HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND DANCE Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served The Frank Egan Memorial Health Lecture Series (Fall, 2009 -10 Lectures; Spring 2010 -9 Lectures 700 Academic Advisement (Note Bene: All students who have a declared major in Dance and Massage Therapy are advised and registered by Department faculty. 300 Intercollegiate Athletics Program 300 Recreation Program 8000 Intramural Athletics Program 400 Massage Therapy Clinic 350 Massage Therapy Open House 50 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Dance Workshop Concert Performance 5/6/2010 300 Frank Egan Memorial Health Lecture Series 5/12/2010 700 Annual Athletics Awards Luncheon 5/12/2010 275 organized Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Virginia Cowen Conference Presentation, other Reference Gym class memories: What it was like for the rest of us. Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association National Conference, New Orleans, LA (2009). Social trends and the rise of new diseases. Northeast Popular Culture Association, Bayside, New York, 2009. Panel moderator, The business of being a yoga teacher. Yoga Journal New York Conference, 2009. Virginia Cowen Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Member, Board of Directors, Yoga Alliance (an international nonprofit registry of yoga teachers and teacher-training programs). Chair, government relations committee. National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork. National Institutes of Health, QCC Bridges to the Baccalaureate Research Initiative for Minority Students Research Program Mentor. Northeast Popular Culture Association Conference Planning Committee. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Elyn Feldman Performance (music, dance, theater) Reference Feldman, Elyn. Exhibit in the annual "Postcards From The Edge," December 2009. Show which benefits Aids research. Rosemary Iconis Conference Presentation published as proceedings Iconis, Rosemary A. "Rape Myth Acceptance in College Students: A Literature Review," Clute Institute for Academic Research, College Teaching and Learning Conference, San Antonio, Texas, March 16-19, 2009. Rosemary Iconis Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society 6HUYLFHWRWKH'HSDUWPHQW &XUULFXOXP&RPPLWWHH±)DOOµ $VVHVVPHQW&RPPLWWHH±)DOOµ 6HDUFK&RPPLWWHH/HFWXUHU,QVWUXFWRU3(±)DOOµ 3HUVRQQHODQG%XGJHW&RPPLWWHH 6HUYLFHWRWKH&ROOHJH $FDGHPLF5HYLHZ&RPPLWWHH±)DOOµ 6HUYLFHWRWKH8QLYHUVLW\ 8QLYHUVLW\)DFXOW\6HQDWH±)DOOµ Rosemary Iconis Awards %HVW3DSHUIRU6HVVLRQ$ZDUG &ROOHJH7HDFKLQJDQG/HDUQLQJ&RQIHUHQFH 6DQ$QWRQLR7H[DV0DUFK± Kathleen Kilcoyne Performance (music, dance, theater) Performed with "The Mantis Project" Friday and Saturday January 9th and 10th as a former company member and now "guest artist." Choreography by Geoffrey Doig-Marx, company director. 2009 Kathleen Kilcoyne Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Served as chair over a "50th Anniversary" event. Aaron Krac Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Department Chair, 2009. Member, Veteran's Advisory Committee, 2009. Member, CUNY Council of Chairperson's for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Dance, Gerontology and Nutritional Sciences, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Aaron Krac Conference, workshop, training attended Reference Freshman Academy Outcomes Assessment Workshops (April 7th and May 12th, 2009). Lisa Mertz Review/Commentary (including Blogging) As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Fireside Chat on Myofascial Release, by John Barnes, MTJ winter. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Dynamic Bodyuse for Effective Strain-free Massage, by Darien Pritchard, MTJ winter. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Harmonizing Your Craniosacral System, by Daniel Agustoni, MTJ winter. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Drug Handbook for Massage Therapists, by Jean Wible, MTJ spring. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Intentional Healing, by Jeanne Achterberg, MTJ spring. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: A Gift of Touch: Dimensional Massage Therapy DVD, by Dancy Dail, MTJ spring. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: The Passive Stretch DVD, by Kay Rynerson, MTJ spring. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: The Massage Therapy Students Video Guide: The Torso; Upper Extremities, and The Students Quick Reference Guide, by Dwayne Gray, MTJ summer. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists, 2nd ed, by Thomas Meyers, MTJ summer. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: The Subtle Body: An Encyclopedia of Your Energetic Anatomy, by Cyndi Dale, MTJ summer. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Preventing & Treating Diabetes Naturally the Native Way, e-book; Polarity Therapy Protocol: Treatment for Diabetes, video digital download, by Leslie E. Korn and Rudolph C. Rÿser Sand to Sky: Conversations with Teachers of Asian Medicine, by Pamela Ellen Ferguson and Debra Duncan Persinger, MTJ fall. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Harmonize the Fire DVD, by Melanie Smith, MTJ fall. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Massage for Life! DVD, by Michael Rice, MTJ fall. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Myoskeletal Alignment for Low Back, Hip & Leg Pain DVD, by Erik Dalton, MTJ fall. As book, DVD, product review editor for Massage Therapy Journal, published by the American Massage Therapy Association, wrote following review, 2009: Recapture Your Health, by Walt Stoll, MD, and Jan DeCourtney, CMT, MTJ winter. Lisa Mertz Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant 5HYLHZHGPDQXVFULSWVIRUSXEOLVKHUV &RPPXQLFDWLRQV(WKLFVIRU0DVVDJH7KHUDSLVWV)$ 'DYLV 3URIHVVLRQDO)RXQGDWLRQVIRU0DVVDJH7KHUDSLVWV3UHQWLFH +DOO Lisa Mertz Conference, workshop, training attended 2nd Mindful Learners Conference, CUNY Grad Center, April 3, 2009. Rubric Workshops, Queensborough, December 10, 2009. &RQWHPSODWLYH$URPDWKHUDS\'DYLG&URZKUV1<&1< 6HPLQDUVLQ(WKLFV$,'60HGLFDO(UURU&(8V)/07OLFHQVH +HDOLQJ0DVWHU\5HY7RP&UDWVOH\KUV/LO\'DOH1< Lisa Mertz Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Committee on Course and Standing, 2009. +HDOWK6FLHQFHV$FDGHP\&RKRUWDQG/HDGHUVKLS&RPPLWWHH SUHVHQW $FDGHP\$VVHVVPHQW&RPPLWWHH $FDGHP\3ODQQLQJ*URXS 6HDUFK&RPPLWWHHIRU$FDGHP\&RRUGLQDWRU*DLO3DWWHUVRQ Member, Middle States Self-study working group, Leadership and Governance, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Revised Massage Therapy Program to offer electives, including hospital-based Oncology Massage in conjunction with North Shore University Hosptial, Manhasset. Co-founder and Co-chair, New York Council of Massage Therapy Educators, 2004-present. Lead faculty for 5-year Massage Therapy Program Review, 2009. Andrea Salis Service as a reviewer/editor/consul tant Reviewer: Insel, P.M., and Roth, W.T. (2009). Core Concepts in Health, 11th edition, McGraw-Hill, New York. lana ZINGER Book, Authored Zinger, L. Medication Adherence Among HIV Positive Adults in an Urban Clinic. VDM Publishing, 2009 (ISBN 978-639-16583-8). lana ZINGER Book, Edited Health: The Basics, by Rebecca Donatelle , 9th ed. Benjamin Cummings/ Pearson, 2009. lana ZINGER Conference Presentation published as proceedings “Using Service Learning as a Method of Transferring Health Knowledge,” Clute Institute: The College Teaching and Learning Conference, October 5-7, 2009. lana ZINGER Conference Presentation, other “How to Survive and Thrive Your First Seven Years at CUNY”: PSC’s Junior Faculty Professional Development Day, May 5, 2009. lana ZINGER Awards Best Paper Award: The 2009 IBER (Business) & ITLC (Teaching) Conferences, October 5-7, Las Vegas, Nevada. lana ZINGER Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Service Learning: Education in Action, Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). Fall 2009. $500 lana ZINGER Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Affirmative Action/ Pluralism & Diversity Committee, 3-year appointment: 2008 start. Inclusive Excellence Committee, 2009-2010. Search Committee for Biology; Health, Physical Education, and Dance; and History, 2009. Subcommittee to develop seminars for the Kupferberg Holocaust Resource Center, Fall 2009. Subcommittee for the Health-related Sciences Freshman Academy, College's 50th Anniversary Celebration, Fall 2009. Basics Skills Across the Academies Cohort, 2009. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Faculty Assessment Task Force, 2009. PSC Executive Committee and Health and Safety Committee, 2009. Personnel & Budget, Health, Physical Education, and Dance, 2009. Co-President: Greater New York Society for Public Health Education (GNYSOPHE): 2009 Liaison, Public Health Association of New York City (PHANYC) and Greater New York Society of Public Health Education (GNYSOPHE): Summer and Fall 2009. Co-Program Chair for “AHA!” Conference, Kingsborough Community College (CUNY), June 2009. Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments HA-201 Eastern Massage Therapy III Eastern Massage Therapy III Course deleted as part of recommendation of Advisory Board to make room in the curriculum for elective experiences for students HA-206 Preganancy Massage Preganancy Massage Provided as an elective experience to prepare students to offer safe and effective massage therapy during pregnancy, labor and postpartum. HA-206 Hospital Based Massage Hospital Based An elective experience designed to Massage provide massage therapy for seriously ill patients in a hospital setting. HA-208 Sports Massage Sports Massage Deleted Course New Course An elective experience to provide safe and effective massage to athletes. Curricular Changes - Program Course Change Program Semester Comments Massage Therapy Fall 2010 HA-201, Eastern Massage III, was replaced due to recommendation by the advisory committee, to provide an elective opportunity for students in the program. Three new elective courses were developed. Modified Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes A new instructor in health education was hired. A Department Assessment Committee was established as a subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee in order to carry out a continuous process of assessment according to the exigencies outlined by the Middle States evaluation report. Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose The Tennis Courts will be restored and new Upgrade facilities. rubber flooring will be installed in Gyms 303 and 305. THe floor in Gym 304 has been refurbished. A new "Hoist" multistation fitness apparatus will be installed. Semester Facility Evaluation Spring 2010 Excellent Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation $8QLYHUVDOPXOWLVDWLRQILWQHVV Upgrade old and broken equipment PDFKLQHDQGD 1DXWOLXVGRXEOHFKHVWPDFKLQHZLOOEH UHPRYHGDQGDQHZ+RLVWPXOWLVWDWLRQ $SSDUDWXVZLOOEHLQVWDOOHG$QHZ VRIWEDOOSLWFKLQJPDFKLQH+LJK-XPS SDFNDJHDQGVKRWSXWFLUFOHZLOOEH SXUFKDVHG$OVRD'LVVHFWDEOHDUPDQG OHJPRGHOZLOOEHVHFXUHGIRUWKH 0DTVVDJH7KHUDS\SURJUDP Spring 2010 Excellent Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Other changes affecting department None Departmental procedures for conducting assessment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epartmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed Massage Therapy External Agency: Mr. Matthew Kenny Date: 05/05/2010 Conclusions of Self Study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onclusions of External Reviewers: +HOSNLQHVWKHWLFOHDUQHUVWRQDYLJDWHWKHELRORJLFDOVFLHQFHVE\HVWDEOLVKLQJ DOLQNZLWKWXWRULQJ &UHDWHDPRUHDHVWKHWLFHQYLURQPHQWLQWKHFODVVURRPVHWWLQJ 7KHRYHUDOOSURJUDPDQGWKHIDFXOW\ZHUHYHU\SRVLWLYHO\UHYLHZHG Action Plan: $VHVVPHQWSURWRFROVKDYHEHHQHVWDELVKHGLQRUGHUWRRIIHUFRQWLQRXV HYDOXDWLRQDQGHVWDEOLVKWKHPHDQVWRPDNHDSSURSULDWHFKDQJHVDVWKH\ EHFRPHDSSDUHQW &RQFHUQVUHJDUGLQJWKHIDFLOLWLHVKDYHEHHQDGGUHVVHG 2XWUHDFKWRWKHYDULRXVRIILFHVDQGGHSDUWPHQWVPHQWLRQHGDERYHKDYH EHJXQ Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements The completion of the prgram review is in progress and should be completed by the fall, 2010. Fall, 2010 The Massage Therapy Curriculum has been successfully modified by eliminating a third level course in Eastern Massage as per the MT Advisory Committee. Three new elective courses have been developed to offer students experiences due to the exigencies of the job market. These changes have been approved by the College and will be in effect in the Fall, 2010. Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: HE 102 Educational Objectives: 6WXGHQWVZLOOFRPPXQLFDWHHIIHFWLYHO\WKURXJKUHDGLQJZULWLQJOLVWHQLQJDQGVSHDNLQJ 6WXGHQWVZLOOXVHDQDO\WLFDOUHDVRQLQJWRLGHQWLI\LVVXHVRUSUREOHPVDQGHYDOXDWHHYLGHQFH LQRUGHUWRPDNHLQIRUPHGGHFLVLRQV 6WXGHQWVZLOOLQWHJUDWHNQRZOHGJHDQGVNLOOVLQWKHLUSURJUDPRIVWXG\ 6WXGHQWVZLOOXVHLQIRUPDWLRQPDQDJHPHQWDQGWHFKQRORJ\VNLOOVHIIHFWLYHO\IRUDFDGHPLF UHVHDUFKDQGOLIHORQJOHDUQLQJ Curricular Objectives: Results: Action Plan: $GDSWHGDFRXUVHUXEULFWRDVVHVVWKHZULWLQJLQWHQVLYHVHFWLRQVRI+( 3ODQLPSOHPHQWDQGUHYLHZDVVHVVPHQWRI+(LQWKHDFDGHPLF\HDU Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan The Massage Therapy Advisory Committee recommended that the need for Eastern Massage has become attenuated with the offering of alternative excperiences to be included in the curriculum. The 3rd level Eastern Massage class has been removed from the MT curriculum and three new course alternative experiences now offerred. 68% pass rate for the massage therapy curriculum A "c or better" grade policy requirement in order to advance in the program for students has been instituted. Advisory Board recommendations Certification exams Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan The overall evaluation of the program was excellent with some issues regarding facilties. Also, a link should be established between the sciences and tutoring to aid the kinesthetic learner to successfully navigate these classes. The facility issues have been addressed within the context of structural limitations. A link with tutoring will be established through the Academy structure. True Academic Program Review of Massage Therapy Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Complete the Academic Program Review for Massage Therapy. 4. Ongoing Assessment of Academic Offerings and Support Services. Provide follow up report in response to the findings of the evaluation report. Continued Assessment of HE-102 in 4. Ongoing Assessment of Academic prepatation for future program Offerings and Support Services. evaluations that use this course in their curricum. Develop instruments to evaluate the success of students in meeting course objectives.