XI. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS' Academic and Research Staff Prof. G. Bekefi Prof. S. C. Brown Prof. J. C. Ingraham Prof. B. L. Wright Dr. W. M. Manheimer J. J. McCarthy W. J. Mulligan Graduate Students W. B. Davis G. A. Garosi A. CONTINUUM PROBE STUDIES OF A POSITIVE COLUMN IN FLOWING ARGON GAS This report presents additional experimental results obtained on the apparatus reported upon previously. 1 This apparatus produced a weakly ionized plasma (the positive column of a glow discharge) in a region of neutral-gas pipe turbulence. by R. L. Kronquist, A movable probe assembly, described was added to permit data to be taken as a function of radius. The probe assembly was demountable to permit the probe to be changed quickly and conveniently. Furthermore, the tube diameter was increased to 2. 2 cm in order to obtain the maximum flow permitted by the pumping capacity while maintaining the pressure in the discharge region at approximately 20 Torr. It has been stated previously I that the electron temperature changed negligibly with increasing flow when compared with changes in the gas temperature. ture measurements for this tube were made with a double probe. Electron tempera- The results substan- tiated the previous claiml and also showed that the electron temperature was essentially independent of radius (see Fig. XI-1). The experimental data reported here were obtained from one or two electrostatic probes immersed in the plasma. Since the plasma is in a flowing medium, the time dependence of the probe signals will, in general, result from both an explicit time variation of the plasma parameters and from the passage of spatial variations past the probe. Under certain conditions, the explicit time variation can be neglected with the result that the spatial variations can be related to a frequency through fU where U is the mean flow velocity, and f is the length, in the axial direction, of the spatial inhomogeneity. In the absence of shear flow the condition for Eq. 1 to hold is given 3 by This work was supported by the Joint Services Electronics Programs (U. S. Army, U. S. Navy, and U. S. Air Force) under Contract DA 28-043-AMC-02536(E). QPR No. 89 (XI. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) 2 U' 5 -2 1<<, U Since the where U' 1 is the rms value of the axial component of the fluctuating velocity. criteria for the validity of Eq. 1 in the presence of shear flow is unknown, it must be checked experimentally. 1.2- 1.0 0.8j 0.6 0.4 0.4 1.8 Amp o p = 25 Torr 3 FLOW OF 40.5 cm3 sec at STP x FLOW OF 1320 cm sec at STP Id I 0 I 0.1 I I 0.2 I I 0.3 I 0.4 I I 0.5 I 0.6 I 3 I 0.7 I I 0.8 I 0.9 1.0 r//'R Fig. XI-1. Electron temperature from double-probe curves. One method, described by V. L. Granatstein, is to compare the plasma density spectrum for different flow velocities while keeping the Reynolds number, Re, constant. If the frequency scale of the spectrum analyzer is varied so that f/U remains unchanged, then, according to Eq. 1, the resulting spectra should be similar. Another method involves the use of the frequency spectra of the fluctuating floating potential and electric field in the plasma. The electric field was measured by taking the output of two floating probes oriented in the axial direction and separated by 0. 5 mm and feeding them into a Tektronix 1A6 differential preamplifier. This procedure was superior to that described previously. The spectrum of the potential is related to that of the electric field by FE(kl) cc kF (k' where k I is the axial wave number of the eddy, and FE(k QPR No. 89 100 l ) and F (kl) are the electric (XI. field and potential spectra, respectively. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) In terms of wave number Eq. 1 becomes kU Combining Eqs. 3 and 4 yields E(f) 20 lo0 0 log = f F(f) 10 log 1 0 0 F(fo) 0 0 FE(fo) is a convenient normalizing frequency necessary to remove the unknown proportionality constant in Eq. 3. If it is assumed that instead of Eq. 4 the following relawhere f tionship holds (6) S2Trfa Ub ' U where a and b are any real numbers, then Eq. 5 may be replaced by 20a log 10 ( f Oo0 F FE (f) f = 10 og10 0 10 log FE (fo) 10 (f) F (fo) Thus a plot of the right-hand side of Eq. 7 against log f should yield a straight line with a slope of 20 if Eq. 4 is valid. The results of this analysis are shown in Fig. XI-2. Thus, to a good approximation, the use of Eq. 1 is justified for Reynolds numbers SO C SLOPE = 20 x 20 1og1 0 (k/ko) vs log f o Re = 2400 x Re = 6300 Id = 1.8 Amp 0 Ooe p = 25 Torr 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 20 30 40 f- kHz Fig. XI-2. QPR No. 89 Check of frozen-flow assumption (Eq. 4). 101 50 60 80 100 (XI. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) between 2400 and 6000 and the resulting flow is referred to as frozen flow. The behavior of the plasma density and axial electric field with flow was very similar to that reported previously., l' 4 The floating potential was also measured, and its behav- ior was similar to that of the plasma density and electric field. An explanation of the potential (or electric field) behavior is still being sought. The development with flow of plasma density inhomogeneities of various sizes can be observed by using a bandpass filter as previously shown.l 2 3 4 6 8 10 2 3 Re 2000 4 6 The bandpass filter that was 4000 8 10 6000 2 3 4 6 8 10 Q cm /sec at STP Fig. XI-3. Development of plasma density eddies. used was a Spencer-Kennedy Laboratory Model 302 which has an 18 dB/octave frequency rolloff. The data, plotted in Fig. XI-3, shows that, although the large-scale fluctuations begin at very low flows, the inhomogeneities with axial scale lengths k, such that I <<D, do not appear until the flow attains a Reynolds number of -~1500, where D is the tube diameter. The results also show that the larger eddies grow in intensity more rapidly than the smaller eddies do and that they all show a tendency to saturate. (Note that the abscissa scale is logarithmic.) Measurements made by Granatstein 4 showed that the intensity of the large-scale QPR No. 89 102 GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) (XI. plasma density fluctuations, plasma density gradient. J > D, had a radial profile similar to that of the mean This effect was observed in this experiment for medium flows, This discrepancy is being but for the larger flows it was not seen (see Fig. XI-4). Id = 1.8 Amp p = 25 Torr Q 690 Q = 1700 Re 2400 Re = 6200 0-80 kHz 16-32 kHz o 20-40 kHz 8-16 kHz 0 00 Z0 R<i<D S 0-k0 0-10 kHz 0.20.2 0 o oo 0 rr oo 0 I LI 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0 I 0.2 II I 0.4 I I I 0.6 1 0.8 r/R Fig. XI-4. investigated. 1.0 Density fluctuation and density gradient profiles. There are some indications that the answer may be in the behavior of the very large inhomogeneities. The tendency of turbulence to smooth out gradients in any of the properties of the medium is shown by the effect of increased flow on the mean plasma density profile (see Fig. is XI-5). The zero-order Bessel function is plotted for reference; the predicted profile for a diffusion-dominated discharge. this Argon shows a bell- shaped profile for the low flows as a result of the rapid increase with energy of the electron-neutral scattering cross section. 5 Note that for the larger flows the density profile becomes flatter than that associated with a diffusion-dominated discharge. The initial 242 cm 3/sec QPR No. 89 contraction in going from is still unexplained. 103 a flow of 82. 5 cm3/sec at STP to GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) (XI. S N /sec at STP vn o 0TUBE WALL 0.1 0.2 0.1 0 0.1 Fig. XI-5. 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Density profile normalized to unity on axis. Radial profiles for the floating potential and for the axial electric field are plotted in Fig. XI-6. Comparing this with Fig. XI-5, larity between the potential, a strong simi- axial electric field and the plasma density. Further necessary to explain fully the origin of the potential fluctuations. analysis is As stated above, it we see that there is it is is the plasma potential, the floating potential, 4f, which is measured; however, 4p, which is related to the electric field in the plasma by E = -V (8) , where the vector potential has been neglected, involved. because of the very low frequencies It is thus necessary to compute the error involved in using the floating potential. QPR No. 89 104 (XI. 0 ).2 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.2 0 0.2 GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 r/R rR Radial profiles for the floating potential and the axial electric field. Fig. XI-6. It can readily be shown by using the expression +V = that the fluctuating components of the potential satisfy = (f)2 () + (Vo) (10) + 2Vo, where the bar represents time average, and the prime denotes the fluctuating com- ponent so that p =pPp, + p Pf = V f + cj =V QPR No. 89 ,pY=V V O (11) + V' 105 GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) (XI. An expression for the potential difference, V , between a cylindrical probe at floating 6 potential and the plasma has been given by Zakharova et al. ur SpT V /T e/ = .02 e 20 1 T + -0r + _ p ATn V X + T (12) T 1 +.015 r p(1-+u) c p respec- and T are the electron and ion temperatures in electron volts, where T sheath thick- tively, I is ness, respectively, the is the probe radius, ur is the probe length, r p P P k+ and k_ are the ion and electron mean-free paths, c and the sheath edge. undisturbed plasma for and V ions, of the weight atomic potential the is Note the difference between the and V that both V A is are negative probe. a floating For the parameters of this experiment Eq. 12 reduces to B Vo/Te : (13) , a - kn(l+u) where a = in = 1. 9, and B = 0. 02 p p In order to obtain Vo, it was assumed that fluctuations in the sheath thickness were ET ne and n is the yet been possible by (14) e D = D et Zakharova Although density. plasma to verify that al. it is this assumption is consistent it reasonable, with the expression for not has u given 6 1/5 u = 0. 23 where By J+ is r 1 2 the ionic using the + (15) , current density in assumption above and Eqs. Eq. 9 becomes QPR No. 89 ma/cm . It is 2 also 106 13 and 14, assumed, and dividing for by rea- (c )2 (XI. ( p )2 -2 T 2[a-n(1+u) 1+ ()2 (n') 2 ][]2 n GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) 1 (2 T (n') + 2p(4 , V) 1 (16) - 2 K (1+)[a-n(l+u) where 2 V is the correlation coefficient. the worst case. To evaluate Eq. 16, p is set equal to one, since this gives For the worst condition present in this experiment we obtain 1/2 __)2 1. 14. Thus using the floating potential results in an error of approximately 14% at worst and is generally much better. It is possible to obtain the scale size of the smallest eddies by means of the two-point correlation. For homogeneous turbulence the two-point plasma density correlation coefficient reduces, R (r) = 1 for sufficiently small separation,7 to r 2 r (17) X where X is the microscale for the density fluctuations, two observation points. and r is the separation of the For the condition of frozen flow it is possible to obtain the axial scale length for density fluctuations by means of the temporal correlation at one point (autocorrelation). Then the autocorrelation, for sufficiently short delay time, is given 8 by 2 RE (t) = 1 2 (18) E, y where TE QPR No. 89 =,Y /U. 107 (XI. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) The autocorrelation was taken with a Honeywell 9410 correlation, and the expected parabolic section was observed. A plot of 1 - RE(t) against t2 yielded a straight line 0.05 - 0.04 - I-RE(t) vs t2 0.03 - = 1.8 Amp SId p = 25 Torr 6 0.02 - rE,y = .0 7 psec 0 o X = .117cm 0.051 cm X0.01f 0.01 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 2 t -10- Fig. XI-7. 12 1.2 sec 1.4 1.6 2.0 Microscale length. over the first two microseconds and gives a value of TE,y of 6. 07 or a microscale length of 0. 117 cm. 1.8 2 psec (see Fig. XI-7) This scale length for the plasma density fluctua- tions can be related to longitudinal neutral-gas velocity scale length by X D f D (19) where Xf is the microscale length for velocity fluctuations in the axial direction, the diffusion coefficient for the plasma, and v is the kinematic viscosity. parameters of the discharge used in getting Fig. XI-7, Eq. 19 yields Xy/f D is For the 2. 3. Thus the smallest inhomogeneities in the plasma density are approximately one-tenth the tube radius, and approximately twice as large as the smallest eddies in the neutral gas. Future work includes a complete analysis in order to explain many still unexplained effects, the addition of a grid at the input to the discharge pipe, and an attempt to measure directly the expected but unconfirmed enhanced plasma loss rate caused by the turbulence. The grid is being added, since it is possible that it will have an effect on the very low frequency (large-scale length) fluctuations. G. A. Garosi QPR No. 89 108 (XI. GASEOUS ELECTRONICS) References 1. G. A. Garosi, "Effects of Hydrodynamic Turbulence on a Weakly Ionized Argon Plasma," Quarterly Progress Report No. 86, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M.I.T. , July 15, 1967, pp. 129-134. 2. R. L. Kronquist, "Microwave Scattering from an Electron-Beam Produced Plasma," Quarterly Progress Report No. 82, Research Laboratory of Electronics, M. I. T., July 15, 1966, pp. 109-114. 3. J. O. Hinze, p. 41. 4. V. L. Granatstein, "Structure of Wind-Driven Plasma Turbulence as Resolved by Continuum Ion Probes," Phys. Fluids 10, 1236 (1967). 5. H. M. Schulz III, "Interactions of Electrons and Acoustic Waves in a Plasma," Ph.D. Thesis, M.I.T., 1967. 6. V. M. Zakharova et al., 7. J. O. Hinze, ibid., QPR No. 89 Turbulence (McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., New York, Soviet Phys. - Tech. Phys. 5, 411 (1960). p. 220. 109 1959),