Department: Course prefix, number and title MP205 Recording Techniques II: Studio Operation


MP205 SYLLABUS (Spring 2013)

1. Department: Music

2. Course prefix, number and title

MP205 Recording Techniques II: Studio Operation

3. Prerequisite: MP103 (ME270) Recording Techniques I: Studio Equipment with a grade of C or better

4. Hours and credits : 1 class hour, 5 laboratory hours-3 credits

5. Course description (from 2011-13 catalog P. 195): An advanced course requiring the application of skills developed in MP103. Students must organize, plan, set-up and engineer a variety of multi-track recording and mixdown sessions in the Q.C.C.

Recording Studio or on location elsewhere on campus. Emphasis on solving studiorelated problems and the development of appropriate engineer/recording artist communication techniques.

6. Curriculum/curricula for which the course is required: Necessary for the A.A.S. in

Music Production

Curricular objectives addressed by the course:

• Students will master knowledge, techniques, methods and skills of the music production industry.

• Students will demonstrate proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.

• Students will identify, analyze and solve technical problems that impede realizations of music production.

• Students will demonstrate awareness of and competence with music production environments and protocols.

• Students will communicate effectively orally and in writing using relevant media and will function effectively on teams.

• Students will demonstrate the ability to use basic musicianship skills to create analog and digital realizations of music production in recordings and in live performance.


7. General Education objectives addressed by the course:

Students successfully completing MP205 will:

1. Communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking outcomes:

• apply principles of critical listening to evaluate information

• speak clearly, accurately, and coherently in several modes of delivery

2. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions


• solve problems in their program of study

5. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study outcomes:

• complete sequential courses that use knowledge and skills from a previous course to master the higher level course

• complete a culminating assignment in a capstone course

7. work collaboratively in diverse groups directed at accomplishing learning objectives. outcomes:

• work in groups to accomplish learning tasks and reach common goals

• demonstrate interpersonal skills and accountability in working in diverse groups

• design and complete a group project

• write or make a presentation based on group work

8. Course objectives/expected student learning outcomes

Students successfully completing MP205 will:

(a) learn critical thinking skills solving specific problems in recording sessions and synthesizing these specific skills into those and subsequent projects.

(b) produce assignments and projects satisfying core competencies with analogue mixers, digital control surfaces and software functioning as multi-track recorders.

(c) be assessed weekly through class participation demonstrating equipment operation techniques and at the end of the semester through a major recording session and project report.

(d) learn methods and techniques of live recording that will prepare them to work in a modern recording studio.

(e) Students achieving a grade of at least a B may be recommended for

MP900 Cooperative Education Internship in Music Production)

8A. Students successfully completing MP205 will demonstrate



proficiency in the use of analog and digital recording technology principles to record audio signals from acoustic and/or electronic sources .


proficiency in the use of analog and digital recording technology principles to mix audio from analog or digital sources.


understanding of implications of gain stages of analog consoles and related software.


an understanding of signal fl ow within analog and digital music technologies.


the ability to use analog and digital technology principles to provide talkback and headphone cue mixes to musicians during recording sessions.


the ability to use patch bay configurations for analog equipment connections.


knowledge of principles and basic competency in the operation of analog signal processing equipment and/or software plugins to enhance the qualities of sound.


competency in session planning, organization, tracking and production methods.


basic competency in the evaluation of acoustic environments for the purpose of planning successful recordings.


basic competency in the selection and placement of microphones in recording sessions.


knowledge and use of music technology terminology to communicate with other students in order to efficiently accomplish music production tasks.


awareness and understanding of interpersonal communication and behavioral styles that are appropriate among engineers, producers and musicians.


critical thinking ability to solve problems that arise during the recording or mixdown process of music production.


the ability to import and export digital audio file types between software applications.

9. Summary of main topics covered in the course


Class 1 Signal Flow of Analogue Mixers, Gain-staging and Microphone Review

Class 2 Group vs. Direct Out. Microphone techniques & comparisons on Acoustic Piano

Class 3 Monitoring & Cue Systems, Microphone techniques and comparisons on Drums

Class 4 Microphones In/out of phase. Session Planning

Class 5 Organizational Aids, Track Sheet, Take Sheet, Input Routing Form

Class 6 Auto-locate, Punch-In, Communication Techniques

Class 7 Session Time Management & Pro Tools Cue System Exam I

Class 8 Incorporating Reverb as an aid to performers during multi-tracking

Class 9 Midterm Exam

Class 10 Calibration of Listening Environments

Class 11 Safety in the studio

Class 12 Proper Studio etiquette with personnel and artists

Class 13 Importing audio from different analogue and digital formats

Class 14 Pro Tools Cue System Exam II

Class 15 Final Projects played, critiqued and compiled into Master CD and Written Final


Optional Text

The S.M.A.R.T. guide to Mixers, Signal Processors, Microphones . . . Gibson, Bill (2005)

11. Methods by which student learning will be evaluated:

Class Recording Session Participation and Cooperation

Written Midterm Exam (@30 questions)

Pro Tools Cue System Exams (2)

20 %

20 %

Team Recording Project CD (Graded)

Submitted with Team Session Forms & Screenshots

Each student does his/her own Individual Written Report



Written Final Exam (55 questions)

All assignments, mixdown recordings, reports lab assignments and exams are required. A grade of INC will be given if any of the above are not completed during the semester.

Attendance : After 1 st unexcused absence, each additional

20% unexcused absence lowers semester grade 1/3 of a letter

12. Required attire (if applicable)

4GB minimum Flash Drive suggested to transport projects.

13. Academic Integrity policy

See page 41-43 of current college catalog (2011-2013)

14. Other expectations for student performance:

A minimum of 2 hours of weekly practice in one of the Music Department’s three multi-track recording studios (arranged by appt. w/Senior CLT.)



Fall 2004, Rev. 6/15/07

Date: December 2012

Department: MUSIC

Course: MP205 Recording Techniques II: Studio Operation

Curriculum or Curricula: Music Production


Educational Context:

Course: MP205 Recording Techniques II: Studio Operation

Curriculum: Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Music Production

Pre-requisite: MP103 with a grade of at least C

MP205 is the pre-requisite for MP207 Microphones and Amplification Systems

An upper-level course required for this curriculum, MP205 produces students who are equipped to run recording sessions in project or professional sound studios. Students work in teams planning and organizing session procedures, configuring software, equipment connections and positioning microphones and acoustical barriers. During and following those tasks, students develop collaborative problem-solving skills by communicating with each other and the talent (performers).

Following this setup and during the process of recording, communication continues between the student-engineers and the talent with the goal of achieving a satisfactory recorded product. In addition to calling on the application of knowledge and skills developed in MP103 Recording Techniques I: Studio Equipment, this course requires the use of critical thinking and problem-solving techniques and the development of recording studio-appropriate behavioral styles and social skills.



Curricular objectives addressed by this course :Students will:

1-master knowledge, techniques and methods of producing music with analog and digital equipment.

Briefly describe activities in this course which help students meet each of these curricular objectives

2- demonstrate skill and proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.

3- identify, analyze and solve problems that impede realizations of music production.

1a. Evaluate microphone types and physical placement possibilities in recording sessions.

1b. Assess the need for direct injection boxes to capture electronic signals in recordings.

1c. Evaluate differences of signal flow and gain structure between analog recording consoles and digital control surfaces.

1d. Evaluate signal routing potential of analog recording consoles and digital control surfaces.

1e. Identify and define terminology required in the use of audio equipment and production processes.

1f. Evaluate the methods of using microphones in recording commercial and classical music.

2a. Adjust input and summing gain stages during the recording or mixing of audio in analog and digital recording platforms.

2b. Interconnect analog outputs and inputs of audio equipment through systems of patchbays.

2c. Design monitoring configurations and adjust audio levels appropriate for headphone cue systems.

2d. Create a talkback system for engineer/artist communication.

2e. Apply analog signal processing equipment or software plugins to enhance sound quality.

3a. Evaluate and correct signal flow malfunctions between analog equipment and/or software recording platforms.

3b. Evaluate and minimize leakage between acoustic sources into microphones situated within the same physical space.

3c. Evaluate and correct acoustic phase cancellation resulting from improper microphone placement.

3d. Evaluate leakage due to signal routing errors in recordings and assess the possibility of correction using phase cancellation.




5-demonstrate awareness of and competence with music production environments and protocols.

6-communicate effectively orally and in writing using relevant media and will function effectively on teams.

5a. Evaluate acoustic space limitations for studio or live recording use.

5b. Determine the requirements of a recording session.

5c. Based on requirements, plan for and arrange microphone and acoustic barrier placement.

5d. Based on requirements, plan for and configure recording and monitoring systems.

6a. Using music production terminology, clearly communicate ideas and expectations orally with other student/engineers during the planning, setup and operation of recording sessions.

6b. Using appropriate organizational forms, sign out for specific recording equipment, keep accurate records of recording processes utilized and titles, take numbers and timing of recordings.

6c. Students will work together in large teams, weekly assisting each other in the recording process.

6d. Students will work together with one or two partners on a recording session project outside of the class meeting hours and mix down to CD.

6e. Students will write a report chronicling the methods and techniques used as well as the individual tasks they executed as part of their recording session project.


1 communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, and speaking

2- use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions

3- reason quantitatively and mathematically as required in their fields of interest and in everyday life

4- use information management and technology skills effectively for academic research and lifelong learning

5 integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study

6- differentiate and make informed decisions about issues based on multiple value systems

7-work collaboratively in diverse groups directed at accomplishing learning objectives

8-use historical or social sciences perspectives to examine formation of ideas, human behavior, social institutions, or social processes

9-employ concepts and methods of the natural and physical sciences to make informed judgements

10-apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts


Gen ed objective’s identification number from preceding list

General educational objectives addressed by this course: Select from preceding list.

1. communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening, and speaking




Briefly describe activities in the course which help students meet each of these general education objectives

6a. Using music production terminology, clearly communicate ideas and expectations orally with other student/engineers during the planning, setup and operation of recording sessions.

6b. Using appropriate organizational forms, sign out for specific recording equipment, keep accurate records of recording processes utilized and titles, take numbers and timing of recordings.

6e. Write a report chronicling the methods and techniques used as well as the individual tasks students executed as part of their recording session project.



Objective #2


Objective #5


Objective #7

2. use analytical reasoning to identify issues or problems and evaluate evidence in order to make informed decisions

5. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study

7. work collaboratively in diverse groups directed at accomplishing learning objectives

3a. Evaluate and correct signal flow malfunctions between analog equipment and/or software recording platforms.

3b. Evaluate and minimize leakage between acoustic sources into microphones situated within the same physical space.

3c. Evaluate and correct acoustic phase cancellation resulting from improper microphone placement.

3d. Evaluate leakage due to signal routing errors in recordings and assess the possibility of correction using phase cancellation.

1a. Evaluate microphone types and physical placement possibilities in recording sessions.

1b. Assess the need for direct injection boxes to capture electric guitar and bass signals in recordings.

1c. Evaluate differences of signal flow and gain structure between analog recording consoles and digital control surfaces.

1d. Evaluate signal routing potential of analog recording consoles and digital control surfaces.

1e. Identify and define terminology required in the use of audio equipment and production processes.

1f. Evaluate the methods of using microphones in recording commercial and classical music.

2a. Adjust input and summing gain stages during the recording or mixing of audio in analog and digital recording platforms.

2b. Interconnect analog outputs and inputs of audio equipment through systems of patchbays.

2c. Design monitoring configurations and adjust audio levels appropriate for headphone cue systems.

2d. Create a talkback system for engineer/artist communication.

2e. Apply analog signal processing equipment or software plugins to enhance sound quality.

6c. Work together in large teams, weekly assisting each other in the recording process.

6d. Work together with one or two partners on a recording session project outside of the class meeting hours and mix down to CD.

TABLE 4: Course Objectives and Student Learning Outcomes

Course objectives


Students will demonstrate an understanding of the interface between acoustic or electronic sources and recording consoles


Students will demonstrate an understanding of signal flow


Students will plan and organize recording sessions

Learning outcomes

Students will: a. select and place microphones near acoustic sources b. connect microphones and direct boxes to audio consoles

Students will: a. connect studio hardware to facilitate recording and monitoring sound b. configure cue and monitor mixes in recording software.

Students will: a.

determine recording session equipment needs b.

determine physical placement of performers




For the assessment project, you will be designing one course assignment , which will address at least one general educational objective, one curricular objective (if applicable), and one or more of the course objectives. Please identify these in the following table:


Course Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 4)


Students will demonstrate an understanding of signal flow

Curricular Objective(s) selected for assessment: (select from Table 2)

2- demonstrate skill and proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.

General Education Objective(s) addressed in this assessment: (select from Table 3)

5. integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study


Briefly describe the assignment that will be assessed:

To assess students understanding of signal flow within recording studio software, they will design a virtual cue system for headphones within a Pro Tools software recording session. They are given a prerecorded multi-track Pro Tools Recording

Session within which they complete five specific tasks. These include labeling and creation of new cue, reverb and talkback tracks which must be “connectied” along with the original tracks, to auxilliary busses or amplifier outputs by making appropriate assignments within each track in the virtual session.

Following the software configuration, they answer 5 multiple choice questions that further illustrate the soundness of the student’s reasoning behind the connections within the session.

Desired student learning outcomes for the assignment

(Students will…)

Briefly describe the range of activities student will engage in for this assignment.

What assessment tools will be used to measure how well students have met each learning

List in parentheses the Curricular

Objective(s) and/or General

Education Objective(s) (1-10) associated with these desired learning outcomes for the assignment.

1. (students will) configure cue and monitor mixes in recording software.

( demonstrate skill and proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.) a. Create cue, reverb and talkback tracks within software b. Make virtual connections between tracks c. Answer multiple choice questions

(d.) outcome? (Note: a single assessment tool may be used to measure multiple learning outcomes; some learning outcomes may be measured using multiple assessment tools.)

A. Evaluation of 5 software configurations (virtual/electronic)

B. Multiple choice questions (5)






Brief description of assignment: (C opy from Table 6 above )

To assess students understanding of signal flow within recording studio software, they will design a virtual cue system for headphones within a Pro Tools software recording session. They are given a prerecorded multi-track Pro Tools Recording

Session within which they complete five specific tasks. These include labeling and creation of new cue, reverb and talkback tracks which must be “connectied” along with the original tracks, to auxilliary busses or amplifier outputs by making appropriate assignments within each track in the virtual session.

Following the software configuration, they answer 5 multiple choice questions that further illustrate the soundness of the student’s reasoning behind the connections within the session.

Desired student learning Assessment measures for outcomes from the assignment: ( Copy from

Column 1, Table 6 above; include Curricular and /or each learning outcome:

(Copy from Column 3,Table 6 above)

Standards for student performance:

 Describe the standards or rubrics for measuring student achievement of each outcome in the assignment.

 Give the percentage of the class that is

General Education Objectives addressed)

1. (students will) configure cue and monitor mixes in recording software. ( demonstrate skill and proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.)

A. Evaluation of 5 software configurations


B. Multiple choice questions (5) expected to meet these outcomes

 If needed, attach copy(s) of rubrics.

Evaluation of each student’s software configuration based on whether or not the tasks have been completed and actually work. (75% expected to get a score of at least 35 out of 50)

Multiple choice questions (5) (75% expected to get a score of at least 35 out of 50)

The average score of the subjects is expected to be 75%.



Desired student learning outcomes:

(Copy from, Column 1,Table 6 above;

Student achievement: Describe the group achievement of each desired outcome and the knowledge and cognitive processes demonstrated. include Curricular and/or General

Education Objectives addressed)

1. (students will) configure cue and monitor mixes in recording software.

( demonstrate skill and proficiency in the use of industrial quality analog and digital hardware and software in the field of music production.)

Evaluation of each student’s software configuration based on whether or not the tasks have been completed and actually work. (75% expected to get a score of 35 out of 50). Actual scores: Class

Avg.=39.4/50 = 78.8 %

Multiple choice questions (5) (75% expected to get a score of 35 out of 50). Actual scores: Class Avg.=36.5/50 = 73%

The average score of the subjects is expected to be 75%.

Actual Class Average = 75.9%



A. Analysis and interpretation of assessment results:

What does this show about what and how the students learned?

On average, students have demonstrated the minimum acceptable competency in configuring cue and monitoring systems within the Pro Tools hard-disk recording platform. Students appear to demonstrate this competency slightly better in the application of the tasks than they do in answering the multiple choice questions about the same tasks.

B. Evaluation of the assessment process :

What do the results suggest about how well the assignment and the assessment process worked both to help students learn and to show what they have learned?

The results show a close correlation between what students were supposed to have learned and what they actually did learn.

C. Resulting action plan:


QCC 12/3/04

