PUBLICATIONS AND REPORTS Meeting Papers Presented URSI Meeting, Washington, D. C., April 18, R. E. Scott: An Analog Device for Network Synthesis American Physical Society, Washington, J. 1950 Bitter: Sagalyn, F. Brossel, P. D. C., April 27-29, 1950 The Optical Detection of Radio-Frequency Resonance J. F. Waymouth, Jr.: Deterioration of Oxide-Coated Cathodes Under Low-Duty Operation Research and Development Board Committee on Electronics, May 18-19, Washington, D. C., P. Panel on Infrared, 1950 Generation of Millimeter Waves and Infrared Radiation by D. Coleman: Accelerated Electrons Speech Communication Conference, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Mass., May 31-June 3, 1950 A. Bavelas, O. H. Straus: Effects of Network Structure and Task Structure on the Pattern of Human Communication. R. M. Fano: Information Theory Point of View in Speech Communication Symposium on the Theory of Electromagnetic Waves, New York University, June 6, 1950 R. B. Adler: Waves on Inhomogeneous Cylindrical Structures IRE-AIEE Conference on Electronic Devices, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 22-23, 1950 D. L. Eckhardt: L. A. Harris: L. D. Smullin: Microwave Tube Techniques Dense Electron Beams in Axial Magnetic Fields A Discussion of Shot Noise at Microwave Frequencies Acoustical Society of America, Pennsylvania State College, State College, June 22-24, 1950 R. M. Fano: Y. W. Lee, J. The Information Theory Point of View in Speech Communication B. Wiesner: Correlation Functions and Their Application to Communication Problems (continued on next page) Meeting Papers Presented (continued) Research and Development Board Committee on Electronics, Subpanel on RF Tubes, New York, July 11, 1950 Generation of Millimeter Waves and Infrared Radiation by P. D. Coleman: Accelerated Electrons Journal Articles Accepted for Publication R. M. Fano: Short-Time Autocorrelation Functions and Power Spectra (J. Acous. Soc. Am.) Y. W. Lee, C. A. Stutt: J. C. Slater: Statistical Prediction of Noise (Proc. National Electronics Conf.) The Lorentz Correction in Barium Titanate (Phys. Rev.) E. H. Sondheimer: The Theory of the Transport Phenomena in Metals (Proc. Roy. Soc. A) J. B. Wiesner: Statistical Theory in Communications (Proc. National Electronics Conf.) Letter to the Editor Accepted for Publication On the Shift of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance N. Bloembergen, W. C. Dickinson: in Paramagnetic Solutions (Phys. Rev.) Technical Reports Published (The technical reports listed here may be obtained from the Document Office, 20B-221, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge 39, Massachusetts.) No. 112 C. I. Beard, B. P. Dailey: cyanic Acid No. 136 A. B. Macnee: No. 143 L. C. Maier, Jr.: No. 146 J. W. Lathrop, S. C. Brown: The Structure and Dipole Moment of Esothio- A High-Speed Product Integrator Field Strength Measurements in Resonant Cavities The Relationship of Pulsed to C-W Breakdown of a Gas at Microwave Frequencies No. 147 S. Goldberg: Fabrication and Operating Characteristics of Sintered Thoria Cathodes Fano: Transmission of Information - II No. 149 R. M. No. 150 E. H. Sondheimer: No. 152 H. E. Singleton: The Theory of the Transport Phenomena in Metals A Digital Electronic Correlator