The Stability of Hot Spot Patterns for Reaction-Diffusion Models of Urban Crime Michael J. Ward (UBC) PIMS Hot Topics: Computational Criminology and UBC (IAM), September 2012 Joint With: Theodore Kolokolonikov (Dalhousie); Simon Tse (UBC); Juncheng Wei (Chinese U. Hong Kong, UBC) UBC – p. 1 Modeling Urban Crime I Multidisciplinary efforts to model patterns of urban crime lead by UCLA group; A. Bertozzi, P. Brantingham, L. Chayes, M. Short, etc.. (since 2008); field data from LA police; What is best policing strategy? UC MASC Project: UBC – p. 2 Modeling Urban Crime II Key References: M. B. Short, P. J. Brantingham, A. L. Bertozzi and G. E. Tita (2010), Dissipation and displacement of hotpsots in reaction-diffusion models of crime, PNAS, 107(9) pp. 3961-3965. Made the cover of PNAS. M. B. Short, M. R. D’Orsogna, V. B. Pasour, G. E. Tita, P. J. Brantingham, A. L. Bertozzi and L. B. Chayes (2008), A statistical model of criminal behavior, M3AS, 18, Suppl. pp. 1249–1267. M. B. Short, A. L. Bertozzi and P. J. Brantingham (2010), Nonlinear patterns in urban crime - hotpsots, bifurcations, and suppression, SIADS, 9(2), pp. 462–483. Criminal activity concentrates non-uniformly (good versus bad neighborhoods). Often “hot-spots” of crime are observed. Need to incorporate near-repeat victimization and elevated risk of re-victimization in a short time period. Observations: UBC – p. 3 An Agent-Based Model I City is represented by a square lattice. At each lattice site there is an “attractiveness” A(x, t) and a “number” N (x, t) of criminals. Criminals exhibit biased random walk and are more likely to move to a neighboring site with a higher attractiveness. Agent Based Models: Criminal Behavior: Burglarize the house at site x between times t and t + δt with probablity pv (x, t) = 1 − e−A(x,t)δt . If site x is robbed, the burglar is removed from the lattice. After the attractiveness is updated, burglars are re-introduced at each lattice site at a rate Γ. If a burglary at x does not occur, the burglar moves to a neighbouring site x′ with probability A(x′ , t) pm (x ; t, x) = P . ′′ x′′ ∼x A(x , t) ′ UBC – p. 4 An Agent-Based Model II Modeling attractiveness: It has a static and dynamic component: A(x, t) = A0 + B(x, t) . Elevated risk of re-victimization in a short time-period with decay rate ω and with a parameter η ≪ 1 that models how attractiveness is spread to its neighbours: " # η X B(x, t + δt) = (1 − η)B(x, t) + B(x′ , t) (1 − ω δt) + θE(x, t) . 4 ′ x ∼x Here θ > 0 and E(x, t) is the number of burglary events at site x in a time interval (t, t + δt). Then, update attractiveness A(x, t + δt) = A0 + B(x, t + δt) Remark: Expected value(E)= N (x, t)pv (x, t). (stationary hot-spots, moving hot-spots, creation of new spots, etc..) Agent Based Simulation (M. Short et al:) (Movie) Numerics (Agent-Based): UBC – p. 5 The Basic Urban RD Crime Model In the continuum limit, the resulting dimensionless PDE RD model with no flux b.c. is (Short et al., M3AS, (2008)): At = ε2 ∆A − A + P A + α , x ∈ Ω , 2P τ Pt = D∇ · ∇P − ∇A − P A + γ − α , A x ∈ Ω. ε ≪ 1 (results from η ≪ 1) P (x, t) is criminal density; A(x, t) is “attractiveness” to burglary. ∇A The chemotactic drift term −2D∇ · P A represents the tendency of criminals to move towards sites with a higher attractiveness. Here α is the baseline attractiveness, while γ − α > 0 is the constant rate of re-introduction of criminals after a burglary. The spatially homogeneous equilibrium state is Pe = (γ − α)/γ , Ae = γ . UBC – p. 6 Numerical: Formation of 2-D Hot-Spots Take P (x, 0) = Pe , A(x, 0) = γ(1 + rand ∗ 0.001) in a square domain of width 4 with α = 1, γ = 2, ε = 0.08, τ = 1, and D = 1. 2-D Numerics: A hot-spot pattern emerges on an O(1) time-scale, which then persists. 2 1 0 −1 t=0.0 t=0.6 2 1 0 −1 t=10.0 t=31.5 2 1 0 −1 t=33.4 t=38.2 2 1 0 −1 t=48.6 t=9000.0 −1 0 1 2 −1 0 1 2 UBC – p. 7 Numerical: Formation of 1-D Hot-Spots Take P (x, 0) = Pe , A(x, 0) = γ(1 − 0.01 cos(6πx)) on an interval of length 1 with α = 1, γ = 2, ε = 0.02, τ = 1. Plot A(x, t) at different t. Left: D = 1.0; Right: D = 0.5. Lowering D has increased the number of stable hot spots. (Explained in more detail later). 1-D Numerics: 2.05 2 1.95 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 0 t=0.0 t=13.8 t=25.0 t=30.8 t=6032.3 t=180246.0 t=181178.0 t=250000.0 0.5 2.05 2 1.95 2.5 2 1.5 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 1 0 t=0.0 t=8.7 t=23.1 t=35.9 t=42.9 t=729.4 t=250000.0 0.5 1 UBC – p. 8 Outline and Perspective I Mathematical Modeling Remarks: formulation of stochastic agent-based model based on observational trends in crime, behavior of criminals, etc...... easy to incorporate many effects... Formulation: numerical realizations of the agent-based model to observe qualitatively interesting phenomena (stationary hot-spots, moving hot-spots, creation of new spots, etc..) Age of Discovery: Derivation of a “simpler” PDE reaction–diffusion (RD) system. Usual First Step: Numerical simulations of PDE system, Turing and weakly nonlinear analysis of patterns..... Continuum Limit: existence, regularity, and bifurcation-theoretic results for the PDE model (Rodriguez, Cantrell, Cosner and Manasevich). Rigorous PDE Analysis: matching model predictions with field observations. Improving the model. Developing new models (some game-theoretic)... (Berestycki-Nadal, Pilcher, Short and D’Orsogna). Model Validation: UBC – p. 9 Outline and Perspective II many seemingly “simple-looking” RD systems can exhibit extremely complex dynamics in the nonlinear regime in different parameter ranges; i.e witness the Gray-Scott model of chemical physics (1996–date). However: For the RD model of urban crime, use a combination of formal asymptotics, rigorous analysis, and computation, to obtain analytical results for stability thresholds, delineating in parameter space where different solution behaviors occur, etc... Our Approach: Analyze the existence and stability of localized patterns of criminal activity for this model in the limit ε → 0. We also consider extensions of the basic model to include the effect of “police”. These patterns are “far-from-equilibrium” (Y. Nishiura..), and not amenable to standard Turing stability analysis. Specific Goal: Particle-like solutions to PDE’s; vortices, skyrmions, hot-spots, ... UBC – p. 10 Turing-Stability Analysis The uniform state Ae , Pe on R1 is unstable for ε → 0 when γ > 3α/2. With an eimx+λt perturbation, the Turing instability band is D−1/2 γ(2γ − 3α)−1/2 ∼ mlower < m < mupper ∼ ε−1 γ −1/2 (2γ − 3α)1/2 . For ε → 0, the maximum growth rate is λmax ∼ O(1), with the most unstable mode 1/4 −1/2 −1/4 −1/2 2 . mmax ∼ ε D γ (γ − α)(3γ + 2τ (2γ − 3α) For perturbations of the uniform state the preferred pattern has a characteristic half-length lturing ∼ π/mmax , where Remark 1: lturing ∼ ε 1/2 D 1/4 1/2 γ 2 (γ − α)(3γ + 2τ (2γ − 3α)) Notice that lturing = O(1) when D = O(ε−2 ). −1/4 π. Turing and weakly nonlinear analysis in 1-D and 2-D given in Short et al. (SIADS 2010), together with full numerical computations. Remark 2: UBC – p. 11 Global Bifurcation Diagram in 1-D A(0) versus γ on 0 < x < 1 for α = 1, ε = 0.05, D = 2. Notice that a localized hot-spot occurs when A(0) is large. Bifurcation Diagram: 9 8 6 8 7 6 4 A(0) 6 2 2 1.8 5 0 1.6 0.5 1 1.4 4 3 2.5 2 1.5 3 2 0 0.5 1 0 0.5 1.6 1.56 1.48 1.52 0 11 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1 1.5 0.5 1.6 1 1.7 γ Caption: Ae = γ is the solid line with shallow slope; The hot-spot asymptotics (to be derived) is the dotted line A(0) ∼ 2(γ − α)/(επ). Subcritical Turing occurs at γ = 3α/2 + O(ε) ≈ 1.5, with weakly nonlinear asymptotics (dashed parabolic curve). Inserts plot A(x) versus x. UBC – p. 12 Basic RD Crime Model: Qualitative I There are two key parameter regimes: Regime 1: D ≫ 1 and D = O(1) D≫1 Localized patterns in the form of pulses or spikes are readily constructed using singular perturbation techniques for the regime O(1) ≪ D ≤ O(ε−2 ) in 1-D and O(1) ≪ D ≤ O(ε−4 ) in 2-D. The stability threshold for these patterns occurs when D = O(ε−2 ) in 1-D and D = O(ε−4 ) in 2-D. The stability theory is based primarily on an exactly solvable nonlocal eigenvalue problem. A further stability threshold in D with respect to instabilities developing over a long time scale t = O(ε−2 ) must also be calculated. The stability threshold in terms of D determines the mininum spacing between localized elevated regions of criminal activity that allows for a stable pattern, i.e. If Dcrit is large, stable hot-spots are closely spaced. Implication: UBC – p. 13 Localized Hot-Spot Patterns in 1-D: History A rather extensive literature on the stability of pulses for two-component RD systems without gradient terms. Prototypical is vt = ε2 vxx − v + v 2 /u , τ ut = Duxx − u + ε−1 v 2 , (GM model). NLEP stability theory (1999-date) (Iron, Kolokolnikov, Ward, Wei, Winter; Doelman, Gardner, Kaper, Van der Ploeg,..). History: Let w′′ − w + w2 = 0 be the homoclinic. To study the stability on an O(1) time-scale need to analyze the spectrum of the NLEP R∞ wΦ dy 2 −∞ = λΦ ; Φ → 0 as |y| → ∞. Φyy − Φ + 2wΦ − χ(τ λ)w R ∞ 2 w dy −∞ If D > Dc , K > 1, and τ < τc , then there is a sign-fluctuating instability of the spike amplitudes due to a positive real eigenvalue; this is a competition instability (Iron-Ward-Wei (Physica D, 2001)). If D < Dc , K > 1, but τ > τc , then there is a synchronous oscillatory instability of the spike amplitudes due to a Hopf bifurcation. (Ward-Wei, (J. Nonl. Sci, 2003)). UBC – p. 14 Regime 1: Hot-Spot Equilibria in 1-D: I Basic Cell Problem: Since Px − 2P A Consider WLOG the interval |x| < l. Ax = (P/A2 )x A2 , we let V = P/A2 . Then, on |x| < l At = ε2 Axx − A + V A3 + α , 2 2 τ A V t = D A V x x − V A3 + γ − α . For D = O(ε−2 ), the correct scaling is V = ε2 v , D = D0 /ε2 . Therefore, our re-scaled RD system on the basic cell |x| < l is At = ε2 Axx − A + ε2 vA3 + α ; Ax (±l, t) = 0 , 2 2 2 ε τ A v t = D0 A vx x − ε2 vA3 + γ − α ; vx (±l, t) = 0 . A = O(ε−1 ) in the core of a hot-spot while A = O(1) away from the core. We obtain that v = O(1) globally. Remark: UBC – p. 15 Regime 1: Hot-Spot Equilibria in 1-D: II From a matched asymptotic analysis: Let ε → 0 and O(1) ≪ D ≤ O(ε−2 ) with D0 ≡ ε2 D. Then, for a one-hot-spot solution centered at x = 0 on |x| ≤ l, the leading-order uniform asymptotics for A and P are 1 2l(γ − α) 2 A∼ √ − α w(x/ε) + α , P ∼ [w(x/ε)] . πε 2 √ Here w(y) = 2sech (y) is the homoclinic of w′′ − w + w3 = 0. The inner and outer approximations for v are Principal Result: ζ 2 2 v ∼ v0 + εv1 , |x| = O(ε) ; v ∼ (l − |x|) − l + v0 , O(ε) < |x| < l , 2 2 2 −1 2 2 Here ζ ≡ (α − γ)/(D0 α ) < 0 and v0 = π 2l (γ − α) . Remarks: A(0) ∼ 2(γ − α)/(επ), as plotted previously on bifurcation diagram. For a symmetric K-hot-spot pattern with spots of equal height on a domain of length S, simply set l = S/2K and use gluing. UBC – p. 16 Regime 1: Hot-Spot Equilibria in 1-D: III Comparison with Full Numerics: with D0 = 1, γ = 1, ε = 0.05, and α = 2: 14 12 10 A 8 6 4 2 0 ε 0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125 Remark: A(0) (num) 6.281 12.805 25.628 51.145 0.2 0.4 A(0) (asy1) 6.366 12.732 25.465 50.930 x 0.6 0.8 v(0) (num) 3.5844 4.1474 4.4993 4.7039 1 v(0) (asy1) 4.935 4.935 4.935 4.935 v(0) (asy2) 2.961 3.948 4.441 4.688 A one-term approximation for A(0) is accurate even for ε = 0.1. UBC – p. 17 NLEP Stability Analysis: I Let Ae , ve be one-spike solution on the basic cell |x| < l. We introduce A = Ae + φeλt , v = ve + εψeλt . The singularly perturbed eigenvalue problem is D0 ε2 φxx − φ + 3ε2 ve A2e φ + ε3 A3e ψ = λφ , 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 εAe ψx + 2Ae vex φ x − 3ε Ae ve φ − ε ψAe = λτ ε εAe ψ + 2Ae ve φ . For z complex, we impose the Floquet boundary conditions φ(l) = zφ(−l) , φ′ (l) = zφ′ (−l) , ψ(l) = zψ(−l) , ψ ′ (l) = zψ ′ (−l) , To obtain the spectrum of a K-spike pattern on a domain of length 2Kl subject to periodic boundary conditions we set z K = 1, so that zj = e2πij/K , j = 0, . . . , K − 1 . An NLEP is derived for the periodic b.c. problem by using asymptotics to determine jump conditions for ψ across x = 0. Then, the Neumann spectra is extracted from Periodic spectra. Remark: UBC – p. 18 NLEP Stability Analysis: II An asymptotic analysis shows that φ ∼ Φ(y) with y = ε−1 x, where Φ(y) on −∞ < y < ∞ satisfies −3/2 L0 Φ ≡ Φ′′ − Φ + 3w2 Φ = −v0 w3 ψ(0) + λΦ ; Φ → 0 as |y| → ∞. Then, for τ = O(1), ψ(0) is determined from ψxx = 0 , 0 < |x| ≤ l ; ψ(l) = zψ(−l) , ψ ′ (l) = zψ ′ (−l) , subject to ψ(0+ ) = ψ(0− ) ≡ ψ(0) and the jump condition across x = 0: 2 a0 ≡ D0 α , Remark: a0 [ψx ]0 + a1 ψ(0) = a2 ; Z ∞ Z −3/2 a1 = −v0 w3 dy a2 = 3 −∞ ∞ w2 Φ dy −∞ ψ(0) involves one nonlocal term. UBC – p. 19 NLEP Stability Analysis: III Consider a K > 1 equilibrium hot-spots on an interval of length S with no-flux conditions. For ε → 0, τ = O(1), and with D0 = ε2 D, the stability of this solution with respect to the “large” eigenvalues λ = O(1) of the linearization is determined by the spectrum of the NLEP R∞ 2 w Φ dy 3 −∞ = λΦ ; Φ → 0 as |y| → ∞ , L0 Φ − χj w R ∞ 3 w dy −∞ " #−1 4 D0 α 2 π 2 K 4 2 χj = 3 1 + , j = 0, . . . , K − 1. (1 − cos (πj/K)) 3 4(γ − α) S Principal Result: For K = 1 we have χ0 = 3. Here L0 (local operator) is L0 Φ ≡ Φ′′ − Φ + 3w2 Φ In contrast to the NLEP’s for the GM and GS models, the discrete spectrum for this NLEP is explicitly available. Remark: UBC – p. 20 NLEP Stability Analysis: IV Lemma: Let c be real, and consider the NLEP on −∞ < y < ∞: Z ∞ w2 Φ dy = λΦ ; Φ → 0 as |y| → ∞ , L0 Φ − cw3 −∞ R∞ corresponding to −∞ w2 Φ dy 6= 0. On the range Re(λ) > −1, there is a unique discrete eigenvalue given by Z ∞ λ=3−c w5 dy . −∞ Thus, λ is real and λ < 0 when c > 3/ w5 dy. R 2 2 We use the key identity L w = 3w and Green’s theorem 0 R ∞ w2 L0 Φ − ΦL0 w2 dy = 0 with L0 Φ = cw3 −∞ w2 Φ dy + λΦ. Thus, Z ∞ Z ∞ w2 Φ dy = 0 , w5 dy λ−3+c Idea of Proof: R∞ −∞ −∞ −∞ which yields the result. UBC – p. 21 NLEP Stability Analysis: V By applying this Lemma to our NLEP, we get: On a domain of length S with Neumann b.c., for τ = O(1) and D0 = ε2 D a one-hot-spot solution is stable on an O(1) time-scale L ∀D0 > 0. For K > 1 it is stable on an O(1) time-scale iff D0 < D0K , where Principal Result: 4 L D0K 2(γ − α)3 (S/(2K)) . ≡ 2 2 α π [1 + cos (π/K)] In terms of the original diffusivity D, given by D = ε−2 D0 , the stability L when K > 1. threshold is DKL = ε−2 D0K There are “small” o(1) eigenvalues in the linearization that are difficult to asymptotically calculate directly. The threshold in D for this critical spectrum is obtained indirectly by determining the value DKS of D for which a asymmetric K-hot-spot equilibrium branch bifurcates from a symmetric K-hot-spot branch. We readily calculate that 4 3 (γ − α) S S = 2 2 2 . DK ε π α 2K Small Eigenvalues: UBC – p. 22 NLEP Stability Analysis: VI Summary: The small and large (NLEP) eigenvalue stability thresholds are DKS ∼ S 2K 4 3 (γ − α) , 2 2 2 ε π α DKL = DKS 2 1 + cos (π/K) > DKS . Thus, we have stability wrt both classes of eigenvalues when S S L D < DK ; a weak translational instability when DK < D < DK ; a fast O(1) L . time-scale when D > DK Remark 1: Remark 2 (KEY): For stability, we need the inter-hot-spot spacing l to satisfy l > lc , where lc ∼ √ πD1/4 ε1/2 α1/2 (γ − α)−3/4 Since lc and lturing are both O(1) when D = O(ε−2 ), the maximum number of stable hot-spots corresponds (roughly) to the most unstable Turing mode. Remark 3 (KEY): UBC – p. 23 Numerical Validation I Let ε = 0.07, α = 1, γ = 2, S = 4, τ = 1, and K = 2, so that DKS ≈ 20.67 and DKL ≈ 41.33. The results below confirm the stability theory. Full Numerics: Left: D = 15 Middle: D = 30 Right: D = 50 UBC – p. 24 Qualitative Implications: Stability Analysis On an interval of length S, the stability properties of a K-hot-spot equilibrium pattern can be phrased in terms of the maximum number of hot-spots: Unstable wrt a competition instability developing on an O(1) time scale if K > Kc+ , where Kc+ > 0 is the unique root of 1/4 2 (γ − α)3/4 S 1/4 √ . K (1 + cos (π/K)) = 2 D πεα Stable with respect to slow translational instabilities developing on an O(ε−2 ) time-scale if K < Kc− < Kc+ , where 3/4 (γ − α) S D−1/4 √ Kc− = . 2 πεα stability when K < Kc− ; stability wrt O(1) time-scale instabilities but unstable wrt slow translation instabilities when Kc− < K < Kc+ ; a fast O(1) time-scale instability when K > Kc+ . Summary: UBC – p. 25 Numerical Validation II Take α = 1, γ = 2, and ε = 0.02. Left (D = 1): Kc+ ≈ 2.27 and Kc− ≈ 1.995. Thus, 3-spots are NLEP unstable (O(1) time-scale instability), and 2-spots (unstable on very long time-interval). Right (D = 0.5): Kc+ ≈ 2.61 and Kc− ≈ 2.37. Thus, 3-spots are NLEP unstable, but 2-spots are stable wrt NLEP and translations. 1-D Numerics (Revisited): 2.05 2 1.95 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 20 10 0 0 t=0.0 t=13.8 t=25.0 t=30.8 t=6032.3 t=180246.0 t=181178.0 t=250000.0 0.5 2.05 2 1.95 2.5 2 1.5 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 10 5 0 1 0 t=0.0 t=8.7 t=23.1 t=35.9 t=42.9 t=729.4 t=250000.0 0.5 1 UBC – p. 26 Quasi-Equilibria and NLEP Stability in 2-D In a 2-D domain Ω with area |Ω|. Principal Result: For ε → 0 and τ = O(1), a symmetric K-hot-spot quasi-steady-state solution for D = ε−4 D0 /σ with σ = −1/ log ε, is characterized near the j-th hot-spot by w(ρ) A ∼ 2√ , ε v0 2 P ∼ [w(ρ)] , with ρ = ε−1 |x − xj |. Here w(ρ) is the radially symmetric ground-state of ∆ρ w − w + w3 = 0. In addition, Z ∞ 4π 2 b2 K 2 2 v0 ≡ b = ρw dρ . |Ω|2 (γ − α)2 0 this quasi-steady-state for K > 1 is stable wrt O(1) instabilities of the associated NLEP iff −4 3 ε |Ω|3 (γ − α) L L D< D0K , where D0K ≡ 2 . R 3 2 3 σ 4πα K 2 w dy R For K = 1 a single hot-spot is stable for all D0 independent of ε. UBC – p. 27 Basic RD Crime Model: Qualitative II Regime 2: D = O(1) At = ε2 ∆A − A + P A + α , x ∈ Ω , 2P τ Pt = D∇ · ∇P − ∇A − P A + γ − α , A x ∈ Ω. Localized hot-spots still exist, but In 1-D, localized regions of criminal activity can be nucleated in the region between neighboring hot-spots when the inter hot-spot spacing exceeds some threshold. Leads to the “spontaneous” creation of new hot-spots, i.e. new regions of elevated criminal activity. This is called peak-insertion in R-D theory, and it arises from a saddle-nose bifurcation point in terms of D. In 1-D the hot-spot dynamics is repulsive, and a reduction to finite-dimensional dynamics can be done. UBC – p. 28 Peak-Insertion or Nucleation: D = O(1) ε = 0.02, α = 1, γ = 2, τ = 1, with x ∈ (0, 2). when D is slowly decreasing in time as D = 1/(1 + 0.01t). Plot of P (x). Peak inserton occurs whenever D is quartered. Numerics: 4 2 D=0.866 2 0 2 D=0.835 1 0 2 1 2 0 1 0 2 D=0.797 4 D=0.808 1 2 0 2 0 2 D=0.753 1 2 0 D=0.269 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 2 2 D=0.246 1 0 0 1 2 2 D=0.060 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 D=0.058 1 2 0 1 2 D=0.261 0 2 1 0 0 2 1 0 D=0.804 1 2 D=0.040 1 0 1 2 0 0 1 2 UBC – p. 29 Peak-Insertion Behavior: Global AUTO Global Bifurcation Diagram (AUTO): A Two-Boundary and One-Interior Spike Solution for γ = 2, α = 1, ε = 0.02, on a domain of length 2. Top: |A|2 versus D: Bottom: P (x). 75.0 1 72.5 2 70.0 L2-NORM 67.5 3 65.0 62.5 5 57.5 0.25 6 7 0.30 0.35 1.75 PAR(2) 0.40 1.75 1 1.00 3 0.50 1.75 5 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 1.00 U(3) 1.25 1.75 U(3) 1.50 U(3) 1.50 0.45 6 U(3) 60.0 4 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 t 0.000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 t 0.000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 t 0.000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 t Labels: 1 3 5 6 UBC – p. 30 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: I Consider WLOG a one-spike pattern centered at the 2 2 midpoint of the interval |x| < l. Since Px − 2P A Ax = (P/A )x A , we define Basic Cell Problem: V = P/A2 . Then, on |x| < l, the equilibrium problem is ε2 Axx − A + V A3 + α = 0 , 2 D A V x x − V A3 + γ − α = 0 , Goal: Ax (±l) = 0, Vx (±l) = 0. √ Use ε ≪ 1 asymptotics to determine A(l) versus l/ D. 2.00 2.00 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.25 1.25 1.25 1.00 1.00 0.75 0.75 0.50 0.50 0.25 0.000.0 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.000.0 1.00 0.75 8 0.50 9 0.25 10 0.1 U(3) 2.00 U(3) U(3) As D decreases, peak insertion for P (x) at the boundary occurs: 0.25 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0.000.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 t 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 UBC – p. 31 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: II Inner Region: We set y = x/ε, and expand A ∼ ε−1 A0 + A1 + · · · , We obtain that ′′ p A0 = w/ ṽ0 , w= V ∼ ε2 ṽ0 + · · · √ 2sech(y) , where w − w + w3 = 0. Here ṽ0 is to be found, and A1 → α as y → ±∞. WLOG consider 0+ < x ≤ l. Key: The leading order outer problem is nonlinear. With, A ∼ a0 and V ∼ v0 , then 2 3 D a0 v0x x = v0 a30 − (γ − α) , v0 a0 = a0 − α , Outer Region: which leads to D (f (a0 )a0x )x = a0 − γ , 0 < x ≤ l; a0 (0+ ) = α , a0x (l) = 0 , where f (a0 ) ≡ a−2 0 (3α − 2a0 ) . UBC – p. 32 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: III We have f (a0 ) > 0 and a0x > 0 when a0 < 3α/2 < γ. Note: for γ > 3α/2 the spatially homogeneous steady-state is Turing unstable. Remark 1: Remark 2: For the existence of a solution a0 we require a0 (l) ≡ µ ≤ 3α/2. Upon integrating √ the BVP for a0 , we obtain an implicit relation for µ ≡ a0 (l) in terms of l/ D. Namely, r Z µ p p 2 2 1 l = χ(µ) ≡ G(α; µ) + 2 G(η; µ) dη , 2 D γ−α α (η − γ) where G(η; µ) ≡ Z µ η 1 µ 1 f (s)(γ−s) ds = 2(µ−η)−(2γ+3α) log +3αγ − . η η µ In addition, the unknown constant ṽ0 for the inner solution is π2 −1 [G(α; µ)] . ṽ0 = 4D UBC – p. 33 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: IV Key Monotonicity Properties: Gµ (η; µ) > 0 and χ′ (µ) > 0. √ Upshot: As µ = a0 (l) increases on α < µ < 3α/2, then l/ D increases. Main Result: For l fixed, we require D > Dmin , where 2 Dmin = 2l2 / [χ(3α/2)] . + , then a0x (l) → +∞, and we predict peak insertion. As D → Dmin Corollary: For D fixed, we require l < lmax , where p lmax = χ (3α/2) D/2 . − , then a0x (l) → +∞, and we predict peak insertion. As l → lmax The analytical theory gives Dmin ≈ 0.445 for l = 1/2. Full numerics with AUTO gives Dmin ≈ 0.27 for ε = 0.02 and Dmin ≈ 0.44 for ε = 0.0027. Comparison: Remark The error in the outer approximation is O(−ε log ε). UBC – p. 34 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: V perform a local analysis near x = l when D ≈ Dmin in order to describe the nucleation of the new peak. Goal: Can we analytically uncover solution multiplicity arising from a saddle-node bifurcation near Dmin ? Q1: If so, is there some normal form-type equation that can be rigorously analyzed describing the local behavior of solutions near the saddle-nose transition? Q2: Local Analysis: Define the constants Ac , Vc , β, σ, and ζ by 3α (γ − 3α/2) Ac ≡ , Vc ≡ F(Ac ) , β≡ > 0, 2 2Dmin A2c 1/6 2/3 −2 −2 2 , ζ = Ac β , σ= A2c F ′′ (Ac )β A2c F ′′ (Ac )β ′′ where F(A) ≡ (A − α)/A3 with F (Ac ) < 0. UBC – p. 35 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: VI Then, near the endpoint x = l, we obtain the local approximation ∗ 2 2/3 4/3 2 A ∼ Ac − ε ζ U (y) , V ∼ Vc − ε βσ A + y , Main Result: where y = (l − x)/(ε2/3 σ). The function U (y) on y ≥ 0 satisfies the normal form non-autonomous ODE 2 ∗ 2 Uyy = U − A − y , Remark: y ≥ 0; Uy (0) = 0 ; ′ U → +1 , y → +∞ . If U (0) < 0, then A > Ac = 3α/2. Main Result: For A∗ ≫ 1, there are two solutions U ± (y) with U ′ > 0 for y > 0 given asymptotically by p √ + + ∗ 2 U ∼ A +y , U (0) ∼ A∗ , !! √ p √ A∗ y − − 2 ∗ 2 √ , U (0) ∼ −2 A∗ . U ∼ A + y 1 − 3 sech 2 Rigorous: these solutions are connected via a saddle-node bifurcation. UBC – p. 36 Analysis of Peak-Insertion Behavior: VII The same normal form ODE was derived for the analysis of self-replicating mesa patterns in reaction-diffusion systems: see KWW, Physica D 236(2), (2007), pp. 104-122. Remark 2: Plot of A∗ versus s ≡ U (0): A ∗ 8 6 5 5 5 –5 0 –5 –5 ∗ s = −5, A ∼ –6 –4 25 4 4 2.5 5 0 –1 5 ∗ 2 s = −0.615, A = −1.466 –2 0 –5 0 5 s = 2.5, A∗ ∼ 2 25 4 s4 –2 UBC – p. 37 Finite-Dimensional Dynamics: D = O(1): I On the basic cell, |x| ≤ l, one can construct a quasi-equilibrium one-spike solution centered at x = x0 , where x0 = x0 (ε2 t) moves slowly in time. Provided that no peak-insertion effects occur, then for ε → 0 the dynamics on the slow time-scale σ = ε2 t is characterized by p −1 A ∼ ε w (y) / ṽ0 , y = ε−1 (x − x0 (σ)) , 3 dx0 + − ∼ F(x0 ) , F(x0 ) ≡ a0x (x0 ) + a0x (x0 ) . dσ 8α Main Result: Here a0 (x) is the solution to the multi-point BVP D [f (a0 )a0x ]x = a0 − γ , 0 < |x| < l ; a0x (±l) = 0 , a0 (0) = α , where f (a0 ) ≡ a−2 0 (3α − 2a0 ). The derivation of this is delicate in that one must resolve a corner layer or knee region for V that allows for matching between the inner and outer approximations for V . Remark 1: UBC – p. 38 Finite-Dimensional Dynamics D = O(1): II From an integration of the BVP for a0 , one gets explicit dynamics: h i p p 3 2 dx0 = G(α; µr ) − G(α; µl ) , dσ 8 D where µr ≡ a0 (l) and µl ≡ a0 (−l) are determined implicitly by r r 2 2 (l − x0 ) = χ(µr ) , (l + x0 ) = χ(µl ) . D D The dynamics is repulsive: If x0 (0) > 0, then x0 → 0 as t → ∞. By using reflection through the Neumann B.C., two adjacent hot-spots will repel. Qualitative I: Since the hot-spot dynamics is repulsive, then dynamic peak-insertion events due to large inter-hot-spot separations are unlikely. Qualitative II: Peak insertion events in the presence of mutually attracting localized pulses, leads to spatial temporal chaos in a Keller-Segel model with logistic growth in 1-D (Painter and Hillen, Physica D 2011). Remark: UBC – p. 39 The Effect of Police: 3-Component Systems In 1-D, an RD system incorporating police is U = U (x, t): At = ε2 ∆A − A + P A + α , x ∈ Ω , 2P Pt = D∇ · ∇P − ∇A − P A + γ − α − f , x ∈ Ω , A qU ∇A , x ∈ Ω , τu Ut = D∇ · ∇U − A R with ∂n (A, P, U ) = 0 on ∂Ω. Police are conserved; U0 = Ω U dx > 0 for all t. Police Model I: f = U (simple interaction) L. Ricketson (UCLA). Police Model II: f = U P (standard “predator-prey” type interaction) Remark: The police drift velocity is V = d dx ln(Aq ). If q = 2, police drift exhibits mimicry (L. Ricketson, UCLA) Referred to as “Cops on the Dots” (Jones, Brantingham, L. Chayes, M3As, 2011). Can be derived from an agent-based model. If q > 2, police focus more on attractive sites than do criminals. If 0 < q < 2, the police are less focused, and more “diffusive”. UBC – p. 40 The Effect of Police: Qualitative Optimal Police Strategy: For a given U0 find the optimal q (parameter in police drift velocity) that minimizes the NLEP stability threshold of D with D = D0 /ε2 . In this way, we maximize over q the distance between stable localized hot-spots. Question I: Investigate this question for both Police models I and II. Is the optimal strategy the same for both models? For τu sufficiently large on the regime D = O(ε−2 ), corresponding to police diffusivity D/τu , can a two-hot spot solution undergo a Hopf bifurcation leading to asynchronous temporal oscillations in the hot-spot amplitudes? Question II: If τu > 1, then police ‘diffuse” more slowly than do criminals. Typically, only synchronous oscillatory instabilities of the spike amplitudes occur in RD systems (GM, Gray-Scott, etc..) Open: For D = O(1) can police prevent or limit the nucleation of new hot-spots of criminal activity arising from peak-insertion? Question III: UBC – p. 41 Police Model I: Simple-Interaction Model On the basic cell |x| > l, and with q > 1, the leading order asymptotics for A, P , and U , in the hot-spot region near x = 0 is Principal Result (Equilibrium): U0 1 2 q √ w (x/ε) , P ∼ [w (x/ε)] , U ∼ A∼ [w (x/ε)] . εb ε v0 √ R q Here b ≡ w dy, and w = w(y) = 2sech (y) is the homoclinic of w′′ − w + w3 = 0. The amplitude of the hot-spot is determined by v0 , where Z 1 √ w3 dy = 2l(γ − α) − U0 . v0 Remark I: A hot-spot solution ceases to exist if the total number of police satisfies U0 ≥ U0c ≡ 2l(γ − α) For U0 < U0c , for a K-spot equilibrium on a domain of length S, let l = S/(2K) and replace U0 → U0 /K. Then, use a glueing technique to construct the multi-pulse pattern. Remark II: UBC – p. 42 Police Model I: Stability I For q > 1, a Floquet-based analysis leads to an NLEP with two nonlocal terms: R 2 Z w Φ dy L0 Φ − 3χ0j w3 R 3 − χ1j w3 wq−1 Φ dy = λΦ , w dy where for j = 1, . . . , K − 1, −1 Z 3/2 , χ0j ≡ 1 + v0 Dj2 / w3 dy Cq (λ) χ1j ≡ R 3 χ0j . w dy Here v0 , Djq , and Cq (λ) are defined by R 3 w dy 2K U0 πj S , Djq ≡ D0 αq 1 − cos = (γ − α) − √ v0 K K S k R q ! √ U w dy qκp Djq 0 v0 q−3 R Cq (λ) ≡ , τ̂ ≡ ε τu . , κp ≡ q dy q/2 Djq + τ̂ λ K w v 0 For q = 3 it is an exactly solvable NLEP. By using L0 (w2 ) = 3w2 , the NLEP can be transformed into one with a single nonlocal term. Remark 1: Remark 2: UBC – p. 43 Police Model I: Stability IV For q > 1, the NLEP governing the stability of a K-hot-spot pattern is for j = 1, . . . , K − 1: R q−1 Φ dy 1 3 w R L0 Φ − w = λΦ , Cj (λ) wq dy 9χ0j 1 R 1− . Cj (λ) = 2(3 − λ) χ1j wq dy Main Result: The discrete eigenvalues are the roots of gj (λ) = 0, where R q−1 −1 w (L0 − λ) w3 dy R gj (λ) ≡ Cj (λ) − F(λ) , F(λ) ≡ . q w dy If Cj (0) > 1/2, then there exists an unstable real eigenvalue on 0 < λ < 3. Setting Cj (0) = 0, then gives R 3 √ qU0 v0 w dy 1 R . 1+ Dj2 = 3 3/2 2 K w dy v0 Rigorous: UBC – p. 44 Police Model I: Stability V For q > 1, a K-hot-spot equilibrium on an interval of length S L , where is unstable on an O(1) time-scale for any τu > 0 when D > DK 4 S qU0 L 3 . DK ≡ 2 2 2 4 1 + ω π ω 8ε π α K 1 + cos K Main Result: Here ω is defined by ω = S (γ − α) − U0 . By a separate analysis involving the construction of asymmetric patterns, the stability threshold with respect to the o(1) “small eigenvalues” is 4 qU S 0 3 S L 1 + ω DK < D ≡ . K 16ε2 π 2 α2 K 4 ω S Notice that DK is monotonically increasing in q. But, the optimal police strategy is one that minimizes the stability threshold. For a fixed U0 , it is not optimal for the police to be overly focussed on drifting towards hot spots (observed numerically by L. Ricketson). Qualitative Result: UBC – p. 45 Police Model I: A Hopf Bifurcation I Consider two hot-spots, and let q = 3 so that the NLEP is solvable. Does L there exist a Hopf bifurcation when D < DK whereby the amplitude of the two hot-spots oscillate asynchronously on an O(1) time-scale? For q = 3 and two-hot-spots, the function F(λ) in the NLEP problem R q−1 −1 w (L0 − λ) w3 dy R g1 (λ) ≡ Cj (λ) − F(λ) , F(λ) ≡ , q w dy is F(λ) = 3/ [2(3 − λ)], and so λ is a root of b 3χ01 λ=a+ , a≡3 1− , 1 + τ̂ λ 2 Recall: τ̂ ≡ εq−3 τu R q w dy q/2 v0 (simply set q = 3 and K = 2). ! , b≡− 9χ01 κp . 2 √ U0 v0 κp ≡ R q . K w dy UBC – p. 46 Police Model I: A Hopf Bifurcation II For q = 3 and K = 2, there exists a Hopf Bifurcation at H L with λ = ±iλI , when 0 < DK < D < DK . We have, Main Result: τu = τuH 3/2 τuH v D13 , = R0 3 a w dy p λI = −a(a + b) . H H There is an explicit formula for DK . No Hopf bif. if D < DK . L H , we predict asychronous < D < DK If τu > τuH on 0 < DK oscillatory instability of the two spots. Numerically, the bifurcation looks H supercritical. If D < DK , then we have stability for all τu . Qualitative: There is an intermediate range of police diffusivity (slower than criminals) for which the two hot-spots exhibit asynchronous oscillations. Maximum criminal activity is displaced periodically in time from one hot-spot to its neighbour. Interpretation: Similar behavior for is expected for q 6= 3, but is more difficult to analyze. (no explicit analytical formulas available). Remark: UBC – p. 47 Police Model II: Predator-Prey Interaction On the basic cell |x| > l, and with q > 1, the leading order asymptotics for A, P , and U , in the hot-spot region near x = 0 is Principal Result (Equilibrium): 1 U0 q 2 [w (x/ε)] . A ∼ √ w (x/ε) , P ∼ [w (x/ε)] , U ∼ εb ε v0 √ R q Here b ≡ w dy, and w = w(y) = 2sech (y) is the homoclinic of w′′ − w + w3 = 0. The amplitude of the hot-spot is determined by v0 , where R 2+q R 2+q Z w dy w dy 1 2q 3 R R √ w dy = 2l(γ − α) − U0 , = . q+1 v0 wq dy wq dy Remark I: A hot-spot solution ceases to exist if U0 ≥ U0c ≡ (q + 1)l(γ − α)/q. For U0 < U0c , for a K-spot equilibrium on a domain of length S, let l = S/(2K) and replace U0 → U0 /K. Then, use a glueing technique to construct the multi-pulse pattern. Remark II: UBC – p. 48 Police Model II: Stability I Let q > 1, and U0 < U0c so that a K-hot-spot equilibrium exists. Then: Asymmetric hot-spot equilibria bifurcate from the symmetric K-hot-spot branch at the threshold 2 3 2U0 q 2q U ω S 0 S > 0. , ω ≡ S(γ − α) − 1+ DK ≡ 16ε2 π 2 α2 K 4 (q + 1)ω q+1 Small Eigenvalue Threshold: (Note that the amplitude of the hot-spot is proportional to ω.) The NLEP now involves 3 separate nonlocal terms. When τu ≪ O(εq−3 ), the stability threshold for this NLEP is 2 > DKS . DKL = DKS 1 + cos (π/K) NLEP Analysis: By simple calculus we study DKS as a function of q for U0 fixed with U0 < U0c . Optimal strategy is to minimize the threshold. UBC – p. 49 Police Model II: Stability II Key Qualitative Features (Optimal Strategy): For q → ∞, then DKS → ∞, which gives a poor police strategy. Overly focused aggressive police can lead (paradoxically) to rather closely spaced stable hot-spots. DKS has a minimum wrt q at some interior point in 1 < q < ∞. The minimum value can be rather small only if U0 is relatively large. Thus, only if there is enough police should they really focus their effort towards hot-spots. Example: Curve U0 S = 1, γ = 2, α = 1, K = 2, ε = 0.02 Top Curve: U0 = 0.28, Bottom = 0.44: Note: (U0c = 0.5). 0.9 0.8 0.7 S DK 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 q UBC – p. 50 Further Directions For the basic urban crime model in 2-D with D = O(1): Investigate effect of spatial heterogeneity of γ, α. Derive the scalar nonlinear elliptic PDE, associated with a saddle-node point, governing peak insertion. Dynamics in 1-D and 2-D: Derive ODE’s for the locations of centers of a collection of hot-spots (repulsive interactions?). Are dynamic peak-insertion events for a collection of hot-spots possible? If hot-spots become too closely spaced, we anticipate annihilation. Can annihilation and creation events lead to spatial-temporal chaos? Analyze other models of the effect of police, incorporating dynamic deterrence, i.e. A. Pilcher, EJAM (2010). References: T. Kolokolnikov, M.J. Ward, J. Wei, The Stability of Steady-State Hot-Spot Patterns for a Reaction-Diffusion Model of Urban Crime, to appear DCDS-B, (2012), (34 pages). T. Kolokolnikov, S. Tse, M.J. Ward, J. Wei, Urban Crime, Hot-Spot Patterns, and the Effect of Police: a Three-Component Reaction-Diffusion UBC – p. 51 Model, in preparation, (2012).