TABLE OF CONTENTS Personnel vi Publications and Reports x xiii Introduction I. 1 Physical Electronics 1 Physical Electronics in the Solid State 1 2 Conduction in Zinc-Sulphide Single Crystals Low-Voltage Characteristics of Germanium Diodes 2 Electron Emission Problems Effect of a Magnetic Field and of a Unidirectional Heating Current on Thermionic Emission from Molybdenum 2 3 Experimental Techniques II. III. IV. A Sensitive dc Amplifier, Battery-Operated Photoelectrons Produced by Soft X-Rays 3 Surface States on Semiconductors 4 3 5 Microwave Gaseous Discharges 5 Diamagnetism of a Long Cylindrical Plasma Microwave Measurements of Plasmas in Magnetic Fields 10 Effect of Electron Temperature on Plasma Conductivity 21 26 Microwave Spectroscopy Phonon Mean-Free Paths 26 Phonon-Spin Absorption Cross Sections in Paramagnetic Crystals 26 Atomic Recombination 27 Spectroscopy of Free Atoms and Radicals Antiferromagnetic Resonance 27 28 30 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Hyperfine Structure Paramagnetic Resonance in Atoms Aligned by Electron Impact 97 Hyperfine Structure of Radioactive Hg197 and Hg 1 * 30 31 31 Preparation of Radioactive Mercury Samples Magnetic Dipole Moment and Isotope Shift of Radioactive Hg 1 9 7 Spectroscopic Study of Radioactive Hg 1 9 7 and Hgl 33 97 * 35 Intensity of Ultraviolet Radiation of a Microwave-Excited Mercury Plasma in a Magnetic Field 40 Variations in the Calibration of High-Current Solenoids 42 ! CONTENTS V. VI. VII. Microwave Electronics 43 Microwave Beam Measurements 45 Klystron Gap Theory 49 Multicavity Klystron 52 Plasma Oscillations 55 Frequency Modulation 56 Capture of the Weaker Signal: Feedforward Technique 56 FM Receiver Design 62 Statistical Communication Theory Nonlinear Problems in Random Theory Lecture 3. Orthogonal Functionals 63 63 63 Lecture 4. Orthogonal Functionals and Autocorrelation Functions 73 Lecture 5. Application to Frequency Modulation Problems - I 81 Lecture 6. Application to Frequency Modulation Problems - II 88 An Algebra of Continuous Systems 95 The Prediction of Gaussian-Derived Signals A Sampling Theorem for Stationary Random Processes An Ergodic Theorem for a Class of Random Processes 104 Optimum Nonlinear Filters with Fixed Output-Networks Theory of the Analysis of Nonlinear Systems 118 A Theory of Signals Theory and Application of the Separable Class of Random Processes VIII. 43 Mode Coupling in Periodic Structures by Variational Techniques Processing and Transmission of Information 111 116 124 124 124 125 The Function Display Program 125 Sampling Theorems for Linear Time-Variant Systems Picture Processing 128 Two-Dimensional Second-Difference Pictures 134 Recoding Pictures by Generation of Lowpass and Correction Signals 136 Picture Coding by Linear Interpolation 137 134 Estimation of the Channel Capacity Required for Picture Transmission 140 Coding and Decoding of Binary Group Codes 140 CONTENTS IX. Noise in Electron Devices Langevin Equation for Microwave Ferrite with Thermal Noise X. XI. XII. XIII. Speech Communication 143 143 Synthesis of Nasal Consonants by Terminal Analog Synthesizer 144 Model Studies of the Production of Fricative Consonants 146 Synthesis and Perception of Fricative Consonants 150 A Wide-Range Electrostatic Loud-Speaker 153 Studies of the Perception of Speech-Like Sounds 155 Vowel Intonation Contours 156 Neurophysiology 162 Studies on the Node of Ranvier and Synthetic Neurology 162 Electrometer Cathode Follower 163 Repetitive Firing of Neurons 164 The Role of Reflexes in Movement 165 Circuit Theory 166 A Predetection Diversity Combiner 166 Parametric Amplifiers 166 Network Synthesis Mechanical Translation A Compiler-Interpreter for Mechanical Translation XV. 141 Reaction Time to Consonant-Vowel Syllables in Ensembles of Various Sizes Imbedding Gain in RC Networks by Means of Linear Transformations XIV. 141 Communications Biophysics 169 169 176 176 177 Judgments of the Loudness of Clicks 177 Human Reaction Time to a Masked Acoustic Stimulus 185 Comment on the "Laplacian" Electrode 186