant and conductivity of the saline can reduce the phase velocity of electromagnetic propagation along the leads by as much as a factor of 100. This slow-wave effect produces an anomalous inductive behavior in the measurement circuit, causing spurious resonances which show up as the peaks in last year's data. These findings are the motivation behind the development of the insulatedlead process described above. It should be stressed that this effect is only important in interconnect leads that run across the chip surface from the bonding pads to the sensor sites and is not important in the interdigitated electrodes in the sensor sites themselves. Measurements on the new devices having insulated leads are being performed presently. It appears that the permittivity of DNA in aqueous solution can be sensed, especially below 300 kHz. Detailed test 327 Chapter 1. Genosensor Technology Development S10 SUBMICRON PERIOD 2 INSULAT DNA POLYSILICON ELECTRODE (GOOD DNA FILL FACTOR) Figure 4. Advanced genosensor design with high-aspect-ratio insulated electrodes. results will be reported next year after the data have been extensively analyzed. 1.3 Microdetection Technology for Automated DNA Sequencing Sponsor Houston Advanced Research Center Contract HRC-HG00776-01 Project Staff Dr. Daniel J. Ehrlich, Dr. Mark A. Hollis, Dr. Dennis D. Rathman The primary emphasis of this effort is to complement the program described above by optimizing the electrode geometry for maximum sensitivity. Initial work for this contract began with the electrode configuration illustrated in figures 2 and 3. Subsequently, both experimental studies and theoretical modeling have shown a need to design and fabricate more aggressive electrode geometries, which are now being developed as described below. Measurements by our colleagues at HARC and Baylor College of Medicine have shown that DNA attachment to SiO 2 is more easily achieved than attachment to Pt or Au. In fact, surface-attachment densities of DNA probes are typically one order of 328 FLE Progress Report Number 137 magnitude higher on oxide-coated polysilicon compared to the Pt electrodes of our conventional permittivity chip designs. The exact reasons for this are not yet known but may be related to the different linker chemistries used for attachment or to the strong ionic and polarization effects observed at liquid-metal interfaces. In either case, the fabrication of a permittivity chip incorporating oxidecoated polysilicon electrodes is currently underway. Because sophisticated dry-etching technology is available for patterning polysilicon, electrode structures having large height-to-spacing ratios should Several wafers are currently in be possible. process which have coplanar, nonself-aligned oxide-insulated polysilicon electrodes. This design is conceptually illustrated in figure 4. In addition to this coplanar design, we are also fabricating one using the self-aligned electrode architecture illustrated in figure 2 but having submicrometer-periodicity oxide-insulated polysilicon electrodes. The patterning of the electrodes is being done by a combination of laser interferonletric For the lithography and reactive ion etching. attachment chemistry that will be used with these devices, the DNA probes will probably attach not only to the electrodes but also to the oxide/nitride This will substantially sidewalls of the wells. increase the probe density in each sensor site and possibly the detection sensitivity. Several wafers in which we use this approach are currently in process as well.