HEALTH, PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND DANCE Department-sponsored services Area of Service Served Frank Egan Health Series, Cosponsored with Health Services Department, Fall 2011 and Spring 2012 250 Academic Advisement (Note: All Students who have a declared major in Dance and Massage Therapy are advised by department Faculty. 200 CUNY Athletic Conference Basketball, February 14, 15, 17, 2012 Aprox 400 400 Fitness Assessment Demonstration: Organized by Dr. Andrea Salis 45 CUNY Food Day: Organized by Dr. Lana Zinger 100 Intercollegiate Athletics Program 200 Recreation Program 8500 Intramural Athletic Program 400 Dance Workshop 750 Massage Therapy Clinic 150 Department-Sponsored Staff Development Activities Activity Type Topic Date Total Dance Workshop: Organized and presented by Prof. Emily Berry. Performances given by workshop dancer in the Queensborough Performing Arts Center 5/10/2012 250 The Frank Egan Memorial Health Lecture Series: Organized by Isabella Lizzul 3/14/2012 and presented by Steve Whitlock 250 Dance Workshop: Organized and presented by Prof. Emily Berry. Performances given by workshop dancer in the Queensborough Performing Arts Center 5/11/2012 250 Annual Athletics Awards Luncheon: Organized and attended by Prof. Kim and 5/16/2012 Mr. Pete Marchitello to celebrate the achievements of our student athletes 300 organized Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Emily Berry Awards Reference Received a LEAP Dance Artist Award by the Queens Council on the Arts and the Laguardia Performing Arts Center. October 2011 -June 2012. Emily Berry Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Developed 15 new Course Proposals for the Dance Program at QCC. The new courses were passed by the Academic Senate in December, 2011 and began being worked into the curriculum for the dance majors in the Spring term 2012. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Emily Berry Lecture (Invited) Reference Taught Advanced Modern Dance to dance majors at Rutgers University, November 7th, 2011. Emily Berry Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society I was invited by Camille Goodison from City Tech College to present choreography to open for guest speaker Quiara Hudes. Four dance majors from QCC rehearsed during the fall 2011 semester and performed a new piece of choreography, “Fugue” to open for Quiara Hudes, December 1st, 2011. Another student from City Tech University collaborated with our students to read excerpts from Quiara Hudes’s play, “Elliot, A Soldier’s Fugue”. Rosemary Iconis Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Search Committee (Assistant Professor- Health Education) HPE&D Department Personnel and Budget Committee Academic Review Committee Isabella lizzul Conference, workshop, training attended Massage Therapy Series SWIG MAeP series E Portfoloio workshops Grant Writing workshops Conference of the College/ La Guardia Collge Digital Imaging Workshop isabella lizzul Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society CAR Committee, Chair Altrtnate Member of Faculty Senate Service Learning, Queens College Law School, PS 46 Culteral Connection/Service Learning in conjunction with QPAC Health Lecture Series isabella lizzul Awards Cerificate of Appreciation in recognition of outstanding contribution yo the health related science academy presentation at Freshman First Orintation. Cerificate of Appreciation for Participation in Service Learning Lisa Mertz Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant reviewed manuscripts for Pearson publishers Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Andrea Salis Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Reference “Assessing Students’ Learning Outcomes in Learning Community Courses”, PSC-CUNY, $3500, 2011 – 2012 Andrea Salis Curriculum or laboratory development, workshop conducted Co-wrote Proposal for Dual Sponsorship of QCC’s Health Science Program Co-revised Health Education Courses Participated in Department Curriculum Committee Program Development Conducted extensive review, CUNY Health Degree Programs Presented Health Sciences Program at Department Meeting, Oct.12, 2011 Andrea Salis Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished “Constructing Context: A Method of Measuring Community College Students’ Vocabulary Comprehension”, Community College Journal of Research and Practice, in progress “The Effects of Cardiovascular Exercise on Learning, Recall and Comprehension”, Journal of Perceptual and Motor Skills, in progress Andrea Salis Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant Editor/Academic Advisory Board, McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2007 – Present American Educational Research Journal, section on Teaching, Learning and Human Development Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics Review of Educational Research Review of Research in Education “The Computerization of the Self-Regulated Learning Assessment System: A Demonstration Program”, The International Journal of Education and Psychological Assessment, Jan. 2011 My Health: An Outcomes Approach, chapters 12 – 15, Fall 2011 Your Health Today, LearnSmart Online Textbook Assignments, McGraw-Hill Publishers Your Health Today, McGraw-Hill Publishers, Jun. 2011 AAPHERD Head Start Body Start Grant Application Submissions Reviewer, Jun. 2011 Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Andrea Salis Conference, workshop, training attended Reference “Men’s Health Conference: Missing Pieces”, Men’s Health Initiative of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, Jun. 18, 2011 “Stress and Resilience Seminar”, Transforming Education in America, Jun. 12, 2011 Andrea Salis Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Faculty Senate, Fall 2011 – Present Senate Academic Development Committee, Fall 2011 - Present Chair Department Assessment Committee, Fall 2004 – Present Department Curriculum Committee, Fall 2011 Department Facilities Committee, Spring 2011 – Present Present “Critical Issues in Health from Traditional to Blended”, QCC eLearning Luncheon, Apr. 6, 2011 Developed and instructed HE 102 Partially Online Course, Spring 2011 – Present Developed curriculum, instructed and assessed learning community (LC), “Get Active, Be Healthy”, Fall 2011 Presented student service learning (SL) project, “Fitness Assessments”, Service Learning Luncheon, May 18, 2011 Provide academic advisement Instruct continuing education course, “Group Fitness Instructor Training”, 2007 – Present Contributed to the CUNY Master Plan 2012 – 2016, Fall 2011 Participated in “Making Transfer Connections, Advisement and ePortfolio”, LaGuardia Community College, Apr. 8, 2011 Participant of the Samuel Field YMHA/YWHA Parent Association, Fall 2011 – Present Member of the Alumni Mentoring Network, Lehman College, Spring 2007 – Present Volunteer member of the National Weight Control Registry, 2001 Present Andrea Salis Awards Nominated for the Margaret Paulding Lecturer Award, Fall 2011, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance Alicia Sinclair Service as a reviewer/editor/ consultant Teague et al. (2011). Your Health Today. McGraw-Hill: New York, NY. Alicia Sinclair Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Chair, Departmental Facilities and Equipment Committee Meeting Member: Department Curriculum Committee Developed an articulation with Adelphi University in health education, physical education and exercise science. Presenter: Health Sciences Career Panel - Health Sciences Academy, October 12, 2011. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Delegate: PSC-CUNY, QCC Chapter. Alicia Sinclair Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Exercise, Learning and Academic Performance, PSC-CUNY. $3,500 Online Course Development: E-learning Initiative, QCC. $1,000 Lynn Temenski Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society "Massage for Teachers",a QCC/CUNY Service Learning Project. Students in the Spring 2012 HA 221 Pathology 2 and HA 204 Practicum 2 classes researched and identified primary musculoskeletal challenges for teachers due to classroom activities, then created and presented public health education materials for the PS46 teachers. In addition, the students provided on-site massage at a Service Learning special event at PS46, March 29, 2012. The possibility of a touch education Service Learning Project for parents and students emerged from discussion with the PS46 teachers and occupational therapists on staff who work with the special needs children at the school, and with the PS46 Principal. They are all in favor of pursuing the touch education project, tentatively for Spring 2013. paul weiss Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society department P&B academic senate lana zinger Conference Presentation, other “Expanding Borders of the Classroom- Health & Environmental Cycle”: 8th Conference of the College, QCC, March 25, 2011 “Service Learning: QCC Earth Day”: Queensborough Community College, April 14, 2011 lana zinger Lecture (Invited) Service Learning: Health Fair & World AIDS DAY”: Queensborough Community College, December 1, 2010 lana zinger Works submitted/accepted/in press or in progress; works reprinted/republished Food for Thought: Should our local government and school district control what we eat or drink?” ESL Vocabulary Book Project, edited by Julia Carroll Inter-disciplinary grant submission with Dr. Blake- Campbell “Using Integrative Learning to Empower Allied Health Students to Work toward Cultural Diversity and Promote Multiculturalism.” Diversity Projects Development Fund, October 28, 2011. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type lana zinger Conference, workshop, training attended Reference "Health Education & Nutrition”: Freshman Orientation: Health Sciences Academy Queensborough Community College, August 24, 2010 Health Sciences Career Panel”: Queensborough Community College, October 12, 2011 Organized and presented for “CUNY Food Day”: Queensborough Community College, October 24, 2011 lana zinger Grants awarded (title, awarding agency, amount and period of award) Exercise, Learning and Academic Performance, PSC-CUNY, 5/11 $3500 Online Course Development Initiative-Learning, QCC, $1000 2011 Service Learning: Education in Action- Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL). 2010-2011; $500 SWIG, Making Transfer Connections FIFPSE grant, Summer salary Moving Ahead with ePortfolio (MAeP) lana zinger $1000 Service to department, College, University, community, and/or professional society Service Learning Faculty Leader Officer- at- Large PSC:2010-2011 Officer- Welfare Advisory Council, PSC 2010-2011 Member: PSC Executive Committee and Health and Safety Committee 2010-2011 Member: Personnel & Budget HPED Secretary, Academic Senate, 3 year appointment: 2010-2011 Faculty Cohort on Rubric Development and Assessment: 20102011 HPED Assessment Committee for HE102: 2010-2011 Chair, Departmental Curriculum Meeting Affirmative Action Rep- Search Committee for Biology, HPED and Chemistry Departments 2010-2011. College Advisory Planning Committee: 2011 Workplace Violence Advisory Team (conducted site assessments): 2011 Secretary: Departmental Facilities & Equipment Committee: 20102011 Wrote proposal for Dual Sponsorship of QCC’s Health Science Program Co-developed a Learning Community, “ Get Fit, Be Healthy” between HE 102 and PE 541 Revised HE 102, PE 540 and IS 151 course descriptions Developed an articulation with Adelphi University in Health Education, Physical Education and Exercise Science. Individual faculty/staff professional activities First Name Last Name Work Type Reference Co-wrote a curriculum for an A.A Liberal Arts & Sciences in Community Health Developed a new course for dance majors: HE 113 Nutrition for Athletes Curricular Changes - Course Program Change Course Number Course Title Semester Comments New Course 15 New Dance Courses 15 New Dance Courses 15 New Dance The Dance Program has expanded Courses its enrollment and created 15 new courses. HE102 Critical Issues in Health Education (Revised Health, Behavior and Society) Critical Issues in Health Education (Revised Health, Behavior and Society) PE540 Introduction to Physical Fitness Introduction to The revised description (and Physical subsequent course program) is Fitness needed to adequately reflect current trends regarding health, physical education and physical fitness. All Dance Courses All Dance Courses (DAN changed from PE) All Dance Courses (DAN changed from PE) Revised Course The revised title and description expands and updates the current health areas. The Dance Program has expanded its enrollment and recently the courses were given a new prefix (DAN instead of PE) Curricular Changes - Program Course Change Program Semester Comments AA Community Health Major Fall 2011 Proposed AA Community Health Major that was submitted to Dr. Corradetti on 12/8/11. Initiated Personnel or organizational structure changes, newly developed projects Changes Dr. Anthony Monahan, hired as Assistant Professor for Physical Education Courses Dr. Virgina Cowen, resigned, Massage Therapy Professor Lynn Temenski, Full-time Substitute Lecturer - Massage Therapy Facilities/space changes Facility modification Purpose Semester Facility Evaluation Conversion and Renovation of Room 209 To provide additional office space for adjunct faculty Spring 2012 In Progress GYM 202 Podium Used for classes and seminars Spring 2012 Very Good Equipment changes Equipment Changes Purpose Semester Evaluation Lighting in Room 301, 302 Upgrade the facility Spring 2012 Very Good Wall Mats in Room 304 Touch up paint in Mats Spring 2012 In progress Tennis Court Wind Screen Upgrade the facility Spring 2012 In Progress Back Machine Equipment for Room 303, 305 Spring 2012 Very Good Equipment for Room 303, 305 Upgrade the facility Spring 2012 In Progress Resource changes Other Resources Purpose Semester Resource Evaluation Other changes affecting department Departmental procedures for conducting assessment I. Health Education: In 2011-2012, HPED conducted a pilot study course assessment for HE 102: Critical Issues in Health (revised title: “Health, Behavior and Society) for a program review of Liberal Arts and Sciences A. A. This course assessment includes: 1. clearly articulated statements of expected student learning outcomes, based on curricular objectives, general education objectives and course objectives 2. a documented, organized and sustained initial, formative and summative assessment process to evaluate and improve student learning within each course section, every semester 3. student learning assessment information that is shared and discussed with appropriate constituents of the Liberal Arts and Sciences A. A. degree program and other programs to improve teaching and learning II. Massage Therapy: The Massage Therapy Program conducted its program review process in May of 2010. Departmental procedures for conducting assessment III. Physical Education: The 2011-2012 academic year brought about a change for the HPED physical education program with new full-time faculty. All PE course descriptions and syllabi were inventoried, reviewed and evaluated in order to centralize course objectives and student assessment. The AA in Physical Education was revised in order to better articulate with CUNY 4-year PE programs at Queens College, York College, and Brooklyn College. Two themes emerged from this review: 1) a need to increase focus on the PE courses that are transferrable to these 4-year programs, and 2) a need to increase the focus on physical fitness in all PE classes offered. Two new 3-credit courses were created to address these needs: PE-815 Foundations of Physical Education and PE-825 Introduction to Exercise Science. These courses were approved by the QCC Curriculum Committee and await approval from the QCC Faculty Senate. An effort was made to consolidate the list of potential PE majors at QCC. PE faculty met with the Freshman Learning Academy as well as academic advisors in education. A PE majors club was formed and activities for the 2012-2013 academic year are in the planning process. Several PE courses augmented student assessment using Blackboard, Eportfolio, and Service-learning. Departmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed HE102 External Agency: Health Education Faculty Date: 05/22/2012 Conclusions of Self Study: The assessment of HE 102 demonstrates that students develop knowledge and skills needed for: (1) academic research and lifelong learning; (2) analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions; and (2) differentiating and making informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems The results suggest that the assessment of HE 102 is an effective measure of student learning and academic performance. Conclusions of External Reviewers: To be determined Action Plan: HE 102 will continue to use research assignments and pencil and paper tests to assess student learning and they will be updated and enhanced to reflect the continuous advancement of the study of health. Departmental participation in self-study/program review Program(s): Reviewed HE102 External Agency: Physical Education Faculty Date: 05/16/2012 Conclusions of Self Study: Major conclusions of self study • Assessment of PE syllabi indicated the need for common learning objectives and student assessment between courses, as well as course sections. Common syllabi were developed for several courses and will be posted on the HPED website. • Blackboard was used for quizzes and exams, eliminating the issue of taking a paper test in the gym without a desk. • Articulation agreements were mapped out for PE programs at Queens College, York College, Brooklyn College, Hofstra University and Adelphi University. Conclusions of External Reviewers: To be determined Action Plan: • Student reflection through EPortfolio will continue to be used for student assessment in PE classes • Student service-learning projects will be incorporated into more PE courses • Established PE majors will be directly advised in order to streamline the transfer process. The PE Majors club will meet in the fall to plan out possible club activities and events External Agency: Massage Therapy Department Date: 12/14/2011 Conclusions of Self Study: A revised action plan will be completed in FA12 for the A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. Conclusions of External Reviewers: To be determined Action Plan: A revised action plan will be completed in FA12 for the A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. External Agency: Massage Theraphy Dept Date: 05/10/2012 Conclusions of Self Study: A revised action plan will be completed in FA12 for the A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. Conclusions of External Reviewers: To be determined Action Plan: A revised action plan will be completed in FA12 for the A.A.S. in Massage Therapy. Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements HE 102 pilot course assessment Fall 2011 – Spring 2012 125 students in 5 sections of HE 102 participated in a pilot pretest-posttest pencil and paper exam. Research assignments using the MaeP Rubric were performed. Finalize written PE Articulation with above mentioned programs Spring 2013 Written articulation with Adelphi and Hofstra, verbal agreement with Queens and York Program Review Follow-up Action Item Timeline Accomplishements PE course syllabi posted on HPED website Fall 2012 All HPED course descriptions are now posted on the HPED website Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: HE102 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Differentiate and make informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems Results: Achievement of above 75% competency in health related biological and physiological processes. Achievement of above 75% competency in health promotion and disease prevention concepts and skills. Students were able to effectively write a literature review on a health topic based on the accepted standards for writing a research proposal. Students were able to apply the models for health behavior change to set goals, self-monitor and self-evaluate their health behaviors Action Plan: HE 102 will continue to use research assignments and pencil and paper tests to assess student learning and they will be updated and enhanced to reflect the continuous advancement of the study of health. Course Assessed: PE 401 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Course Objectives and Course Assessment Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE415 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Course Objectives and Course Assessment Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: HE416 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE 503 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Course Objectives and Course Assessment Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE 520 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Course Objectives and Course Assessment Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE 530 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Objectives and Course Assessment Course Assessed: HE531 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: HE 540 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Course Objectives and Course Assessment Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE541 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning Course Objectives and Course Assessment Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE550 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Course Objectives and Course Assessment Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE815 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Course Objectives and Course Assessment Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Course Assessed: PE 825 Educational Objectives: Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. Students will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning. Curricular Objectives: Students will describe and demonstrate rules, skills and strategies Students will demonstrate individual skills Students will demonstrate basic knowledge of various competitive tournaments Students will successfully participate in all classes Students will reflect on the physical fitness aspect of the activity Students will promote the activity to the broader community Results: Written quizzes, skill tests, practical application Skill tests, practice, practical application Written quizzes, organization, practical application Attendance, group and partner work, skill tests, instructor observation Student journals and ePortfolio reflections Community and campus service-learning projects Action Plan: PE courses will continue to use both activity-oriented participation augmented with student reflection on physical fitness, current trends, and research. Service-learning will be utilized in more classes, following the example of PE-541 Results of certification exams, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations Data Source Results Action Plan 1) New legislation for mandatory Continuing Education for licensed massage therapists, effective 1/1/2012; Advisory Board suggested that the College become a leader in high quality continuing education for massage therapists. 1) The Office of Continuing Education will offer continuing education workshops for Licensed Massage Therapists (LMTs.). Advisory Board recommendations 2) Massage Therapy Department will discuss with Alex Burnett, Executive Director of Communication and Public Relation to 2) The Board discuss the need for more marketing and promotion for the program. Certification exams For Massage Therapy: Aug/2011 73% Jan/2012 67% An action plan will be created to continue to increase the pass rate for massage therapy Excellent Continue improvement of classes for physical fitness and transferability Student Surveys (current students) Other assessment activity The Dance program has recently undergone significant curriculum changes in 2011 – 2012. This program will plan for formal assessment based on the new curriculum. Goals/objectives for year just completed Goals Strategic Plan Evaluation of achievement Action Plan Improve HPED Facility Conversion of Room 209 is in progress to provide dedicated workspace for adjunct usage is in program. Facilities Committee has improved cleanliness of the department. Conversion of Room 209 is in progress to provide dedicated workspace for adjunct usage is in program. Facilities Committee has improved cleanliness of the department. Recruit more experienced students in the Dance Program Due to 15 new courses including more advance classes, there were more experience students enrolled Due to 15 new courses including more advance classes, there were more experience students enrolled Submit 15 new course proposals in dance to expand the dance program’s ability to serve all levels of entering freshman Completed N/A True Goals/objectives for coming year Upcoming Goals Related Strategic Plan Objective Planned Method of Evaluation Continue to conduct discipline-based and pedagogical research Increase number of faculty development series in key areas such as high impact strategies, presentation technology in classroom and assessment Increase number of faculty publications and presentations at national conferences by 2% Faculty participation in eLearning, ePortfolio, Service-Learning, Learning Communities, Honors’ Contracts and Writing Intensive instruction. Develop and achieve approval of AA Community Health Major Reorganize LA academy to include “majors.” Approval of Major Continue to upgrade quality of full-time and part-time faculty, as scholars and teachers Increase instruction by full-time faculty Recruit diverse faculty Attract and nurture a strong faculty that is recognized for excellent teaching, scholarship and creative activity Hire 4 faculty members in Health, Physical Education, Dance and Massage Therapy. Assess facility needs and plan budget and timeline for improvements Improve the quality of campus life Address priority needs of facility Faculty publications and presentations in discipline-based and pedagogical research.