Document 11105295

Provided by:
The University of Arizona College of Agriculture &
Life Sciences
Cooperative ExtensionMaricopa County
April 9, 2016
Next Week:
Tips for increasing
steps and overall
physical activity at
Sodium 411
Featured Recipe
that is tasty,
healthy & easy to
Newsletter 1:
Why Walk?
Thank you for choosing to participate in “2016 Walk Across
Arizona (WAAZ) . . . For the Health Of It” team walking event in
Maricopa County. This program is part of a statewide Healthy
Lifestyle Education Program through the University of Arizona
Cooperative Extension. The purpose of the program is to provide
a fun and supportive way for people to get fit. Through the
support of your team members, and the motivation to surpass
other teams, this 8-week program can be both challenging and
In order to “Walk Across Arizona” your team will need to walk a
total of 410 miles. That averages out to 820,000 steps over the
course of 8 weeks of walking, or 7.32 miles a day or 51.25 miles
per week! Whew! Sounds like lots! But, it can be done! Start
small and set your goals, increasing the numbers each week.
Your miles do not necessarily have to be from walking, but using
the Exercise Equivalents chart provided you at the start of the
event, you can convert most common exercises to walking miles.
Ultimately, the goal of the program is to get individuals and
families to increase their activity levels and to promote a sense
of community. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Why Walk?
2016 Walk
Arizona . . . For the Health of It:
Increase [Issue]
your ::daily
step count at home
Why Walk? Walking is low-risk form of exercise and easy
to start. It can help keep you fit and reduce your risk of serious
diseases, like heart disease, stroke, diabetes and more.
& make it count:
According to the American Heart Association®:
A regular walking program, like Walk Across Arizona, can:
Improve your cholesterol profile
Lower blood pressure
Increase your energy and stamina
Boost “couch potato” bone strength
Prevent weight gain
Walking is the simplest way to start and continue a
fitness journey.
Walking costs nothing to get started.
Walking is easy and safe.
Walking for as few as 30 minutes a day provides
heart health benefits.
Getting Started
Begin with short distances. Start with a stroll that feels
comfortable (perhaps 5-10 minutes) and gradually
increase your time or distance each week by 10-20
percent by adding a few minutes or blocks
Maximize the benefits of walking and . . .
Focus on posture. Keep your head lifted, tummy pulled
in and shoulders relaxed. Swing your arms naturally.
Avoid carrying hand weights since they put extra stress
on your elbows and shoulders. Don’t over-stride
Breathe deeply. If you can’t talk or catch your breath
while walking, slow down. At first, forget about walking
speed. Just get out there and walk!
Reported Miles Walked in
Maricopa County
WEEK #1: 3414.02 mi
Do housework yourself
Work in the garden or
mow the grass. Using a
riding mower doesn't
count! Rake leaves,
sweep, prune, dig and
pick up trash.
Go out for a short walk
before breakfast, after
dinner or both! Start
with 5-10 minutes and
work up to 30 minutes.
Bike to the corner store
instead of driving.
When walking, pick up the
pace from leisurely to
Choose a hilly route.
When watching TV, sit up
instead of lying on the
sofa. Or stretch.
Spend a few minutes
pedaling on your
stationary bicycle while
watching TV.
Get up to change the
channel on the TV.
Stand up while talking on
the telephone.
Walk the dog.
Park farther away at the
store or shopping mall
and walk the extra
Stretch to reach items in
high places and squat
or bend to look at items
at floor level.
Keep exercise equipment
repaired and use it!