Queensborough Community College ACADEMIC PROGRAM REVIEW ADMINISTRATIVE RESPONSE Program reviewed: A.A.S., Computerized Architectural and Industrial Design Date of site visit: May 13, 2014 QCC Review Committee: Dr. Nicholas DiZinno Engineering Technology QCC Department Chair Prof. Stuart Asser Engineering Technology Administrative Support: Dr. Arthur Corradetti, Dean Strategic Planning, Assessment, and Institutional Effectiveness Dr. Elisabeth Lackner, Director Institutional Research and Assessment External Reviewer: Frank L. Truglio, AIA, NCARB Registered Architect Approved: Dr. Paul Marchese Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs June 2014 The Office of Academic Affairs supports the action items below in response to the program review process conducted for the Computerized Architectural and Industrial Design degree program. A. Curricular changes Revise the entire degree program to revive the curriculum and to align it better with the baccalaureate curriculum at New York City College of Technology for the purposes of articulation (curricular revision has been developed [see page 3 and following] and is nearly ready for submission to the curriculum committee). Following approval of curricular revision, renumber courses and use new prefixes. Develop two tracks for the current Architecture program (draft curriculum being reviewed by the department). Use high school database developed to expand recruitment efforts. Explore possibility of establishing a pre-architecture program for students who are not college ready. Explore possibility of establishing an architecture gallery on campus (sharing the space with other departments on a rotating basis to exhibit student work). B. Assessment Program will continue to follow the assessment of program outcomes consistent with the ABET model, particularly considering that the pursuit of ABET accreditation is under discussion. 2 Updating of the Architecture Curriculum We began discussing this effort last spring. The name of the curriculum will be changed, From: Computerized Architectural & Industrial Design To: Architectural Technology Why? The word “computerized” is superfluous since everything is computerized in today’s society. Also, there is absolutely no industrial design in the curriculum. In point of fact, the name is misleading as to the content of the program, and also makes it difficult to find within the college’s offerings. The new name will alleviate these difficulties. A major effort will be made to align the architecture program with that offered by New York City College of Technology. This should be the main target for transfer students, as it is a sister CUNY institution and is easily accessible via public transportation. To that end, the following changes will be made to the courses in the architectural program: Current Plan Proposed Plan MT-219 Surveying & Layouts 3 MT-111 Technical Graphics 2 MT-124 Metallurgy & Materials 3 MT-212 Descriptive Geometry 3 MT-341 Applied Mechanics 3 MT-345 Strength of Materials 3 MT-453 Piping Systems 3 MT-454 Fundamentals of HVAC MT-481 Architectural Design I MT-482 Structural Drafting & Design MT-484 Construction Methods MT-369 Computer Applications in ET MT-488 Computer Aided Design I 3 MT-489 Computer Aided Design II 3 ARCH-1250 Surveying and Site Planning 3 ARCH-1191 Visualization I 2 ARCH-1130 Building Technology I 3 ARCH-1291 Visualization II 2 MT-341 Applied Mechanics 3 MECH-2450 Mechanics of Materials 3 ARCH-2370 Environmental Systems 3 2 3 Is renamed… Is replaced by… Is replaced by… Is replaced by… no change Is replaced by… Is replaced by… is removed Is renamed… ARCH-1110 Architectural Design I 3 3 Is renamed… ARCH-2480 Structures I 3 3 Is renamed… Is replaced by… Is replaced by… Is replaced by… ARCH-1230 Building Technology II 3 ARCH-1210 Architectural Design II 4 ARCH-2310 Architectural Design III 4 ARCH-2410 Advanced Architectural Modeling 3 3 ARCH-1191 is created by modifying inactive course MT-113 Engineering Drawing ARCH-1130 is created by modifying inactive course MT-223 Selection of Materials ARCH-1291 is created by modifying inactive course MT-112 Technical Graphics II MECH-2450 is created by modifying current course MT-342 Strength of Materials 3 ARCH-2370 is created by modifying current course MT-453. ARCH-2370 effectively combines the essentials of MT-453 and MT-454 and adds new material for relevance. ARCH-1210 is created by modifying current course MT-486 Architectural Design II ARCH-2310 is created by modifying inactive course MT-485 Architectural Design ARCH-2410 is a re-numbering of current course MT-490 Advanced Architectural Modeling In addition, MT-100 Introduction to Engineering & Technology will be added to the curriculum. These changes align our curriculum more closely with both NYCCT and SUNY Farmingdale. The course sequence is shown in the flowchart below: Spatial Reasoning & Analysis TECH-1003 3Cr/3Hr Semester 1 Algebra/ Trigonometry MA 114 4Cr/4Hr Semester 2 Physics I PH-201 4Cr/5Hr Semester 3 MA-010 5 Eq Cr/6 Hrs Applied Mechanics MT-341 3Cr/3Hr Surveying & Site Planning ARCH-1250 3Cr/5Hr Architectural Design III ARCH-2310 4Cr/6Hr Semester 4 Semester 0 Architectural Technology A.A.S., Architectural Design Track - PROPOSED Strength of Mat’s MT-345 3Cr/5Hr Structures I ARCH-2480 3Cr/5Hr Advanced Architectural Modeling ARCH-2410 3Cr/6Hr Intro to Engineering & Technology MT-100 1Cr/3Hr Technical Computations I TECH-1001 3Cr/3Hr Technical Computations II TECH-1002 3Cr/3Hr Visualization I ARCH-1191 2Cr/4Hr Architectural Design I ARCH-1110 3Cr/6Hr Building Technology I ARCH-1130 3Cr/5Hr Composition I EN-101 3Cr/4Hr Visualization II ARCH-1291 2Cr/4Hr Architectural Design II ARCH-1210 4Cr/5Hr Building Technology II ARCH-1230 3Cr/6Hr Composition II EN-102 3Cr/4Hr Environmental Systems ARCH-2370 3Cr/3Hr SS/HI Elective 3Cr BE Reading & Writing SS/HI Elective 3Cr 4 Addition of Construction Management track to Architecture Program The department proposes to split the current Architecture program into two tracks. Both tracks will share a common core of classes. The first track will be a specialization in Architectural Design. It will be identical to the currently proposed Architecture program. The second track will be a specialization in Construction Management. This additional track will offer students more flexibility when transferring to other schools and will open up more job opportunities, especially in the tri-state area. Proposed Plan: Architectural Technology COMMON CORE REQUIREMENTS EN-101 English Composition I 3 EN-102 English Composition II 3 MA-114 College Algebra & Trigonometry 4 PH-201 General Physics I 4 History or Social Science (2 courses)*** 6 Sub-total 20 MAJOR REQUIREMENTS – CORE MT-100 Intro to Engineering & Technology ARCH-1250 Surveying & Site Planning ARCH-1191 Visualization I ARCH-1130 Building Technology I ARCH-1291 Visualization II MT-341 Applied Mechanics MT-345 Strength of Materials ARCH-2370 Environmental Systems ARCH-1230 Building Technology II Sub-total Track 1: Architectural Design ARCH-1110 Architectural Design I ARCH-2480 Structures I ARCH-1210 Architectural Design II ARCH-2310 Architectural Design III ARCH-2410 Ad. Architectural Modeling Sub-total 1 3 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 23 3 3 4 4 3 17 Track 2: Construction Management CONM-xxxx Construction Design* CONM-xxxx Soils, Foundations & Structures* MECH-2460 Fluid Mechanics** MA-128 Calculus CONM-xxxx Construction Cost Analysis* Sub-total 4 3 3 4 3 17 Total Credits Required 60 * New course to be created ** MT-552 To be renumbered & reduced to 3 credits 5 *** Highly Recommended: ECON 101 & 102 As currently proposed, the construction management track requires the re-activation of the Fluid Mechanics course (and modification of the number of credits). This course will also be added to the elective list for the Mechanical Engineering Technology curriculum. The course sequence is shown in the flowchart below. Students who intend to transfer to SUNY Farmingdale are highly encouraged to take ECON 101 and ECON 102 as their social science electives while at QCC, as these courses are required in that program. Also, MA-128, Calculus, is required in the construction management track, as this course is required at Farmingdale. Spatial Reasoning & Analysis TECH-1003 3Cr/3Hr Semester 1 Algebra/ Trigonometry MA 114 4Cr/4Hr Intro to Engineering & Technology MT-100 1Cr/3Hr Visualization I ARCH-1191 2Cr/4Hr Construction Design CONM-xxxx 4Cr/6Hr Semester 2 Physics I PH-201 4Cr/5Hr Calculus MA 128 4Cr/4Hr Visualization II ARCH-1291 2Cr/4Hr Construction Cost Analysis CONM-xxxx 3Cr/3Hr Semester 3 MA-010 5 Eq Cr/6 Hrs Applied Mechanics MT-341 3Cr/3Hr Surveying & Site Planning ARCH-1250 3Cr/5Hr Fluid Mechanics MECH-2460 3Cr/3Hr Semester 4 Semester 0 Architectural Technology A.A.S., Construction Management Track - PROPOSED Strength of Mat’s MT-345 3Cr/5Hr Soils, Foundations & Structures CONM-xxxx 3Cr/3Hr Technical Computations I TECH-1001 3Cr/3Hr Technical Computations II TECH-1002 3Cr/3Hr Building Technology I ARCH-1130 3Cr/5Hr Composition I EN-101 3Cr/4Hr BE Reading & Writing Composition II EN-102 3Cr/4Hr Building Technology II ARCH-1230 3Cr/6Hr SS/HI Elective 3Cr Environmental Systems ARCH-2370 3Cr/3Hr SS/HI Elective 3Cr 6