AN INVESTIGATION OF TRANSITION AND TURBULENCE IN OSCILLATORY STOKES LAYERS by Rayhaneh Akhavan-Alizadeh B.S., California Institute of Technology (1980) S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1982) Submitted to ths Department of Mechanical Engineering in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY JUNE, 1987 c Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1987 Signature of Author Dep ttment of Mechanical Engineering May 1987 Certified by , Professor loger D. Kamm Thesis Supervisor Certified by _. \..... _ Profe sor Ascher H. Shapiro Pfs Thesis Supervisor Accepted by Professor Ain A. Sonin ARCHIVES Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Studie§:~TE:,NLr.G; JUL 0 2 1987 LIBRARIES - _- A] INVESTIGATION OF TRANSITION AND TURBULENCE IN OSCILLATORY STOKES LAYERS by Rayhaneh Akhavan Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in May, 1987 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philcsophy in Mechanical Engineering ABSTRACT Transition to turbulence in bounded oscillatory Stokes layers is investigated experimentally by LDV measurements for flow in a pipe, and numerically by direct simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations for flow in a channel. The experiments indicate a transitional Reynolds number based on Stokes boundary layer thickness of Re-500. The resulting turbulent flow is characterized by the sudden appearance of turbulence with the start of the deceleration phase of the flow during the "laminar" to reversion cycle, and acceleration phase. It is proposed that generation of turbulence in this flow is due to turbulent "bursts" similar in nature to those that occur for steady wall-bounded shear flows. Furthermore relaminarization of the flow during the acceleration phase is attributed to cessation of "bursting" because of the favorable pressure gradients that are present during this period. Investigation of the stability of oscillatory channel flow to various infinitesimal and finite-amplitude two- and that; (a) An reveals disturbances three-dimensional infinitesimal perturbation introduced in the boundary layer would, over the course of a few cycles migrate to the center of the channel where it would decay with viscous time scales as predicted by a Floquet analysis. However, as long as the disturbance is still localized within the boundary layer, it would amplify with inviscid growth rates as predicted by finite-amplitude twoNo (b) theories. quasi-steady dimensional equilibrium states were found; however, quasiequilibria (with viscous decay rates) were observed at transitional Reynolds numbers. (c) The secondary instability of these two-dimensional finite-amplitude quasi-equilibrium states to infinitesimal three-dimensional perturbations can successfully explain the critical Reynolds numbers and turbulent flow structures that were observed in experiments. Thesis Supervisors: Prof. Prof. Thesis Committee : Prof. Prof. Prof. R.D. A.H. D.J. C.F. A.T. KAMM SHAPIRO BENNEY DEWEY PATERA -3- ACKNOWLIEDGENTS I would like to extend my sincere thesis supervisors Professors Roger for their guidance , patience period of my stay at MIT. group could have I given independent growth as Kamm and Ascher Shapiro and support throughout the have always felt that no other me was gratitude to my as provided much by like to acknowledge the invaluable Patera without whom the computational opportunity for them. I would also help of Professor Tony aspects of his work would not have been possible. Thanks also to Professor Steve Orszag for helpful discussions in the earlier stages of this work. The friendship and assistance of all the members of the Fluid Mechanics Lab. has provided a wonderful environment to work in. In particular, I would like to thank Dick Fenner for all his help in constructing the experimental apparatus. Finally, the love and support of my family and my good friend, Martin made this all possible. -4- TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE 1 ............................................. TITLE PAGE 2 ........................................... ABSTRACT 3 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS........................................ TABLE OF CO 4 NTENTS ...................................... I. INTRODUCTION ...................................... II. EXPERIMENTS....................................... 5 16 2.1 2.2 Experimental Methods ......................... Experimental Results ......................... 2.2.1 Calibration Run ........................ 2.2.2 Turbulent Flow Regime .................. 2.2.3 Effect of Re and A..................... 16 24 24 25 48 2.3 Discussion ................................... 78 III. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS. . ........................... 84 3.1 3.2 Problem Formulation and Numerical Methods.... 84 92 Small Amplitude Disturbances (Linear Theory) 3.2.1 Two- and Three-Dimensional Disturbances 94 3.2.2 The Linearized Problem ................. 96 3.2.3 Effect of Initial Conditions........... 98 3.2.4 Results ................................104 3.3 Finite Amplitude Disturbances................ 121 3.3.1 Two-Dimensional Disturbances........... 122 3.3.2 Three-Dimensional Instability......... 134 3.3.3 Secondary Instability and Transition... 141 IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ........................... 147 REFERENCES............................................. 152 -5- I. INTRODUCTION The flow induced in a semi-infinite body of fluid by a plate undergoing sinusoidal oscillations was originally investigated by moves with velocity Stokes Upcoswt, parallel to the plate, in boundary layer then the unidirectional flow, the surrounding fluid is given by thickness. The representative boundary layer in involving periodic flows within Our concern is with the its own plane [1851). If the plate u(z,t) - Upexp(-z/6)cos(wt-z/6), where of in a 6v2/w; Stokes is a measure layer is the large class of problems or around rigid boundaries. stability and turbulent motion of the bounded oscillatory Stokes layer. Previous work on transition in purely oscillatory flows is rather scarce. Here "purely" oscillatory flows modulated about some we make (about non-zero the a mean. distinction between zero The mean) and flows two problems are quite different, as the instability of flows modulated about a non-zero mean is usually associated with the (steady) mean flow. In this case, the modulations can usually be accounted for by perturbation contrasts with the methods situation about for where the basic flow is unsteady. the mean flow. This purely oscillatory flows -6- A number literature of on oscillatory experiments the flows. problem new of these As performed in bounded channels), a have reported transition experiments geometries parameter been (such as describing are in the in in purely generally pipes or in ratio of the physical dimensions of the flow (for example, pipe radius or channel half-width) to is introduced problem; A-d/2vw/2v . Alternatively, A - the can be thought of as of the flow to the is related r=d/2v to , by the ratio of the diffusive time scale the period the Stokes boundary layer thickness the of oscillation. Note also that A known parameter relation A-/ . that Womersley number, All investigators agree A (2£A) transition is governed is based on the Stokes boundary that for sufficiently large by a Reynolds number as layer thickness. Furthermore, a value of Re 6 on the order of 500-550 is more often cited number. Here, Re =-U 0 6/, as the transitional Reynolds where U o is the amplitude of cross- sectional mean velocity and layer thickness. For example, Sergeev [1966] found the 6-vFi/w for is the Stokes boundary flow in a straight pipe transitional Reynoldz number to be while Hino, et al. Re -500 for the range of 2.8<A<28; [1976] and Ohmi, et al. [1982] each found the transitional Reynolds number to be Re and 2<A<29 the range of 2A<6 (Hino, et al.) al.), respectively. In a different 550 for (Ohmi, et geometry, Li [1954] observed turbulence for Re6>565 for flow in a channel with for the an transitional oscillating Reynolds bottom. The value of 500 number, however, is not -7- that the flow in a found the flow due plate to become pipe became turbulent at a Re6 resonant while cf 280 (30<A<50); and Thomann [1975] observed Merkli universal; for example, [1957] and Collins Vincent to at turbulent waves on a smooth gravity periodic [1963] numbers of 110 and Reynolds 160, respectively. studies, the works of Hino Of the various experimental most detailed. They distinguish four their experiments: (I) laminar flows, and coworkers are the in classes of flows (II) distorted laminar or characterized by weakly turbulent flows, which are appearance the small of amplitude perturbations in the early stages of the acceleration phase, (III) turbulent explosive appearance of deceleration during the which flows, acceleration which recover phase, (IV) observed by Ohmi, et al. observed bursts occurred in any that the the to by the start of the "laminar" flow turbulent flows that cycle. Flow regime (IV) has remain turbulent throughout the not been with turbulence and phase characterized are the investigators, although of was increased, turbulent as Re later of the acceleration stages phase as well as in the deceleration phase. In the experiments of Hino, the transitional Reynolds number of flow regime (III) observed by Hino independent and coworkers al. and Ohmi, et al., et of 550 marked the onset of A. over Flow regime (II) was a range of Reynolds -8- numbers 6 Re mitRe 6 550, where dependent on A; for example, observed for 70Re was observed for hand, found the value for A6.2 6 of Re min was flow regime (II) was (550 while for A-1.9 the same flow regime 550. 460<Re onset that Ohmi, of flow et al. regime on the other (II) in their experiments agreed well with the critical Reynolds number of Re -280 which was proposed words, flow regime (II) 280<Re <550 Thomann between by was independent of [1975] themselves flows of type Merkli and Thomann. In other observed the do (II) by value not and Ohmi, et al. for of make A. any Merkli and distinction (III), and therefore it is not possible to determine in giving the value of 280 for the transitional Reynolds number which type of flow they were referring to. In general, oscillatory when flows, reference the intended. The details of was studied by Hino rectangular duct at mean velocity, the and regime the is (III) to described turbulent above is flow structure in this regime coworkers Re =876 made and [1983] A12.8 for . The profiles of intensities, turbulence flow in a the Reynolds stresses and the turbulent energy production rate were found to be completely different between the accelerating and decelerating phases, and in either case quite different from turbulence in flows which Nevertheless, they concluded are that steady in the mean. the basic processes such as ejection, sweep and interaction towards and away from the wall are the same as those of 'steady' wall turbulence. -9- of the stability of Stokes new. The mathematics of the case quite Theoretical investigation layers is also relatively even problem, the for 'linearized' arises complicated. The complexity disturbances because in the presence flow, the linearized equations for of a time-periodic basic the is are that coefficients have periodic the time dependence of the functions of time; consequently, perturbation is not separable and the method of normal modes suggested have been analysis by Two classes of solutions applicable. is no more (formally) in the theory Floquet for this problem; literature and solution based on the assumption of quasi-steadiness. Von Kerczek and Davis [1974] noted that since the linearized equations have coefficients time, the results of Floquet that are periodic functions of theory [Coddington and Levinson employed to predict that disturbance (x,z,r)=e stream function time normalized to the the net within each cycle. The from one cycle to the the form r=wt is the wavenumber (with x normalized to is the Floquet exponent and A (and cycle periodic function of time with flow and represents the of oscillation of the basic of growth disturbance field from one be conjugate. Here, the Stokes layer thickness), represents should period streamwise Yih (1968)] can be periodic steady state the the in x+Ar(z,)+complex flow, a is the (1955), phase to the change) next, and of the is a the same period as the basic variation of the disturbance field disturbances experience a net growth next if Real(A)>O . Von erczek and -10- Davis used a Galerkin technique to numerically integrate the resulting system of equations for the geometry consisting of an oscillating plate with a second stationary plate placed a distance of eight boundary range of wavenumbers O<Re <800, they thicknesses away. For the 0.3<a<1.3 found negative, indicating a layer A to net and be real decay Reynolds and in numbers all cases of disturbances from one cycle to the next. The periodic part of the stream function, O(z,r), was also found within a cycle; to experience no considerable growth thereby ruling within a cycle the disturbances that the flow might von Kercz.k and absolutely range of may the possibility that grow to such an extent become nonlinearly unstable. Therefore Davis stable out concluded to parameters that infinitesimal investigated the Stokes layer is disturbances and possibly for the for all Reynolds numbers. As a corollary to their point out that since the work, principal Floquet exponent A found in their numerical results was in conclude that the for time von Kerczek and Davis scale all cases 0(1), one must the growth or decay of linear disturbances is of the same order of magnitude as the time scale of oscillation of the basic flow. This would serve as a warning against the use of quasi-steady theories; as the quasi-steady assumption would be disturbances varied much faster than 1/w. valid only if the -l- Hall [1978] investigated infinite Stokes layer using the linear Floquet stability of the theory, and found this flow to be also stable for all Reynolds numbers investigated (O0Re <300). In addition to a the Orr-Sommerfeld equation was found to also have for all Reynolds associated for this considered the effect The of and only a discrete set of 'finite' a Hall also second boundary a as was done in the problem Davis. For the latter problem eigenvalues exists. Hall showed that disturbance of the 'finite' Stokes layer the least stable discrete eigenvalue of Stokes Stokes spectrum. introducing addressed by von Kerczek the infinite dangerous modes were continuous layer, was not the same as infinite Stokes layer most long way from the Stokes the least stable the set of eigenvalues, a continuous spectrum of eigenvalues numbers. with discrete layer; layer continuous spectrum of were the separation between the two rather the found to infinite eigenmodes of the 'merge' Stokes into the layer as the plates tended to infinity. Thus he concluded that the disturbances given by von Kerczek and Davis have no connection with those of the infinite Stokes layer. Despite the objections raised against the use stability of of quasi-steady Stokes steadiness is a fair layers, by von Kerozek and Davis theories one assumption inflectional instabilities of the if can in studying the show that quasi- one is considering the Stokes layer. First, note -12- that at all time during infinite number of the cycle inflection Fjortoft's criterion for flat plate oscillating plate progresses within a cycle. these of oscillation flow Upcoswt scale may for become by inviscidly the growth or decay of is much shorter than the (11/w); (6/Up)-/Re equation for a succession there is an away from the wall as time points neglect the time dependence of stability of the example, for a (y/-0=O) at wt=O (as well as inflectional instabilities (6/Up) period satisfying At asymptotically large Reynolds inflection unstable. Since the time each For velocity other ones at y/6=nr) which move numbers, points, instability. with inflection point on the the Stokes layer has an (l11w), one can the base flow and study the solving the (inviscid) Rayleigh of quasi-steady velocity profiles for different times during the cycle. This approach has been adopted by Cowley 1985] and [1985]. One problem with this normal modes, which are as they move type Monkewitz character away difficult to compare these from with from the results and Bunster of analysis is that the associated points, completely change next by wall. the inflection one cycle to the This makes it to those of the Floquet theory (which assumes the flow has reached a periodic steady state). Monkewitz and mode associated with Bunster an inflection the wall would pass its energy inflection point closer to out in the free exponentially weak. suggest stream the a scenario where a point moving away from to a mode associated with an wall, before it gets damped where inflection points are -13- Cowley analysis [1985] carried the stability of out of asymptotically large Reynolds interaction between analysis. His growth rates were observed before the start of the modes showed wavelengths comparable to 6 the inviscid numbers different results an can quasi--steady Stokes layer for where the effects of was that included in the disturbances with grow. The most significant between r/4 and r/2; i.e, acceleration ust phase of the cycle. None of these modes were found to evolve in such a way as to return to their original factor) after one theory. cycle, Therefore, as (multiplied would although necessarily incompatible theory, no direct state with be required by Floquet these the comparison by a constant results results between the are not of the Floquet two theories is possible either. In short, the present to the stability of flat status of knowledge with regards Stokes layers can be summarized as follows. On the one hand, experimental results show that the flow undergoes start of the violent transition deceleration numbers on the order other hand, have so phase to of turbulence with the the cycle at Reynolds of 500. Theoretical studies, on the far been restricted to infinitesimal disturbances and either predict the stable in the steady state periodic flow to be absolutely (Floquet theory), or consist of analyses which are valid for asymptotically large Reynolds numbers and predict transient instability but at -14- phases during the cycle opposite to where turbulence is observed in experiments (inviscid quasi-steady theories). In either case no for critical comparison to transitional Reynolds Reynolds the number can be identified experimental number. Clearly value a for the large gap exists between theory and experiment in the problem of stability of flat Stokes layers. In the present work this gap by we performing numerical studies of have tried simultaneous bounded to bridge some of experimental oscillatory and Stokes flows at transitional and turbulent Reynolds numbers. The experiments were performed in circular pipes. We felt these experiments were necessary; because even have been reported in though a number of experiments literature on the stability of oscillatory Stokes layers, the only detailed work is that of Hino and coworkers flow condition, 1983] Re =876, experimental results with, and serve as are a Hino and coworkers. We which is A=12.8 for . As the confirmation believe restricted to a single most of we shall see, our part in agreement the earlier work of this confirmation by itself is quite important. Furthermore, comparisons between the two sets of experiments has allowed us to draw conclusions upon key features common to both sets that were neglected (or may have been rejected as noise) by Hino and coworkers. -15- To identify the nature explain the experimentally Reynolds numbers, and of disturbances observed to gain that could values of transitional an understanding of the physics of the transition back and forth between the laminar and turbulent states that values of Reynolds number direct numerical three-dimensional is of Navier-Stokes ease of computation channel and in experiments at above Retrans ; we have performed simulations flow in a channel. The observed in the full, time-dependent equation for oscillatory geometry was chosen for the light of the close agreement between our experimental results for flow in a pipe, and the experiments of Hino, et al. which were performed in a channel. The channel flow is subjected to initial conditions that consist of various dimensional infinitesimal combinations of two- and three- and finite-amplitude disturbances and the time evolution of the disturbances are followed. The disturbances that most observed features are closely reproduce the experimentally identified, mechanisms of transition is discussed. and the dynamics and -16- II. EXPERIMENTS Experimental Methods 2.1 were The experiments pipe, 2 cm in Figure 1. The such that under all chosen was pipe length of the quartz in schematically shown experimental setup 8 meters long using the and diameter inner a quartz circular in performed flow conditions the tube length was at least three times the stroke length of the flow in quartz the pipe; thereby ensuring that the flow in the middle section of the pipe was any not suffering from tube geometry was A effects. end chosen for the experiments over a two-dimensional channel or the great care required to an oscillating plate, because of channel and the complex flow ensure two-dimensionality in a systems that would be required for an oscillating plate. The choice of a critical, particular as correspondence earlier between studies experimental the seem to be too not does geometry structure of show the a close turbulent oscillatory flows in all three geometries. The sinusoidal generated by a flow piston electrohydraulic whose servovalve pipe was into the quartz motion was controlled by an rate ( MOOG model 76-102 ) with feedback control on the velocity. The sinusoidal output of a function generator served as control circuitry. The quality the of input command for the the sinusoidal flow rate -17- RA if j es I- tb Cd . p, Cd t2o ·, Q Q3 E 0) ) 000 TO TO aO 00 .,1 -i 0 Ca I I I -1 I I I I 3 v o 0 v -- - -18- was checked by monitoring the generated by this flow system motion of the piston and 6L3-VTZ) Schaevitz model a with transducer (LVDT, velocity computing the flow by also rates based on LDA measurements of the velocity profiles. In an each case results of FFT these was fit two measurements the output. The on performed for the flow rate of poorest sinusoidal quality is shown in Figures 2a and 2b. As seen in these deviation from a pure maximum the figures, sinusoid occurs near the point zero flow. At this point of the O-ring seals on the piston, because of some backlash in the motion of the piston could not follow the input command. on Despite considerable effort our to overcome this part eliminated. There was no mean backlash, the problem was not flow. Velocity measurements were in color laser doppler anemometer and green (514 nm) lines simultaneously measure of an components. The LDA was equipped backscatter operated in the signal The processing. 20x20x100 microns front lense in and the LDA fringes system laser were used to Argon and was velocity were used for Counters volume were radial a Bragg cell and was with mode. probe the blue (488 nm) which axial the a DISA two using obtained 2 had dimensions of microns apart. The mounted on a two-axis linear translation stage with micrometer control of position to within position .0001". the probe This traversing volume at diameter within the quartz pipe. mechanism selected was used to points along a -19- .6 .4 .2 -. e E 0 -. 2 -. 4 -. 7r/2 37r/2 wt Figure 2. Cross-sectional mean velocity calculated from the output of the LVDT that was used to measure the velocity of the piston. -20- .U .8 .6 .4 0 - -. 2 -. 4 -. 6 -.8 -1 n - 2 7/2 wt 3r/2 Figure 2ab Cross-sectional mean velocity calculated by integrating the velocity profiles that were obtained by the LDA system. -2 1- arrival of each doppler accomplished by a The computer was was burst in flow basic motion of the flow basic the Because into triggered to system, the monitored the motion of few time the cycles, the measured to evaluate the This period was then 1/240th register of a cycle within the trigger point was the velocity transducer that of determined from the output computer clock was the The counting. start and A/D converters. In corresponding to (positive-going) point rate clock, a DMA internal (DRV11-J), parallel interface board zero flow an with equipped a be determined. This was PDP11/23 data acquisition computer. MINC every cycle, at time of relation to the periodic to had the unsteady, piston. For the first driving triggers was between successive precise period of the basic flow. used to set it would overflow computer. indicate time in fractions The register was reset at the clock so that every This and register increment a would then of 1/240th of the cycle period. the beginning of each cycle. The data acquisition protocol can then be summarized as follows. Once both LDA counters had 15 se of each other), verified a doppler burst (within the computer would be interrupted via the parallel interface board. 1/240tb f the period of the The time in increments of cycle would be read from the appropriate register, and the doppler information consisting of the doppler frequencies, the number of fringes associated with each doppler burst and the computer for later processing. time would be stored in the In addition to the above _9-- information, the quartz pipe transducer) instantaneous (measured and the with flow measured by the velocity pressure a rate drop through the Microswitch through the pressure system (as transducer attached to the piston) were sampled through the A/D converters 240 times per cycle and stored. Typically on the order of were processed in this manner. the amount of seeding that 2000 doppler bursts per sec The rate limiting factor was could be used before the flow became opaque. The optical distortion of eliminated by index-matching quartz (nd - 1.458) using the an thiocyanate. The solution was of refraction was achieved ammonium thiocyanate salt refractometer (Extech, range measure the index of working pipe fluid to that of aqueous solution of ammonium distilled water).A hand held K502192) +0.2% with accuracy 0-90% sucrose was used , v-1.32 centistokes) . windows immersed in to refraction of the solution. Otherwise, the solution had properties very close to water (pl.1 pipe was was mixed until the correct index and and quartz (approximately equal weights of model (nd-1.333-1.512) the At a g/cm3 the measurement site the quartz rectangular chamber with quartz which was filled with the same index-matched fluid. -23- A variety of particles seeding latex, silicon carbide and microns) was chosen signal to noise over ratio scales of turbulence. the and of diameter others ability alumina, dioxde were examined. titanium Titanium dioxide (with particles including because to from .5 to 1 of its good follow the smaller -24- 2.2 Experimental Results 2.2.1 Calibration Run To check the the velocity of ouz,experimental methods, reliability profiles for an (Re -233, A-3.6) were measured. equations of motion have a 1955] and Womersley check on the rate, Q=Qocoswt, the In of laminar the laminar regime, the and [1956], results. instantaneous For provide a direct a sinusoidal flow velocity profiles are given by, u(r,wt) B cos(wt+6) + (l-A) sin(wt+6) + CD/)(1) I (1-C/) U0 where, v - A/V2 (note that xc ber(c) ber(rlv) Womersley number) + bei(c) bei(rvW) 2 A ber () bei(x) ber(rvV/) B + bei 2 () - ber(c) bei(rvlw) ber2 (n) + bei 2 (c) ber(x) bei'(x) - bei(c) ber'(c) C 2 ber2(i) + bei2(I) ber(c) ber'(c) + bei(x) bei'(n) D 6 ber2 (c) + bei2(c) tan-1 { 1-C/v D/v flow closed form solution as given by Uchida experimental example -25- experiments and the theoretical The comparison between solution of Uchida is 3 and 4. Figure 3 Figures in shown shows the time evolution of axial velocity at various radial The locations. experimental velocity profiles for various In Figure 4, the cycle the phases during curve. The agreement theory backlash in the from deviated this phase O-ring seals, the pure sinusoid as a experiment is in 'turnaround' in the motion to At piston. driving and maximum deviation from theory occurs at wt-r/2, which corresponds the to the theoretical compared are between general very good. The of with respect to the core. lead boundary layer have a phase in the points the however location, each at variation sinusoidal predicts solution theoretical because motion already of some of the piston discussed in section 2.1 . 2.2.2 Turbulent Flow Regime Hino et al. [1976] have fairly extensively investigated regime the transitional already discussed observed two experiments. in classes One class an in detail of of small in can be and amplitude superimposed on the laminar the pipe flow. As introduction, non-laminar laminar" or "weakly turbulent" appearance oscillatory flows identified in they their as "distorted is characterized by the disturbances that are profile during the acceleration -26- 1% * Z- .1 0 C- u _ E 1:: -/ 2 ir/2 37r/2 wt Figure 3. Phase variation of axial velocity at fixed radial locations compared to theory in the laminar flow regime. (Re 6 -233, A-3.6) -27- An .. .1 .I 'C -. 1 -. 1 -. 2 .i .05 0 -. 05 -. 10 -. 15 I -l r/R Figure 4. -1.0 -. 8 -. 6 -. 4 -. 2 0 .2 .4 .6 r/R Experimental velocity profiles at various phases compared to theory for laminar flow. (Re -233, A-3.6) .8 1.0 -28- phase of the cycle. of type other The flow is what is generally considered "turbulent" and is characterized by the sudden explosive of appearance turbulent bursts with the start of the deceleration phase and recovers to laminar flow during the acceleration phase. Our main concern in this work of the latter "turbulent" type is with the characterization of flow. "turbulent" for The stability boundary flows (of the second kind described abcve) is very well defined in our, as as well other these flows were (3<A<10) investigators experiments. in observed experiments for Re >500 our observations with consistent In particular, of earlier investigators. the In contrast, laminar" flows seems region be to dominance of strongly at observed these flows for 70<Re <550 460<Re <550 at a A of 1.9; while dependent on the example, Hino, et al. For specific experimental apparatus. of "distorted a A of 6.2, and for the same flow regime was observed by Ohmi, et al. for 280<Re '550 independent of the not made any attempt to identify these value of A. We have flows in our experiments. In the turbulent measurements of the A-10.6 Re -530, flow 1080, regime we field for 1720; and have made detailed four flow conditions; A-5.? Re -957. The -29- turbulent flow will first characteristics of the resulting be discussed in detail for the flow condition corresponding to Re6-1080, A-10.6 . of the features demonstrated by Most this flow are common to all the flow conditions studied, and considered as a prototype be may point as such this data flow. The effect of different values for Re and A will then be discussed. Figure 5 phase the shows averaged axial velocity variation of the ensemble different radial positions. The at ensemble-averaged velocity is defined as, 1 N u(r,wt) - - (2) u (rwt±+t) N J-1 order where N is typically on the cycle is resolved to 2t=1/240th within particles through transit finite the the of the period of corrected for the bias errors oscillation. The averages are associated with of 100, and phase of the volume probe time of Buchave, the seeding 1979]. The solid lines are the theoretical laminar curve, and are given for reference. The most striking feature of these velocity traces is the explosive appearance of turbulence with the start of the deceleration phase of the cycle, which transfers the momentum of the high speed fluid towards the wall and the momentum of the speed fluid towards the center. This low momentum exchange appears in the velocity traces of Figure -30- 2 1 0 Q " U r/2 wt Figure-fa. For caption see Figure 5c. 3r/ 2 -31- 2 1 0 U 0 U a 1E1 0 7r/2 wt Figure 5b. For caption see Figure 5c. 37r/2 -32- A I O - 4)D -X/2 Figure r/2 wt 5c. 37r/2 Phase variation of the ensemble averaged turbulent axial velocity compared to the laminar theoretical curve for various radial positions. (Re6-1080, A-10.6) -33- 5, as a dip at wt-O for 0.7<r0.9 and a simultaneous hump in the velocity trace for 0.9<r<1.0 . A direct consequence of this enhanced momentum exchange is that the phase difference boundary layer and the core end of the deceleration in the motion between the is significantly reduced by the phase. This point is best seen in plots of instantaneous average velocity profiles (Figure 6). Once again the solid line represents the laminar solution. Note, for example, that at the time wt-r/2 (corresponding to zero flow rate) there is practically no phase difference between the boundary layer and the core. In general, the during the acceleration r/2<wtr ) are similar result in an ensemble-averaged phase to oscillating of the velocity profiles cycle ( -/2<wt,0 , the laminar profiles that would pipe flow, starting from initial conditions u(r,O)-O . These profiles, however, are different from Uchida's solution because the flow has not yet reached a periodic steady state. As confirmation of this point, note that the thickness of the boundary layer in the acceleration phase grows approximately in proportion to v, as in Stokes' first problem. During the deceleration phase of the cycle, ( Owt(r/2, r<wt<3r/2 ) the Just outside average the velocity boundary profiles are inflexional layers. The shape of these -34- Wt - -r/3 r/6 0 r/3 r/2 1.0 .a .a .37 .4 .3 .2 .$ 0 U (m/sec) 27/3 5/6 r 7r/6 4r/3 1.0 .0 . I - . . 4 . .2 .1 0 - U (m/sec) Instantaneous ensemble averaged velocity profiles in the turbulent flow regime compared to the laminar theoretical curve. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -35- wt - - /3 -7r/6 r/3 7r/6 0 7/2 o00 a o ga a 10-I a a a 'O a aa C. a -0 a o o o a a o 0 a a 0 4 o o o I1 I a 4 a aaa 0 a o a 44 0 o0- a o C10 II o a a 0 a I o o o a o o o a a a ' o o 0 0o a o 0 o o o oa a a a a a I. a a a o C. a 1 2r/ 3 5r/6 U (m/sec) 7r/6 47r/3 o10 o o 0 o° o o o 0a o a*OOC oaO o 0 0 0-t o aOC o o * ao o o o o I- o o o o o 0 o o o C. o 0 a 0 % o)o 0 o aO I 0-1 a ' I 0 _ -2 I L - ^_ · _ ._ - - - 1 · U (m/sec) Figure 7. Semi-logarithmic plots of ensemble averaged axial velocity in the turbulent flow regime. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -36- profiles is very similar to obtain in steady wall flows turbulent burst, and instantaneous during profiles that the ejection phase of a suggests that the fundamental process of generation of turbulence in oscillatory pipe flow may be the same as that of steady wall flows. This point will be discussed in more detail later. The contrast between the acceleration phase and those best shown in Figure 7, velocity profiles during the for where these profiles are plotted on semi-logarithmic scale. As seen acceleration phase the in regions logarithmic law are very phase the the deceleration phase is this figure, during the dominated by the semi- narrow, while for the deceleration semi-logarithmic region extends across a much larger portion of the tube. Instantaneous turbulent velocities difference between the instantaneous are defined as the and the ensemble- averaged velocities, u'(r,wt) - u(r,wt) - u(r,wt) (3) v'(r,wt) - v(r,wt) - v(r,wt) (4) The turbulent intensities (u stress (u'v') 2 ' 2) and <v'2 >) and the Reynolds can then be defined as, u'2 (r,wt) 1 - N N 2 u1 2 (r,wt+±t) j-1 (5) -37- 2 (r,wt)> ,v' 1 N N J-1 1 N - (u'v'(r,wt), - d)2 , <v shown in Figures 8 intensities J-1 of variation intensities (<u'2 >) axial and radial turbulence various radial locations is at 10. Throughout the pipe, turbulence and remain (7) uj(rwt+±t) v(r,wt+t) N The phase (6) v-2 (r,wt+6t) at a very acceleration portion of the cycle. low level during the However, with the start of deceleration, turbulence appears abruptly in the boundary layer ( 0.93 r ( 0.99 ) and propagates towards the center. The abrupt generation of turbulence during the deceleration r - 0.94 phase seems to first occur at turbulence levels rapidly wt--r/8. Thereafter intensify throughout the boundary layer; with the axial turbulence intensity reaching its peak value around r-0.98, wt-ir/10.During the later stages of the intensities gradually drop to deceleration phase turbulence low levels. Spatially, substantially turbulence axial reduced as the approached. The distribution across the pipe at different intensities center of of the pipe are is axial turbulence intensity phases during the cycle is shown in Figure 9, and confirms the above arguments. -38- .1I ~~~~~~~~I I I 1- I ~ - r-O _ s r -. 1 0-^"c4 r- ~--~------ C1i- __ -. _ _ 2 r- . 2 __ U 4 0 r- .3 I. S I-- of,-%__l_ _ ,~L __C ---- I· U-IDr r-.4 N I·u~~hC~ . 1 Al__ ,,,^__ A . , ;·> . , ," ns~ r -.5 -0 __ W -'I-~CI~·._~ r.6_ . .d_.:= CB's~,'·*PC~e'O r wo I--- 6 · 7r/2 wt Figure 8a. For caption see Figure 8c. 37r/2 -39- .1 I I r-.7 -. I K -. 7 ,, I r-.8 o0 C) a, r.86 N *.,. r-. 89 ~ 5-p~ *·~2· - as'= *r.92 L*_ _X* ,,*q. I 's . · . I I /2 wt Figuze · d' b as~ gsA r~~~~~~~ -7r2r/2 . r~·~LI~ks,, 8b- For caption see Figure 8c. I I 3/2 -40- __ .1 · I s. . ,r· e -ft. -% a I 0 %ft-. .1 I S4. N . -140' *. .sr-.93 i ·· · ._ no A- ~~k·C~~ChlP ~ ~ c ~AVd~~' 0*~~~~~~~~~~~~' *%dsdPu1.,.*.*pAJ .. . . * _ -%' ~~,qL _'S -,P . · · ,%t16· 0P C 0 0P * 0 ;... o * · 0. ;dla ' - E · 0 r - . 98 %' 00.s . ; , - - e +r '? 0 , ::J r-. 97 r:Wa· I - r .0 - 0 04111 X o - .f. P·Bq.~ , A. . ,., , w 00 *6%,· -?· 0. C4 R 0,%e * 000. 0-... n 1 p~muAin 0 r0*-.- . 96 96 ~ "4S~,0* · . * ..-. ....... 1. , . . ~b~b~sC~'NOWE v ' _ 0~ . .- I rys- _ cL 0 W" - 0 I 7r/2 2 ~~~~~~.0 r-.99 . _c~rc~pe.. . I 37r/2 wt Phase variation of axial turbulence intensities -10.6) at various radial positions. (Re -1080, -41- wt -r/3 -7r/6 0 7r/6 7r/3 7r/2 .0O . a .8 .7- . .2 .o 0 u' 27r/3 57r/6 7r 77r/6 ,*t (m/scc ) 47r/3 L.0 . . .3 I . .4 .3 .Z .1 O u' Figure 9. (m/sec)4 Distribution of axial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -42- Radial turbulence intensities magnitudes on the order and 11). In addition, pipe is more <v' 2 , is very similar 1/5th the uniform Notwithstanding these of The Reynolds stress cross-section at with gradually begin the to u'2 ) (see Figures 10 of a given differences, phase the (Figure 11). phase variation of u' 2 > . to that of of Reynolds stresses (<u'v'>) for selected phases during the cycle. is almost throughout cycle, but in general have distribution of <v'2> across the The radial distribution is shown in Figure 12 (<v'2>), the start grow negligible acceleration of within the over the whole phase of the deceleration phase it the boundary layer and spreads upwards towards the center as time progresses within the cycle. By the end of the deceleration phase the Reynolds stresses once again reduce to very low levels. -43- I I .u- I . I I r=O. 0 I r=.l 1 I r=.2 14) o . r=.3 .-*. c e- r= .4 r=. 5 .0 .0 0~e~cs' · . I - r2 1 * . .. · _-Idbl . * ·· *. . r- .6 w0C% I ir/2 wt Figure la. For caption see figure 10c. - .. cr·o emL · I * - 0 ~Waq 4 I 37r/2 -44- .02 _ I ·I · I _...· -%- .- r=.7 .' ·. ~e -qt~ %A%4 _ e44--· y· 0 0Ldrrrsrc~ 0 * _ 0.0_ s */~~~~S. _ ~~·r~A~~ r bhr1Z0~ + 4 r ~~aP~I · lad· 0: ~pmmAc ' . . ii 0 00000 0 0 "I 0 e. 0e% 0. · " .d.. *. o I ft.. .* . r=.86 - *-hw,' b* I* 000V .."..- @ *< * 'S 89 . I r=. *wX~~~~bs° III - r/2 - :I-,... -. .84 , - ° [ .., ° qE'*oedJr · bA·· f- W it r=· a 0 .0 9~~_ * B 0*e · p .V~6$ . -~., %-,,~r. I · 0a %'.- · 0 I I. 00 _.... I miP 'O '.l/ · dpm ··~ -..= ~ ~ 0 ~ % ~~t~· p· · T·~~ · s. ,~v 0 . ... ,% , ~~~.. ~;·r I · a ,-- 79 I·I. 0~0 *I ... . :d·PI:¶·..o; rs·~~u~hw~ · · 0=~~. 0 0-~ 7r/2 wt For caption see figure 10c. * 92 e~ -- 37r/2 -45- _ .02 % ,.p? ._ ~Bb~d. f...00~% 0 ** 0. ·Ul1 _~__~L_~,s ~_iyM% 1 1 I I 0 0. :,'N,,~~~~~~~* 0 e .· o ,,~..S qr _· ~~d~~b~pp: *-.; .: : ' I·orp··· 0, * * * . r=94 · ' , · * . · .. 0 .j,~.,P- r=.93 0 .'. i! . ~,~.~., F !l. ..* * .- . L .. 0 .. . r=.96 . .*.:% %'6. ,--a~ %-'· " . r=.97 -amp'... N 4) 0 - v . -- %. "OF w a_ - ,_ .... r· aa ee ------IILL . I: 0 -r M ~P;C er b 0. L k=C·· . · o /. r=.98 - r=.99 0 - s r~- L~e-F -- 1W .· i·~~· r= .992 I- I- r/2 - 37r/2 wt Figure 10c, Phase variation of radial turbulence intensities at various radial positions. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -46- wt - -X71/3 7r/6 0 7r/3 7r/2 .0o .8 . ..S .4 ., .2 .1 0 v' 2 (m/sec) 2 27r/3 57r/6 7- 77r/6 4r/3 .0 .a . .s .. .2 .1 0 Rae c. v' 2 (m/sec) Figure 11. Distribution of radial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -47- wt -/3 -r/6 0 7r/6 ?r/3 7r/2 1.0 . .. ..- 4 . .2 . ao r 2r/3 5r//6 u'v' (m/sec)" 7/6 4X/3 .a .6 .. .a 1- .s .4 .a .2 o1 a 11 u'v' (m/sec)' ;Figure La Distribution of Reynolds stress across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1080, A-10.6) -48- Effect 2.2.3 of Re 6 and A The effect of Re and A on the characteristics of the turbulent oscillatory pipe flow has been briefly considered by studying two other flows; one with the same A (-10.6) as the case discussed above, but at a higher Re s (-1720), and the other at roughly the same Re (~1000) but at a lower A for the (A-5.7) . The experimental results are shown in figures 13 through the case discussed in the the lower value of are set up during not as severe. A, the adverse pressure gradients that Accordingly, wt--r/8, r=.93) section in that, due to deceleration during the later stages at 20. This flow differs from previous the phase of the cycle are turbulence when adverse pressure the not as violent in the layer boundary the pipe seen in the velocity traces to the backlash in the observed only gradients are observed turbulence is but tends to be more cross section. The "glitches" of motion discussed in section 2.1 . rate for this flow is of the deceleration phase (starting sufficiently high. Furthermore, spread out through case Re -957, A-5.7 Figure 13 at wt-r/2 are due of the driving piston as was The curves of instantaneous flow condition were 2b, and manifest the same "glitch". shown in Figures 2a and -49- 1.0 .5 U V on la IP ir/2 -7r/2 wt Figure 13a. For caption see Figure 13c. 37r/2 -50- 1.0 .5 TO 6) IS 7r/2 wt Figure 13b. For caption see Figure 13c. 37r/2 -51- . U .5 0 O ID -7r/ 2r2 37/2 t Figure 13cL Phase variation turbulent of the axial velocity ensemble averaged compared to the laminar theoretical curve for various radial positions. (Re6-957, A-s.7) -52- wt - -X/3 0 7r/6 ir/3 7r/2 1.o0 .7 - . . 4 .3a .2 . 0 U (m/sec) 2X/3 5r/6 X 7r/6 4r/3 .0 .a .I . - 1.4 .3 1- . . 2 . -1.0 -. S 0 U (m/sec) Instantaneous ensemble averaged velocity profiles in the turbulent flow regime compared to the laminar theoretical curve. (Re -957, A-5. 7) -53- 0 wt - -7/3 o10 o aoo - - -- a a a a 0 4 C 31 3. II C a o oa o o -a - o 1 0 10' oa oa a 0 to0- . 0 o a a a oa a a a ao r/2 c) a a o o -o a a a a - aaa a o a 0 r/3 a _- I_.4 7/6 C a a o o 'C C C 0 c ,C C 2 o .6 27r/3 a :) 0 CI o) 1.0 U (m/sec) 5Sr/6 7r 7r/6 41r/3 I I 4 0 I U (m/sec) Figure 15. Semi-logarithmic plots of ensemble averaged axial velocity in the turbulent flow regime. (Re -957, A-5.7) -54- .05 _ __ I I Pd'. 0 Wp -I r=.l 0% 0.. 0~~~~~-- r-. - b~Y~· l~bWr/nL~L~L~ ~Q~l~ia .,^f W%,%-·C ~~ w --- V =b .2 - -r=. 2 ~~~~~~~~~~~-A %.r=. 3 .:a N _'i% lu 0 - . 00 -1 S r=.4 (4 =-I-Lc-~-~-~ Ld P-6- - IPBbs 1U 0 -0 ' r=.5 .r= .6 b`·.~ *Sw;,s -__A·l~s-r·r~kJ:I._r· I I 7r/2 wt For caption see Figure 16c. 37r/2 -55- . 05 __ _ r=.7 TO r=.76 r= .8 r=.84 M 0 4a·-, 11 11 ~ ·--- · ~~~=:. ; i~~~ ~~gbg% r=.86 9 bc"-lb p- -- ---r . 1Re - -' 0 · 0' .v ...... -' TV,. I --- ~a*% .n r -%WdV%#M-a. 0 · 1 *~o 0 %,I. h0, E P.A U~ E % %> 4 r-.89 V. * 16./ r=.92 % OI 011 1-P I 7r/2 wt Figure 16b. For caption see Figure 16c. 37r/2 -56- .05 I1 r _ ms~ 0 , .w·.9_e,_g _ ~~~~~Ib ./ . _ w ~C. ' Cc'~.B'-~ % r93. C 0 -A10* % 0 ' ~.·- .. k~r=.96$·· - ·- "--I'---a ., ct - .4 0 0 AI~ h4_q___S,^.b*S __ I%* . C4 I *_" 4 d~~ci~c r=.97- r=.98:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= 98r= .99_ ,_c-- -r--as- -- -- hCJ r=.99; I II 7r/2 wt Figure - - - - -- 37r/2 10c. Phase variation of axial turbulence intensities at various radial positions. (Re -957, 5A5.7) -57- wt - -7r/3 0 r/ 6 r/3 7r/2 L.0 .o .a I .6 11 . .4 .5 .2 .1 0 27r/3 57r/6 Xir ?~/6 47r/3 /3 (m/sec ) 2 u' (m/sec)2 L.O oO .8 .7 .6a .5 .3 .2 · I 0 C: A Distribution of axial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -957, A-5.?) -58- --.UU5 - I I I r=O. A : r=.l .. r=.2 7 * go A_ r=. ~~~~~r- I -X7r/2 7T/2 18a. For caption see figure ,~~~i '=.h I i 37/2 wt Figure A 18c. -59- .005 _ · r=. 7 0 ' r=.76 *:,... - · l'e~~~= , - 0'~ N t) . ~ . _, * qmV' _________·--~c~ e~-~ C4 - /. r= ck-~b4I~;5~4IELH'. m ft ;l . r=.84 . .. f* 0 . · ~~c ~ 1% · .. ;I, ' - . dll Am~w - ^ur _'f" b - h idP .. ~~CL·/· ,:/ , -% ~ -r.89· CC/P : : . r=.92.2 - -e ---~-----4U~L~I-t~l·F· -- A 0O--CM · ·--- I ! 7r/2 wt For caption see figure 18c. -- - 3r/2 -60- .005 _ _ I· _ _ _ r=.93 0 -- Y 13 rLvrrhr -- I~C~ _* A,1 e v~--r ww-" - m -c-r -- I-- - -CT---C ---- -- I -- 1 --- RAN - -- - ·- r=. 94 .V-WOc~te", : r=.96 ,.. ~·.. -- ---- e' m*.* ardh - - --- - - v C; r=.98 -r=.99 r=.992 7r/2 37r/2 Figure 18c. Phase variation of radial turbulence intensities 6 at various radial positions. (Re -957, A-.?7) -61- wt - -/3 0 7r/6 7r/3 7r/2 L.O .O . . 1.4 - .* 4 .2 .1 0 2r/3 Sr /6 7r/6 4r/3 v' ,' (m/sec)4 1.0 . .a .7 . I - .5 .4 .5 .2 .I 0 O .00 V,2 (m/sec)2 Distribution of radial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -957 ,-5.7) -62- wt - -"r/3 0 r/6 7r/3 7r/2 1.0 . . .9 I q,-4 . . .2 .1 0 rr u'v' (m/sec)' 21r/3 57r/6 X 77r/6 4ir/3 1.0 . . .7 . .. . .2 .1 0 - Figure 01 0 u'v' (m/sec)2 20. Distribution of Reynolds stress across the pipe 6 radius for various phases. (Re -957, A-5.7) -63- of In contrast, the characteristics same A but at a Re 6 higher the 28. In this case, For an always be a region instantaneous mild favorable pressure gradient), for a substantial portion of turbulent the flow may remain flow, oscillatory near the phase number Reynolds is has to oscillation is large compared of turbulence so that no stop. to however, there will of zero flow where the low and the flow is gradient, and as a result experiencing a favorable pressure the bursting process phase ( when the flow Reynolds number is sufficiently high suggesting that if the the cycle. of turbulent flow extends to acceleration a is still experiencing flow at the is shown in figures 21 through region the later stages of the the If the time scale of time scale of dissipation residual turbulence is left, the flow has to relaminarize during this period. This point will be discussed in more detail later. -64- q 2 0 a m 7r/2 wt Figure 21a. For caption see Figure 21c. 37r/2 -65- 2 0 ar 1-1 0 r/2 wt For caption see Figure 21c. 37r/2 -66- q 2 0 O I.: -X/2 r/2 37/2 wt Figure 21c. Phase variation of the ensemble averaged turbulent axial velocity compared to the laminar theoretical curve for various radial positions. (Re6-1720, A-10.6) -67- wt - -/3 7r/6 0 7r/3 7r/2 1.0 . .a 54 . .4 .2 .2 .I 0 U (m/sec) 27r/3 57r/6 7r1 7 r/6 4ir/3 L. e-Id - 4- !- o e U (m/sec) Instantaneous ensemble averaged velocity profiles in the turbulent flow regime compared to the laminar theoretical curve. (Re6 -1720, A-10.6) -68- wt - -7r/3 ,r/6 0 -7r/6 r/3 7r/2 10 o o o o o o - 0 o 0 0o ooo 0141 LO'- : - a -4 - 9 o o o I o o o o ooo o C o C o o o o oo o0 -40 a o o o o o o o 0 o o a oa o ,C ,CI a O Oa o ( ·- C 10- ·. ~mm .a 2 i 27r/3 U (m/sec) 8 4 o4 o ao o oo o o o o oo I o aa O-I o oo ao a0 laM o o o 0o o a0 0o o oa o o 8I% a o o 47r/3 77r/6 7r 57r/ 6 100 o oa0'o oa o a o o oo oa a a a 0 -0' C,' o~~~ o~~~ o~~~ o° o 10 ~ ~ o-0 aO I*C o O0C Co aO 9 1 0-1 I10-- . -2 . * - . ., . I . . . ._ o U (m/sec) Semi-logarithmic plots of ensemble averaged axial velocity in the turbulent flow regime. (Re 6-1720, -10.6) -69- 2 0 To N p go El 1- -7r/2 7r/2 wt For caption see Figure 24o. 37r/2 -70- .2 0 o o 0 ,= E! 0 (4 -7r/2 r/2 wt Fiwure24b.For caption see Figure 24c. 37;/2 -71- .2 UI · - _ ,~?~, _ 0 ~ . ~. r=.93 sPr . r=.94 r=.96 .97_ c) '-S oil, ~~~~~~~~d .0 I -7r/2 I lr/2 wt He .0~~, . %'"-,"'.._r=. 99 _~~'~~~, I 37r/2 Figure 24c. Phase variation of axial turbulence intensities at various radial positions. (Re6-1720, A-10.6) -72- wt - -7/3 0 ir/6 7r/3 77r/6 47r/3 7r/2 L.0 .o .a .7r . . . 2r/3 5ir/6 u' (m/sec)' .O .O .a .I I_ . 4 .3 .2 .o 0 u,2 (m/sec) Distribution of axial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1720, -10. 6) -73- . 04 - I I- .02 r=O. 'S. .-. 0 ... · ~ , . --lE i- r .AwW4.- . fto v .- e'/be.S4h :~.*... .... ' ~-. u. - r=.1 ~ . /... i-- %O O.rcr ftA ,V..O~ %:r r· r~e 4-ks =rb:B r= q 0 -- ** *%:. 0% fwok N. 1-1 -'. r -A r=.4 WM 0 **~A'I*.~~·i% - , - - . Jrr - - %- . .01 ~ ~ ~ ~ I_ -r= .9 ._14 *,.0 r -t,--Jb~A C _ *O b- · _·CI · P~~~~~__ _ _~~~_ ~~·_·(~~~. _· itP., .,O.:~ "" I -J "--: 'A.-O.m. * %W*J · 0 r=. 6 e* a 7r/2 wt For caption see figure 26c. - - - - S 37r/2 -74- .02 0 %', *, -~~~~ .· , L:.._____ __-_·.-____ hmm..m.mmh'" ¶- . *,,~,. * -0 I0 ··,,.,..* N (4 0 0 ao a A .~. · S -,-,~"'.-*.,,,~,,~ ~, , -P··k. r;Y; 'Yl~ru, r=.8 . -0: 0f ~ r. u'* W ;S'~~~~~~0 I - r= . 7 e. .... _ _ __ _ O 0 0 * · 0 o. S · 500 a eel f~b01., V'r=. - - 8 4- .. : r=86 ... d=' % .C-· . W - -r0r~h~· : s.s- 89.1I.r=. * lvvlv 0m-p _-- q.V".hc * p *~*~e *4 I -r/2 I 7r/2 wt 26b. For caption see figure 26c. r=.92 * I, ~~hIEI..%lPU.~l~VdIP'r "ee 6w" 00 Figure 0 V I 37r/2 -75- ~~ ~~~~~I .04 _ ' . _ = I _ I .02 0 '_ ., · .% _ ~~~~%ft .%16-,V, . -_VIP ~ ~ +.+~ I r U % % 1%.0 __ _ -el AO C 1 - - __ - ~~~r .94 '~_96 ~ P)Erg~anoCI ^6md'O**040%,O% * r=.97 .. !-% ~ ~ ~~~~_ C - I - = *4. q 4 a~ .7:WI~;I(L~~b~L) ,- %'-%,.%. - - ir/2 - - 1~~~~~ - - - 37r/2 wt Fiure 26o, Phase variation of radial turbulence intensities at various radial positions. (Re -1720, A-10.6) -76- wt - -r/3 rr/6 0 7r/3 7r/2 1.0 .a .O . .7 .. ..I .. .2 .1 0 1% 27r/3 Sr /6 v' 1 (m/sec)' 7r/6 47r/3 1.0 .a .6 .O .6 - .5 .2 .1 0 o v' 2 (m/sec)22 Figure 27. Distribution of radial turbulence intensity across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1720,A-10.6) -77- wt - -/3 -7r/6 0 r/6 r/3 Ir/2 1.0 . .7- i1>% .- . .4 .2 .1 0 u'v' 27r/3 51r/6 Wr 77r/6 A (m/sec)4 4r/3 1.0 .8 .8 .7 .8 . I .5 - . .2 .1 0 u'v' (/sec) Figure 28. Distribution of Reynolds stress across the pipe radius for various phases. (Re -1720, A-10.6) 2 -78- 2.3 Discussion One of the major objectives gain some processes understanding that of underlie between the "laminar" of the and the present work is to the fundamental transition turbulent back physical and forth states of oscillatory pipe flow. We have already mentioned that the ensemble averaged velocity profiles during the deceleration phase of the cycle (when the flow is turbulent) look very similar to instantaneous profiles that obtain during the ejection phase of turbulent bursts in steady [Kline, (1967), Kovasznay, profiles are inflectional a result of momentum near the wall and the and flows (1962)], in that the ust outside the boundary layer as exchange between higher contrast, the profiles cycle are full, wall-bounded for speed fluid further away. In the suggest the low speed fluid acceleration that phase of the the relaminarization of flow during this period may be due to cessation of turbulent bursts. Let us start steady wall by flows. reviewing We can the bursting phenomenon in then consider the effect of -79- of acceleration or deceleration process and decide relaminarization bursting is of the flow assumption if the the flo w because on the bursting with of regard cessation to of ustifiable. Consider the (inviscid) vorticity field associated with a uniform shear flow. The undisturbed flow consists vorticity of component the vortex which spanwise direction are deformed and these disturbances). Due vortex a positive u3 tip of the loop velocity lifts up the at T) U-shaped loops in the [1960] component while points tip originally in the for the origin of self-induction of the U-shaped velocity component is induced 29). If this flow is were into Lin to (points this which has a streamwise vorticity lines xl-x2 plane (see Benney for spanwise vortex lines forming sheets of transverse vorticity (Figure perturbed by a disturbance field of is induced at the a negative u 3 velocity V (valleys). This induced the vortex bringing it into regions of higher axial velocity, and pushes down the vortex filament near the valleys into regions of low velocity. As a result, the tip of the vortex higher axial velocity relative would have to move faster of but to the valleys and therefore the to the valleys, giving vortex filament and the -shaped filament. At the same time, the the original vortex filament is direction ends up in a region of compared rise to further stretching formation of an loop acquires a no more purely in the spanwise strong streamwise component -80- Figure 29. Conceptual model of the bursting process in steady wall-bounded shear flows (from Hinze, Turbulence). -81- especially around the legs of the vortex loop. This streamwise vorticity pumps the low speed fluid away from the wall and results in a defect in instantaneous axial velocity profiles which is accompanied by very intense shear layers in the velocity profiles. A turbulent burst is the result of local inflectional instability of these intense shear layers. when the flow is accelerating, because of the favorable pressure gradients that are superimposed profiles at the "peaks" cannot result, the streamwise stretch as effectively the flow the become as inflectional. As a vortex and on filaments the bursting cannot lift and process does not occur. Deceleration of the fluid, on the other hand, would tend to enhance the "defect" in the velocity profiles at the "peaks", and would result in more violent bursting. For the oscillatory favorable) pressure gradients with time. This variation, individual this point, oscillatory pipe flow are not because the recall convective time scales on flow, the (adverse or constant, but vary however, is immaterial during an bursting process burst is much shorter that To see pipe the varies the time scale of the time variation of the flow. that the order on a turbulent burst has of (d/U), whereas the time scale (1/w). The -82- ratio of these two time scales is the Strouhal number - U/wd which is of the same order as Re /A ,, 1.0 . The relaminarization acceleration phase of requires, in bursting during this period, left in the flow from the eddies the of that limiting step in and the the to cessation of decay of turbulence. In this dissipation is a very passive it inviscid (Tennekes addition during that no residual turbulence is regards, one must recall that dictated by flow deceleration phase. Thus we need to estimate the time scale process in the sense the proceeds inertial Lumley). which large eddies can transfer a rate that is behavior In dissipation at other process of the large words is the time the rate at their energy to the smaller scales. This time scale is given by u'/l, where 1 represents the size of the largest hand, maintain their with the mean eddies. vorticity shear flow vorticities of the same This reasoning is the steady flows, and can order basis be because d/U,,l/w. From the These eddies, on the other as and a result of interaction thus have characteristic as the mean shear; u'/lU/d. of mixing length theories in extended to our nonsteady problem above arguments, the time scale for decay of turbulence can be estimated as d/U, which again is much shorter than 1/w if Re /A>>l. Therefore, as long as the Strouhal number=U/wd-Re /A ,>1, the turbulence generated during the deceleration phase does the acceleration in phase, and not get carried over to the absence during this period the flow has to relaminarize. of bursting -83- In summary, it appears that the transition back and forth between the laminar and turbulent states is mainly due to cessation acceleration of phase "bursting" of the cycle, pressure gradients superimposed experiments present indirect portions during as on of the a result of favorable the boundary layer. Our evidence that the fundamental bursting process is the same as that for steady wall-bounded flows. Further experimentation, of Lagrangian flow (in particular in the form visualization) can provide better evidence for this claim. We will instead proceed to investigate the transition process by direct numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes equations. These section. results will be discussed in the next -84- III. NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS 3.1 Problem Formulation and Numerical Methods In this section investigation of channel which infinitesimal we the present stability is of subjected and results The to various pseudospectral two- flow in a classes and of three- full three-dimensional time- dependent Navier-Stokes equations using the a numerical oscillatory finite-amplitude dimensional disturbances. of are solved in each case, formulation suggested by Orszag (1971]. The flow geometry is a has rigid walls at z - +h and extends to infinity in the x and y all directions. In two-dimensional channel which that follows the channel half width, h, is taken to be ten times the Stokes boundary layer thickness ( h 10v2v/w ). The flow rate per unit width into this channel is imposed as Q -Qocos(wt ) The choice of a study versus a pipe channel for geometry for the theoretical experiments convenience. The characteristics of pipe and a channel flow structures are are curvature of the pipe. is mainly a matter of the turbulent flow in a very similar, because the turbulent in For general steady much smaller than the flows the large pool of -85- experimental data is in support of this fact. For the Stokes problem, we base this argument on between our experimental results for results of Hino and coworkers the close similarity flow in a pipe and the which were obtained in a channel. We solve the * Navier-Stokes rotation form, a* * where | ) p * Vxv - * expressed in 2 xW -V( --+ -V at equations + fx 2 is the vorticity and ( p* - + P I2 1v1 2 ) is the 2 pressure head. The mean pressure gradient is not included in p * but is represented by the external * forcing f , (f * - VP /p). Here, * denotes dimensional quantities. If one further introduces quantities, t wt - --- , where U - v Uo 2h * x- where 6 V2iv , p* * Iv I P 2 11 2 0 f - 2 the non-dimensional -86- the Navier-Stokes equations can be represented in the nondimensional form, av Re -At Re (--)(xw) 2 - 1 ( 2 This equation is solved boundary conditions at Re + - Vv 2 ) + (--)f 2 numerically subject to no slip z-+10, and with periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal directions; 27rn v( for all x 27rm + - , y + integers n - and , z m, , t and ) - v ( x,y,z,t ) specified streamwise and spanwise wavenumbers a and P. The numerical scheme is that used in earlier studies of transition in steady wall-bounded coworkers. Various details of the we by Orszag and the numerical code may be found in the literature [Orszag and Patera(1983)]. Here flows summarize ells (1980), Orszag and the basic discretization and time-stepping procedures. The velocity field is represented using Fourier series in x and y and Chebyshev polynomials in z, P N v l Mianx E eip vnmp(t) eia my p-0 n--N m--M N 1m E E Vnm(Z,t) ei n--N m--M nx eiImy T(z) -87- The time-stepping procedure uses splitting technique), where a fractional step (or incompressibility and viscous boundary conditions are imposed in different fractional time steps. The time-stepping procedure is given by, 'n+1 vn 6 ( i) 3 --- 1-1 xw-(v -(vxw) - 2 Re (- n- + f 2 At) 2 -n+l - V (ii) rn+l --VH - Re -At) 2 n + V.v l I I w+l1o at z-+10 L 1 VA (iii) E -M.& 1 -, V pyrL At I Iv n + _ _1~r 2_n+1 _- v 2 = 0 at z=+10 The first step incorporates nonlinear effects. The time stepping procedure is an Adams-Bashforth explicit scheme, which incurs errors of O(At2 ). The second step imposes equations are reduced to a incompressibility. The vector Poisson equation for w which is -88- solved subject to the inviscid boundary conditions (i.e, w-O at z-+10). At the end incompressible but the of this viscous step the flow is boundary conditions are not satisfied. The last step incorporates imposes the viscous boundary the viscous effects and conditions. The time-stepping scheme is only first order but implicit. In the present problem than the external forcing This can be the (pressure gradient) is specified. implemented by divergence-free, it merely has and vn+l noting an that since f is additive effect on vn+l in steps (i) and (ii). In other word the effect of the external forcing is to n+ in step (iii) given by v v n+ l 1 where, Re 6 v lv introduce a contribution to vn + 1 At V2vn+l + ( 2 ) f 2 'n+ 0 at z One could thus solve +10 for v forcing in a pre-processing stage, v 1 2 - Vv At I flow rate (Q=cost) rather n+l + 2 v - 0 at z +10 corresponding to a unit -89- At each time step, equations without the effect of (i) thru (iii) are then solved external to give v " n+l The forcing correct solution to vn + l is then, n+l - v where fn+ n+l + (Re /2) fn+ is determined by the v imposed flow rate at time (n+1), i.e; f v n+ l dA + (Re 6 /2) fn+l f v dA n+ or, Re 6 Qn+l - f v This completes the dA dA fv 2 n+ l description of the main part of the program. Initial conditions for the generally consist of are superposed an the unperturbed various finite-amplitude two- laminar flow on which combinations and (time-independent) runs reported in this study of infinitesimal or three-dimensional Orr-Sommerfeld eigenmodes of equation for the "frozen" initial profile. Note that even though the initial disturbance is strictly only valid independent, the results obtained the full time-dependent if the flow was time- in the steady state using simulation and the initial -90- disturbances described above should accurately represent the full time-dependent A number of of the flow. behavior have tests performed to verify the been accuracy of the direct numerical simulation. As a start, the of evolution the least stable Sommerfeld equation is followed the direct simulation and the predicted by the eigenmode for of the Orr- a frozen profile using results are compared to those Orr-Sommerfeld equation. A few of these results are summarized in table 1. In other tests results of the full simulation of small linearized with those of the simulations for two- and disturbances were compared equations; and finally direct three-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances were compared to verify that they correspond to each other according to Squires' theorem. These results will be discussed in later sections. Typical parameter P-64(or 128), values 2N-32, Convergence in all these 2M-2, for direct Courant parameters has either halving or doubling the resolution. simulations are number - 0.1 . been verified by -91- frozen profile of wt=0 2D 2D 3D disturbance disturbance Re 6 frozen profile of wt-7/2 3D disturbance disturbance 1000 1000V2 1000 1 000\/ 0.5 0. 5/X/ 0.5 0.5 // 0.5 /A/i 3 0o.5/v -. 06858357 -. 04849591 Real(w) .54467293 .38514192 Im(w) .00175319 .00121291 .02015786 8x65 8x65 8x65 8x65 Courant .1 .1 .1 .1 Final Time r/10 7r/10 7r/10 r/10 1.309 1.309 23.722 23.722 1.346 1.341 23.406 23.446 -85.557 -85. 557 10.773 10.773 -85.813 10.772 10.772 Resolution 2N x (P+1) predicted amp. chni .01425378 e(Re/2)Im(w)t computed amp. chng predicted phase chng e-i(Re/2)Real(w)t computed phase chng -85.813 Table 1. Comparison of evolution of small-amplitude disturbances for frozen profiles to prediction of Orr-Sommerfeld equation. -92- 3.2 Small Amplitude Dsturbances The linear stability of (Linear Theory) oscillatory Stokes layers has been the subJect of a number of investigations. The simplest and most popular approach is where the time dependence and the stability studied using .the of the quasi-static assumption, of the basic profile is ignored instantaneous the classical Sommerfeld eigenvalue equation. of which frozen profile to of oscillatory flow in a "frozen" profiles is (time-independent) Orr- One question is the choice use. For the particular example channel with an imposed flow rate of Q - cost, two such quasi-steady stability maps, one for a time of t-0 and the other for t/2, are shown in Figures 30a and 30b. As one would expect, the two stability maps are quite different. The minimum critical Reynolds number, for example, has a value Re crit. 80 for the profile at t=r/2; but a significantly larger value The most dangerous streamwise (Re rit. - 500 ) for tO. wavenumbers, however, are in both cases close to a of 0.5. If the quasi-steady problem is at all relevant to the Stokes layers, the stability search for unstable problem of stability of oscillatory modes maps (in of the problem) in the range of wavenumbers a - Figure 30 suggest a full time-dependent 0.2 to 0.7. -93- wt-7r/2 "o, ;U 10-' 10-2 Rev wt-O lno Au i 10-' i %J i i 10-' 1 10 . lo I jI 03 10 , '0 Re Figure 50. Iso-growth curves for the frozen profiles at wt-r/2 and wt-O. -94- 3.2.1 Two and Three-Dimensional Squire's theorem provides for the linear stability Reynol.dsnumber equations von the that Drazin transformation can be and & that the evolution of any related to a 2-D one at confirmed in the linear stability problem of of 2-D disturbance at a lower Reid,1981]. used erczek a very useful transformation problem of "steady" unidirectional shear flows, which reduces any 3-D disturbance to 1Disturbar&es in the Exactly the same "unsteady" linearized Davis,1974] with the conclusion infinitesimal 3-D disturbance is a lower Reynolds number. This is results of the numerical simulation, one example of which is shown in Figure 31. In this figure the evolution of a 3-D disturbance disturbance are compared. dimensional disturbance Here energy and its En2 is (in all equivalent 2-D the the total streamwise fourier modes l<n<N ) and is given by, N 10 (2) *( En2- eat J(Vn vn ) ( ))dz f (Vn(2) n-l -10 where * denotes complex conjugate. Similarly En3 is the total three-dimensional energy, M En3 - £ N m--M n--N 10 * (3) -10 z (vi d( two- II, U -95- -i- T-r=- - I - I- I . .. . ... . . . . . . . . -2 -4 -6 -8 M 0 ;.10 -10 -12 -4 -14 -16 -18 -20 -22 -- -_"m - I U A ,I X Ir/2 o . . I I I I . . . . . . I I I 1 I -1 3r/2 I I I . I . 2x I I I I I - I I I I . I I -2 --t -6 -8 e -10 -12 U-4 -14 -16 -1is -LJ -22 ..,,..;.,,,.,..,,,,,.,..., ....,...,,..,,.., -V a 7/2 7 33r/2 2r F gure B1. Equivalence of two- and three-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances by Squires Theorem. For 2D disturbances Re -1000., a-0.5 . For 3D disturbances Re -1000\ , a-I-0.5/Vr. Initial conditions are the least stable eigenmodes of O-S equation for the frozen initial profile. -96- The comparison also serves as an extra check on the integrity of the numerical code. Consequently, only two-dimensional infinitesimal disturbances will be considered in this section. 3.2.2 The Linearized Problem For infinitesimal disturbances, in computation time is achieved a substantial savings by solving, instead of the w-Oill nonlinear problem, the linearized disturbance equations given by: a Re -(u',v',w')= ~2 -- (Uu' +w'U ~t Re x) Uv'x ,Uw' 6 -( 2 Here v' is the z, disturbance 1 1, H X 3 7 ) + -V Z 2 velocity, 2 (u',v',w') and only one fourier mode is kept in the streamwise direction; v' = v'(t) einx T (z) n-l,+l P v'(z,t) eia nx n--l,+l Except for the implementation of the nonlinear terms, the method of solution is the same as that described earlier. -97- 0 -2 -4 -6 -8 CN -10 -12 -14 -I i -16 -18 -20 -22 -;)4 Figure 0 32. W/2 Ir 3r/2 2r 5r/2 3T ? x/2 4 9x/2 5r Comparison of the results of the full threedimensional simulation to the linearized problem for the evolution of two-dimensional disturbances at Re -1000.0 a0.5 . -98- For infinitesimal disturbances, the results of the linearized equations should, of course, be in agreement with the full nonlinear problem. A comparison of the two is shown in Figure 32 for Re =1000 and a-0.5 . The slight wiggles at large times in the full simulation are due to the excitation of higher order modes by roundoff errors. The results to be discussed in the rest of this section were obtained using the linearized equations. 3.2.3Effect of nitiat Conditions It was mentioned earlier that the Navier-Stokes equations are solved subject to initial conditions that are the least stable of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation eigenmodes for the initial "frozen" profile. It was also mentioned that for large times the solution initial condition. This point becomes is shown in Figures 33(a-d), where different times ( t=O, and subjected to the least "frozen" profile. In addition disturbance, the across the channel width is by the results flow is started at two t=w/2 ) and disturbance to distribution verified the stable independent of the in each case of the initial the overall energy of the of the disturbance energy also shown for selected times. Comparison of the growth rates in the two cases (as shown in Figures 33a,b), or the energy for large times distributions (as shown in of the disturbance Figures 33c and 33d) -99- U -2 -6 -8 C -10 -16 -18 -20 -22 -24 0 1/2 r 3/2 21 51/2 3I 7r,'2 41 9 /2 5 Figure 33(a.b). Evolution of two-dimensional disturbances at Re - 1000.0, a - 0.5 for two distinct initial conditions. Note that at large times the growth rates ( Figures 33a , b ) and distributions of the disturbance energy across the channel width ( Figures 33c , d ) become independent of the initial condition. -t0- Distribution I r- t r r - --- r of E2 at time 0 --7---------- -rr I - --. III-r I I .I I Distribution ._ I of E2 at time r/2 - 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 - 10 8 8 6 4 4 2 2 . n I 0 .0O 0 c ~ , N ~ X O o c' C~ x (n Jr v x VI X a . a . 0U t I I In 0ED 0 IXx Distribution . wX x 00 rYx co Y7 . . I . 0 a1O 0 a, 0) K C -K? X of E2 at time .1n IC Distribution _t of E2 at time 3r/2 LJ 18 18 16 14 14 12 12 10 >- 10 0 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 0 w w N x r W XK O ;A 0 w 0 M0 0 0 N K 0 0 0 ¢ r x u x S N eVN x K cr A 9 --- .Elg==,re 33 For caption see Figure 33a. I, -101- Distribution of E2 at time 2r Distribution "N of E2 at time 57r/2 20 CU 18 16 16 I 14 14 .1 12 12 >- 10 >- 8 . 6 4 2 o . I 0 o Y _ -r II ' T r7 I . ..... 6 4 2 . en 0 0 (0 Distribution T a 0 _ (14 20 . M 0 . a) a x 0 _ 10 o tD _ e _ of E2 at time 3r I r r.. . ... r. I . . .. . r I T I ....... * . 18 16 14 12 8 6 A 2 I ,.....a..... . .... ''' '··'· '1 n 0 00 r 0 o "' . -"" · · · · · · · 0 0 R _ 0 4 g 0 i......... , 0 0 o For ..... ........... 0 o p 0 w caption 330. For caption C3o C C o C3 o C 0 x r _ O 0D S see Figure 33a. ee Figure 33a. Tq _0 (_ _ N -102- OISTRIBUTION OF E2 ?r/2 T TIME= 20 18 16 14 12 > 10 8 4 2 0 DISTRIBUTION OF E2 T TIME= _ - - -' - - - ' X r ^^ "u DISTRIBUTION OF E2 T TIME= 3 r/2 Lu 18 1E 16 16 14 14 12 12 >--10 >- 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 a - 6 X U*) a, b 3g X C a, fl r *u 6 6, W X x o- ·. F a, b x r a, tfl 6 0 a x x an atn x Eigure 33d. For caption see Figure 33a. ; - = l i W - -103- OISTRIBUTION OF E2 AT TIME= 27 OISTRIBUTION OF E2 AT TIME- 57r/2 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 · 1·1·1·1 0 11·1·(·)1(1(·(·1· 0a I a I0 (N i i tOs q i 0 )·)·)·( i 0 i0 i0 i0 0I t W0 (N cs ! aia 0N i . v . I I T - i 0 r 0 R n N X OISTRIBUTION OF E2 AT TIME= 20 , i - I 00 _ _ A A 0 . . ............. 0 T o x 0x T- - -- 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 c f~~~~~~~~~~~ ; I ~,tt t J i x x iN I ; a x C x I ; , n x 0 i ; ; x x o ! 0 ......... I o 0 Ocu x x 0 ....... 0.0. T _ x x (n ru a' X 37 18 > t I a x to Figure 33d. For caption see Figure 33a. . . . . . | . . T . E s. s U . s W Tl / r w f. I. s w WWI W o a x ('1 ,.... . 0 0x x x LI 0 VI U, -104- proves that the final solution is independent of the form of the initial disturbance. 3.2.4 Results In Figures 34 and 35 we show how a typical two- dimensional disturbance which starts off as the least stable eigenmode of the (time-independent) Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the initial "frozen" profile, evolves to a steady state solution which is that by predicted a Floquet analysis of the time-dependent Orr-Sommerfeld equation. In addition to (shown in Figure 34), distribution of the width at various the overall we find times so it disturbance 35). why different useful to consider the energy (Figure immediately becomes obvious results that are energy of the disturbance across the channel From Figure 35 it quasi-steady theories give from those of the Floquet analysis of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation. The specified initial as disturbance the least stable Scmmerfeld equation for the plot of distribution energy of peak at the "critical layer", at successive inflexion field (at time eigenmode "frozen" for of r/2) the is Orr- initial profile. The this time has a major with two less prominent peaks points. Between r/2 and r, the -105- -2 -1 -4 -6 -8 CCq a -10 a -12 -14 I -18 1 -20 1 -22 1 -P4 I O Figure 34 I T I I 2W I 3W I 4V I SW 6r It Evolution of the energy of two-dimensional disturbances at Re 1000.0, a=0.5 . The initial conditions correspond to the least stable eigen modes of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the frozen initial profile. -106- = r... aT TIME c-.. , o T Et= r 2 2a 16 t2 a ;01 X 0.1 Lfl T- c:., 0 ,c 4 ..... rr..l, Ln -Co n¢ i "Ur -W '? AT TIME- 21 20 18 It6 1; .r ~t!=,- .--- CN r o 6o x C* Ir~ 6* -~U~N (4C -10 7- DISTRIBUTIONOF E2 T TIME: 57r/2 - ---- - - -- - - -- - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . ,.. .I.,,.. - . 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 >- 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 n .. . . . . *. ' . .. . . i T En o x 0 x __ . I . . . n x x 0 . . . I . m a ED l q-, 7-_ x 0 X 0n X . . I . . l - an x 0 Xn x DISTRIBUTIONOF E2 x ol ci , DISTRIBUTION OF E2 T TIME: 37 I ' I * , ' I I , ,. S I c x . I DI 0 0 . . . Il I I 00 .0 0 u 0 0 I n . . . . I -_ x 0 0 X 0 u) a) r , 20 _ - DISTRIBUTION OF E2 T TIME= 7/2 20 20 18 I8 I J i I x x .'i r I 'li I _ T TIME= 47r . . J . . . . . . . . . l 16 14 14 12 12 >- I O10 0 8 8 £ 6 4 2 Q o 0 .......... o 0 .... ... 0 o ao 0 _ _U,, . .... o 0 0 o o 0 0! n - o CD o 0 ' 0........ o 0 0 ) . 0 ',x x X X x _=b6~b0 _ 'xx XX D'x x X N ' N XX N" IM -108- DISTRIBUTION OF E2 AT TIME: 9r/2 . * 20 . . . .... ....... ..'... .... .. .... ..... ......................... I"-' I"' -I'''''''.'''.."...'.''. -*'1 I. ...-- --*-I.**1 ... 20 I 18 18 16 1lb 14 I14 mm 4 I 12 112 >- 10 I10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 L n 0 o o o 7 x x o o I 0 I I I 0o 0 I 0 II···II..··I1. ..I·I ... .. . . . .. . n I x I N ... I.... . I.....· ..... .......... o o o o o o o o o o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CD 0 T TIME: 5r DISTRIBUTION OF E2 . I , I I x I II x x - I II x x NN I xx xx ar DISTRIBUTION OF E2 DISTRIBUTION OF E2 AT TIME= 11r/2 I x (DU T TIME: 67r 20 18 20 . .. ., ., .. . . o, . . . .. . 18 16 16 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 2 n n · 0 X X X X X X X X X x x x Xx " VI w m x R " 0 I 0I X I. . . I CL· C ~ ~ ~ · ~ ·- ,,0 0 0 0 0m 0 0 I I I I I X X X X X (~O O O O O O I X ~ _ 0 I I I x x X a O OO _ I 0 I x 1 '- 'II0 I I x X -109- OISTRIBUTION OF E2 T TIME: 1 3/2 LU 18 16 14 12 '- 10 8 6 4 2 ,E JN . ... n N .. .. . ... .N.... o) cm o x _ NN I N J ., .... .. .... N mo aco C aD a o o _ _x _ In _O U1N 0 x N n 0'1 x U1 0r fl Wv ) .... o o x a .. 0 U' n n , a o x 0o x_ L D Fiure 35. Evolution of two-dimensional disturbances at Re -1000.0, a-0.5 . -110- disturbance evolves in ways not too different from what would be predicted by quasi-steady theories; with the growth rates of the same order of magnitude and distributions of disturbance energy across the channel similar to the "least" stable eigenmode of the 36 for a Orr-Sommerfeld equation (see Figure comparison). intrinsic nature of During the disturbance has moved the away center. In the next half the Instead, it excites from the wall. period, because of the basic velocity profiles, the from period 3r/2), the disturbance is too able to excite this the wall and towards the (for example at a time of far away from the wall to be same modes that were excited earlier. modes that are localized further away This "mode-hopping" disturbance has travelled all the channel, at which state. It is point this the way flow steady-state continues until the to the center of the settles behavior into a steadythat a Floquet analysis of the time-dependent Orr-Sommerfeld equation would predict. In the steady-state, with the basic the flow,i.e; differs from that at time disturbances are synchronous the t disturbance at time t+27 only by an exponential factor (with no phase change). This means the Floquet exponents are real, in agreement with the Davis. This is to be results expected, the Orr-Sommerfeld equation that is its complex conjugate, since if found by von erczek it can be shown from A is an eigenvalue, so . Thus the solution should either -111- ^^^ .030 .028 .026 .024 .022 0 .018 .016 0o .014 .012 .010 .008 .006 .004 .002 0 -_- fn? r/2 3r/2 wt Figere 36. Comparison of the growth rates predicted by the time-dependent simulation (solid line), to the least stable eigenmode of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation (dots) for r/2<t,3r/2. (Two-dimensional disturbances a-0.5, Re -1000) . -11247 t' . .1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Ill'l . . . . . . . . .. . . .o . . . :; . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .: ..: . .. .. . . . . I . . .,. · o. . . ,. ' .. ] . o · i . . . , \ . . .,- . . , , . . ._ . . .W . .. .. i . ·· , · s ....... ... o ~ .. . . . . .. ..o .. . . . · o. . : . i' .. .. . . . .... . . ~ . r . s _ _ .. .. .. .. v . *. _ _ _ . _ ^ s > 1 __ v_ _ . ^ ,..,/11 .. . ,\ , s ^ _ .. {/ .. .. / .. * , _ . . . . , . . _ I. . . . . . . . . . . r . . ^ ^ _ _ It~ o... ZF [ ... _ _ , , . ' ….o. , I I.. Iw .. .I. oI.. ''''' '':Irll . i: , , t _, 1 … , ,, · . ,. t 11ll ..........., ,, ... ... . I . .l .o . . . \ · .. .. . . . . . . .... . . . . . . Cm- t. I-L9 wt-9r/2 I I Il l ii i Il ...... .... .,......... .. . . . . . . o....... II. ... N . . . . . . .o .o . oooo J//.......... \ . ,.....,\,,., -N'' N'''. , Jl;....... ljll/''' ..... ',., 11111' I I Si '[~''. .......... .......... .......... ........ ............. .. _ _., ./ -... ,~I! ill? . . .. .. .. _ . . I N .o.o. . . o. . . . . . o. . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . ~.., . , . . , ,..........._ ............ 1..........., _ _........ . . . . . .. - , , sirll S ............ --I'll _._ , . . t..........., _ N . . . . l1 .l.1 .1. ..l.1 .1!.... .,, t,.,. , , _ .. 1'II ,,, ... tt II1r% . I . .... o . 111111 . 111I/// .I, I 1 I, 1\\\\,, . . . . . . . II I i' li /'Il/ - - - L I 6 ,, ............ t............, . ' . . I . ! : : : . * . i . t I I I . clt INU vWTcr 0. -113- 5 71 w t- t. 7LMr mump varm~t wt-1l1r/2 ..i . . I ; i I . I I i i . . .. . . . i i . -' III' I i I i i * 1/'~ Ij 1 '' iLl/I,11111'` ill'',' .* II . / L I I I'' r o. ---o. . )//! . . lI . II .I I .. I . I ./ ''I / S~ R . I ' ~ . . . . . ~~~ ~ ~ ...... ................. . z* . ¢9 . .. . . . 'l I rl . w @ 1 ffI . @8 @@ I ri S @@ . I 0. 4 .ft" · 4 =T -114w t -67r G.33Z04 MXUMiL wt-13r/2 . ·. . i ............ ·. . ·. ·............... - - - 1111111 : : l |X __ iii - l....0;1:;X:r ! ~ [ , .. L ...... o...............· ..... I~..... . /, . ,. . . d' tI ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . % .. . o ,, ' ~1 1t !/ . . . /, . . . . . ~~~~~~~~~ . . .; / . . '. a… I . . I t I11 II, t 1 II,,,,,___, ,, ~, I I I ~ I \ , …t . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. : : : : I I a-. ' '. ' . \ i[ J \ l '////IlI … _. ,s v t '. . . .l I . ... … ... .. . . . . * /d I .. . o \\ d~ / / . . Z . o I I t I \ \… ' X '… . . I Filure 37 . . I ll/ . . . . . . . . . .; . :. ;' - It ' I l/ I I t\\ * i . ... .. , I . . . . . . . . .. ... . . I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ! I . . : . . . . a1-o The disturbance field at Re 6 -1000.0, a-0.5 as seen in a frame of reference moving with the centerline velocity. . -115- simultaneous disturbance waves consist of pairs of and · At+iax e et propagate which in e At+iax opposite directions, or form of a standing wave the it should be of At+iax is real. Furthermore, the .umerical V(z,t)e t + , where A else simulations show that in the steady state,the phase speed of the disturbance is the same as the instantaneous axial velocity in the core. In other words the disturbances merely with the mean flow. This point get convected back and forth is shown in Fgure 37, moving frame of reference the where with disturbance field in a the centerline velocity is shown. other combinations of Reynolds The results for various number and streamwise wavenumber are shown in Figures 38 and 39. In each case the similar to the case off in the of the disturbance is very evolution discussed above; the disturbance starts boundary and layer reaches a steady-state solution with eigenmodes near the center of the channel. The are resulting Floquet exponents plotted in Figure 40. The general trends in the behavior of A as a function of Re and a, are identical to those obtained by von Kerczek and Davis, but the absolute magnitudes expected, since as we seen, have localized within the boundary consists of eigenmodes that This is to be the disturbances are not layers but migrate away until they settle into a steady-state boundary conditions. For a are smaller. of A that is compatible with the channel flow, are this steady-state clustered about the center -116- - ~~~~- 0 - - - - - I , i -i J -5 -10 -15 ).3 Ct .5 -20 -25 -30 -35 ).7_ I Figure I 2 0 38. I I 2r I 31 i 41 5r I I 61 71 Evolution of two-dimensional disturbances with streamwise wavenumber a=0.3, 0.5, 0.7 at Re61000.0 . -117- ,, U I .I . . .I . .'l I I ' . . II . T Il I I ] I 1 ' - I ji -5 -10 -15 L Ca rut, -20 -25 -30 Re-200. -35 -dn -- 'U I o I f _ I I 2s I 3t . 4r I 5r I I 64 I 71 Figure U. Evolution of two-dimensional disturbances with a0.5 at Re 6 - 200.0, 500.0, 1000.0 -118- a,0.0 0 -.1 a-0.3 O -. 2 0o O a a-0.5 -. 3 .4 5 a-0.7 -. 6 -,7 .8 -. 9 I -1.0 500 0 I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1000 Re Figure 40. The principal Floquet exponent as function of Re and a . -119- of the channel. disturbances For an migrate away from "merge" with the continuous layer, as was shown by on the other hand, consists of an infinite Stokes the layer, boundary the layer and spectrum of the infinite Stokes Hall [1978]. Von Kerczek and Davis, consider a oscillating bounded Stokes layer, which plate with another stationary plate a few boundary layer thicknesses away. The requirement that the disturbances go to zero on this second stationary plate, results in a problem that is distinct from either the infinite Stokes layer or the channel. Nevertheless, our results agree with those obtained by other investigators for other examples of oscillatory Stokes layers, in that the flow is steady-state) to infinitesimal the principal studied, but Floquet for a found be stable (in the disturbances,. exponents given to negative streamwise Not only are in all cases wavenumber, the oscillatory channel flow is more stable than the motionless (Re =0) Floquet state; with the exponent a monotonic decreasing function of Re6. Finally, one should revealed by the results namely, that if a layers near the wall, not overlook of the direct numerical simulation; disturbance it the acceleration portion another phenomenon is present in the boundary can substantially amplify during of the cycle. In an experimental setting, this result is probably more relevant than those of the Floquet analysis, since a certain level of noise is -120- always present throughout the flow field. In this situation, are small, they would amplify and provided the disturbances of phase during the acceleration during the deceleration phase. reporting observed "weak" that two transitional describe one appear during that disturbances cycle and be damped Indeed, Hino et al.[1978] in of classes experimentally, the as flows consisting are of the acceleration portion of the cycle. As a result might be amplified of to process,very small disturbances this such an fails. In that case, and for tose extent that linear theory disturbances that are not sufficiently small to be treated by a linearized theory, one must study the stability of the flow to finite-amplitude disturbances. This case is considered next. -121- 3.3 Finite Amplitude Disturbances When the perturbation is results. Such a theory infinitesimal a linear theory is very attractive resulting instability is independent amplitude of the disturbance. linear theory cannot explain is observed in experiments. in that the of the form or initial However, as we have seen, the transition phenomenon that We therefore, need to consider more general (finite-amplitude) disturbances. We start disturbances by of a finite dimensional theory transition (in understanding amplitude. cannot been shown the basic laminar profile (or of two-dimensional Even all though the a details twoof three-dimensionality), behavior is important [ Herbert and Morkovin(1980) , that the transition process for a large class of "steady" shear equilibria its two-dimensional Orszag and Patera(1983) instability of explain particular the because it has consideration flows can be explained as the intermediate state consisting of the plus two-dimensional finite amplitude quasi-equilibria) dimensional disturbances. to secondary three- -122- 3.3.1 Two-DimensionalDisturbances The nonlinear theory not yet critical been developed. Reynolds Nevertheless, for Stokes One problem number according subcritical nonlinear destabilizing terms for in is the to linear finite-amplitude (travelling waves with constant the flow instability has the lack of a theory. equilibria energy) may be possible, if Navier-Stokes disturbances with equations are energies above some threshold value. There are two finite amplitude routes to equilibria. equilibrium solutions techniques. In the are second determining In the directly first approach, the obtained by eigenvalue approach, disturbances are followed by two-dimensional evolution of specific direct numerical simulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. The eigenvalue approach is more efficient and would solutions within the directly (E,R,a) locate space the equilibrium (although it does not give the time scales of evolution to the equilibrium state). However, it requires some assumption about the specific form of the equilibrium solution. the equilibrium solutions are wave with constant phase In of speed, steady flows, for example, the and form of a travelling can be represented by -123- ian(x-ct) 00 solutions are steady in a (real) wavespeed c and are Galilean nonlinear frame moving with the periodic in x. Truncation of the fourier series representing coupled . These V) (z) e n-- o n - the stream function, would (but result in a set of N+1 time-independent) differential equations for An which can ordinary be solved to give the equilibrium solutions [Herbert(1977)]. For the periodic. Stokes One problem, might the therefore basic flow anticipate is time equilibrium solutions to be of the general form, ian(x-cr) 00 = 0 (z£r e n=-oo n where c is real (and time normalized to the mean flow. In other possibly basic words, they exist) are expected to zero) and r is the physical period of oscillation of the the be equilibrium solutions (if time periodic with the same period of oscillation as the basic flow. The above formulation would result in a nonlinear eigenvalue problem for the time periodic functions can be solved in the (E,R,a) n', which space to locate any possible equilibria. In the present work, follow the we evolution adopt the second approach and of disturbances by direct numerical Stokes equations. Because of specific two-dimensional simulations of the Navier- the relatively large amount of -124- computation time involved in each simulation, we limit our search to three wavenumbers ( a=0.3, single Reynolds number of 1000. 0.5 and 0.7 ) all at a In each case the evolution of the least stable eigenmode of the (time-independent) OrrSommerfeld equation followed by for direct the numerical disturbance is normalized to The simulations initial were (frozen) simulation. have obtained a profile is The initial total energy of 0.04. with a resolution P128, 2N-32. The results of the simulation for the case a=0.5 are shown in Figures 41 through 44. The most important question is whether the disturbances evolve to an equilibrium state, or do they decay; and if a plot so what are the time scales of decay. Figure 41 is disturbance field as a of the function of overall energy of the time. After an initial transient period, the disturbances are seen to settle into a state of slow decay, suggesting amplitude disturbance would that the initial finite- eventually die away. The decay rates, however, are 0(1) (actually, which represents the oscillation Recalling that Stokes flows A--.38) on a time scale period of the basic flow. result from an inherent balance between the viscous terms and temporal acceleration ( and as such the period of oscillation time scale; 1/w 62/v is the same as the viscous ), the decay of the two-dimensional -125- U r a-. 5 -10 -20 l ) Figure 7r/2 l 37r/2 · 2r _ l · 57r/2 41. Evolution of two-dimensional finite-amplitude disturbances for a-O.5, Re -1000.0 . -126- finite amplitude state phenomena, on the is seen other to hand, be viscous. Transition happen on convective time scales; therefore, if the mechanism that triggers transition were to involve the above two-dimensional finite amplitude state, the viscous decay field would be process. This of of the two-dimensional disturbance little point importance during the transition will be of the discussed further in later field from its sections. The development disturbance initial "prescribed" form as the the Orr-Sommerfeld equation, to the final quasi-equilibrium state can be seen in distribution of the more least stable eigenmode of detail energy of in the Figure 42 where the disturbance across the channel is plotted at various times. The initial disturbance field is localized near the walls at the (linear) critical layer with a major energy peak and two less prominent peaks at neighboring inflection points. Within a very short period (with convective migrate to the time center scales) of the quasi-equilibrium state where back and forth with the though, channel they the and disturbances settle into a basically get convected mean flow, maintaining their energy to O(1/R). Both the disturbance attenuation rate A, are theory results of the field not and the magnitude of the too different from the Floquet linear theory. Nonlinear effects tend -127- 20 --- .,-- ---- --- --- __,.. -I 20 . 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 .. ? 10 >- 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 .... n U ..I...... -- Ln 0 a :FPF·-· 888888888 88 o '0 a of 0 a -,I~.T,,. .....I.. ..~ Distribution 20 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 >- 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 .0005 .0010 .0015 .0020 .0025 .0030 .0035 .0040 C) Lu 0 8 8 8 8 o 8 8 In C0 Wi 0 ln C 8 8 8 8 8 8 of E2 at time 3zr/2 20 18 3 In Distribution 2 at time 7r . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. 0 of E2 at time r/2+lr/10 Distribution of E2 at time r/2 Distribution 0 f igure 42. .0001 .0002 .0003 .0004 .0005 .0006 .0007 .0008 -12 8- Distribution of E2 at time 2r Distribution 20 2 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 o o " J ITc~ ( w .. . . . Figure 42. . . c . co . 0 IN . INrI O0 N . CD t . , ,q, 0 i L C . , I _ ooO , , . , I - CD oo of E2 at time 57r/2 - , , I 0 O o , I . .... I 0 O O C I - I O O o C v . . , , . r I ( r- c 0 O O o C Evolution of two-dimensioanl finite-amplitude disturbances for a-05, Re -1000.0 . The initial disturbance is the least stable eigenmode of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the frozen initial profile. O C o -129- to spread out the perturbation over a wider section of the cross-section, and to result in slightly larger values for A ( A--.38 for the finite amplitude disturbance as compared to A--.25 for the linear case ). The effect of the nonlinear profiles is shown in Figure appears near the center boundary layers' as of this terms on the mean velocity 43. the is The biggest correction channel where and away from the the disturbances are localized. Finally, the contribution of various streamwise Fourier modes to the overall shown in Figure 44. energy Even of the disturbance field is though 16 fourier modes (2N=32) only the first five are shown were used in the simulation, in Figure 44, as higher modes have very small amplitudes. At the time wt=S5/2, for example, the various modes have the following energy contents: n En 1 2 3 4 0.112E-02 0.102E-05 0.630E-7 0.858E-08 n En 5 It should be fourier 10 0.171E-08 modes noted however, become insufficient number of affect the initial mainly because 15 0.621E-12 that even unimportant streamwise transient small 0.707E-16 round at though the higher large times, an fourier components would behavior of the disturbances; off errors introduced in the boundary layers could result in new instabilities because of -130- wt-7r/ 2 Wtlr n . 1. 1.2 1.0 1.0 .8 .8 .6 .6 .4 .4 -.2 - 3 I 0 I I I I I I I I I .2 I - -..2 -. 6 -. 8 ! IC) & .6 C1 2 4 6 8 10 z 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 wt-37r/2 10 z 12 14 16 18 20 12 14 16 18 20 wt -27r 1.2I . I 1.c I 1.C I .i .8I .6i -.E .4 -. E I I I -I . _. -.- I -. 8 -. -1.0 -I . -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Figure 43 0 2 4 6 8 10 z -131- wt-Sir/2 1.2 1.0 .8 .6 .4 -. 2 - 0 -.4 -. 6 -. 8 -1.0 -1.2 0 2 4 6 8 Figure 43. 10 z 12 14 16 18 20 Average velocity profiles in the presence of twodimensional finitite-amplitude disturbances ( a-0.5, Re 1000.0 ) compared to the laminar profiles. -132- 0 ILY·\ n-I -1 -0 n- 2 n-3 n-4 n-5 -20 n-6 r 3/2 27r 57r/2 0 7r/2 Figure 44 Development of higher order modes for an initial finite-amplitude disturbance with a-0.5, Re -1000.0 -133- the highly unstable nature of above simulation convergence has the boundary layers. For the been verified by repeating the simulation with 2N-16, P-65, which gave nearly identical results. -13 4- 3.3.2 Three-Dimensional Instability When only two-dimensional flow, as we have seen, disturbances are allowed the evolves to a quasi-equilibrium state of travelling waves that decay no further interactions with this flow remains well over viscous time scales. If other disturbances take place, ordered at all times and shows no sign of the chaotic small-scale structure of real turbulent flows. However, the same two-dimensional state may undergo further instabilities if subjected dimensional disturbances [ Herbert to infinitesimal threeand Morkovin (1980) Orszag & Patera (1983) ]. Let A be the amplitude B that of the of the two-dimensional wave and infinitesimal three-dimensional disturbance. With A>>B, the development of the two-dimensional wave is not influenced by the three-dimensional disturbance, but the amplitude of B depends on A according d(lnB) to Stuart(1962) i, 2 = bo + bAI + dt With bO, there are the presence of the two possibilities; if b two-dimensional is negative, wave causes stronger damping of the three-dimensional disturbance. However if bl is positive, the two-dimensional wave feeds energy into the three-dimensional disturbance; leading to an exponential growth of the three-dimensional wave. The exponential growth -135- of the three-dimensional indefinitely, disturbance as in a short comparable to A and the states disturbances seems to problem flows as therefore, seem the of B becomes to be reformulated. to infinitesimal three-dimensional explain shown by universally many features of in a wide class of "steady" Orszag ustified in two-dimensional has continue instability of two-dimensional the early stages of transition shear not time the amplitude Nevertheless, this secondary finite amplitude does & Patera [1983]. We investigating the stability of finite-amplitude states of the oscillatory channel flow (discussed in the previous section) to secondary three-dimensional disturbances. Once again, we the full employ time-dependent investigation. In direct numerical simulations of Navier particular Stokes we equations will study for our the time evolution of flows resulting from initial conditions, v(x,y,z,t=o) - U + Here U is the basic laminar 2D + V3D flow, v2D is the initial finite amplitude two-dimensional disturbance with wave vector (a,O) which is specified to eigenmode of the be in the Orr-Sommerfeld form of the least stable equation for the frozen initial profile and is normalized to have a total energy E2 D of 0.04; and V3 D is the initial dimensional disturbance which has vortex with wave vector (0,) and the has infinitesimal three- form of a streamwise a total energy of -136- 10 8- . Only one mode is kept in the spanwise direction owing to linearity and separability. N modes (2N-32) are kept in the streamwise direction because of nonlinear effects. As the instability persistence of the depends two-dimensional down to transitional Reynolds of the will choose for a, the on the finite amplitude state numbers (since in the absence two-dimensional wave disturbance has to die away critically the three-dimensional according to linear theory), we most stable of the three wavenumbers studied in the previous section, namely a-0.5 . The stability of this flow to disturbances with various spanwise wavenumbers , simulated numerically at Re 61000, is illustrated in Figure 45. verify that instability. there The is, indeed, channel a strong three-dimensional three-dimensional energy by a factor of 10 travel 5 To begin with, the simulations in widths corresponds to a convective at disturbance grows in the time it takes the fluid to maximum (and bulk velocity. This not viscous) growth rate, and suggests that the instability mechanism is inviscid. Secondly, the instability is most effective at P>0(1), emphasizing the three-dimensional nature of the instability. There is a weak maximum in at P the magnitude of the growth rate 1, but beyond that the preference in is very weak. - 1 37- ar .5 ,.1.0 -2 .0 X -10 -20 ir/2 Fiure 3r /4r 45 Spanwise wavenumber dependence of the threedimensional growth rate at Re 1000.0, ca-0.5 -138- We may characterize the transition process by three parameters; the transitional Reynolds number, the time scale of the instability and the spatial dmensionality of the perturbation responsible for the instability. We have so far shown the instability described and grows on convective time above is three-dimensional scales. It still remains to be shown that the instability cuts at Re6 off 500, which is the value observed experimentally for transition. This point is demonstrated'in Figure 46 where the evolution of the twodimensional quasi-equilibrium state and the three- dimensional perturbation are followed at Reynolds numbers of 200, 500 and 1000 for a=0.5 and P-1.0 . Note that a Reynolds number on the order of Reynolds number below decay. This considering the The singled out as the critical may require observation positive point disturbance needs the to continue is which three-dimensional perturbations statement disturbance shows numbers. 500 its that growth is, some the at that clarification three-dimensional all the three Reynolds three-dimensional two-dimensional finite-amplitude wave growth. For Reynolds numbers below 500 before the three-dimensional disturbance has grown to finite amplitudes, the dropped such to level of small maintain the instability dimensional wave never the two-dimensional amplitudes process. grows instability is turned off. to This As that a it can wave has no more result the three- finite amplitudes and the argument has been verified by continuing the simulation at Re -200 to longer times, and -139- U X -10 -20 3r/4 r/2 Figure 46- Reynolds-number dependence of the three=1.0 dimensional growth rate at a0.5, Observe that disturbances decay for Re <500. 7r -140- the ultimately decay as a result dimensional wave. Note also three Reynolds numbers, to perturbation. viscous of that the two-dimensional base state mainly is disturbance three-dimensional the is indicating damping the of indeed decay seen to of the two- the rate of decay of roughly the same in all that the cutoff is due the three-dimensional -14 1- 3.3.3 Secondary Instability and Transition We would like to determine to what extent the secondary instability mechanism discussed the transition process this section relates to in that been has observed in experiments. With respect to parameter is the transition, Reynolds number predicted by been shown to be in the the single most important number. instability has already secondary good critical Reynolds The with the value of 500 agreement that is observed in experiments. The next question is whether the secondary instability presented here saturates in an ordered state when it reaches finite amplitudes or whether it results in chaotic behavior; and in general to resemble turbulent what flow degree does structures experiments. To answer this question large numerical at simulation a the that Re initial development of an are observed in we have carried out a of initial disturbances with wavenumbers a=0.5, The resulting flow 1000. and with -1.0 . infinitesimal three- dimensional disturbance ( with wave vector (0,6) and initial -14 2- energy-10- 8 ) in dimensional energy-4xl0 the wave 2 ( ) with was resolution P128, the time t9r/10 presence of wave first a finite-amplitude two- vector simulated (a,0) using and initial a run with 2N-32, 2M-2 and starting at time t-r/2. At when the three-dimensional disturbance had grown to an energy of .015 .0475) the run was restarted (and with En2 still equal to with resolution P-128, 2M-32, 2N=16. The results of the full simulation are shown in Figures 47 and 49. In Figure 47, the overall energy of the three- dimensional disturbance field (integrated cross-section) is plotted as a over the channel function of the phase of the cycle. For comparison the overall energy of the disturbances (integrated over the pipe cross-section) from the experimental run at Re =1080, A=10.6 is also shown in Figure 48. Note the excellent agreement between the results of the simulation for 3/2<wt<5r/2 experimental results. (The and results of the simulation for r/2wt3r/2 are not in as good an agreement because of the effect of the artificial initial conditions). In particular the decay during the disturbances acceleration explosively reappear with the phase start (wt-2r) in accord with of average velocity striking similarity instantaneous simulations show of can be seen to (3r/2<wt<2r) and the deceleration experiments. Furthermore, the plots profiles (Figure 6), in that from to the numerical the experimental for the acceleration phase the -143- A . . 1 .16 .14 .12 .10 .08 .06 .04 .02 0 r/2 Figure 3r/ 2 wt 57r/2 47Z Phase variation of the overall energy of threedimensional disturbances from the numerical simulation (Re6-1000. H-10.0) -144- ,, .10 .16 " l- .14 el C.4 .12 + .10 C%1 (. ' .06 .04 .02 n 3r/2/2 -/7r/2 wt Figure.8. Phase variation of the ove'rall energy of disturbances from experiments (Re -1000.,A-10.0). Here the value of w' is estimated to be equal to V' . -145- wt - 3/2 4 r/8 +7r/4 +3r /8 10 0-1 a "I 1P. 4 2 2 a 2r' -,0 +7r/8 +r/4 +32r/8 5r/2 U/U 0 a S 2 0 U/U 0 Figure 49. Average velocity profiles for various phases from the numerical simulation at Re -1000., A-10.0 (curve B) compared to the laminar solution (curve A). -146- profiles are "full", while during the deceleration phase they are inflectional outside the boundary layer. -147- IV. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In this work we have gaps between theory and attempted to bridge some of the experiment regarding transition and turbulence in bounded oscillatory Stokes flows. Earlier work on this subject consist of, on the one hand, experiments that show the flow undergoes transition at a Re6500; the other hand, theoretical form of Floquet analyses of studies that are either in the the "linearized" equations and predict all disturbances would decay, various quasi-steady treatments equations which in turn are and on or are in the form of of the "linearized" subjects of dispute because of the assumption of quasi-steadiness. Our experiments for oscillatory flow in a pipe, for the range of parameters agreement with 230<Re <1710, earlier investigations undergoes transition at a of A. The resulting 3<A<10 Re'-500 , are in good show the flow and independent of the value turbulent flow is characterized by the sudden explosive appearance of turbulence with the start of the deceleration phase "laminar" flow during profiles of of the the and reversion to the acceleration phase. Instantaneous ensemble-averaged strong 'clue' to cycle, mechanism acceleration phase, these axial velocity provide a of instability. During the profiles are "full" and resemble -148- the laminar profiles that flow starting from would initial be obtained for sinusoidal conditions u(r,O)=O. During the deceleration phase, inflectional ust outside the boundary layers as a result of however, the momentum exchange between the low velocity profiles are speed fluid near the wall and the higher speed fluid further towards the center. These profiles have a striking profiles that have been during the "peaks"); ejection and similarity observed phase suggest of that generation of turbulence in "instantaneous" in steady boundary layers the the the to turbulent fundamental bursts (at process of oscillatory flow may be in the form of bursts similar in nature to those that occur in steady boundary relaminarization during the layers. The acceleration cessation of "bursting" phase can because of then of the flow be attributed to the favorable pressure gradients that are present during this period. The starting point for is the development of nonlinear a burst in steady shear flows, streamwise interaction of vorticity two- and as a result of three-dimensional disturbance waves. Furthermore the development of the threedimensional waves infinitesimal can be traced three-dimensional presence of finite-amplitude quasi-equilibria. Both development of disturbances, are the back to instability of perturbations in the two-dimensional equilibria or nonlinear infinitesimal independent of the interaction and the three-dimensional shape of the mean -149- profiles; and are the result three-dimensional waves of interaction a in general of two- and shear flow. It therefore, seems reasonable to expect the same mechanism to prevail for oscillatory flows, provided the two- and three- dimensional waves can flow, in this case, Re 6 /A, ratio oscillation develop. would representing to the be The time variation of the unimportant the ratio (convective) of as long as the time time scale scale of of the studied the instability, is large. To substantiate these ideas, we have stability of the oscillatory flow in a channel (for A=10) to various classes of and infinitesimal three-dimensional and finite-amplitude two- disturbances. The results of this study can be summarized as follows, - For infinitesimal be extended conclusion to the that oscillatory only disturbances need to disturbances, Squires' theorem can be flow problem, two-dimensional considered. two-dimensional disturbance which The initially with the infinitesimal development of a is in the form of the least stable eigenmode of the Orr-Sommerfeld equation for the "frozen" simulations of the initial profile Navier-Stokes is followed by direction equations. The results of the simulation immediately explain the discrepancies between quasi-steady theories and Floquet theory treatments of the linearized equations. For the first cycle the disturbance is -150- seen to develop in ways not too different from quasi-steady predictions. During this period inflection points or critical profiles. Because of the the disturbance follows the layers intrinsic at the end of the cycle of the instantaneous nature of the profiles, the disturbance ends up in a radial location too far away from the wall to be able to perturb the same modes that were excited earlier. Instead it excites modes that are located further away from the wall. This mode hopping continues until the way to the center of the into a periodic Floquet theory. disturbance channel, at which point it settles steady-state and decays It be noted should disturbance is still localized does amplify has moved all the with inviscid growth, however, can that is observed in not as predicted by that while the near the boundary layers, it growth rates. This inviscid explain the transition phenomenon experiments; because maximum growth for this type of instability (i.e, at the start of is acceleration) phase to where turbulence disturbances, however, flow regime that was observed around flow reversal which is opposite in is observed in experiments. These may explain observed the "weakly turbulent" in Hino's experiments during the acceleration phase of the cycle. - No finite-amplitude two-dimensional equilibria were found, however quasi-equilibria were observed for (with viscous decay rates) two-dimensional finite-amplitude disturbance at transitional Reynolds numbers. -151- states equilibrium is three-dimensional disturbance (on convective to scales) time seen is qu,asi- the transitional Re6 explain The infinitesimal in experiments. observed above three-dimensional infinitesimal to disturbances can successfully of 500 that the of instability secondary -The to grow explosively finite amplitudes. 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