LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Ucwc NOV \4 '7S my' ALFRED P. WORKING PAPER SLOAN SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT VARIANCE MINIMIZATION AND THE THEORY OF INFLATION HEDGING Zvi Bodie WP 806-75 September 1975 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY 50 MEMORIAL DRIVE CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 VARIANCE MINIMIZATION AND THE THEORY OF INFLATION HEDGING Zvi Bodie WP 806-75 September 1975 M.I.T. LIBRARIES NOV 171975 RECEIVED -1- Var lan ce MinlmizaLion aud the Theory of Inflation Hedging I. Introduction One of the casualties of the unprecedented infla- tionary experience in this country in the past several years has been the so-called riskless asset of portfolio theory. The widespread practice of dismissing short-run inflation-risk as being negligibly small and treating short term government securities as risk-free has become questionable, to say the least. Although in principle it is possible to eliminate inflation uncertainty either by creating futures markets or by linking deferred payments to price indices, no such option is currently available in the developed capital markets of the world. ^ In other words, at least in these capital markets there is no perfect inflation hedge. In the absence of a perfect inflation hedge it is Important to determine how and to what extent one can hedge against inflation with the financial Instruments currently available, and that is the subject of this paper. 0725868 2- Tho lerm liudglng against inflation as used in this paper, means reducing the specific kind of risk, which stems from nncnrtainty about the future level of the prices of consumption goods. In other words, we use the term in exactly the same way one would use it to describe the forward purchase or sale of commodities or foreign currencies for the purpose of eliminating the risk of unanticipated changes in spot prices or exchange rates. Just as futures contracts for commodities and foreign currencies are perfect hedges against unantlcipattul fluctuations in spot prices and exchange rates, so futures contracts for the specific basket of consumer goods used to define the "real" value of money (i.e., the "purchasing power" of money) would be a perfect hedge against inflation risk. Recently there has been a revival in this country Df the proposal to link deferred payments to some index of the cost-of-living like the CPl.^ Effectively an index-linked bond is equivalent to an ordinary nominal For example, bond plus a luLiires contract on the CPI. Imagine an i lulcx-iinked Trrasury Mill wJ a maturity of -3- one year and a face value of $1000 of today's purchasing power. If an inve&tor were to purchase such a bond he would in effect be buying forward $1000 of purchasing power, but instead of contracting to pay for it in the future, which is the practice in a standard futures contract, he would be paying for it now. The example of an index-linked Treasury Bill can also be used to clarify a very important point about hedging against inflation which is often overlooked. If the Treasury were in fact to issue the 1-year Bill described above iL might under current market conditions be able to selJ it at a price in excess of $1000. In other Trords the riskless real rate of interest on such a bond could very well be negative. Now many people would claim that if it has a negative real rate of return then the security is not an inflation hedge. In their view an inflation hedge is an asset which "keeps up" with inflation, i.e., has a nominal rate of return at least as great as the rate of Inflation. It does not take extensive research to discover that no such security currently exists in tlie financial markets of this country and that there Is no way for an investor to create a portfolio having that feature -4- (l.e., a guaranteed non-negative real rate of return). Furthei-raore, it should be added that the proponents of issuance by the Federal Government of index-linked bonds have not stipulated that the real rate of interest on these bonds be non-negative, although it would probably be fair to say that they have assumed that the rate at least on longer maturities would be positive. The point is that there is nothing in the definition of an inflation hedge as used in this study which would imply that it has a non-negative real rate of return or that an investor would want to hold it. Although it is natural to assume that risk-averse consumer-investors would want to hedge some of their inflation risks, how much to hedge would depend among other things on the cost of hedging. In order to deal with the question of hedging against inflation tlie issues must be more sharply defined. Since there is one type of security whose real return is certain but for inflation risk, namely single-period, riskless-in-te.rms-of default money-fixed bonds, it seems natural to identify inflation risk with the stochastic component of the real return on such a bond. Therefore in this paper the conceptual criterion for deciding the . -5- extent to wliich a particular security or class of securities L.s an inflation hedge is the extent to which it can be used to reduce the uncertainty of the real return on a nominal bond. We adopt the convention of identifying the riskiness of a probability distribution with its variance. Accordingly, we measure the effectiveness of a security as an inflation hedge as the proportional reduction in the variance of the real return on a one- period, risk-free-in-terms-of-default , nominal bond attainable by combining the hedge security and the bond in their variance minimizing •proportions It is worthwhile to indicate at this point the relationship between this view of hedging against inflation and the investor's ultimate objective of optimal portfolio selection. This can best be done in the frame- work of the Markowitz-Tobin mean-variance model of portfolio choice.^ -6- In that model the process of portfolio selection is divided into two separate stages: (1) of the efficiunt portfolio frontier and the optimal portfolio on that frontier. identification (2) choosing This paper focuses on one particular point on the efficient frontier — the minimum variance portfolio. From this perspective hedging against inflation is essentially the process of taking a risk-free-in-terms-of-default nominal bond as the starting point and using other securities to eliminate as much of the variance of its real return as possible. We define the difference between the mean real return on a nominal bond and the mean real return on the minimum variance portfolio as the "cost" of hedging against inflation. Since the unhedged nominal bond does not in general lie on the efficient portfolio frontier, the cost of hedging may be either positive or negative. The approach to hedging against inflation adopted in this paper can perhaps be further clarified with the aid of figure 1, in which mean real return is measured along the vertical axis and standard deviation of real return along the horizontal. Point A is the hypothetical location of an unhedged nominal bond. The minimum variance porL folio Ilea Homewliere to the left of A -7- Figure 1 U ' -a o B Standard deviation of real return -8- (e.g., points B or C) the farther to the left it is, ; the more effective the inflation hedge. The cost of hedging is represented in the diagram by the vertical distance between point A and the point representing the minimum variance portfolio. Thus if point B were the minimum variance portfolio the cost of hedging would be positive; If point C, the cost of hedging wouJ d be neg.'il ivc. The mln Lmnm-variance portfolio is in principle composed of all available securities. there are n + 1 Assume that such securities, with the n + Ist being nominal bonds. In part II of the paper we view the minimum variance portfolio as being composed of just two securities: the nominal bond and the portfolio of the other n securities, which we refer to as the optimal inflation-hedge security, or simply the hedge, security. Part II tries to relate the effectiveness and the cost of hedging to the parameters of Lhc joint probability distribution of the real returns on the two component securities. -9- ParL III dc;als with the composition of the optimal inflation-hedge portfolio, while part IV tries to indicate how uncertainty about the parameters of the joint probability distribution of security returns affects one's ability to hedge against inflation. In part V we try to relate the theory of inflation hedging developed in the previous parts of the paper to modem portfolio theory, and specifically, to the capital asset pricing model. Finally, in part VI we summarize the results of the paper and draw its major conclusions. . -lo- ll.. The Lip.CeniiiiiaiUs LpL l'(t) nominal value at Let of lledginj; ErfecLivencs.s b(» l\\v LiinM t price level at time I.e., t, the of some standard basket of commodities. r^(t) be the continuously compounded onc-pciriod nominal rate of return on security i during period compounded real rate of return R.(t) r.(t) - = The continuously t. on security then given by: is i „(t) where n(t) is the rate of inflation during period t defined by: Tr(t) ^ and tildes C) Suppose matures at nominal Its real r(t+_i) = I are used to denote random variables. he scMuiriiy under consid(,^rat:ion tinu' I- I rate n\ 1 irlniii, 1' ( H i I ) from Its mean, p(t). of inflation. of relurn on r n <ir K (i), is known v^^lLli risk, lerlainly at time since it I, 71 (l) into its mean, n(t), and deviation p(t) represents the "unani nominal bond is sim[)ly: a -- II - p ' n so that its J c J pated" rate Suppressing the time subscripts, the real rate n \{ n free of default bond that a . Let us di'(om|.ose K |- Is leLuni, Jiowcver, is uncertain at time depends on (I) and is |) t, . -u Now consldi'i- securities he sccoiul security, I tlie portfolio of risky to hedge the nominal bond against uscul and hereafter referred to as the hedge security. inflation us also decompose its real rate of return into its mean nnd deviation from (lie mean: (2) \ ' K,^ ^ ^ The deviation from the mean, c can be further decomposed , into two orthoj'.onnl components as follows: )i cov(c,p) -._.».i_ , where + u^^p ^ f: a^^ (2) _ then becomes: vnr(p) (3) . R,^ + ^^ + .,^P M can be called the "inflation-risk" component of the real a p return on the hedjv' security while ii is the "non- ii\ f latlon risk" conipontMiL slioLild li (Iclin about i I ional ly Llie that since tlicse reJ at lomdij ps are ;.u-('.sscd h(^ Liuc, they assume nothing and link or cnus.i.l tlie tlioy Imply nothing time series relat ionsii i p the return on the security and the rate of inflnllon. between Neither do they assume anytliing about the specil'ic probabillly distributions of p and p. Now if we roplnce with (3') tlie nominal r, r r, n where it rate ntp I li - i» I- 1 I i^f I- real rate of return on the hedge security lie return then equation \i ('3) becomes: : -12- Our objective is to combine nominal bonds and the hedge security so iis Letting w be the proportion of (he hedge of real return. security Ihe inlninnim variance portfolio, In rate of ret urn, K H (4) R R .= mm js f- w(K, i tut R n R - h n ) + (w (3): mm the . + u-i)p 2 wii ? Let Oi a^ Irilter's real ) from (1) and ini; + w(R, n - h n the approximation:^ to a very close , mln = K . mit) or by subsL create the portfolio with minimiim variance Ici bi> t lie the varJanre of variance of p, 02 \i , and variance of R .. )i\ln From (A) we get 0^ (5) - min (w a-l.)^' ' ' ^ + w^o^ ai 2 The value of w wliich minimizes o'' is: nti.n w = (C) -of Substi tut variance (7) Ls ^? ii)(; from (b) into (5), given by; the vaLue of the ininimtzed -13- Our measure (if effectiveness of the Llic lii'd;'/' security as an inflation hedge is the proportional reduction In the variance of the real return on the nominal bond attainable by combining the two securities in the variance minimizing proportions. llu' fonmila for this measure is: 1 --.--— --^- ,, (8) .1 It p^, + 2 is n simplf inatLer to show that S the coeLEicieut ol Is determination between none olhor than and r p. Thus one can say that the more highly correlated (either negatively or positively) the nominal rate of return on security is with unanticipated inflation, it Js as an inflation hedge. cannot sefl hedge if tiic Note that hedge security short and only if i'a nominal tlien return lated witii unani lei paled inflation. If is more effective tlie the it a Investor is an ju.)S It J Inflation vivl^ corre- -14- FinaJ ly as a measure of the "cost" of hcdRini; we take the difference between the expected values of the real return on the unhedged nominal bond and the real return on the mini- mum variance portfolio, which from C H i;(R (9) - R n p Equations (6) nml (8) revt;al that functions of O-./o^ and measure of the rioii- i nf a. 1 is: w('r" - R, ) n h E ) (4) . ^^J^l ^^ bot)i l^'^'- w and n^ are '"'iti') t'lo ''f at Lon in the real return on the liedge secuiily to the measure of inflation risk, while a is tlie regression coefficient of the nominal rale of return on the hedge security on the unanticipated rate oT inflation. Now let us explore the implications of equal ions (6) and (8) with tlu- aid of figure 2, in which o->/0| alonj; the horizontal is axis and a along the vertical. let us direct our attention to (8), the formula for measured I'^irst "^ f) or S. -15- Flgure. 2 a 02 o7 -16- Each "iso-cf feet Lveiiess" curve in figure ;' each i.c^. , locus of paramoLcr vaJ.ues yielding the same vaJue of p^ a seL of 2 lines which sLrnij'Jit .symmetric with at tlie is the origin and are aL to the hori^.onLal axis. iKs|)erl. important exceptions niiiet , Tliere are two The iso-efl ccti veness extremes. curve corresiHinding to an p^ value of zero is the horizontal axis itself (excluding the origin), and the curve corresponding to an D value of one is axis (excluding the origin). i so-e f I'ectiveness I vertical lie The closer the iso-ef fectiveness lines are to the vertical axis (i.e., the greater the angle they make with the horizontal axis), the higher the value of p^. Along the horii'.ontal axis the nominal rate of return on uncorrelated with unanticipated inflation the hedge security is so no reduction variance is possible. In The reason for this can most easiiy he seen by comparing the expressions for l^ R, and in this case: R = n = K,^ R n - p |-^^-p + M Because the regression coefficients on any amount of tiie hedjic p are the same, combining security, positive or nc>)vitive, witli the nominal boml would jusl add non-inflation risk lo without olimlnat Ini', any of the inflation risk. tlic portfolio Ivpiation (5) -17ciMifirnis rain sijue wlien a = UliL;; it reduces to: 2 1 Similarly equal ion (6) indicates that when a = 0, w is zero. Along the vertical axis, on the other hand, p^ 02 = 0, i.e., tlie is 1 because only source of uncertainty in the return on the hedge securtty is unanticipated inflation. that case In the rates of return ou the nominal bond and the hedge security are perfect] y correlated, and they can therefore he combined to create a real risk-free composite security. For a given v.ilue of (different from zero) a monotonically as 02/^1 fises indicating that tlie , p^- falls greater the degree of non-JnllatJda risk in the return on the hedge security relalivc to tlie degree of uncertainty nbouL inflation, the less effocti-vc the security is as an inflation hedge. a as given value of (i.e., |u| tlie Conseiiurnl curves there tliat I lie "p/i'j, I is y , a on tlie other Iiand p'' , (Hsi.ince from the liorizontaL .ihui); 1 For rises monotonically .ixi.":) increases. all but the two extreme iso-ef fectiveness rado-of f between |<x | and ";'./iM In the sense loss of hedging effectiveness resulting from a rise in o^/oj can be (•(impcnsal cd by a rise in | a | the "marginal rate ?. of substitution" betwi^eu being a constant. | a | and i^p./O] for a given value of p -18 I'ir.mi'^ of equal Ion ' also he used Lo 'III ((i) Li the lOrraula for w. , lusLraLc ImpllcaLions Llic As already RLni.od above, no reduction in variance can be achieved through diver- if a = sification, and there fore w equals zero all along the horizontal axis (except at the origin where it is undefined), same sign as indicating that the hedger must en position if the w has the tal<p a long rate of return is positively correlated ncMiiinnl with unanticipated inflation and a short position if negatively correlated. An iso-w curve figure in 2 is defined as combinations of paranicLer values wliich yield Uicus of all tlie mi ninium-variance portfolios containing the same proportion of the hoiigo security. The iso-w curves for positive values of w form a set of c'.'ci -w idening semL-cin- Les whicli fan out from the origin in an Although they all converge at upward direction. the origin itself is not on any of them. tlie set Tiie ol origin, iso-w curves for negative values of w is symmetric to the positive set with respect to the iKnizonLiL axis, i.e. Lso-w curve f;iiniiii); identical uegal upward from out'-va I i I or every lie orl(.',in por. I Live-valued tluMc Is an iso-w curve with the same absoluLe iicd value fanning downward from the origin. The only iso-w curve shown in figure ponding to lying on a value of tlii s 1 Is the one corres- For any combination of |)arameter values i. simtii-c ire 2 e , the minimum-variance |H>rtfolio will :udso Security; will convain no nocinal ko:u:i-.t ::«>Nl\ bonds. The siiaded arta witliin the unit iso-w curve contains all v' ( the parameter comb ; lu' inai- ions' it at which nominal bonds must be sold short in order to creale the minimum variance poit folio. -19 The two sti-aigliL J Lnes emanating from the oriyl.n and making A5 degree angles with the horizontal axis have special significance. = p'' at all points along tliese lines t-'irstly, But more importantly, if we hold 02/ai constant and .5. examine the way w varies as a function of a, we find that w reaches its maximum wliere a = 02/0^ and its minimum where a. = - a-^/O]. I'igiiro 2 Ji\ throuj'.h pomlLui; to siuir: other words if we drew a vcrlicaJ 1 lie value [xjlnt on ol the horizontal axif; corres- the standard deviation ratio, w would be at Its lulnLmum where the line Internerts 43 degree line and at Lts "1 _ 20 2 11 llie lower maximum where the line hiLersects the upper A5 degree line. w = line in II Along the upper 45 degrees line and along the lower one w = - "1 2a2 -20- Perliaps fuLLlicr light can be sliod on the p" and between in which a and between w and Each curve in figure 3a shows the functional relal ionsliip between w and a O2/01. The efroc-L of a decrease in in oj/^i, to curve Curve 2. fndicatinj', Miat sensitive Is small, the w to In rij;ur(' the value curvc to steeper o! I tlian iiulJ cat inj; I i lie ve Hi sign of Llie I'H both <'"'e curv Mi.; to a. we see the graphs of 1 and 2 tlie two in figure 3a. p -^ Tlie functions smaller die "closer" the two branches of the p2- vertical axis. p' \n\ <iri<' the more must be either very long or very short the hedge se- aj/d] tliat Is Thus if 02/01 . correspcjnding to curves i is much steeper than curve 1 2 the smaller the value of a^/o^ |ft| hed};'''- curity dcpcndiuf, ;;ens 02/01 is Illustrated by vicinity nf the origin (i.e., for smaLl vaJ ues of thr- |a|) tor a given value of from curve 1, which corresponds to the higher value the shift of by examining figure 3 along the horizontal axis and w « is iiRvisured along the vert Leal. a reJ jitionships 1 the vicinity of In smaller u As in figure 3a, curve . tlie value of tlie 2 is much tuigin thus >T;,/(1i Mie more -2] a. w . -22 Ln Llie. so that p^ ] =- tmir. , wIk^h Idr 1 £iJ i o^ = 0» I'erfect hedging values of a in figure 3a shows how w varies with except zero. and 2, curve asymptotic to 3 vertical axis. tlic a^i = 0, a This is because curves in the siiab Ic from the stochastic component of Jts real rate of return and would eiLher dominate (if dominated by clo cannot be equal to zero or else Lhe hedge security would be indistinguJ In 3 splits into two parts, both of which are special case where nominal bonds Curve in this limiting case. a. Note that instead of passing through the origin as 1 possible is bonds (if R > R, ) R, h > 1^ n ) or be -23 Mil's 111 I'll pftiiit I wLLh v.iriaiu-e icilurL inn of equnticjn (9), I'.quation of two cases. the I discussion has lie dc-i Let us now cx.iniiao . lumula for (9) indicates riu> first tlie tliat 1 cx'- 1 1 ns vnly Jm|i] Llic i J cations cost of hedging. C will be positive in either is if both the mean real return on the nominal bond exceeds that of the hedge security and the hedger must take a long position in the hedge security a^ (i.e., ). i'iie real return on I will bond, l)e K (2) R > R, n h < ™ aiul " h meaning tliat the mean tiian an unliedged nominal and w is negative. positive. Ls h The following table summarizes these relationships. Cost of h edging R • R, R < n a - n < is the remaining two possible cases, namely: and w R, n K, the minimum varianci?. portfolio i.e., nf;gativc, in either of (1) < return on the unhedged nomluaL bond. greater mean real return a n he ininLmum variance portfolio would be less than the mean leai will have K In either case C is positive, negative. C second case is if R, h -Ik Ihe Optimal III. I at] nLion-lIedge Portfolio. Up to this point we have treated the creation of the minimum variance portfolio as a problem involving just two securities. but there are n + fact in st the n + 1 to choose from, 1 risky securities being nominal bonds. ri\e pur- pose of this section is to examine the composition of the portfolio of the first n securities, which 1b combined with nominal bonds to itreate the minimum variance portfolio. be the continuously compounded real rate of Let R return on security As in section II decompose it into 1. its mean and deviation R. c + R. 1 --^ L and decompose from the mean: e. i into an inflation-risk component and a . non-inflation risk component: ~ Since security a|;^^ so that. " hot n .\ llir _L -^ ' + ^1 "i'' I 1 nominal bonds we know thai: l.s and -I be ~ R~ . ' 0. H „^^_^^ covariance lietween of I and "2 p. . . I In- O <-ii va Ihe vari I c itV'^ Is mcc v'.ivrn r lance between K . . : '^^ s^-cu! and K., W. L.I ol bv (l R R a O . L . J (V and li the vnrJanco 1 .1 n . . Then: '• 1 ^ + 9,. '^ij . the real return on any portfolio composed of these : -25 „^ or and -26 The values ul R a R ,,,,.1 " for this portfolio ,Mre nivon by K i=l ^- o? ^ ^ n n i=i j=l It is shown in the 1 J ^ij appendix that the composition of the optimal inflation-hedge portfolio (i.e., the set of weichts w' is independent of of, i=l, n) d.e variance of unanticipated inflation. This is a kind of sc.parabi] ity or mutual fund tlioorem for lu'clging against iuflaiion because it implies that .-, hedger can create the mini mum variance portfolio in two soparaio stages. In the first s(age l.n selects a portfolio out ol' all securities oth^r the risk-free nominal bond so as to maximize the cocfficiouL of deu-ni.lnation between the uominnl resultant portfolio aud unauticipated Inflation. return on the The relative pro- portions of the various securities in this optimal inflation-hedge portfolio depend only on «^. matrix of tiie non - 1 = 1..., n, and tlie variance-covarlance inf lat on stochastic components of i rates of return, but nol on In the second stage, o"^ the securities' . a judgment is made about lli.^ variance of unanticipaK'd inflation and the optimal inf f ation-iudge portfolio is combined wiili nominal bonds to create the minimu,,, variance portfolio as described above in section 11. Tluis even I variance of unant f< Invosl ors may have diverKO Ipal .d inflation, If J udgmcaitB about they nf;n>e about thti the vn.lues of all the other parameters then they will agree about the composition of the optimal inflation-hedge portfolio to be combined with nominal bonds to form the minimum-variance portfolio. : -27 JV. 'Hie I^f L^cL Para iiiGter UnccirLainty on i»^r Ileclylnj', Up to this point we have assumed tliat a, a' recLiveness r.r and o''- are 2 1 Generally, however, they will themselves be subject to known. uncertainty. chosen for that case the portfolio proportion actually In security will not necessarily be equal to hcdj^c tlic the true varJance-minimizing proportion. actuaJJy chosen w ,ind Llie Let w be the proportion "correct" proportion. Define: w - w From (5) (13) where liave we. (T'^ - c" is actually 11 c'^ 2wifn'' -- + 12 + w'^(a''a''- a'') the v.iriance of the real return on By substituting; w +.c sc^.Jeelcil. I for w he portfolio (13) we in i;et: = a''- which by (14) 11 0'' - sul)st i 02 tui = in^; 0-' 12 + 2vi'o)'^ w''(a'^a''- lor - v; ( 1 , + a') - 2f;aa^ + (i from (b) reduces to: L 0^ + + ^_?^ ' I- 12 2wi;)(a^a^ + o^) 1 )o^1 f;2(a2(T? + e^) ] ,? 1 The first nominal bond; attainable by I I (Mm iti (14) is he .'UH-oml term is lietlj; i n)', 1 the variance of the unhedged tlie reduction he bond against in t iiat variance Inflation assuming that : -28- one knows the currecl variance-minimizing prdporlion for the hedge seciirlLy; and the third term is the increase in variance due to usinR a proportion for the hedge security which differs by c from correct variance-minimizing proportion. tiie third term is greater than the absolute value of t lie Investor is tlie If the second, really increasing the variance of his real return by tryinj; to hcilge against inflation. To gain fuilher Insight into the effect of parameter un- certainty let us assume that the source of the error in the portfolio proportion is a where ex is an error in estimating 2 Tlius let: the deviation of a from a. a + n our (Estimate of a and n Is the "true" value. In tion that the deviation of our clioson portfolio propor- for the lu'djte security from the correct lance-mi nimizing proporl ion will be tio^ (15) r. h let "n (n"^ + 2ai])<T^- -^-} 0^02 + ^ where we - a a?(--5i = h (n2 + 2an)'T2l 1 stand for the variance of the nominal return on the hedge security and make use of the identity: a -. u'^o^ + o'- -29- Now suppose 'i = 0, the hedge security is i.e., uii- correiated with unanticipated inflation, but we mistakenly assume that lIk> regression coefficient is not zero. case (15) rechjccs In this to: no 2 L (16) 2 which is also funnula for w. tlie we get: into (14) Substitvitinj.', - .r (1.7) 1 11 + ^-2 (n^o^ + a?)2 I (17) fitiuation leaving well Lni[>Lios (Mioiigh ;. ] » ?. that the not clone by "dain.igf?" aJone (i.e., by combinJng some of the mis- taken hedge security with the risk-free nominal 1)ond)is a mono- tonically inci easing ful^ction of n^ > o'^ and if a Liic error in the estimate of « •larger the value of (i.e., ly that a , will be larger the the residual variance). security whose nominal return has a JnflatLon risk hedge even If in ii t(ui, lot A therefore, of non- should probably not be used as an inflation the point ferent from zero. then n^. techiiif|ues reasonabJe ctmc] usion to draw from this discuss is practice ? is estimated using standard regression the square of In a''. 1 estimate of its u value Is quite dif- -3(1 V. Inn., ion-risk, M.n kcL-rlsk and Hqu la nKHl..i-a J, 1 ibr i K..,,„ms. un, .a^LLal market Lheory a basic disLinctioa is draw,, between i.r. and unsystematic risk. the rn SharlK-Lintner-^k,ssiM version of the capitai asset pricing model (CArM)O ,,,. two most important theorems are: The eqni Librium expected excess return on a s.M-.urity (1) :.s proportlouai to its systematic risk as measured by Lho rejirossion roe "T (2) tlic th.. propositions l.cicnt of porilolios have no absen.e tlic ol s.iJI is with refercnr.. ,o instead of i: its rcti.n. on the return "mark.'t porliolio." Kllielcnt In 1 i a n eiiiat I c risk. rLskiess asset, the firsi ,orrect he mi luisysl i i: of these one n.easures ex.ess returns imnm-var ianee-/.ero-bet a i-ort folio rljikJess asset. ^0 Since a large proportion of the wealth of •sector is in the form ol a negative correlation money-fixed assets there portfolio. ^ predict a posiliv risk premium (above y.vro is undoubtedly between unanticipated inflation and the return on the markei minimum varJanr.- private tiie so that the tlie I h,-ory rcl.nn on beta iiortfolLo) on any s.'e,n i 1 tiie y negatively eor.elaled wi,|, unanticipated inflation (i.e.. I'osUively ...rrelaled will, tlie assets) . real return on money-llxed would -31- """1<" 'I- lina noL s.nviv.. asset. .r:-nsl,ion to a .1,,. have some and i-orhaps I-c^t portlollo in |..Ti,Kl deviation Crnm i will, no riskicss j„ general unsystematic risk. he mean: - "^n,(t) + m(t) can then be decomposed into its i sum of Lwu orthogonal stochastic components: tlie 1^(L) K.(t) + : ''ovCR ^ P. surond docs the real return on the market The real return on se<-urlty where i.^u; wnere (t) lu- i and decompose It Into Its mc^an and t '^m^'^^ mean plus CAJ'M, capUal markoL ,;reat deal of ., r.|,rrs.„t K^^^Cij the. market olflciciit portfolios will .such a Iti tlu-cnm of . . ^i (l . ) ,m(t) n^(t)m(t) + n^(t) ' ) , „ The ^. first, 3j(t)m(t), „,. . var(m(t)) is the systematic risk of security ' ^ and 1, n (t) Is Its un- systematic risk. J^y the first tiieorem of the CAl'M: E(Hj(L)) = K(Ky(t)) + B.(t) E(K,/t) where E( of return on '^'^'' ''(^)' a i ""' then the va hn- implying m iniiiuiiii-variance zero-beta portfolio. tiic seems Jik<Hy, l<^^(t)) the expectation operator and R^ is the real rate is ) - |r. niaikcl iiiiant (^l as portfolio is negatively cc.rrelated i.ipated change lyi) If, the In rate tor an unhedged nominal positive lisk premium for K . n nl l.nnd inriation, is positive -32- Sinco n>Lurns on nil eFficicnl ic\)l llir positively c.orro L:itc(l Llic ' , variaacc port.ldj io also iiiLnimuiu has a posiLivc risk pn-mium. imrt fdl ios are Which security has liigher a return, and therefore whether the "cost" of hedjvinf; is positive or negative, cannoL be clatermLned on the basis of juirely l.heuret icai cons i.tlurat ions. Note, liowever, will have a en the expe.cLi-d cost of the market porlTolio or |)osiLively rorreiated with ri'lateil rt'luni if Mial: nmi-pii:; in i ii i nmiii Li'lnni en hedj'.inj', i I v.i r Lve I In l)el.a. ani'e. jiorl infLatioii an iiiihcdgeil noiiiinal bond will LhcMi that case folio will uncc^r- is i a expected in' the exe<'e(l ^nul I nominal liere.fore. the be negative. Although these theoretical considerations dn not tell us whetlier the c-.osi; of liedging is positive or negative they do impose an upper bound on bet.i pertfOlie. the n)ean real ^;pl'(il tlie iealJy, mean real retui'n on if t:he a zero- theory is ceirect then leinrn on a zero-beta portfolio iimis( be less than the expecled iiMuni on the minimum variance portfolio. bond -31' VI. SniiMH.i I me ii ( pniiii Till- inflation .111(1 s' heel)', inj; I ir; i fiii'j urc for this paper was the view Lhat ()( il.'iMi is t-;;»;onLially 1 process of crfatiug the tlie minimum variance pniilolio by tal<ing (lofault moni-y-f r isk-f roi^- n-Lorms-of i and using other securilios to eliminate hcnul lx(.'(l a as much of Jts variance as possibJ.e. In part I was shown that the extent to wiiich this it 1 variance, wiiLch was Identified with inflation-risk, can be reduced depends on return on liigluM" 1 i lie variance. Lliat a cuerricieat of determination between the rate of Llie he value Ihii:: ..eciii i rate I y el negatively - this parameter, oi as' i un an is I i to the exleiii - eLther pos variance lai io ol variance ratio, The second I i vi' ! its y or lie paiaiii','1 t>r smaller the coef f wa; tlie i i- i cnt 1 n\ ation stoch- secnrtty to hedj',i' The first of Tiie of the variance of the non- inf unanticipated inflation. t i lliat icient of determination was then broken down astic component of the rate of return on the tiie in inflc'ition. and analyzed in terms of two other parameters. these was the leduction sales are possible mie can say correlated el pa ted The inflai.lon. the larger the inllatii>n iu'dge return I shoi^l iij', an ii. villi coc^f Tlie hsecurity and unanticipated liedjM- larj'.er diM c coefficient of unanl i i this nil nal Ion c Ipatec.! inflation in the regression equation lor the nominal rate of . -34i^'lurn 1 (Ml r);ri;s'! sriiiriiy. lic(lc,c 111,' I ((n.' (.(Ml T I i c i cnl 'Ilio gii.\UiM- the {greater , Llic al-so' idc- 1 I i r i ii I n < I i value of this c> o | determination. paj fn theoix'in for I: I I IkmIj', w 1 i nj-, I'ldvod a a)',aLnst separability iaiiation. oi' Fund sluiwn that It was even though iiivosiors may have diverse judgenienLs about the variance of unauL inflation, if they agree about the iciiiattui values of all other parameters then they will agree about the composition of the combined w port i () 1 i would-be n<iiuinal li pajt ol rcttiin;; I inflation-hedge portfolio to he bonds to form the m Lnimnm-vav ance i o. In iiicters i o|)tiiiial I lie sli(>w(!d juiiil probability disLrLbution icid ini;',lil how uncc!rLainty IV wi' licdg(-|- i lo I he pa rach)X ca I 1 aixnil. oi sitnal. ion i lie piira- srMnrity \%lii|-(.' Llie ai-inaily increasing ratlu'f tlian decreasing :: the variance of his real return. Finally, pail in V we sliowed that although |)ortfolio theory does have some implications for the cost of iic^dglng against inflation, it of theoretici imsLtive or I cons nc^j'.-'l^ ' is i(h.'rat ve. impossible to determine on the basis ions alone whetlier thai, cost is , -35- Appendix Proof that w' 1 ^ = 1,..., n do not depend on a''-. 1 By assumption we hold a and ^2-1 fixed for the first n • securities and consider the effect of changing the value of o^. Let w' represent the weight of security in the optimal i inflation-hedge portfolio corresponding to a value for a^ of Oi and wV where be the weight corresponding to a value of o^ oj ^ oj From equation . o^ min f '2 " O' O (7) we have: and 0^ 1 . % " . ™i" i^ tt A A 2 ? 1 1 . -2 2 2 «^: ^A 1 where: n >; 2 n A w'a i=l ^ ^ n n I V i=l Ann i=l j=i From the fact that » a a^ ^ min i J 'iJ 2 i=i j=i is a minimum for 1 have: -^2 = < ° ^- ' o^- a2 1 we = o o 1 -36- which implies that; (1) Similarly, 1 1 < — + 4- T- + T- rain -r which implies that! 0(2 > 0(2 (2) From (1) .-iiul wo have: (2) A (3) . " ; Since (3) musL hold for all possible values of a. and a?., it must be that: 11 w! 1 = = wV Q.E.D. l,...,n - -By- Footnotes This paper ijjnores the ambigii Ll ies and difficulties involved in defining and measuring thi.' general price level. It assumes that the Consumer I'rice Index or some such index is an appropriate measure. 2 Although there are futures markets for many Iiasic commodities, these do not generally correspond to the components of a basket of final consumption goods. The idea of establishing futures markets for the al item CPI and its components lias been suj'.gestetl by I LovoU and Voge 3 4 I (1^71). MtcraLure. for a review of this See Hliatia (197A) See the articles by Friedman (1974), Modif.llani and Tobin (]'J()i) for example. (1974), Originally formulated by Markowitz (1952), this model was thought to be consistent with expected utility maximization only under very restrictive issumptions about either the stochastic si)ecif icat on or tiie utility function. Hecent work by Merton, (]9r)9, 1971) however, has shi)wn that tiie mean-variance model lias vaJidiLy for a broad class of stochastic specif icai ions and utility functions when the trading interval is suflicitmlly small. i I'rool I liaL vari.inic is p are orthogonal, idiul ically zero: cov(p, .Mid |i cov(p, |i) cov(i>, I a var(p) :i - I ) i.e., up) - a vat (p) - a var(p) that (heir it)- — -38- This approximation becomes an equality in the limit as the length of the holding period approaches zero since the instantaneous rate of return is by its nature a continuously compounded rate. 8 Proof that o p"^ ^ S: cov(rj^, p)' P^- = a''v.]r (r. ) (aa2)2 1 o^Ca^a^ + a2) 2 1 1 1 7^' 1 + a' 2 oP-a'^ 1 9 For a thorough review of the capital asset pricing model and the literature on that model see Jensen (1972) See Black (1972) Tor a proof of this proposition. There is a great deal of evidence that the real, return on conunon stocks is also negatively correlated with unanticipated inflation. See, for example. Body (1974). 12 See Merton (1972) for a proof of this proposition. -39- Ref erences K. Bhatia, "Index-LinkLiig of Financial Contracts," Research Report 7412, 1974, Dept. of Economics University of Western Ontario. F. Black, "Capital Market Equilibrium with Restricted Borrowing," J. Z. of Business , 1972, 45, 444-454. Body, "Common Stocks as a Hedge Against Inflation," Boston University School of Management Working Paper, 1974. M. Friedman, Column, N ewsweek , January 21, 1974, p. 80. M. Jensen, "Capital Markets: Theory and Evidence," Bell Journal of Economics and Ma nagement Science , Autumn 1974, M. Lovell and R. Vogel , 357-98. "A CPI-Futures Market," JPh^ 1971, 1009-1012. 11. Markowitz, "Portfolio Selection," Journal of F inance 7, R. C. 1952, 77-91. Merton, "Lifetime Portfolio Selection under Uncertainty: The Continuous-Time Case," Rev. Econ , , . Statist. , 1969, 51, 247-257, "Optimum Consumption and Portfolio Rules in a Continuous-Time Model," J_- of Economic Theor y, 1971, 3, 37j-4J3. "An AnaJytic Derivation of the Efficient Portfolio Frontier," F. . J^. of F inancial and Q uant . Anal ., 1972, 1851-1871, Modigliani, "Some Economic Implications of the Indexing of Financial Assets with Special Reference to Mortgages," Proceedings of Lhe Conference on The New Inflation, 1974. J. Tobin, "An Essay on Principles of Debt Management," Fiscal and Debt Management Policies , Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 1963, 143-218. Date Due BASEMENT -^4 Ferr^^ *<?* 25 19 9&M 8ff 1 ul^ FEB25'S2 DEC V Lib-26-67 T-J5 w 143 Agmon 75 no.804- B/lnternational Tamir 72516^ diversiti 000198"" n^Pt^S Hi 111 Hi nV ODD b4b TOflQ 3 T-J5 143 w no.805- 75 Gordon, Judith/Descnbinq the external 725175 . niB*vs . ODD bMb 07E TDflD 3 ni)oiiH/8 H028M414 no806-75 Bodie, /Variance minimization a Zvi. 725868 P.^BkS . . TDfiO 3 T-J5 143 . 72587R nnoi984F ODD bMS 371 w no807- Rosoff, Nina. 75 /Educational p»BKS interventio 00019850 DDQ bMS 470 TOflO 3 . 143 w no.SOB- 75 Marsten, Roy E/Parametric integer prog 000198 47 D»BKS 72586.1 T-J5 3 ODD bMS 413 TDfiO T-J5 143 w no.809- 75 Agmon, Tamir B/Trade effects D»BKS 725863 the of oi mn.m. TOaO ODD b4S 7T3 HD28.M414 no.810- 75 Agmon Tamir B/Financial intermediatio D»BKS „„ „ „,(jO0 19867 D» 22 725822 3 iiiiii: TOflO UlT IIIIII I IIIIII III ODD b45 6 Lll III 'g 3 TDflO DQD 4 =110 03