Queensborough Community College DEPARTMENT: Year-end Report – Teaching Department Year: 2013- 2014 Physics A. DEPARTMENT SERVICES/ACTIVITIES REPORT IN 2013-14 1. Department-sponsored services (fall and spring semesters combined) Area of Service Departmental research laboratories S-324, S-309 (partial), S-333 (part-time, also computer lab) Number Served 12 Area of service (for example): a department-run learning laboratory (not laboratories for which students register as part of their courses), the reference desk or reserve area of the Library, department tutoring program, etc. (Note: Do not report courses or laboratories for which students register.) 2. Department-sponsored faculty/staff development activities Type of Activity and Topic Presentation – invited speaker (Shlomo Engelberg) by department – topic - signal analysis Date July Number Attending 12 Note: Faculty and staff development activities (grants, presentations, exhibitions, performances, publications, instructional improvement activities, laboratory development, curriculum development, etc.) INSTRUCTIONS: For each activity, please indicate 1. whether department members organized the activities or gave presentations or both 2. the topic and type of activity and name of organizer/presenter, if applicable 3. the date (if not the exact date, indicate the month) 4. the number attending the event B. COURSE CHANGES IN 2013-14 INSTRUCTIONS: For each course that changed, indicate: 1. whether the course is new, revised, or deleted 2. the course number 3. the course title 4. the semester the change was approved at the Academic Senate 5. for revised courses, in the Comments section, describe the type of change(s)—i.e., course title, description, pre/corequisites, credits, hours, designation 1 Year-end Report – Teaching Department Queensborough Community College New, revised, or deleted NA Course number Course title Semester approved Year: 2013- 2014 Comments C. PROGRAM CHANGES IN 2013-14 Program Program change* Laser and Fiber Optic Technology Program Terminated the program Effective Date (Semester and year) Fall 2013 Comments Department voted to eliminate the program Fall 2013. A memo was sent to the Curriculum Committee. *Key: (a)=initiated, (b)=closed, (c)=renamed, (d)=modified INSTRUCTIONS: Use the full title of the program, i.e. A.A. in Visual and Performing Arts. Indicate whether the program change is initiated, closed, renamed, or modified. (If a new program has been approved by the CUNY Board (or is expected to be approved by June 2013), use fall 2013 as the effective date.) Describe the exact status (i.e., proposal submitted to CUNY Board; approved by CUNY Board; etc.) in the Comments. D. DEPARTMENT CHANGES IN 2013-14 Type (see menu below) Personnel or organizational change Equipment Personnel or organizational change Personnel or organizational Description of Change Reason for Change Date/Semester Evaluation of Change* Hired new office assistant Additional help required Fall 2013 Effective. Additional hours required. 2 new faculty lines approved Dr. Marchese elected to serve as department chair for the academic year Increase FT faculty teaching classes Chair on Fellowship leave Spring 2014 Search will begin next year Department maintained full activities Fall 2013, Spring 2014 *Please note that, if change has been too recent to evaluate, you may indicate NA. 2 Queensborough Community College Type of change Personnel or organizational change Facilities/space Equipment Other Year-end Report – Teaching Department Year: 2013- 2014 MENU Description New hires, retirees, resignations, promotions, department name changes, etc. Renovations or development of office space or new facilities (i.e., computer laboratories) Acquisition of new or disposition of old equipment Other changes affecting the department not included above and including interactions with other departments E. DEPARTMENT ASSESSMENT IN 2013-14 1. Departmental procedures for conducting assessment The fundamental elements of standard 14 (assessment of student learning) of the Middle States Commission on Higher Education include: clearly articulated statements of expected student learning outcomes…at all levels (institution, degree/program, course) and for all programs that aim to foster student learning and development; a documented, organized, and sustained assessment process to evaluate and improve student learning; evidence that student learning assessment information is shared and discussed with appropriate constituents and is used to improve teaching and learning. Describe below the department’s ongoing procedures for assessing student learning and using assessment results to improve teaching and learning. In your description, please explain how the department fulfills each of the Middle States fundamental elements above. The department sets specific learning outcomes and general education outcomes for each course. Each instructor assesses his/her sections ever semester completing an assessment grid. This grid includes specific course outcomes and gen ed outcomes and connects them with specific tasks. The results from a full year are collected for each course and analyzed to determine how well outcomes were met and whether or not any action needs to be taken. 2a. Departmental participation in self-study/program review during 2013-2014, if applicable Program(s) reviewed: [GIVE FULL TITLE, i.e., A.A.S. in Digital Art and Design] External Agency or Reviewers: [GIVE NAME OF AGENCY OR NAME OF REVIEWER(S)] Date of site visit: NA 2b. Program review follow-up (from 2012-13 to 2013-14) 3 Year-end Report – Teaching Department Queensborough Community College Action item from program review Timeline for completion Year: 2013- 2014 Accomplishments during current year NA Note: If your department was involved in a program review in the previous academic year, the table above must be filled in. 3a. Course assessment follow-up (from 2012-13 to 2013-14) Course(s) assessed from previous year PH-301 Action plan from previous year Evaluation of Results Follow-up Reduce the number of learning outcomes assessed with an individual task. While some tasks where changed to assess few learning outcomes, others were not. This is in part due to the nature of physics (later material builds off of earlier material). PH-302 Reduce the number of learning outcomes assessed with an individual task. While some tasks where changed to assess few learning outcomes, others were not. This is in part due to the nature of physics (later material builds off of earlier material). Faculty will continue to evaluate the applicability of specific assessment tasks. More emphasis will be placed on the relevance of the task rather than the number of outcomes assessed. Faculty will continue to evaluate the applicability of specific assessment tasks. More emphasis will be placed on the relevance of the task rather than the number of outcomes assessed. 3b. Course assessment: current year Course(s) assessed (list individually) Relevant General Educational Outcomes Relevant Curricular Outcomes Evaluation of Assessment Results Action plan 4 Year-end Report – Teaching Department Queensborough Community College PH 110/111 PH 201, 202, 301, 302, 411, 412, 413 2. Use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions 3. Reason quantitatively and mathematically as required in their fields of interest and in everyday life 6. Employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgments 2. Students will use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions. •Students will be able to differentiate between facts, assumptions, and conclusions in the formulation of a proposed solution or answer (e.g., Astronomy vs. Astrology) •Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of and use some crucial astronomical quantities. (such as mass, force, energy, luminosity, distance) •Students will be able to describe the appropriate physical laws. (such as Newton’s laws of motion and gravitation) 3 •Student will relate some subjects from physics (e.g., gravity and electromagnetic radiation) to astronomy. •Students will use mathematics to solve simple problems involving physical laws. (e.g. using Kepler’s third law to calculate masses) 6 •Students will demonstrate an understanding of the nature, scope, and evolution of the Universe, and where the Earth and Solar system fit in •Students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the notion that physical laws and processes are universal, that the world is knowable, and that we are coming to know it through observations, experiments, and theory (the nature of progress in science). • Students will be able to describe topics related to the history of astronomy and the evolution of scientific ideas (science as a cultural process). 2,3,4,5 “Use algebra, geometry and trigonometry to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems” (PH201, 202, 301, 302), and “Use algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus to describe physical situations and to solve physical problems” (PH411 and PH413). 2,3,4,5,9 “Describe and analyze physical situations 2 Year: 2013- 2014 There are numerous areas of student weakness in conceptual understanding with PH111 students showing a much greater weakness than PH110 students. While there was some gain in conceptual understanding over the semester, the gains were not sufficient. Students taking PH111 do not have to take PH112 in the same semester and most do not. As such they do not spend enough total time on task. It is unrealistic to expect a three hour course to yield the same level of gains as a five hour course. This is troublesome as that the gains in PH110 are insufficient. Have PH110 approved as a pathways 1C course. On each of the measures 50% of more of the students performed at the level of fair or below. This is not surprising in that most of the students in physics 1 classes where the typical success rate Discuss with the math department possible methods to enhance students’ ability to retain and transfer skills. Modify both laboratory manuals Use Lecture-based Astronomy Tutorials in the classroom to help student overcome weak areas of understanding and misconceptions. 5 Year-end Report – Teaching Department Queensborough Community College 3. Students will reason quantitatively and mathematically as required in their fields of interest and in everyday life. 4. Student will use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning 5. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study. 9. Students will employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgments. using graphical representations,” “Perform experiments and draw meaningful conclusions from data and present them as part of a clear, well-organized lab report,” Year: 2013- 2014 is very low. Although students pass the requisite math courses they seem to have an inability to either transfer the skills and knowledge from math to physics or quickly lose those skill and knowledge after they complete their math courses. As expected PH413 students were the best mathematically. Weaknesses in laboratory may be due to a number of issues; students not reading the lab manual, and/or listening to their instructors or instructors inability to convince students of the importance of certain ideas and skills. and methods used in teaching laboratory to encourage students to grasp the important ideas and skills by making sure the laboratory is an active learning environment. 4. Results of certification examinations, employer and alumni surveys, student surveys, advisory board recommendations (if applicable, please use the table below) NA 5. Other assessment activity (if applicable) NA F. DEPARTMENT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 1. Goals/objectives for 2013-2014 (Please indicate [Yes or No] if the objectives were part of the College’s Strategic Plan for 2013-2014.) Departmental goals/objectives 2013/2014 Increase student participation in research Revamp the physics concentration Strategic Plan Y/N Y Evaluation of achievement Resulting action plan Student participation increased from 7 students to 15. Expand the number of possible projects The concentration was not yet revamped Discussions will be 6 Year-end Report – Teaching Department Queensborough Community College under LS1 and work on a transfer Y agreement or joint program with Hunter to replace the agreement for LFOET students beyond making it pathways compatible. Purchase a Ti:sapphire amplifier system for research (assorted applications including imaging, biophotonics, cell dynamics) System not purchased – funds not available. In the past, funds allocated to the department for the system were reallocated elsewhere in the college. No new funds have yet to be made available. 2. Y Year: 2013- 2014 continued with Hunter and new discussions initiated with York with the goal of completing two transfer agreements. Request funds for FY15 Goals/objectives for 2014-2015 (Explain how these goals/objectives align with the College’s goals and Strategic Plan for 2014-2015) Departmental goals/objectives 2014-2015 Increase student participation in research Purchase a Ti:sapphire amplifier system for research in order to expand the number of students participating in research. Projects will be in areas of both physics and biophysics such as studies of protein structure and cell dynamics. The equipment will expand the physics department’s collaboration with Biology and open the possibility of greater collaboration with Chemistry as the system will allow for studies of chemical reaction dynamics. Mission/ Strategic Plan Research by students is a high impact activity Research by students is a high impact activity. Planned method of evaluation Counting the number of students participating in research. A secondary measure will be the number of publications and/or conference presentations with student authors (or coauthors). Counting the number of projects, students and faculty involved in research using the system. Counting the number of publications and conference presentations directly related to the research. Obtaining any grants based on the research. 7