BASEMENT HD28 Dewey %^ \ ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT /Taiwan's Informatics Industry The Role of the State in the Development of High-Tech Industry ; Professor Denis Fred Simon Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Professor Chi Schlve Department of Economics National Taiwan University 1693-85 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 DRAFT Taiwan's Informatics Industry : The Role of the State In the Development of High-Tech Industry Professor Denis Fred Simon Sloan School of Management Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Professor Chi Schlve Department of Economics National Taiwan University 1693-85 Paper prepared for the "Workshop on the Development of High-Technology Industries," sponsored by the National Science Foundation, Washington, May, 1985. Revised June, 1985. D, DRAFT Introduction Minister K.T. Li, 1979, In man considered the principal architect of Taiwan's economic development, to be the stated that "the development of the information industry is a worldwide trend, economic future depends very much on our ability to and Taiwan's catch up with this trend. promotion of and informatics. two progress. of such, it has onward, . a national calling the development of the symbol for the island's economic a continued to occupy policy agenda of Taiwan's the leaders As at "strategic industries," machinery time informatics industry has become later, resolution was passed a so-called From that year One economy, conference on Taiwan's for "^ a central position industrial and technological ' The decision to emphasize development of an indigenous informatics industry can be traced to two primary sources. even though Taiwan has enjoyed 8.0 percent along with during the the 1970s, two global a First, comfortable growth rate of about the two oil crises recessions have had a (1973 and 1979) severe impact on ^K.T. Li, "Targets and Strategies for Developing the Information Industry in the Republic of China," December 17, 1979. 5. ^For an overview of the key dimensions of the information industry in general see Michael Dertouzos and Joel Moses, eds.. The Computer Age; A Twenty Year View (Cambridge: MIT Press, 1980). DRAFT . DRAFT 3 Strong pressures for major cost reductions and the local economy. greater production efficiency were generated by both internal and external sources. integration of increased application and The automation and information technologies in both manauf acturing facilities and the modern office have been viewed as one effective means for responding to these pressures. Second, where more some than half however, future, of of has it island's the promising, end of the by the its 1970s, GNP was become the a point exported. Looking into the the world market for that clear traditional products particularly in such areas segments of consumer electronics in Taiwan had reached — where as longer no looked textiles and some increasing protectionism industrialized world and growing competition made re-exam- ination of the island's some South Korea, seemed poised more sophisticated product to embark areas. strategy necessity. a immediate rivals, Taiwan's more Additionally, of development a major move Pressures for into such as new and introducing similar shifts in the focus of Taiwan industry began to emerge. Newly emerging technologies such as informatics seem to hold great potential as a means of maintaining the island's future competi- tive position in the global marketplace.-^ ^This theme is developed in Denis Fred Simon, Taiwan, Technology ,and Transna t ionali sm Jhe Polltica,! Manag^ement of Dependeiycy Wes t view Press forthcoming ) Transfer ( Boulder ; : , DRAFT DRAFT paper will examine This status the industry in Taiwan. informatics 4 In and development of the section one we discuss the general characteristics of Taiwan's present development strategy. examine the broad economic and political We development of informatics focus on the is context taking place. in which section two, In situation in the industry with current respect the we to overall output as well as product and market orientation. In section three we examine the taregts set by the industry and the efforts four, that focus we government to underway to achieve are on the these targets. industrial policies facilitate the island's put In section forth by the transition into higher technology and higher value-added industries such as informatics. The conclusion will then highlight some of the outstanding issues that confront both business and government as they attempt to stimulate expansion of this critical industry. Taiwan's Current Development Strategy I. lince the late 1970s, Taiwan has been embarked on ment program deisgned to shift cheap, both of labor-intensive, low skill develop- economy away from reliance industries towards structural A changes combination of in the Japan Economic Journal , rising domestic world economy have November 15, DRAFT 1983, on development skill-intensive and knowledge-intensive products technologies.^ ^ the a labor costs and and necessitated this p. 5. DRAFT shift. of 5 In 5 Taiwan has particular, technology-intensive goods as been forced to Southeast the expand exports Asian nations and China have started to catch up with the island in the field of light industrial products. Government policy has been to use lay a foundation for the development of a industries. variety of instruments to a series of Depending on the circumstances, been willing to act initiator, as it dominance. has maintained Moreover, a commitment — though in the last private sector pre- to government officials government has strategic decision- regulator, maker, diffuser of technology and entrepreneur instance the new critical on Taiwan have recog- nized that "policies to promote technological advance" can be just as Important reliance that on a as "technology policies" the broad mix of activities in with the nature of the the policy tools themselves. underlies technological sphere have economic environment and the their as Their belief much to do structure of incentives and rewards. In May 1978 a new "science and technology development plan" was formulated and passed by the Executive Yuan in May ' ' 1979. The -^ ^ChaoYao-tung, former Minister of Economic Affairs, attributed Taiwan 's economic problems and inefficiencies in the 1970s to a )subs idi z at ion of domestic oil prices during the 1973 oil crisis, b)the slow level of indigenous technological development, c ) d e f i c i e nc i e s in modern management, d)outdated governme-nt regulations, and e)lack of proper entrepreneurial spirit. China Post March 23, 1983, p. 10. , DRAFT DRAFT plan out laid a and list in strategic improved and civilian industries of for the island entailed that research and development and education, restructuring, industrial course development greater investment 6 linkages between defense high-technology fields. in industries was a tax incentives, variety of a 1982, These strategic identified. industries were made eligible for By preferential financing packages, and technological support. essential features The of island's the new development strategy is its emphasis on these strategic industries and informatics), restraints on the expansion of energy-intensive industries, This (machinery is to and be program to modernize labor-intensive industries. accomplished through the acceleration of industrial technology development and application. assumed a provide industrial guidance, critical role by technological rennovation, establishing and expand a The special funds implement a government has for commission to training and program of industrial consolidation and corporate mergers." The reasons for the emphasis placed on industrial consolidation were: l)Taiwan economic planners and administrators viewed the large number of small and medium size enterprises as a disadvantage as the island attempted to improve productivity and generate greater efficiency through economies of scale; and 2)after Taiwan had gone through two recessions in the 1970s, a smooth process for corporate mergers was viewed as a vital However, ingredient for facilitating needed economic adjustments. at the time, the existing tax laws actually discouraged corporate mergers. The current program, to a large extent, is designed to relax such unfavorable factors. ^ DRAFT DRAFT the government has adopted a two-pronged strategy essence, \Jln 7 for meeting its technological needs. One major objective has been to expand and extend the island's interdependence with key actors in high use of technology segements various of the island the world economy. Through its incentives designed to increase the attractiveness an as Industries and as ents, of a investment site for source of high quality, advanced technology sophisticated compon- Taiwan is attempting to hurdle the technology gap that separates the advanced industrialized nations for most the of developing world. v^The other major objective of the leadership is to strengthen island's the This is capacity being spending since lingness to for technological self-reliance. greater accomplished by significant the late absorb the 1970s as well as the increases R&D in government's wil- financial costs of serving as the initial recipient of key priority technologies that must be purchased from abroad. to As Simon has noted, break down pockets of stimulate development of "imported technologies are to be used domestic technological stagnation and indigenous science and technology capa- bilities."^ The centerpiece of Taiwan's new development orientation is ^Denis Fred Simon, "Chinese-Style S&T Modernization: A Comparison PRC and Taiwan Approaches," Studies in Comparative Comn^un stn Volume 17, Number 2, Summer 1984, p. 91. of j. DRAFT , DRAFT 8 act as catalyst a In nologically advanced 1969 two efforts Industries. to tech- more originally conceived was It Into move In developed with the assistance of the National Science and The Council. to Taiwan's created to The park was the Hsinchu Science-Based Industry Park. site of Hsinchu was chosen because of leading Taiwan's of its proximity science and engineering universities. According to K.T. Li, National Chiao Tong and Tsinghua. park the should provide the popwerhouse for Taiwan's future development in much the same way that the export processing zones created in the mid-1960s helped spark the island's greatly successful exportoriented phase of development. Work on the park had sparked a lively debate within Taiwan's economic circles in the early 1970s as disagreement arose over the initial orientation of the basic versus applied research, latter. had Second, lumped tries into made that time, one category. the many of Taiwan's The global disagreement, including realized that "capital energy allowing between these two sectors. Taiwan officials a debate over with the former giving way "technology intensive" and helped resolve be at there was First, park. a the economic leaders intensive" crises, clear indus- however, distinction to With the onset of the their development 1980s, objectives, employment and income distribution concerns, better be managed by focusing on skill-intensive industries. DRAFT to could DRAFT By the end of 1984, with 56 having operations information, communication, park is world's that well has as the precision instruments around built is leading high computers, etc. as it broader commitment stimulated the return of the past, returnees will serve as a the park high technology development By of ethnic Chinese reversing the Taiwan officials of the of microelectronics, in large numbers pool some the establishment of scientific and technical personnel. drain" problem of and machinery, presence of the to are The interesting aspect of technology firms the other hand, On already under- investment priorities and biotechnology. _ special materials, the identified as industries key The plants had been registered to set up 71 operations in the park, way. 9 hope the entrepreneurial "brain influx of as well as engineering talent to support high technology industry. Taiwan's decision is to rely mainly on imported technology to spearhead part of a activities in the broader strategic comparative advantage not innovate, Taiwan's adapt, and in park. This consideration basic R&D, improve established bargaining position vis-a-vis approach is viewed as that but sees in the the island's ability to technologies. Overall, technology transfer has o the 56 firms already in the park, 38 are involved in electronics and informatics, 9 in precision instruments, 6 in special materials, 2 in biotechnology, and one in computer services. °0f ^ 4, Science Bulletin April 1984. , National Science Council, Taipei, Volume DRAFT 16, Number DRAFT steadily improved as 10 several factors. result of a First, the growing presence of other high-technology firms reinforces the attractiveness of island the as a site for specialized components and final products. manufacturing of Second, there is personnel and engineers, ample supply of qualified technical an some of whom have been able to provide expert advice to the government on a host of investment proposals and/or prospective licensing agreements. has And third, improved due to foreign firms. underestimated Taiwan's ficulty extensive experience in interacting with its value The since overall competence of the bureaucarcy the goes it experience this of long way a should not be toward explaining why counterparts on the China mainland have had such difin acquiring foreign technology over the last several years ^0 . Generally speaking, together foreign private sector. 100% these Several actors The is government sees the park as bringing with firms locally owned. three the of local the best the R&D firms and the operating in the park are example of highly organizations touted the coming together of United Microelectronics u ^^Taiwan's overall foreign technology is best success regarding the acquisition of exemplified by the performance of its petrochemicals industry, e.g. Formosa Plastics, as well as the achievements of such firms as Tatung and Sampo in the electronics industry. Of course, there have been exceptions due to poor planning or inadequate evaluation, resulting in very little actual technology transfer. Most observers within and outside Taiwan would agree, however, that these cases are in the minority. DRAFT DRAFT which received 25% of its initial The company, Corporation (UMC). 11 start-up capital from the Bank of Communications, a public bank secured its know-how as a result of for industrial development, a licensing agreement for integrated circuit technology that was between arranged Research Ins t i t u t e ( ITRI ) presently manufactures calculators, Asia.^^ And, is one it Industrial Technology government-sponsored the ICs of RCA of and in largest IC suppliers recently has made plans investment" by signing an agreement for in which a and Southeast "reverse a establish to UMC, timepieces digital for use the Today, US. the foreign facility in northern California's Silicon Valley. ^^ Status of the Information Industry in Taiwan II. A. Roots of the Information Industry In 1952, first the Taiwan at National beginning of what Chiao the in dynamic and progressive years, the services, ranging E/ven , was 650) introduced This marked would become one of industries to (IBM University. 1980s from equipment Free China Review ^^ Taiwan Tong industry amounted data processing. ^^ computer in no Taiwan. more rentals In than and its the in the most formative computer software maintenace to basic during the 1970s, in spite of the fact that December 1982. Industrial Panorama , Volume 12, NUmber DRAFT 1, November 1, 1984. DRAFT there already was and place, export for domestic electronics parts industry in a existing data indicates the produced being locally-made monitors some there were 12 there was that local no commercial production of computers and related products. came breakthrough in Taiwan's ^he big in 1980 when terminals began. production of minicomputers and computer the the overall output in terms of quantity and Yet, dollar value still remained negligible. television manufacturer began local which achieved tion and A year mass to during that, same this exports of other key products, move have been into the in place however, the by period, time such mid-1970s, information industry until a terminals, produce It produc- minicomputers, as Thus, while disc drives, and printers began as well. may later, value of US$4 million in that year. an export also should be noted informatics development of a foundation Taiwan did not actually the 1980s —a that fact makes the present level of achievement even more remarkable. ^ The \^. V market summarized in orientation of Table 3. In value of US$ 67.8 million, hardware sales. and relied a out Ir^jii^^lly, highly export-oriented, cent 1982, of information industry the the industry had output while the production of hardware was with an export to total which 99.6 percent derived from ratio dollar value of US$63.6 million, mainly on imports a is meet DRAFT demand. of close the Imports to 94 per domestic market accounted for . DRAFT 97% of market the industry was the that fact The 1982. in 13 so export-oriented may seem quite surprising, but for those who have followed past, the results the ences. development of similar industries general, In remained small at tion seem quite the On low cost ipherals at an early point new entrants to those in considering future invest- foreign firms other hand, potential source of from local end-users demand time and did not offer much of an attrac- perpspective of from the ment.^-* this consistent with previous experi- level of the Taiwan in the in saw Taiwan as a components and specialized pertime, look outward were and thus strong at incentives for inception of the the the industry The growth rates impressive. In terms information industry have been quite of the of exports, average the annual growth rate between 1981-1984 was 278%. Obviously, part of the reason for the tremendous is it rate started. of increase Yet, US$326.8 million. equipment exports. replaced and In textiles a In components this to projections for will reach US$810 million, of due the are that from which total exports considerable jump from the 1984 total 1984, exports constituted same year, as 1985 base small the 26.9% of electronics, island's 13 It information-related of total for the leading export electronics first time, industry. If also must be recognized that, in many cases, local producers could not produce the type of sophisticated equipment that was desired DRAFT DRAFT present projected, continue as trends 14 informatics will occupy an increasingly large portion of the electronics industry as well as Taiwan's overall export mix. B. The Commodity Structure of the Information Industry. V>" of The trade statistics shown in Table 2 present the commodity structure of the informatics First, industry on Taiwan. terminals have dominated the industry's exports, accounting for two-thirds of the export market until 1984. it is clear picture a projected that the share In 1985, however, overall informatics exports of accounted for by terminals will drop to around 40 per cent. The second major export item is the personal computer, whose share of informatics exports 1985 expected is to 35-40%. be Two expected to significant export earners, with projected export values of additional items, be in disk drives printers, and are also US$100 million and US$80 million respectively. While the relationship of mation industry is quite the clear, in above products some other areas, to tinction is much more cloudy. For monitors and computer parts, difficult to assess it is example, in infor- the dis- the the case the of dollar amounts of the output that are directly associated with use in the information industry. Before 1982, originally were developed in the DRAFT these 1970s, two items, accounted for which a much . DRAFT larger quantity and exports value of In 1984, ducts. (See Table 2). 15 than four the above pro- total export value of monitors the was US$318 million, which was only slightly less than the total of export value of printers, combined For — which components, exports, 126% over By year, 1984 and will informatics of likely surpass US$1.7 quarter of first the value export total the broadly defined, last information the larger range of related electronics products a then 1985. and target for monitors is US$430 definition of the equalled US$1,005 million in billion in disk drives computers, amounted to US$326.8 million. broadens one If industry to include and personal the projected export 1985, million. terminals, 1985, informatics totalled US$322 million, an increase of suggesting that target the is well within reach The of dominant position of monitors in the overall export mix informatics products, especially in the 1980s, major surprise to those who have followed Taiwan's technological development over the mid-1970s, Taiwan already had become sets. In units, while 1984, 1979, total million. In exports of black & exports of color TVs exports of many color respects, last a two DRAFT be a industrial and decades. By the major producer of televsion white TVs totalled 4.8 million reached 1.3 telvisions was the should not monitor million sets. By valued at US$400 industry is, in fact, a DRAFT part of the television industry. monitors that are 16 In a making inroads large number of cases, foreign markets are being in manufactured by current or former producers of As the market for black and substitutes, of which television sets. white televisons began to shrink at home & looked producers abroad, the monitor was the into quickly move to a feasible readily available alter- native. ^^ C. Product and Technology Development Given Taiwan, take has the In been mixed, government, the experience of industry has The the informatics industry in general product and technology base has just begun to shape. organization history of short the addition, with nature of industrial organization variety of different roles being played by a private local the sector, firms reflected who five and have foreign-based actors. entered different into modes the of The information start-up and . first model is characterized by companies founded by people who have had first hand experience in dealing with infor- ^^Taiwan's ability to expand exports of monitors can be attributed factors: a)increases in local content from AO-60%; b)sharp competition between Japan and the US that has driven American firms to switch their CRT production sites to Taiwan; and c)growing techIn addition, demand for CRT terminals is nological capabilities. expected to grow over the next several years. to several DRAFT DRAFT themselves technologies mation 17 have and taken growing demand the informatics products as an opportunity for starting their own for Multitech, example, computer that is local businesses. For based Hsinchu Science and Industry Park, was founded by the in few university professors was not for industrial computer, a assembled; 1976, its first language, firm began related to computers and turned out its a first later. few years some television game manufacturers assembling personal computers. in the Later on, case, when the government shut down all television game playhouses in 1981, small product prototype computer was self -designed mini-computer for industrial use In another first company's educational purposes. for sequential control the R&D in The a rather was automation testing instruments main use was its engage In use. after developing to but 1976. in a size expertise of a and depends to This a type high of degree company the on moved is into general technical few select individuals. Another group of companies became involved in the industry by marketing products for large foreign firms. been able to master some product manufacturing. were invited duction. links with In by their most After the company has technical know-how, In some cases, foreign partners instances, these foreign companies as a a to firms means access to technology and market information. DRAFT it has number of engage in moved into these firms such have maintained to secure protheir additional DRAFT companies was organized by large multi- group of third A 18 through foreign direct national firms for Qume, investment.. example, has terminated its production of disk drives in the US entire manufacturing and moved its tories also has a line sizable venture in Taiwan both in manufacturing Generally, mini-computers and in local-based R&D. preferred firms have Investments. They see 100 per retain to their business cent these foreign ownership in their acitivities in Taiwan as a support their overall marketing and development activ- means to ities for responding oppor tuni t ies to changing demands and new technological . A fourth category of to Wang Labora- Taiwan. to initaives the on part companies got their start-up in response government. the of In an effort to encourage entry into particular product segments and technology the areas, government has been willing^ to absorb part of the start-up costs in terms of capital investment and, on occasion, by providing assistance in securing foreign technology and diffusing it to been known And, their it to has status a local firms. contribute as been of much the government has some cases, In as 50% of then the paid-in capital. satisfied with allowing these firms to maintain privately-owned ventures. Such instances where these types of .public-private interface take place usually involve large-scale efforts focused on the DRAFT development of new, special- DRAFT 19 Ized technologies The category of firms has been organized directly by last anxious large domestic firms who are lines. or Most of the technology has been acquired through licensing these firms also have engaged investment in their dominant product have been outside of informatics. local cable and wire producer, set an R&D up early 1985, outward in — which areas For example, the this same firm also established form of specialized technical know-how. 15% of 1984, Hsinchu Park. ation (NDC), the may or may not few years ago, a a decided three One which is of a Corporation and ITRI, technical personnel to categories, however, new the "local" firms, the signed for five a that is not mutually began operations firms in New Development Corpor- joint venture with design and develop products In capital was provided by the subsidiary these different In foreign direct integrated circuit an in the exclusive. some laboratory in Silicon Valley in California. of which Each of In largest one in Taiwan, plant, the product their own other cooperation agremeents with foreign firms. cases, to expand to year the Development China contract with company. IBM will NDC to assist with product IBM send research; to out it also agrees to purchase all the products NDC turns out in both the microcomputer and software areas. By NDC development hopes to acquire new software DRAFT engaging in such a venture, methodology while DRAFT obtaining the marketing channels multinational firm. of highly successful large, a IBM hopes return, In 20 able be to to develop hardware and software packages of satisfactory quality at fraction of the development cost in the US. The level of technological advance a island. Several major technological breakthroughs 1984. developed For technology for 1.5 two other firms been able 1.0 in the world, Also The somewhat was in 1984, the Only Intel(US) have aimed at is first 16-bit Phillips Taiwan the Recently, analytical color picture m.m. high significance of this announcement, tempered by firm had already been working on a the fact that a locally-based similar product for some time. Along with hardware development, played close later, step The next computer was marketed. the and made D-RAM was CMOS K months 6 (Japan) Hitachi 1024K chips. future. however, than technology. 0.29 in Less were micrometer 256K CMOS D-RAM was mastered. proposed production of tubes micrometer 64 3.5 a 1984. develop this to micrometer personal example, November in fact this industry did not even exist on the few years ago, that just during the particularly in view of been appreciable, industry has informatics the in Taiwan attention to software development. firms They also have recognize that without development of standardized software packages foreign firms will continue to have advantages DRAFT in the local market and DRAFT Taiwan-made machines will not tance foreign markets. in package software called able be big language word processing system, a file management system, has a accep- gain widespread development including five," of a new a Chinese an electronic calculation sheet, graphics system, and a communication been given support by the government and is scheduled to be introduced to system, to regard, this In "the 21 The ability into the local market by June 1985. develop Chinese language software is a main attraction for the Some of growing foreign investments by foreign firms. the large multinationals such as HP and IBM wish to further strengthen their competitive position in Asia by gaining access to such specialized software packages. ^^ Industry Targets and Efforts III. In order to promote cally, development the government has industry in Taiwan, tion and marketing the targets over a set up of a the informatics series of produc- ten-year period. More specifi- the Council for Economic Planning and Development under the Executive Yuan has worked with several other organizations develop a ten-year plan for the industry. for the accomplishment of five major tasks: of computers at all ^^ Science 6, Bulletin , levels of The current plan calls l)to increase the use government organizations; National Science Council, Taipei, Volume June* 1984. DRAFT to 16, 2)to Number DRAFT 22 develop and manufacture min i -compu peripherals; 3)to t e r systems and selected establish software engineering capabilities; 4)to develop an expanded base of trained personnel; and 5)to build an e 1 ec t r oni cs / i center to serve as electronics science nf orma t ion a and technology exhibition central headquarters for the informatics and government hopes The industries.^" to these achieve goals through several primary means: a)popularization of the benefits of computers and their applications in business and government; b)identif icat ion of government-supported domestic markets for informatics products to attract domestic and foreign investments as well as to accelerate the accumulation of needed technical experience and managerial skills; c)encourage more participation of foreign firms overall development of the informatics industry; and in the d)improve organizational coordination and planning. By jected 1989, to total output reach US$4.6 from hardware in information industry is pro- the billion, of which US$3.9 billion will be and US$0.7 million will be from software. Total exports of hardware and software are slated to be US$2,820 million and US$350 million respectively. Given present rates of growth in information industry product output in other countries, Taiwanmade products achieve these should occupy about goals, the 2.0% of the world market. To industry will have to attain an average ^^ The Current Development of the Software Industry in Taiwan, RQC Institute for Information Industry, Taipei, November 1982. DRAFT , DRAFT 23 annual growth rate between 1982-1989 of 78%. These limit however, will be difficult to achieve. technological constraints both are targets, Taiwan's ability (See Table 3) and obtain to market 2.0% of barriers market. Nonetheless, one cannot discount the industry's potential. of informatics at a products tremendous Thus, 1985. rate: it on 241% in actually be achieved. could Output hardware side has been increasing 1983, inconceivable not is the will that world the There The 382% in that the possibilities above are 148% in and 1984, projections also enhanced by the fact that Taiwan producers are often able to overcome their own in limits assessing exports markets by themselves tying closely to the needs of foreign firms from the US and Japan. In February 1982, a special government-sponsored '^^ force task under the Executive Yuan was set up to promote the growth of informatics industry. Under the jurisdiction of the special the task force are three government organizations at the ministry level and two non-profit ones. force to (See Chart 1) It is the function of the task ensure that activities among these five units are well-coordinated and focused on the priority areas I selected for I One of the critical weaknesses of the Taiwan economy has been its dependence on foreign firms, especially trading companies from Japan, for discovering emerging market opportunities. Govern- ment efforts have been underway to establish several large trading firms, similar in structure and orientation to those from Japan, in order to gain more autonomy in dealing with the marketing of locally-produced items. DRAFT ( DRAFT 24 In July of implementation plan was announced, laying out interest, promotion of government aasistance, development, tasks 22 encouraging foreign investments, seven in market technology development, categories: manpower development, an that same year, the industry in the ten-year plan. public the modification and of government procurement practices. terms In specific responsibilities, of organizations play development. a critical Information Industry ( III For example, sored by supported research and Institute for the spon- project mentioned earlier was July in 1979, the III is and jointly private (There are 43 members on the Board of Trustees, organizations. from government, Its the of academic institutions, government, by terms two non-profit concentrates on software development. , Founded III. the ) "big-five" the in organization, first The role the 7 6 from academia, and 31 from the private sector.) software development, main mission is including providing advice and guidance to government and private organizations. The organization other Research Ins t i t ute ( ITRI ) As . the key one Research and operates own its the in Electronics noted, Industrial Technology and ITRI is the largest R&D Within ITRI are several specialized organization on the island. institutes; the is information Service integrated circuit DRAFT industry Organ i z at i o n ERSO facility and a is ) . the ERSO related — DRAFT 25 subsidiary in the Hsinchu Science-Based Industry Park. the Several of critical innovations that have spearheaded the emergence of Taiwan's industry have integrated circuit come from within the ERSO laboratory. As a knowledge-intensive industry, research and development play an important role vis-a-vis the development of new technology products. and industry in 18 Total 1979 were expenditures R&D US$4.1 million, R&D expenditures during that year. to US$37.4 million, approxmiately recent 1.10 % the 3.1% of By 1982, information total Taiwan's that amount increased 11.0% of the island's overall R&D spending or (excluding defense). or for During of the sample of 26 firms 1982, the electronics industry spent industry's sales on R&D. in the informatics Based industry, on a however, spending on R&D averaged 3.3% of sales, reflecting the high-degree of R&D intensity within that rapidly growing sector. ^^ At the same time, Korean electronics firms spent 2.44% of sales on R&D in 1982, American firms spent 7.6%(1980), and Japanese firms spent 4.06%(1981).20 18 "The Republic of China's 4 Year Plan: R&D in Science and Technology," Industry of Free China Volume LIX, Number 5, May 1983, pp. 21-36. , I'S.C. Ke Technology and Administrative Control; A Case Study of the Minicomputer Industry (Draft). , 2^For Taiwan, the next three major areas of high R&D expenditure (1982) are au t oraat ion--US $ 26 . 3 million, special mater ial S--US $ 2 1 1 million, and energy US$14.2 million. . DRAFT DRAFT 26 pattern of growth in R&D spending in the information The industry is consistent with the general increases in R&D expenditures over the last several years. In total R&D spending in 1979, Taiwan was US$133 million, or 0.42% of GNP. increased was US$321 million, to aimed at 1.0% 2.0% 1985 and projections in is this Given 1989. for R&D and 1984, in 0.7% of or 1982, By The GNP. expected it R&D/GNP ratio climb to to trend, this amount is 1.2% in that probable spending in the informatics Industry will be met and will that the informatics industry will continue to be the island's leading R&D industrial and technological target. As a companies of its designation as active the informatics field are eligible in low-interest special the loans. task force, long-term loan rates. made available Among the lion's If to can obtain So far, domestic applicants, share it —'25.73% is a a firm's proposal chosen by funds 2% at the includes to a one information below the regular to the electronics of the total product support parts funds. took another development. producers took Informatics 10.5% the firms, from the pool. the government's intention to Increase the size of in order for total of US$3.75 million has been firms including software producers, It the selected priority projects 150 industry "strategic industry," result of this pool encourage substantial increases in R&D and investment in both product and process technology. DRAFT ) DRAFT 27 Industrial Policies in the Information Industry IV Along with the previously mentioned special organizations information industry and the availability promote the interest loans, that there have been- introduced have been several stimulate to other of to low- incentive packages technological advance and new product development. 1. Tax Incentives The latest revision of the which was promulgated in December tax deduction for R&D spending. expenses are occurred, Investment Encouragement Law, 1984, totally deductible for the year accelerated depreication can be applied and of a — but no liability. to which they instruments Also, any firm deduction in corporate income tax equivalent to 20% the company's additional R&D spending above peak in machinery and equipment imported for R&D are exempt from import duties. may request very generous a Under the prevailing statute, R&D equipment purchased for R&D, and provides more than 50% of the total the previous 5-year corporate income tax Another tax incentive that Is soon to be introduced is that no foreign firm will have to pay income tax on royalties paid by companies 2. in selected industries, one of which is informatics. Direct Foreign Inves t ment ( DFI DRAFT 1 . DRAFT 28 Direct foreign Investment has made to Taiwan's 1984, . ^ almost every major multinational firm involved electronics industry had the significant contribution export growth as well as the transfer of technology By the end of in a have been the dominant venture in Taiwan. a participants with some recent firms US increase in activities occuring among companies from West Europe and Japan. Most of these firms have come to Taiwan in response to the quality of skilled labor force as well as the cost of skilled labor. the This stands in sharp contrast the to past when cost the and availability of unskilled labor for simple assembly operations was the principal attraction of Taiwan. Within the context of the move towards more technology-intensive industries, Taiwan's policies towards foreign Investment have undergone significant changes in emphasis since the mid-1970s. general, while becoming more selective, attempted to remove much of the the red-tape also government has that was a In frequent source of complaints among foreign businesses in the past. Taiwan officials have as let it export processing zones, investment projects, be known that even in sites such they no longer encourage labor-intensive preferring instead investment proposals that bring new technology or products O the 1 to the island. Improved capa- ^^Gustav Ranis Chi Schive, "Foreign Investment and Taiwan's Economic Development," in Walter Galenson, ed.. Trade and Investment in Asian, Countries (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, forthcoming ) DRAFT . DRAFT bilitles screening and evaluating foreign investment projects in gone has 29 long way toward helping a to between Taiwan's development needs and ensure the a better match objectives of the foreign firms In Taiwan, effort an to attract more foreign firms investment regulations governing foreign investment. requirements being dropped, regarding export commitments the First, the Second, eliminated over the next few years. gradually are with the expectation that they will into in variety of policy changes have been introduced a previous come to largely be foreign firms, along with the domestic firms, will soon be eligible for the special low-interest fact that in the loans interest the rate on "preferential" long-term financing Taiwan has generally been lower than that in most of the OECD countries, except for Japan and West Germany, these monies might prove to be of Given mentioned previously in the paper. a the availability of major investment incentive. 3. Other Related Policies The Hsinchu Science-Based Industry Park offers an ideal set incentives for potential investors try. A five year tax in the indus- informatics holiday is offered--but under the present circumstances, the investor can choose to begin the holiday period at any ation. time during the investment's Moreover, the park acts as DRAFT a first nine years of oper- "technological hothouse," . DRAFT situated in one strategic location. where high-tech firms can be from the Thus, 30 perspective of those in the informatics industry, the growth in the park and its facilities is viewed as a continued benefit, especially in terms of attracting competent personnel and receiving government support. Relatedly, a ^ venture capital market was set up a year ago in order to help capitalize entrepreneurs looking to start operations in high-technology fields. In far. addition, the Three firms have been established so domestic stock market was opened up to foreigners in 1984, thereby further strengtheing the opportunities The government has also for progressive ventures to get underway. taken strong steps counterfeiting, a to respond to the problems of problem which has discouraged some industrial firms from bringing advanced portions of their production and R&D activities to the island. 22 Severe penalities have been introduced for those who violate the proprietary rights of other firms. An island-wide inspection agency for the information industry has been established in order to better ensure sanctity of the technology and know-how The government has also retreated from its generally protec- tive stance regarding the development of new, emerging indus- 22iBM is one firm that has experienced severe problems with respect to alleged counterfeiting of its products and technology by Taiwan Asian Wall Street Journal Weekly October 22, 1984. firms. , DRAFT DRAFT tries. As a result of government officials, the 31 encouragement of several progressive decision was made over the last a several years to relax some of the previous restrictions and heavy duties on imports. of foreign products will help generate sufficient competition for Government officials hope that overly complace growing presence the thus stimulating them to pay more nt local firms, attention to R&D, product design, marketing, cost, etc. V. Prospects and Conclusions Recognizing that the informatics industry represents the technological wave of the future, concerted effort to Taiwan authorities have made establish both a technological and manu- facturing base for the industry on the accomplish this goal, they industry island's provided In as a host addition, the III, one of of incentives to the In order to information strategic sectors and have present and potential entrants. through the establishment of organizations such as the government has created an institutional framework for better coordinating actors. the island. designated have a activities of the These actions all serve to both public and private reinforce the critical role played by the state in developing this high-priority industry. At the same time, it must also be recognized government on Taiwan has not chosen to establish DRAFT a that the public enter- DRAFT prise in though the public sector field, this 32 plays dominant a role in the energy and several other heavy industries, e.g. steel, shipbuilding, absorb some of risks for start-up costs the thereby reducing, on-going strategy has been to its Instead, etc. and some in industry as the the alleviating, cases private sector. the for a whole, investment government has provided The substantial amounts of capital to facilitate the emergence of new enterprises V a careful remained Past in number of key product lines, leave to the management to but it has always private sector. the experience has taught Taiwan officials that in order globally competitive industry, the quality and standards develop a of products the to as well their overall as structure must be cost judged first and foremost by the requirements of the market. The ability of equipment has industry to produce computer-related the improved over the last few years, largely in the medium-technology end of the spectrum. Moreover, Taiwan has moved frontier technologies and products. into the Yet, mass development of some production of these items has been carefully considered before moving forward. Instead of seeking to compete head on with firms from the industrialized nations, Taiwan has pursued y niche strategy, seeking out matics market where it advantage. This specialized segments can develop has meant that a secure, of but the a market infor- competitive producers have concentrated on specialized peripherals and related items DRAFT as well as serving as DRAFT OEMs some for and Western critical Europe. role leading multinationals the of regard, this In structuring the in 33 the from Japan, US, the state also has played relationships between the a local economy and the large foreign firms, minimizing potential "damage" facilitating the transfer and diffusion industry and to local of technology. VV_f^he current su ccess of the industry can large part, tries to that were created during the late requirements channels, technological skills and manufacturing same the had that established as Produc- 1970s. terminals, and components such as semiconductors tion of monitors, share many of 1960s and in indus- televison and electronics parts strong the attributed, be been mastered earlier. reliable producers and plugged In addition, into once active market some of firms found it easy to make the transition into these other product lines, especially since they were supported in their efforts by foreign firms. Also, this paper has focused on the civilian dimensions of role played by the information industry, the military in providing funds for R&D and stimulating tech- nological advance. In ignoring the important Taiwan, the military has become user of advanced informatics products and components. future, demands for especially since such there advanced products will is a strong effort underway DRAFT And, likely major a in the increase, to promote DRAFT between links stronger 34 civilian and defense industry. the Software development appears to be the primary area where activity will the increase- at fatest rate. such, As addition to in responding to foreign market demands and internal demands of civilian nature, may also we needs playing an even defense see a larger role in pushing out the existing technological capabilities of the industry. Of course, the development of not proceeded without problems. the industry, some respects, in economic base In that is the informatics spite of the the industry has rapid growth of strong technological and needed to support the industry has not evolved to the extent desired by top government leaders. implementation of the Statute for the Encouragement of has not always informatics been well-coordinated with industry, hindering, development and applications. R&D continue to at times, the Investment development of the broad scale computer Also, private sector investments in lag--a pattern that has been typical of many Taiwan companies in other industries in the past. been difficulties There also have interpreting the various aspects of the incentives for R&D-related activities, especially since its hard to define R&D and to make end-use of financial The accurate determinations about imported equipment. assistance for various And, on projects materialize because in R&D-intensive sectors, DRAFT tax is the several occasions, has been slow to calculating precise DRAFT 35 returns on investment is frequently problematic. This litany of problems might lead one suggest to difficulties have out-weighed the level of progress, not informatics and The case. the the this but represents challenge great a to both government the private business due to the complexity of the problems, need for a tition. And, current shift high degree of coordination, towards industries has foreign challenges The tation of has ahead will the Taiwan officials and the compe- "pirating," receive strong support the from the Informatics has become Taiwan's to suggested it should ensure more consistent implemen- These will not be easy tasks, 1980. have par- industry becomes more competitive Nonetheless, the prospects tried to give each of governnment organizations, a be informatics global basis. — and government policies and to maintain the momentum that ticularly as firms to community. appeared since a the skill-intensive and knowledge-intensive future--as Minister K.T. Li the involved, cooperation, problems with the of continued business industry of spite in is movement into high-tech industries such as broad scope of the sub-sectors and technologies on that appear bright the key private sector companies, vested interest in the success of the effort. DRAFT actors and as — foreign en § o c "I o m 00 00 00 U) o N> *» 00 o o M (BOO •'I • ''^ rf 1 1 CO B rr rr n 0» 3° 3" rr « <B O. i-n »-h p. 00 C -I CD CD 09 rr rr 3 M 3 n B O J, a 3 O rr 3 CD I 3* rr 3* CD o 33 O I-o 3 n O s o o » o 3 z « K > 3 3 O 1 a 3 cu c a 01 rr 00 rr 3* n o o 3 rr >i O CO rr 09 w « a CO rr C O. • m o o e P- 00 i-h o 3 > O o z o O > 00 l-l (B o 3 O - 3 ON 00 a rr H n v:._ 00 h- OJ z > M (-' O C o m 9 e m 00 VO o to o « 1 o S o pa p> ft o 9 tsJ 3* 9 o S i-n i-t O 3 9 c a rr 1 3* n> 1 CD w rr ca n O 1 T3 »* CO o e 1 n (0 ls> CO 2 O H Vi o c 1 n 0>.^:f' 3 TDfiD 003 OST 77a ^^w 1 4 1986 DaiSi^MEMl jyol'87 0E05'88 r^ JUL 3 '6 ).^!. (tB Lib-26-67 «4_A-'^-' v-w-".-"'