CENTENNIAL HONORS COLLEGE Western Illinois University Undergraduate Research Day 2015 Poster Presentation Measuring Material Properties with Parts-Per-Billion Sensitivity by Utilizing a Tunnel Diode Resonator Circuit Justin Gonzales Faculty Mentor: Ryan Gordon Physics My research utilizes a tunnel diode resonator (TDR) circuit to measure material properties with extreme precision and at low temperatures. The TDR circuit is a specialized LC oscillator powered by a tunnel diode with a resonance frequency near 10 MHz. The key advantage of this experimental technique is its sensitivity, where frequency changes of the TDR can be measured with parts-per-billion resolution. This circuit has been used to measure magnetic properties of materials in the past by using the inductor of the TDR circuit. The main goal of this project is to use the capacitor of the TDR circuit to measure dielectric properties of samples by placing them between the conductors of the TDR capacitor. Utilizing the capacitor of the TDR to measure material properties is the first systematic study for this sense element in the experiment. My research will focus on the basic design for this TDR circuit and how it will be interfaced with the cooling stage of the closed-cycle helium cryostat in our laboratory. Once the design and construction of this circuit are finished, the plan is to study the dielectric properties of single crystals of VO2, which shows a transition from a state where it is a very good conductor to a state where it is a very poor conductor, also known as a metal-insulator transition.