A STUDY OF THE VARIATION OF THE ANTARCTIC CIRCUMPOLAR CURRENT DURING A ONE YEAR PERIOD by JOHN L. BOWEN B. S. , Northwestern University (1966) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DiEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August 19, 1968 Signature of Author _ Department of Oceanography, August 19, 1968 Certified by hesis Supervisor Accepted by WITHDiWAWN MITBIRAlWE QTSRARIES CKairman, Departmental Graduate Committee A STUDY OF THE VARIATION OF THE ANTARCTIC CIRCUMPOLAR CURRENT DURING A ONE YEAR PERIOD by John L. Bowen Submitted to the Department of Meteorology on August 19, 1968, in partial fulfullment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science. ABSTRACT During a one year period in 1938 and 1939, the R. R. S. Discovery made sixteen north-south hydrographic sections across the Antarctic Circumpolar Current south of the African continent. The distribution of temperature and salinity have been plotted for all of the sections. The geostrophic volume transport has been estimated for some of the sections. These sections show that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current is devoid of large scale fluctuations while nothing can be determined about the smaller scale ones. Thesis Supervisor: Henry M. Stommel Title: Professor of Oceanography ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to thank Professor Henry M. Stommel for suggesting this topic and for his helpful comments along the way. I would especially like to thank Dr. G. E. R. Deacon who allowed the data from the Discovery cruises to be used. I would also like to thank Mr. D. Halpern and Mr. A. Leetmaa who offered their suggestions. Lastly I thank my wife Deri who did the typing and helped on the preparation of the figures. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No. Introduction Description of Sections Distribution of Properties Geostrophic Volume Transports Conclusions Tables and Figures Table 1. Summarized List of Stations Figure 1 - 4. Figure 5. Positions of stations 13 14- 17 Temperature at 2000 meters for 00 longitude sections Figure 6.r Temperature at 2000 meters for 20 0 E longitude sections Figure 7 - 38. Distribution of temperature and salinity for sections 1-16 Table 2. Calculated Geostrophic Volume Transports References 20 - 51 INTRODUCTION For many years oceanographers have been forced to piece together data from various cruises of various ships during various times of the year and to make the assumption of steady state in order to obtain some general understanding of the ocean. Even in the few areas of the world where large scale operations have been made, such as the Gulf Stream or the Kuroshio, the knowledge of the time variation remains minimal. The Antarctic is one place in which the piecemeal study is quite evident because of its large area, distance from the northern hemisphere, and hostile environment. The cruises of the Discovery II, the Meteor, and other ships were only intended to be preliminary studies of the unknown Southern. Ocean. Their data, however, remains in use today because of the sparceness of supplimentary data. Only in the recent surveys made by the Eltanin, Ob, and "Deepfreeze" icebreakers have the beginnings of a comprehensive study been made. But one or two ships are not able to repeat cruises fast enough to cover the entire Antarctic sufficiently well to determine its time variation. large number of ships and other methods of data acquisition A must be employed to spend a great amount of tim.e studying the Antarctic in order just to know as much about it as is known about the Gulf Stream. Before any large scale program is planned, however, it is necessary to review the old data to define better the problem that is faced and to possibly suggest what course of action is to be taken. One such block of old data which has nof been reviewed is that taken by the Discovery II between April, 1938, and March, 1939, in which during the end of a circumpolar cruise and seven repeated cruises south and west of the Cape of Good Hope, the Antarctic Circumpolar Current was crossed completely or partially sixteen times. Half of the crossings were made along 00 longitude, the other half along 200E longitude. While stations were neither taken at the same locations nor spaced very close together, these sections give information as to the general variability of the Circumpolar Cur.rent and the distribution of properties. I. Descriptions of Sections The two north-south sections (numbered 1 and 2) that were made in April, 1938, were the last part of a circumpolar cruise that the Discovery began in October, section begins near 50 0 S, 1937. The first 00 and runs due south to latitude 650S. After zig-zagging eastward along the ice pack to longitude 20 0 E, the ship headed due north to the South African coast making a section crossing the Circumpolar Current. After a two month stay in port the Discovery began in July the first of seven repeated cruises in which fourteen sections across the Current were made. The general pattern of each cruise consisted of two sections across the Circumpolar Current. The first section, called the 00 longitude section, had four or five deep hydrographic stations betvieen Capetown and a position 40 0 S, 00 and deep stations every 30 or 40 of latitude due south along 00 longitude to either the ice pack or the Antarctic Continent. The second section, called the 20 0 E longitude section, had deep stations every 30 or 40 of latitude due north along 200E from as far south as possible to Capetown. These fourteen sections (numbered 3 to 16) along with numbers 1 and 2 give sixteen north-south sections during a period of one year by which the Antarctic Circumpolar Current may be examined to determine whether or not there is a discernable variation. Five of the sections, those of the summer months, covered the entire distance between Africa and the Antarctic Continent crossing the Circumpolar Current completely. Of the other sections all but number 1, which was mainly to the south, crossed the major portion of the Current. Also all of the sections except number 1 crossed the Antarctic Convergence as determined by Mackintosh (1946) to be between 49 0 24'S and 51036 ' for the 00 longitude sections and between 480 24'S and 500 48'S for the 200 longitude sections. From the surface current chart of Schott (1942) it can be seen that sections are not exactly perpendicular to the Current. North of 40 0 S the 00 longitude sections are parallel to the Current. Another complication in this area is the Sub-tropical Convergence near the African coast. Between 400S and 500S these sections are nearly perpendicular to the Current while south of 500S to the Antarctic Divergence near 650S they again become more parallel to the Current. The 20 0 E longitude sections cross the Current perpendicularly except near the African continent where the Agulhas Current complicates the flow and south of the Antarctic Divergence near 60 0 S. II. Distribution of Properties The distributions of temperature and salinity given in This Figures 7 to 38 for all the sections are remarkably similar. similarity holds not only for the summer and winter sections but also for the 00 and 200 sections. Below 1000 meters the temperature distribution has only a slight variation from one section to another. Figures 5 and 6 show the time and latitude of the temperature at 2000 meters for the 00 longitude sections and 20 0 E longitude sections respectively. The majority of the variation in latitude of the temper- ature is within one and a half degrees while the maximum variation is less than three degrees of latitude. There may be a strengthening of the horizontal temperature gradient in sections 5, 6, 9, and 10 which would indicate greater density gradients and greater currents at these times (sections 5 and 6 are in August, 9 is in the end of October, and 10 is in the beginning of November). It must be noted that these variations are less than the station spacing, and thus any small scale variations may not be significant due to aliasing. Large scale variations in the deep temperature field, however, are noticeably lacking. Above 1000 meters more variation is seen to exist. As is to be expected the temperature of the surface layer is seasonal. Below this layer, while the sections are not all the same, they do have similarities. On all of the 00 longitude sections the isotherms between 3°C and 90C are fairly flat north of about 43°S at which point they quickly begin to slope upwards towards the south entering the level influenced by the surface variations within 10 to 30 of-latitude. These sloping isotherms will give cause to a sloping density field and its ensuing current. The northern edge of this current remains at approximately the same position throughout the year. North of 400S the stations may appear to be more closely spaced than to the south. This is an illusion since the stations here have been projected from their true position -onto the 00 longitude line. On all of the 20 0 E longitude sections except number 16, the isotherms between 30 C and 90C have no area in which they are flat as they rise toward the south from the northernmost station. This may indi- cate that sections do not cross the current completely. But this is a complicated area; one in which the wide station spacing is unable to resolve. All of the sections show a temperature maximum at a depth of between 750 and 1000 meters at its northernmost point, approximately 48 0 S, and rising towards the south to a depth of about 250 meters at the southern end of the section. The actual end points are impossible to define from these sections. All of the sections also show a temperature minimum at a depth of 600 meters near 480S rising towards the south to a depth of 100 meters. The winter minimums nearly disappear near the ice pack. The summer minimums do not have the very cold -core extending as far north as the winter ones. temperature is found on the The coldest edge of the ice pack in the winter and both at about 6 0 oS'and at the Antarctic continent in the summer. As with the temperature distributions, the salinity distributions have similar characteristics for all of the sections. A salinity maximum extending completely across the sections begins at a depth of about 3000 meters and a salinity of 34. 85 /00oo in the north and becomes shallower towards the south reaching 0 a depth of between'500 and .900meters at 55 S and a salinity of 34..69 o/oo or greater. The winter stations do not extend far enough south to show the minimum depth of the maximum.. A salinity minimum of less than 34. 00 O/oo is found at the surface of all sections from the southern extreme to as far north as between 450S and 5 0 0S. These minimums can be traced downward and northward to a depth of 1000 meters and a salinity of less than 34. 50 o/oo at northern end of the section. Neither the thicknesses nor the penetrations of the minimum appear to be the same for each section. to be seasonal. But the variations do not appear Sections made with a more frequent period would be needed to resolve these fluctuations. III. Geostrophic Volume Transport In order to compute the vertically integrated volume transports perpendicular to a line connecting two stations, it is necessary to determine some lower reference level from which to integrate. If this reference level is one in which there is no horizontal motion, then the transport computed will be the absolute transport. One method of determining the level of no motion is to find a range of depths in which the differences in dynamic heights between two adjacent stations remains constant (Defant, 1961). In the Discovery sections there does not appear to be a level of no motion above 3000 meters since the differences in the dynamics heights for two stations do not become constant. Below 3000 meters the National Oceanographic Data Center has only calculated the dynamic heights at 4000 meters; and, in fact, there are a great number of stations which do not extend down to 4000 meters. These sections are unable to determine whether or not a very deep level of no motion exists. By the use of a deep isobaric surface as a reference, the level of no motion problem is circumvented, transports are then com.puted. but only relative As has been stated above many of the stations do not extend to 4000 meters. This is especially true at the southern end of the winter 00 longitude sections near Bouvet Island and the Atlantic-Indian Ridge. In fact, all but one of the winter 00 sections do not have an end station as deep at 3000 meters. It is thus impossible to determine any variation in the transport relative to 3000 meters or 4000 meters for the 00 longitude sections. The 20 0 E sections are more suited to using a deep isobaric reference level since all but one (number 10) has a southern station with a maximum depth of at least 3000 meters. Again, however, the geostrophic transports do not yield reliable results. The dynamic heights at the northern ends of the sections are not level between any two stations except in number 16. These sections are unable to define the northern edge of the current. During the winter months the sections do not extend completely across the Circumpolar Current, but the transport missed is probably small since the dynamic heights are beginning to become level at the southern end of the sections. Table 2 gives the transports across those sections which have deep stations on the edges. The transport has been computed using only the two extreme stations and on average Coriolis parameter. Since the Coriolis parameter varies along the .sections, these transports will be less than more exact analysis which computes the transport between each station. Since the Antarctic Circumpolar Current remains at approximately the same latitude, a comparison may be made between the transports to determine whether or not there is any variation in the Current. Sections 8 and 16, which have level dynamic heights at the northern edge, give a much lower transport. The other sections have nearly the same transport. It appears as though the geostrophic transport of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current remains fairly constant throughout the year. In order to obtain a better understanding of the transport in this area the northern edge of the Current has to be defined better by closer station spacing, the two dimensional velocity field has to be determined by east-west sections, and stations have to be made as deep as possible with samples taken closer together. IV. Conclusions The study of these sections made by the Discovery II in. 1938 and 1939 shows that the Antarctic Circumpolar Current tends to remain in a quite stable configuration throughout the year. The temperature and salinity fields retain.their same characteristics in all of the sections with large scale fluctuations being notably absent. The deep isotherms slope up towards the south in the same manner and in the same general area in all of the sections. Temperature maximums and minimums are present in approximately the same positions with some seasonal variation in the minimum. Salinity maximums and minimums are always present. Throughout the sections the minimum does show a marked variation in its thickness which -cannot be resolved. Since the station spacing is of the order of 30 to 40 of latitude, the variations that are on a smaller scale than this cannot be seen (about a fifth of the total width of the eastward moving current). To determine how much the small scale variations affect the Antarctic Circumpolar Current, it is necessary to have stations spaced closer together in the areas where changes occur within a small distance. One of these areas is.the northern edge of the Current, especially just south of the African continent. Another area is where the deep isotherms pass through the temperature maximum and mimimum. Deeper stations would also help determine the geostrophic transport and the distribution of properties more accurately. More sections throughout the year would give a better understanding of the variation in the distributions, especially in the salinity minimum. .TITUDE - South STATIONS DATES 1 2311 - 2323 lliv.- 18iv 1938 50005 ' - 65004 ' 2 2335 - 2350 22iv - 2v 1,938 67010' 39011 ' 3 2351 - 2362 2vii - 12vii 1938 35031' - 54059 ' 4 2374 - 2380 19vii - 25vii 55042 5 2381 - 2394 6viii - 18viii 1938 35030 ' - 57018 ' 2411 - 2419 23viii - 30viii 1938 56025' - 38046 ' 6 7 2420 - 2432 15ix - 25ix 1938 35011 8 2447 .-2453 lx - 6x 1938 54047 ' - 37 051 ' 9 2454 - 2465 18x - 27x 1938 35036 ' - 55017 10 2478 - 2486 2xi - 9xi 11 2487 -- 2501 12 2517 - 2525 13 2526 14 2559 - 2576 27i - 5ii 15 2578 - 2601 - 16ii - 4iii 16 2606 - 2626 5iii - 18iii 1939 TION 2547 1938 - ' ' - 39051' - 56037 ' ' - 34038 ' 23xi- 5xii 1938 34040' - 55030 ' 12 xii - 18xii 1938 56057' - 34029' 7i - 22i 34020 ' - 69030 1938 1939 1939 1939 Summarized List of Stations Table 1 54017 ' ' 68050 ' - 40012 35008 ' - 69044 69040 ' - 37047 ' Figure 1. Positions of stations on sections 1, 2, 3, and 4. Figure 2. Positions of stations on sections 5, 6, 7, and 8. 15 Figure 3. Positions -of stations on sections 9, 10, 11, and 12. Figure 4. Positions of stations on sections 13, 14, 15, and 16. 17 %2PC~f~;-C19Pe~*~5~~--~~^ ~_..I __ __ _ ~ L o _jjQ 1 93 K APR! 8 NOVHBE I . DECEMB RJ___ Li ;1938 -. C-B1 SEi ic .Lj . SECTION ~ .- L-3 1 _ L.. __ + 'MAYi.. ... 1938 1i../. /I7 4_-i I.i I 1 /.00..~ '250 H £ + i ' 00 4- -SEPT MBER 0 A-> U Lo - FJ-1938 i.- ± S _. I -- 9N 7 t 1 i SECTION 15 4. -- _- '4- 7 -0. 1 I / F c. -i K -- i 7I - Ij _ r 4 0. _4 I -- j- tSE- 15 - I . iL.... .<°. -t-~--~i-t- .- 00 F- 0- ~1RI 0 i I i-l-sS LAT:iitpl.-..~ 55/--I--/ Figure 5. L .. 1-V i:l---1-tl~i~- 0 FEBRUARY 1939 _7~~-1~ 1 i-i'G' --- i E-V 1939 ~t-i---l---T - ~---i-i-ii--r--f-- ,SECTI N 1 .... -T 3.' LJNUARYI 41939 11939 119 -- ---- -'.- -" C'T' 1 71938 . .... ... .-- -'-i..-i (0.00 -. IC--l-- -05ti-j _. ~ . L1.---60 i-t a.--qloib55 -- i-j-i---i-:0S Temperature at 2000.meters for 00 longitude sections showing variation in latitude and time of year. Straight lines give sections in latitude and time; tick marks designate deep stations. i r APRIL 1938. F K i -- MAY . I . ._ 2 .SECTON 1938 _ _ _ _ - 0 I 2.50 JUNE 1938I 100 0.50 150 2.00 0. 00 I ' -JULY I-.. ... .. .i--. . -- i .. ..- - ... .. . . ..I ..- -i\ \ . , - T-ON 4 1938 1938 - ...:- - .. . ./ ,. . - . . r :. .. - ; .. . -. . t SECTION 6 SEP1EMBER 1 Co 38 OCTOBE. 1938 . F- 0 4 1 SECTION 10 , ' NOVEi3ER 193 . . I/ .. \ SECTION 12 ,)ECE"RER . 1938 -- ,' .. / ' ..- -. -- -- p I- i\ I ': I, - r 0.00ii 1939 F...~. . . . . i. . . LAT 35 Figure 6. .. . .. re u-i7L.+---4H7~ 1- . - . ' 14 .S 45-S I ' I-~-ECTIOQ" .: 50. , . 55 . ' ' ,; -T.. i - -- . -- - ... . - - --.-.--7, 60o I . - 6570 Temperature at 2000 meters for 20 0 E longitude sections showing variation in latitude and time of year. Straight lines give sections in latitude and time; tick marks designate deep stations. ~~__ ~ ) --Illlls--lls__l-l f--~~ 1_1~-s~---~11--^1_111( ____1 ~_II__ ___ _)__ _____I_ T(_11__1_ jl I_ I __I STA 2311 2312 2313 2314 2315 2316 23172318 2319 2320 2321 0 - i4 -l. q. I i - .-iz / ,- +. 1 _, -- 7- 00I 0.50 - - I i I 2322 2323 75 2Ii i / iT / t , I LI I---i -- -i -H-- ' --- L ILL1-.1.1.-..l-.~ .:.~: The istibuion f tmpeatue alng ecton . A 0 ongtud section from. 50 0 05 1S to 6 500 4' S. L' I I April ------i i--ito-~'18i- April 1938. -- L Figure 7. i 57 NY 576( 65 The distribution of temperature along section 1. A 00 longitude section from 50 0 05' S to 65004 S. 11 April to 18 April 1938. ~ (n Q-1 LiJ LLi C) Ir0 0, Figure 8. The distribution of salinity along section 1. A 00 longitude section from 50005' S to 65004' S. 11 April to 18 April 1938. _111__~ _ __ _I ~_ STA I_ 2351 23522353 2354 2355 2356 2357 ' . ,, "" , . - "" -0 L. . , KT3.- 0 . - ... - -. - /-' 11 V. ~, '74- - 2362 4 -0. S-;T6 2260 2361 ?359 2358 .. . 0. ~ ~ I ~ , #O#' i ~ Ii . - ... .. .. . 00 0 - -1 .--. . . . ., Figuret9. The 0 7iT0 --t-~- ; -- i i aong st logI sec . n fr o.... i _S35 ... o3_temperature t _ .. 2 Ju l to 123.,J Ay 13.. t l~ i ,i;~--- ' ~ - ~ i--,~ ---" ~''... I. <'>~ . ' I : ,.. I I_ .ad .. . __,'" ..i----"' 'f .. k- CA- ' i , , i-!? 1 i I l 1 1r Figure '4 L. - , st +-... '. L.@ .. ' 5oo ', from , . . I . 1 .... ..i , "'"+- '"-- • _L._ i i 'g i~i\ ,1 / I .-rol s i !' I _:- peatr-- --- i-- ,6 :'X ,___ ,,-!- I ....;, .. . I i ; of-(te I '. .--_',I... . ........ ' , d~trbuIo i~~ ;h sect-o frI3°1St ..-.-- i' ' " . i- 3l ' --: .. I..- . i ' ) . -.'",---..... ----i- -----i it 'a !, ', , --.- --. i - "" "'O ~ _. .., .. . . 1 /.0 . ,./ i r _ '.i:/ .. VI Oq of II i- * The dstrib , " . '' (~ ~ -. ~-- .-.... ~ ;-~ ,00 ~~~1 -.. .. . l ....( _. -...-l- , T . ..I _o I I..- "' / , i ' _ I I 1o_i~.. sect-o ~ . 3 A--- 0 ° lo-5'.2,u1rt 2,~l 98 -- £t- de 1~1__ I~?___ __ __I_~~_~___ ------ _~___I_~_ ^__ __ ~1_1_ ___ ___I__ ____ _1-_111~11--1-11~----~---4 r~~ll ~---~--- .CTA 2351 2352 2353 2354 2355 /2357 2356 -- ' 2358 ^I~ 2359 2360 2361 2362 v..41 -35.0)- - 34 2 so001 0 L 2000 'YO,, 3 -.. 4..J'8"' . - 0 00 ... . . T-I2 . ... 00f ' I 1 i .80i _ - -; --- _ 1-34,.7,OF-; 500 1 . 3 5... I LfA~f. K ..41......Ij .It I T ~iL.~~ 7S Figure .10. ~ -1 57 The distribution of salinity along section 3. A 00 longitude section from 35 0 31 S to 540591S. 2, July to 12 July 1938. " STA 2382 2383 23?4 2385 2381 ?387 2386 - ~-"" ""' ' I ;rn ~_u ;I rl a i. 2391 2392 --- ~~---~-~ <, L- 1.0 2388 2389 2390 7 2393 2394 I --r - IT 00 i . ..- S 47 t~ ~ ~ -/ -. j-- 4 1 0 :~~~---~~--~7-: - 00,1 -J 10I-10 - - 0 / 2-f- LV) cz: "LU C '-_ LU M I1 t ;;ot I.... - ---, .i !",j- -i: 50 0 T [': ,~ :__I .... -- : ,-T! ''lT, ml I'i *'!I. I. ---- -1-- i' -I - ..t Figure 11. ' I'-T'-I!! ., . 7-- - +I~I k_ r i - -__ --i - _ +-- r .- - i.... I i --- c-H-_ -- r-:- I I I ; '1 II ' L~__ilil ~--C---F-~- -1 I,, ' ;,I _.r I -- , 0.... .. ) : L LT 4+771 11I I i i -1':. I -I-~----I i ---- -I I lIX, I t' I -^-1----~- -i I 50 5 , 6005 The distribution of temperature along section 5. A 00 longitude section from 35030 ' S to 57018' S. 6 August to 18 August 1938. --I2000 LL ~- II i, *1 I 16: I; ,~'Ii.I..1 I I ~~ . i L..i.~r_ 1..1i' I~iLLN 1-. k 31,66' j I I- 1-7-- 000 Figure 12. Li .a -5000 LAT 135 05 Figure 12. The distribution of salinity along 5. toA 18 00 August longitude section from 35030 S to 57018 S section 6 August 1938. -- iIi ~-.. ii )~~I~ -I i'j -I1' i--1-tti .;'to S 115 1 50S-.1 The distribution of salinity along section 5. section from 35030' S to 57018 1S 5 60S A 00 longitude 6 August to 18 August 1938. LU V) a- LU .r- = LU CL LLJ M TT~ t ' ~"F~t7 Figure 13. I I ftift The distribution of temperature along section 7. section from 350111S to 56037'S. A 00 longitude 15 September to 25 September 1938. ~ _ I~ I __ _ _~~_____~__i__ ~-ill_____ll*_~~ _1II~ ^I--~I_~E~Z~C~ STA PP? 2A1? 21A92 '3 '000 ... c, "I -" , . It. -- - Figure 14. ,,o 430 .7 45 1. '34. 20 5 -'- z 35s 3 4. r ,00 LAT " ' 129 i - i 000- '"T" , 50 . M7 2125 ?124 5" 7q ,7 7 So. - ,1 40'S 0S55 The distribution of salinity along section 7.. A 0 longitude section Sfrom 35011' S to 56037 S . 15 September to 25 September 1938. __ _ STA 2454 2455 2456 .4 0,. . 7 U2~ 24,7 2453 000 t "'~ 2.159 ., 9 '-~' . 4 - 76JjsI.'4r; ,- • .. . ~jt-4 P " f-2000' l - ,,Tf0 20 _ at: I I, - -- - - - If-_ 42 . . ..... ' J- --- I- I ~ E 1 : N ,4 ._ .- ...._ _ -- " S5I 4 I . Q~t 23 - . i) i , " 0 --- ~ - I Ii -/ -l+- ,--i -, -, )i~ - Iirc / S-!! i-------i,~ - I - ';L - - I. . . . . i.t .. :... .1. .ir.,'-, , !, ! l~; ' 0 -- ' Figur .... . I.' section , , 5i. 550171 S. _S18 October .I to 27 October . , ILA13~ from 35 0 36'S to 1938. T, 1' 50 ;_X =i _ _.'"-a-r ._ , .. .. - -- - Q - - F --- -i P . 1 -- -- :-I-' 7"i , .I -4- t r7! - _ - , - - i zoj liIic , -i O O-0 t .1v -t.... -" - 21,G5 2163 2464 s I SO-- IOQOa '1~~1 2462 " , 24 1 . 46, 1loI "Ii1 1 s - r/0.00 24,160 15 Figure 15. I--A i~r I .I I l 0 : , tI' I" ,i, 4 i .. ..... i ; ..jO . , , tI l . t ,I i ~i i I i Th ditiuino eprtr sect-i~-in frm 35°3'St 55°7 v 5r t! ' ' i0- I ln ' S $j t 1 ]' eto 18Otoe .A0 t 7 The distribution of temperature along section 9. ogtd cobr19 A 0 0 longitude -~-~--^~~sl--- I I~-LI~ LI - ---- 4 2.1 44 - ..z.... " --' 4W,, 3'-. 0 --' -------L -- . .. .. . , ,, ".- . t 3'707 -i - -- --- ,i--.... ,- 0 1 . il7 ... 41 -3's_'60 ' 34,20 ----..-r L- - -4 I Il~ j 4I /rJ ~ i "K.)3L~3 ee4 - 1, t. -ir . 34.68 .i--I 7!,iL -34. o f-----. . . . -. ---. .. II - tile t -- . .. -- -4 .,. .•. . .- . .. .. I... ' .e- i. t i' /:'":tr I I j ,.... ,,, i , ~~~ _L_.i .... i__.~L~ .* , ._ . .. 4-..... 6 6I--- I .. i......-. '-i... --... ,~.____ / - 6 ,t-~ -__---, L-- 7 7 ;. W.., :, i..-~*.. ..-- - .... :-,--! I-- --' -I .. ... .+._, ,- .. i:,...*:... r . ,.. - .. ,.... - - - ,r -- -. ... ... ..,- ... '.. -- ,, .+----. . . . .. . --------- 1000 rc.....i --- i... .... ,'/ .... ".t, .. t.. -- ..I.. -i i--, - ....,*- : i. '"" ,," ", -; !.,, I"5-". --- i~~~~ I- Ij -t -' --....... ......... "i~--- i'.... .. ' --_ i I . i-" " , I---t-- ,- ,- -- - ..... ---..... t r" I- --- . . --- ...-- ',--j I • '1 5000 .4. , -I... f .' ... -- i --... -~--i-,i.i ':..... ~ -.--!-------- . ...i t... ..AT , 3505 Figure 1 6. . 'to's . - i-- i ' -i. - .- I.........-i. D -i----- ?---i ..... _.... ;--+-----j. .: 1.._: ... -..I 35, 50.5 , 55"S The distribution of salinity along section 9. A 00 longitude section from 35036' S to -55017 S. 18 October to 27 October 1938. ~ STA 2487 2488 2489 .J 1 ' 2490 2491 2492 2493 2494 I l _. O.OOi L t L I ~~fr j 14'4/ - .I iI -i boo iOl z - 70Y.500 -,-----.-----L--' - C 0 l0s i -00 t ~ j:1---I2. I i ~ 0 ' o;4jf 1/ 1i 2- Ioq I - v';:-,4 - - I' ,2497 2403 2499 2500 2501 4 if-i CL 1 4J4- - 7 .... -0 i-~ )00 2496 2495 : - -- 40 .... -:-~ I l oo1-i---I • ,I, , i . " I. -- --T -I -- . i' ; . . " : - Iti,l- . , Io 50 , lOr ivv- 1 -550 '15- - - - .. I t1"!, 4- I I' 7!'--+-.--H-..-. , I)~ / ~ - -, 0-t5..I : , i -- r- --i ... ]i- -i. . i .. t . - i t S4 ,- - i . - i . ' , , I 3q's A; T 35) 'to 5 50' S' . Figure 17. The distributuin of temperature along section 11. section from 34040 ' S to 55030 ' S. A 00 longitude 23 November to 5 December 1938. ~CI-SII-----C1;5~-~FIl=C-. ~IXI~ ~-~-- STA 2487 2488 2489 2490 11 1 35 .00 2491 2492 1. I 2493 Ii 2494 1. 1 4 50 * 14.- 34 100 ~2 , 000 _!gi tO000 i.000 7l =z'-"40l 2 _ -:- ., ], iJS i'" --',.,. t"?..,/ I ' "..- .i "- 2497 2198 2499 2500j i 1 ,1 2496 I 1 I 3450 000-1 2501 2495 ' i~~i .. i_: [_',_ i "" ' ".. - -'-1--Cb-9 ,. i/,r- i --r' ,"i- --... ,.. ------- i - i" ', L. . . .. 1 .. .I 0) • FLJ C3 UtJ I :sp tl--I-I-J - .: 6 -i ti-t ' -- I lr - i- i!-T T T1-iI I-iT r ; i I000 ; 1%1I ----- - - f-7*I1 7tl1 •n ' | / ' 5000 .. + ... -- - - I: .1 '|I . . , II . .----- It t I -- -i : I ! I I ----*---1--i---~---C---l ! '" i i, iv KI~VV'f77V~V7~7[ . . . ;:W r i , p L- Lcli -4 4-2 -i 35°i Figure 18. - L I I 05 " i ,5 I 500 s The distribution of salinity along section 11. section from 34 0 40' S to .55030 S. II 55S A 00 longitude 23 November to 5 December 1938. STA ?526 2527 /j 0t, 2528 2529 I i 2532 2531 10 2530 I I -- .00 I .. .'.I '. i- .- --- . r4 i1-:, i: •r . . LUJ I-! LIJ C, t I' ,I.' ', I C 204 , i : i,1*s 1 - l ,,, " " I-- I I :-... ; -, . i i;-. 2547 2546 2545 2544 2543 I .. i , wI, :---.--= 4- O .o i ;- ' 1 -- .... 0.50 2: , -- ,-4 -- --, -- --q -- 000 L . . . ---i i} i i i . O1 !\ I i. ; ~I- .- ' ! - t , i '/ , ,1 i L.-. 4 - ,t ! 240. i 2542 2541 2540 : ' Il .I ./ I -. i I ::-- -; . ... ..- .300 2538 2539 2536 2537 -". -' -r--.- -- I---' .... . r .b I ' •tK "o "- -i I . ;- .- - -.---... . . .__z 2535 2534 , J,,' .r' 00-- - 2533 1 J J'bb I. ... ' .!- I - ! : ---/ ! 1t , l :t.9 :,i 3ro I 'u.. w:" I-Li. 30( . ." L I --2,h, 0 .~~~ •b!.....I • ... I ,. . ~ i. 2 . , I, II I A .t . t i . .. , I", t i. . ! 1 ! -, . I-Iol1 i ;-I - 500 -I .i,i t tI 1i I,I i i . , ;, i . I~ t 500 Li 5 3'5 Figure 19. 'I ti-1 6 0,. The distribution of temperature along section 13. section from 34 0 20' ' S to 69030 S. :, I ' I 65,S. A 00 longitude 7 January to 22 January 1939. :!iI i 700' ~P el _ ~~~~~ _~~_~_____~ ____~ ____ ______~______=____=3_P_3___________=I~ STA 2526 2527 2528 2529 2530 1 It_.5 Ko "'% t_ I -."7y 2532 I _ 2531 .. -.i:-3 4-/0 3 -4C --t-34 40 /000z- 2533 qi 34.~C 2534 2537 2536 2535 1I_ 2539 25381 5 8. 2540 SI. 2541 r 2542 I;. 2543 I_. 2544 II 2545 I_ 2546 i.. 2547 I..I : 3 1 .14 1 ..231..0 7 t4l7 1 I 7 ., I' [: 44 4.60 I , _0 I dII 7 - -I'I -L -t -77 $ (n Ii LU Ir J. ~:~iI 74 ItIs 5 0 +- 1 ? 0 I0L LUI 3 5 OS/ Figure 20. 1 1 -; 5 .5A ~ I I 1 5 10 i 1 155- S 11 The distribution of salinity along section 13. section from 34020 ' S to 69030 ' S. 600,5 1 ii 1; I e 1 A 00 longitude 7 January to 22 January 1939. 1 . .70"5 I, ~--;*"--;;---- ,.~?==il_~ STA 2578 2 79 2581 2582 2M0 I+ 2 .....- 31 000 .. _ --l - - 4,000 i 1 . ... .II . . ._~._. . ....- - ... .4" 'r- ' 4I I ->4-- _] -- . i __ _ ,350$ __ _ __ _ __ I _ __ ,I r/ .5' Figure 21. __ _10 - -..... . 1* 2593 2599 2597 ?101 000,.0 Io .. / . -- I, ___L - iTa " 0. . . -l .o.4 L,. 1 1 _ i 2596 4 ". " - ------ 4" r --;- -- _r z -Jh .. ------- i 1 . , .. ..... 2600 2593 2594 ?S95 ..- ---- 40CC -- 2590 25912592 , - -n ,n - j',0 I . --:- i 2589 ." .00 A 2588 . - L 2587 j _I ....--- -- 'i .. Z 2586 i" - .... -. .. .... C-. - "- --. ... .... •;' 2535 ' _ .i, -, ...........- I--- 1 1._ 2584 2583 _ __ 1.' :,-4, .-. ,... t _ __ F,1- _ __"__ _ __ _ __ , : _ _.04_4__ , ' I -i-- i ..I 1 _ .I -i -" _" I 4 ' ht I' _ f- 4 i , , . _ F it 500$ 5:5 60S The distribution of temperaturealong section 15. A 00 longitude section from 35008 S to 69044 S. 16 February to 4 March 1939. 7 P_____PLZII_________ ~ STA 298 25f9 2580 2581 2582 2583 2585 2 84 2586 2587 I 2588 2589 259025912592 2593 2594 2595 I I I I I 2596 2597 I r I 2598 25992600 I I 2601 0.0a I L "" -i' _. . :, i , '. ': , , , ' 34 I' ., 7 , -/1 I .410.+_L . ! " -F i --I- . - - I 1 " I' i I i, I ...1.. --- 1 10 2 0 01[T - 4 j4 - - -: 7- T F - -I FI1- -t 1 - -- 1- - - ,- V) LUL .... LU I- ,t. ,~ .'/ i .___ Km .!IL-, ' 1 . .--.: - ..... ± I i _' 1-I!-!_-I~id/,3i, LU 9= . _.. i '--l~-, ,!----- t ~j~.,'* - 'i i...~~~~~ i ~- -n y i -:-.-- .. ii .11t Ii !!- : : I ---F.1 I--l-t. ...... -lI~ .... i .... - ..... l}- -- i : if i-i- - .. i, tli .... . 1 . . .. t-. iii. , ! " -- "b- "'-- ..... #-i .. __1 ...- ..... _--i .... , I- , ,, ...... i.,. .LL 1. -.;ti ,_ ... . .., ,i.f~.f~ ~ ..tiII..1i..I-. ...... . .... ... ,... .... :... .. ..... ~,. .c , ;' ... C.- _I.~--l-. -..i.l _i_t_. I~i~. ~_.l 400 . i f.. ' l- ii---:, -- ---.~--1---r _i-, , i- i-I - - ... "!~ !t.....! - , _., . t -!-. ' ,i.-.+, --.--, ,, :----.,: , .U .... 1.... b ,.,.- ...,Tiii. . . . . .. T t-, ,---i........ --- :.. ...... ... ! -i -i-.i. _T7-C-l-i 5000 s --- - -- ...i-7-i.~ - - --- -- C I i-- -c. .- YA LtAl 3$~ -i . - -7 1 ii Figure 22. The distribution of salinity along section 15. section from. 35008' S to 690441 S. A 00 longitude 16 February to 4 March 1939. - ___ STA 2: 9 - C) / I. ; --I--, -I--- ' .5.0 / 1 UOI I . '° !2" 01--- " "--'[ /- "'- ''I2" 7-52 . ..- •- -t----.--- . ... -- C ,- "" " ' i- °5 .. ' I---- - i L A 239 to 33 2337 2336 2335 .0 - to IIi "i " . ote.. ' , -i ,...----"- ---- "--'i- "'L--;-- "--... ..... "-.__' ' ; - i/. ./000 T -o-n -- i-/ 3-S i.. ', .7,"- ,.. ... 2.L A!--i . . "'--- ... T -- -to----! .- - *,~ 4 - ...... 193 ' '-, ,- i ' ro 2 I . ....] -- ..-"'.. ; ' .: .-_2 2,.. s,-t ....-1-.. 1 . ;-- - =,,.. . !\- '-- -. - - ..",..- The distribution of temperature along section 2. A 200 E-longitude i' _-4'- " - -- !-,----..... - !...... . .- - ... -- - ----if - .... '- ....-- 4.-I f ..... -- r.... ! ;P",-_II '- t. . /l. '- "' ,_ ' i" t i i i, ". + Figure 23. " zJ4U - -k/- .. . 5" O0 -'l "-""".".. -- 4- i--"-- --i-.. 00 i7ii ... t-- 'i.',-- 0 f~j41 /$05 . , . , . :, ""- il". t ./ f ir o. m," s e- ; i 1-t- ' -'I- L... . .• ------ , . - .-+' .- 1 i ',LA . , I'7 -# . .,. '. i , ,' , tSO,!. '' ;" fI ;1orqr st _ .'- ili , . from--7--t-_ .. ,I , , 94 =I -'tL 2.0"~ -,...-- .. . __ 7. ,-rii I. : I/ "T-I--I .. I-c -2000 . '=.- ,,., L4t '-U -11 *, 3.00- '' It !-- (q ' .LJtU , S..)...I. c C - II i --- -I 5"s,- 1 O S .S5 f--', sect on, i ,.50"5S5 t--m 6?1-t I i , - I -- IX' :-Ciii f ; os " 5 %' 5 6 0 vs '$ 39°11'S. -,- '-l: 22 pr1t 2 M-~- 938 i-- -, -;-i - --- ____ -ii=-2 -l-=-------iu--;;i~rY;--3"1E- n~-E=-F*-IIPYe~lm=E D-iJ ii i-.iiFlli-~-EiC~.~~i-i Y~P- -iT 1+ 2100 -,7-i0C t-o--o J. 4 r7 If5. 30C)0 i- i i -.e4 I b -7 --- i I * -. :... 6I TiF1T~7 ff . .4 I I L. s;L~I I z ~-~-- I Ii i i ii-1 ---- I ~6~ ir-~ i- I/ :) i ..' L7'1l L77TV1Yi oII I i f iIrCh I , _____ --- i7 71 I .71! ~ 00: i -- i . !.. -- 71i il I 111...1: i.- i . I I I......: q4 .II I ... ... ,...L.4.. t i /- i- 1I- 0- I -I- - It0 -53: 4 . -.I ._I__ * J i~i;I- I Figure 24. it 4505° i I, i7-A i. 5 It i. ,i I :, It t777 V I -, '"''"' S0 I 60 60 The distribution of 'salinity along section 2. section from. 67010' S to 39 0 11'S. 655 _55, 65o A 200 E longitude 22 April to 2 May 1938. 17005 alP-~el--L - - ~ - -II~-li-----1-I -I(I 1 -CI ~LIL STA _ 2330 2379 S l 0 -- O 2377 2378 '1 - ]j.8.00 I i .. I - 1'1r-, - ,31- ,Vo--l., S2.50 0- -ii-t. -3000 i I K t,I , - a-- Ifi 0OU5 .2000!1I ----- -50 -i *-ovo - 0 I , ,.io r I Figure 25. -fL I - '2'00 ! i/ ¢, -i fL -.--5 U50/0 t/".__ 'I' 4:--- +- i~-- . i 55- 50 4. -- ion -t i 5iJ 4 t--r----ln " S fo -b--utioi Q 5 ', ,/ 1 '/ , i'! ' -i-]- t-It w - 2374 -r TsI Figure 2 ...-- ,. -- .i 2376 2375 , ' I~ I,, , '-" ~- i - " \, 1 -C-"4- ' . I L-K i_.__L~l I. K A 2--n-u - i The distribution of temperature along section 4. A 200°E longitude section from 55042 ' S to 39051! S. 19 July to 25 July 1938. V) LL FLUJ - LUFigure 26. Figure 26. The distribution of salinity along section 4. A 200E longitude section from 55042 S to 39051 S. 19 July to 25 July 1938. STA 2 d19 LL.16. 0 - -4_. 2417 2418 2416 24,14 2413 ?4 2 24i11 2415 J. 150 1 .00 i I ff0 - - , •.-._ - j2. -- . / ... * r i-,,---/-,. 4.-" ...=.0 _T _ _ : I tt00. --6. -lo.. I .. 00 00 -4- '--- ,- -o -.. -' - 4 -"-I-4J/< t-i--~i;s --- -T000':' I i -200 F 00.50 441 1, oL L- -i~-' 2,000 -3000-,---------,I . -- ..--- ......... ,-- -;... I ... t-A -.,-- ; .. . L 4L I -- t---- 000L i _ .... I Figure .... _-.. 0 5000 I ,0 I 'L T ",q3 Figure 27. 1 5 ia '0 ,I 5° '. The distribution of temperature along section 6. section from 56025 ' S to 38046' S. i A 200E longitude 23 August to 30 August 1938. ~1 ;-~ ;---- :--i-~F-;;---~~-~-~i?~ STA 419 241. S r-. ?11 S "16 4.. 4 1 -i 7 .4' 42 33 303 3 20.34.30- •& ' .69 S.0 •'6,9 _. r _ .49 3 .60 --------- .. 70 ". -i+ /000 *200() Lu I ,, _.." i ~ r----- \ -top, - 3000 -. 3/r.tO II. - " I-cc. LI 54000 o,I *t;QQ( CL o.o I LAT Figure 28. 1305 553 so5 The distribution of salinity along section 6. section from 56025' S to 38046' S. A 200E longitude 23 August to 30 August 1938. ~~--,I"---- ---'' -=~ STA 2,1452 2453 I 2450 2451 ____ 5 01 1V47 2.9 21.1 F_ _____~~~ 00 I 7--400 ?000 -/000 : I I 3.0 r. -- - 000j' 3 i -' - -!5. '3000 i .--i-11 i ' i - 1 1i - . i , .- .. - " I -_ '11tAc- | i I! i t t -•- I. 0 -t-H---V -r T -O1- P ' . I .o ,i , i ' i .. - ! , ___ 1 ;- , ' ,, , I , ... '. I .,,4' -j--- r"- II " : '~t i _ • !/ , , I - , ,- ' 0 , T , -- I , ,, i; • i, I i " ! , -ti I, i i ' ,i /0tl ;? I- ' - '1I ' S _L.. -. I-, , -- '' I, i , ! / o• t:80 ! 353, ,- i - i'~~ - , ,__--i Figuire 29. 'I IO4 t . ' .. ...... ... ±- ... . ! - / )b __A '9 t5L 0 ,". " a i.. . K5oJ~ Q0S 0oi 8 i. ,' ' . I0 - K 44 - I -iI:, ,)•5% ,- , , , The distribution of temperature along section 8. ' section from 54047' S to 37051 S. A 200E longitude 1 October to 6 October 1938. ;u~~ucl;iiliusnn~. b-~iiihber-nss~ienr~ -- ;r-i~b-l~in~;ri~i-iii~ i~-s~---------~~--~--- -- -- --- - STA 2453 --- 2452 2451 2.1 M 9 I3 2 J *41 - 2000 - ' -- ' . ,q 1. - " , .. .7 . 3 450 2000 0. 3070 / / L-79 '000 / 3 6 s- - 7 , LAT 35 Figure 30. . 90 -'5, - 505 5 3 The distribution of salinity along section 8. A 200E longitude section from 54047'S to 370511 S. 1 October to 6 October 1938. STA 2486 2485 1-I I V I QQ I 1-47)( 00 00' J I -2 I- -, 7 7T 1". -21.10 Lr T- 0-1-501.0 td -i"i .-- .20- L,) 2478 2481 2480 2479 2482 2181 I LU 17 -1 "'.' . I. - .-- F- A. CLJ LiJ M :P: rd ._.. 1_ 1000 "'' 7 ' 7- ~ Figure 31. .4- 40 T "t ..- - i' - '' I 7 -7-7 _44 I 5 i: : The distribution of temperature along section 10. A 20 0 E longitude. section from 54017' S to 34038 ' S. 2 November to 9 November 1938. STA 2i. 5! 7 ~ 2000 !il i- t ,, ?,:3 . 0 23 . ~ 0 1.,1111 ;:: ? 19 2,173 W. 3,2 3'.31 2-31~5 ,6 , ?,132 l .4r) 3,.70 ~Zi -45 0 ,-,. ,, .; . .i- 16 ii 200() .. 3 - I . .... .I- l iI 51 ... t C- I o.', I g 4 j -- .... 'L9 .70 ,'79 . ,70 ,5~7, * --: ---'-ii-;' "', -- ,.. ...... S3000 . i. '/' .. ' '-i i I , -'i- i ! ,- - i :-i -- i .. -7f • i,,s / . .' I . / '' - " , ' i / . / ( , '1 t .- . GiI " ' l' " # ; ' , ', ,\ / !rI -- " .... \ " ;--. -.. i , / , ., - - / ' F'l i . . .. - it' l : "\. : .3. : 6. "! /r - -/ '. ! :, ... 'I: - ' ][ 0-i ;i ~1- .. ..~ ./ St / ' 19 / - - ' , -i . :I ; ' " ! \ , - .. . ' . .: , 5000 • i.. L.. ; . . . i ; ' I.. I l . .. . f. . I . _. | __ LAT 35 " Figure 32. 4005 ,5: "0J The distribution of salinity along section 10. section from 54017' S to 34038 ' S. 55s A 20 E longitude 2 November to 9 November 1938. STA 2525 L1 - *0.00- Kti~7 71J-- i- 300(0 400( L __dS 1___L_ ,_.! Z, 77 .. i r 5000 - 4 --- I - ii I/ i :I', L_1 ~ -~--~-~---l-il vi r I- --i-- --i----C-L--+---I--~-e--(-r I ~ -t----~ . -I . L .__..... 35 5. Figure 33. . . 5 The distribution of temperature along section 12. section from 56 0 57 S to 34029 S. A 200E longitude 12 December to 18 December 1938 STA s251s 2519 , N. 35.S j. I 'fil Jo 3 ." -- I.... / 00C) ,s • •- ., , , b -- -- ~ , 3: , ?515 25!6 2517 '513 l ____ . .. _- '. - .. .. . . *40 -"- . . . . . .. . 419. .3. ~.6 : 53 2000 81. ! 1 ; LU -1.. -74 ~ *i. 3't.6 .3.' 744 9, ~IDt4.... ,t -- c . 7770 -74 , *.... ,/ ;- I .47 :b .7O..'/ / I, , ,, , , / ..... - ', L LU LU . . . . .. - 3000 - - t. ... ' I i- (I ... - ! , -- .. , .. ' / !"bq..F .. r .. . ' . i ": "' t.;',,/' ' 72. /' .8 / - - - " .' : / ., . . - / ',./' - : " ' - L 7 .. " " l- . .. .. .j- I r . -7,r ,Z -- " - , I- . , ' Tq -. ,' . :70 _ tti L 5000 i35 LAT 3505 Figure 34. I 1 0 , ) 1;5 5 I I 50.5 The distribution of salinity along section 12. section from 56057' S to 34029' S. 555, ' r 60'6 A 20 0 E longitude 12 December to 18 December 1938. --------~~-~~---,-~~II~ STA 2560 2563 2562 2561 12559 2577 II m-- i - :i - .. . I - -" 4j74 2 250 I, 1ii / ci- LUJ iIlP.I I- .ii a ODC i L~i_ fo~ I I -" LU II ': i f j -IJ. ~FT I I I i-i 9 i - L_ -- C . -r','---,---- ,, • . iLr iLiI L LLII ' ,-_-- I __- _ F' ,. _;_ .,',, --4- -- !! -. , .~iL - L1- -L/ D~ 7 1 [ 1i T Yfi I--f .. t C '--740~_L I77 1 '.- to.A 7- i l -1 I ~ 17- 1 ITI I ~1 17'r -- o5 Figure 35. 5 0" I ; ._I " I . i 'I ~ L -L i. i -- -- _ _ ~_c 4 I~ i- I I- 60, , i 65 , I The distribution of temperature along section 14. A 200E longitude section from 68 0 50' S to400 12 ' S. 27 January to 5 February 1939. 70' ' I STA ?577 2576 2575 2574 , ?571 2569 2570 2568 2566 2567 2565 1 1 I a 11- ,57 2572 2573 25 64 2563 1 409V .. - 5 . ,.•:Z 5.00 ' • . * 55 "2561 561 59 -5ti 1 . . -. . -. . - -- ---/0U 0- 2562 --= - ... -9 ., NOD jI , I ._ 7. . 4g* 70 - /3,. * L -70A ,, '.166 *t • - -J...4 1!;!. '-) i---;,--8 _ - -.// - - : J" 1 . ,~c 300, I0 I , -!L LU S .. . '3'I---- j-,, , 69 ,., .. ,d, . t 68fZ . J -: - In-- rC/ . j~ 7 CO~ :~ ' ' (".C), . . " . . . ... : Isection from 68050! S/~6to 40012! 5 February 1939. ,1 7 , S. -b I27 January-i to - 6'" ! "', .&R .I,' j .- . -" . '' 0- LUI rt )~" ;- 1 , , ,;...,~c~ "d ! ,C -r ,o' , *- ; 1 81 ' .. - i . i'7' .. 'it r . i/I ' ''' ' .. C, ")" •I_ _ 1 \ ,35 i .I , , ' ,~~ & , 5 ' ,,\ . ' . . ,ro , / ,' S 0 0 -/i- 55 ' 3 t - ,0-- 2, .",,' 60'S - .au r to 5 LAT Figure 36. !I •- 7 jl The distribution of salinfty along section 14. A 20 0 IE longitude 70'S 9 ,:':,y .:- - --- -- -~- 2613 STA ?625 ?626 \2 00 0 -,I - fw o -7 ,4 - 0. i • 2o 2000 -T ! ~~~./ '-a ~ '" 2..0 ., I 2607 2610 2609 26o08s2 I l I ... 6112 2611 . i 39 - ~ ;,°- _:f .5/ °=-~ -'..... Ii I- o: d _ - --,s fit-, - t- - ' .- I . . -- 1. i'. I _ 'i -- jl ' . .00 i iL~i_,_ -T '.5 - I '-7 'I ' " ; = 2618 2617 2616 2615 2614 II I I 2?,2 ?621 ,"6?0 2619 I I t 26r3 3.007. ~ 250;b -q-T:-i-~ -IOC ~~7 . -H 2624 t ,_ ,3 _-- -a -. 74--I-~ LU C, w t .. . t: . _, , .: : - z: --t - 1-- l O LU en K a4.0 t , . I_ ,~ --: -,-+- ,bI ", _S __L L-AT3S 1 _~d I 0 1t6 : 5 o' , , .-r- -H__ 414 ---1 ---c---c--I 1 I i .~st' -I--i --~ 'I I. i i - - U. /iiii~ - -~---?--~5-c*--~i K. --I- : _L---- '----0 ,_i-i-i---- LAT 35 -i t---1I- -4---. ,5 . " Figure 37. . 1 . . i 1 .cL-( 1 ___4 L 0o.1t0 7 . .r I 1 I 1 I Ii _-4--1 ai -1.I I- jiI 500 __1 -27 0 i 1I i i T717: I- 5 0: i6!6;o I i I ° I The distribution of temperature along section 16. A 200E longitude section from 69 0 40' S to 37 0 47'S. 5 March to 18 March 1939. 7005 SVTTA 2623 2624 , 2625 2626 I62..6.,f 2610 2609 2608.2607 2618 2617 26162615 2614 26132612 2611 2621 2620 2619 2622 2606 I..r ' c =34t.00~~ 134 /0 - 60 ,J.. p70 :1003 p" I- .4 - ----- -- i -41 ~-----~ !I4~7 VV]]2VE~IPf'F-IILLI ---~-~~~ ~IIL L---4F TI.7F-i--i V-1 H -.. j4irIij..~.L.j 3~4.7( ~' ~' ' ' I. uIi*i~:I! Lb -~~---" -~-~~--~~ ~~ 7 ~otIt *J I I i I L.: , 1 ~----~-~ - ___1 _. 1 9~t---i -~" _ -i~ ------1 .v.-/ rr v I -41 i I 000 - ? ~ ~ k 1tli-Ll L I 'I I . i- - 4S ri. J - Ii I cx CL-, ----- --- --- LU C3 F- < I~~\ 3000 - I 1 K1 1 -11 ii-- I _ "-:- ___ LI.17 l f L -r ' i iIIr - LLI 7 11 t Z4i I/ i .- -(-- - --1!,1, ...... i.. t.... i-l... .... I, ' ' 50 J ! i. - -5odo ' ' ]i "''''' i i I i' i- '11 -- t- "' ' ' ' ' ':"' L' -- F 7 d f ~e I I " ' ' ' ' ' ' I f I I ? I I ; I { I ; l I I ; i 77 7 ii -:---i i._i ; i-t _5 j; -. -.-i-i i---iL--L -i- lLWl1i±LL±c.. I-I-il - iU I - L1I'~. ilk --- 1-i--4- A I -i--I- i - . Figure 38. i- 450 I' I' I I, i,,I I I 1- l , . . . . . . '~''I-'i r if----~t i _{. 2 t K._lj.. I 1 1 . . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . ± . . . . ' ' ""' zI ' ' ' '~-~ ' ' ' '~''' _ 'i-- 4.§----CL/ 1 .j I I I • i ; [ I, I I I • i * I m I [ 4 1 I I I1': j :c I I : ' -.t,.±.17 ;--i--I c~LIUc -'' -. I-i-c--i-f I I I : I f--: I 50so 6505-' - 1659.5- The distribution of salinity along section 16. section from 69040' S to 37047' S. ---i- A 20 0 E longitude 5 March to 18 March 1939. L j. -i-t4 - -- ~j-,---70;3 SECTION TOTAL VOLUME TRANSPORT (106 m /sec) wrt 4000 m wrt 3000 m 2 239 175 4 228 159 6 225 160 8 161 125 12- 220' 143 16 165 111 117 9 13 213 142 15 195 135 * 4000 m dynamic height interpolated. Winter section - does not extend across the current completely.- Table 2. Geostrophic volume transports across sections which have deep end stations. REFERENCES Deacon, G. E. R. (1937). "The Hydrology of the Southern Ocean," Discovery Reports, Vol. 15, pp. 1-124. Defant, Albert (1961). Physical Oceanography, Pergamon Press, New York, Vol. 1, pp. 1-729. Discovery Reports, Vol. 24, 1947, pp. 1-422. Mackintosh, -N.A. (1946). "The Antarctic Convergence and the Distribution of Surface- Temperature in Antarctic Waters, " Discovery Reports, Vol. 23, pp. 177-212. Schott, G. (1942). "Grundlagen einer Weltkarte der Meeresstromungen"' Ann. Hydr. Mar. Met., p. 247.