Assessment Report - C. Julian Jiménez Program: Theatre ACTING 1 for the Non-Major The results of the assessment have been modified to examine the data that was completed successfully by two out of the five professors given the Play Response Assessment Plan. Two professors assessed both Play Response Papers within the TH120 Intro to Acting for the Non-Major. The results are as follows: As identified below within each classes ORC both Class A and Class B’s level of UNDERSTANDING decreased significantly. This may suggest the student’s interest or lack thereof. Also these numbers are also skewed by a decrease in how many students actually completed the assignment, which decreased in both classes from Assignment 1 to Assignment 2. As identified below within each classes ORC both Class A and Class B’s level of OPINION decreased significantly. This may suggest the student’s interest or lack thereof. Also these numbers are also skewed by a decrease in how many students actually completed the assignment, which decreased in both classes from Assignment 1 to Assignment 2. As identified below within each classes ORC both Class A and Class B’s level of ELEMENTS OF PLAY stayed consistent. Student’s knowledge and ability to identify things such as dialogue, scenery, costumes remained the same. As identified below within each classes ORC both Class A and Class B’s level of CONVENTIONS increased slightly but for the most part stayed consistent. Student’s ability to free themselves of spelling and grammatical errors increased slightly but was mostly consistent between assignments. These results are not in agreement within Criterion 1 & 2, which had hoped for an increase in all four components of the ORC from Basic to Class Level. While there wasn’t an increse in comprehension, the initial assignment exceeded a “Basic” knowledge and began at a “Class Level” knowledge which is more than we had anticipated. (See Below for the number for each class and Assignment) Play Response #1: Spring Awakening Class A: Out of 17 students PLAY RESPONSE – Outcomes Ratings Scale (ORC) UNDERSTANDING OPINION ELEMENTS OF PLAY CONVENTIONS EXCEEDS STANDARDS (4) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play, given details, remembered character names, setting, etc.) 12 Not only has clearly stated their opinion, but used connotative vocabulary to stress points as to why the responded to the material in the manner that they did. 5 Described certain elements of the play in great detail and critiqued them. (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 4 Work is free of (or almost free) of grammar and spelling errors. 2 CLASS LEVEL (3) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play BASIC 4 Given their opinion of the play and have at least 3 clear reasons why. 1 Given their opinion and explained why. 10 (2) Identified what the play is about. 1 Described Mentioned different different elements of the elements of play (Dialogue, the play scenery, acting, (Dialogue, costumes, etc.) scenery, acting, costumes, 5 8 etc.) Work has few Work needs grammar and editing for spelling errors many grammar and spelling 3 12 errors BELOW BASIC (1) Did not show that they have understood what the play is about. Given their opinion with no real reason 1 Did not mention or list elements of the play Work has errors in grammar and spelling and it interferes with meaning. Play Response #1: Spring Awakening Class B: Out of 7 students PLAY RESPONSE – Outcomes Ratings Scale (ORC) UNDERSTANDING OPINION ELEMENTS OF PLAY CONVENTIONS EXCEEDS STANDARDS (4) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play, given details, remembered character names, setting, etc.) 4 Not only has clearly stated their opinion, but used connotative vocabulary to stress points as to why the responded to the material in the manner that they did. 2 Described certain elements of the play in great detail and critiqued them. (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) CLASS LEVEL (3) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play BASIC 2 Given their opinion of the play and have at least 3 clear reasons why. 1 Given their opinion and explained why. 2 Work is free of (or almost free) of grammar and spelling errors. 3 Work has few grammar and spelling errors 2 (2) Identified what the play is about. BELOW BASIC (1) Did not show that they have understood what the play is about. Given their opinion with no real reason 5 Described different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 5 Mentioned different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 2 Work needs editing for many grammar and spelling errors Did not mention or list elements of the play Work has errors in grammar and spelling and it interferes with meaning. Play Response #2: Columbinus Class A: Out of 14 students PLAY RESPONSE – Outcomes Ratings Scale (ORC) UNDERSTANDING OPINION ELEMENTS OF PLAY CONVENTIONS EXCEEDS STANDARDS (4) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play, given details, remembered character names, setting, etc.) 6 Not only has clearly stated their opinion, but used connotative vocabulary to stress points as to why the responded to the material in the manner that they did. 2 Described certain elements of the play in great detail and critiqued them. (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 4 Work is free of (or almost free) of grammar and spelling errors. 5 CLASS LEVEL (3) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play BASIC 7 Given their opinion of the play and have at least 3 clear reasons why. 1 Given their opinion and explained why. (2) Identified what the play is about. 4 Described Mentioned different different elements of the elements of play (Dialogue, the play scenery, acting, (Dialogue, costumes, etc.) scenery, acting, costumes, 4 6 etc.) Work has few Work needs grammar and editing for spelling errors many grammar and spelling 5 4 errors BELOW BASIC (1) Did not show that they have understood what the play is about. Given their opinion with no real reason 8 Did not mention or list elements of the play Work has errors in grammar and spelling and it interferes with meaning. Play Response #1: Columbinus Class B: Out of 6 students PLAY RESPONSE – Outcomes Ratings Scale (ORC) UNDERSTANDING OPINION ELEMENTS OF PLAY CONVENTIONS EXCEEDS STANDARDS (4) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play, given details, remembered character names, setting, etc.) 2 Not only has clearly stated their opinion, but used connotative vocabulary to stress points as to why the responded to the material in the manner that they did. 2 Described certain elements of the play in great detail and critiqued them. (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) CLASS LEVEL (3) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play BASIC 1 Given their opinion of the play and have at least 3 clear reasons why. 3 Given their opinion and explained why. 1 Work is free of (or almost free) of grammar and spelling errors. 3 Work has few grammar and spelling errors 4 (2) Identified what the play is about. 3 Described different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 2 BELOW BASIC (1) Did not show that they have understood what the play is about. Given their opinion with no real reason 1 Mentioned different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) 2 Work needs editing for many grammar and spelling errors Did not mention or list elements of the play Work has errors in grammar and spelling and it interferes with meaning. Assessment Plan - C. Julian Jiménez Program: Theatre ACTING 1 for the Major & Non-Major Program Effectiveness Objectives 1. Students will advance in perceptual skills. 2. Students will articulate and apply requisite standards when assessing an actor’s work on stage or screen. 3. Students will analyze text and integrate analysis into performance. General Education Objectives Addressed in Assessment Plan 1. Students will communicate effectively through reading, writing, listening and speaking. 2. Students will integrate knowledge and skills in their program of study 3. Students will apply aesthetic and intellectual criteria in the evaluation or creation of works in the humanities or the arts Student Learning Outcomes 1. Theatre major students shall demonstrate, at a minimum, Class Level competence (with the expectation to begin to exceed standards competence) —on a test/instrument designed for assessment, otherwise known as the Play Response papers. 2. Non-majors students shall demonstrate, at a minimum, Basic Level competence (with the expectation to begin to having a Class Level competence) –on a test/instrument designed for assessment, otherwise known as the Play Response papers. Assessments Assessment 1. Play Response #1 (for the Theatre Major) 2. Play Response #1 (for the Non- Major) Target Outcomes Criteria 10 - 12 (approx. a full score of Class Level Competency in each row of the ORC scale) 1 8-10 (approx. a full score of Basic Level Competency in each row of the ORC scale) 1 3. Play Response #2 (for the Theatre Major) 4. Play Response #2 (for the Non- Major) 10 - 12 (approx. a full score of Exceeds Standards Competency in each row of the ORC scale) 8-10 (approx. a full score of Class Level Competency in each row of the ORC scale) 2 2 Criteria for Outcomes Assessment What follows are the criteria used to assess student outcomes. This year we are using three key criteria to assess student performance: Criterion One: A Play Response Paper # 1—specifically developed and designed for a response to student work for the first QCC Theatre production 2013—will gauge students’ level competence in understanding theatrical performance from an observer’s perspective; how effective was the performance as a part of storytelling. We expect that our Theatre Major students will score at or below a 12 on this criterion, corresponding to row 1 - 4 and column 2 on the Outcomes Rating Scale We expect that our Non-Major students will score at or below an 8 on this criterion, corresponding to row 1 - 4 and column 3 on the Outcomes Rating Scale Criterion Two: A Play Response Paper # 2—specifically developed and designed for a response to student work for the second QCC Theatre production 2013—will gauge students’ level competence in understanding theatrical performance from an observer’s perspective; how effective was the performance as a part of storytelling. We hope that our Theatre Major students will score at or below a 12 on this criterion, corresponding to row 1 - 4 and column 1 on the Outcomes Rating Scale We expect that our Non-Major students will score at or below an 8 on this criterion, corresponding to row 1 - 4 and column 2 on the Outcomes Rating Scale Disseminating Results As the assessment report is being prepared, its findings will be made available to the Theatre faculty for review, suggestions, and feedback. All assessment reports, data, and all materials are available, and prominently displayed, on a shelf designated for that purpose in the Theatre Library of H-125. Faculty will receive a copy of the reports in addition to the ones available on the shelf in H-125. The results will also be shared with our students. The final report will be published on the QCC assessment website or made available to the QCC community via other media. PLAY RESPONSE – Outcomes Ratings Scale (ORC) UNDERSTANDING OPINION ELEMENTS OF PLAY CONVENTIONS Total Score EXCEEDS STANDARDS (4) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play, given details, remembered character names, setting, etc.) Not only has clearly stated their opinion, but used connotative vocabulary to stress points as to why the responded to the material in the manner that they did. Described certain elements of the play in great detail and critiqued them. (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) CLASS LEVEL (3) Has at least 1 paragraph that summarizes the important story elements of the play BASIC Given their opinion of the play and have at least 3 clear reasons why. Given their opinion and explained why. Given their opinion with no real reason Described different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) Did not mention or list elements of the play Work is free of (or almost free) of grammar and spelling errors. Work has few grammar and spelling errors Mentioned different elements of the play (Dialogue, scenery, acting, costumes, etc.) Work needs editing for many grammar and spelling errors (2) Identified what the play is about. BELOW BASIC (1) Did not show that they have understood what the play is about. Work has errors in grammar and spelling and it interferes with meaning HOW TO WRITE A PLAY RESPONSE A response is a discussion and evaluation of a performance. It is not: mean, cruel, a list of unsupported or baseless two-bit opinions, an inventory of positive generalizations, or simply a list of gripes. It should contain five paragraphs (more is needed to convey your thoughts). Each of the theatrical elements you will analyze in Paragraphs 3 & 4 of your review needs to be approached in three different steps: FIRST – Describe what you saw in detail. Make the reader see what you saw. Be specific. Be thorough. Use adjectives and adverbs that paint a picture for the reader. SECONDLY – Analyze what you think the director or designer was trying to achieve. Why did they design the movements, lights, sound effects, set, and costumes that way? What were they trying to make you, the audience, feel or think? LASTLY – Judge how effective the director and designer’s efforts were. Judge the performance fairly and accurately. Do not be cliché. (i.e.:. Don’t say things like: “It was awesome.” “They had great chemistry.” “It was good.”) Don’t be afraid to tell your honest opinion, but be diplomatic. Do not be mean. If you have something positive to say, give credit to the individual. If you have something negative to say, do not point the individual out. “The individual gets the credit; the team takes the hit.” Support your opinion using specific details from the show to illustrate your points. Here is the outline to follow for writing your reviews. Paragraph 1 - The Basics Include the answers to these questions: Where did you see the show (name of school or theater)? When did you see the show? What is the title of the show? Who wrote it? What is the main message/theme of the show? Paragraph 2 - The Plot Briefly summarize the plot of the play or musical. What was the play about/trying to convey in its story? Paragraph 3 - The Acting & Directing React to the performers playing the characters in the play. Be sure to use their real names and character names. Were they believable? Did they seem realistic? Did their relationships with the other characters seem natural and appropriate? Did they stay in character throughout the play? Was their POV (Point of View) strong and clear? How was the actor’s vocal quality (volume and articulation)? Did their gestures and body movement convey and stay true to the character? Were they engaging and interesting to watch? Why? How? Did the blocking make sense? Were the movement choices natural and appropriate to the character/role? Paragraph 4 - The Design Elements: Lights, Sound, Costumes & Makeup, and Set & Props Set & Props: Did they establish the correct mood for the play? Did they help add to the development of the characters, the plot, and the setting (time/place)? Were they well made? Lights: Did they convey the proper mood? Show emphasis? Draw focus to the right spots? Provide appropriate illumination? Costumes & Make Up: Were they true to the time period of the show? To the characters? Sound: How did the sound effects and music contribute to the show's mood? If it was a musical, how was the orchestra? Paragraph 5 - The Reaction/The Conclusion Was the audience attentive? Interested? What was your opinion of this performance as a whole? * * * * 1. Back up all your opinions with valid reasons. 2. 3. 4. 5. Be objective, fair and sincere. Evaluate the entire production. Be constructive. Indicate good points along with those you felt needed improvement. Enjoy the play or musical! Don't go to a show predisposed to be negative.