SPEECH COMMUNICATION AND THEATER ARTS Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served Speech Placement Testing 2800 Faculty chaperoned and coached students for participation in the Region II Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival in Durham, New Hampshire, Jan. 2009 24 Adjudication of departmental theatrical productions by external faculty through the Kennedy Center American College Theatre Festival. 70 Departmental Production: "Pillowman" (7 performances - 9/25 - 10/3/2009) 250 Departmental Production: "No Child" (7 performances - 11/6 - 11/13/2009) 674 Departmental Production: "All My Sons" (7 performances - 3/5 - 3/12/2010) 499 Departmental Production: "Troy" (6 performances - 4/30 - 5/8/10) 323 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Certification Program for Associate Teachers of Fitzmaurice Voicework. 7/13/2009 50 The Role of University Performing Arts Centers in Building a Creative Campus 7/14/2009 50 Association of Theatre in Higher Education Conference focusing on the partnership between theatre and general education programs. 8/12/2009 300 gave presentations Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Michele Cuomo Play Produced/Performed Reference Cuomo, Michele & Feliciano, Angel. (2009) The Movement: A Theatrical Experience. Joyce SOHO January 14-16, 2009. Michele Cuomo Conference Presentation, other Marti, Eduardo; Curtis Susan and Michele Cuomo. "Organizing An Integrative First Year Experience." Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Conference. Atlanta Georgia, October 22-24, 2009. Michele Cuomo Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Cuomo, Michele; Cook, Bonnie and Pantaleo, Jo. Big Read Grant. National Endowment for the Arts/Arts Midwest(NEA). $13,000.00. August 2009-July 2010. Michele Cuomo Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Cuomo, Michele. Pinero Resurrected. Accepted to Downtown Urban Theatre Festival Dec 2009 for performance in April 2010. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Michele Cuomo Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference Cuomo, Michele. Voice and Speech Trainers Association Director of Conferences. Barbara Lynch Conference, workshop, training attended Attended workshops coordinated by CETL on rubric development. Georgia McGill Conference Presentation, other Counihan, Beth, Georgia McGill, and Jannette Urciouli, “Reaching Across Disciplines: Theatre in General Education.” Conference of the Association for Theatre in Higher Education, New York. 9 August 2009. Sherry Rada Conference, workshop, training attended $WWHQGHG6WXWWHULQJ,PSRUWDQW3ULQFLSOHVDQG%HVW3UDFWLFHV /RQJ,VODQG6SHHFKDQG+HDULQJ$VVRFLDWLRQFRQIHUHQFH0D\ $WWHQGHG$XGLRORJ\0DGH6LPSOHIRUWKH6SHHFK/DQJXDJH 3DWKRORJLVW/RQJ,VODQG6SHHFKDQG+HDULQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ FRQIHUHQFH0D\ $WWHQGHG5HVSRQVHWR,QWHUYHQWLRQDQG6SHHFK/DQJXDJH 3DWKRORJLVWV/RQJ,VODQG6SHHFKDQG+HDULQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ FRQIHUHQFH$XJXVW $WWHQGHG$XWLVP6SHFWUXP'LVRUGHUV(YLGHQFH%DVHG 3UDFWLFH)XOOGD\FRQIHUHQFH4XHHQV&ROOHJH$OXPQL2FWREHU $WWHQGHG(DUO\,GHQWLILFDWLRQRI$XWLVP)XOOGD\FRQIHUHQFH 1RYHPEHU Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Sherry Rada Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Reference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herry Rada Awards $PHULFDQ6SHHFK/DQJXDJHDQG+HDULQJ$VVRFLDWLRQ$ZDUGIRU &RQWLQXLQJ(GXFDWLRQDZDUGHG)HEUXDU\ &HUWLILFDWHRI([FHOOHQFHDZDUGHGE\4XHHQVERURXJK &RPPXQLW\&ROOHJHIRUSDUWLFLSDWLRQLQ)DFXOW\&RKRUWWR'HYHORS DQG8VHWKH$VVHVVPHQW5XEULFVIRU6WXGHQW/HDUQLQJ2EMHFWLYHV +HDOWK5HODWHG6FLHQFHV7KLVZDVDZDUGHGLQ-DQXDU\ EXWFRYHUHGDFWLYLWLHVIRUWKH\HDU Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Thomas Smith Review/Commentary (including Blogging) Semifinalist and finalist judge for the 36th Annual Student Academy Awards, Region Three of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Day-long judging April 6th and 8th with finalist judging at The Lighthouse Academy Theatre April 23, 2009. Thomas Smith Lecture (Invited) Participated in a CUNY Media Arts Showcase for 4 Year Media Arts Programs at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), Friday, May 8, 2009. Participated in CUNY League of Active Speech Professionals Annual Symposium at Kingsborough Community College (KBCC), Friday, May 1, 2009. Eileen White Direction/Choreograph y/Dramaturgy/Design (dance, theater, film) The 'C' in Allah. Dir. Eileen White. 2009. Film screened at the Be Film Festival, April 30, 2009. Eileen White Journal Article, peerreviewed Eileen White. "From Shane to Kill Bill: Rethinking the Western (review)." Journal of Film and Video 61.3 (2009): 61-63. Eileen White Conference Presentation, other Tumble into the Future: Microblogging with Tumblr in the Media Studies Curriculum, Aug. 9, 2009, University Film and Video Association Conference, New Orleans, LA. Tumble into the Future: Student Engagement through Microblogging with Tumblr, CUNY IT Conference, Dec. 4, 2009, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York, NY. Tumble into the Future: Student Engagement through Microblogging with Tumblr, Sole Forum Presenter at the Learning College Summit, Phoenix, AZ, June 16, 2009. Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments SP-274 Introduction to Electronic Introduction to This course title and content Media Electronic change replaced the obsolete Media Introduction to Radio and Television Broadcasting offering. It will serve as a platform for the recently offered Media Criticism SP-275. Both courses are WI. New Course Curricular Changes - Program Course Change Program Semester Comments A.A. in Visual and Performing Arts Fall 2009 The program change was made to more accurately capture the current language associated with this degree program. Renamed Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes 0V%DUEDUD/\QFKZDVDSSRLQWHGDV,QVWUXFWRU)DOO 0V9DOHULH6PDOOZDVDSSRLQWHGDV,QVWUXFWRU)DOO 0U$UQROG%XHVRZDVDSSRLQWHGDV$VVLVWDQW3URIHVVRU6SULQJ 0V5RVDQQH9RJHOZDVDSSRLQWHGDV/HFWXUHU6SULQJ Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Semester Facility Evaluation H-123 was equipped with an ADA Creation of a full-purpose Fall 2009 compliant podium controlling a computer electronic facility for console with Internet connectivity, enhanced instruction. DVD/VCR playback, document camera and overhead projection. A l6:9 projection screen was installed. 6WXGHQWVDQGLQVWUXFWRUVQRZKDYH DFFHVVWRDQGFRQWURORYHU PXOWLPHGLDVRXUFLQJ ,QVWUXFWLRQDWDVLJQLILFDQWO\KLJKHU OHYHOLVQRZDYDLODEOH H-116 was equipped with a smart podium Creation of a full-purpose Spring 2010 controlling a computer console with electronic facility for Internet connectivity, DVD/VCR playback, enhanced instruction. document camera and overhead projection. A new projection screen was installed. Instruction at a significantly higher level is now available for Speech Communication classes scheduled from 8 AM through 10 PM. Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Purchase of netbook and led projector with carrying case Provide students with Internet and graphic display capability in rooms without computers or projectors. Fall 2009 32" flat panel TV To replace 19" CRT on a audio/visual Spring 2010 Superior display of instructional cart for presentations in rooms w/o CDs and DVDs. projection equipment. 2 Smart Macs High tech, computer-controlled lighting instruments for the Shadowbox Theatre. Fall 2009 Purchase of four large mirrors, tables and light banks. To support an experimental makeup for theatre and television course. Spring 2010 The course will run experimentally in the Fall 2010 term and be assessed for presentation to the Academic Senate as a regular offering. Purchase of a washer and dryer for the The cleaning and maintenance of a Shadowbox Theatre. vast costume collection. Students no longer need to display visuals on poster boards giving them the ability to project PowerPoint or Internet visuals in a professional manner. Used effectively in the staging of "Troy." Spring 2010 The units will have to be installed by B&G and may require substantial plumbing work. Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment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epartmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements Articulation agreement with Adelphi University. Completed Completed Installation of better lighting instruments in ASAP the Department Scene Shop. Recent visitation by Mr. Arthur Perkins underscored the necessity for this installation, but no work has been started. Installation of wash-up sink in the Department Scene Shop. B&G as inspected the requirements for installation, but no work has been started. Sink was purchased with Departmental funds and has been in storage for two years. Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: SP-211 Educational Objectives: 6WXGHQWVUHDGLQJOLVWHQLQJDQGVSHDNLQJ 8VHRIDQDO\WLFDOUHDVRQLQJWRLGHQWLI\LVVXHVRUSUREOHPVDQGHYDOXDWHHYLGHQFHLQRUGHU WRPDNHLQIRUPHGGHFLVLRQV :RUNFROODERUDWLYHO\LQGLYHUVHJURXSVGLUHFWHGDWDFFRPSOLVKLQJOHDUQLQJREMHFWLYHV Curricular Objectives: Same as Gen Ed objectives Results: Students showed significant improvements in rubric scores based on the reading of articles about a current societal issue/problem within small group decision making units. Results were obtained over the course of two consecutive class meetings of 1:40 minute duration. Action Plan: Repetition of similar assignments within the same week appear to produce significantly stronger results in the second application based on a five-point rubric scale. Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan Readings of student satisfaction with Departmental instructors as evidenced by the Fall term Student Evaluations corroborated a high level of satisfaction with the in-class performance and responsiveness of the instructional staff. We will continue to hired and retain full and part-time faculty who connect positively on all performance measures with out diverse student population. Student Surveys (current students) Other assessment activity 7KHUHLVDJHQHUDOOHYHORIGLVVDWLVIDFWLRQZLWKWKHSK\VLFDOOD\RXWRI'HSDUWPHQWDOZRUNVSDFHDQGODFNRISULYDF\LQPHHWLQJ ZLWKVWXGHQWVRURWKHUIDFXOW\ :HKDYHEHHQJLYHQDVVXUDQFHVWKDWDVXUYH\RIWKH'HSDUWPHQWZLOOEHPDGHZLWKDQH\HWRZDUGUHFRQILJXULQJWKHSK\VLFDO VSDFHWRFUHDWHDPRUHSURGXFWLYHZRUNHQYLURQPHQW Once again, Kennedy Center adjudicators have affirmed the high performance characteristics of QCC theatre concentration students. Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan 9HQWLODWLRQV\VWHPZDVLQVWDOOHG /LJKWLQJDQGFOHDQXSVLQNZHUH127 LQVWDOOHG Re-affirm these objectives for the next academic year. Launch (along with the participation of Art & Design, Dance and Music) a new Academy in Visual and Performing Arts. Superb achievement! Continue the close working relationship of the Department with the Faculty Coordinator and Freshman Coordinator of VAPA. Formally implement the experimental ESL speech course for Nursing (SP-007) students mandated by the Strategic Plan. Successful implementation. Assessment of this course will be an on-going project to refine its effectiveness. False 5HVSRQGWR3URJUDP5HYLHZ UHFRPPHQGDWLRQVUHODWLQJWR LVVXHVRIVDIHW\ 6FHQH6KRSLQDGHTXDWH OLJKWLQJDQGYHQWLODWLRQ V\VWHPV 6FHQH6KRSVLQNLQVWDOODWLRQ WRSURYLGHSURSHUHTXLSPHQW FOHDQXSDQGVDIHW\H\HZDVK VWDWLRQ True Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Setup and successfully run experimental TH-134 - Stage Makeup None Sufficient enrollment and post semester analysis of course outcomes. Hire Speech Generalist with Ph.D. None and ability to development indepth, stand alone speech courses augmenting the basic survey class SP-211. Posting, scoring, interviewing and hiring of a 13th faculty for the Department. Reconfigure the projection system in H-122 and install the existing projector in the Department's conference room. Completion None Install adequate lighting and wash- Program Review Recommendation up sink in the scene shop - H25. Completion Install washer/dryer in Shadowbox None Theatre to clean and preserve costuming. Completion Standardize the assessment process in accordance with guideline recently adopted by the College. Routinely posting to the newly created Assessment Website. Assessment commitment Nurture faculty to seek and achieve None excellence in teaching, scholarship, creativity and service to meet their personal and departmental needs. Successful reappointments, tenure and promotions.