Center for Information Systems Research Massachusetts institute of Alfred P, Sloan School of Technology Management 50 Memorial Drive Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139 617 253-1000 USER MANAGERS' SYSTEMS NEEDS It appears that tomorrow is here today. We need to change the rules of the game and play catch-up ball. Robert M. Alloway May, 1980 CISR No. 56 Sloan WP No. 1125-80 -1- User Managers' Systems Needs * Managers information need a means relevant data and intended to latter is the provide former the to ability Managers end. analyze to means to make the information computer-based not this flexible need Computer data. that possible, systems. economic, The access to systems are easy for with an eye and managers. toward appropriateness their answered the appropriate systems needs, assesses user managers' This paper those systems, many how and ends. have asked and We users currently systems do how many questions, are various managerial for means, the systems new have, want? users do how Systems were classified by type into monitor, exception, inquiry, and analysis. The results are The differences dramatic. of systems types has already caused by systems type. This user departments. each type managerial and in significant a appropriateness managerial shift users' in demand mix presents serious management challenges to both DP and Moreover, the collectively, is level simply necessitating challenge; of demand user for This overwhelming. processes improved new and systems, for increases the criteria for prioritization of systems needs. Introduction As part industrial of senior, of a larger research firms completed middle, and an project user and extensive questionnaire. junior managers finance, and DP departments. 114 Exhibits was 1 and selected 2 A from managers DP stratified in six sample the manufacturing, provide some basic information about the firms and respondents studied. *I wish to thank the research, Christine Jerome Nolte for Information Systems anonymous companies and managers who participated in this Bullen for her management of the data gathering process, his statistical analysis support, and the Center for Research of M.I.T. for partial funding. "User N'eeds Survey: Preliminary Report", Robert Sloan Working Paper 1096-79, December 1979. M. Alloway, et al , M.I.T. .?_ To establish the base case, the they systems already user managers listed and classified by type have. A straightforward classification of application syster s type was used in the questionnaire: SHORT NAN1E DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM TYPE Monitor The system monitors daily detail activity producing standard reports on a fixed schedule (daily, weekly, or monthly). Exception The exception The where reports conditions is fixed Inquiry daily processes system system activity detail definition the produces but of exception . provides a database with flexible inquiry capability, enabling managers to design and change their own monitoring and exception reports. Analysis The system (modeling, provides powerful simulation, capabilities data analysis optimization, statistical or routines) and the appropriate database to support managerial decision making. The first applications two types, monitor and exception, traditionally called transaction fall into processors. the category of These systems have been the bread and butter of DP, helping to capture, store, manipulate and report Transaction the structured, processing high volume systems generate activities management of daily reports by operations. successive -3- stages increasingly of summarized detail activity. lowest The level summaries are provided to supervisors and managers directly responsible for daily operations. Successively higher level approach to management information in this traditional which is _is 2 In the limited extent that this is true, To — summarized daily appropriate for first line managers, further summarized appropriate for higher levels of management. true. to There is an implicit assunption successively higher levels of management. activity, summaries are distributed general, this is not transaction processors do provide some relevant information to higher level managers. Inquiry and are more managerially oriented however, analysis systems, in their intention, design, and use than transaction processors. difference between starting the most managers managers' needs likely them find to working and the data with down to the and It is the sending summary reports relevant and data analysis and starting to with necessary a to support those needs. inquiry systems were Flexible originally developed provide flexible monitor and exception reporting. management (database system provide ad-hoc They have been enhanced to also inquiry into transaction processing data. software to and high They require specialized level inquiry language), hardware (disks and terminals), and are generally limited to accessing one database at time a (eg., order entry or purchasing) although progress is being made in linking databases together. Analysis systems include a diverse mix of approaches to supporting judgemental decision-making, from problem- finding and contingency planning to selecting "best" particular set of alternatives. decisions (eg., They are financial necessarily customized forecasting or for a production scheduling) and include flexible access to the required database. 2 "A Framework for Management Information Systems", Garry and Scott Morton, Sloan Manaoement Review, Fall 1971. -4- What Systems do Users have ? Eighty-one personally monitor, the managers in six companies listed the systems which they us';r on use exception, regular basis. a inquiry or installed base of They analysis. then classified each system as This provides application systems shown in Exhibit 277 installed systems in the sample, of which 228 or 82 systems. contrast In breakdown of the only 3.2% of installed the . 3?o 3. There are are monitor type systems are the of analysis type. There are no real surprises here; expectations. managers' which approximately oriented. 90?c The average manager regularly uses 3.4 systems, of are transaction processors and almost said "only I rather there is confirmation of most were transaction processors. 10?o" but wasn't it 10?c are managerially ago that too long 100?o Improvements in technological capability have been pushing inquiry systems, and improvements in the "DP-literacy" of user managers have been pushing analysis type applications. Ninety percent transaction of the processors. collective experience simple observation This of of and DP systems users mix in is of the installed base has seme interesting implications. DP ' s policies and procedures, evaluation/reward structure, applications are dominated by depth criteria, transaction of and organizational skills, expertise processors. in Thus, developing there is a strong tendency for any systems request that goes into DP to come back out implemented as transaction processor. perceived use of computers, expectations of systems development Users' anticipated benefits, procedures, dominated a by their transaction and justification criteria are similarly processing experience. Thus, there is a tendency for any systems requests that go strong many processors has inquiry same the especially and DP already look to The interaction of DP and user biases toward like transaction processors. transaction into effect as systems analysis conscious a needs are conspiracy — implemented as transaction processors instead. Moreover, in identification, needs companies most established the selection, project and standard procedures for systems development are the result of institutionalized transaction processing experience. This further increases the probability that an inquiry or anlaysis systems need will be implemented as a transaction processor. The creation and use of inquiry and analysis systems are different from transaction processors. by a Recognition of this simple fact has been hindered superficial appearance of systems similarity are indeed computer-based. is affected adversely by — all four systems types The development of inquiry and analysis systems the requirement policy to follow established standard procedures which are appropriate only for transaction processors. Companies standard have refined procedures and their experiences self-fulfilling is tionalized organizationally difficult standard procedures and institutionalized expectations oriented to their predominate transaction processing past. problem into Recognition of this as ackward. and expectations development of additional systems types is a exclusively Reassessing to a institu- facilitate true management challenge. the -6- How Appropriate is the Installed Base ? In separate a important tasks questions, of set which decisions or they was then classified by systems type. important listed 229 tasks listed could be felt The support actually available computer system. Users managers user most their supported by a these important tasks for These results are shown in Exhibit 4. decisions of which 79 or or 35?o had no systems support of any type. Clearly the base dissatisfaction user appropriate not is for the which 35?o are This alone is an important source of demand for new systems unsupported. and installed given backlog DP s ' Monitor systems provided support for 120 or activities although, will be Exhibit 4 as creating in 53?o new systems. of the important managerial demonstrated, necessarily not appropriately. The second portion activities which by systems are by unsupported This type. distribution of systems Apparently whether a and omits of managerial re-computes the percent distribution distribution type important 79 the the is very not total different base installed system is intended to support a in from the Exhibit 2. managerially important activity or not makes little if any difference in the type of system which is Presumably, developed. this is because of the institutionalized standard procedures for systems development which reinforces DP and users' biases resulting in transaction processors irrespective of the intended use of the system. Exhibit 5 compares the total installed systems base from Exhibit those systems cited as supporting users' Of the 277 total installed systems 2 with important activities in Exhibit 4. only 150 or 55% were cited in -7- conjunction with users' systems activities important managers' v^ich important activities. installed ars not do unsupported, completely go relate other words, while 35% of In to managers' 45% most of the important needs. The installed systems v^ich were not cited are probably necessary 127 for daily operations and presume all However, to some of the respondents secondary needs. fulfill monitor installed 228 the of management information is apparently in error — systems provide 108 of them were not even mentioned in conJLnction with important managerial activities. Transaction processors should be recognized for the valuable functions they do perform and not tarnished by being labeled MIS, function a of them do not even 1x1% address. There is a definite pattern in Exhibit systems analysis installed systems were cited. were 5 by system important managerial For only whereas cited needs, All type. the of 53% of the monitor inquiry and analysis systems appear to be more relevant. This was investigated in greater depth by asking user managers to designate their desired systems type for each important activity they had listed. In Exhibit 6 the systems type is considered to be appropriate when the installed and desired systems type are the same. Only or 46, activities are of of 31%, the the systems v^ich appropriate type. In support other users' words, 69% important of the 150 currently installed systems which do relate to important managerial activities do so only partially or in an inappropriate fashion -- inconvenient, inflexible or incomplete. — unjustly I think. This is a reality which incites many user managers In fact, if the "managerially unimportant" 45% of the installed base did not exist, many managers' most important tasks would be managing those These systems have enabled daily operations which these systems support. managers to spend more time managing. -8- Again better than monitor analysis and users of 66?o the analysis and exception systems. and systems, be to inquiry that see we and appropriate a very strong significantly fare The vast majority of respectively, 18% type. appropriateness percentages for monitor this makes systems (25?o) are contrast In and considered exception analysis systems to be significantly more appropriate for by their low the to (ll?c') User managers consider statement. inquiry systems inquiry and their important needs than monitor and exception systems. Exception systems are seen as particularly inappropriate for important managerial needs because, I think, of the fixed nature of the definition of exception conditions embedded in the application software. definitions exception of necessitate conditions Managerial re- maintenance, software thereby constantly involving users in DP backlog delays and red tape in a thankless quest to update inevitably obsolete reports. the Of 120 monitor systems that relate to important activities the breakout of desired type is shown in Exhibit managerial 7. Thirty of these systems are considered by their users to be of the appropriate type. remaining The 75?o should have been a different systems type to appropri- ately address their users' important needs. Sixty-four percent of these systems (38% inquiry plus of a basically inappropriate type. It is difficult 28?o analysis) are user managers for to consider the projects which created those inappropriate monitor systems to be responsive to their needs. no matter in on A how technically competent budget system; a No matter and schedule, and no how hard the project team worked, they were, matter no matter how bug-free the project came and efficient the monitor system cannot behave like an inquiry or analysis system. well-designed and implemented, but inappropriate, monitor system -9- contributes to the generally recognized user feeling of DP unresponsiveness When this occurs frequently the reputation of DP as needs. to managerial unresponsive and :omputer systems as inappropriate to important managerial needs is confirmed and spread. Exhibit effect managerial appropriateness on system typss is dramatic. cited with conjunction in between Of the difference The monitor/ exception and systems total base of installed systems 5h% are managerially see only managers, type. 17?o of The in inquiry/ analysis important activities. systems which do relate to important managerial activities appropriate their emphasize to perceptions. managers' user cumulative previous exhibits from juxtaposes lines 8 effect cumulative those Of are of the 31?i devastating. is User the installed base of application systems to be appropriate to their important needs. This does imply that not the remaining 83?o the of inappropriate for other necessary corporate functions. not intended necessarily to provide support This exhibit does not important activities. for installed is These systems were middle reflect base managers' level the recent mix of DP system development by type inasmuch as most monitor systems were developed years ago Moreover, and when appropriately accounting, so all inquiry originally addressed and developed, important successfully that systems analysis many they are no fairly systems monitor managerial are recent. directly and payroll and needs, such longer important as managerial needs. this literary of extenuating circumstances, Even accepting convinced that this believe DP to be is how user managers unresponsive been spent on developing, to their I am still perceive DP systems and why they managerial needs. Millions running and maintaining existing systems. have Only -10- 17% of the installed base is relevant and appropriate to important managerial Although activities. relevant ically more inquiry especially and appropriate and managerial to systems analysis are these needs, dramat- types are such a small percent of the total installed base as to be considered atypical Moreover, DP applications. important managerial of 35?o activities have no systems support of any type. A search for the cause of user dissatisfaction with DP need go no further important needs and the installed than this mismatch between user managers' base of applications. What System Types do Users Want ? preceeding The transaction question comments processors many for and according to Exhibit The answer, this will 9, demand system shift away from types. The occur predicted mix often this user in analysis and when is meet to shift a inquiry toward departments DP should they begin preparing demand. foreshadow shift a dramatic shift currently installed base. • processors, inquiry of 40?o and the analysis in Whereas known proportion the 90°o backlog systems. The of the is in system of in user already from types the installed base is transaction requests shift when is last year. The known backlog of user requested systems development projects exhibits and for managerially-oriented user demand mix has already occurred. Users are expecting implementation increased of managerially-oriented systems types in the near term and DP should already be able to perceive this shift. attitudes 4 If standardized result in the procedures and ingrained transaction implementation of monitor systems where "Defining Success for DP", Robert March 1980. M. processing inquiry or Alloway, M.I.T., CISR Working Paper 32 , -11- systems analysis needed, are requested, and dissatisfaction user expected will surely increase. basically the foreseeable proportional mix same demand user future systems (desired backlog invisible The as not known the continue will requested yet to DP) has For the analysis and of backlog. emphasize inquiry systems over transaction processors. summarizes the planning horizon for DP in terms of The total demand mix the This obvious mix shift emphasizes relative importance by systems type. the necessity of modifying historically derived standard systems development procedures. order In to be successful and responsive to managerial needs, DP's attention, priorities, and proportion of effort must be cut in half for increased by a factor of three for inquiry and six for monitor systems and analysis systems. dramatic This dramatic shift in shift DP in demand user procedures and must be matched by equally an Most DP departments are capabilities. currently perceived by user managers to be managerially unresponsive. extent that DP departments have demand early enough to match failed supply to to To the recognize this mix shift in user demand, these perceptions are well founded. DP's internal structure evaluation criteria, types, shift corresponding to and to in supply procedures — requires from pervasive training changes and programs its personnel project design and procedures for different defining success and strategic planning for DP. to system Recognition of Alloway "Planning Skill Development for Systems Analysts", Robert M. Jerome T. Nolte, M.I.T., CISR Working Paper 31 November 1979. and , "Temporary Economics, Management Systems", Robert M. Alloway, Stockholm Institute of International Business Working Paper , School of September 1977. ^"Defining Success for DP", Robert March, 1980. M. Alloway, M.I.T., CISR Working Paper 32 , -12- the magnitude of change necessary should not induce general paralysis, but rather, explicit the challenge, a managerial the of benefits significant the necessity for realization to gained, be nature and of this undeniable the flat-out effort to play catch-up ball. What Systems Types will Users Want? to allow me considerable latitude with cross-sectional you will If longitudinal "kludge" implications, Exhibit can 10 data interpreted be as demand trends for systems types over the next five years. Implementation triggered small a of managerially relevant and appropriate systems disproportionate increase in demand for these systems. has Today's installed base of inquiry and analysis systems has already resulted in a significant mix fulfilling installed today's reflective of demand relevance the known the Tomorrow's base. As DP departments shift in demand. demand backlog becomes new systems for appropriateness and of are successful tomorrow's of part in be similarly tomorrow's installed will base. The best predictor available tomorrow's demand mix of the managerially The percentage breakdown of desired system type important tasks which are today completely for the are 35°i of unsupported. Lnsupported important managerial activities was used for tomorrow's demand in Exhibit 10. The chronology proportion of by systems type monitor systems as is a thus percent dropped from 100% yesterday to 82.3?o today. forecast systems to drop from constituted 0% 40?o of today the to traced 22?o installed of and the forecast. installed The base has Demand for monitor systems is tomorrow. base By contrast, yesterday and analysis 3.2?o today. 13- Today's demand has surged to grow to 20?o forecast to continue and tomorrow's is to 40?o. DP used to play a leadership role vis-a-vis users in the application of DP has lost this leadership computer technology to organizational needs. position by failure to shift the mix of delivery capability early enough to Today DP must meet emerging demand. play catch-up-ball just to rebalance delivery capability and demand. Theoretically providing However, a of is such term for most, To if not regain to appropriate users should of growing into position the leadership role by tomorrow's impossible to deliver their target structures organizational policies, for be to achieve today's demand mix as soon as possible, to create its demand. the in near DP departments. and DP DP dramatic change as a all, practical, be for types systems mix this possible is it change planning yesterday preferably, and to and procedures facilitative within tomorrow's demand mix 3 years. How Many New Systems do Users Want ? The previous sections of this paper discussed the proportions or mix of This section introduces the quantities of new user demand by systems type. systems needed attempt has to been made man-months required systems, counts some also maintenance. are the picture of canplete to to create larger include standardize or them. more systems new user demand. systems Just like complex than replacements the by size Exhibit 11 no or number of installed base of 277 others. but In not The new systems enhancements or -1^- backlog known The of systems, all currently installed base) that 188, is large so of (68?o the results in the commonly observed 2-3 year it Systems development personnel are already backlog in most DP departments. flat-out dealing with this known backlog. invisible backlog of all systems, The known backlog or 115^0 of the installed base) is not not (164% of the staggering is 309, The invisible backlog number . reliable as the known backlog because these desired systems have as passed "rigors" the preparation proposal of approval. and However, this figure is probably in the right ballpark. invisible backlog implies that the The size of No matter any shorter. never get how fast users will keep the known backlog full. backlog known not is indication an DP can create new systems the The length of department's DP a than other anything of known backlog will the users the planning horizon and perceived stability of need. Total the demand installed There is for base, no way that all which, any Priority setting demand. systems, by 497, the is simply took way, 10 overwhelming to years 15 — 179?o to create. of DP department can actually fulfill this level of important as is in determining success as the number and quality of systems developed. Conversely, needs even user using a departments consortium will of important in fulfilling their hard suppliers software vendors (package and custom). as be Users' information pressed — DP, fulfill to own their staff, DP and prioritization of needs is needs as number the and quality of systems implemented. User management must fulfill its responsibilities individual systems, levels of effort, and type mix. have DP constantly "play the heavy" in telling It in prioritizing is simply unfair user after user that to their -15- Moreover, DP should not be forced into the needs are not important enough. position of indirectly determining corporate capabilities and strategy. The demand systems, fo monitor systems is not growing : however, versus 1077?o, 88°o is significantly larger. analysis rapidly as as installed base of monitor systems the Hence, Exhibit 12 reveals greater demand in terms of absolute numbers for monitor systems than analysis systems. more hundred Two entire department DP monitor very systems busy foreseeable the for sufficient itself is keep to cannot DP future. the simply stop creating monitor systems in order to meet the dramatic growth in demand other for systems. is It types. must DP are committed already continue to create or how many process, in monitor backlogged how many of the 82 question of priorities; a applications monitor system are necessary foundations for other systems, how many of the 118 invisibles can be obviated by installing inquiry or analysis systems, what priority should be assigned to each monitor system given the demand for all system types? Demand exception for surprising growth given their low shows systems appropriateness ratings in previous exhibits. First, possible. are exception reporting even for their own structured high-volune systems are managerially considered by where user and experience the with fixed exception There systems. actual support provided when implemented. definition of exception conditions is not emphasized proposed Only 1 system of 22 managers, flexibility difference between the abstract concept of exception reporting systems fixed applications, appropriate activities, important explanations is Second, user managers may not have realized the lessons they are not. key, of though for two least At but becomes only too evident installed exception systems is in in their considered is for a real future The fixed conceptualizing implemented to be a use. relevant to -16- appropriate and consider seriously managerially for implications the iinplementa':ion -- actual activities. important difference this of frustrations, the delays, should Users and concept in resources consumed and in revising obsolete exception condition definitions. inquiry systems has already jumped by The demand for base installed known the and backlog. And it exponential growth with the invisible backlog nearly backlog. known To meet shows between the sign every of greater than the 100?o require would demand total 100?o times the fulfilled the five over number of inquiry systems already installed. Hopefully, proportion requests) of this demand as DP effort expended maintenance and on exisitng of systems inquiry for is "little systems" systems will report (special Flexible decrease. inquiry systems have the desireable characteristic of converting users into "programmers" "maintenance respect with evolve and to personnel". inquiry an As users' needs revise their they database, systems' information ad-hoc queries and modify their stored report commands accordingly. In will fact, have the general approach of converting be heavily pursued to in serious any demand for inquiry or analysis systems. is 10 times greater than the Total installed base. users into attempt to "programmers" fulfill total demand for analysis systems Without "user-programmers" DP does not have the capacity to fulfill even the known backlog of 40 analysis systems while systems. V/ith simultaneously developing 82 monitor systems and 36 the invisible backlog included there is simply no hope of DP fulfilling demand alone. In addition to DP-developed systems, play a facilitative and supportive role for user-developed High Level inquiry Languages, access provided to user managers. to databases, and relevant DP should systems. Very training must be -17- DP should initiate a major shift in resources, structure and procedures inquiry and analysis systems. to provide more sufficient. procedures The for creating This is necessary but not systems analysis basically are p different from the procedures for creating transaction processing systems. change DP must its procedures accordingly to increase the supply of this type of system in its application portfolio. It like a is demand, due capability to to company adding a new product line. shifts supply needs, old in marketing, manufacturing, must existing be planned, product must be or realized field service, etc. supported, and the new lines preference new technological for the long term New procedures and departments must be created viability of the company. line consumer in Changes in customer and Growth in the new product Competition protected. product line for between resources and management attention must be resolved based upon profit potential. The necessity for DP to realize and respond to user manager demand for analysis systems should be clear from their high appropriateness especially for managerially important activities. ratings, Failure to respond will leave DP in the unenviable position of being not only unresponsive to users needs but increasingly managerially irrelevant. p Decision Support Systems , Keen and Scott Morton, Addison-Wesley, 1978. -18- Conclusions and Recommendations summary conclusions emerge Two unequivocally from the preceding exhibits: * A * User demand for new systems is simply overwhelming. dramatic shift in user demand has already occurred. recognized have Users appropriateness the differences system between types in managerial accordingly have and transaction processors toward demand away from relevance shifted and their inquiry and analysis The growth rate in user demand for analysis systems is especially systems. surpassing the capability of typical DP departments to deliver. high; for demand nonetheless required new monitor staggering fulfill to numbers. absolute in combined the declining although systems, demand user proportionately, number The all for The of systems new system is types is clearly beyond the capacity of any DP department to deliver. Individually, mix shift and demand level present a serious challenge to management. Together they confront management with the necessity for basic changes the in company's strategy and structure for fulfilling its information systems needs. is It very important to adequately recognize the nature of the changes necessary to address the issues raised by these empirical results. Doing more of the same thing, either through increased productivity or increased total expenditures, different. past. This Moreover, and analysis and for the is sufficient. not requires a The mix what must of fundamentally different done be approach than in is the new systems development procedures customized for inquiry systems are required volume of demand for for the success these systems. of individual projects The degree and extent of -19- change is pervasive so strategy the that structure and providing of information systems must be reassessed. The recommendations to begin addressing necessary strategy/ the structure changes can be divided into four areas: * all managers must prioritize information systems needs * DP must modify its approach to information systems fulfillment * Users must modify their approach to information systems fulfillment * Senior management, recognize, must committee, steering a the changes necessary within and support enable, of form the in DP and User departments, and in the relationships between DP and Users. All Managers — The first set of recommendations is obvious prioritize its systems development efforts by systems DP must prioritize. type, by User department, their prioritize within each type. procedures Both Senior development. and by application within each type. Users must by application needs systems information needs for prioritize, prioritize, users and must DP policies their reconsider recognize must and type prioritization, identification, management by as a and priority and systems role its responsibility in policy formulation and supporting DP and user departments in their necessary structural and procedural changes. DP Managers The first and most fundamental change significant differences between systems types. sounds. perceives It is the a fundamental functional change in benefits of for DP is to recognize the This is much harder than it how DP understands systems to its own organizations, past, and conceptualizes the information systems creation process. Most DP personnel acknowledge that every system is unique. Contrary to -20- seeking compromise: practial a At best, is more a development development process procedures. The this self-contradictory position is recognized as systems all realistic typology used in this user demand. If DP match users' be their systems unique are but it is impossible to customized systems development procedure for each project. There will tighten, their systems development procedure for the creation right one is of all systems. devise meaning improve, to implicit goal a periodically modify they belief, this obsolete should processors and systems development the to 40?o system The different trends in appropriately by shifting its supply mix to 60% development systems standard mix, for approach. research clearly distinguishes responds demand practical still and continue procedure to new the of J^ used be procedures applications. appropriate for of them. systems development procedures should be devised; The the past current transaction for Two new, additional one for inquiry and one for analysis systems. The point is analogous to introduction of additional an automotive company. In product lines in the past, many different models of cars with V-8 engines were developed, manufactured marketed. and A broad product line varying in body style, engine displacement, and appointments was supported. Within that practical. theme variations like V-6 engines or sports cars were This reinforced autcmative management's belief that any kind of car could be effectively and efficiently developed with variations on their current process. Recognition of a shift in customer difference in small cars was difficult. past procedures with limited success. a V-8 engine block transfer line it preference and Down-sizing was the a fundamental modification to No matter how hard you try to modify cannot make 4 cylinder diesel engine -21- blocks. the end it was recognized that complete redesign was necessary In to add a new product line. Heavy investment and marketing approaches. and was made re-tooling required new development, manufacturing, This produce to small new plant, in cars high in transfer lines, quality, economic volume. There remains this superficial appearance of similarity new lines product remain economic, both are the — cars production but achieve to processes volume, specialized are — the old and quality, and type. The by manufacturing of one type on another's production line would dramatically lower success. DP is currently trying to develop inquiry and systems with analysis manufacturing techniques developed for transaction processing systems. The entire life cycle of systems development, beginning with needs recognition and proposal preparation, must be re-assessed. 9 Not in order to improve it for all systems but to differentiate it into three manufacturing processes — transaction processors, inquiry, and analysis. It will take some time but the biggest delay is in recognition of the From this recognition the fundamental differences between systems types. inevitable readily necessity follows. systems by type, differentiated of So too, does re-structuring systems planning the portfolio organization DP s ' procedures development of application accordingly, and modifying the desired skill mix of systems development personnel. "The Complete Life Cycle of CBIS Projects", Robert M. Alloway, of International Business Working Paper February 1977. Institute , "Temporary Management Systems", International Business Working Paper Robert , M. Alloway, Institute of September 1977. "Planning Skill development for Systems Analysts", Robert M. Jerome T. Nolte, MIT, CISR Working Paper 51 November 1979. , Alloway and -22- DP must reallocate it resources to achieve a balance between its supply demand mix capability and users' mix requirements mix today's tomorrow's demand mix. in such needs. Moreover, manner a as DP should achieve achieving facilitate to DP should never again allow itself to fall into the trap of lagging behifid users' changing needs by institutionalizing its past mix. Rather, resources to DP continually reallocate should balance portfolio its and regain its systems development leadership position in the future mix. should DP needs with number of help also users fulfill some of new systems required, should DP systems Recognizing the overwhelming than DP-developed systems. other information their seek identify to those needs which could be successfully met with less burden on DP resources. Three alternative sources of information systems exist. could purchase software outside vendors. Second, custom First, users applications developed from packages or DP could provide users with access to processing databases and Very High Level Languages for "user-developed" power, systems. Third, user departments could create their specialized own systems development groups. These alternatives could be pursued simultaneously or different alternatives could be pursued by different user departments. of these users' alternatives require DP support. DP would have However, to all supplement capabilities with consulting, provision of facilities, and technical expertise. There are several policy and procedure questions to be resolved if any "user-developed" alternatives are to be pursued. How will capabilities increased? and specific sufficiently users' general Under what conditions should non-DP-developed systems be authorized and by whom? What DP be -23- conpany standards favored vendor? how And, can must fulfilled be will manage Who resources DP the by hardware used expertise and be Should systems? such these run to utilized best to DP be a systems? help user and user departments achieve successfully implemented systems? Collectively, relations are changes the pervasive so reassessment for DP. 12 systems mix, in they levels of demand, constitute strategy-structure a General management must encourage and support DP in these traumatic times if this transition is to be successful. User Managers The combined effects several of present realities users and user management with serious challenges. * users' needs and demand for new systems is high * users' demands by systems type have shifted * DP cannot supply all the new systems users demand * users capabilities in even general DP issues is low * users must initiate and participate in systems development, especially for inquiry and analysis systems. * capabilities users' systems development in affect the quality and type of systems implemented. * users' need and desire more general DP training. Users must change project selection, in internal "Defining Success pre-project procedures project prioritization. procedures departments and DP. March 1980. and their and working This their needs recognition, necessitates changes relationships Users must not only accept for DP", — with other user responsibilities in Robert M. Alloway, MIT, CISR Working Paper 32 , -24- information systems fulfillment but also possess the required skills. Users need issues. Needs assessment of recognition, project risks development systems requirements, considerably more desire and in general DP identification of appropriate systems type, organizational and impacts, clarification expenditures, capability to and training participate development are all user responsibilities. justification of functional systems of effectively The more capable in systems users are in these managerial aspects of systems needs fulfillment the more successfully their needs will be fulfilled. Beyond this, users must recognize that DP cannot provide enough systems to meet seek must successful alternative stringent After their needs. all sources obtain to users prioritization of needs, some of their systems. How these alternatives become depends heavily on users capabilities and establishing a new working relationship with DP. It the is the user lack uninvolved departments and the corporation as information of recipients responsibility and systems, of role not systems. in Users DP. Users' systems a whole which suffers should acceptance of be passive, their integral not fulfillment must be increasing impact of backed by significantly increased capabilities. Senior Hanaoement Senior management must recognize the systems on corporate performance. their ability to perceive and Corporations are enabled or inhibited by respond rapidly to "User Needs Survey: Preliminary Report", Robert M. loan Working Paper 1096-79 December 1979. S information environmental Alloway, change; et al , MIT, , "User Capabilities and Their Relation to DP Success", Robert forthcoming. and Vivian R. Pratt, MIT, CI5R Working Paper , M. Alloway -25- activities; coordinate departmental and plan efficiently systems Information effectively. and functional tasks and execute already are affecting corporate competitive positions and premise to become significant, although transparent, differentiators of corporate success. this Once senior management must communicate its recognized, is position. The importance throughout the organization information of their if systems potential must recognized be benefits are to be A DP the DP effectively realized. Senior management, Steering Committee must Steering Committee projects is a without mis-use created be review action an the progress senior of — an of arm, can only enable. effective one. time. development systems individual management have To Rather, the critical management issues raised by these empirical results should be addressed by the Steering Committee. and support the The necessary Steering Committee must strategy-structure enable, changes in coordinate, and DP User departments. Information Revolution: Winners and Losers", 3an-Feb Harvard Business Review, 1978, p. 14. "The Harvey L. Poppel EXHIBIT 1 PROFILE OF INDUSTRIAL FIRMS SURVEYED FIRM EXHIBIT 3 82.3% 6.5% 3.2% INSTALLED BASE BY SYSTEM TYPE MONITOR COUNT 228 PERCENT 82.3% EXCEPTION 22 INQUIRY ANALYSIS 277 18 6.5% TOTAL 3.: 100% EXHIBIT SYSTEi^lS NONE L\ TYPES FOR IMPORTANT TASKS EXHIBIT 5 SYSTEMS CITED WITH IMPORTANT TASKS 100 A ANALYSIS 80 M 60- I INQUIRY M MONITOR E EXCEPTION IXI o LU a. ^(} 20 EXHIBIT 5 APPROPRIATENESS OF SYSTEMS TYPE FOR IFIPORTANT SYSTEFiS 120 T 100 LLI I— C/3 >- HOO 80 • 60 .. 40 -. UCD or UJ OQ ZD 20 • 9 EXHIBIT 7 DESIRED TYPE FOR MONITOR SYSTEMS CITED IMPORTANT EXHIBIT 8 USERS' PERSPECTIVE ON THE INSTALLED BASE 100% INSTALLED 5A% INSTALLED IMPORTANT 17% INSTALLED IMPORTANT APPROPRIATE EXHIBIT SHIFT IN 9 USER DEMAND (PERCENTAGES) EXHIBIT 10 PROJECTED DEMAND MIX OVER TIME »u CD EXHIBIT 11 MEW SYSTEMS DEMAND GROWTFi BY TYPE 1000-1 800- UJ »- 600 o q: i|00 < 200. MONITOR INSTALLED EXCEPTION INQUIRY ANALYSIS EXHIBIT 12 V0LUP1E OF NEW SYSTEMS DEMAND BY TYPE 200 118 101 99 71 97 63 57 82 22 i MONITOR EXCEPTION imWWN INSTALLED MONITOR 30 18 36 . INQUIRY BOTTOMj BACKLOG EXCEPTION INQUIRY 9 ^0 ANALYSIS | TOP | INVISIBLE ANALYSIS TOTAL INSTALLED /