THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY August 8, 2000 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 11, 2000 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR - Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine REPORT FROM THE INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR - Margaret Carter URBAN LEAGUE GUILD Patricia Welch NOMINIATING COMMITTEE Dr. Mildred W. 0/lie DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Charles A. Wilhoite We Thank You For Your Support! THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING JULY 11, 2000 MINUTES Members present: Baruti L. Artharee, Duane A. Bosworth, William Cabine, Jim Francesconi, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick, Ruby Haughton, Nan Heim, Don McClave, Carl R. Neil, Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Barbara A. West, Charles A. Wilhoite Members absent: Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Ralph Gillespie, Harry Hutt, Bill M. Isaacson, Paul Knauls, Larry G. Miller, N. Robert Stoll, Dr. Cory Warner, Patricia Welch Staff present: Margaret Carter, Interim Executive Director, Don Chalmers In the absent of the Board Chair, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, the Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Charles A. Wilhoite, Board Treasurer at 7:40 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - June 13, 2000 MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine No Report. REPORT FROM THE INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Margaret Carter Aging Services welcomed the Urban League of Portland for submitting the application for renewal of the Qualified Vendor Status. There was a meeting held with Volunteers of America staff and Board Members and the Urban League of Portland's Board members regarding the transition back of the fiscal finances of the Urban League of Portland's, schedule for July 31, 2000. The board would like to exercise good media coverage of this return. The date of the Equal Opportunity Dinner is October 4, 2000 at the Hilton Hotel. The Urban League of Portland would like to raise $100,000 from this event. The Urban League of Portland received the renewal of the Tobacco and Prevention grant. Board of Directors July 11, 2000 Page 2 1\'liinutes REPORT FROM THE URBAN LEAGUE GUILD Patricia Welch, President No Report. REPORT FROM THE NOMINL&TING COMMITTEE -Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Chair No Report. REPORT FROM THE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West, Chair Ruby Haughton Mrs. West discussed organizing the membership list in the database, from the information that had been received in order to present a format that could give accurate information on membership contributions. There is a need to develop a packet for fund raising. REPORT FROM FINANCE/PERSONNEL Charles A. Wilhoite, Treasurer URBAN LEAGUE FINANCL&L SUMMARY JULY 11, 2000 The finances of the Urban League are being managed conservatively over the summer months in anticipation of the renewal of the Portland Public Schools contract in September 2000. Currently, cash on hand totals approximately $118,000, and the monthly payroll approximates $40,000. Significant pledges outstanding include $25,000 from Wells Fargo and $22,500 from OHSU, which are not included in the current cash balance. Currently, the League is clearly solvent and progressinH :iy towards financial stability with a strong fundraising effort under way. The current restructuring includes the transition of the fiscal functions from VOA to the League. The scheduled transition is anticipated to be completed by the end of the month. Along those lines, the League has hired Sherry Lowry to serve as the Director of Finance. Ms. Lowry has 15-plus years of accounting experience (much of it relating to nonprofit accounting), and for the past nine months has been responsible for much of the accounting activity relating to the League as an employee of VOA. She will become a full-time employee of the League on August 7, and intends to hire two part-time assistants in the accounting department to implement the newly developed accounting policies of the League. Board of Directors Minutes REPORT FROM FINANCE/PERSONNEL July 11, 2000 Page 3 (Cont'd) With regard to the current operations of the League, the May 31, 2000, financial statements confirm our earlier estimates of an operating loss approximating $400,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000. The anticipated loss is largely attributable to the disruption in operationsespecially the fundraising cycleresulting from the discontinuance of most major programs in October 1999 as a result of the Multnomah County audit and subsequent actions. Had the League not missed a full fundraising cycle as a result of the disruption to operations, it is likely that normal flindraising efforts would have raised between $300,000 and $500,000 in the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000, resulting in a break-even performance. With regard to future financial considerations, the League will begin making debt-service payments on March 31, 2000, to the Bank of America with regard to the refinancing loan. OTHER BUSINESS: Baruti L. Artharee, Board Member asked the Board for a Letter of Support for Gresham High School Principal Paul Coakley, who Superintendent Gretchen Schuette has allegations that his effectiveness of communication and leadership was grounds for his termination as principal of Gresham High School. After a brief discussion by the board. A MOTION WAS MADE THAT MARGARET CARTER, INTERIM EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND BOARD MEMBER BARUTI L. ARTHAREE WOULD SUBMIT A LETTER OF SUPPORT TO THE CHAIR OF THE GRIESHAM-BARLOW SCHOOL BOARD ON BEHALF OF PRINCIPAL PAUL COAKLEY. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED. THE MOTION PASSED. The Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 9:02 a.m. SUBMITTED BY: Don Chalmers Executive Assistant to Interim Executive Director APPP("T CNeil Secretary BY: BOARD OF DIRECTORS NEW CONFERENCE ROOM FOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. BEGINNING June 13, 2000 July 11, 2000 August 8, 2000 September 12, 2000 October 10, 2000 November 14, 2000 December 12, 2000 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 3A 3 Fir Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North BOARD MEETING LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente 500 NE Multnomah Street 15thi Floor Conference Room 15 North (Except August 8, 2000 Conference Room 3A 3rd Floor) Portland, Oregon 97232 (Message # (503) 813-3803) PARKING: PARK IN THE GARAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLOCK YOUR PARKTING TICKET WILL BE VALIDATED AT THE MEETING FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Margaret Carter Interim Executive Director Urban League of Portland August 8, 2000 1IJ I VI I'LI] 1UJ W1IIIII SIC 1I'AIPZtSIIIYflIflF 5]r 7690 2360 7th-b 36% Grade/Raw #s 64% Female Male 8th-b 9th-33 62% Ethnicity: Afr. Amer. $27.77 $27.77 Rate 14% lOth-33 Euro. Am. 24% Other Billed $213,551.30 $ 65,537.20 $279,088.50 llth-19 12th-12 Z C TOTAL: 572 Z i - Sept Oct Oct _______RT Sept 55 Dec Maintain 65 students Jan Feb M on th S II Nov Dec 0 C th S Feb Maintain 65 students M Jan 1999-2000 PSA Enrollment Nov II 1998-1999 PS A E nrollm ent JT1 _______[1 Mar Mar Apr Apr May May [T_______ Jun Jun 5 Portland Street Academy is contracted for a maximum of 65 students enrolled per month. One school year is usually 10 months. That gives a total of 650. Last year we did not meet the criteria. 6th-0 Grade Distribution: Gender Distribution % of Students on Plan A = 75%; % of Students on Plan B 25% Plan A Registered Plan B Students 79 38 Portland Street Academy/School Identification #774: # of Students 1999-2000 School Year Days Enrolled Phillip Christain, Director of Education Service ReportJuly, 2000 The Urban League of Portland Education Department 92% 0 % 30% 13% 2%.L91o± 8% uspended 20% R e fe rra I Received 72% Not Suspended 72% No Referral Graph 6 Graph 4 7 28% uspended ceived Referral Graph 2 1999-2000 School year detentions. Breakdown percentage by month. Graph 4 1999-2000 School year referrals. 28% students received referrals, 72% did not Graph 6 1999-2000 School year suspensions. 20% of students were suspended 80% were not Graph Explanation _____________________________________ _________________________ Graph 5 Graph 3 Months . Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun or o Months Not Suspended 80% 20% fo7,rn flr_° . 26/a Graph 2 Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun No Referral ! o 30/a Graph 1 1998-1999 School year detentions. Breakdown percentage by month. Graph 3 1998-1999 School year referrals. 20% students received referrals, 80% did not. Graph 5 1998-1999 School year suspensions. 8% of students were suspended, 92% were not 'I ) O Graph 1 Here are some statistics regarding Detentions, Suspensions, Referrals and Parent/Teacher conferences. Below you will find a breakdown of 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 school years. The Urban League of Portland partment of Youth Leadership and Development dWfl E. McDaniel, Director Month: July 2000 Summer Ptormmri with youth $ famthe from SAl ease margement and the commtntty a lar9e Activities Include Portiand Youth 0!f Assoclatiøn, Police Activthes League f1ationaI Sports Program CampCultura1 nrEchment Prograt; fia(d trp ilI)êt Of Studnfs gramming nci øvenis', 26 Vanoits community service projóets and 1eadarsip 1eVeiopment modules Weed & Seed Funding unt has agreed to alloW the Weed &Saed fundhig 10 be retaned by the Urban League of PortIard for Multnomah the remafndeç of the original grant period September30 2000 The Urban Lea9ue wHi cortlntte participation on the 1eed & seed Steenrig Committee Funding daeisions fQr the 2000-2001 fisca[yaar will b made pending further .4i$CU$SlQflS June 5, 2000 July Progress Report: Tobacco Prevention Program Youth Advocacy Met with Regional Drug Initiatives director and youth volunteers to coordinate future sponsorship events and gather additional information for operation storefront media campaign. Presentations Met with the Emmanuel Community Services Youth Redirection director to discuss ongoing collaborations. Highlights Meeting with teens and young adult pregnant mothers program directors at the YWCA to discuss and design future forums pertaining to environmental tobacco smoke. Asian Family Center and the Multnomah County Health Department and the Urban League are planning ongoing youth advocacy work around tobacco sponsorship of indoor/outdoor events. Met with Oregon Human development Center, Multnomah County Health Department, Asian family Center to begin work on diversity workshops for tobacco advocates. Submitted by, Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention Coordinator The Urban League of Portland BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY AUGUST 8, 2000 7:30 A.M. jj1 EIucArIcr.1 1iijii] EIvIPLcvI1Er1r I1 9:00 A.M. EQuAI..Irv URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oreqon 97227-1619 Phone: (503) 280-2600 Fax: (503) 281-2612 J T 'I LU. ficiul - Ill MEETING TUESDAY 1UI IIIUSLUL 1I1I1fl 7:30 A.M. :f,:'jED1CA1I0f4 URBAN PLAZA EPJ1PLOV'JIE1'1i 10 North Russell Street 9:00 A.M. ELJ*L..11y' Portland, Oreqon 97227-1619 Phone: (503) 280-2600 Fax: (503) 281-2612 I THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 AGENDA APPROVAL 01? MINUTES August 8, 2000 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR - Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO - Margaret Carter URBAN LEAGUE GUILD - Patricia Welch NOMINIATING COMMITTEE - Dr. Mildred W. 011ie DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - C7iarles A. Wilhoite We Thank You For Your Support! THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING AUGUST 8, 2000 MINUTES Members present: Baruti L. Artharee, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Duane A. Bosworth, William M. Cabine, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick, Ruby Haughton, Bill M. Issacson, Paul Knauls, Don McClave, Carl R. Neil, Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, N. Robert Stoll, Patricia Welch, Barbara A. West, Charles A. Wilhoite Members absent: Jim Francesconi, Ralph Gillespie, Nan Heim, Harry Hutt, Larry G. Miller, Dr. Cory Warner Board Chair, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine at 7:35 am, called the Board of Directors meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES July 11, 2000 MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Board Chair called for an EXECUTIVE SESSION, with George Richardson, Chair of the Executive Search Committee in attendance at 7:40 am, EXECUTIVE SESSION Dr Bernstine, Board Chair reconvened the Board of Directors meeting at 8:15 am. At which time he announced the new President and Chief Executive Officer of the Urban League of Portland, Margaret Carter, who has been the Interim Executive Director of the Urban League of Portland since November, 1999, and was extended congratulations by the Board members present. Her duties take effect immediately. Dr. Bernstine stated that there was a need to seek a Chief Operating Officer as soon as possible. REPORT FROM THE NEW PRESIDENT/CEO Margaret Carter Mrs. Carter thanked the Board for their vote of confidence and promised to work just as diligently as she had before and looking forward to a very bright future. She is very excited about the fundraising dinner on October 4, 2000 at the Portland Hilton Hotel and encouraged the Board members to sell tables for the event. Her most urge project is working on the Whitney M. Young Tutorial Program proposal. Board of Directors Minutes August 8, 2000 Page 2 URBAN LEAGUE GUILD Patricia Welch, President Mrs. Welch told the board that the Guild volunteers were waiting to affix addressed labels to the "SAVE THE DATE" card for the fundraising dinner on October 4, 2000 at the Portland Hilton Hotel for mailing. The Children Book Fair will be held Saturday, September 16, 2000, 10:00 am. to 1:00 p.m. Mrs. Welch also appealed for Readers for the children and contact her. Washington Mutual will contribute to the event. NOMINIATING COMMITTEE Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Chair No Report, DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Barbara A. West Mrs. West distributed to the board members copy of the following: 1) Minutes from the last meeting; 2) Donor's List; 3) Procedures; and 4) Urban League's Donor Report and gave a briefing of each item. Mrs. West stated that the Fund Raising Packet would be ready next week. Don McClave explained what the packet would look like and the components inside. Each board member would receive 5 packets; more would be available from the Urban League's office. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Charles A. Wilhoite, Treasurer Urban League Fiscal Summary August 8, 2000 (Please see insert for the report) The Board of Directors was adjourned at 9:05 a.m. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Don Chalmers Executive Assistant to The President/CEO Carl R. Neil Secretary FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Charles A. Wilhoite Treasurer September 12, 2000 URBAN LEAGUE FISCAL SUMMARY AUGUST 8, 2000 The balance sheet and profit and loss statement as of and for the period ended June 30, 2000, were provided to Board members in attendance. As indicated in the balance sheet, cash on hand as of June 30, 2000, totaled approximately $156,000, compared with accounts, current interest, and payroll payable of $105,000. The net fund balance was reported at approximately $290,000. As reported in the profit and loss statement for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2000, the League generated total revenue approximating $ 1.518 million. This compared with total reported expenses of $1 .805 million, resulting in a net loss approxunating $287,000. loss$287,000is approximately $113,000 less than the anticipated loss. The indicated net With regard to the completion of pending program requirements, discussions with Alan Hipolito are planned in order to determine the timing and costs relating to the completion of the Environmental Program by the November and December 2000 month-end reporting dates. The preliminary budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2001, was also discussed with Board members in attendance. Projected revenues were estimated at $1 .759 million, and total programrelated and operating costs were projected at $ 1.740 million, for an estimated net operating profit of$1 9,000. Current projected revenue of $1 .759 million for fiscal year 2001 compares with actual revenue of $1 .518 million in fiscal year 2000 and $3 .261 million in fiscal year 1999. The current budget is in a preliminary state as certain prograni revenues are uncertain (e.g., Senior Services Program and other Multhomah County and United Way funding). The Board approved the preliminary budget with the understanding that a revised budget would be forthcoming as certain program revenues became assured through the signing of pending/upcoming contracts. URBAN LEAGUE OREGON BALANCE SHEET FOR THE MONTh ENDING 6t30/OO ASSETS REPORT: BAI_AX'10E SHEET CURRENT ASSETS PETTY GASH CASH - CHECKING CASH - BANK OF AMERICA FUNDS HELD BY C&R REAL ESTATE i,000.00 l32,27D.6 12,592.32 10,673.60 INVESTMENTS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PLEDGES RECEIVED 202,454.00 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 464,769.64 11,066.58 FIXED ASSETS LAND AND BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES REAL ESTATE HELD FOR SALE 1,646,240.04 394,282.17 1,000.00 LESS ACCUM DEPRECIATION 2.041,522.21 (966,385.12) FIXED ASSETS 1,075137.09 OTHER ASSETS CLEARiNG FUNDS TOTAL ASSETS 1.01 $1,539,907:74 LIABILITiES & FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIA8ILITIES TRADE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTEREST PAYABLE 81,112.30 2,026.47 PAYROLL PAYABLE PAYROLL TAXES PAYABLE 21,098.87 ACCRUED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS LINE OF CREDIT 39,677.80 305.85 249,476.49 UNEARNED REVENUE 29,291.97 OTHER ST LIABIU11ES 15,253.65 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 438,243.40 OTHER LIABILITIES AND FUND 6AL LT BUILDING/EQUIPMENT LOANS FUND BALANCE ADDITIONS TO FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIAB AND FUND BALANCE 811,266.11 577,382.81 (286,964.58) 1,53807.74 URBAN LEAGUE Portland Oregon Financia' Statement P & L Statement For the month ending 6/30/00 PROGRAM RECTOR: REPORT: P&L ACCOUNT NUMBER THIS MONTH YTD ACTUAL YTD BUDGET YTO BUDGET VARIANCE INCOME 4100 CONTRIBUTIONS 4400 IN KIND DONATIONS 4700 UNITED WAY ALLOCATION 4500 INTEREST/INVEST 6000 FEES AND GRANT 5000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 6200 PROGRAM SRVC FEES /INCIOENT 6500 OTHER REVENUE $6,203 0 $99,871 1,400 1724:3 $0 ($99,871) (1,400) (17.243) (129.933) (1,067,867) (126.513) (440) 0 1,623 58,528 65,210 0 S,9$7 1,067,86'r 126,513 0 0 0 0 0 444) ci 74,742 0 139,851 1,516,009 0 (1,518,009) 7000 WAGES AND BENEFITS 7500 UNDOCUMEJ4TED EXPENSES 6000 PROFESSIONAL FEES 8050 BANK FEES 8100 SUPPLIES 3200 TELEPHONE 8300 POSTAGE 8400 OCCUPANCY 8445 LICENSE/FEES 8500 EQUIP RENTAL & MAINT 8500 PRINTINO/S4JBSCRIPTJON 8700 TRAVEL 8800 CONFERENCE/CONV/MTGS 8900 SPECIFIC ASSISTANCE 9000 MEMBERSHIP DUES 9200 INTEREST EXPENSE 9300 INSURANCE - COMP/LIABILITY 9404 SCHOLARSHIPITUITION 26,302 5,352 14,419 1,058,3341 0 (1,058.338) (4,707) (398,327) (1,492) (46.747) (31,874) (3.970) (53,960) (12,037) (33.489) (3,596) (18.477) (2,134) (1.362) (5,140) (08,314) (23,259) TOTAL EXPENSES 85,657 FUND BALANCE 5:3,194 TOTAL INCOME 129,93:3 (7414 EXPENSES 7 1076Q 2,557 815 9,106 458 2,269 410' 398,327 1,49 46,747 31,074 3,70 83.980 12,037 a3,48c1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,722 3.59s 18,477 0 2134 0 0 0 0 1,362 5,140 0 68314 2,25S' 0 0 a 0 9,381 3,279 0 0 __iZJ.Q) 7,74e 1,804,991 982) 0 (1,804,991) 0 286 82 In43d 0bii 01-51-10 0191-12 0tB1.1 3 00600 Preporod byherTy Lowry July 27. 2000 13.57030 l3,5Tht10 $ 1411.025,88 $ 1 155.00 11500 3 5,588.66 7.150.011 6 3 Y1.roCcnp 9,i.c0 665.00 11,.0G 11.86830 i 5 005.00 5 11,90003 s 3 ParuIIr 118,566.00 5 8 I26O.11 S 116,025i0 8,30000 $ -Di1 $ S IlOcOlil 110.1100.03 1C,QQ0.00 15I,73)10 $ $ Wa S S 1cbIRuceeu ExpeudI1ur S lndrC1Reanv RenUllncrnnu flfl t 10,40103 5 102,55.l0 $ $ 5 5 S - 93.OL14LOO ?D 000 03 02-14-60 S S - 05,35303 050000 CatCr,n2ns $ S 70,078.90 0 674.95 74o.00 51-11-20 S 6 s 5,591,03 39.20 312,60 210,40 3,12006 11903 1l9.00 EPA-LHd S $ $ 2- $ - 280,03003 20,000.00 CO.00 S S 50-02-20 ECOOijvrj F 4jZUO 5 01-02-cO Witeh Fr 50151 67,403,00 14,033L0 $ 104,055.10 S 13003 S PAembcnsb-In* 63.51G.9 5 5 01-91-25 AunL-g Mefnbei1.Crnp GT11flIs-tloflG31 Fe&Crb-Gon1 UuO W Fund Con1itutbs QI0IUI DecO 8ne Oóribion Fidbu40% 9w*i65% rripc*bo Co1C!J,thr ParUand jrnnrnry Ltgu Bud Tb! Urbr r 3.8I603 $ 40,00000 600000 E-5AC 02-13-05 S s 02-15-00 $ 5r001.0O $ 219.11090 $ 719,ll11.D0 S1 32-16-00 5 $ * $ $ S S 255.40 2,55403 2,518,00 S 217,528.343 8,806.65 18,466.50 12,527.95 $ l.405.50 836.324 298.54 S 35..12 I 100849.00 5 45,764.26 710,018,00 7,ID9.l5 74,05503 3 71,09l.83 $ 5,839.50 I 5,388.40 2,0913 $ 1,750,347.31 346,909.31 101,00303 fl1 5730O2 219.II0.0O 655,550,110 Buge1 TctAi S $ 5 00,040.00 5 134.55500 5 29.J*&03 S I4O550.00 S 5 34cO1.Z) 1,14693 5 ¶1455.30 8$251 $ 134,853.03 3 135,333.74 8 $ 5 $ Thb 102.l5-00 241$23-00 3 0000tXI 37P0J20 s.cmco SenuS 3 259.11600 5 45,cc0.00 S 20383303 S S PSA 02-13- j 88 8 8 4* (4 4* 8 8 '4 '4 *4 4* 4. 44 288 4% .4 44 4. 2 4' '4 0, 8 .-. a 44 *4 2 8 (4 4. 2 8 44 4_4_. 8 44 82882 8 *4 -. -. 44 4* 44 S 2 a 4. -' (4 - 44 '4, 2 8 2 r 4* 44 44 4. 8 L 44 (4 *4 44 (4 8 8 8 S 8 44 *4 4. 44 4. 2 8 2 288 2 2 Int..4 4. 4. 828 4. 44 - 4* 8 V. *4 44 -4 8 8 8 8 8 8 2 8 8 8 - 4* .4 44 8 1 4. 88 h - .4 4. -. 4* * - 4% 44 *4 44 44 - 4* - 8 4 82 U U 8 i 8 *4 4 44 8888 44 8 44 2 '-4 44 *4 44 &4 *4 *4 t 4. f 54 Co5 r [widerj JJIy27, 2000 Frnpared by S0ierry Lowry Ri,eni Tt4 Prrini Cnn1 AUn1n; -Iidln ArLi.Ind 0191-ia 202,5111)5 45,752.35) 0 1)1251.18 S (1?1.491.55J S S O1sl12 01-01.15 $ $ $ $ 8 C6032.74J S 116.562,74 6250.00 6,2500) 100,062.74 $ S 14,40)00 $ 14,4001)8 Fafl40% Apoitmrth60% Trpor1i S 267,S1I5 S 1)9,251.16 Drp1Nmn Ls Un bnb3 CisU iol cii.ioo Mnrin*260n CdCeMgr 11-81.20 0 KiEr5h OT,954,00 31,0&.37 S 212.14600 1)0,549,47 2100600 21000.00 130.51t47 S 28A4.00 AunIrrg I 2' 00,335.0) 6,750.90 6J0) &00oi 02-14-El) S S .9 4.90425 5 $ 6J55.So S 30,090.50 (00126 01-11- 62C0.47J 6,32447 393 83. 6,306.02 EPA-Leo8 13,708,00 5 CatCnrdnn 5 26865003 5 $ 3 9 01-92-30 EODDrner f S I $ 9 (00,246.051 $ 3 19.42820 3 90,4.95,2) 5 280,60435 $ 240,09225 PSA 08-13-50 02-15-08 SenlxSn Toba 02.10-00 5 21,27248 21,272.48 5 3 6250) $ 37.Q8 S (ZC606I S (33.354.05( S 1Z45545) S 42,063,68 9 317,017.1S I 52,45535 30)2.00 9 3,000.0) 36063.06 S 274.47220 9 48,000.65 ESHSC 01340 S 2,725 S 210,35.1 01) 5 16433.25 6.42525 5 103,5183i) SAl 02-. 1690)21 1,740,36010 104,00610 00,735.10 1,552,77800 UiA8eflry THURSDAY + AUGUST17, 2000 Urban League back on track In the 11 months' since accounting deficiencies put the Portland Ur-. ban League's programs in jeopardy, the agency has emerged as a leaner organization with asharper set of pencils. And with last Week's naming of Maigaret Carter as president and chief eecutiye, ,the Urban League's outlook is its best in years. The board voted for proven eperience, giving Carter the nod for the 10 months she spent turning the, troubled agency around. The decision came just one week after Multnomah County officials restored the league's eligibility for public contracts. a chief executive to guide policy and raise money, and a chief operating officer to manage the nuts and bolts. That should go far in ensuring the league's future. By dividing the duties into two positions, the board cuts the risk of either being.overwhelmed by the juggling of programs and funding that' was the roqt of the league's woes. With Carter as chief. executive, the boai'd has made a wise choice. Now it must do,' as' well. in .finding a .strong manager as the other half of the duo. Carter is running fotstaté senate, and if That good news also rewards the she is elected, it.vill put a little more on any operating'officer's plate tough work on the patt of the league's While the board looks' tO fihlthat posi- board to restore order to and confi- tion, it has put more emphasis on its resporisibility to oversee the accounting function. That's as it should be. With the county back on board, other large donors should feel more secure in returning to the league. Corporate sponsors still have time to step forward dence in the 54-year-old social service agency. The Urban League lost its county support last year after failing repeat- edlly to fulfill financial repoiting requirements. After the county pulled its more than $1 million in grants, other large donrs withdrew as well. The, past deficits appear to be corrected. The board has reorganized several key functions. Foremost is the separation of leadership into two positions: for the league's annual fund-raising dinner, Oct. 4. The Portland Urban League is back and its books are in order. I II7 1 ILl] 1 I] I 1 a[ (I] I IIIIIA'd I [l]VAl PiliI 1! 1 DI[SI U tlIl] ItF!I H September 12, 2000 October 10, 2000 November 14, 2000 December 12, 2000 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday sAIIIE I I1J Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North MEETING LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente 500 NE Multnomah Street 15th Floor Conference Room 15 North Portland, Oregon 97232 (Message # (503) 813-3803) PARKING: PARK IN THE GARAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLOCK YOUR PARKING TICKET WILL BE VALIDATED AT THE MEETING From the Office of the President Margaret Carter President/CEO Urban League of Portland Septeniber 12, 2000 SUMMARY OF AUGUSL 2000 PROGRAM SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND June 5, 2000 August Progress Report: Tobacco Prevention Program Youth Advocacy Met with Regional Drug Initiatives director and youth volunteers to coordinate retail clerk knowledge of tobacco sales to minors. Presented retail questionnaire testing clerk knowledge to four (4) retail outlets. Presentations Met with the Emmanuel Community Services Youth Redirection group to do a tobacco and target marketing presentation. Highlights Meeting with teens and young adult pregnant mothers program directors at the YWCA to discuss and design future forums pertaining to environmental tobacco smoke. Asian Family Center and the Multnomah County Health Department and the Urban League are in the planning stage for a multicultural event centered on World No Tobacco Day. Met with Oregon Human Development Center, NARA and the Asian family Center to begin work on diversity workshops for tobacco advocates. Submitted by, Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention Coordinator The Urban League of Portland The Urban League of Portland Education Department Service ReportAugust, 2000 Phillip Christain, Director of Education Portland Street Academy/School Identification #774: Portland Street Academy has received the contract for the school year of 2000-2001. We have been contracted for a maximum of 47 students enrolled per month. The amount of the contract is $253,816. We will get paid $30.50 per day compaired to 27.77 last year. Our average daily membership must be 75%. This year our lunches will be provided by Centennial High School to our students free of cost. This year we do not have income verification requirements. Our new school hours are from 9:00 am. until 3:00 p.m. The school focus this year is on Reading. A new reading program will be implemented this fall. Any member that wants to volunteer for our program, please contact Phil Christain at (503) 2802638. 09/01/00 13:27 TEL 15039884029 Eoi SAl-CENTRAL TEAM The Urban League of Portland Department of Youth Leadership and Development Fawn E. McDaniel, Director Month: August 2000 * ,.,,','. ,. ,, ..,-- 1'' ................. " 'I ," ,''l,.,'',, I'. .ck to School Fec tJpctnwg Event II This event 1aacoat I WodSeasi JCC of Puitland Caiitsa AmLTouStnfProOn e' Enhaiment Inc. £nhlnwiue Hefi S PSU Ath4ettc Deprti Rota itharn axflh lub ipa e '.1.1,, lIt I i o&soUrte Cter ''' 4 I'll'''' 1 I''II i.'t'i I III 4 .4 Summer PantYn Prner1s he oornmua1 lar ' I'''_II II ,ll,1ll,TIIIII.lII'I'lI'Ii,' ,,, case managemii aH4 fntllé from S tJes4rçu4' PY L ,cued, Ac & I PIice Activities Luai I 1,, '"1,4 I),I p4" 14 I, . I'I'.I',.7, ::,.r*,,'J Proar'arn etdthøs I I I:t,f1...,' ;''';', ',.,, ,'i ',/,,r'14) 4 II '4 .44,, I'?iI'I!4,l,4, ......... I, ii.'.' '....II,t, :,',''i;ç I'IIY 1 ,,'..,:I'l ............... 'I&i'iI 11,11.1' II II I I 14 I II (LI ¶ I L1 'l,'''I ,,' 1I I I *4,41,411141,, ...... I 1)11. ' ,, ,,. '4f lI',l4'I41I'.I,14II4hI.,I,4'J 'H I.' I I 'rII4'I 1111.. ,,';1,lili,1' .,,Ii,:,,. 1 'c. , :, " I.I','V'I4411'III'I lII* II vfi,,I.i I.I III,' II ' I I I I , ep'deOpt 1( $*d II I 4,11 'I,II '1'. I'.I'I I I. II' 11,1.1, 3:" """:y ,the' rDs'Jp',Orflle 11)111.1 .1.1. ''4 .,''IJ..1'4'L' "I ... I.. .p, I. 1' l,,.,, Qtair":, 1*41hI 111111 ,,i 'I,,, 'I ,r'1',J,''r,i ,, .,,'I''','(I,''4'.'',I,,,IlIII, I,'. I1.:,I'.kk ''.4 ''I'',''' i,'i I .l II 'I,I,l,I,lI,l, .',t ............ I,, I ,' ,r?i&",'1j', .4 iyZuILyLIuIXcIlI rsj,zrnrnii::i. MEETING TUESDAY OCTOBER 10, 2000 7:30 A.M. EDUCATION tI1 EMPLOVIVIENT URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street 9:00 A.M. 1J EQUALITY Portland, Oregon 97227.1619 Phone: (503) 280-2600 Fax: (503) 281-2612 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY OCTOBER 10, 2000 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES - September 12, 2000 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR - Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO - Iviargaret Carter URBAN LEAGUE GUILD - Patricia Welch NOMINIATION COMMITTEE - Dr. Mildred W. 011ie DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Charles A. Wiihoite We Thank You For Your Support! THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 MINUTES Members present: Baruti L. Artharee, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Jim Francesconi, Nan Heim, Paul Knauls, Don McClave, Carl R. Neil, Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Patricia Welch, Charles A. Wilhoite Members absent: Duane A. Bosworth, William M. Cabine, Ralph Gillespie, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick, Ruby Haughton, Harry Hutt, Bill M. Isaacson, Larry G. Miller, N. Robert Stoll, Dr. Cory Warner, Barbara A. West Staff present: Margaret Carter, President/CEO, Don Chalmers Board Chair, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine at 7:40 a,m. called the Board of Directors meeting to order. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - August 8, 2000 MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine Membership of the Search Committee for the Chief Operating Officer, chaired by Charles A. Wilhoite, was completed. Bill Isaacson, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick and Baruti L. Artharee were asked by Dr. Bernstine to serve on the committee. The ad will be placed very soon. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Margaret Carter Mrs. Carter stated that the way in which the Urban League of Portland is going now is proving to be very productive in how we are meeting the public. The activities that Barbara West has directed for the fund raising team are progressing. Plans for the Dinner 2000 on October 4 are going along well. Nan Heim, Chair of the Dinner Committee, will give a report on its progress. This will be a very fun evening. Mrs. Carter asked the board members to please confirm their table reservations. As of Oct 1, 2000 our Senior Program will be coming back and Mrs. Carter is working very hard on our Portland Street Academy school program. The Program Committee will also need to work hard on that phase since Mrs. Carter does not feel that it is going in the directions it should. Renee A:'RAB5O9MN September 12, 2000 Page 2 Board of Directors Minutes Anderson is going to head our Whitney M. Young Tutorial Program. The Male & Female Responsibility and Whitney Young proposal was sent to United Way. As of this date, we have not received information as to whether it will fund these programs. The American Heart Association, along with United Way, is asking the Urban League of Portland to be a signer/supporter for a committee called "Coalition For A Healthy Future." It will oppose Ballot Measure 89 that adversely affects many non-profits, and the League is asked to sign on to support non-profits. A MOTION WAS MADE THAT THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND ENDORSE THE AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION'S "COALITION FOR A HEALTHY FUTURE". THE MOTION WAS SECONDED AND PASSED. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD Patricia Welch, President The Guild decided that the Children Book Fair would not be held on Saturday, September 16, 2000 as intended, but encourages the board and the community to participate in the Alberta Street Fair. NOMINATION COMMITTEE Dr. Mildred W. 011ie, Chair No report. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West, Chair Mrs. West submitted her written report from the Development Committee, as she was unable to attend. (Please see the Development Committee Report insert). FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Charles A. Wilhoite, Treasurer The financial report distributed at the September 12, 2000 Board meeting is included in this packet. A further financial report will be distributed to board members at the October 10, 2000 meeting. The Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at 9:00 a.m. SUBMITTED BY: APPROVED BY: Don Chalmers Executive Assistant to The President/CEO Secretary F:\WP5I\CRN\RAB5O9MN BOARD OF DIRECTORS LOCATION AND CONFERENCE ROOM MEETING DATES AND TIME 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. October 10, 2000 November 14, 2000 December 12, 2000 Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North MEETING LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente 500 NE Multnomah Street 15th Floor Conference Room 15 North Portland, Oregon 97232 (Message # (503) 813-3803) PARKING: PARK IN THE GARAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLOCK YOUR PARKING TICKET WILL BE VALIDATED AT THE MEETING MARGARET CARTER PRESIDENT/CEO URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND OCTOBER 12, 2000 UAibed Way / HELPING Pioi'u, Ci IANGING LIvES, MAKING Evido CONTRIBUTION COUNT. September 1 5, 2000 OF THE COWMBIA-WILLAMEflE 619 SW lOb Avenue, Suite 300 Portland, Oregon 97205-2646 503.228.9131 503.226.9385 fax 892.3600 Vancouver CHAIR John G. King' Advisor Legacy Health System CHAIR-ELECT Richard L. Woolworth Chairman/CEO The Regence Group TREASURER Mark Dawkins Vice Presidenr/CFO Pacific Detroit Diesel Allison Company SECRETARY Jeremy V. Sarant Attorney at Law CAMPAIGN CHAIR Ms. Margaret Carter President/CEO Urban League of Portland 10 North Russell Street Portland, OR 97227-1619 Dear Margaret: It is my pleasure to inform you that United Way has approved the reallocation of funds effective September 1, 2000, to June 30, 2001 for the programs listed below. These funds cover the remainder of the fiscal year and come to a total of $90,538. Male/Female Responsibility Whitney Young Learning Center Adult & Senior Services $36,887 (plus $16,000 increase) James H. Rudd Chief Executive Officer & Principal Ferguson, Wellman, Rudd, Purdy & Van Winkle, Inc. CAMPAIGN VICE CHAIR Ronald E. Ttmpe & CEO The Standard President ALLOCATIONS CHAIR Jeremy V. Sarant Attorney at Law MARKETING AND COMMUNICATIONS CO-CHAIRS Total: . 09/00 06/01 $17,028 $29,438 Annualized $44,072 $52,887 $90,538 $108,647 $20,434 $35,326 Conditions have been placed on the Male/Female Responsibility and Whitney Young Learning Center programs. We will require a comprehensive quarterly report documenting in detail the; (1) number of students participating; (2) student program involvement; (3) level of progress; (4) student achievement; (5) effectiveness and service delivery; and (6) use of volunteers. The first quarterly report will be due not later than December 15, 2000. Along with the quarterly report, you may request additional funding for these two programs. The Allocation Committee will review your quarterly report and any additional funding request. Tom Eiland President EIIand Research Marvin D. Rhodes Programming Manager KPTV.Oregon's 12 HUMAN RESOURCES CHAIR Joe Smith General Manager Human Resources ESCO Corporation PUBLIC POLICY CHAIR Carl Talton Vice President Government Affairs and Economic Development Portland General Electric PRESIDENT/CPO To complete this process, we have enclosed the 2000/200 1 United Way Agreement for your review and completion by September 30, 2000. Also enclosed is the check for $5,980 which represents the September 2000 payment for the two reinstated programs and the increase amount for the Adult & Senior Services program. We look forward to working with you closely again. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact George Lee at 226-9540 or by email at Sincerely La en Presid Lawrence J. Norvell cc: J. Sarant M. Schultz Printed on Recycled Paper SATURDAY + SEPTEMBER 23, 2000 -1 United Way will restore funding to Urban League adult and seniOr services. The United Way withheld the money The Portland social services agency will get about $90,000 from the league after a Multriomah County financial review last summer turned up a series of financial problems at the agency that helps the poor,'African Americans, senior citizens and children through avariéty of programs. The ,review and subsequent audits that was withheld after an audit revealed problems By DAVID AUSTIN ThE OREGONtAN The Urban League of Pártland has won back a key piece of its funding after the United Way of the Columbia- Willamette announced that it would restore dollars it stripped from the social service agency last year. United Way officials said Friday that the league would get back roughly $90,000 for the remainder of the 2000-01 fiscal year. The money will be used to help pay for the league's male-female responsibil- ity program and the Whitney Young Learning Center and to cover costs of I. Unit dWay -----. found that Lawrence Dark, then the league's president and chief executive officer, had run the organization into a financial hole with lax fiscal oversight. The review also found that Dark and sev- eral members of his management team had spent league money on themselves without proper documentation. Dark resigned under a cloud, and county officials and the United Way, along with several other donors, held back donations until they could be assured the problems were remedied. The league board brought in Margaret Please see UNITED WAY, Page C2 --.-...- - kboss turns Jeague aithd. strengthen African munity." Beginning in July, the United Americans and all who strive self-reliance and Way will restore complete funding each year to the Carter, a veteran member of the toward economic $108,647 social equality," Jeremy Sarant,'.the Oregon Legislature, as temporary United Way's allocations chair- league. director. Carter turned the league's man, said in a statement. financial ship around, and she was "Under the leadership t MargaOregOnian named permanent president and ret Carter, the Urban League has David Austin of The e-hi.ail at staff can be reached by proved once again it willseive as CEO last month. fIscally responsible 503-294-5910. "We are pleased to continue our an effective, service provider within our corn- or by phone at support of the Urban League in its Continued from Page Cl mission to j TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 26, 2000 S Urban League bringing back corporate dinner The dinner will beheld at 6 p.m. at the Portland Hilton Hotel. The Nearly a year ago, a financial re- event, dubbed "Celebrating the view of the Urban League of Port- Spirit of our City," will feature sevland turned up staggering impro- eral local jazz and blues musicians. The league canceled last year's prieties at the social service agency known for assisting African Ameri- banquet because the agency was cans, senior citizens, children and still struggling from its financial problems. the poor. Margaret Carter, the league's The review led to the quick resignation of then-president and new president and chief executive chief executive officer Lawrence officer, said she has spent the last Dark. And the agency found its fis- eight months trying to strengthen the league's books and streamline cal matters to be a tangled mess. Today, the league has under- its programs that assist the needy gone somewhat of a rebirth, with a and senior citizens. "People need to know that we're new president, reinvigorated emtalking now about the new Urban ployees and a host of new donors By DAVID AUSTIN THE OREGONIAN rebirth because this agency is no back to do the good things th help the good people of our cons munity." Carter said businesses can put+ chase corporate tables of 10 se4 for $1,750. Individual tickets a4 $175, she said. So far, about 50 corporate tabl 4 have been sold. The sponsors, each of who. paid the league $5,000, inc1u Wells Fargo Bank, Pacific Pow Portland General Electric, Free Meyer, Oregon Health Science University and Providence Heal Systems. $5,000. Each company paid For more information on the former added to its fund-raising cam- League," said Carter, Democratic state representative league's dinner, call 280-2600. paign. And next week, on Oct. 4, league th'& who took over full-time duties last officials plan to strengthen the month, after serving as interim You can reach David Austin by agency even more by bringing president since late last year. phone at (503)294-5910 or bye- "Our annual dinner is back and back the annual corporate dinner mail at davidaustin@news.oregothat has long been a fund-raising it's going to be fun and informa- nian,con. tive. I see it as a celebration of our staple. '0 Barbara A. West, Chair Urban League of Portland URBA1 LEAGUE REPORT OF DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE September 12, 2000 1. KEY CORPORATION CALLS Pacific Corp Met with Alan Richardson. (M.Carter, C.Wilhoite, B.West, D.McClave) Potential contribution: $25,000 PGE Met with Carole Morse/Carol Dillon. (M.Carter, C.Wilhoite, B.West) Committed to 1-2 tables at annual dinner. Need to follow up with invoice. Donald concerned with number of contacts being made by Urban League to solicit money. Would prefer coordinated effort. Carole believes PGE contributed $10,000 in Spring (around Career Connections) we have record of $3,900. ; To engage PGE with Urban League, we will need to present 2000-2001 budget, list of other key donators, and value of their Urban League investment. Intel Met with Mike Saisgiver, Public Affairs Manager; Cindy Sweeney, Special Projects. Informed us Intel had made a $6,000 contribution in august 2000 as their annual contribution. (We have no record of receiving) Very interested in giving Urban League the $50,000 System/Software Grant, but need Urban League to complete a systems analysis, a plan for wiring, software programs needed, planned maintenance, assessment of staff skills and on-going training. They need this no later than 10/1/00. Margaret to follow-up on assessment. Corporate calls scheduled for: Fred Meyer U.S. Bank Quest 9/14 9/27 9/29 2. BOARD MEMBER CALLS /FUND RAISING Thanks to Carl Neil for response on his contacts and correcting Master List. Ginny Glaspey, from Barbe West's office, is calling board members to check on fund raising. Minimal feedback and contacts made by board members. ACTION: Calls need to be made by all board members. Please make it a priority and notify Ginny (813-3805) of your contributors. 3. ANNUAL DINNER ACTION: (70 Tables) Chairperson for selling tables has not been appointed. Sponsorships sold: ($5, 000) Tables sold: Wells Fargo Safeway possible Kaiser Permanente OHStJ First Consumer Bank Dave Barrows Assoc. PGE (1-2) Margart has sent 13 letters asking for table purchases. ACTION: tables. Recommendation - every board member sell 3-4 CMR:WPdoc . #121863 FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE SEPTEMBER 12, 2000 Charles A. Wilhoite Treasurer Urban League of Portland URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION FOR THE MONTH ENDING JULY 31, 2000 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS 200.00 84,391.92 17,357,04 12,504.28 11,094.32 90,806.40 179,954.00 $ PETTY CASH CASH IN BANK- KEY BANK CASH IN BANK - MISCL ACCOUNTS FUNDS HELD IN TRUST BY C & R REAL ESTATE IN VESTMENTS $ $ $ $ $ ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE PLEDGES RECEIVED $ 396,307.96 $ TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS FIXED ASSETS LAND AND BUILDINGS EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLES REAL ESTATE HELD FOR SALE LESS ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION $ 1,646,240.04 394,282.17 1,000.00 $ (1,028,794.12) $ $ $1,012,728.09 TOTAL FIXED ASSETS $ I ,409,036.05 TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & FUND BALANCE CURRENT LIABILITIES ACCOUNTS PAYABLE INTEREST PAYABLE PAYROLL PAYABLE ACCRUED EMPLOYEE BENEFITS KEY BANK LINE OF CREDIT UNEARNED REVENUE TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES $ 51,535.62 2,026.47 16,735.54 9,735.82 249,476.49 29,291.97 $ 358,801.91 $ 816,341.99 $ $ $ $ $ LONG-TERM LIABILITIES BUILDING AND EQUIPMENT LOANS $1,175,143.90 TOTAL LIABILITIES FUND BALANCE CURRENT ADDITIONS/SUBTRACTIONS TO FUND BALANCE TOTAL FUND BALANCE TOTAL LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCE $ $ 265,403.06 (31,510.91 $ 233,892.15 $1,409,036.05 URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENSES FOR THE MONTH ENDING JULY 31, 2000 REVENUE GRANTS AND CONTRACTS MEMBERSHIP DUES INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP DUES CORPORATE MISCL CONTRIBUTIONS AND REVENUES RENTAL INCOME LESS EXPENSES $ $ 25,147.43 225.00 $ $ $ 114.00 2,030.68 TOTAL REVENUE $ 27,517.11 $ 59,028.02 EXPENSES PAYROLL PAYROLL TAXES EMPLOYEE BENEFITS PROFESSIONAL FEES AND CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ADVERTISING OFFICE SUPPLIES PROGRAM SUPPLIES TELEPHONE POSTAGE GARBAGE BUILDING MAINT. AND REPAIR LATE FEES EQUIPMENT RENTAL AND MAINT. COMPUTER MAINT. AND SOFTWARE EQUIPMENT PURCHASES $ 34,052.87 $ TRAVEL OUT OF TOWN COMPANY VEHICLE EXPENSE $ INTEREST INSURANCE DEPRECIATION $ 3,362.91 1,372.30 150.51 207.00 5.78 814.86 1,070.34 88.23 302.14 1,449.86 464.76 1,886.67 1,114.45 914.98 157,39 229.35 6,207.62 375.00 4,801.00 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTAL EXPENSES NET GAIN/LOSS $ (31,510.91) iSIk'A I M I'LO] fi M 141 ak'I :i ai WDIIII The Urban League of Portland Education Department Service ReportSeptember, 2000 Phillip Christain, Director of Education Portland Street Academy/School Identification #774: September # of Students Days Enrolled Rate Plan A Registered 52 $30.50 876 Billed $ 26,718.00 $ 26,718.00 % of Students on Plan A = 100%; % of Students on Plan B = 0% Gender Distribution Female Male 37% Grade Distribution: 6th 0 10th - 19 Ethnicity: Afr. Amer. Euro. Am. 75% 63% 13% Other 12% Grade/Raw #s 7th - 0 11th 7 8th - 4 9th 18 12th 4 PSA is in full swing again, we are ready for the school year. Tentatively we have three students who are set for graduation. For this month we are at 85% ADM (Average Daily Membership). Our contract states that we must maintain at least a 75% ADM, so we are above average. We have implemented a new reading program. It is working out great, our children have 45 minutes per day they spend on reading. A\MTFIRPT.DOC Oct 02 00 O2:23p SAT CENTRAL TEAM 5U984O29 The Urban League of Portland Department of Youth LeadershIp and Development Fawn E. McDaniel, Director Month: September 2000 each school's Programming: Thirty-o schools will be serviced this school year. Visits with conclude by October 15, principal, attendance designee, counselor have begun and will and case September 25, 2000; outreach 2000. The first run of referrals began management is now active. Report: Back to School Fair - Saturday, August 2, 2000 The Back to School Fair took place Saturday, August 2, 2000. The Urban League of and the Adult & Senior Portland was represented by the School Attendance Initiative, present. Participants 250 children and youth Services Department. There were over of an activity agencies, and upon completion received information from community arid school supplies. card, also received a buck pack Albina This event was a collaborative effort of The Terrali Brandon Foundation, League Urban Weed & Seed, JCC, Grant-Madi3on Caring Community, The Youth, Selfof Portland, Central Team School Attendance {nItlatvC, Eath In Touchstone Program, Legacy Enhancement Inc., Volunteers of America, Emmanuel Health System, AItina Rotary Club, Lutheran Family Service, PSU Athletic Department, ClearCorps, Jefferson Resource Center. IMii1FemaleResponslbIlitv br Maie,'Femals Responsibility for the 2000The United Way of Columbia-Willamette approved the application at five middle schools. 2001 fiscal year. Ameera Saahir Will coordinate the activities of this program IWeed &Sèed for the 2000-2001 program year. A The Urban League of Portland has retained the Safe Haven designation made by October 15, 2000. decision on the amount of funding that the League will receive will be p1 September 13, 2000 Progress Report: Tobacco Prevention Program September 2000 Youth Advocacy Met with Regional Drug Initiatives director and youth volunteers to coordinate retail clerk knowledge of tobacco sales to minors. Presented retail questionnaire testing clerk knowledge to four (4) retail outlets. Presentations Met with the Emmanuel Community Services Youth Redirection group to do a tobacco and target marketing presentation. Highlights Met with teens and young adult pregnant mothers program directors at the YWCA to discuss and design future forums pertaining to environmental tobacco smoke. Asian Family Center and the Multnomah County Health Department and the Urban League are in the planning stage for a multicultural event centered on World No Tobacco Day. Met with Oregon Human Development Center, NARA and the Asian family Center to begin work on diversity workshops for tobacco advocates. Submitted by, Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention Coordinator The Urban League of Portland C BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2000 7:30 A.M. EDUCATION 9:00 A.M. EMPLOYMENT f!JI EQUALITY URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oreoon 97227-1619 Phone: (503 280-2600 Fax: (503 281-2612 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY NOVEMBER 14, 2000 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES October 10, 2000 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR - Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO - Margaret Carter Introduction ofNeiv Chief Operating Officer Dr. Patrick Schwab URBAN LEAGUE GUILD - Patricia Welch NOMINL4TION COMMITTEE - Dr. Mildred W. 011ie DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Charles A. Wilhoite We Thank You For Your Support! THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OCTOBER 10, 2000 MINUTE S Members present: Jim Francesconi, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick, Nan Heim, Paul Knauls, Don McClave, Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Patricia Welch, Barbara A. West, Charles A. Wilhoite Members absent: Baruti L. Artharee, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Duane A. Bosworth, Ralph Gillespie, Ruby Haughton, Harry Hutt, Bill M. Isaacson, Larry G. Miller, Carl R. Neil, N. Robert Stoll, Staff present: Margaret Carter, President/CEO, Don Chalmers The Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Charles A. Wilhoite, Board Treasurer in absent of Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Board Chair at 7:35 am. APPROVAL OF MINUTES September 12, 2000 MINUTES APPROVED AS SUBMITTED REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine No Report. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Margaret Carter The Urban League of Portland's Dinner 2000 was a great success, Mrs. Carter proposed that a formal letter of thanks be sent to all companies who participated. The Urban League of Portland is working on a $50,000 proposal to Intel Corporation to assist with the wiring system in the building. The need is great since the server is now out of order. At the CEO Training session held by the National Urban League, Inc., the amount of assistance that is available to the affiliates when there problems and how the National Urban League can assistance can be given, if we would only let them know. Board of Directors Minutes October 10, 2000 Page 2 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO (Cont'd) It was brought to the Board attention of the past dues owed to the National Urban League; the bill at present is $28,000. It was suggested that Dr. Bernstine, Board Chair should contact the National Urban League re the past dues and ask for some type of relief, possibly paying $12,000now and discuss the balance due. A candidate was mentioned for the Chief Operating Officer position, Dr. Patrick Schwab, however the committee would continue the search process and that his name would be added to other candidates, The committee is scheduled to meet Friday to review the candidate's resumes. The board was reminded of the "Open House" on Wednesday, December 6, 2000, 3:00 p. 5:00 p.m. for the Board of Directors and Urban League of Portland 's staff. At which time awards would be presented. Also mentioned was possible Board Retreat after the first of the New Year. URBAN LEAGUE GUILD Patricia Welch, President No Report. NOMINIATION COMMITTEE Dr. Mildred W. 011ee, Chair Dr. 011ee distributed the Nomination Committee report, which included the resignation of 2 board members, Dr. Cory Warner and William M. Cabine, who relocated out of town to pursue their professions. Dr. 011ee is also working on the terms of board members and those who are up for re-elections, DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Barbara A. West, Chair Mrs. West distributed the following reports Corporation Calls and Follow-up; Letter to Dr. Bernstine, Board Chair for a more formal process for the 2001 Membership Drive; Urban League Donor Report for October 2000 and a Donor listing. She briefed the board on the reports and made special mention was made to organize a committee for the fund raising process for 2001, FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Charles A. Wilhoite, Treasurer A Financial Report for the end of August 31, 2000 was submitted by Sherry Lowry, Director of Finance in which Mr. Wilhoite, Treasurer, briefed the board on the report. October 10, 2000 Page 3 Board of Directors Minutes The Board of Directors meeting was adjourned at SUBMITTED BY: Don Chalmers Executive Assistant to The President/CEO 8:55 am. APPROVED BY: BOARD OF DIRECTORS LOCATION AND CONFERENCE ROOM MEETING DATES AND TIME 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. November 14, 2000 December 12, 2000 Tuesday Tuesday Conference Room 15 North Conference Room 15 North MEETING LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente 500 NE Multnomah Street 15th Floor Conference Room 15 North Portland, Oregon 97232 (Message # (503) 813-3803) PARKING: PARK IN THE GARAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLOCK YOUR PARKING TICKET WILL BE VALIDATED AT THE MEETING FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Margaret Carter President/CEO Urban League of Portland November 14, 2000 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND WOULD LIKE INTRODUCE DR. PATRICK SCHWAB OUR NEW CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER Patrick P. Schwab, Ed.D. 195 Kevin Way SE Salem, OR 97306 (503) 371-7580 Experience Management Background Supervised instructional and administrative personnel as Director of Academic Computing (3 years) and Director of Information Systems (5 years) at Chemeketa Community College. Extensive budget developed and fund accounting experience. Responsible for a $1.5 niillion budget at Chemeketa and at Portland Community College develop and manage the Skill Center budget. Responsible for strategic planning and budgeting for technology issues, both administrative and instructional. Personally planned and implemented systems that helped improve organization's effectiveness. Cut costs in Information Systems department by 20 percent while greatly increasing effectiveness. Developed collaborative agreements with public and private sector groups such as McDonald's, Hilton Hotels, Tektronix, the Apprenticeship and Training Trust, IRCO, various school districts and alternative schools, Work Systems Inc., and the State of Oregon. Worked extensively with many businesses to create and deliver customized training. Experience in marketing coimnunity-based, service programs through print, electronic media, and personal contact. Social Service Experience Over twenty years experience teaching and managing instructional programs. Former Director of Academic Coniputing for Chemeketa Community College. Currently managing instmctionallworkforce programs as PCC Skill Center Department Chair (1995 to present). Experience, doctoral course work (Ed.D. 1997), and dissertation in strategic planning for large, complex organizations. Developed and implemented technology based instruction for urban populations. Also currently manage the instructional and administrative computer networks and various instructional technologies. Developed systems to track student outcomes as well as supervised a state-wide network of instructors in a Federal research and demonstration grant delivering services to a geriatric blind population. Grant and Program Development Experience - In less than two years, re-engineered the data, technology, and, curricular systems of the PCC Skill Center resulting in an increase of client population by over 300 percent per year with five percent fewer dollars, Created data and procedural systems to track cost of programs and student outcomes. Developed teclmology based programs in high school technical training programs, adult education, and community colleges. Wrote computer literacy curricula for Salem School District and develop district-wide technology policies. Worked with multiple high schools and businesses to bridge non-college bound students to appropriate work environments. As Director of the Governor's Taskforce on Teclmology Transfer worked with the Small Business Administration, all 16 community colleges, three public universities, several federal agencies, and dozens of high tech companies to create a long-range strategic plan that greatly enhanced small business access to new technologies. Received a Governor's Commendation in 1995 for my efforts with the Tecimology Transfer Taskforce. Former chair of Salem School District's Technology Review Conmiittee. Worked with community college manufacturing program to integrate new technology for a badly needed program update. Wrote broad ranging curricula for Tech Prep and School-to-Work programs as well as customized training for Portland Community College. Created programs for adult training in a vocational rehabilitation setting in a three-year federal grant I wrote. Developed an $85,000 networked coniputer writing lab donated by industry that I personally negotiated. Led the teams that wrote two federal Title IV grants and administered the technology part of grants. Community experience - Active in five school bond elections. Treasurer of Committee to Elect Dale Parnell to the Oregon State legislature. Chair of my church's leadership council for the past eight years. Former chair of my Local School Advisory Council. Employment Chronology 1993-present 1991-1992 1987-1991 1983-1987 1979-1983 1975-1978 Department Chair, Skill Center Director of Technology Transfer Director of Information Systems Director of Academic Computing Education Specialist Instructional Specialist Portland Community College Chenieketa Community College Chemeketa Community College Chemeketa Community College Salem School District Oregon Commission for the Blind Education 1992 to 1996 1974 to 1975 1970 to 1974 Oregon State University California State U. at LA Portland State University Ed.D. in College Administration Master of Arts in Education Bachelor of Science in Soc. Sci. and Education Resent Conference Presentations Pacific Northwest Great Teachers Seminar, June 1999, Implementing Outcome-base Curricula in a Workforce Program, Menucha, Oregon. Western Center for Community College Development Summer Leadership Institute, July 1995, Privacy and Confidentiality Issues in the Information Age, Eugene, Oregon. Student Success Strategies Conference, February 1995, Computerized Student In-Take and Case Management System for Skill Center, Portland, Oregon. Student Success Strategies Conference, February 1995, Authentic Assessment: Techniques for Portfolio Evaluation, Portland, Oregon. Doctoral Dissertation Schwab, Patrick. (1997). Shaping the perceptions of senior decision makers at Oregon Community Colleges: A case study of a state-wide planning process. Oregon State University: Corvallis. CHALLENGING PEOPLE TO SHAPE A BETTER FUTURE Now Local INec : * i Urban League Dinner ABOVE: Urban League board members, from left, Portland State University President Dr. Daniel Bernstein, Ruby Haughton and N. Robert Stull, chat during the corporate dinner, Oct. 4, at the Hilton Hotel. RIGHT: Urban League Director Margaret Carter, left, gave special recognition to Helloise C. Hill, whose husband Shelton was a former executive director of the league. , Carter, left, recognizes Oregon State Representative JoAnn Bowman for her work. ,-,. '- -. - -- - -I 1 'I From left, Edward WillIams and Carl Talton, of Portland General Ele' chat with Lolenzo Poe of Multnomah County CommunIty and FamIly. " \' 1')t g, I I I 1 - 4 k j11 -' 4, ,.', I 4, 4 4,. & - - -. SSS S III S I: - ,is - I S S . S I S SIS S S - IS -s: I I SI - "OPEN HOUSE" 7Llll j4S J2NIJa'I4WIXI '4 3:00P.M. TO 5:00 P.M. SUMMARY OF OCTOBER, 2000 PROGRAM SERVICES AND ACTIVITIES OF THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND The Urban League of Portland Education Department Service ReportOctober, 2000 Phillip Christain, Director of Education Portland Street Academy/School Identification /1774: September /1 of Students Days Enrolled Rate Plan A Registered 52 951 $30.50 100%; % of Students on Plan B = 0% % of Students on Plan A Gender Distribution Female Male 40% Grade Distribution: Ethnicity: Afr. Amer. 60% 6th-0 Grade/Raw #s 7th-U lOth-21 11th 6 75% 8th-S Billed $ 29,005.50 $ 26,467.34 Euro. Am. Other 13% 12% 9th-17 l2th-3 For this month we are at 85% ADM (Average Daily Membership). Our contract states that we must maintain at least a 75% ADM, so we are above average again this month. We have dropped nine students this month. Here is a brief summary of the reasons why... Student #1: Student became homeless, and did not have any transportation back and forth to school. She was set up with her probation officer to be placed in a foster home to address her needs, Unfortunately the foster home she was placed in was located too far away for her to still attend this school. Student #2: Student had severe attendance issues. She was watching her little brother constantly and then mother went and moved to Vancouver. She left this student in charge of the house and everything in it. This did not allow the student to have parental support to continue her education here. Student #3: Student did not want to go to school. She kept pushing the attendance issue, insofar as coming in and immediately claiming she was ill and needed to return home almost every day. Student eventually transferred to the program called LISTOS. Student #4: Student was suspended because he was caught smoking marijuana on our school property. Student was informed that after he started the Mainstream Drug and Alcohol program and received an assessment he could return to school. There was no follow-through. Student decided to remain out of school and to try and get a job. Student #5: Student was involved in a couple of disciplinary issues regarding his attitude towards other students and incidents occurring in school. He was living with his aunt, and she could no longer tolerate him, She sent him back home to California. Student #6: Student had severe attendance issues. Her grandmother had a stroke and then eventually passed away. Her grandmother was her major main parent. After she passed away, the student barely even came to school. We warned her of her attendance issues, and she decided to move to Madras Oregon, where she has other friends that can assist her. Student #7: Student had sever attendance issues, She continued to be a disturbance on the rare occasion she did show up. We spoke with parent about how this may not be the most suitable placement for her, She transferred to Marshall. Student #8: Student had severe discipline issues. Was suspended twice in a month period. He was very disrespectful and insubordinate. We tried on several occasions to have appointments with student and the mother to reach a logical conclusion to assist this student and it was determined that this is not the best place for him. Student #9: Student was accused of being involved in a gang shooting. His mother feared for his safety so she sent him out of town until the commotion dies down. He should be returning to our program when he comes back. October 31, 2000 Progress Report: Tobacco Prevention Program October 2000 Youth Advocacy Identified three retail outlets that display no tobacco advertisements and two that Do Not sell tobacco products. Designing plaque/award to be presented to retail outlets that don't sell tobacco products. Presentations A tobacco and target marketing presentation was done with Portland Youth Redirection. Two tobacco and health presentations were done in juvenile detention pods for Healthy Connections at the Juvenile Justice System. Highlights Did a tobacco and health presentation along with cessation aides and how to quit smoking for pregnant mothers at the YWCA for the Young Families program. Received and accepted an invitation from Portland Public Schools tobacco program coordinator to assist in reviewing tobacco mini-grant proposals. Asian Family Center and the Multnomah County Health Department and the Urban League are in the planning stage for a multicultural event centered on World No Tobacco Day. Met with Oregon Human Development Center, NARA and the Asian family Center to continue work on the diversity workshops for tobacco advocates. Submitted by, Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention Coordinator The Urban League of Portland The Urban League of Portland r)epartment of Youth Leadership and Development awn E. McDaniel, Director Month: October 2000 ramming: Services: Thirty-two schools will be serviced by the Central Team. Visits with each principal, attendance designee, counselor and school attendance monitor have been concluded. 2000. The first run of referrals began September 25, 2000; outreach and case management is now active. iiiber of Clients in Outreach: Number of Clients in Case Management: Number of Closed Cases: Current Month Year-to- 162 7 162 8 1 1 Date Male/Female Resøonsibility The United Way of Columbia-Willamette approved the application for Male/Female Responsibility for the 20002001 fiscal year. Arneera Saahir will coordinate the activities of this program at Beaumont, Ockley Green Portsmouth, Tubman, and Whitaker Middle Schools. Urban League of Portland has retained the Safe Haven designation for the 2000-2001 program year. A ion on funding amounts is pending. I..". isi.zsirnirrn MEETING TUESDAY DECEMBER 12, 2000 7:30 A.M. 9:00 A.M. ErIptcv'lvIEfIi .11EDIJCArIOI'1 EcIiAI_.Irv' URBAN PLAZA 10 North Russell Street Portland, Oreon 97227-1619 Phone: (503) 280-2600 Fax: (503) 281-2612 11111 THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING TUESDAY DECEMBER 12, 2000 AGENDA APPROVAL OF MINUTES November 14, 2000 REPORT FROM THE CHAIR - Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO - Margaret Carter URBAN LEAGUE GUILD - Patricia Welch NOMINIATION COMMITTEE - Dr. Mildred W. 011ie DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE - Barbara A. West FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE Charles A. Wilhoite We Thank You For Your Support! THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING NOVEMBER 14, 2000 MINUTES Members present: Baruti L. Artharee, Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Ralph Gillespie, Dr. Lesley M. Hallick, Ruby Haughton, Paul Knauls, Sr., Don McClave, Carl R. Neil, Barabara A. West, Charles A. Wilhoite Members absent: James Francesconi, Nan Heim, Harry Hutt, Bill M. Isaacson, Larry G. Miller, Dr. Mildred W. 011ee Staff present: Margaret Carter, President/CEO, Dr. Patrick Schwab, Chief Operating Officer, Derrick D. Moten, Accountant and Don Chalmers REPORT FROM THE CHAIR Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine No Report. REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Margaret Carter Margaret Carter introduced two new additions to the Urban League of Portland staff: Dr. Patrick D. Schwab, who is the new Chief Operating Officer and Derrick Moten the new Accountant. Both gentlemen gave a brief background profile and expressed their eagerness to bring their expertise to the Urban League of Portland workforce. Margaret Carter stated that she would be working on finances with Barbara A. West, chair of the Development Committee in order to bring on a development person as soon as possible so she could devote more time to fund raising. Dr. Schwab, Chief Operating Officer gave the Board his views on how the Education Department should look since he has taken over that department to revitalize it's Program. He stated that the curriculum should be modified. He is aiming for an increase of students from the present 55 to about 75, and of teachers from the present two and one-half to four. Margaret Carter, and Dr. Schwab met with Lorenzo Poe, Director of Community and Family Services to ask to receive directly the Alternative Pathway dollars. Dr. Schwab told the Board that the Urban League of Portland was awarded $50,000 grant from Intel Corporation to update the data infrastructure and to put in a modern network with the assistance of the Advanced Engineering class at Portland Community College. Margaret Carter reported to the Board of the past dues owed to the National Urban League which is $28,000 and the possibilities of sending a letter requesting for 1 year forgiveness and paying $4,000.00 every quarter until the dues are cleared up. Dr. Darryl Tukufu, former President/CEO of the Urban League of Portland, will be speaking in Corvallis and doing a book signing here in Portland and the Board discussed a reception given by F:\WP5I\CRN\RAB6I IMN Board of Directors Minutes November 14, 2000 Page 2 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT/CEO Cont'd. the Urban League of Portland on January 5, 2000 from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. possibly at the Urban League. After discussion, Baruti L. Artharee agreed to chair, along with Margaret Carter, the reception for Dr. Tukufu. U.S. Bank contributed $15,000 to the Urban League of Portland and invited Margaret Carter to a luncheon to receive the check. The Urban League of Portland is to receive a Power-Up grant in the amount of $28,000 to be used along with the GTE grant that was previously award from the National Urban League for replacement of structural lab, hardware etc. Ms. Carter also reported that she had received $1500 from Multnomah County for a speaking engagement that she had turned over to the Urban League of Portland, and monies received from her speaking engagements will be donated to the Urban League of Portland. Ms. Carter reported that the League had a net profit of at least $90,000 on the Annual Dinner. This will increase to about $120,000 when all sponsorship money has been received. Ms. Carter reported that Dr. 011ee is working on a plan of succession for officers and directors. She will report on this subject at the next Board Meeting. MEMBERSHIP CARDS Several Board Members reported inquiries about League membership cards. Ms. Carter and her staff will investigate the cost and report further to the Board. MOTION OF MR. GILLESPIE Ralph Gillespie, Board member who has been away from the Board meetings for lengthy rehabilitation from major surgery made a MOTION to the Board: IT IS MOVED THAT THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS RECOGNIZE AND THANK MARGARET CARTER, PRESIDENT/CEO, FORHER TIRELESS EFFORTS AND HARD WORK IN DIRECTING THE URBAN LEAGUE OF PORTLAND SINCE TAKING OFFICE. THE MOTION WAS SECONDED. THE MOTION PASSED. FINANCE/PERSONNEL COMMITTEE - Charles A. Wilhoite, Treasurer Mr. Wilhoite stated that with the 2 new staff members a financial report will be ready for the next Board meeting. He stated that the League has about $25,000 on deposit with C&R Realty, which manages the League's apartments. This will be available for paying the Bank of America loan when the League starts making payments of principal, as well as interest, on March 31, 2001. Mr. Wilhoite reported that about $69,000 of the $80,000 of the Bank of America loan allocated to apartment renovation has been drawn down. The rest will probably be used for debt service on the loan. The annual audit process for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2000 is now underway. F:\WP5l\CR1\RAB&I IMN Board of Directors Minutes November 14, 2000 Page 3 OTHER BUSINESS Paul Knauls, Sr., Board member asked the Urban League of Portland to participate in Holy Redeemer's School 'tGood In The Hoodt activities beginning June 24, 2000. The Board agreed. The Board of Directors will continue meeting at the Kaiser location during the 2001-year. A schedule of meeting dates will follow. Dr. Daniel 0. Bernstine, Board Chair, adjourned the meeting at 9:01 a.m. PROVE SUBMITTED BY: Don Chalmers Executive Assistant to the President/CEO CNe Secretary F:\WP5I\CRN\RAB6I IMN LIIXI 1 Ii] 1 I] I .4XN (I] [iII I [ShVtI PIEI]I 1 DI 1 DI[SI Dl ttIII]'A 1 MEETING LOCATION: Kaiser Permanente 500 NE Multnomah Street 15th Floor Conference Room 15 North Portland, Oregon 97232 (Message # (503) 813-3803) PARK IN THE GARAGE ON THE EAST SIDE OF THE BLOCK YOUR PARKING TICKET WILL BE VALIDATED AT THE MEETING AiII11 III *1 4'tIII1 FROM THE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT Margaret Carter President/CEO Urban League of Portland December 12, 2000 December 1, 2000 Progress Report: Tobacco Prevention Program November 2000 Youth Advocacy Met with retail owners to discuss award presentations and possible media coverage. Designing plaque/award to be presented to retail outlets that don't sell tobacco products. Met with youth advocacy group for additional preparation for faith community presentations. Presentations A tobacco industry advertisement awareness presentation was done with Portland Youth Redirection. One tobacco and health presentation was done in juvenile detention pods for Healthy Connections at the Juvenile Detention Home. Participated in a health fair at SET with the African American Health Coalition and various other vendors. One tobacco presentation was done for the faith community at Salvation and Deliverance Mission. Highlights Met with Oregon Human Development Center, NARA and the Asian family Center to continue work on the diversity workshops for tobacco advocates. Met with Warden Minor, President & C.E.O. of American Lung Association and Rick Levine of GrantsNorthwest to discuss a partnership to replicate the Master Home Environmentalist Project in Portland. Met with TOFCO as a member of the training committee to finalize plans for the March statewide tobacco conference to be held at the Portland Marriott. Submitted by, Jackie Scott Tobacco Prevention Coordinator The Urban League of Portland The Urban League of Portland Education Department Service ReportNovember, 2000 Phillip Christain, Director of Education Portland Street Academy/School Identification #774: September PlanARegistered llan B Registered # of Students Days Enrolled 51 828 2 15 Rate $3050 Billed $25,254.00 $ 457.50 23,173.34 % of Students on Plan A = 96%; % of Students on Plan B = 4% Gender Distribution Female Male 38% Ethnicity: Afr. Amer. 62% Grade Distribution: Grade/Raw, #s. 6th-0 7th-2 lOth-19 11th 7 77% 8th-S Euro. Am. Other 11% 12% 9th-17 l2th-3 For this month we are at 85% ADM (Average Daily Membership). Our contract states that we must maintain at least a 75% ADM, so we are above average again this month. We have dropped seven students this month. Here is a brief summary of the reasons why... Student #1: Student has had several disciplinary issues. He has been given chance after chance. It was decided that this would not be a good placement any longer for him. Student #2: Student has been involved in several incidents including arriving late almost every day in the morning, back from breaks and lunch. He was s.uspended on his first day of school. Student has since transferred to Vocational Village. Student #3: Student is a 7th grader who is only 12 years old. We believe when he came in for the intake he felt really out of place with the older students. He only showed up for the first day of classes and then we were informed by his foster parent that he would be attending a treatment program for mental health issues. He was given ten days to return and we did not see him again: Student #4: Student was enrolled previously in our program. He was a student who really excellel in his academics before. This time he did not even try. He was given ten days consecutive absences and then he was dropped from our roll. Student #5: student only showed up for school tWo days, hewas given ten days to return and then he was dropped from our roll. Student #6: Student was enrolled in our program last year and his attendance was a severe issue. He was given ample opportunity to improve this year and there was no improvement. He was given ten days consecutive absences and then dropped from our roll.; Student #7: -Student was enrolled last year and had severe attendance issues. She was given another opportunity this year and there wasstill no improvement. She was given ten consecutive days absences and then dropped from oUr roll. Dec 04 00 03:24p 5039884029 SAl CENTRAL TEAM The Urban League of Portland Department of Youth Leadership and Development Fawn E. McDaniel, Director Month: November 2000 Programming: Thirty-two schools are serviced by the Central Team. Summer 2001 planning committees have been formed and have begun meeting Current Month INumber of Clients In Outreach: {himber of Clients In Case Management: ypber of Closed Cases; Year-to- 373 20 Date 413 28 11 12 Male/Female Responsibility Male/Female responsibility programming is occurring in Portsmouth Middle School and Tubman Middle School. Ockley reen, Beaumont and Whitaker groups will begin by December 6, 2000. Weed & Seed The Urban League of Portland has retained the Sate Haven designation for the 2000-2001 program year. A decision on funding amounts is pending. p.1