Helpful and Handy Referrals Below are a list of facilities, phone numbers and web sites for easy reference. These resources may give you the information and support you need to succeed at QCC and in life. Please remember, the lists below will provide you with only some resources. For more information on QCC’s On-Campus resources, please visit the QCC website, under “Current Students”. If you would like to speak with a counselor or obtain more referrals, you can always visit the Counseling Center (Library 422, 718-631-6370) and we will be more than happy to help you! Hotlines & Websites (All hotlines are open 24 hrs/7 days a week) ULifeline Anonymous self-assessment as well as articles and information pertaining to various mental health issues. Boys Town National Hotline (available to both men & women) (800) 448-3000 Assists with issues related to depression, suicide, family issues, relationships and more. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800) 273-8255 (Veterans-Press “1”) Provide information, intervention skills and community resources for depression and suicide prevention. Lifenet (800) LifeNet (1-800-543-3638) (English) (877) Ayudese (1-877-298-3373) (Spanish) (877) 990-8585 (Asian LifeNet) (212) 982-5284 (TTY) Provides crisis intervention and referral services for issues and concerns related to mental health and substance abuse. National Drug and Alcohol Treatment (800) 662-4357 (English & Spanish) Provides literature and referral info to drug/alcohol programs (in and outpatient). NYC Emergency Food Hotline (866) 888-8777 (English and Spanish) Assists with referrals for emergency food, food stamps, Medicaid, child care, homeless services, and more. Department of Homeless Services Hotline (800) 994-6494 (English & Spanish) Information on shelters & 24 hr drop in centers (which provide food, shower, medical services). Referrals for psychiatric/mental health care, and alcohol & drug treatment centers. Safe Horizon Hotlines -Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 621-HOPE (4673) -Crime Victims Hotline: (866) 689-HELP (4357) -Rape & Sexual Assault Hotline: (212) 227-3000 -TDD phone number for all hotlines: (866) 604-5350 Provides shelter, counseling services, court/legal assistance and support groups. National Domestic Violence Hotline (800) 799-SAFE (7233) TTY: (800) 787-3224 Provides crisis intervention, information and referrals for victims of domestic violence, perpetrators, friends and families. Day One (800) 214-4150 Assists teens (up to age 24) with free legal services, advocacy and counseling who are experiencing abuse in their relationships or homes. Legal Aid Society of NY (212) 577-3300 Offers free legal advice and representation in criminal and civil areas (family & health law, homeless rights, housing issues, immigration status and public assistance). GLBT Youth Hotline (888) 843-4564 Hours: Monday through Friday from 4pm to midnight. Saturday from noon to 5pm. Offers free and confidential services to callers of all ages about coming-out issues, relationship concerns, HIV/AIDS anxiety and safer-sex information, and lots more!