Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records January 2009 © Crown copyright 2011 You may re-use this information (excluding logos) free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the Open Government Licence. To view this licence, visit or email Where we have identified any third-party copyright information, you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This publication is available for download at Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 1 2 3 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................... 4 1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.2 SCOPE ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.3 AUDIENCE............................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.4 ASSUMPTIONS...................................................................................................................................................... 5 HOW TO USE THIS DOCUMENT ......................................................................................................................... 6 2.1 DOCUMENT STRUCTURE ....................................................................................................................................... 6 2.2 TABLE STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................................................... 7 IDENTIFICATION AND CATEGORISATION OF RECORDS ............................................................................... 9 3.1 IDENTIFYING RECORD CATEGORIES .....................................................................................................................10 3.2 NEEDS OF THE RECORD CATEGORIES ..................................................................................................................12 3.3 ASSOCIATED INDEXES AND FINDING AIDS .............................................................................................................15 3.4 VITAL RECORDS .................................................................................................................................................16 4 DEVELOPING DISPOSAL POLICY ...................................................................................................................18 4.1 DEVELOPING DISPOSAL CRITERIA ...........................................................................................................................19 4.2 ALLOCATION AND EXECUTION OF DISPOSAL SCHEDULES .......................................................................................22 4.3 MANAGING DISPOSAL ............................................................................................................................................23 5 6 7 SECURITY MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................26 5.1 SPECIFYING THE REQUIRED SECURITY .................................................................................................................26 5.2 ACTIVE MANAGEMENT OF SECURITY TO ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS .............................................................................30 ACCESS AND RETRIEVAL OF RECORDS .......................................................................................................31 6.1 IDENTIFYING PATTERNS OF USE ...........................................................................................................................32 6.2 ESTABLISHING THE OFFSITE STORE’S LOCATION ...................................................................................................36 6.3 GUIDANCE ON ACCESS AND RETRIEVAL................................................................................................................38 TRANSPORT OF RECORDS ..............................................................................................................................39 7.1 TRACKING THE RECORDS ....................................................................................................................................40 7.2 CUSTODY AND CARE OF RECORDS IN TRANSIT ........................................................................................................44 8 9 MODES OF STORAGE .......................................................................................................................................48 8.1 ASSESSING MODES OF STORAGE.........................................................................................................................49 8.2 VULNERABLE RECORDS ......................................................................................................................................52 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS ......................................................................................................................53 03 February 2012 Page 2 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 10 11 9.1 SURVEYING THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT OF THE STORE ....................................................................................54 9.2 SURVEYING THE ENVIRONMENT OF THE INTERIOR OF THE STORE ..........................................................................56 AUDITING AND REPORTING.............................................................................................................................57 10.1 MONITORING USE OF THE OFFSITE STORE .......................................................................................................58 10.2 REPORTING INCIDENTS AND MAINTAINING COMMUNICATIONS ............................................................................59 EXIT STRATEGY .................................................................................................................................................61 11.1 12 13 DEVELOPING THE EXIT STRATEGY ...................................................................................................................62 PURCHASING .....................................................................................................................................................64 12.1 ASSESSING THE CONTRACTOR ........................................................................................................................64 12.2 PURCHASING FRAMEWORKS ...........................................................................................................................65 12.3 SHARED SERVICES .........................................................................................................................................65 12.4 UNDERSTANDING CONTRACTORS’ CHARGING MODELS .....................................................................................65 FURTHER READING ..........................................................................................................................................66 13.1 LEGISLATION .................................................................................................................................................66 13.2 RELEVANT STANDARDS AND OTHER REFERENCES ............................................................................................66 03 February 2012 Page 3 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this guide is to cover the main issues an organisation needs to address when defining its required service level from an offsite storage contract for current or semi-current records offsite with a commercial contractor. The document can either be used as a starting point for developing a specification or as a means to assess, validate and refine pre-existing requirements. You can refer to any of the sections as required – this guidance should not be treated as a rigid document that must be read in one sitting. The term physical record is used here to include not only paper files, but any physical artefact that contains, or provides, information (for example books, laboratory samples, CDs or plans). 1.2 Scope This guide covers twelve important areas that must be considered when an organisation is in the process of developing an understanding of their requirements from an offsite store. Each section will propose questions that cover: identification of record categories development of disposal policy security management access and retrieval of records transport of records modes of storage environmental conditions auditing and reporting exit strategy purchasing It is not intended to cover the specification and provision of an archive facility for permanent preservation of physical records; this is a very different exercise. 03 February 2012 Page 4 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Primarily intended for the initial (or a first time) contract, the principles of this guide are also valid for organisations that have established such facilities but are now preparing to tender for a new provision. This guidance document does not prescribe how an organisation should tender and contract an offsite store nor does it aim to provide comprehensive advice on this topic; each organisation will use the procurement methodology favoured by their sector. Further considerations about purchasing and procurement are covered in section 12 Procurement. In some circumstances this may be best provided via a consortium or shared service model. Organisations which are in a position to use such facilities may achieve an economy of scale which would not otherwise be achievable. 1.3 Audience The principle audience is any public body from a large organisation, such as a local authority, to smaller organisations, such as a schools or general practices. Other organisations beyond the public sector may also find the guidance useful. Contracting and managing an offsite store may not be restricted to record management specialists. So this guide is intended for use by any personnel undertaking the development of a business case or specification for outsourced offsite storage offered by commercial third parties. We recommend that the organisation engages with either its own expertise or with external record/information management expertise to ensure that the final specification will provide an appropriate offsite management service and does not compromise good record management practice. 1.4 Assumptions We have assumed that the offsite store will normally be owned and managed by a third party rather than being established by the organisation, and that the organisation will need to specify levels of service in a contract with a selected storage provider. However, note that all the considerations are applicable if an organisation is considering developing its own service or buying into an established contract to form a shared service. 03 February 2012 Page 5 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records This guide assumes that the applicable legal and regulatory requirements will be part of every standard contract such as public procurement rules and health and safety obligations. As such these areas will not be analysed in detail. Users are recommended to seek professional advice on these matters. This guide it should not be used as the sole basis for developing a formal contract. Each organisation must take account of its own operating environment and the current protocols for procurement and contract management. Essentially this guidance is a tool to aid assessment of potential contractual need for an offsite storage facility as part of its normal records management processes. 2 How to use this document 2.1 Document structure The three main sections of this document are: Management information – which combines the considerations essential to identifying records and establishing their management needs Specifying the service – which is separated into six ‘modules’ covering the specification of the required level of service, and the storage expectation for an offsite store Purchasing – which expands upon the responsibility of organisation to procure the service using the appropriate guidance and legislative rules relevant to their purchasing framework Each section under Management information and Specifying the service covers different aspects of specifying an offsite storage service. In some circumstances a consideration may not be applicable but the organisation should be clear that it has identified and indicated where this is the case. 03 February 2012 Page 6 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Document Structure Management Information This is to be completed in advance of later sections so that the questions in them can be accurately addressed without having to review what information is or is not known. Establish Record Categories Establish / Allocate Disposal Schedules Prescribe Security Controls Establish Access & Retrieval Services Prescribe Modes of Transport Specifying the Service This section can be completed depending on the level of importance an organisation places on each section. All sections must be complete. Prescribe Modes of Storage Identify Any Specific Environmental Conditions Establish Auditing & Reporting Systems Establish Exit Strategies Procurement The procurement phase will very depending on the organisation, as such this section will be brief and not contain requirements. 2.2 Procurement Table structure This table identifies each cell of a consideration table along with a brief explanation of the associated content. No: 1.0 Consideration: The unique The text for each consideration is a brief statement identifying an issue that must number for be considered prior to entering an agreement with a contractor each consideration 03 February 2012 Page 7 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Rationale: The rationale provides a reasoning and context for each consideration. It also indicates the benefit of implementing the consideration. Where appropriate the rationale will also indicate any associated risks of not including a consideration into a specification for an offsite store. Questions: Q1. The questions prompt the reader on issues they should address to meet the needs of a consideration. Every question has a unique number and corresponding numbered outcome. When answering each question the organisation must carefully consider the effect of its response. In particular, where the answer is ‘no’, consider the impact this could have on any specification for offsite storage. Each organisation must make risk assessments ensuring that actions related to the consideration are properly informed and follow the organisation's protocol. Outcomes: A1. Corresponding numbered outcomes are included not as ‘the answer’ but as a prompt towards the preferred way a question should be addressed. Each outcome aims to provide some reasoning and discussion points to help the reader determine their ability to address the consideration. Outcomes may indicate what is at stake if the question remains unanswered or answered negatively. The risks associated with each consideration will vary for each organisation. This section should improve understanding of the potential issues involved so that key decisions can be made to the benefit of the organisation. Management information Writing the specification for an offsite store can be a significant undertaking. To ensure that the required delivery services and storage capacity are provided, you must be as accurate as possible in determining the exact nature and extent of records to be moved offsite. 03 February 2012 Page 8 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 3 Identification and categorisation of records In this guide ‘record category’ refers to any logical sequence, set, or series of records. Records may be classified by function, organisation, case number, project name, physical format or retention periods. The purpose of identifying and creating record categories is to enable the organisation to form logical arrangements of records which have clear management and access rules associated with them. If an offsite storage specification is to be fit for purpose it is essential that categories of records, and their characteristics, are identified and articulated clearly. Identifying Record Categories Reassess all record categories to determine any special access and/ or storage needs. Start Have all record categories been identified? Develop and allocate appropriate record categories. Yes No Allocate a responsible team (user) to locate and identify all indexes task. Have any specific needs for record categories been identified? No Yes No All indexes identified for records due to be sent offsite? Yes Allocate a responsible team (user) to locate and identify all Vital Records. No Have all Vital Records been identified? Yes End 03 February 2012 Page 9 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 3.1 Identifying record categories Understanding and identifying the records an organisation possesses is vital to the success of specifying the services required from an offsite store. The process of record categorisation may be lengthy but if it is not done there is very little chance that records can be managed effectively by the offsite contractor. This can lead to the organisation paying for a service that cannot provide any real business support in terms of managing its information. No: 1.0 Consideration: Identify the categories of record that require offsite storage Rationale: A record category is any grouping of records defined by characteristics that assist with their identification and management. An organisation must establish its own criteria for categorising its records based on the most practical way they can be managed offsite. If existing, or proposed, record categories do not enable effective management via an offsite store then they will need to be reconsidered prior to sending records offsite. For example, the physical format of a record is not sufficient criteria to understand how records can be accessed and managed offsite. Other characteristics such as retention period, function and purpose are needed to ensure effective record categorisation. The assessment and development of record categories is a timely and specialist task. Where available the organisation must look to record management expertise to perform this task. If expertise is not available within an organisation, it must seek external expertise to perform this function. Questions: Q1. Are all records associated with a known record category? Q2. What are the characteristics used to define record category (for example function and format)? Q3. Are owners and users of record categories known or identified? Q4. Are the current locations of all records in a record category known? Q5. Is the volume of records in each category known and verifiable (for example number of files and linear measurement scale)? Q6. Do any record categories require specific security provisions? Q7. Do any record categories include vulnerable or fragile records? 03 February 2012 Page 10 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A1. If the organisation cannot develop record categories it places itself at a significant risk as the records cannot be identified as a group or managed effectively. Categorised records will deliver benefits including (but not limited to): timely disposal of records in accordance with agreed retention periods avoidance of storage costs for records that should have been destroyed ability to track and locate business critical information at any time A2. Awareness of a record category’s profile is important as it may detail the physical nature of a record. This will be of particular importance for heavy records or oversized records, such as maps, which need specific storage requirements to protect them. A3. Typically the owner of a record category is responsible for authorising access to the records (in many cases a specific branch of an organisation may be the ‘owner’ for a particular category). Establishing the appropriate authority figures and likely users of the records will inform certain decision making, access controls, as well as the anticipated level of service required for each record category. This will provide specifications for access that reflect the actual business need and will also assist in controlling overall costs. If this information is not identified it could cause: unauthorised access to records inability to assess the status of records in a timely manner costly uncontrolled retrievals for review of records that lack management information A4. Knowledge of the current location of records in each record category will identify the current business need (such as multiple geographical location sites) and related transport overheads. If the location of all records per record category is not known, it will be difficult to define the required level of use and transport for records. A5. The volume of each record category and any known accrual rate can ensure an accurate calculation of the overall storage requirement. Where this is not known storage figures can be miscalculated resulting in either excess cost or a lack of future storage capacity. 03 February 2012 Page 11 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A6. An organisation may choose to sub-divide record categories by a security provision such as protective markings or Government Security Classifications (Unclassified, Restricted and so on). If a record category calls for increased, or specific, security provisions the organisation will need to decide if the records can go offsite. Particularly where the records contain sensitive or personal data. A7. Any fragile or vulnerable records must be provided with adequate protection when stored. Sufficient provision must be made for fragile records stored offsite. This includes training for the contractor’s staff on handling the records correctly. Further information on specifying storage for vulnerable records is available in section 8.2 Vulnerable records. 3.2 Needs of the record categories Not all categories of record have the same storage and access requirements. An organisation should consider the potential impact of both when developing a specification for an offsite store. No: 1.1 Consideration: Review record categories and develop criteria for how they may be organised offsite Rationale: Records in an offsite store can be organised in any number of ways. For example, an organisation (and by extension the contractor) could choose to organise all records within a record category by case number, retention period, a specific security requirements depending on the record category. The chosen means must be consistent and you must maintain them throughout the life of the record category within the offsite store to ensure the ongoing management of the records. Questions: Q8. Must the records continue to be organised in order (for example, by case number)? Q9. Are there categories of records that are required for frequent access? Q10. Is there sufficient means to identify records subject to information requests during and after a transition to offsite storage? 03 February 2012 Page 12 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A8. Where physical format or environmental controls are not specific to a record category, records can be more effectively stored by allowing a contractor to place records wherever there is space. This type of randomised storage using barcode tracking is the most typical means of storage in commercial storage facilities as it provides greater storage efficiencies and reduced costs. It has the additional benefit that sensitive records are not held in a single space making it harder to identify them. Conversely records stored in a rigid order will leave empty spaces on shelves that the organisation still has to pay for. Randomised storage needs to be assessed carefully. An organisation must be satisfied that the contractor’s systems are suitably robust to cope if the tracking system fails. Where records are not organised in a rigid manner it’s possible that it will take more time to locate those records than records which have been stored in a logical sequence. A9. A9. Placing the most active material as close to the centre of operations as possible with the lesser-used material further away could provide significant efficiencies within the offsite store. If this information is available to the contractor they can allow for this and could maximise the production of requested records. Identifying less frequently accessed record categories could lead to cost savings in storage, as the contractor can use denser packing on shelves (three boxes high and three deep as opposed to more active records at one or two high and two deep to allow easier access). A10. All public bodies have a responsibility to respond to requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, Environmental Information Regulations 2004, and Data Protection Act 1998. Such requests could occur even during a relocation to an offsite store and so it’s vital that requested information is available for review and where applicable release. You should consider it best practice that an organisation can always locate information, irrespective of its current location. 03 February 2012 Page 13 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 1.2 Consideration: Identify any record categories requiring specific storage standards. Rationale: Within an organisation there may be categories of records that call for a specific standard of storage. For example records needing storage with specific parameters for humidity, light and so on. In such cases the organisation must discuss these requirements with a contractor to ensure that the conditions can be provided. In practice many organisations will not require specific storage facilities. However it is important that the environment within the offsite store is controlled to ensure that the temperature and humidity levels are kept to a moderate level. Questions: Q11. Do any categories of record require specialised environmental storage conditions? Q12. Do any categories of record require specialised storage furniture? Q13. Can the contractor provide the required storage for any special record categories? Outcomes: A11. Specialised storage environments require careful planning. The organisation should articulate specific needs to a contractor prior to agreeing a contract ensure the specified environment can be provided. If this is not specified there is a risk of records deteriorating beyond use or a variation to the contract to include the required conditions resulting in exceptional and punitive costs. A12. Organisations should always consider the format of records when determining the best method of protecting them whilst stored. Where specialised storage furniture (bespoke shelving for maps) is required the organisation should provide detailed specifications prior to agreeing a contractor. Failure to do this may result in fragile records being stored in an inappropriate manner leading to unacceptable incidence of damage. A13. Providing the most effective type of storage for specific formats of records is essential to their long-term preservation. Most contractors try to meet specific storage requirements if they are informed prior to receiving the records. Where a contractor cannot provide the required storage, the organisation must consider alternative options for the record categories that require specialised storage environments. 03 February 2012 Page 14 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 3.3 Associated indexes and finding aids Finding aids for records provide an essential guide to what records are held, their owners, and other key information. Inaccurate or out of date finding aids are one of the principal causes of poor records. If the organisation does not review its finding aids prior to supplying them to a contractor there is a significant risk that records may become lost, or inappropriately managed. No: 1.3 Consideration: Locate and assess all finding aids for every record category prior to sending records offsite Rationale: An index is a useful tool in understanding a particular category of records. Organisations should retain a record, or index, for every category of record. It may be beneficial to supply a copy of any finding aids (indexes) for all records to the contractor prior to the relocation of records to an offsite store. As a minimum provide an index of any boxes including a list of their contents. This is crucial and should include, but is not limited to: record identifier (barcode or barcode of box it is registered in) the record owner retention period allocated disposal schedule dates record/file was opened and closed links to other records location of records The organisation must ensure this information can be imported into any systems being used to track the records held at the offsite store. Questions: Q14. Is there a finding aid for all records due to be sent offsite? Q15. Does the finding aid accurately describe the records, and is it up to date? Q16. Can the existing finding aid be extended, integrated or exported to work with or within an external contractor’s systems? 03 February 2012 Page 15 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A14. All categories of records must have a usable finding aid. Where absent, or insufficient, you should develop finding aids as matter of priority. This may form an additional requirement in the specification - it may be more efficient to instruct the chosen storage contractor to undertake the necessary work. Inability to identify records (and content) can significantly impact on: ongoing business response for information under the Freedom of Information Act inability to locate personal data within a record collection difficulty in executing timely disposal scheduling maintenance of access controls to records A15. If the finding aids do not accurately describe the records through meaningful metadata it could lead to lost time and money in re-cataloguing record categories and re-establishing their management criteria. This effort could be very costly to the organisation both in monetary and legal terms if records are not managed correctly or become ‘lost’ in the system A16. Wherever possible indexes should be digital and importable into the system(s) used by the contractor and organisation to track and manage records. This reduces the need for duplicate information and helps ensure that there is a single authoritative dataset for every record category Finding aids are more valuable if they can be transferred/integrated into other systems. Being able to move finding aid or index data into an online system may increases the organisation’s overall ability to track and manage records when held internally, offsite or shared with other organisations. Reliance on physical finding aids (such as card indexes) can lead to significant loss of information; a fire could destroy the entire finding aid which would impair the organisation’s ability to fulfil its function. 3.4 Vital records Vital records must be identified and managed with care. Without them an organisation may not be able to effectively recover key business operations after a disaster. The organisation must weigh up whether storage of vital records offsite is appropriate, and decide how to communicate the importance of these records to the contractor. 03 February 2012 Page 16 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 1.4 Consideration: Identify categories of record to be stored offsite that are considered as vital records Rationale: Vital records are the essential records required for business continuity in the event of a catastrophic event. Without them the organisation cannot re-establish itself and restart its core functions. It is essential that vital records are identified and given the necessary protection when held offsite. There is little point in an offsite store safeguarding records as ‘vital’ if they no longer contain the required information. Periodically an organisation must review the currency of vital records to ensure that they are still valid and up to date. Questions: Q17. Has the organisation identified its vital records? Q18. Will any vital records be stored in the offsite store? Q19. Have vital records stored offsite been identified to the contractor? Outcomes: A17. If an organisation has not identified vital records prior to being sent offsite they may not be retrieved as quickly as needed to help the business restart following a disaster. This could lead to significant loss of service by the organisation. A18. Where vital records are stored in an offsite store they must be identified clearly and given significant protection. A contractor can only do this where they are made aware of the presence of vital records. If an organisation is not willing to identify its vital records to an offsite storage provider (perhaps for security reasons) it needs to consider how these records are accessed and used so that their information is not accessible to unauthorised individuals. A19. Most offsite stores are able to provide significant security for any category of record that requires an increased level of protection. However if the contractor is not made aware of the presence of vital records it will not be able to manage them as the organisation requires. 03 February 2012 Page 17 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 4 Developing disposal policy Disposal, or disposition, of records is an important part of their lifecycle. It is essential that no records are sent offsite without being assigned a current disposal schedule with procedures in place for managing and executing disposals when due. Failure to allocate and manage disposal schedules could significantly impact the management of an offsite store. If an organisation is not able to clear records due for disposal then it cannot make room for incoming records. This will result in having to pay to store excess amounts of records. More significantly it could expose the organisation to risk of contravening information legislation (the Freedom of Information Act 2000). Unless specified otherwise records should be appraised by the organisation before they are sent offsite and later when the disposal schedule due date is reached. The organisation may decide that more routine records can be appraised by the contractor prior to destruction or transfer. In such cases there must be an agreement and system in place to prevent (or hold) the disposal schedule on any record or group of records if required. There is further guidance on developing disposal schedules at: 03 February 2012 Page 18 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Developing Disposal Policy Appraise records categories and allocate appropriate disposal schedules. Start Is guidance on record appraisal and disposal scheduling available? Develop appropriate guidance on record appraisal and disposal schedule allocation. Yes No Assign a responsible team to the record appraisal and disposal management for the records. Do all record categories have an allocated disposal schedule? No Yes No Is record appraisal and disposal management an assigned task? Yes End 4.1 Developing disposal criteria Clear and coherent disposal processes are built on disposal schedules that are realistic and can be easily applied to a record category (the part of the description of a record category will be how long the record must be retained). 03 February 2012 Page 19 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 2.0 Consideration: Develop and implement disposal schedules that clearly define the criteria for disposing of every category of record Rationale: An essential aspect of managing records is identifying when to dispose of them (or transfer them to another organisation, such as The National Archives). An organisation can significantly improve the efficiency of an offsite store if disposal schedules are allocated and used. All record categories must have a defined disposal schedule. This can significantly reduce the risk of records being sent offsite without a clearly defined (and actionable) set of disposal criteria. Where large numbers of records are stored with no disposal schedule the organisation could pay for storing records where there may be no justification for their retention. Questions: Q20. Does the organisation have current disposal schedules for each record category? Q21. Are users correctly allocating and executing disposal schedules? Q22. Can the organisation identify records overdue for destruction? Q23. Has the organisation identified records overdue for transfer to an archival body (such as The National Archives or designated Place of Deposit)? Q24. Does the organisation have a mechanism to review the relevance of its disposal schedules in the future? 03 February 2012 Page 20 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A20. As well as being good records management practice, establishing retention periods prior to sending any records off site is a useful logistical tool. If up to date disposal schedules are not available the organisation will store records with incorrect disposal management criteria. This may result in significant extra costs having to recall records and reappraise them in order to allocate an accurate disposal schedule. A21. The organisation must ensure that the disposal schedules are allocated appropriately and managed effectively. In some circumstances this may mean revising schedules, which are out of date or not suitable for the record category they are associated with. In other cases it may need a revision of the available advice and guidance to users on the correct appraisal, allocation and final disposal of records. A22. An appraisal of records, prior to sending them offsite, can identify records that may already be due for destruction or transfer. The organisation should seek to identify any and all records due, or overdue for disposal prior to sending them offsite to avoid excess costs in storing records no longer required by the organisation. A23. Not all record categories will need to be destroyed; some may need to be kept because of their historical value. Appraising records and allocating disposal schedules prior to sending them offsite may identify records that are due for transfer to a relevant archival body (such as The National Archives or an appointed Place of Deposit). Appraising records for their historical value is a specialist task and should normally be undertaken by a person with that specialist knowledge in conjunction with the archival institution which normally receives such records for historical preservation once their operational value has ceased. In the case of bodies covered by the Public Records Act 1958, this will be The National Archives or appointed Place of Deposit. Where current arrangements are not known to exist, The National Archives can advise on appropriate institutions to which records may be transferred. A24. The business and legal environment in which an organisation operates may be subject to change, possibly affecting the length of time records should be retained (either decreased or increased). The organisation must have a means of being able to update and reapply disposal schedules in as efficient and accurate way as possible. Electronic systems to track and manage records offsite can provide the best response to such changes. If an organisation cannot update its disposal schedules there is a substantial risk that managing records in the offsite store (and elsewhere) will become very difficult. This in turn could lead to significant costs at a later date in trying to revaluate a large number of physical records en masse. 03 February 2012 Page 21 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 4.2 Allocation and execution of disposal schedules Ensuring end-users are aware of the correct allocation of disposal schedules will significantly improve the ability of the organisation in managing its information. If the rules and guidelines are not clear (or non-existent) the organisation will not be able to manage the disposal of records wherever they are stored. Where a contractor is expected to manage some, or all, of the disposals for records their staff will also need the same training and guidance as that of the organisation’s users. No: 2.1 Consideration: Develop and maintain clear guidance on how to allocate and execute disposal schedules Rationale: To ensure correct management of records, it is vital that all users understand the correct process for identifying and allocating disposal schedules to records. Users must have clear guidance and associated training for all aspects of using an offsite store, in particular the allocation and management of disposal schedules for records. This guidance should be regularly reviewed to ensure its continued effectiveness for an organisation. Questions: Q25. Does the organisation have current guidance on disposal schedule allocation and management available for all users? Q26. Is there sufficient training available for users on the management of the offsite store (and associated systems)? Q27. Will there be resource to ensure that the guidance and training are maintained and up to date? 03 February 2012 Page 22 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A25. The key to the correct use of disposal schedules is how well users understand the purpose of allocation and execution. Guidance on the correct use and management of disposal schedules should be clearly communicated to users and made available in as accessible way as possible. Failure to create and provide guidance and training may lead to the disposal schedules being inappropriately used or not used at all. A26. Written guidance alone is not enough for an organisation to be sure that users understand how and why disposal schedules should be used. Training must cover the principles and rules for allocation of disposal. It should also explain the technical systems used to apply and track the disposal for records in the offsite store. A27. Guidance and training is only valuable if it reflects the current working environment. The organisation should ensure that all documented guidance and training is kept up to date and relevant to the users. As the organisation changes and use of the offsite store evolves, supporting guidance and training should reflect any changes or new ways of working with the system. 4.3 Managing disposal Allocating disposal schedules is only the beginning of the disposal process. Managing the execution of disposal schedules is as important if the organisation is to prevent paying for storage of records it no longer needs. No: 2.2 Consideration: Decide who is responsible for actively managing disposal of records Rationale: Prior to sending records offsite, the organisation must determine who is responsible for disposal. This may be the organisation, a third party contractor, or a mixture depending on the sensitivity of the record category. The organisation may decide that it is more efficient and cost effective for the contractor to carry out the disposal action on records. In the case of record destruction this may be the contractor or an identified secure sub-contractor (either chosen by or agreed with the organisation). Irrespective of who executes the disposal schedule the whole process must be supported by a full audit trail for the action to ensure that the destruction of any record can be identified at a later date. 03 February 2012 Page 23 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Questions: Q28. Who will be responsible for monitoring when records are due for disposal? Q29. Are there systems that provide a robust audit trail for the allocation, management and final disposition for all record categories? Q30. If destruction is carried out by the contractor (or agreed sub-contractor), can they produce suitable evidence (including destruction certificates) that records are being securely destroyed? Q31. Will records be destroyed by an appropriately security cleared in a secure controlled location? Q32. Will records be destroyed in an appropriate manner that ensures no information can be obtained from them after disposal? Outcomes: A28. The organisation may choose to monitor record disposal, delegate it to the contractor, or use a mixture of the two, depending on the record category. Irrespective of this decision there must be confidence that it’s clear who is responsible and for what. Where records due for disposal have to be retained for other purposes (such as a legal investigation) there must be a clear protocol for indicating the requirement for a disposal hold. Specifically the IT systems must have the functionality to indicate records that are not to be disposed of. Failure to implement this type of rule and supporting system risks the destruction of records required for legal purposes, leading to potential further legal action and costs. A29. A system used to track the disposal of records should retain information on: date a record was scheduled for disposal change of disposal schedule changes to the allocated disposal schedule date and reason for the disposal schedule being paused date of destruction or transfer This gives the organisation confidence that even records destroyed in error can have their final status identified. Failing to audit a record disposal could mean the organisation would be unable to prove whether the record has or has not been destroyed. The cost and possible legal implications mean that an audit trail is essential for all records in the offsite store. 03 February 2012 Page 24 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A30. It may be more cost effective to pay for destruction of records at the offsite store (or by an accredited sub-contractor) rather than the organisation recalling large numbers of records and assigning its own resource to the task. Where this service is engaged the organisation must demand destruction certificates are provided for every set of records destroyed on their behalf. External destruction of records may not always be appropriate depending on the sensitivity of records, or even the proposed cost. The organisation must be convinced that the destruction process is secure, accurate, and fully documented (including the provision of certificates). A31. An organisation must ensure that wherever records are destroyed it is done in a secure and controlled area with limited access. The organisation must be satisfied that whoever is destroying the records is capable of doing so in a suitably controlled and secure environment. A32. Destroyed records can still potentially provide information. The method of destruction will depend on the physical format of the record, but the organisation should ensure records are destroyed beyond all use. The organisation is responsible for protecting records, even when destroyed, so that the content cannot be used by unauthorised personnel. Failure to ensure records are destroyed beyond any use could result in a significant data security problem such as breaching the Data Protection Act 1998 or other legislation. Specifying the service Provision of a managed offsite store is not simply a remote storage location for semi-current records. Most offsite stores offer a number of extra services that allow an organisation to manage and interact with the records in a variety of ways. These range from providing a digitised copy of a specific record held in a box of records (‘scan on demand’ rendering retrieval of the whole box unnecessary) to adding an item to an existing box (where that is the normal contractual unit of management). The specification and understanding of what is likely to be needed from the whole offsite storage service must be clearly defined prior to agreeing a contract. This can help avoid over (or under) specifying the service requiring variations to the contract at significant cost to the organisation. An organisation may determine that it is economically viable to enter into a shared service with another organisation. This does not obviate the organisation from ensuring that the service meets all its needs. 03 February 2012 Page 25 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 5 Security management One of the key criteria for an offsite store is security of the records. All records held offsite should be protected at all times. Inadequately protected records could be subject to unauthorised access, theft or damage with a significant impact on the organisation. For example uncontrolled access to personal data could lead to legal action from individuals whose data has been put at risk. Security Management Start Have requirements for security within the offsite store been identified? Develop and allocate appropriate security requirements for the offsite store. Develop and allocate access controls for all record categories. Yes Have all record categories been assigned access controls? No Allocate and implement access controls on systems used for managing records offsite. No Yes No Have requirements for security within the offsite store been identified? Yes End 5.1 Specifying the required security An organisation should specify to the contractor the required level of security for each record category and the level of security required at the offsite store. For information on environmental protection measures see section 9 Environmental conditions. 03 February 2012 Page 26 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 3.0 Consideration: Specify the desired physical security for the offsite store, ensuring adequate and well-maintained system of security to protect the building(s) and its contents Rationale: The organisation must seek evidence that the offsite store and its compound are adequately protected. A breach in security can have consequences which are not easily quantified but could involve significant costs and potential legal action against the organisation. Every organisation (and the records they hold) will have varying security needs. There are, however, general precautions that apply to any offsite store. These include (but are not limited to): CCTV surveillance alarms, linked to security provider and/or police all staff subject to security clearance assessment (level of security to be determined by the organisation - not the contractor) all staff and visitors carry identification to indicate their right to be on site security access controlled across the building preventing access to sensitive areas (specifically when an offsite store holds more than one organisation’s records) a secure perimeter, including robust fencing site location (not a remote site or placed in an area of high crime) surrender of any device capable of taking photos such as mobile phones or cameras prior to entry If the offsite store is not adequately protected the organisation may be subject to a data security breach. Questions: Q33. Has the organisation formed a brief on the level of security required at the offsite store? Q34. Does the site have functioning, monitored CCTV and alarm systems? Q35. Is security vetting performed for all staff working on the site? Q36. Is the site, and its function, obvious to the general public? 03 February 2012 Page 27 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A33. A contractor must provide evidence it can meet all the security measures specified by the organisation. The organisation should visit the proposed site to confirm it is suitable prior to agreeing sending its records there. A34. Functioning and monitored CCTV provides excellent support in detecting and preventing attempted theft or vandalism. The organisation needs to think about the locations of CCTV both outside and inside the building(s) to ensure adequate coverage. Additionally it will also need to consult with the contractor about frequency of recording to avoid amassing large numbers of CCTV tapes. Additionally the offsite store should be equipped with a functioning and monitored alarm system (linked to either a security company and/or local police). As unauthorised access may occur when there are no, or very small numbers of staff on site, it is vital that an alarm can be raised at all times. If alarm systems are not available (or monitored and maintained) there may be no means of indicating a breach in security within the offsite store. A35. An organisation will need to ensure all personnel accessing the site have passed appropriate security vetting. The level and nature of screening must be determined prior to allowing records to be stored at the site; it may vary between the expected levels of access and user role. It is the organisation’s responsibility to ensure all staff working with the records held offsite are appropriately vetted, and that the contractor can provide relevant certificates for their staff on request. Where an organisation does not vet these users (or not insist that the contractor provide evidence it has vetted them), it must address the risk of unauthorised access to their records. A36. Offsite storage providers would not normally advertise locations holding very sensitive information. Depending on the organisation’s need there must be a decision on the visiblity of the offsite store’s function in consultation with a contractor (for example, whether the contractor has a business sign on the outside of the building or not). If the offsite store’s function is obvious the organisation’s records could be at risk from opportunistic criminal activity, possibly resulting in damage or theft of records. 03 February 2012 Page 28 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 3.1 Consideration: Determine and assign levels of access to all record categories held within the offsite store Rationale: It may not be appropriate for the contractor (or other users within an organisation) to have access to all categories of record (or individual records within a category). The electronic systems used to manage records in the offsite store must be able to indicate the specific access controls for record categories, and where appropriate individual records. The organisation must place access controls on record categories to prevent unauthorised access to records. If this is not in place the contractor will not be able to control access to records when under their control. Questions: Q37. Does each record category have specified access controls? Q38. Are there individual records that require more specific access controls than that of their record category? Q39. Who will manage the access controls of the records? Outcomes: A37. By detailing the access controls for record categories the organisation can indicate who is allowed to retrieve particular records. The contractor can use this information to help manage access to records. If record categories do not have clear access controls then the contractor (and supporting systems) will not be able to prevent unauthorised access and data security breaches. A38. You might need to protect some records beyond the access control of the record category. Avoid individually allocated access controls as far as possible; wherever this does occur the same principles must be applied to ensure consistent use and management of the records. As with A37, if access controls are not effectively managed it is harder for the contractor to ensure only authorised access to records is granted to records held offsite. A39. Access controls might not remain constant throughout the life of a record. As records get older their sensitivity may change and the need for wider access provided (or restricted). The organisation must ensure that it schedules reviews of allocated access controls for record categories, ensuring they are usable and accurate. If the incorrect access control is applied records might not be managed properly and this could lead to: inappropriate access being granted wrongful prevention of access to requested information under Freedom of Information Act 2000 03 February 2012 Page 29 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 5.2 Active management of security to electronic systems Once an organisation has been able to identify its security and access needs it must ensure all aspects are managed actively at all times. Failure to do this could result in a serious data security breach leading to loss or misuse of the organisation’s information. No: 3.2 Consideration: Determine and assign levels of security access to any electronic system that provides information on the content of the records Rationale: It may not be appropriate for the contractor, or other users within an organisation, to have access to information about a record’s content. The organisation must implement controls preventing access to data (via the systems used to manage records) to unauthorised staff/contractors. An organisation may need more formal levels of auditable security in the electronic systems. The standard, BS ISO/IEC 27002:2005 Information technology: Security techniques: Code of practice for information security management, provides an independently auditable level of security. Central government departments will also have to consider CESG requirements as well as the Cabinet Office’s Manual of protective security which prescribes methods of storage for records marked with Government Security Classifications (‘Confidential’ or ‘Secret’). If this is not done then unauthorised personnel may be able to determine sensitive information about records held in the offsite store. Questions: Q40. Can the record tracking system define and maintain user permissions to control access to records, their content or informative metadata? Q41. Who will manage the security of the electronic systems? 03 February 2012 Page 30 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A40. Any system providing access to an organisation’s information should have a means of controlling that access. The organisation should insist that any record tracking system provides any set of access controls as appropriate to record categories, individual records (where required) and the systems that provide metadata for them (the tracking systems). This may be done by integrating with other systems or using an individual function of the tracking systems. However you achieve this, it must be accurate and it must reflect the current security controls within the organisation itself. A41. The organisation must identify and agree who is responsible for managing the access controls in a record tracking system. This includes the means of identifying and reporting attempted breaches and a full audit trail of the attempt. Proactive management of security allows the organisation to be aware of persistent attempts to access (controlled) information. It will also ensure the systems are always protected and they reflect the current security need. Failure to manage access controls risks unauthorised access to information and content, with potential for theft and/or misuse. 6 Access and retrieval of records The success of investing in an offsite store relies on how well the organisation can effectively interact with that store once the operation is in place. In particular, you must think about the many factors that can impact the efficiency of access and retrieval with an offsite store. If the organisation does not properly determine the expected level of service from an offsite store, a contractor cannot provide the desired level of service to all areas of the organisation. The key issues include (but are not limited to): unit of management for access and retrieval (box of records, or individual records) number of users requiring access to the stored materials expected delivery timescales, and frequency for every record category anticipated volume of retrieval requests In order to ensure secure and effective business operations, there must be a thorough investigation of anticipated access and retrieval, understood by all areas of the organisation. This approach will highlight potential problems at an early stage and will help ensure access to material in the appropriate manner within the required timescale. 03 February 2012 Page 31 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Access and Retreival Re-evaluate the required service for an offsite store and other potential locations. Start Have retrieval times for each record category been identified? Identify the predicted retrieval and access service needed for each record category. Yes No Develop and implement clear guidance on retrieval and access of records held offsite. Is the offsite store in a suitable location? No Yes No Has guidance on the system for retreival been developed? Yes End 6.1 Identifying patterns of use When deciding which records to store offsite it’s vital to understand how often categories of records are likely to be requested. By identifying the business patterns, an organisation may also be able to decide whether or not there may be some record categories that should remain on site rather than go to an offsite store. No: 4.0 Consideration: Define and allocate retrieval times for each record category, or groups of record categories 03 February 2012 Page 32 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Rationale: In order to provide an efficient means of accessing and retrieving records the organisation should provide a schedule for retrieval times to the contractor in consultation with the potential users of the service. The organisation will also have to consider how users request records from the offsite store and the specified unit of management (individual records or box of records). Will users interact directly with the service or via an ‘in-house’ ordering process? Both options have benefits, direct access giving quicker retrieval requests, managed access by an access team providing greater control of the use and management of the offsite store. If there is no input on retrieval times or the unit of management is inappropriate there is a risk that the retrieval service will not meet business need causing user dissatisfaction and leading to inappropriate use of the system. Whatever the determined retrieval services they must not impede or prevent an organisation complying with statutory timescales for responses to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 or Data Protection Act 1998. Note that access to records may not be restricted to the organisation’s staff and there must be protocols in place to allow authorised external users (the audit bodies) to request and access records held offsite. Questions: Q42. Do users require specific retrieval services for certain categories of record? Q43. Are their record categories that can be grouped in terms of need for retrieval and access? Q44. Have record categories that require priority retrieval been identified? Q45. Are there categories of record that could be produced by reproduction of a surrogate? Outcomes: A42. The organisation should include user consultation when defining retrieval services for record categories (in other words, the preferred unit of management and retrieval time). It should not rely solely on this information; the organisation may find users engage with the offsite store more productively where their requirements are accounted for. You must make an objective assessment before specifying retrieval times to ensure best value for money and to avoid too many bespoke retrieval services. 03 February 2012 Page 33 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A43. It would be impractical for an organisation to allocate individual retrieval times for each record category. The organisation should identify those record categories that call for a similar retrieval service and allocate that service over as broad a range of records as is practical. This provides a contractor with a manageable number of delivery schedules. In some cases it may be possible to determine access and usage from previous trends either with another offsite store or an internal record storage service. If available this data could provide a very efficient means of establishing retrieval service need. If the record categories are not assigned specific retrieval times the contractor might process requests under standard retrieval times, which do not meet user need. A44. Some record categories may demand fast (or emergency) retrieval times. Where identified, the organisation must provide a retrieval time to the contractor detailing which record categories are eligible for a faster service (and who can use it). Where used, the organisation may need to consider setting up an internal charging regime. This will control costs by discouraging users from using the service for routine file requests. The organisation has to be able to monitor the pattern and pace of retrieval to review and identify changes in business need. Section 10 Auditing and reporting discusses monitoring usage patterns in more detail. A45. Another means of providing records to users quickly is through the production of surrogates. This may be through scanning the record or if appropriate faxing a copy. This is of particular value where the record is fragile or in high demand. Production of surrogates must be carefully controlled by business rules. When it is no longer required the surrogate must be destroyed (and not returned to the offsite store as a new record). If not carefully controlled there is a significant risk that the record will be held in duplicate offsite for no reason and at extra cost to the organisation. No: 4.1 Consideration: Identify and estimate current or anticipated level of demand for access for each category of record 03 February 2012 Page 34 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Rationale: It is possible that every category of record might have a different level of use. For example, a record used in a particular court case may only ever be called upon once during the trial period, then just stored for the legally required period. Conversely records used in a lengthy building project may be recalled and used more frequently, even after the project has been completed. The organisation must establish the likely level of use for all record categories to determine anticipated level of retrievals. With this approach the organisation can assess the current operating model. It provides an opportunity to identify potential changes that could lead to improvements and operational efficiency savings. Once the offsite store has been set up patterns of use should be assessed regularly to ensure that the terms of retrieval are accurate, and if not, the means for addressing this with the users and/or contractor. This places an additional requirement on the organisation to ensure that the contract with the offsite store has some flexibility with respect to increasing or decreasing planned levels of retrieval. Questions: Q46. Has a pattern of use been identified for all record categories? Q47. Will the contractor be able to manage periods of high usage during pre-identified busy periods or seasons to maintain the required retrieval times? Q48. Are there likely to be regular uplifts (small or large) to the offsite store postimplementation? Outcomes: A46. Understanding the common use of a record category helps form priorities for retrieval time. If applied correctly this approach can establish a common set of retrieval times for all business units. If the patterns of use are not properly assessed or the data is not available, the organisation must ensure it discusses the potential access need with users in detail, prior to assigning a retrieval time to category of record. The organisation should also develop a plan of quarterly or annual assessments on the pattern of use for each category of record. This will ensure that the agreed service level still meets the business need and is not leading to excess costs for unwanted retrieval services or impeding business units by unnecessarily restricting access to records. 03 February 2012 Page 35 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A47. The organisation must ensure that any potential contractor can cope with periodic large transfer in or out of the offsite store. For example, during the processing of year end financial papers. The organisation must be able to satisfy itself that the contractor can cope with known increased usage levels and can provide assurances of their ability to respond to anticipated fluctuations in demand. If the contractor is unable to support an identified pattern of use it is likely that any significant influx could overwhelm unprepared staff and increase the risk that records will not be properly tracked A48. In addition to predicted increased use of the offsite store, the organisation may be aware of other future activity that could present a management issue for the offsite store: for example if a business unit is to be closed and all its records need to be held prior to disposal. It is extremely useful for the contractor to have this type of information in advance, even without an exact date of for the uplift, to cost (and allow for) the expected increased volume. If this information is not provided to a contractor it could result in a period of delay in function at the offsite store, as well as a significant excess charge from the contractor for uplift. The same principles should be applied if the organisation in conjunction with the contractor has to relocate to another site (either to a larger facility or smaller depending on need). If the records are to be relocated en masse the systems used to rack the move must be robust enough to cope. 6.2 Establishing the offsite store’s location The geographic location of an offsite store can affect the ability to retrieve physical records in a timely manner, as required by the business needs of an organisation. If an offsite store is unable to provide the required level of service, it will impact negatively on business operations including failure to provide information in mandated timeframes under legislation such as The Freedom of Information Act 2000. 03 February 2012 Page 36 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 4.2 Consideration: Compare required retrieval service levels against the geographic location of a proposed offsite store Rationale: When generating the specification for an offsite store the organisation must identify the necessary retrieval timeframe(s) for each record category to be stored. It is also important that the contractor is fully aware of the anticipated business needs prior to agreeing any contract. Weigh up the benefits and risks of storing records in locations close to, and further from, the organisation’s own site(s). Ultimately an offsite store has to be located so that it will successfully fulfil the required retrieval times, including any fast retrieval times agreed. The manner in which retrieval is conducted may vary depending upon each individual contract. (It should meet the agreed terms of the contract.) Questions: Q49. Can the proposed location support the required retrieval times (two hours, half-day, next day and so on)? Q50. Will a secondary location be required for frequently requested record categories? Q51. Are there alternative routes to and from the offsite store that avoid significant delays in traffic at peak times? Outcomes: A49. In order to operate effectively, an organisation must be able to retrieve records from an offsite store in a timely manner dependant on business need. For example, some record categories may require very short/emergency retrieval times due to the urgent nature of the associated business processes; others may simply need a next day service. Where subject to specific jurisdictions, the organisation should avoid storing records outside that area. For example: records subject to the Public Record Act should not be stored outside the UK records containing personal data should not be stored outside the European Union 03 February 2012 Page 37 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A50. Where there is the option to store material in more than one location, an organisation may find it preferable to keep regularly accessed, high-demand records closer to their office(s), while material that is accessed less frequently may be stored further away in bulk (or palletised) storage. A well-managed storage network can provide a balanced cost approach, especially where a secondary store is rarely accessed. The use of multiple storage locations must be properly assessed, as there may be additional risks. Clear procedures and specifications must be in place to ensure records are always stored in the correct location (and prevent records being mixed up or even lost). A51. It is important that the means of retrieving records is not hindered by external issues. The storage contractor should be able to demonstrate how it might tackle known issues, such as rush-hour traffic or long-term road works that may significantly affect retrieval times. The organisation should identify any specific company or geographic issues it can address, such as delivering records to a remote or hard to access locations. If records cannot be retrieved or accessed in a contracted timeframe with the organisation’s users there is a significant risk that the offsite store will not be used. 6.3 Guidance on access and retrieval Ensuring end-users are aware of best practice will ‘make or break’ the use of an offsite store. No: 4.3 Consideration: Develop and maintain clear guidance on how to request records from the offsite store Rationale: Users need clear guidance and training on all aspects of the offsite store so that the records can be properly accessed and maintained. All users must understand the process for requesting records from the offsite store to ensure the operation remains effective. Guidance should be clear and without jargon so all users can understand it. Review the guidance regularly to ensure its continued effectiveness. Bodies subject to legislation such as the Freedom of Information Act 2000 should include specific guidance on recalling information held offsite. 03 February 2012 Page 38 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Questions: Q52. Will the organisation produce guidance on use of the offsite store? Q53. Will sufficient training be available for staff regarding use of the offsite store (and supporting systems)? Q54. Is there resource to ensure that the guidance and training are maintained and up to date? Outcomes: A52. The success of an offsite store depends on how well users understand its purpose. You can communicate this clearly through guidance and training designed to support users as they learn how the process should work. If guidance is not prepared users will be unlikely to engage in the correct use of the offsite store. Correcting user errors can incur excess costs. In addition users may simply not use the offsite store causing significant record management issues and expense. A53. As well as written advice, users need training in how to request and send away records. The training should provide detailed explanations of systems used to track the records in and out of the offsite store (and any other location they may go to). If users are not suitably trained in the use of the supporting systems there might be expensive failures in the system. It could also result in records becoming lost or misdirected through a lack of knowledge of the tracking systems used. A54. As the business changes and evolves the use of the offsite store supporting guidance and training should be updated to reflect new ways of working. Guidance and training is only valuable if it reflects the current working environment. The organisation should ensure that all guidance and training is kept up to date and relevant to the users. 7 Transport of records There is a wide range of electronic systems available to provide a secure record tracking. This guide does not prescribe a type of system nor who should maintain it. The key aspect for a tracking system is that it is robust, secure, accurate and maintained throughout (and beyond) the life of a contract with an offsite store. Whatever product is chosen it should as a minimum provide information on and help manage: current location of the record disposal schedule owner access controls 03 February 2012 Page 39 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Records are vulnerable to damage and loss when being transported. An organisation must be certain that whenever records are moved they are kept secure from loss or damage. The potential cost to an organisation for lost or irreparably damaged records is not always calculable purely as a monetary cost. Transport of Records Specify the contractor’s responsibilities for the tracking system. Start Has a rigorous means of tracking records been specified? Specify the preferred means of tracking records. Yes No Specify suitable containers for all records irrespective of format. Has the contractors responsibility for tracking systems been specified? No Yes No Have appropriate containers been identified for all records? Yes End 7.1 Tracking the records Whenever a record moves it must be tracked. If knowledge of a record’s location is not available the organisation may be subject to a significant loss of data and/or security breaches. Whilst this section deals with the tracking of records to and from the offsite store, the organisation must ensure that it is able to track the movement of retrieved records within its own business areas. You can use the same systems as the offsite store, but if not, ensure the internal system can interface with that of the offsite store so that records can always be found. 03 February 2012 Page 40 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 5.0 Consideration: Specify a rigorous means of tracking and managing records wherever they are transported to Rationale: The successful management of an offsite store depends on the ability to locate all records. The most robust means of tracking records is through the use of barcodes generated by the tracking system. These can be scanned by hand held devices, or scanners attached to designated PCs and they provide a simple means of registering file movements even by users with limited technical experience. The organisation must be effective in tracking all movement of records to and from the offsite store, and elsewhere within its own sites. Whenever records are transported the tracking systems must monitor movement securely throughout the complete transportation. Questions: Q55. Has the organisation articulated its requirements for a tracking system? Q56. Can the tracking system maintain key record management information? Q57. Is the tracking system auditable? Q58. Is the tracking system robust? Q59. Is the tracking system secure? Q60. Do records (or boxes containing records) have significant information with them to identify them if lost? Outcomes: A55. The organisation must be clear about its needs prior to assessing the supplier’s proposed system, or before purchasing a tracking system of its own. If an organisation is unclear as to its specific needs it may purchase an unsuitable system resulting in potential mismanagement of records and a failing in the service. A56. Any tracking system will need to be able to manage a significant level of transfers to and from the offsite store. The organisation should seek evidence that a system has the capability to manage the expected volume of management data. 03 February 2012 Page 41 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A57. Systems used for tracking records should not be considered solely as transaction recording devices. As well as knowing when/where a record has moved other information should also be retained along with the record’s current location. This includes, but is not limited to: title category of record creator responsible business unit date of creation access permissions security classification (where applicable) allocated disposal schedule (due date) An organisation should undertake to identify all the information it requires (for example, workflow information) from a tracking system prior to purchasing a system. A58. In order to provide clear evidence on the movement of records a system should retain a full record of: previous, current and intended location changes to metadata (such as disposal schedules, access controls) names of users requesting the file date requested, received, or moved This information is not a substitute for an established ‘hand over’ policy in terms of establishing who is responsible for records when. However it can help the organisation establish the intended movements of records if they become lost. A59. An organisation might need to control access to records from users and contractor staff. In this instance the organisation must insist the system is able to provide adequate access controls. If security is compromised the system should be able to provide a supporting audit trail to identify where unauthorised personnel accessed (requested) a record. 03 February 2012 Page 42 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A60. In addition to the barcode that identifies a record, or box containing records, it is sensible that other key information regarding the record(s) is attached to them. This should include, but is not limited to: title creator responsible business unit date of creation security classification (where applicable) disposal schedule No: 5.1 Consideration: Specify how the contractor must take part in the active management of any system for tracking and managing all records in their custody (irrespective of who owns the systems used) Rationale: The movement and transport of records is the primary function of the contractor. It is important to maintain the correct processes in terms of use and managing the record tracking systems. The organisation should ensure the contractor would honour this obligation as part of the signed contract documentation. Failure by a contractor to ensure systems are well maintained could lead to a failure in delivery of service. For example, users are engaged in search and discovery projects where an inability to locate information via tracking system could have a significant impact on the ability to retrieve relevant information. Questions: Q61. Who will own overall responsibility for the record tracking system? Q62. Who will maintain the record tracking system? Q63. Does the contract agreement detail the responsibilities of the contractor for managing record tracking systems? 03 February 2012 Page 43 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A61. Before buying or supplying any products (whether stand alone or integrated with existing IT infrastructures) an organisation must identify who will have overall control and responsibility of a record tracking system. It is not necessary for the organisation to have possession of the system but they must ensure they retain full controlling ownership over the product’s development. Principally this is so that the organisation can assure the system remains viable and the data contained within it can be exported in a usable format at all times. A62. As with ownership, responsibility for maintaining record tracking systems is vital to the success of an offsite store. Ideally those monitoring a file tracking system should be people with significant experience in using and managing such systems. A63. It is possible that a selected contractor will provide a suitable record tracking system. In such cases the organisation must ensure that the product will be supported throughout the contract (and not be subject to unnecessary upgrading every two years or so). Where the contractor is the owner of a system there must be an agreement on their part that it be fully maintained by them (or a potential authorised third party). In addition they must demonstrate that it is capable of managing a bulk export of information at the end of the contract, see section 11 Exit strategy. An organisation may choose another system for tracking records. In which case they will need to ensure it provides the contractor with adequate training in the correct use of the system. 7.2 Custody and care of records in transit An organisation must set boundaries with a contractor regarding levels of responsibility for the records whilst they are in transit. Care of records, does not confer ownership of the content of the records; this remains with the organisation at all times. 03 February 2012 Page 44 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 5.2 Consideration: Establish who is responsible for records and their movement throughout the transfer to offsite (and any potential returns) Rationale: An offsite store may see significant movements of records on a frequent basis. As well as robust logistic systems, it is imperative that an organisation establishes custodial liability for records. Loss or damage is possible with any transport of records. Both the organisation and contractor must have clearly stated responsibilities for records whilst in their custody with agreed policies for incident reporting. Responsibility and custody in this context does not mean that when held offsite the organisation is not responsible for its information. The organisation will always have a responsibility to ensure that records are cared for and managed on their behalf in the correct manner at all times. Questions: Q64. Has the organisation articulated the extent of a contractor’s liability for records when in their (the contractor’s) custody? Q65. Has the organisation defined a process for identifying ‘transfer of custody’ for records between the contractor and themselves? Q66. Will the contractor have a process for reporting lost or damaged records whilst in their custody? Q67. Can the contractor provide a suitable compensation process for records lost or damaged by them? Outcomes: A64. Never assume that a contractor understands when they are responsible for an organisation’s records. Establish a contractor’s responsibility for records as this will enable the organisation to develop a productive relationship in the use of the offsite store. Failure to establish responsibility prior to agreeing a contract may result in no claim against a contractor when records are in their custody. 03 February 2012 Page 45 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A65. There are many ways an organisation may choose to log records as ‘received’ depending on the scale of use, budget, and size of the organisation. For example, the organisation may receive records in a central location (such as the post room) and distribute the records internally. As custody of records takes place at that point they can ensure a more direct control of when exactly records were sent/received. An organisation may require multiple delivery locations, in which case it must ensure that the systems and procedures are robust enough to ensure consistent and accurate tracking of records. A66. Damage or loss of records must be reported so that action can be taken to resolve the issue. Even if it is the contractor who has to repair records in their custody, the incident must still be recorded. In particular the detail of the damage or loss, how, and when it occurred. This may help an organisation to identify any patterns of poor record handling either internally or by the contractor. A robust tracking system should indicate where the record was last used/held. Manage it actively to highlight incidents of loss. The organisation will always retain full responsibility for its information and any loss will be considered as their responsibility for failing to ensure the contractor was capable of performing the contracted service. A67. Compensation is a problematic area. Under contract law there is no expectation that punitive fines will be permitted. Traditionally the law will only permit liquidated damages and these are likely to be limited. Any claim for compensation will itself have to be founded on an analysis of what would be the financial cost to the organisation if a record or group of records are lost or damaged. If that can be quantified it may be possible to seek evidence that the contractor possesses appropriate liability insurance which could be the source of recovered costs. Additionally the loss of information however significant is likely to cause issues that cannot be repaired by money alone. Lost information can severely impact operational effectiveness and potentially damage the organisation’s reputation. We recommend that the organisation consults its procurement specialists and legal advisers before enshrining any requirement for compensation within its specification. 03 February 2012 Page 46 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 5.3 Consideration: Identify suitable containers for all record categories to protect them from damage during all parts of transit Rationale: Moving records in unsuitable containers, such as postal sacks, is almost certain to cause damage (to records) and the organisation must ensure that the containers for transporting records are adequate for the task. This guide does not stipulate the exact type of container suitable for every record but it must, as a minimum, provide room for the records as well as protection from damage in transit. Especially fragile or delicate records, for example glass plate negatives or laboratory specimen slides, may be too susceptible to damage to be moved on a frequent basis. The organisation needs to identify these records and consider how best they should be made available to users. In some circumstances it may be preferable to provide a digital surrogate of a fragile record rather than provide the original. Questions: Q68. Has the organisation identified suitable containers for all records categories? Q69. Will the organisation delegate responsibility for sourcing of containers to the contractor? Q70. Are there record categories that require special procedures or equipment for moving and handling? Outcomes: A68. An organisation may only have paper records in A4 format stored in standard archive boxes transporting these correctly will be relatively straightforward. Other records may vary significantly in size, shape, and weight and you must consider how to transport these rather than applying a single solution. Improperly protected records may become irreparably damaged which could be costly to the organisation. A69. The contractor is likely to have significant experience in the transporting of records and may be able to provide/source suitable containers for transporting physical records. Note however that the organisation should always retain the right to insist on the means of transporting all its records. 03 February 2012 Page 47 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A70. If an organisation has categories of record that are fragile or out-sized it must pay close attention to how they are handled and transported. Provide adequate training on how to handle and transport such records including instruction on the correct use of specialised transport equipment (for example, scissor trolleys, bespoke carry cases). Any particular requirements must be detailed to the contractor to avoid vulnerable records becoming damaged and deteriorate beyond repair. See section 6.1 Identifying patterns of use for detail on creation of surrogate records. 8 Modes of storage Not all physical records can be stored in the same way and you must assess this during the process of specifying the offsite store. Pay careful attention to the dimensions and weight of the records with regard to the type of shelving required. For example large plans or maps should be stored flat while other paper records can be stored in a file on their side or in a box. Very specialised or fragile records, such as scientific specimens, will need very specific storage and they must be assessed prior to sending offsite, particularly if they require particular environmental conditions. Before a contract is agreed, the organisation must be certain that the contractor can provide the correct mode(s) of storage. Failure to correctly store records could result in significant damage to records leading to them being unusable by the organisation. 03 February 2012 Page 48 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Modes of Storage Asses all record categories to identify the most cost effective method of storage. (i.e. on palletised) Start Have all suitable storage modes been identified for all records? Asses each record category’s format and identify the preffered mode of storage (i.e. in boxes, open shelves etc) Yes No Identify and specify any specific storage conditions for a record category that is unique within the record collection. (i.e. specific shelf size or environment) Has the most cost effective method of storage been identified ? No Yes Yes Do any record categories have specific storage needs? No End 8.1 Assessing modes of storage It’s critical to understand how each record category will need to be stored if records are to be adequately protected whilst in an offsite store. No: 6.0 Consideration: Assess each record category to establish the most practical means of storage for them Rationale: Storing records offsite can become very expensive when the correct mode of storage is not considered. The needs of categories of records may vary greatly so it is important that they are all stored in a suitable manner. For example where shelves may be suitable for boxes of paper records they may not be suitable for heavy physical objects such as geological samples. 03 February 2012 Page 49 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Questions: Q71. Do all record categories require the same mode of storage? Q72. Can the proposed offsite store provide the required mode of storage for all record categories? Q73. Where used, are boxes (or containers) for records a suitable size and strong enough to protect the contents from damage during transport and storage? Outcomes: A71. An organisation may have physical records in one format or very similar formats (for example A4 paper records). In such cases it will be relatively easy to specify a common mode of storage usually sturdy boxes that ensures the records are stored safely and efficiently. Where a wider variety of record formats exist the specific storage needs (including specialised storage furniture) must be identified and articulated to the contractor to reduce the risk of records becoming damaged or destroyed. A72. If an organisation is not absolutely confident that the contractor can provide the correct mode of storage it must find alternative solutions for records that cannot be housed in the offsite store – possibly a specialised storage contractor. A73. Storing records in boxes does not guarantee their safety: If the box is too large, movement inside when being transported could cause damage to contents If the box is too small records can be bent, folded or otherwise fitted in an inappropriate manner leading too damage The organisation must ensure the correct size box/container is used to store records to reduce the risk of damage. It must assess how many boxes can be safely stacked on top of each other. No: 6.1 Consideration: Assess each record category to establish the most cost effective method of storage 03 February 2012 Page 50 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Rationale: The needs of each record category may vary greatly. It is important that they are all stored in a suitable manner. For example where surrogate copies of records are available to the users (such as microfilm or scanned images) it may be more cost effective to destroy the originals. If they are still needed, it may be more cost effective to choose a mode of storage such as bulk (palletised) storage. Questions: Q74. Can the organisation quantify the volume of records likely to be frequently recalled? Q75. Are there categories of record that could be stored in bulk (palletised) and left until due for review or destruction? Q76. Are surrogate copies of records available in a more accessible format (for example, microfilm or scanned images)? Outcomes: A74. The frequency of use for record categories should be used to define their access and retrieval requirements. This information will help inform the most suitable type of storage for a record category. Frequently requested records should be more accessible so that they can be removed and replaced with minimal opportunity for damage. If the mode of storage is not accessible there is a risk that although well protected whilst stored, the records are damaged when moved. A75. Where a record category will not need to be accessed for a long period, it may be stored in bulk on pallets. Retrieval charges from pallets are likely to be higher than standard rates. This method may be attractive for records that are almost certainly not required until due for review or disposal owing to the reduced handling costs by not having to shelve material and index the records and/or boxes individually. 03 February 2012 Page 51 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A76. Some records may have a surrogate digital copy (adequately protected and preserved), potentially saving the organisation significant costs in retrieving records for minor administrative or reference purposes. This solution may also be used for large or vulnerable records in order to reduce the risk of damage. Where the creation of surrogates occurs, the organisation should consider using standards such as BIP 0008-1: 2004 Code of practice for legal admissibility and evidential weight of information stored electronically to ensure a consistent quality in surrogate production. This does not mean that an organisation should embark on a wholesale scanning of records prior to sending them offsite. Scanning projects are a significant undertaking and should be subject to a cost benefit analysis first, including the cost of preserving digital surrogates of records. 8.2 Vulnerable records Whist an offsite store should provide acceptable storage conditions for most types of physical record; an organisation may have records which are more vulnerable to damage. The organisation should assess if they have particularly vulnerable records and how best they should be stored. No: 6.2 Consideration: Assess each record category to establish any specific environmental conditions required for storing them Rationale: All records must be stored in an environment that protects them from damp, mould or pests damage. Some record categories, however, may demand more specific environmental conditions to protect them from deteriorating. The organisation should identify all vulnerable records prior as storing this type of records in a commercial offsite store can become very expensive where exact environmental conditions are required. If the records are so vulnerable as to be considered not suitable to be stored in a commercial offsite store the organisation must seek specialist advice on the records from specialist conservators. 03 February 2012 Page 52 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Questions: Q77. Has the organisation identified any record categories with a specific storage requirement (for example an archival standard storage)? Q78. Can the organisation quantify the volume of records likely to require specialised storage? Q79. Can the contractor provide evidence it can maintain the required environment for vulnerable records? Outcomes: A77. The profile of each category of record must include any specific storage requirements. Section 3.1 Identifying record categories discusses how to identify and articulate this need to a potential contractor. If the organisation does not articulate specific storage requirements to the contractor it could result in records being stored in an unsuitable environment (and their deterioration or destruction). 9 A78. After establishing specific storage requirements the organisation will need to quantify the volume of records affected. If the contractor cannot provide the conditions or space needed for vulnerable records, the organisation must reassess where the records can be stored. If the correct environment is not provided vulnerable records will degrade and may become unusable. A79. If a contractor is unable demonstrate it can provide the required storage conditions (such as shelving or environment), the organisation may have to seek a specialised storage provider for the vulnerable records. Environmental conditions Records of all formats are vulnerable to damage from either flood, fire, vermin or mould. Ensuring that the environment in and around the offsite store is adequately monitored and protected must form a part of the specification for an offsite store. In addition the organisation must satisfy itself that the location and site for the offsite store is acceptable in terms of potential risk from environmental damage, or insist on an alternative location for their record storage. You can manage this process by allowing the contractor access to the relevant sections of the organisation’s risk register which relate to record management and control. Additionally before agreeing any contract the organisation must have sight of and assess the contractor’s own disaster recovery and business continuity plans for the offsite store. 03 February 2012 Page 53 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Environmental Conditions Re-assess the site’s suitability, specifying required changes or selection of a different site. Start Has the proposed site for the offsite store been visited? Visit the site’s location and environs to its assess the risk from environmental damage. Yes No Specify the required facilities for protecting the records (i.e. fire suppression systems). Is the site suitably protected from environmental damage? No Yes No Are there facilities to prevent damage to the records from fire or flood? Yes Specify the expected training for contractor staff in managing recovery from environmental incidents. No Are contractor staff trained in dealing with environmental incidents? Yes End 9.1 Surveying the external environment of the store When the organisation is assessing suitable contractors for an offsite store it must visit any proposed locations to see the area around the site is not unduly at risk from environmental damage. No: 7.0 Consideration: Conduct a full survey of the proposed location for the offsite store to ensure it is suitably protected from environmental damage 03 February 2012 Page 54 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Rationale: As the long-term location for an organisation’s records it is important that the offsite store is adequately protected from all potential environmental hazards. Any assessment of an offsite store should involve actually visiting the proposed site. If the organisation does not visit the proposed location it cannot conduct a sufficient risk assessment for the implementation of an offsite store. Questions: Q80. Is the offsite store located in a location vulnerable to environmental damage? Q81. Who manages the environment around the site? Outcomes: A80. When reviewing a site’s location it is important to view it within its local surroundings. Whilst the immediate site may be secure and well protected there may be other problems within the local vicinity such as: the site is in a low lying area or flood plain the site is close to rivers or other bodies of water liable to flood this site is near overhead power lines or sub-stations this site is close to industrial sites (power stations, for example) Note that you might have to consider other risks such as proximity to airports or flight paths. This guide cannot list every possible environmental concern an organisation may have and you should ensure that you have addressed all concerns before agreeing a location. A81. As well as assessing the location the organisation will need to satisfy itself that the immediate environs of the site are also managed against environmental damage. It would be normal to expect the contractor to manage this aspect of the offsite store, but it may be a third party. Having suitable systems to protect the site is only useful if they are monitored and managed. If this is not done on a regular basis the offsite store could become exposed to any potential environmental hazard. 03 February 2012 Page 55 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 9.2 Surveying the environment of the interior of the store When the organisation is assessing suitable contractors for an offsite store it must visit any proposed locations to see the conditions for storing their records is like. No: 7.1 Consideration: Conduct a full survey of the proposed location for the offsite store to ensure it is suitably protected from environmental damage Rationale: Current or semi-current records held in an offsite store do not normally require archival standard storage. Physical records will survive far better in a controlled environment. In broad terms the environment for current records should not allow large changes in temperature or excess humidity (as increased high temperatures and humidity are more likely to cause mould). It is important however, that the specification is not so prescriptive as to become cost prohibitive. See section 8.2 Vulnerable Records for assessing records that are vulnerable to damage. Questions: Q82. Can the contractor demonstrate adequate protection measures for the proposed site? Q83. Have contractor staff received training in how to deal with disaster recovery from environmental damage such as a flood or fire? 03 February 2012 Page 56 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A82. An organisation must be certain that the contractor is able to protect the records against environmental or pest damage. Depending on a site’s location there may be very specific concerns, but in general an offsite store must have in place: fire suppression systems flood protection vermin control systems temperature and humidity controls If a site is not adequately protected there is a risk that the records could be damaged and destroyed potentially causing significant reputational and financial cost to the business. A83. In addition to having specific personnel to manage and monitor the site, all staff and users of the offsite store should be trained in how to deal with an environmental emergency. The organisation should not expect contractor staff to tackle a significant issue such as a large fire or flood. However training should have covered the basics of delivering early measures that could potentially reduce the amount of records damaged or lost, such as the use of fire extinguishers in the event of a localised fire. 10 Auditing and reporting Procuring and implementing an offsite store should not be considered as a single project with a final deliverable. As an organisation develops, its use and the requirements for an offsite store are likely to change. Regularly analysing patterns of offsite store use will enable the organisation to identify areas of good and bad practice and potential need for change to meet new business needs. Subject to security requirements the organisation will also need designated personnel to visit the store, without providing prior notice, to confirm that the service is being provided to the standard specified in the contract. 03 February 2012 Page 57 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Additionally the supporting systems should be used to produce specific reports to identify if the organisation’s use of the offsite store has grown out of control, or beyond its original scope. Auditing and Reporting Develop and specify appropriate communication lines for reporting activities to the organisation from the contractor . Start Have appropriate individuals been appointed monitoring roles? Develop appropriate roles within the organisation responsible for monitoring the use of the offsite store. Yes Have incident reporting lines been specified? No Define what statistical data is desired to inform on the general usage of the offsite store by the organisation. No Yes No Are there suitable systems in place to provide key usage statistics? Yes End 10.1 Monitoring use of the offsite store An organisation should work in partnership with a contractor to monitor the usage of the offsite store. This should include audit reports detailing how the offsite store is used in terms of retrieving and sending records offsite. Where an organisation has a secondary (or in-house) storage facility the use of this should be audited and reported in exactly the same way so as to ensure a completely accurate assessment of record storage usage. 03 February 2012 Page 58 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 8.0 Consideration: Provide an oversight team to monitor use of the offsite store and customer satisfaction Rationale: Ensuring that an offsite store remains cost effective and efficient is an important task when ensuring the long-term success of an offsite store. The organisation must monitor levels of use, and type of use, of the offsite store. If there is no strategy in place for monitoring how the offsite store is used it can become very poorly used and unreasonable demands might be placed on the contractor at a potentially increased cost to the organisation. Or in a worstcase scenario there might be a failure of the entire service. Questions: Q84. Can the organisation provide adequate resource to monitor use of an offsite store? Q85. Does the record/information management team have sufficient authority (or senior support) to execute decisions regarding poor or inappropriate use of an offsite store? Outcomes: A84. Monitoring usage of an offsite store should not be seen as an ad hoc process but part of the full time records management function. In order to accurately and correctly assess the use of an offsite store the organisation must make provision for resource to perform routine audit and reporting duties on use of the offsite store. If there is not a committed resource the organisation risks the use of the offsite store becoming poorly used. This inefficiency could lead to significant costs. A85. Producing reports and auditing usage of the offsite store will only be of use if the information can be acted upon. If there is a clear pattern of bad practice in one area of the organisation the record management staff must be able to articulate the problem with support from senior levels. If records management staff are not given the authority to affect change when problems are identified the organisation could incur significant loss of operational efficiency and increased costs. 10.2 Reporting incidents and maintaining communications As well as an organisation monitoring its usage of the offsite store, it should be expected that the contractor contribute to the effective management of the offsite store. The contractor should have means to report issues and concerns back to the organisation where it has concerns or an incident has occurred. 03 February 2012 Page 59 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records No: 8.1 Consideration: Establish clear communication channels for incident reporting Rationale: The organisation needs to be able to monitor the pattern, pace and frequency of retrieval by both individual users and business units. This is partially to review and identify changes in business need (which can then lead to agreed variations in the contracted service), but also to permit forensic investigations where a security breach may have occurred. Therefore the contractor must be able to produce on demand appropriate statistics, in the form of reports, and do this within a specified time to the organisation. These should be based on known specified criteria relevant to the organisation including (but not limited) to the following elements individually and in any combination: date range category type individual file reference business units using the records individual users requesting the files volumes of requests over specified periods retrieval service interval used Auditing the offsite store must link in to the overall current records use as part of a higher level audit of the organisation’s record management provision. If the organisation is unable to effectively monitor the use of the offsite store, there is a significant risk it may not be meeting the current business need at an unnecessary cost in resource and money. Questions: Q86. Is there a clear method of communication between the offsite store and the records manager(s) of the organisation? Outcomes: A86. Successful reporting relies on the contractor knowing who to talk to on any subject (not just in an emergency). As part of the process of planning for an offsite store the organisation must detail how communications for issues are to be reported to the organisation. For example it may not be appropriate, or useful, to have a telephone conversation detailing the number of emergency requests for records, in such case it would be more useful for a report to be produced and made available to the organisation. Conversely if there is a significant damage to records through flood or fire it will be vital that the organisation can be made aware of this immediately. 03 February 2012 Page 60 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 11 Exit strategy Eventually the organisation may need to move its records from the offsite store. There are likely to be significant reasons for this and it is imperative that the organisation can ensure all the records, and associated information, can be removed from the contractor’s systems in a usable format prior to entering into a contract with them. Exiting from an existing contract is likely to be expensive and this section is intended principally for the when the life of the agreement is reached and the organisation is looking to move to a new supplier. In practice the organisation may decide that the current contractor is providing the most cost efficient service. Irrespective of whether the organisation decides to move to a new contractor or retain the current one’s service the exit strategy must still be agreed and in place prior to agreeing a new contract. It should also be noted that another possible exit scenario involves the records remaining in situ but a new contractor taking over management of the offsite store. In this event the considerations below are still valid. Exit Strategy Identify the expected level of cooperation from a contractor on exiting the contractor (i.e. transport of records and export of any key data). Start Has the cost of removing records at the end of a contract been agreed? Discuss and establish realistic costs for uplift of records from the offsite store at the end of a contract. Yes No Define what statistical data is desired for export on exiting the storage contract (i.e. Record location, owner, disposal schedule). Has the required level of support for an uplift been specified? No Yes No Can the supporting systems export usable data for the records being moved? Yes End 03 February 2012 Page 61 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records 11.1 Developing the exit strategy Part of an organisation’s implementation plan should include how the organisation will remove its records and related information when the contract is finished. An inadequate exit strategy could lead to significant costs and effort in removing records and related metadata. No: 9.0 Consideration: Establish and agree costs for an uplift of records from the offsite store at the end of a contract Rationale: Before an organisation agrees to place records with a contractor it needs to be clear on what it expects when the contract has finished. Specifically it needs to agree the likely costs of a significant uplift of records from the offsite store to another location. Offsite storage contracts are often made for very long periods of time, and in practice it is unlikely a contractor will agree a fixed sum for uplifting records. The key point an organisation has to agree is that the contractor will assist with the relocation as much as is reasonable for them to do so. This must include correct tracking and movement of all records as appropriate depending on the strategy used to relocate the records. The exit strategy must ensure no loss of data or records. It must be agreed and understood by both the organisation and the contractor to ensure this. Questions: Q87. Is the contractor capable of managing a significant transfer of records? 03 February 2012 Page 62 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A87. Relocating an offsite store’s contents is a significant operation. Whilst it is likely to be carried out in a staged process each stage may involve relocating thousands of records. The organisation must seek evidence that the contractor is capable of such significant movements of records, and that every record will be accurately tracked as they are relocated. In addition the contractor must be able to demonstrate that it can export any data held in its tracking systems. If this is not possible then the organisation risks losing not only the ability to confirm the transfer, but also lose relevant data such as the records owner and disposal schedule. The ability to track large movements of records may not be limited to an exit strategy, and a contractor must demonstrate it can cope with any potential large transfers of records. If the contractor cannot then there is a risk that records will become lost or untraceable once relocated. No: 9.1 Consideration: Specify the actions and data required for exporting all information held on any systems the contractor uses to track the records Rationale: Record tracking systems can be used to retain key information about records held in the offsite store, such as owner, dates, and disposal schedule. An organisation must ensure that all data can be exported in a usable format from the current systems. The exit strategy must ensure be agreed and understood by both the organisation and the contractor to ensure there is a mitigated risk against data loss. Questions: Q88. Can the system export data for the records in a usable open standard format (for example, csv or xml)? Q89. Is the contractor capable of managing a significant export of data? Q90. Does the contractor have effective means of tracking/auditing the export of data for records from any electronic systems? 03 February 2012 Page 63 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Outcomes: A88. Any database system must be able to export its data in a format that can be used by another similar database system. Not all systems will use the same means of managing the data but it is crucial that the format of an export is in a common open standard format such as csv or xml. If the data is not exportable in a usable format the organisation risks losing significant information regarding the management of its records that it may not be possible to recreate. A89. The organisation must seek evidence that the contractor (or owner of the systems) is capable of exporting data from the record tracking systems. The ability to export large volumes of metadata may not be limited to an exit strategy, and a contractor will need to demonstrate it can cope with any potential large exports at anytime. If the contractor cannot do this there is a risk metadata will become lost. A90. Whenever a system exports metadata it must be able to audit the whole process to identify as a minimum: When it was exported? What was exported? Who exported it? What was the reason for the export? It is vital to the security and integrity of the records being transferred that this information is available for the contractor to verify the export was valid and authorised, and that everything that should have been exported was. 12 Purchasing 12.1 Assessing the contractor This guide does not specify how an organisation may choose to select an offsite store outside of the provision that the contractor meet the specified levels of service detailed in an Invitation to Tender. However an organisation should ensure that the selected contractor is economically secure. 03 February 2012 Page 64 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records Where an organisation relocates a large number of records to an offsite site and then the contractor goes out of business, there could be a significant impact on both operational efficiency and cost of moving the records to another location. 12.2 Purchasing frameworks Owing to the variety of ways a service may be purchased this document does not prescribe how an organisation should tender and contract an offsite store. Every organisation must identify its statutory and regulatory purchasing frameworks to ensure that the services are purchased using the correct procedures. Failure to purchase under the specific guidelines could lead to a serious issue possibly involving compensation to other potential contractors disadvantaged by incorrect purchasing processes. 12.3 Shared services It is vital that a contract meets the organisation’s business need but it does not have to be an individually purchased service. As identified in the National Audit Office report, Improving Corporate Functions Using Shared Services, purchasing an offsite storage contract service with other organisations could provide greater negotiating power over costs such as price of storage, retrieval charges, other services and support system costs. If an organisation does decide to enter into a shared service for an offsite store it must be confident that the procured contract meets their key business needs and represents best value for money for that organisation. 12.4 Understanding contractors’ charging models As well as the obvious costs of storing and retrieving records there are other services that may be offered by an offsite storage provider. These can range from managing the appraisal and disposal of records to the provision of digital surrogates as an alternative to retrieving records. Not all of these services will be of use to an organisation, but it is likely some will. When evaluating bids for an offsite store, the organisation may need to look beyond merely the cheapest provision of storage and retrieval. According to the level of demand for additional services, which may fluctuate over time, the choice of a contractor that can provide the full required level of service may be different. It is recommended that in comparing costs, the 03 February 2012 Page 65 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records organisation seeks to understand the charging model of the potential provider(s) and tests them against different variables. 13 Further reading 13.1 Legislation All public bodies will be affected by information legislation. You must consider this when specifying certain aspects of an offsite storage service. Note that there may be other legislation pertinent to the organisation and it will be necessary to refer to those as well. Public Records Act 1958 (c. 51) Data Protection Act 1998 (c. 29) Freedom of Information Act 2000 (c. 36) Environmental Information Regulations 1992/3240 13.2 Relevant standards and other references There are also a range of British and International standards which will provide useful information on certain aspects of record management and storage of records. BSI publications: British Standards Institution BSi DISC PD0008: 1999 Code of Practice for Legal Admissibility and Evidential Weight of Information Stored Electronically British Standards Institution BSi DISC PD0018: 2001 Code of Practice: Information Management Systems: Building Systems fit for Audit ISO publications: International Standards Organisation ISO 17799 / BS7799 Information Security Management International Standards Organisation ISO 15489 Information and Documentation: Records Management, 2 volumes 2001 03 February 2012 Page 66 of 67 Identifying and specifying requirements for offsite storage of physical records International Standards Organisation ISO 9001: 2000 Quality management systems: Requirements International Standards Organisation ISO 23950 Information and Documentation: Information retrieval (Z39.50): application service definition and protocol specification National Audit Office: Improving Corporate Functions Using Shared Services 2007 03 February 2012 Page 67 of 67