a of t&°; — DHD28 .M414 9* ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT TRANSACTIONAL RISK, MARKET CRASHES, AND THE ROLE OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS Bruce C. Greenwald* Jeremy C. Stein** First Draft: March 1989 This Draft: October 1990 WP # 3226-90-EFA MASSACHUSETTS TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 INSTITUTE OF TRANSACTIONAL RISK, MARKET CRASHES, AND THE ROLE OF CIRCUIT BREAKERS Bruce C. Greenwald* Jeremy C. Stein** March 1989 First Draft: October 1990 This Draft: WP # 3226-90-EFA Forthcoming, Journal of Business * ** Bell Communications Research Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. We thank Jim Gammill, Hank McMillan, Andre Perold, Robert Schwartz, Eric Sirri, Larry Summers, an anonymous referee and seminar participants at the CFTC, the SEC, the Federal Reserve and the Western Finance meetings for helpful comments. Transactional Risk, Market Crashes, and the Role of Circuit Breakers Bruce Greenwald* C. Jeremy C. First Draft: Stein** March 1989 This Draft: October 1990 Forthcoming, Journal of Business * ** Bell Communications Research Sloan School of Management, M.I.T. We thank Jim Gammill, Hank McMillan, Andre Perold, Robert Schwartz, Eric Sirri, Larry Summers, an anonymous referee and seminar participants at the CFTC, the SEC, the Federal Reserve and the Western Finance meetings for helpful comments. s Abstract We develop a pair of models that illustrate how imperfections in transactional mechanisms can lead to a market crash. Neither market orders nor limit orders allow traders to condition their demands on the full information set When volume shocks are sufficiently needed to achieve a Walrasian outcome. large, the deviations from Walrasian prices and allocations are large also. Properly designed and implemented, circuit breakers may help to overcome some of these informational problems, and thereby improve the market's ability to absorb large volume shocks I . Introduction accounts Many of market stock the crash October of point 1987 to market microstructure factors as playing an important role in the dramatic For example, Grossman and Miller (1988) write: events of those few days. ".. .both markets had by then become highly illiquid and virtually incapable of supplying immediacy at the low cost their That illiquidity was evidenced in users had come to expect the spot market by (1) the virtual impossibility of executing market sell orders at the bid quoted at the time of order entry, and (2' the delays in executing and confirming trades on Monday afternoon and again, after the opening on Tuesday." (p. 632) . . . (Greenwald and In our interpretation of the Brady Task Force Report, Stein (1988)), we also emphasized the breakdown of market-making as one of the characteristics key prevent breakdown can working: under more attractive However, of would prevent system market-making the Walrasian circumstances, ordinary opportunities, if normal the We crash. the is argued that adjustment prices from failing, mechanism falling value of from perceiving buyers," "value type this too buyers far. may be deterred from placing orders because they view the "transactional risk" as extremely high- -they are very unsure as to the prices at which their orders We concluded that such transactional risks may justify will be executed. the use According to this view, "circuit breakers." of circuit breakers are not intended to prevent a rapid fundamental Walrasian price adjustment, but rather to facilitate it, by reducing transactional risks and thereby encouraging value buyers to bring their demands to market. This paper presents a pair of market microstructure models designed to elaborate upon and clarify the informal arguments made in our earlier paper. The models appear to fit with many of the stylized facts about the crash, and they have quite specific implementation of circuit breakers. implications for the design and - 2 - The models are closely related to the one seen in Grossman and Miller. Like Grossman and Miller, is, as disseminated to the investing public (or "value buyers") in two stages, Because whole. a receive the shock, smaller group second stage, of they examine how an informationless supply shock public entire the after delay, a immediately prepared to first stage be temporarily absorbed by a it must in the competitive, not is market risk-averse, does Only makers. in the public buy some of the new supply the from the market makers. There is one key respect in which the models here differ from Grossman Their primary focus however. and Miller, first stage on the is of this transmission sequence, and their second stage is, by assumption, completely Walrasian in and market makers value buyers nature: effectively submit complete demand curves to a hypothetical auctioneer, who then sets a market Hence there clearing price. is is scope for transactional risk- -everyone no assured of receiving a price-quantity pair that they view as optimal. In contrast, price. submit market must buyers 1 value the second stage of the models here is less efficient: Consequently, that orders there is uncontingent are on execution the transactional risk--there is a possibility that these orders will be executed at an unattractive price level. The main point being made here first stage of transmission is sequence transactional risk in the second stage. reluctant to come to market to feeds back to the market makers. the first stage, knowing that that absorb large volume a will tend As a result, some of the to shock in increase the the value buyers will be shock. This in turn They will shy away from large volumes in such difficult to unload to the public. amounts will The end result subsequently is a be very "microstructure- induced crash" --the outcome of the two- stage transmission sequence is very different from what would happen in a hypothetical world where buyers were able to meet the volume shock instantaneously in a the value Walrasian fashion, without using the market-making mechanism as a temporary conduit. - context of our models, In the than an risk-bearers of economy. the in informational - a market crash is really nothing more volume the This imperfection- -the conditioned on an fact among shock inefficiency important variable, primary purpose of the allocation inefficient 3 can market that namely potential the traced be orders to cannot execution price. the 2 an be The circuit breaker mechanism should thus be to improve a information available market participants at the time to they submit their orders. In Sections so, we assume considered. II that This and III, traders use assumption consistent with the buyers" make little to we observed use develop our two simple models. only market orders makes the tendency of limit of -- limit analysis many orders. large In In doing orders are not and is tractable, real world Section IV, we "value use our first model to shed some light on the question of why limit orders do not play a more discuss the important role in market stabilization. In Section V, we implications of the models with respect to both the stylized facts about the October 1987 crash, and to the design and implementation of circuit-breaker trading mechanisms. II. Model #1 a) Model Description This model features and Section VI concludes. "value buyers," two each of types of traders: whom has competitive market makers constant utility with a risk aversion coefficient of one. absolute The risk aversion market makers are "myopic maximizers" - -at each point in time, they only look one period ahead in changing demands. their formulating (This substantive.) anything simplifies timing The of mathematics without the the model diagrammed is below: Time Time 1 Time 2 Competition among market makers for value buyer orders leads to price = P 2 News about fundamentals Supply shock s of risky asset hits market, is absorbed by n 1 market Price = P a makers. emerges. This activates a random number n 2 of value buyers, each of whom submits a market order d. Fundamentals 3 Liquidation of asset, more news about fundamentals Anyone holding asset gets F - f2 + f 3 . . E,F = f,. EjF = 0. At time the 1, entire supply shock information about model) it is important This leads to a price P : s. (indeed, s it is . Since ? 1 conveys perfectly informative about P lt 1 s in this They submit market arouses the attention of the value buyers. orders at time lower group of n x risk-averse market makers must absorb the based on the magnitude of the price decline at time l--the the larger feature of is the the model reacting to the price signal is is a placed by order that the number random variable. interpretations that can be given to n 2 . value each buyer. buyers value of An n2 There are a variety of The most literal one is that not all value buyers are monitoring the market at all times, so that a fraction of them are "asleep" and miss the price signal at time 1. it may be speed, that not all buyers are able to place their orders and some are unable to get an order in before time developed in the next section expands on this Alternatively, idea, 2. with equal (The model allowing for two leads to separate times at which value buyer orders can be executed.) The uncertainty surrounding the realization of n2 - - 5 transactional risk for value buyers placing orders at time is the realized n 2 execution price here the more total orders are placed, , P2 of uncertainty more imply s distribution of n 2 is taken to be independent of it likely that a high is and the higher is the should be pointed out that there is no assumption values large that It . The larger 1. s s. about However, n 2 --the in reality, increase the conditional variance of n 2 does . This was certainly the case in October 1987, when larger order flows led to purely mechanical problems made it difficult more predict what proportion of orders placed at a to given time would be executed promptly. magnitude of s that telephone and computer backups) (such as If relationship between the this and the variance of n 2 were incorporated into the model, the results would just be accentuated. Time 3 introduced into the model only as is the equilibrium. gets payoff a about News F. device for tying down anybody holding a unit of the risky asset At this time, of a value the of F (i.e. about news "fundamentals") arrives slowly over the course of time--F is represanted as f2 + f3 , where f2 is learned at time and f 3 is learned at time 2 These 3. news innovations are taken to be normally distributed, with mean zero. Gate 2 innovation has variance a\ The . date 3 innovation thought of as occurring over a longer interval of time) is The (which may be normalized to have variance of unity. b) Solution for Non-Stochastic n ? As a benchmark, case where n2 is it is useful to first work through the model for the non-stochastic, model can be solved backwards. holding a total supply of (s takes and At time - n 2 d) 2, denoted by n 1m2 , is the fixed value n2 . The the market-makers will be left initial supply shock, --the that has been absorbed by the value buyers. for the market makers, on less any The aggregate demand function given by: - (1) n^ - - F,) (£,F 77, v n,(f2 - {F) P2 - 6 ) Setting this demand equal to the supply that is held by the market makers leads to the price that emerges at time (2) 2: 2— P, - f, + The next question to address the determination of is submitted by the value buyers at time the market orders d The demand of an individual value 1. buyer is given by: ,„, (3) . d - E,(F-P,) [s-n,d] V,(F-P2 n, ) Note that there are two potential sources of uncertainty for value buyers-not only are they uncertain about the terminal value of the asset, they are also unsure particular about case, concerns the time the price equation 2 (2) P2 which at tells by the value buyers from looking at P 1 that us fundamental news f2 they . the will only buy it. In uncertainty this in P2 Everything else can be inferred . Equation (3) can be solved to yield the Nash equilibrium market order made by each value buyer, predicated on the conjecture that all other value buyers are behaving the same way: (4) d ' ^ Knowing how value buyers will behave, market makers can then formulate their strategies at time (2) gives: 1. Plugging value buyer demand back into equation 7 - (5) P2 - ^— f2 time At competition among market makers 1, for the supply shock s leads to a price of: . Pi . EiP2 (6) JH1II2L - ,a _i_ ^] + E In the special case of a non- stochastic n 2 , the use of market orders in this framework still leads to a Walrasian outcome by time 2: of P 2 — f2 as well as the distribution of the supply shock, s - the price n 1 + n2 n 2 d* = n 2 s and njm 2 =n with attained in the s , are all exactly the same as would be idealized situation where both the market makers and the buyers were auctioneer at time value : n 1 +n 2 n : +n 2 able 2. 3 submit to Intuitively, entire their this is demand nothing new is learned about an to because value buyer demands are driven by the conditional mean and variance of (F-P 2 ) stochastic, curves (F-P 2 ) at time When n 2 is non- . Thus a value 2. buyer can predict exactly ahead of time the single point on his Walrasian demand curve market order. there is a that will be relevant, Consequently, temporary price can submit Grossman-Miller the drop and at time 1, that result quantity is as a reproduced: when the market makers must briefly absorb all of the supply shock by themselves, but by time 2, the transmission is complete, c) Solution when n 2 Stochastic is Things change quite dramatically when n 2 becomes stochastic. the variance of n 2 by o\ . The price at time 2 will now be given by: Denote P7 (7) - f [n, d -Li- + • - s] Now there is more uncertainty for a value buyer trying to guess at time 1 price the information at about realization of n 2 d, which an order will be revealed of 2 or total number of value buyers. market 1 -specif ically is the upon order 1 2 - Thus new , the , it no is the single relevant point on A trader is likely to regret the size Walrasian demand curve. time his time at (F-P 2 ) longer possible for someone to guess at time their time With a„ >0 executed. learning price the at which was it executed. The magnitude of this transactional risk depends on the size of individual orders a is happening in the market and d is On the other hand, when there transactional risk will be small too. small, is much not If d. large supply shock that calls for large d's, transactional risk will be heightened. The market order placed by an individual buyer can be calculated as: , , (8) _, d - E.(F-P2 [s-n2 d] ) A comparison of equation (8) with equation (3) highlights the effect of randomness in n 2 identical. . However, When when ct£ aj n 2 is nonstochastic) = (i.e., is non-zero, , the two are increased responsiveness by any given value buyer makes transacting more risky for his peers, and tends to make from the responsiveness by them shy away increased a other words, In market. given value buyer non-zero a 2 for imposes a , negative externality on all other potential value buyers. This responding negative externality aggressively to a prevents large value voluiie buyers shock. as a Equation group (8) from can be 9 - - rearranged to give an expression for equilibrium value buyer demands: °" (d (8') Figure } +(n 1 +ir2 )d -g , illustrates 1A dependence of the relationship to the one seen in the Walrasian case. of d compares this The limiting behavior for large and small volume shocks can be summarized as follows: Proposition As s (9) 1 When value of n 2 seen with large, the : - 0, As s (10) d' - d - », a £_-• -s volume the , m — (9) 3 [ -4 shock that only market 3 ] relatively is non-stochastic transmission n2 is mechanism shock, forced thus allocation of risk-bearing. when However, . increases with the cube makers small, and breaks the thereby determining plots E(P 2 ) against without equals s, P 2 as volume down- -rather its root of to swallow s. shock mean very a taking an amount The much smaller the is absorbing than value buyers wind up remainder- -an group of inefficient The price consequences of this misallocation can be obtained by plugging the equilibrium value of obtains n2 states that the outcome is very close to the Walrasian one constant proportion of the (7), and on s, d* a d* back into equation function of the supply shock s. Figure IB and again compares the relationship to the one that transactional risk. As can be seen, large volumes are associated with increased deviations of prices from "fundamental" Walrasian levels - 10 - Model #2 III. In the above model, risk solely driven is uncertainty as by fact the value total the to the relationship between volume and transactional buyer affected by volume. hit value buyers volume large market the shocks, next model The at once, exacerbating the flow at order liquidity- -the extent to which a unit of time not volume greater that 2 implies time more Market 2. order flow moves prices- -is demonstrates that when not also be liquidity may all impaired by The inefficiencies. allocational timing of the model is outlined below: Time Time 1 Time 2 Orders of fast value buyers arrive, are executed at P 2 E 2 F=f 2 Supply shock of s, absorbed by market makers, leading to P 2 This activates n f "fast" value buyers who submit market orders d f and n s "slow" value buyers who submit market orders d s . Time 4 3 Orders of slow value buyers arrive, are executed at P 3 E 3 F=f 2 +f 3 . Asset pays F=f 2 +f 3 +f <, . . . , . EiF-0. again, Once time there But now, 1. random number of value buyers submit market orders at a is further complication, because not all of the a uncertainty concerning the number of value buyers nf of are them "fast" and submit their orders "slow," and don't get their orders in until time assumed that n f and n s common variance of are fast knowledge, or df and slow, or a\. ds . are It uncorrelated, is by 3. with means resolved right away-time while 2, ns For simplicity, of nf and n s are it is and a , also assumed that buyers know whether they therefore This is can assumption submit is demands conditional unrealistic -- it is more on this likely - the that will trades their themselves investors be simplifies uncertainty about the exact time some and executed, - that uncertainty this adds further However, allowing value buyers to know their execution transactional risk. time face 11 analysis, the only and by ignoring another type of risk, makes the argument for a crash scenario excessively conservative. At time 4, the asset is liquidated, the fundamental value As F. arrives in each period, market makers. variance The Once again, a\. previous the some model, that holding the asset is always so time in and everyone holding it receives time and 2 innovations, 3 and f2 about news risky to the f3 , both have final piece of news, the variance of the F f4 is , normalized to unity. Solution b) The same backward solution technique applied in the previous section can be used here. arrived, At time 3, will inventory market-maker so all of the orders of be (n f d f + n s d s ) [s (n f d f - will have + ns ds ) P2 can ] . Consequently, the price will be given by: (11) P,-f2 At [n f d f + n.d. - s] S-2 f, + -!-£-i + time market-maker 2, inventory is [s - nfdf ] . Thus be determined as: , , (12) P, - [s - , EAP,) , — — nfdf VAP,) - In order to evaluate variance of P 3 as of time ] (12), 2. one needs to find the conditional mean and To do so, One source of risk to market they only have partial information at this time and variance of n s are given by n s and makers at time 2 is that recall that the conditional mean about the total value buyer order flow. a\. If the number of slow orders, turns out to be unexpectedly small, P 3 will be unexpectedly low. ns , 12 - Taking these facts into consideration leads to: [r^d, _ 2 2 ' The iTs d s - * * s] [s - _ n fdf term on 2 2 (a D d s /n )] ni Ox last 2 2 [o , + ] the hand right side of represents (13) premium built into P 2 by market makers for holding the supply time suggested As 2. fundamental risk, order flow, above, risk this not - risk n £ d£ at ] only on remaining uncertainty about future but also on the a\, depends premium [s the a*- Now consider things from the point of view of a value buyer deciding how large an order to place at time 1. If he is slow trader, a he faces the same type of transactional risk as was seen in Model #l--the execution price P 3 depends on the magnitude of the uncertain order flow n f d f + n s d s However, time 2 also time 2 is trader, things are even worse. on an uncertain order sensitive much more to flow, variations in nfdf the . The price at But the price order flow at than the This can be seen explicitly by comparing the derivatives 3. and dP 2 /d(n f d f ) liquidity at times (14) a fast is depends price at time dP 3 /d(n s d s ) if he . dPjd(n.d.) 3 and which can be thought of as measures of market respectively: 2 [1 + o f + dP, i /3 1 2 , ' d(n f d f The reason that prices at time 2 2 (o n d s /n 2 )} flj ) 2 are much more sensitive to variations in order flow is because market makers still face another period of order flow risk after time a 2, and hence are very unwilling to smooth prices. This is feature that was absent from Model #1, where market makers were only hit with one uncertain order flow. 13 - Thus transactional risk at time in Model Now #1. simultaneously: in addition, response (i.e. (i.e. pronounced than it was externality effects working uncertainty about n f means that aggressive high d f ) imposes risks on other fast traders; uncertainty about n s means that aggressive slow trader high a a is even more adverse two are as before, 1) fast trader response and 2) there 2 ds ) makes the market "illiquid" at time 2, and thereby exacerbates the effect of n f d f -type risk. These effects can be seen explicitly when the demand of fast traders is calculated: dt (15) Now the E,(F-P.) - V1 {F-P2 d| fact and that 2 ^[{s-nfdf (l*o 5 2 ? n tl + f) + a n dj(l 2 ) d^ (o 2 * n d' s o z f /n 2 + (a n dl/nl)) )) - n sds 2 ] 2 terms both appear in the denominator of (15), aggressive responses by either type negative externalitv effect that blunts the reflecting of value buyer have a demand of fast value buyers. This results in the following limiting behavior: Proposition 2 : _i (16) As s (17) As - °°, dj - Aj s s - °°, d' - 3 , where k is 1 a constant. i In words, Model #1. the However, k2 s 9 , where k2 is a constant. limiting behavior the of slow buyers is fast buyers face even more risk, as described in and their ability 14 - to assume a - portion of the supply shock is even more impaired than before. Why Don't Value Buyers Use Limit Orders? IV. Thus far, the formal analysis has simply assumed that value buyers are restricted to placing market orders that are uncontingent on the execution And it is the transactional risk inherent in these market orders price. Hence a natural question to ask is that drives the results of the models. this: do sorts of limit orders represent a way for value buyers described risk transactional them enabling thereby above, circumvent the to to transmit their demands to the market more forcefully? Other authors have argued that limit orders will not be appropriate Grossman and Miller, as well as Rock (1987) for certain types of traders. point out that since limit orders carry a risk of non-execution, be avoided by traders with valuable but perishable a neither However, information. inside those with or by high demand for immediacy, they will of these suggests that limit orders will not be used by the sorts of value papers buyers in our models. In order to motivate the use of market orders by our value buyers, focus on a different drawback of limit orders: that fact the we they leave traders exposed to innovations in fundamentals that occur between the time Before proceeding to the an order is placed and the time it is executed. formal argument, violence to pension and should we observed funds) absorption capacity, do not basis. 4 who 1987 Furthermore, crash. 5 What we attempting not are investors, institutional comprise much of economy's the to we are a follows not aware of any evidence do (e.g., risk appear to make much use of limit orders on suggests that limit orders played October that Major reality. mutual regular emphasize a that meaningful stabilizing role during the is rationalization of these observations. meant simply to be a theoretical - 15 - The tradeoff between market and limit orders is easiest to see in the Recall equation (7), which gives the execution price context of Model #1. received by a trader placing a market order: \n 7 d - s) Market orders are risky because n 2 is uncertain- -traders do not know at the time an order is placed how many other orders will be executed along impounds market orders However, with theirs. time the innovation news 2 also have an advantage, This perfectly. f2 that P 2 in is a direct consequence of the competition among market makers for these orders. Limit orders face a different sort of risk. submits limit order to buy at a price P L a what the realization of n 2 his a at time 1, too high time 2 a relative to time However, fundamentals. 2 A Walrasian demand curve with limit orders, because the limit orders are not conditional on time fundamental news. 2 limit orders suffer from an adverse selection problem: Consequently, trader he can be sure that no matter he will not pay more than that price. , execution price mav be trader cannot replicate , If, a buy order is more likely to be executed at the limit price P L when bad news has arrived between time 1 and time 2. a limit buy order Or said differently, involves giving away a put option on fundamentals. orders Limit fundamentals is little is o\ are low. thus attractive when the variance of Conversely, market orders are preferred when there uncertainty regarding the number of traders arriving at any given time--i.e., when a^ is low. Proposition For relatively 3 any The appendix proves the following proposition: : PL , and any volume shock s, there exists sufficiently large so that a limit buy order at price expected profits. PL a value of o\ yields negative 16 - formalizes proposition The unprofitable for large values of - notion the a\ so does the range of As a\ increases, . become orders limit that prices for which rational traders will be unwilling to leave limit orders on specialists' books. This logic may help explain the relative paucity 7 of limit orders in day-to-day trading. It is more difficult to understand why limit orders should not play an augmented role in a crash situation. execution price while the might expect However, this there are a orders risk associated with market balance the in reasons number of rises effectively also tip to fundamental risk stays constant If during to like times using of favor believe that seen those one rises, orders. limit risk fundamental October in 1987. Enough volume, even if it is known not to contain private information, can such about questions raise fundamentals as the adequacy of clearinghouse Furthermore, collateral and the stability of other financial institutions. a realistic more model than ours might allow the for that fact market participants do not know for sure that all the volume is informationless Duffee presents (1989) possibility that lot a such of wherein model, a news arrived. has large In signals volume Duffee' s model, the large volume shocks are associated with increased uncertainty about fundamentals. Finally, it should noted be what that matters for fundamental risk over a given interval of time- -the order is placed information. and If, as when was can be removed, or case in October 1987, it the limit orders is time between when an reconditioned large volume on new causes backups and delays throughout the system, this can increase the exposure of those using limit orders. Of course, role in none of this accommodating large is meant to argue that limit orders play no volume shocks. However, the arguments presented above do suggest that limit orders alone may not easily solve all the problems that are evident in our models with just market orders. To 17 - - the extent that limit orders are used, is quite possible it that they will be used timidly, with limit buy orders placed at levels well below current prices V . Implications of the Models The Crash of October 1987 A. Taken together, two models suggest a couple of reasons why large the volume shocks may tend to increase transactional risks and possibly result in a "crash" of the normal transmission mechanism: lead to more uncertainty about Large volume shocks 1) aggregate value buyer response at any the given point in time, so that even if market-maker behavior is unchanged, an investor faces order, and volume Large 2) market makers risk with respect more smooth to shocks can also This prices. fluctuate more with given variations " execution price of a given the to make more it order for effect makes prices illiquidity" in dangerous thereby exacerbating flow, the first problem. models The appear to Tuesday October 19 and 20, accord closely with 1987. In the events the overall market decline of almost 23% for the day. have to indeed, indicated an attractive many placed market orders at and last hour of trading on Monday, heavy selling volume pushed prices down approximately 12%, seem of Monday These price levels would opportunity the resulting in an end of value for the day. buyers, and However, the execution price for most of these orders must have come as an unpleasant surprise- -because of the large number of overnight orders, the market opened up on Tuesday some 12% above Monday's close. The returned market to subsequently about the same reversals in perspective, magnitude to the previous reversed direction, level as Monday's so that close. by noon (To put it had these note that each 12% leg is roughly comparable in record one day fall of 12.8% on October 28, Throughout 1929.) submitting orders traders morning, Tuesday virtually contemporaneously received "fills" at vastly differing prices, both on the exchanges and with magnitude of Monday's drop, it is and reversals the impossible seem that prices transactions Even more over-the-counter stocks. than variability the with reconcile to overall the a in Walrasian model of adjustment to changing fundamentals. began investors As risks tremendous the inherent appeared market The evaporated. support buying transacting, realize to in be to in danger of collapsing completely before many corporations announced buybacks thereby setting themselves up afternoon, on Tuesday last resort "value buyers as of . In addition to the dramatic market-wide reversals, a variety of other evidence supports a view of the crash as at least partly non-Walrasian in Blume example, For nature. MacKinlay , Terker and that find (1989) on Monday October 19, NYSE stocks in the S&P 500 index declined an average of attribute difference this than NYSE more points percentage seven to greater stocks not the in the index Information" Order imbalances sell-side They index. for stocks B. Circuit of Role The Breakers: Timely vs. of implications "Full Execution Our First, present models the in have two trading, all design between the of and and that and prices. everyday an costs trading benefits argument is also made by Ho, Schwartz (1990). that illustrate models inefficient allocations the sorts of some level this Thus for of market risk leads is to important consideration in environment reducing risk transactional transactional one architecture. should be transactional the tradeoff risk. This Schwartz and Whitcomb (1985) and Bronfman and As these papers suggest, there are a number of dimensions 19 - - One example along which the tradeoff might take place. which trading allowed is place take to is 8 continuously. the degree Another the is extent to which trading takes place in a spatially fragmented setting, opposed centralized the to fragmentation/centralization issue in is trading as The here. turn related automated should degree what To automation: considered one to questions about to systems used be to aggregate data across spatially separated markets, and to enable traders to condition their orders on better information? 9 second important feature of our models The that is the magnitude of transactional risk can increase dramatically when the market is confronted This with abnormally large volume. is implies that a trading mechanism that "optimal" under everyday circumstances may no longer be well-suited for handling extremely volumes. large system A market and limit orders may represent a essence, something it may make sense to switch to an At such times, purpose transactional risk, In on a day-in, "circuit breaker" trading mechanism. basic The immediacy) (e.g., but it can nonetheless involve too much transactional risk when volume is very high. alternative, trading with good balance between transactional risk and other desirable characteristics day-out basis, continuous of the in an effort trading halt closer much Thus process occurs. any of to it is circuit to be reduce to stimulate value buyer responsiveness. designed as should be the should breaker hypothetical a time during which full- information Walrasian inappropriate to think of circuit breakers as "sand in the gears" that aims to slow down a fundamental price adjustment; rather, their aim is to patch up the transmission apparatus so that Walrasian price adjustment can be facilitated. According to Model #1, one goal of a circuit breaker system should be to help make potential value buyers aware of the to large shocks. On the exchanges, this response of other traders could be accomplished >y having 20 - - trading briefly and open their order books specialists halt for general inspection. Model further #2 suggests execution sequential that trades of at rapidly oscillating prices may not be the best way for the market to digest is, an open period during which orders have trades--that It may instead be preferable to "pool" a large volume shock. could be with a submitted, promise that all orders submitted during that period would be executed at the same price . types These alternative of mechanisms trading wholly unknown to stock markets. On the NYSE, specialist can delay the a During opening of his stock if he is faced with a large order imbalance. the trading halt, may announce he attract additional buy or sell clearing prices trial In both cases, periodic "batch" auctions to clear accumulated orders. net result diminish to is importance the in an effort to European stock markets use Some orders. not course, of are, of market the makers the as a transmission device, and to shift the emphasis to direct trade between end buyers and sellers contrast between these alternative mechanisms and the continuous The typically trading tradeoff: Under . seen between that execution timely circumstances, normal orders market uncontingent equity markets U.S. in the a fundamental information full informational execution. due loss relatively probably is and illustrates to traders small: there may prices prices be little that to However, mechanism. problems the with longer provide execution prices. extreme continuous When this from gained be under associated no prevail when their order very is an trading case, are much information it submitted. alternative circumstances, accurate the using is the can simply by anticipate with a good deal of precision their execution prices, looking at using Thus trading informational greater: about current subsequent may be worthwhile to accept 21 - some loss timeliness in order in allow each to responses on the responses of others. - trader condition his to 10 A number of criticisms have been raised concerning circuit breakers. traders enter the market voluntarily, so One is the "free trade" objection: how can shutting it down possibly make anybody better off? Our emphasis on the negative externalities present in a market crash provides an answer to Even though rational agents will continue to trade in the this question. absence of circuit breaker, a Intervention that leads to a aggregate the outcome inferior one. an is broader distribution of the volume shock can improve efficiency. Another objection is that the very existence of circuit breakers might somehow cause large declines to feed According themselves. on to this "gravitational", or "magnet" theory, if it is known that the market will be shut down after, say, selling pressure, a 10% investors as them in a temporarily try to for were in effects and effect, find no futures significant lead further to shutdown leaves the Empirically, Kuserk et al Treasury bond and commodity can fall get out before illiquid position. not much support for this theory. data initial an drop, however, there is study transactions (1989) markets where price evidence limits gravitational of n Finally, some observers have suggested that than rather adopting the exchanges should force market makers to dramatically circuit breakers, increase their capital positions. While this would have no direct effect on it would the magnitude of transactional risk, by reducing shocks. and need the However, Miller (1988) capital to capital depends to quickly presumably lessen its impact value mobilize buyers to such an approach may be very inefficient. point out, there market -making activities, (loosely speaking) is and an opportunity the on average cost absorb As Grossman to devoting appropriate amount demands immediacy. for large of such It 22 - makes no sense for market makers - aside set to absorb the very largest volume shocks, enough capital if such capital to easily unnecessary 99% is Circuit breakers have the advantage of only coming into play of the time. when there are extremely large shocks, without imposing any cost at other times The Brady report advocated installation the In May of 1988, although it did not go into detail about their design. Working Treasury, Group the on Financial Markets Federal Reserve, (composed CFTC the of and the , breakers, circuit of officials SEC) from the the also endorsed the adoption of circuit breakers in their interim report to the President. The It recommends Working Group report is more specific than the Brady Report. coordinated, cross-market trading halts after Dow Jones declines of 250 and Consistent with 400 points. the logic outlined above, bulk of the the Working Group's discussion centers on procedures for active dissemination Order imbalances for all major stocks of information prior to reopening: are to provided. be publicized. Further orders Tentative can then quote be indications submitted, indications will be made available as needed. and then are to subsequent (Appendix A, page 2) be quote The Working Group's recommendations were subsequently adopted, and the circuit breakers described above remain in place also recently endorsed Confidence Panel (1990). by the Like NYSE's the today. Market 12 Circuit breakers were Volatility Working Group report, and the Investor NYSE study also emphasizes the importance of information dissemination during trading halts 23 VI . Conclusions continuous trading involving market and limit orders sacrifices some degree of informational efficiency for timeliness. Under A system ordinary of circumstances, the informational loss is small- -prices evolve gradually, and traders can thus predict with confidence the levels at which their orders will be executed. However, when volume shocks are large, the informational problem worsens and the deviation from Walrasian efficiency When this occurs, it may make sense to temporarily switch to is magnified. an alternative orders to be transactional made switch compromises participants contingent the mechanism- -a on a larger "circuit breaker" - -that information set, ability of the market to provide even allows if this immediacy to all - 2k Appendix Proof of Proposition 3: The proposition is proven in the context of Model #1. applies for Model /2. Assuming that all other traders use market orders, an individual trader faces a time (A.l) P 2 - f 2 + A similar argument (n d pricing function of: s). - £ n 2 l This is just equation (7) in the text. Using the results of Proposition 1, this can be rewritten as: (A. 2) P = 2 f 2 + on 2 - 0, where a a(s) and shock The expected return to s. fi 0(s) are both increasing functions - a can be expressed as: (A. 3) R L = E(f 2 - P L |P L > P 2 ) limit order at price P, of the volume , denoted by Rt, That is, P L — ? 2 a limit buyer has his order executed at ^en This ha PP ens - f < 2 P L + - on 2 . P, if and only if Thu9 R can be written as L the following double integral: » P +/9-an L R L = /[/(f (A. U) 2 P - 2 L )h(f 2 )df 2 ]g(n 2 )dn 2 . -00*00 where h( and ) respectively. P L density the +£-an 2 R L - /[/f 2 h(f The first term is increased. are ) functions of and £7 The 2 )df oc 2 ]g(n 2 )dn 2 - P P L +^-on 2 )df ]g(n )dn L /[/h(f 2 2 2 2 and decreases second term is the limit price times the probability that without bound as second, as a\ is Since this probability cannot exceed unity, the second term must be smaller in absolute magnitude than P,. 2 . negative the order will be executed. fixed P^, n. This integral can be broken into two parts: * (A. 4') g( Thus for a • a* is increased, the first term will eventually dominate the ensuring that R is negative. L This verifies the proposition. - 26 1. Limit orders are discussed in Section IV of the paper. 2. Ho, Whitcomb and Schwartz (1985) and Bronfmen and Schwartz (1990), using models quite different from the one presented here, also demonstrate that transactional risk can affect traders' order placement decisions and lead A key distinction between our work and these to inefficient outcomes. others is that we focus on the relationship between large volumes and transactional risk, rather than simply on the existence of transactional risk per se in everyday trading. 3. Note that since all traders (including efficient risk sharing involves m 2 = d* 4. One piece of evidence concerning the relative unimportance of limit A orders comes from the brokerage commissions of NYSE specialists. specialist acts as a broker when other traders leave limit orders in the In 1986, specialists specialist's book that are subsequently executed. participated as commission earning brokers in only 12.7 percent of twice See the Report total NYSE volume (the sum of all purchases and sales.) of the Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms (1988), (page VI-5). 5. Given the large price declines that occurred in the last hour of trading on Monday October 19, and the apparent consensus that much of these lasthour drops were due simply to an exhaustion of market-maker capital (as opposed to news about fundamentals) one might have expected that a huge thereby flow of limit orders would have been submitted overnight, In actuality, this stabilizing prices at or above Monday closing levels. The Task Force report notes that "the does not appear to have occurred. vast majority of orders to buy at the market's open were market This observation is consistent with the price orders..." (page III - 22 patterns seen on amany stocks. A typical example is provided by the NYSE That stock fell 9% stock denoted "number 11" in the report (page VI -38). It recovered this entire loss at in the last hour of trading on Monday. However, there was the open on Tuesday morning, opening up almost 11%. not enough buying support at this level to sustain the price, and it fell almost 24% by 11:30 a.m., to a point roughly 13% below Monday's close. Evidently, there were not enough limit orders on the specialist's books to stabilize the price anywher near Monday's close. ) 6. market makers) are identical, . This assumes that when the market price falls, outstanding limit buy orders are executed at their limit prices, rather then at the more Although this assumption is generally true, favorable new market price. NYSE Rule 127 provides some protection there is an important exception. for limit orders that are executed as part of a block transaction crossed The Task Force Report describes the rule on the floor of the exchange. as follows (page VI-10): The rule requires that unless (i) the trade is to be executed at a price no more than one eighth below the bid or one eighth above the offer, and (ii) both sides of the cross consist solely of public customers, then the member with the block cannot execute part of it by selling to or buying from the specialist's book at limit prices For instance, if the stock price is away from the cross price. - 27 - currently bid at 20 and the firm intends to cross a block of stock at 19 : /2 and limit orders to buy are on the specialist's book at 19 7 /8, 19 3 /4 and 19 5 /8, the firm intending to cross the block cannot execute part of the order by selling stock to the specialist's book Thus, the person with a limit at prices from 20 down to 19 5 /8 order on the book at or near the market cannot suffer an immediate paper loss, as he would if his order was executed as part of a series of transactions immediately preceding a cross occurring at a The person with the order on the book price away from the market. will benefit by generally receiving an execution at the cross price. . 7. 8. Thus an immediate corollary of the proposition is that in a world where value buyers use only limit orders, volume shocks can generate large deviations from Walrasian prices, provided a\ is big enough. Bronfman and Schwartz contrast the transactional risk properties of call continuous markets. vs. 9. 1 Maier, these questions. See Cohen, Schwartz and Whitcomb (1986) for detailed treatment of Because circuit breakers do involve some cost in terms of timeliness, their use is justified only to the extent that the extra time really does enable transactional risk to be reduced in a way that cannot be Some observers have accomplished in a continuous trading setting. reacted to the events of October 1987 and October 1989 by suggesting improvement that would make the continuous trading system work in a more Miller's (1990) proposal for "contingent limit Walrasian fashion. To the extent that such orders" can be thought of in this spirit. proposals can be successful in reducing transactional risk without a halt in trading, the case for circuit breakers is weakened. 11. See however, McMillan (1990) who argues that a gravitational effect was at work on the S&P 500 futures market prior to a trading halt during the October 13, 1989 "minicrash" 12. However, These 250 and 400 point thresholds have not yet been reached. there are other smaller "circuit breaker" type mechanisms in place that More modest declines have lead to temporary have come into play. shutdowns of futures trading on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, as well as to the diversion of program trades in S&P stocks to "sidecar" files. It is not clear that the latter technique meets any of the criteria for an effective circuit breaker discussed above. 28 - - References and Terker, MacKinlay, Craig, Marshall, Imbalances and Stock Price Movements on October 19 Journal of Finance (September 1989), 827-848. Bruce, and 20, Blume, "Order 1987," . and Schwartz, Robert, "Order Placement and Price Bronfman, Corinne Discovery in a Securities Market", mimeo School of Business New York University, 1990. , , Cohen, Kalman, Maier Steven, Schwartz, Robert and Whitcomb, David, The Microstructure of Securities Markets 1986 (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall). Duffee, Greg, "Market Liquidity and the Information Content of Order Flows," mimeo, Harvard University, 1989. Greenwald, Bruce and Stein, Jeremy, "The Recommendations " the Behind Reasoning (Summer 1988), 3-23. Perspectives , Task Force Report: The Economic Journal of . "Liquidity and Miller, Merton, and Sanford, Grossman, Structure," Journal of Finance XLIII(July 1988), 617-633. Market . David, Robert and Whitcomb, Schwartz, Thomas, Decision and Market Clearing under Transaction Price Journal of Finance (March 1985) 21-42. Ho, "The Trading Uncertainty," Betsey and Gordon, J. Kuhn, Eugene, Moriarty, Gregory, Kuserk, Douglas, "An Analysis of the Effect of Price Limits on Price Movements in Selected Commodity Futures Markets," CFTC Research Report #89-1, July 1989. "The Effects of McMillan, Hank, Breakers on Liquidity and Price Analysis, SEC 1990. 500 Futures Market Circuit Discovery," Office of Economic S&P Market Volatility and Investor Confidence Panel, report to the Board of Directors of the New York Stock Exchange, June 1990. Miller, Merton, "Index Arbitrage and Volatility," paper prepared for Market Volatility and Investor Confidence Panel, June 1990. Presidential Task Force on Market Mechanisms: Report Submitted January 1988 Rock, Kevin, Explanation "The Role of the for Certain Price Specialist's Order Anomalies," mimeo, Book: A Harvard Possible Business School, 1987. Working 1988. Group on Financial Markets: Interim Report Submitted May Figure 1A Value Buyer Demand as a Function V» air asian case Transactional risk case of Supply Shock Figure IB Prices as a Function of Supply Shock W air a si an case Transactional risk case ?96& ;70 }-U>-°\) SEP 9 1991 3 TOAD DQTObTbO 1